I'm glad to see the Amish stepping up. They came out in huge numbers to vote for Trump, especially in PA. They know the threat from a tyrannical government.
And we know that FEMA is worthless and must be abolished. That agency is a total waste of taxpayer money, and the people who work for FEMA are only concerned about themselves, not the American people.
And, I would hope they're not willing to lock us up in quatantine camps like fema. If you haven't heard of it, look up The Gray State. And the story behind it.
Good for you getting involved. There were plenty who stepped up to the plate to work around FEMA in Western Carolina, there are many posts out there about it but Dr. Aranda covers it from inside. You do have to scroll through comments to find info on those helping the cause sometimes, but she has many posts further back, and two newer about where people can get free propane to fight the cold. She's posted lots of links to help out (of course always do due diligence ourselves first), but for those of us who can't be there to help knowing where and how to help matters.
I was in management for Walgreens. We were helping evacuees get medication by interfacing with credentialed medical providers and sharing pharmacy records( with patient consent/request) to help people wherever they landed… buses of people came. Hundreds.
I live in Franklin County, PA; we get our eggs from a Mennonite farm and our produce from an Amish farmer, and shop at Mennonite run stores. They're the best. They will do what they say and do it well.
I've always had great respect for the Amish and their way of life, including their work ethic and relationship with nature. I live in Arizona and buy online raw cheese, cream and butter (He has properly raised meat and other things) from Amos Miller Organic Farms for several years now, highest quality food and 100% healthful growing/raising practices, enormous caring for life underpinning their farm and business. A year ago the Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture raided him and destroyed all of his milk products, which certainly didn't stop him. All the more reason to purchase from him, as I see it. If the Amish are willing to help the country, we'd be idiots to not take them up on it.
I like how Trump put the sleazoid L.A. mayor on the spot, remarking on how the people who lost their homes want to get right to work clearing their lots but the city is demanding all kinds of permits and safety/environmental studies, likely be 18 months before they can do anything to clear their properties. And required to have a professional (likely politically connected) contractor to clear their property for $25K or more when Trump remarked they could probably put a dumpster there and do it themselves in one day.
So the mayor started backtracking, talking about "well, maybe in a week or so". Trump said: "one week, that's a long time". And she responded with the usual "safety, safety, safety" scam which is one of the biggest scams in all of human history. That's how the NRC killed Nuclear Power using the "safety, safety, safety" scam. I used be in a union and when we were bargaining we would often wobble the company by using the "safety, safety, safety" scam, you could slow down a job by 10X.
You could tell though, she's lying through her teeth, they are going to drag out that cleanup for years, hoping the owners all go away, then BlackRock & Ilk and go in there and get the properties for nickels on the dollar, and make some giant apartment blocks with $5k rents per unit.
Nuclear power isn't "technocratic" Tech is not "technocratic". "Technocratic" is a form of political governance, it does involve using certain types of tech, but it isn't tech.
Nuclear power is well documented to be the safest form of energy on the planet, and the least environmental damaging by far. We have no choice but to move to nuclear energy, its the only source of energy capable of powering our civilization essentially forever. Fossil is already in short supply. Wind & solar are a joke and a scam.
Most "fossil fuel" does come from dead plant matter. Some doesn't. There is some debate as to how much is abiotic, but the stuff we are using is almost all biotic. That can be determined by chemical analysis.
No the problem has never been waste, scam artists keep repeating that endlessly, no matter how many times it is totally debunked.
And no safety regulations that are rational aren't scams, regulations that are stupid and idiotic are scams, just like they are doing to the people in L.A. who had their homes burned down.
Ever heard of the Thunderstorm Generator, and Malcolm Bendall's fabulous new invention? Holds a lot of promise for spanning the gap from present tech to future development of zero point energy. The universe is electric.
still waiting for an actual nuclear waste disposal program to be implemented in the US that isn't "temporary storage" or repeatedly moving it from place to place.
read that Switzerland is trying to bring one online but I kinda doubt they'll accept radioactive waste shipped from overseas
So called "nuclear waste" is actually 97% ordinary uranium, 1% plutonium (not weapons grade and extremely valuable, more than gold) and some short lived fission byproducts that are easy to dispose of, drop them down a borehole.
The uranium is fuel for reactors and contains 40 million X more energy per liter than diesel fuel. Without significant emissions. Malthusian Jimmy Carter banned nuclear fuel reprocessing in the USA, that would extract that vast energy supply, and allow disposing the 1% that is actually waste down a borehole, easy-peasy for the 300yrs it's dangerous.
France was using 5oz of uranium per person per year to generate 88% of their domestic electricity. ~$15/yr, Because they partially fuel reprocess.
It is literally technocratic, you can't have nuclear power without an oppressive security system as otherwise nuclear fuel might get into the hands of terrorists, it is literally intrinsic to the nature of nuclear power that it requires massive bureaucracy and extensive policing to manage the fuel chain and running of the plant without errors or loss of fuel. Wind and solar are indeed marginal, that is exactly why we need to learn from the Amish, because we are all going to be living like them in a couple of generations, when the fossil fuels run out and there are no viable replacements. In the long view of history the energy intensive fossil fuel era is going to be a tiny blip of temporary prosperity in a sea of people mainly living agrarian lives.
You need to read Jacques Ellul, technology is not just neutral isolated tools, it exists embedded in a whole social infrastructure that allows it to function. For example an airport isn't just airplanes landing and taking off, it's watchtowers and an FAA to keep the planes from crashing into each other, computerized booking systems to issue tickets, strip mines to mine metal to make the airplanes, cops to regulate the traffic coming in and out of the airport, etc. You also can't have airports without massive bureaucracy and restrictive policing, we are already in a technocracy, and nuclear power would make it ten times worse.
I actually have read Jacques Ellul. Such an interesting combination: Catholic and anarchist. One of his points about propaganda that stuck with me was when he said it can never afford to miss a single beat. Must be perpetual, continual. or collapses and no longer effective.
Yes and energy from 1gm of anti-matter will supply all of the USA's per capita energy supply for a 1000yrs. Try to figure out how to utilize that though.
It is pretty funny how many idiots hype dirty bombs when nobody has ever used one, not sure anyone has even made one. It's very difficult actually, and doesn't work well, in fact all they might be used for is a temporary area denial weapon, forcing an evacuation & a crew to go in and do the tedious cleanup. With radiation, it falls of with the area, so large area = low radiation, small area (real small) to have serious health effects.
No it ain't technocratic, don't change the meaning of words to suit your own narrative. You can have the penultimate in direct democracy using modern tech. The modern tech you are using right now is allowing you to communicate with people around the World and spread information & ideas. You need to read Peter Joseph & The Zeitgeist Movement to help understand how tech does NOT mean technocracy or any other political ideology.
And no we ain't going to be living like the Amish, that's a pipe dream. The Amish only survive because of the industrial civilization they are surrounded by. If not for that, and the rule of law, the Amish wouldn't last 2 months, gangs of heavily armed young men would take everything they have, likely kill them, or turn them into feudal slaves. There is no turning back from industrial civilization. Even if by some miracle everyone agreed, all it would take is one nation, say North Korea that remained industrialized, and your wonderful eco-primitivist community would be run over by North Korean heavy tanks in about 10min.
What you are advocating is EcoFascism, where people will be forced to abandon tech due to the demands of some ruling cult, pushing their dogma that tech is bad. We can easily switch to the safest cleanest form of energy = Nuclear Energy and prosper economically, and that is essentially forever. Why wouldn't we? Because you say so? Because you try to force your cultish dogma down our throats? The Amish survive ONLY because we DON'T try to force our tech down their throats. Either way it is immoral. Live & let live, and that means our industrial civilization will prosper or if it fails all humanity will fail, and 8B people will die. What you are advocating for is genocide.
Michael Shellenberger debunks most of what you are claiming:
You are wrong, explain to me how you can have widespread nuclear power without in essence police state conditions guarding the whole fuel cycle? Are you proposing transport of large amounts of refined uranium that could be used for a dirty bomb on highways or trains without security, are you insane? And no it doesn’t matter if the guards are public or private they will still trample on ordinary people’s rights when the fuel is going through a town which would be constant if the whole country is powered by nuclear power.
Dirty bomb is mostly BS. You make a dirty bomb out of medical/industrial/agricultural isotopes, not nuclear power materials. And they are lower effect than chemical weapons and far, far, far less lethal than bioweapons.
I don't know where you get your "police state conditions". You don't need any kind of police state, you need only rudimentary security like exists in every facet of our economy, from the local bank, to the grocery store, to government buildings, airports, trains or even protecting the Amish from drug cartels which would love to steal their land and force them to grow coca or opium poppies or cannabis.
You sure have some insane paranoia about nuclear materials. You must of learned nuclear science from Greenpeace (who won't tell us where they get their $400M/yr funding from). Nuclear materials are less dangerous than hundreds of materials routinely used. Just where do you get your info from? You ever hear of the hundreds of bioweapons labs the CIA/US gov't has all over the World? You realize how deadly those substances are?
Nuclear power, dollar for dollar invested, is the cleanest and really, safer option for long term energy. Heavily regulated, it is the answer for industrial growth and urban planning.
Now, building that in CA, is not a great idea, but AZ or NM or NV could build outside an earthquake zone, geologically stable area, with water access for the cooling towers and REDUCE reliance on NG/fossil fuels.
It takes 10 years to build one start to finish and bring operational ,once site selected. We need two in Texas.
DFW is 40 percent powered by the Glen Rose plant…Houston desperately needs one, and we need to replace this one.
"You could tell though, she's lying through her teeth, they are going to drag out that cleanup for years, hoping the owners all go away...." - Yes, that explains her crazy grin when Trump spoke.
Leasing providers and hotels should be warned about price gouging and that charging more than a 10 percent rent increase over prior rents/comparables (new rentals), could fave contract invalidation and steep fines.
Living among the Amish in KY; buying all furniture from them; contracting with them for outbuildings and decks and various other construction projects; stopping at their bakeries every chance I get, and just loving their people I can say that we will all benefit from as much Amish productivity and culture we can get. Go find a fat Amish man… good luck.
We plan to move to KY one day. What are the areas where Amish live? It would be great to learn some things from them as well. I was wondering about their history and origins. Somehow, it started making more sense about the importance of their knowledge and lifestyle, as I finish reading book “Pole shift”.
I wanted to move to KY before I wound up in Spain. Who wrote "Pole Shift?" A scientist who was a kind of Heir to Tesla (long story) told me it was real. I guess the "elites" know it too?
My family almost moved to Portugal in 2021, so we could have been your neighbors in Europe. 😊
“Pole shift” is the book written by John White. I would highly recommend it, if you have interest in learning more about the subject. The author explores multiple views of researchers, psychics, ancient traditions, as well as predictions and prophecies on the pole shift. According to the book, we are overdue for pole shift. If or when it happens, multiple earthquakes could hit the earth, many lands will end up under water, many new lands will rise from the oceans. Most hold opinion that it will happen in one day or in the matter of hours.
Therefore, I can conclude that Amish people with their lifestyle are the only ones who can persevere, if they manage to survive all other catastrophic destruction on the earth. And of course those, who have underground bunkers with surgical centers, doctors etc. and 150 years worth of food stored there, too. From my understanding, it is a predictable event, so there should be individuals with the right knowledge to determine at least an approximate date. Maybe that is why so many bunkers were ordered to be build last year…
They should be the new construction ambassadors, in control of training and permitting. :)
Anyways here's someone who's had first hand experience with them, and was allowed to document it which has brought a flood of business their way, and well deserved.
From losing my home to signing a barn contract with an Amish community
Alexandra Fasulo
This is actually the 2nd part, but there are several posts about them as well as sharing ideas on how to get USDA money to finance your own dream possibly.
I know someone in the midwest who bought an Amish “shed” for a large garage in one half the other side a guest house and entertainment area. Four guys had it up in four days. The entire project was completed in one month.
The structure was the Amish build part. The owners hired a drywall company for that and cement company to pour the floors. The rest if the work the owners could do themselves.
I guess the shed threw me off. So four Amish got the structure up in four days, that's pretty good, and they saved money doing the rest themselves which is good too.
An Amish “shed” is a barn. It seems they have kits so to speak, basically choosing a model and what I was told when the crew arrived everything for the basic build was delivered. The finished product looks great. In CA it would take at 2-5,yrs just to get all the approvals even before one nail could be pounded.
OK lol, I'm only familiar with the Amish from the above writers articles, and no mention of shed was referred to. So thanks for making me aware of that. In her case in NY she had the same problems with regulations and permitting, thus my opening statement. She said the Amish just smiled when she whined about it, knowing themselves the disdain from the officials towards them usually backing unions, and not happy with the speed and quality of work they provided.
Here in the midwest there are plenty of areas still not tied down with the reg's and permits outside of the big cities and their sway. CA is as bad or worse than NY, at least pretty equal, in the guise of protecting the people...uh huh.
Thank you for posting this Celia. The Amish and Mennonites are true craftsman and thank goodness they still know how to do things that are survival skills.
According to one western NC area resident where the Amish/Mennonite tiny homes were some govt hacks came along and denied Helene victims the ability to stay in them. Not sure if that got rectified.
This was one group of Mennonites who went down days after Helene and started clearing roads and properties to help Helene victims.
MDS responds to serious needs in wake of Hurricane Helene – Mennonite Disaster Service
🙂. Yes, I am glad you included the “shed” aka barn move process. It is amazing how they build for it and do it all with man power. I found a video filmed from the inside. The videographer filmed from the rear as to not expose faces since Amish shy away from being filmed. A couple of the younger guys were a bit less shy. The Mennonites are more modern so to speak and do use more of the newer ways yet keeping some of the old Amish traditions. For years I have said if all else fails (grid goes does, line up and get the jab or else, face scans etc) join the Amish. I use to think likely would not see the day, but it may truly happen in my life. Not sure if you are aware the Amish largely don’t vaccinate their kids. The ultimate control group.
This is the way! This is what America is supposed to be all about farmers, small businesses and a generous spirit of helping people in need directly without need of the state.
I think that is the most honestly patriotic thing I've ever heard anyone offer. They build the best furniture, cook the healthiest food, and comprehend the concept of community better than most. They have spines of steel and balls of stone, and a heart open to the divine.
I'm glad to see the Amish stepping up. They came out in huge numbers to vote for Trump, especially in PA. They know the threat from a tyrannical government.
And we know that FEMA is worthless and must be abolished. That agency is a total waste of taxpayer money, and the people who work for FEMA are only concerned about themselves, not the American people.
And, I would hope they're not willing to lock us up in quatantine camps like fema. If you haven't heard of it, look up The Gray State. And the story behind it.
The Gray State?
The person, including his family and even the pet dog wound up dead.
A documentary which “got killed” for lack of a better term.
So sad...looked pretty accurate. Probably why they met such a fate.
Worse than worthless, they're sinister.
fema. not the amish,you mean!
I wondered when I saw the comment at first, but when I saw he picked up on worthless relating to FEMA it made sense.
Who are? I hope you mean FEMA
KellyG got it right. I was reacting to Dave aka Geezermann's, "And we know that FEMA is worthless and must be abolished".
I was inspired by working Hurricane Katrina recovery. I wanted FEMA to do better. But I saw Harvey, and I knew…we needed a more nimble response
Good for you getting involved. There were plenty who stepped up to the plate to work around FEMA in Western Carolina, there are many posts out there about it but Dr. Aranda covers it from inside. You do have to scroll through comments to find info on those helping the cause sometimes, but she has many posts further back, and two newer about where people can get free propane to fight the cold. She's posted lots of links to help out (of course always do due diligence ourselves first), but for those of us who can't be there to help knowing where and how to help matters.
I was in management for Walgreens. We were helping evacuees get medication by interfacing with credentialed medical providers and sharing pharmacy records( with patient consent/request) to help people wherever they landed… buses of people came. Hundreds.
Don’t forget putting us in prison camps they built all over
I live in Franklin County, PA; we get our eggs from a Mennonite farm and our produce from an Amish farmer, and shop at Mennonite run stores. They're the best. They will do what they say and do it well.
All over the United States people are discovering the Amish truth.
They’ve been around forever. Don’t forget - there are ALL different sects. Mennonite - greeters. Olde Amish - Gatekeepers.
Celia, great post. The Amish are the engine for 'gettin er done"! No BS bureaucracy or reams of regulations. Just skilled, hardworking people.
I've always had great respect for the Amish and their way of life, including their work ethic and relationship with nature. I live in Arizona and buy online raw cheese, cream and butter (He has properly raised meat and other things) from Amos Miller Organic Farms for several years now, highest quality food and 100% healthful growing/raising practices, enormous caring for life underpinning their farm and business. A year ago the Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture raided him and destroyed all of his milk products, which certainly didn't stop him. All the more reason to purchase from him, as I see it. If the Amish are willing to help the country, we'd be idiots to not take them up on it.
They have big families and lots of available manpower! A great idea.
I like how Trump put the sleazoid L.A. mayor on the spot, remarking on how the people who lost their homes want to get right to work clearing their lots but the city is demanding all kinds of permits and safety/environmental studies, likely be 18 months before they can do anything to clear their properties. And required to have a professional (likely politically connected) contractor to clear their property for $25K or more when Trump remarked they could probably put a dumpster there and do it themselves in one day.
So the mayor started backtracking, talking about "well, maybe in a week or so". Trump said: "one week, that's a long time". And she responded with the usual "safety, safety, safety" scam which is one of the biggest scams in all of human history. That's how the NRC killed Nuclear Power using the "safety, safety, safety" scam. I used be in a union and when we were bargaining we would often wobble the company by using the "safety, safety, safety" scam, you could slow down a job by 10X.
You could tell though, she's lying through her teeth, they are going to drag out that cleanup for years, hoping the owners all go away, then BlackRock & Ilk and go in there and get the properties for nickels on the dollar, and make some giant apartment blocks with $5k rents per unit.
yes that clip was stunning.
Agree with everything you said except your embrace of nuclear power which is a potentially disastrous technocratic scam.
Nuclear power isn't "technocratic" Tech is not "technocratic". "Technocratic" is a form of political governance, it does involve using certain types of tech, but it isn't tech.
Nuclear power is well documented to be the safest form of energy on the planet, and the least environmental damaging by far. We have no choice but to move to nuclear energy, its the only source of energy capable of powering our civilization essentially forever. Fossil is already in short supply. Wind & solar are a joke and a scam.
there is no such thing as fossil fuel. also a scam.
Most "fossil fuel" does come from dead plant matter. Some doesn't. There is some debate as to how much is abiotic, but the stuff we are using is almost all biotic. That can be determined by chemical analysis.
Russians hit oil and gas at 40,000 ft. drilling into pre-Cambrian Belt sediments in Siberia. No fossils involved.
There is abiotic oil & gas but right now it is a tiny fraction of the oil & gas we actually use for energy.
The problem is and always has been the waste. There is a lot of it and it's toxic for a very long time.
Perhaps you feel safety regulations are nothing more than scams but not always.
No the problem has never been waste, scam artists keep repeating that endlessly, no matter how many times it is totally debunked.
And no safety regulations that are rational aren't scams, regulations that are stupid and idiotic are scams, just like they are doing to the people in L.A. who had their homes burned down.
Thanks for clarifying. Appreciated.
The storage requirements for nuclear waste are significantly smaller than bulldozing over those non recyclable wind turbine blades!!
No one "bulldozes over turbine blades."
There is no successfully stored nuclear waste.
Ever heard of the Thunderstorm Generator, and Malcolm Bendall's fabulous new invention? Holds a lot of promise for spanning the gap from present tech to future development of zero point energy. The universe is electric.
still waiting for an actual nuclear waste disposal program to be implemented in the US that isn't "temporary storage" or repeatedly moving it from place to place.
read that Switzerland is trying to bring one online but I kinda doubt they'll accept radioactive waste shipped from overseas
welp, regarding mr SmithFS, that much rabid disinformation spewing yields a block.
I'm sure others are more tolerant than I regarding such nonsense, but oh well
welp, regarding SmithFS, that much rabid disinformation yields a block. I'm sure others are more tolerant of such things than I... oh well
So called "nuclear waste" is actually 97% ordinary uranium, 1% plutonium (not weapons grade and extremely valuable, more than gold) and some short lived fission byproducts that are easy to dispose of, drop them down a borehole.
The uranium is fuel for reactors and contains 40 million X more energy per liter than diesel fuel. Without significant emissions. Malthusian Jimmy Carter banned nuclear fuel reprocessing in the USA, that would extract that vast energy supply, and allow disposing the 1% that is actually waste down a borehole, easy-peasy for the 300yrs it's dangerous.
France was using 5oz of uranium per person per year to generate 88% of their domestic electricity. ~$15/yr, Because they partially fuel reprocess.
welp, that much rabid disinformation yields a block.
I'm sure others are more tolerant than I in that regard.
It is literally technocratic, you can't have nuclear power without an oppressive security system as otherwise nuclear fuel might get into the hands of terrorists, it is literally intrinsic to the nature of nuclear power that it requires massive bureaucracy and extensive policing to manage the fuel chain and running of the plant without errors or loss of fuel. Wind and solar are indeed marginal, that is exactly why we need to learn from the Amish, because we are all going to be living like them in a couple of generations, when the fossil fuels run out and there are no viable replacements. In the long view of history the energy intensive fossil fuel era is going to be a tiny blip of temporary prosperity in a sea of people mainly living agrarian lives.
You need to read Jacques Ellul, technology is not just neutral isolated tools, it exists embedded in a whole social infrastructure that allows it to function. For example an airport isn't just airplanes landing and taking off, it's watchtowers and an FAA to keep the planes from crashing into each other, computerized booking systems to issue tickets, strip mines to mine metal to make the airplanes, cops to regulate the traffic coming in and out of the airport, etc. You also can't have airports without massive bureaucracy and restrictive policing, we are already in a technocracy, and nuclear power would make it ten times worse.
I actually have read Jacques Ellul. Such an interesting combination: Catholic and anarchist. One of his points about propaganda that stuck with me was when he said it can never afford to miss a single beat. Must be perpetual, continual. or collapses and no longer effective.
Energy from the vacuum. Enough in a coffee mug to boil off all the oceans.
Yes and energy from 1gm of anti-matter will supply all of the USA's per capita energy supply for a 1000yrs. Try to figure out how to utilize that though.
Terrorist gonna make a fake nuclear bomb! 😀
Yes dirty bombs are funny aren’t they.
It is pretty funny how many idiots hype dirty bombs when nobody has ever used one, not sure anyone has even made one. It's very difficult actually, and doesn't work well, in fact all they might be used for is a temporary area denial weapon, forcing an evacuation & a crew to go in and do the tedious cleanup. With radiation, it falls of with the area, so large area = low radiation, small area (real small) to have serious health effects.
In comic books, yes.
No it ain't technocratic, don't change the meaning of words to suit your own narrative. You can have the penultimate in direct democracy using modern tech. The modern tech you are using right now is allowing you to communicate with people around the World and spread information & ideas. You need to read Peter Joseph & The Zeitgeist Movement to help understand how tech does NOT mean technocracy or any other political ideology.
And no we ain't going to be living like the Amish, that's a pipe dream. The Amish only survive because of the industrial civilization they are surrounded by. If not for that, and the rule of law, the Amish wouldn't last 2 months, gangs of heavily armed young men would take everything they have, likely kill them, or turn them into feudal slaves. There is no turning back from industrial civilization. Even if by some miracle everyone agreed, all it would take is one nation, say North Korea that remained industrialized, and your wonderful eco-primitivist community would be run over by North Korean heavy tanks in about 10min.
What you are advocating is EcoFascism, where people will be forced to abandon tech due to the demands of some ruling cult, pushing their dogma that tech is bad. We can easily switch to the safest cleanest form of energy = Nuclear Energy and prosper economically, and that is essentially forever. Why wouldn't we? Because you say so? Because you try to force your cultish dogma down our throats? The Amish survive ONLY because we DON'T try to force our tech down their throats. Either way it is immoral. Live & let live, and that means our industrial civilization will prosper or if it fails all humanity will fail, and 8B people will die. What you are advocating for is genocide.
Michael Shellenberger debunks most of what you are claiming:
You are wrong, explain to me how you can have widespread nuclear power without in essence police state conditions guarding the whole fuel cycle? Are you proposing transport of large amounts of refined uranium that could be used for a dirty bomb on highways or trains without security, are you insane? And no it doesn’t matter if the guards are public or private they will still trample on ordinary people’s rights when the fuel is going through a town which would be constant if the whole country is powered by nuclear power.
Dirty bomb is mostly BS. You make a dirty bomb out of medical/industrial/agricultural isotopes, not nuclear power materials. And they are lower effect than chemical weapons and far, far, far less lethal than bioweapons.
I don't know where you get your "police state conditions". You don't need any kind of police state, you need only rudimentary security like exists in every facet of our economy, from the local bank, to the grocery store, to government buildings, airports, trains or even protecting the Amish from drug cartels which would love to steal their land and force them to grow coca or opium poppies or cannabis.
You sure have some insane paranoia about nuclear materials. You must of learned nuclear science from Greenpeace (who won't tell us where they get their $400M/yr funding from). Nuclear materials are less dangerous than hundreds of materials routinely used. Just where do you get your info from? You ever hear of the hundreds of bioweapons labs the CIA/US gov't has all over the World? You realize how deadly those substances are?
Zero-point energy is even safer than nuclear, if "they" would let us have it.
Having worked in the nuclear Navy I 100 percent agree!
Nuclear power, dollar for dollar invested, is the cleanest and really, safer option for long term energy. Heavily regulated, it is the answer for industrial growth and urban planning.
Now, building that in CA, is not a great idea, but AZ or NM or NV could build outside an earthquake zone, geologically stable area, with water access for the cooling towers and REDUCE reliance on NG/fossil fuels.
It takes 10 years to build one start to finish and bring operational ,once site selected. We need two in Texas.
DFW is 40 percent powered by the Glen Rose plant…Houston desperately needs one, and we need to replace this one.
"You could tell though, she's lying through her teeth, they are going to drag out that cleanup for years, hoping the owners all go away...." - Yes, that explains her crazy grin when Trump spoke.
Leasing providers and hotels should be warned about price gouging and that charging more than a 10 percent rent increase over prior rents/comparables (new rentals), could fave contract invalidation and steep fines.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful!
Amish regard children correctly as a blessing from god
Living among the Amish in KY; buying all furniture from them; contracting with them for outbuildings and decks and various other construction projects; stopping at their bakeries every chance I get, and just loving their people I can say that we will all benefit from as much Amish productivity and culture we can get. Go find a fat Amish man… good luck.
We plan to move to KY one day. What are the areas where Amish live? It would be great to learn some things from them as well. I was wondering about their history and origins. Somehow, it started making more sense about the importance of their knowledge and lifestyle, as I finish reading book “Pole shift”.
I wanted to move to KY before I wound up in Spain. Who wrote "Pole Shift?" A scientist who was a kind of Heir to Tesla (long story) told me it was real. I guess the "elites" know it too?
My family almost moved to Portugal in 2021, so we could have been your neighbors in Europe. 😊
“Pole shift” is the book written by John White. I would highly recommend it, if you have interest in learning more about the subject. The author explores multiple views of researchers, psychics, ancient traditions, as well as predictions and prophecies on the pole shift. According to the book, we are overdue for pole shift. If or when it happens, multiple earthquakes could hit the earth, many lands will end up under water, many new lands will rise from the oceans. Most hold opinion that it will happen in one day or in the matter of hours.
Therefore, I can conclude that Amish people with their lifestyle are the only ones who can persevere, if they manage to survive all other catastrophic destruction on the earth. And of course those, who have underground bunkers with surgical centers, doctors etc. and 150 years worth of food stored there, too. From my understanding, it is a predictable event, so there should be individuals with the right knowledge to determine at least an approximate date. Maybe that is why so many bunkers were ordered to be build last year…
They should be the new construction ambassadors, in control of training and permitting. :)
Anyways here's someone who's had first hand experience with them, and was allowed to document it which has brought a flood of business their way, and well deserved.
From losing my home to signing a barn contract with an Amish community
Alexandra Fasulo
This is actually the 2nd part, but there are several posts about them as well as sharing ideas on how to get USDA money to finance your own dream possibly.
Sadly she is restricting some posts now to paid subscriptions, her choice of course.
I will read. Construction ambassadors—great idea. wow. Imagine living in a house built by very devout Christians. An exciting idea.
Thanks for sharing this.
I know someone in the midwest who bought an Amish “shed” for a large garage in one half the other side a guest house and entertainment area. Four guys had it up in four days. The entire project was completed in one month.
4 Amish built the shed that he bought, and did the upgrades for the guest house and entertainment area?
If so, small crew for them, but I'm sure quality work.
The structure was the Amish build part. The owners hired a drywall company for that and cement company to pour the floors. The rest if the work the owners could do themselves.
I guess the shed threw me off. So four Amish got the structure up in four days, that's pretty good, and they saved money doing the rest themselves which is good too.
An Amish “shed” is a barn. It seems they have kits so to speak, basically choosing a model and what I was told when the crew arrived everything for the basic build was delivered. The finished product looks great. In CA it would take at 2-5,yrs just to get all the approvals even before one nail could be pounded.
OK lol, I'm only familiar with the Amish from the above writers articles, and no mention of shed was referred to. So thanks for making me aware of that. In her case in NY she had the same problems with regulations and permitting, thus my opening statement. She said the Amish just smiled when she whined about it, knowing themselves the disdain from the officials towards them usually backing unions, and not happy with the speed and quality of work they provided.
Here in the midwest there are plenty of areas still not tied down with the reg's and permits outside of the big cities and their sway. CA is as bad or worse than NY, at least pretty equal, in the guise of protecting the people...uh huh.
Thank you for posting this Celia. The Amish and Mennonites are true craftsman and thank goodness they still know how to do things that are survival skills.
According to one western NC area resident where the Amish/Mennonite tiny homes were some govt hacks came along and denied Helene victims the ability to stay in them. Not sure if that got rectified.
This was one group of Mennonites who went down days after Helene and started clearing roads and properties to help Helene victims.
MDS responds to serious needs in wake of Hurricane Helene – Mennonite Disaster Service
They sound like real real Christians.
🙂. Yes, I am glad you included the “shed” aka barn move process. It is amazing how they build for it and do it all with man power. I found a video filmed from the inside. The videographer filmed from the rear as to not expose faces since Amish shy away from being filmed. A couple of the younger guys were a bit less shy. The Mennonites are more modern so to speak and do use more of the newer ways yet keeping some of the old Amish traditions. For years I have said if all else fails (grid goes does, line up and get the jab or else, face scans etc) join the Amish. I use to think likely would not see the day, but it may truly happen in my life. Not sure if you are aware the Amish largely don’t vaccinate their kids. The ultimate control group.
I don't vote in govt elections, but the Amish certainly have my vote, especially to replace FEMA. In fact, to replace govts!
This is the way! This is what America is supposed to be all about farmers, small businesses and a generous spirit of helping people in need directly without need of the state.
I think that is the most honestly patriotic thing I've ever heard anyone offer. They build the best furniture, cook the healthiest food, and comprehend the concept of community better than most. They have spines of steel and balls of stone, and a heart open to the divine.
beautiful composition Gregory.
Ahhh the Amish. Yes.
The way forward is human.
Don't they illustrate that?