Sean Hannity Reveals He Was Under Enormous Pressure At FOX To Push Vaccines On His Audience: From Whom, Exactly? Is It True That Hannity (and Others) Actually Got Kickbacks From Pharma?
Brother Miller was wearing a face shield, like a savage rock star of the 1950s.
Obviously, the sisters were scared of so much risk-taking. I mean, they could actually see his mouth as he spoke. "Inconceivable!" they yelled, "Too Dangerous! OMG! I CAN SEE THE VIRUS IN THE AIR LIKE SAINT GRETA CAN SEE CO2!"
I'm not necessarily a fan of Naomi Wolf--that goes way back to the 90s and the Beauty Myth, which I always found a bit narcissistic, not to mention a bit of a 'feminist' tract.. Odd, but anyway--I don't see why being a Rhodes Scholar makes someone suspicious. I have a friend who was a Rhodes Scholar in the late 70s, early 80s. Not sure either what China Baiter means anymore either. There have been China Watchers for more than 100 years now, a term that in itself implies a threat from China, hence the watching.
You might want to have a closer look at who established the Rhodes scholarship and its purpose. You may also want to have a look at some of her fellow graduates such as Mayor Pete, Christia Freeland, Rachel Maddow, Susan Rice, Bill Clinton, Bob Rae to name a few monsters. Look over there, China did it not our own DOD.
Also, "A.M." may be interested to know that Mao was a Yali and would be well advised, I think, to look into what that means.
Interesting tidbit here.:
The East India Squadron [of the US Navy], established in 1835, was a squadron of American ships assigned to protect American interests in the Far East. Among its duties was serving with the Yangtze River Patrol in China and one of the ports on the river was Wuhan.
I'm not sure what a Yali is. I read intensely about China 25 years ago--and using mostly on the Mao era and the effects of his policies--but I didn't really read deeply into his biography, other then contextual sketches here and there. But the ascent to power and the positioning of Chiang Kai Chek with US interests, and then that reversal and the promotion of Mao is key.
I also have a similar sense of Stalin--meaning--that intuitively (more than intellectually) feel that USSR and Red China were large scale experiments promoted and guided by a hidden hand. Both men were at least megalomaniac psychopaths and it seems as if these personalities were cultivated and then unleashed. The atrocities committed by both had to be thought out by psychologists, social theorists and others and then gamed for analysis.
Oh, I know all that. I know about Cecil Rhodes and his round table, as outlined by Carroll Quigley in numerous books, and I know the other Rhodes Scholars you name. I realize it can be a cultivating moment. But, it is also one year of free study at Oxford, and the recipient can study whatever he wishes. Clinton was kicked out--so and that took some doing. I just don't see the utility in branding any and all recipients as automatically suspect based on that.
Naomi promised to answer any questions I had and then refused to answer anything about her time there. What type of person accepts scholarships from such a nefarious institution with objectionable goals? Probably, the same type who attend a rave party beside a concentration camp.
Even though a different reason was reported, I suspect Tucker Carlson was kicked off Fox because he had a segment exposing problems with the vax (IIRC, he interviewed Joseph Lapado, surgeon general of Florida) and Pfizer is a huge advertiser. The segment was on a Friday and his show was canceled the following Monday.
Actually, we probably do know! Or at least it's safe to assume that they are not on our side and the only truth they tell is only to establish street cred.
I do not think he would still be working for FOX, no. If anything, it implies Tucker has been 'sheep dipped' (a term used in the intelligence community). If you choose to make time to review the video that elucidates how intimately Tucker's father is with media/CIA, then it would be exceptionally naive of us to think he is magically not a CIA creation. Since his inception; his entire 'career'. I argue that Tucker is an actor and a professional propagandist. One of the most important functions that the intelligence apparatus serves is to socially engineer the masses; culture creation is their greatest strength. Though they would have you believe it is action and violence via movies like Jason Bourne. Even Julia Childs, the famous TV cooking personality, was atone time an OSS agent (one can find her details on the CIA's website).
A couple months ago Tucker was on the Sean Ryan (ex-Navy SEAL/CIA contract killer) podcast show. It was over 3 hours that they talked together. I did not view the entire thing myself but watched some lengthy clips. Here is one I would suggest contains some of the juicy bits Tucker wishes for people to believe.
He is spinning that 'of course' aliens/E.T.'s exist but that they are merely the supernatural in the flesh. He is pushing a narrative whereby 'aliens' are Biblical in nature. There's a longer clip than the one I linked above where in he states this. This takes us back to the alien narrative of the 1970's and 80's wherein it was pushed that aliens were essentially good and bad beings made manifest, but they are really supernatural. Why is he pushing this narrative?
I believe it is for this reason. He wants to push people towards Jesus Christ, a savior narrative. If he was secular and making these claims, then it would have to be strictly science which would support his claims. Then the aliens could simply be extraterrestrial beings from space etc., and have nothing to do with God, Jesus, Bible.
The reason Tucker is no longer with FOX news is simply to allow him to appear not mainstream anymore. That is just silly. This allows him to delve deeper into topics the mainstream won't touch, and thus snag loads of people (to a savior story) who will trust his narrative (because he is allegedly no longer mainstream). He is a consummate liar.
Tucker used to harangue people who would approach him about building 7 on 9/11. But suddenly he has 'come around' on building 7. Another example of how he is baiting people into thinking he's now able to speak on things he couldn't speak on before, because he was mainstream and at FOX.
Many other professional liars are also leading people to a Jesus savior narrative right now. Many are converting to Catholicism/Christianity in lock step fashion. Russell Brand (obvious propagandist), Candace Owens, Jordan Peterson's wife Tammy, JP Sears, and many more. Check out Candace's social media posts (photos) from her conversion day. replete with all the requisite Freemason symbology one would expect to see. Russell Brand is a tool. He used to date a Rothschild and has a '33' tattoo'ed on his left wrist. He is a complete liar, and a very good actor. Of course he is also a professional actor. He would have you think he's some blue colored guy but he's not. He attended a very elite school growing up - the 'School for the Stars' as it is known. It is in Italy. He's an elitist, playing a role.
It is very difficult for people to believe that this many people are lying to them, I get it. They are building a grand narrative that everything is 'Satanic', as they know countless people will begin to turn to a savior narrative.
Great points. I was very put off by Candace Owens and Russell Brand's splashy conversions to Roman Catholicism, with immediate trauma programming (checkered Masonic pattern floors…) and "Christ is King" being hollered all around bothers me too. It's all very gaudy and Mason-ish. All geared to success and amplification.
" I argue that Tucker is an actor and a professional propagandist."
I agree wholly. In my opinion, his facial expressions give the game away, and like all the rest I can barely stomach watching him for more than a few brief seconds.
Thank you for those insights, some of which I wasn't aware of. I may add that Candace Owens, came from a modeling agency which I can't recall the name at the moment, and used to promote big brother stuff.
Yep. These days one must question everything and everyone! The tyrannical Deep State isn't magically disappearing. Those left after all is "settled" will begin to prepare for their next takeover.
Yes, so many liars, it really does your head in. Last night, I caught a video short of an English forensic scientist talking about a strange-sounding case where a woman was found chopped up in her freezer. I tracked down the longer video to learn the rest of the story but found the long video had no more on this case (which really didn't sound believable) but simply comprised a series of short pieces, one of them being on the 7/7 bombing in London - a clear fakery. She said, "you want to repatriate every single piece of body tissue in a situation like that back to the person so that person can then have the correct burial or whatever."
I'm like can we not get away from these liars? It's astonishing the number of times unsuspectingly I come up against stuff that is related to psyops I already know about or work out from the material must be psyops.
Yes, this is just gibberish, and appeal to emotion 100%. She qualifies how arduous and complete the forensic efforts by the team were by highlighting that they had to order in pizza to the lab because they were working 24/7. What drivel and nonsense. But such commitment! Lol. The claim about "getting an entire DNA profile from the saliva the driver used to open the packet of peanuts," so silly.
Then the appeal to emotion - we must get every scrap of a person's body back to the family of the deceased so they can have a proper burial and grieve fully, or some such nonsense. Yes, the family will wonder if all the eyelashes were scooped up and placed in a package before being shipped, as they grieve the loss of their loved one. Complete nonsense.
"It's astonishing the number of times unsuspectingly I come up against stuff that is related to psyops I already know about or work out from the material must be psyops."
I too know this experience you relate here quite well. Wonderful job noticing this, I applaud your efforts.
Thanks but honestly I want time off from psyops! Sure, I'm obsessed but at the same time I'd just like to browse whatever random stuff pops up on YT without having to step back and go, "Hang on a minute."
While I thought the reporting of the death of the appealing (to me at least) UK doctor, Michael Mosley, seemed a little strange it didn't occur to me for a nanosecond that he would be a participant in a psyop but then Miri AF (whose post was kind of "re-published" by James Delingpole where comments aren't paywalled) made it very clear it was. As an Australian I only knew of his programs which I found interesting I didn't know he was a jab-pusher.
Similarly, it didn't occur to me that Salman Rushdie's alleged stabbing in 2022 would be fake because I just wouldn't have thought he'd be the kind of person who would participate in such an event ... but he obviously is and I think it's pretty clear the whole fatwa thing was fake too. If you want links they're in my post here:
It's interesting that even when you're a seasoned psyopper, psyops can still pass you by because you don't think certain people would be participants in them.
It could be that Tucker wants people to think of aliens as supernatural entities in the flesh because that way this negates the possibility of a firmament/dome over Earth. It also props up his claims around Christianity, and even imbues it with more likelihood. He waxes on about UFO's being government objects, secret technology flying about, which would then explain the phenomenon being 'real' but not coming from 'space'. In my opinion he is providing narrative that both negates the firmament but also allows for aliens to be an OK topic to discuss. And as he is now seen as more rogue and not mainstream, this will widen the audience his signal reaches, as many no longer pay attention to MSM.
The controllers like to control BOTH the mainstream media as well as those, like Tucker Carlson, who *appear* to be bucking against the mainstream. One of the greatest evils is the slow-walking of the Truth. By controlling both the main media & the alt media, the controllers are able to slow-walk the Truth for years, even decades. It's how they roll. P.S. Years later still nobody is held accountable. Fauci and the rest still alive, rich & not in jail. See how that works?
People still are not aware of what a personality like Fauci did during the HIV/AIDS days. Some cover this, one of my favorites is Nancy Turner Banks, in her book "AIDS, Opium ,Diamonds, and Empire." One of the greatest medical truth books out there, imo. If only the masses had read this, none of this pandemic BS would have ever occurred.
My background is deeply trenched in Zionist propaganda. My family was all in. At a certain point I walked away from it all. People change. Tucker doesn’t deny his past. But I don’t think think the intelligence community is behind what he’s currently up to.
Wow, forgotten that sequence! ~~~My long time friend in Canada was pretty smug early in the mandates, as she told me that in their community “farm” they all made sure to work six feet apart and took turns at their assignments so as not to contaminate each other…..I lost respect for that bunch
Well done Tracey! Another person who has understood how this sinister merry-go round works for Big Pharma - who increase their fortunes by denying any LIABILITY for VAX DEATHS! Mick.
I am reading a history of the early years of the US when the Federalists, including John Adams and Alexander Hamilton were agitating for the country to become as close to a British-style monarchy as possible. Thomas Jefferson warned that such a government would become a tyranny and that it would be corrupt. He was right. That is what we have today. The tyranny comes from the Deep State and its globalist masters. They brought us the "plandemic."
Not only was Jefferson correct, but so were the so called "anti-federalists." Their ideas and predictions were nearly 100% correct and are still valid today. As is typical, they were overruled by the usual lowlife and we're stuck living with the results.
This seems well worth considering,
“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.
“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)
Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle
Hamilton put in place the bankers' system of usury to pay for war. This was the British way. It was a seamless fit when Cecil Rhodes and Lord Rothschild set out to " recover America for the British Empire." Next came the Federal Reserve and the era of world wars that is still ongoing. See my book, "Our Country, Then and Now."
Which deciding factors, Richard, prompted the ‘Oligarchy’ as Calin Georgescu named them, to light the fuse and impose the Covid-19 ‘Catalysing Event’ on the world!?
In your humble and learned opinion, what were the multiple objectives that this GlobalHydra aimed to achieve?
David A. Hughes states that according to him, this media-hyped virus is a first serious shot across the bow and that other ‘events’ will follow!!
Having written this, there definitely was something viral or synthetic that caused many to have flu-like symptoms and unusual new effects that I personally experienced.
Maybe Sasha Latypova’s explanation for this is to be believed.
Difficult to assess a massive military intelligence project like this. The MD I consult says it was definitely a weaponized virus. He also says viruses tend to lose potency over time. Thus the vax became the more severe danger.
Come to think of it Barry Farber (Celia's Dad) was active in talk radio until the day before he died only a few short years ago. He was brilliant. I miss him too.
I am not fooled by Tucker, he talked himself out a job by questioning the jab. They would not be in media long if they were not shills. They all have the same boss.
As many know by now the eminent Linguist Dr. Noam Chomsky was advocating for taking the Covid "vaccine"; If memory serves me he was one of the many who disparaged and belittled people who had questions about the "vaxx" and delayed/refused taking it.
Recently Dr. Chomsky suffered a major stroke (I believe a cerebral hemorrhage). Although at the greatly advanced age of 95 he seemed to be in relatively good health. Does anyone have any idea if Dr. Chomky's taking one of the Covid vaccines might have caused or contributed to his stroke? And if so will he admit that? His entire career as an academic is predicated on intellectual honesty and integrity. Will he adhere to that same level of honesty now?
Perhaps the vaccine had nothing to do with his sudden health decline? But will he be honest about it and disclose what happened to himself or will he be like the Big Pharma execs. and Fauci and lie, cover up, dissemble and prevaricate until they are blue in the face and perjured themselves before Congress with complete and utter impunity.
It seems the one constant around this whole Covid and Covid vaxx phenomenon has been lies and cover up. Will Dr. Chomsky at least and at last provide some veracity? I'm not holding my breath.
Chomsky was such a let down for me. I used to idolize him. Then the jab came and he fell to the vipers without a whimper. I could care less about him and hope karma catches up with him real soon. He wanted to deny the unjabbed the ability to buy groceries. Insolent slob
95 year olds rarely change their mind about anything. I doubt Chomsky made any effort to go beyond legacy media for his vaccination guidance. I also suspect, that when it comes to medical truths, he turns off his critical thinking skills.
"How were we able to see through the propaganda?" --
Easily. The first task is to research the most negative opinions to see if they hold any truth. You can do this with anything being sold on Amazon by first reading the negative reviews. Same thing with any website which has the integrity of publishing undoctored reviews.
The first person I ran into was attorney/Professor Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which was passed by both Chambers and signed into law May 22, 1990. Boyle is a man with credibility. In early 2020 and then again in January, 2021, Boyle presented on Info Wars, four scientific publications which indicated to him that the mRNA "spike protein" was a biological weapon. One of these was the Nature Medicine 2015 gain-of-function paper. The mainstream media immediately blackballed him. The next group of people were Drs David E. Martin and Judy A. Mikovits in Mikki Willis' "Plandemic Indoctornation" documentary. I'm still amazed at how many Americans have not yet viewed this documentary.
I guess this performance paid for his cheek implants.
He is lying.
He is so full of it.
I find this disrespectful with the victims of the 9/11 attack, and hope that they will tell us soon who really was behind this.
He had the support of police? Oh, he was there for this roll call? Why would a citizen be there? This is Amazing!!! AN ACTOR.....
I think he believes it himself. Hilarious!
What a lot of phoney baloney....I've never before heard a 9/11 account that is vastly out of step with other testimonies in terms of tone and content. For me, the moment he says 'peanut butter jelly sandwiches' as comfort food, the rest of his testimony rings hollow. The hallucination during the sleepless nap also sounds suspect...he must be regretting ever agreeing to take part in this interview.
Not one pause , reflection , amazing stream of consciousness , almost like crisis acting script.
Someone of his supposed linguistic prowess might have read a little more Then he would have known that these products were actually transfections (a specific biological process, just search for it) and not vaccines as previously designed. Definitions matter. Not that he cares, though
Irony of ironies. You do, I'm sure like most readers of Ms. Farber, know that Dr. Chomsky and his colleague the late Dr. Edward Herman literally wrote the book on how media propaganda is used in a free and open society in the West. That book, of course, is Manufacturing Consent (1988).
Actually this is why Chomsky's sudden illness is so disconcerting to me. There seem to me to be only two possibilities.
Either he took a Covid vaccine believing the fairly obvious lies about "safe and effective" and was too stupid or too deceived to understand the danger. (Which seems incredible for a person who has been labeled "One of the smartest people alive" (Chris Hedges). Or he knew the vaxx[es] were potentially dangerous and told Americans to take them anyway which would evince a high level of dishonesty and moral turpitude in that esteemed academic.
It seems to me either of these possibilities can not be true.
Of course it could be that Chomsky's stroke was not the result of the Covid vaccine (bio-weapon). But then how does a relatively healthy albeit elderly man decline so precipitously without forewarning?
This is why I believe some sort of explanation is owed to the public. Something is seriously not adding up here and, as I said, the whole Covid phenomenon reeks of fraud, lies, gross negligence and perhaps even intentional mass murder. I and many others would like Dr. Chomsky to be the one exception and speak the truth to the public about this subject.
People on the left, academia, inclined toward pro-pharma, pro-vaxx, trust your doctor, etc. Jewish men on the academic left even more that way. I see no mystery with Chomsky getting the shots, boosters, being a fascist, berating people, getting a stroke, not putting it together, and certainly not acknowledging it. Exactly predictable.
"...some sort of explanation is owed to the public." This has been my overall thought each time I now hear of an untimely death. Like many, my first question (never properly satisfied), "Did they take the jab?" seems intrusive and out of order, as I would have agreed prior to three years ago.
But, HIPA laws are bullshit, created when AIDS did it's job of creating "illness shame" and we needed a law that would protect the pharmakillers - vaccine and other deadly meds - that were going to be released big time, in our present moment.
I want every obit to clarify: took the jab, did not take jab. Is that too much to ask?
Or possibly, Ocam's Razor theory a smart 90 year old who succumbed to the 24/7 fear mongering. And he lived a chunk of his life in the vaccine era which always claimed as a triumph of modern medicine and science.
Noam Chomsky for over 30 years avoided any discussion on views outside of the mainstream on 9/11, JFK assassination, Federal Reserve, the important topics. He considered the ideas irrelevant. Chomsky clearly doesn't get the medical industry, that's not his forte, but Chomsky disregards other viewpoints on this as well. The news organization Democracy Now is much in the same vein, a lefty (fake progressive!) outlet.
Yes and boos to KPFA and Pacifica radio for always featuring Chomskys interviews. No doubt he was VA cine injured but is now too brain damaged to reveal the truth.
corporate media were central to the plandemic narrative and went along because that's what they do. when blackrock owns you and 80% of your ad revenue comes from pharma, you really don't have a choice
i think MCM was attacked so early because he's been over the target for so long. the cabal knew who they were gunning for. this is the guy who on the first day of class tells all his students, "don't believe a single word i say, do your own research."
Not sure about that tidal wave. Its been a very gradual awakening. The problem goes way beyond mRNA criminals. Administrative States across the formerly democratic west have evolved into tyrannies of vastly bloated, unelected, ineffective, unaccountable leviathans, and often backed by criminal cartels.
As a wise old man asked me the other day, how do we completely reinvent our governments?
Start by abolishing all 3 letter agencies. While one would think the voter would oust a corrupt politician, it appears they won’t; therefore, term limits are necessary (along with their aides). I recall mention of a plan to gut Washington, D.C. and decentralize - all departments of government would be distributed throughout the country.
" do we completely reinvent our governments?"
We don't. The question has been asked for millenia and I don't see that anyone's ever come up with a reasonable answer, so maybe that's the wrong question to ask.
The question has been asked for millenia - and there have definitely been new answers - answers that have built the world around us - a world which is better in some respects - but the answers have also generated new questions and new problems.
However, if you think its the wrong question - then bless us all with the right question.
Let this be just the BEGINNING of a tsunami of lawsuits which hopefully will lead to prison sentences. Did they really think they could ambush humanity at large with a Medical Coup Of Mass Destruction and move on as if nothing happened? I want to see heads roll! Thank you, Celia.
Yes. Heads rolling would really put a damper on some people's propensity for greed. But, I've always thought that for crimes of treason, as ordained in England in 1283, drawing and then quartering in a public square, by tying each of the four limbs to a different horse and spurring them in different directions, might very well get everyone's attention.
Medicine/science must lose their expert pedestal forever. Both corrupted by peer review and co-ordinated by conspiring professional organisations, via licensing and publishing and funding.
Established narratives are defended NOT scrutinised.
In reality medicine is the WILD WEST, they simply gloss/distract over their lack of education and tick boxes on their indoctrination. Penned or corralled by the years of investment they have made into this charade. They watch dis-ease rates escalate and think ‘this is all good’.
Compare any illness statistic from the 80’s to present. There’s the elephant in the room.
Cv19 was an operation to show how the sickness industry, govt + pHARMa, profits from suffering.
I’m not surprised, the ability to break language down and analyse it has been deliberately lost.
My mum finished school at 15yrs, beautiful handwriting, could spell, they were taught Latin at her local public school in small town NZ, it was akin to maths and English.
I finished school, never studied a language or history, taught myself to spell eventually as an adult and terrible handwriting...
Between 50s to the 70’s they rewrote the curriculum to dumb us down and haven’t stopped piling on the material that has to be covered so teachers don’t have time to create their own style and subject expertise, making teaching reductive and anti-creative.
Creatives are always looking for ways to do things differently.
All the schools conformed with the cv19 operation, instruction followers teaching our children to be just like them, obedient.
In school, they always teach us to receive information as fact. Incredible, as you highlight, how they strip out all the gristle and fat from the steak.
Indeed and so should have the doctors and nurses and everyone who was pressured into spouting jab propaganda. Instead they all became good Germans. I hope they are having a hard time living with themselves!
The "Germans" you're referring to were generally anti-Communist.
Anyone still believeing old war propaganda would do themselves a favor and question everything.
“… this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.
If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions…”
Murray Rothbard, Revisionism for Our Time
Mr. Rothbard was Jewish American and an historian of the very highest caliber.
The Germans do like following orders as it makes them feel safe. They have done so for a very long time. Part of the problem of living in middle Europe, enemies on all sides.
This is how easily they fooled people with their fake medical narrative. they have done it innumerable times before. They needn't change a thing.
As a dual degree M.D. and DAOM (Chinese medical doctor), I can tell you firsthand. ZERO doctors in practice know a thing at all about vaccines. Only the very scant few, that somehow, and for some odd reason, choose to educate themselves on them. This is how they pulled off the plandemic. the medical professionals are eejits. Truly. They are not educated as we should want them to be. I used to interact with innumerable M.D.s, N.D.s, D.O.s, Chiro docs, Chinese docs - none of them know the first thing about vaccines. I promise you this much.
"I can tell you firsthand. ZERO doctors in practice know a thing at all about vaccines. "
I wish more folks knew how true that is. The following is from a very interesting series on the subject from the 50s and 60s. Lear's whole series is worth a read.
“One reason [for the poor training of physicians] is suggested by a paper read by Dr. George W. Dana at a Pharmaceutical Advertising Club Seminar in New York City…in 1959…
‘…A great deal of what these doctors know about these new products, which now constitute the major part of their prescriptions, and for which they are in a position to prescribe so specifically, they have learned from the medical communications of the industry .
‘Thus the doctor has been twice blessed by you. You have created the product, and you have instructed him as to its usage. You are emerging as a dominant influence in postgraduate therapeutics." That the situation is as Dr. Dana described it no one doubts.”
It really is done very simply as these quotes suggest. It is also through controlling the books that physicians will be exposed to while in medical school. Dr. Thomas Levy has a wonderful book on the power of Vitamin C. In his foreword he describes the process of mis-education as it relates to doctors. He relays how the system simply crafts a first edition of, say a book on pathology, then they just keep updating it with subsequent editions. Anyone who has been to university is familiar with 'new' textbooks coming out every so often, and really those books are minimally changed, but the price surely goes way up. I worked at a book store in university and personally witnessed this process.
I also worked as a valet parking attendant during medical school. The money was fantastic, and I could have flash cards on hand from which I could cram information in. It was a very fancy steak house that I worked at. And several nights a week, most weeks in fact, the large banquet room in front, would be rented out by big pharma. Pharma reps would come in, who were always very attractive women, and they would swoon and sway doctors with their fancy dinners, cigars, alcohol, and impressive chests. The entire evening would be comp'd of course.
Thanks and glad you are one of the rare ones who appreciated it. Very little evidence so far that anyone finds it worthwhile.
I have a cousin with an impressive chest and a few other assets who worked as a drug rep and she confirms that your observations about that racket hold water (not that they're questionable in any way!).
There is one story that not many of view heard about because no English language mainstream media published it. It happened in Montreal. When the mass vaccination started in January 2021, the nurses were the first to witness first hand what happened to those that took the shots. So, when Quebec like all the other Canadian province implemented the " vaccine mandates" the nurses from Montreal fought back and said no. Guess what happened next? The premier organized a big press conference with all the mainstream media to make a big announcement. The conference was in French, and I listened the the entire conference because it was absolutely fascinating! What did the premier of Quebec declared? " We will not be implementing vaccine mandates because we can't afford it. Because if we were to do that our entire medical system will collapse. We can't just fire 25,000 nurses because the cost will be too great. Then one reporter asked how is it possible to let 25,000 unvaccinated nurses work? Isn't that dangerous for those who are in hospital and already sick? Aren't they going to kill them? This is what the premier answered: if we fire 25,000 nurses today, I can guarantee you that many more people will die, more than you can imagine, so it's a risky bet to take. This is from what I recall from the press conference. The most interesting part is that we never heard anything about people dying because of nurses that refused to take the covid shots. I have a friend who was working in a nursing home at the time, and was ready to give up her job than to take the shots. Do you know what she told me? That once the mass vaccination started people started dying suddenly or getting sick with covid and ending up in the hospital. There were just too many not to see the direct results of mass vaccination.
Primetime media mouthpieces are just highly paid frauds. They deserve scorn and derision because they will always be eager to play that lucrative and self important role.
All part and parcel of the grand buildup to the 'Satanic' Deep State narrative. They must and will burn it into the retinas of as many as possible. Then they can create the necessary feelings of intense indignation and people will seek redemption. They need the public to demand it, and then the great 'savior' will be brought in. Trump. An event that is preordained to happen. (Trump looked to the sky and declared he is the chosen one, after all).
They desperately want the public to align all of this evil with 'Satanism', so that they run to the false light. Look at other professional propagandists like Russell Brand, JP Sears, Candace Owens (and many others), all converting to Christianity/Catholicism in lock step.
Regarding Russell Brand's conversion, I will also highlight this. Now, it could be that many readers here will not have experience with cryptography/'numerology' (gematria), but this is absolutely how occultists work. Russell Brand gets baptized on April 28th, which is the 119th day of they year; you might think of 9/11 being done on Sept. 11th. This 'coincidence' (April 28th) is hugely significant, and shows his true allegiance.
A couple other examples of cryptography being their MO - WW1 ends on November 11th, at 11:00am. 11/11/11. The Americans enter WW2 on June 6th, at 6:00am. 6/6/6. This is how occultists operate, always; and it holds great significance.
Agree completely. Today I was working on a section of the Dr. James Thorp book , (still being edited) about nurse Michelle Spencer, (formerly Gershon.) She blew the whistle, in 2022, about the mass deaths of babies on the labor and delivery ward in CA where she worked. Well, they did not fire her but they did withhold her Christmas bonus. Guess what the amount was? $6,666.
“…a female student who claimed she felt unsafe to be in a class where the Professor said there were two sides to Covid mask ‘science.’”
There really are no words for this.
Brother Miller was wearing a face shield, like a savage rock star of the 1950s.
Obviously, the sisters were scared of so much risk-taking. I mean, they could actually see his mouth as he spoke. "Inconceivable!" they yelled, "Too Dangerous! OMG! I CAN SEE THE VIRUS IN THE AIR LIKE SAINT GRETA CAN SEE CO2!"
Promoting an endorsement by Naomi Wolf is a real head scratcher.
Rhodes Scholar
Bannon Talking Head
Married to Former Intelligence
China Baiter
I'm not necessarily a fan of Naomi Wolf--that goes way back to the 90s and the Beauty Myth, which I always found a bit narcissistic, not to mention a bit of a 'feminist' tract.. Odd, but anyway--I don't see why being a Rhodes Scholar makes someone suspicious. I have a friend who was a Rhodes Scholar in the late 70s, early 80s. Not sure either what China Baiter means anymore either. There have been China Watchers for more than 100 years now, a term that in itself implies a threat from China, hence the watching.
You might want to have a closer look at who established the Rhodes scholarship and its purpose. You may also want to have a look at some of her fellow graduates such as Mayor Pete, Christia Freeland, Rachel Maddow, Susan Rice, Bill Clinton, Bob Rae to name a few monsters. Look over there, China did it not our own DOD.
You probably already know this but "China" is a project of the usual (globalist) suspects, here's a hint.:
Anna Louise Strong, cheerleader for Mao
Also, "A.M." may be interested to know that Mao was a Yali and would be well advised, I think, to look into what that means.
Interesting tidbit here.:
The East India Squadron [of the US Navy], established in 1835, was a squadron of American ships assigned to protect American interests in the Far East. Among its duties was serving with the Yangtze River Patrol in China and one of the ports on the river was Wuhan.
I'm not sure what a Yali is. I read intensely about China 25 years ago--and using mostly on the Mao era and the effects of his policies--but I didn't really read deeply into his biography, other then contextual sketches here and there. But the ascent to power and the positioning of Chiang Kai Chek with US interests, and then that reversal and the promotion of Mao is key.
I also have a similar sense of Stalin--meaning--that intuitively (more than intellectually) feel that USSR and Red China were large scale experiments promoted and guided by a hidden hand. Both men were at least megalomaniac psychopaths and it seems as if these personalities were cultivated and then unleashed. The atrocities committed by both had to be thought out by psychologists, social theorists and others and then gamed for analysis.
Oh, I know all that. I know about Cecil Rhodes and his round table, as outlined by Carroll Quigley in numerous books, and I know the other Rhodes Scholars you name. I realize it can be a cultivating moment. But, it is also one year of free study at Oxford, and the recipient can study whatever he wishes. Clinton was kicked out--so and that took some doing. I just don't see the utility in branding any and all recipients as automatically suspect based on that.
Naomi promised to answer any questions I had and then refused to answer anything about her time there. What type of person accepts scholarships from such a nefarious institution with objectionable goals? Probably, the same type who attend a rave party beside a concentration camp.
so very well said - thank you for that 😀
“ I feel threatened” I am a victim.
I don’t have any to offer either.. appalling I couldn’t stand Hannity’s cute sayings to callers, “well, I’m not a doctor” but …. Yah sure Sean
Think of how many students miss out on his class identifying propaganda.
And she knew what the class was about before she signed up...
Exactly my thought. If victim-hood language proves to have short term pay-offs, .. it doesn't lend itself well to mental and emotional maturation.
Well here are two words, the anagram of Covid mask science.
misconceived sack
And here are some more.
cm deviance sickos
demonic sick caves
kc masonic devices
icon smack devices
conceive kids scam
mad cockiness vice
civic coke madness
come kids vaccines
since mocks advice
naive cocks medics
etc. etc.
Even though a different reason was reported, I suspect Tucker Carlson was kicked off Fox because he had a segment exposing problems with the vax (IIRC, he interviewed Joseph Lapado, surgeon general of Florida) and Pfizer is a huge advertiser. The segment was on a Friday and his show was canceled the following Monday.
Anyone who still sees Tucker Carlson as some do-gooder might consider viewing this. He is absolutely drenched in CIA connections.
Anyone who gets prominent press or air time is suspect in my opinion.
I no longer trust any of these major media guys. You just don't know anymore whose side they are on.
Actually, we probably do know! Or at least it's safe to assume that they are not on our side and the only truth they tell is only to establish street cred.
Silly. Use your critical thinking skills to evaluate the things he says and the people he interviews.
If he would be working for the CIA, he would still be working at Fox News. Don't you think so?
I do not think he would still be working for FOX, no. If anything, it implies Tucker has been 'sheep dipped' (a term used in the intelligence community). If you choose to make time to review the video that elucidates how intimately Tucker's father is with media/CIA, then it would be exceptionally naive of us to think he is magically not a CIA creation. Since his inception; his entire 'career'. I argue that Tucker is an actor and a professional propagandist. One of the most important functions that the intelligence apparatus serves is to socially engineer the masses; culture creation is their greatest strength. Though they would have you believe it is action and violence via movies like Jason Bourne. Even Julia Childs, the famous TV cooking personality, was atone time an OSS agent (one can find her details on the CIA's website).
A couple months ago Tucker was on the Sean Ryan (ex-Navy SEAL/CIA contract killer) podcast show. It was over 3 hours that they talked together. I did not view the entire thing myself but watched some lengthy clips. Here is one I would suggest contains some of the juicy bits Tucker wishes for people to believe.
He is spinning that 'of course' aliens/E.T.'s exist but that they are merely the supernatural in the flesh. He is pushing a narrative whereby 'aliens' are Biblical in nature. There's a longer clip than the one I linked above where in he states this. This takes us back to the alien narrative of the 1970's and 80's wherein it was pushed that aliens were essentially good and bad beings made manifest, but they are really supernatural. Why is he pushing this narrative?
I believe it is for this reason. He wants to push people towards Jesus Christ, a savior narrative. If he was secular and making these claims, then it would have to be strictly science which would support his claims. Then the aliens could simply be extraterrestrial beings from space etc., and have nothing to do with God, Jesus, Bible.
The reason Tucker is no longer with FOX news is simply to allow him to appear not mainstream anymore. That is just silly. This allows him to delve deeper into topics the mainstream won't touch, and thus snag loads of people (to a savior story) who will trust his narrative (because he is allegedly no longer mainstream). He is a consummate liar.
Tucker used to harangue people who would approach him about building 7 on 9/11. But suddenly he has 'come around' on building 7. Another example of how he is baiting people into thinking he's now able to speak on things he couldn't speak on before, because he was mainstream and at FOX.
Many other professional liars are also leading people to a Jesus savior narrative right now. Many are converting to Catholicism/Christianity in lock step fashion. Russell Brand (obvious propagandist), Candace Owens, Jordan Peterson's wife Tammy, JP Sears, and many more. Check out Candace's social media posts (photos) from her conversion day. replete with all the requisite Freemason symbology one would expect to see. Russell Brand is a tool. He used to date a Rothschild and has a '33' tattoo'ed on his left wrist. He is a complete liar, and a very good actor. Of course he is also a professional actor. He would have you think he's some blue colored guy but he's not. He attended a very elite school growing up - the 'School for the Stars' as it is known. It is in Italy. He's an elitist, playing a role.
It is very difficult for people to believe that this many people are lying to them, I get it. They are building a grand narrative that everything is 'Satanic', as they know countless people will begin to turn to a savior narrative.
Great points. I was very put off by Candace Owens and Russell Brand's splashy conversions to Roman Catholicism, with immediate trauma programming (checkered Masonic pattern floors…) and "Christ is King" being hollered all around bothers me too. It's all very gaudy and Mason-ish. All geared to success and amplification.
" I argue that Tucker is an actor and a professional propagandist."
I agree wholly. In my opinion, his facial expressions give the game away, and like all the rest I can barely stomach watching him for more than a few brief seconds.
Thank you for those insights, some of which I wasn't aware of. I may add that Candace Owens, came from a modeling agency which I can't recall the name at the moment, and used to promote big brother stuff.
Yep. These days one must question everything and everyone! The tyrannical Deep State isn't magically disappearing. Those left after all is "settled" will begin to prepare for their next takeover.
Yes, so many liars, it really does your head in. Last night, I caught a video short of an English forensic scientist talking about a strange-sounding case where a woman was found chopped up in her freezer. I tracked down the longer video to learn the rest of the story but found the long video had no more on this case (which really didn't sound believable) but simply comprised a series of short pieces, one of them being on the 7/7 bombing in London - a clear fakery. She said, "you want to repatriate every single piece of body tissue in a situation like that back to the person so that person can then have the correct burial or whatever."
I'm like can we not get away from these liars? It's astonishing the number of times unsuspectingly I come up against stuff that is related to psyops I already know about or work out from the material must be psyops.
A great find Petra! Nicely done.
Yes, this is just gibberish, and appeal to emotion 100%. She qualifies how arduous and complete the forensic efforts by the team were by highlighting that they had to order in pizza to the lab because they were working 24/7. What drivel and nonsense. But such commitment! Lol. The claim about "getting an entire DNA profile from the saliva the driver used to open the packet of peanuts," so silly.
Then the appeal to emotion - we must get every scrap of a person's body back to the family of the deceased so they can have a proper burial and grieve fully, or some such nonsense. Yes, the family will wonder if all the eyelashes were scooped up and placed in a package before being shipped, as they grieve the loss of their loved one. Complete nonsense.
"It's astonishing the number of times unsuspectingly I come up against stuff that is related to psyops I already know about or work out from the material must be psyops."
I too know this experience you relate here quite well. Wonderful job noticing this, I applaud your efforts.
Thanks but honestly I want time off from psyops! Sure, I'm obsessed but at the same time I'd just like to browse whatever random stuff pops up on YT without having to step back and go, "Hang on a minute."
While I thought the reporting of the death of the appealing (to me at least) UK doctor, Michael Mosley, seemed a little strange it didn't occur to me for a nanosecond that he would be a participant in a psyop but then Miri AF (whose post was kind of "re-published" by James Delingpole where comments aren't paywalled) made it very clear it was. As an Australian I only knew of his programs which I found interesting I didn't know he was a jab-pusher.
Similarly, it didn't occur to me that Salman Rushdie's alleged stabbing in 2022 would be fake because I just wouldn't have thought he'd be the kind of person who would participate in such an event ... but he obviously is and I think it's pretty clear the whole fatwa thing was fake too. If you want links they're in my post here:
It's interesting that even when you're a seasoned psyopper, psyops can still pass you by because you don't think certain people would be participants in them.
A great book for digging deep into how psyops work is "Secret Societies & Psychological Warfare," by Michael Hoffman, btw.
noted. Thank you.
It could be that Tucker wants people to think of aliens as supernatural entities in the flesh because that way this negates the possibility of a firmament/dome over Earth. It also props up his claims around Christianity, and even imbues it with more likelihood. He waxes on about UFO's being government objects, secret technology flying about, which would then explain the phenomenon being 'real' but not coming from 'space'. In my opinion he is providing narrative that both negates the firmament but also allows for aliens to be an OK topic to discuss. And as he is now seen as more rogue and not mainstream, this will widen the audience his signal reaches, as many no longer pay attention to MSM.
The controllers like to control BOTH the mainstream media as well as those, like Tucker Carlson, who *appear* to be bucking against the mainstream. One of the greatest evils is the slow-walking of the Truth. By controlling both the main media & the alt media, the controllers are able to slow-walk the Truth for years, even decades. It's how they roll. P.S. Years later still nobody is held accountable. Fauci and the rest still alive, rich & not in jail. See how that works?
Excellent comment.
People still are not aware of what a personality like Fauci did during the HIV/AIDS days. Some cover this, one of my favorites is Nancy Turner Banks, in her book "AIDS, Opium ,Diamonds, and Empire." One of the greatest medical truth books out there, imo. If only the masses had read this, none of this pandemic BS would have ever occurred.
I know, controlled opposition is so powerful ... especially evidenced in the way that people are so resistant when you point it out.
He still gets paid 28 million by FOX, so there’s that.
Agreed. It remains to be seen exactly where his loyalties lie. His past is dubious at best.
I already shared this video Steveo - lol. And you respond
By accident, was intended in another reply. But, I don't think it can be shared enough.
Once more for good measure. 😂🤣
My background is deeply trenched in Zionist propaganda. My family was all in. At a certain point I walked away from it all. People change. Tucker doesn’t deny his past. But I don’t think think the intelligence community is behind what he’s currently up to.
Comparing yourself with Tucker is apples and oranges. Are you being paid to the tune of multi-millions of dollars with a massive media platform?
Tucker is 100% not good people and is a professional liar.
Wow, forgotten that sequence! ~~~My long time friend in Canada was pretty smug early in the mandates, as she told me that in their community “farm” they all made sure to work six feet apart and took turns at their assignments so as not to contaminate each other…..I lost respect for that bunch
Well done Tracey! Another person who has understood how this sinister merry-go round works for Big Pharma - who increase their fortunes by denying any LIABILITY for VAX DEATHS! Mick.
Bingo... a coworker verified it.
Did not know! Bingo! You probably are right!
Glad I can amuse you, John! How many jabs did you take?
The media is full of immoral scumbags who lie for money.
It sure is.
Indeed, it's a tyranny of corruption.
I am reading a history of the early years of the US when the Federalists, including John Adams and Alexander Hamilton were agitating for the country to become as close to a British-style monarchy as possible. Thomas Jefferson warned that such a government would become a tyranny and that it would be corrupt. He was right. That is what we have today. The tyranny comes from the Deep State and its globalist masters. They brought us the "plandemic."
Hence the Hamilton cult and that musical…
We're still England. (Economically) Because of Hamilton. Is my understanding.
Not only was Jefferson correct, but so were the so called "anti-federalists." Their ideas and predictions were nearly 100% correct and are still valid today. As is typical, they were overruled by the usual lowlife and we're stuck living with the results.
This seems well worth considering,
“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.
“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)
Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle
It makes such perfect sense.
Hamilton put in place the bankers' system of usury to pay for war. This was the British way. It was a seamless fit when Cecil Rhodes and Lord Rothschild set out to " recover America for the British Empire." Next came the Federal Reserve and the era of world wars that is still ongoing. See my book, "Our Country, Then and Now."
Dwight Eisenhower said it too.
If he said that, then he was a "Tucker Carlson" of his times. In my opinion, he was another well connected mediocrity playing a part.
Very likely. He warned of a military industrial complex.
Wow pithy !
Which deciding factors, Richard, prompted the ‘Oligarchy’ as Calin Georgescu named them, to light the fuse and impose the Covid-19 ‘Catalysing Event’ on the world!?
In your humble and learned opinion, what were the multiple objectives that this GlobalHydra aimed to achieve?
David A. Hughes states that according to him, this media-hyped virus is a first serious shot across the bow and that other ‘events’ will follow!!
Having written this, there definitely was something viral or synthetic that caused many to have flu-like symptoms and unusual new effects that I personally experienced.
Maybe Sasha Latypova’s explanation for this is to be believed.
Keep up your highly informative efforts……
Difficult to assess a massive military intelligence project like this. The MD I consult says it was definitely a weaponized virus. He also says viruses tend to lose potency over time. Thus the vax became the more severe danger.
Sorry… NOT buying it.
Just inserted this. Thank you.
Not buying it either. Sean Hannity has been a corporate shill for at least a decade. I turned him off years ago.
I listen couple times when rush Limbaugh was alive but I never really got into it. Some talk shows are really annoying to me.
My interest in talk radio more or less evaporated after he died. I haven't turned on the radio in years now. I miss him.
Come to think of it Barry Farber (Celia's Dad) was active in talk radio until the day before he died only a few short years ago. He was brilliant. I miss him too.
NEVER trusted that guy!!
I'd sooner believe Jed Clampett than the Murdochs and Hannity.
Don't trust any of them...
I am not fooled by Tucker, he talked himself out a job by questioning the jab. They would not be in media long if they were not shills. They all have the same boss.
As many know by now the eminent Linguist Dr. Noam Chomsky was advocating for taking the Covid "vaccine"; If memory serves me he was one of the many who disparaged and belittled people who had questions about the "vaxx" and delayed/refused taking it.
Recently Dr. Chomsky suffered a major stroke (I believe a cerebral hemorrhage). Although at the greatly advanced age of 95 he seemed to be in relatively good health. Does anyone have any idea if Dr. Chomky's taking one of the Covid vaccines might have caused or contributed to his stroke? And if so will he admit that? His entire career as an academic is predicated on intellectual honesty and integrity. Will he adhere to that same level of honesty now?
Perhaps the vaccine had nothing to do with his sudden health decline? But will he be honest about it and disclose what happened to himself or will he be like the Big Pharma execs. and Fauci and lie, cover up, dissemble and prevaricate until they are blue in the face and perjured themselves before Congress with complete and utter impunity.
It seems the one constant around this whole Covid and Covid vaxx phenomenon has been lies and cover up. Will Dr. Chomsky at least and at last provide some veracity? I'm not holding my breath.
Chomsky was such a let down for me. I used to idolize him. Then the jab came and he fell to the vipers without a whimper. I could care less about him and hope karma catches up with him real soon. He wanted to deny the unjabbed the ability to buy groceries. Insolent slob
"Insolent slob". Love it.
95 year olds rarely change their mind about anything. I doubt Chomsky made any effort to go beyond legacy media for his vaccination guidance. I also suspect, that when it comes to medical truths, he turns off his critical thinking skills.
As sooooo many people did. 6.9 Billion. How were we able to see through the propaganda.. amazingly well and intellectually accurate.
"How were we able to see through the propaganda?" --
Easily. The first task is to research the most negative opinions to see if they hold any truth. You can do this with anything being sold on Amazon by first reading the negative reviews. Same thing with any website which has the integrity of publishing undoctored reviews.
The first person I ran into was attorney/Professor Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which was passed by both Chambers and signed into law May 22, 1990. Boyle is a man with credibility. In early 2020 and then again in January, 2021, Boyle presented on Info Wars, four scientific publications which indicated to him that the mRNA "spike protein" was a biological weapon. One of these was the Nature Medicine 2015 gain-of-function paper. The mainstream media immediately blackballed him. The next group of people were Drs David E. Martin and Judy A. Mikovits in Mikki Willis' "Plandemic Indoctornation" documentary. I'm still amazed at how many Americans have not yet viewed this documentary.
All those people you refer to are controlled opposition.
This is Mikki Willis who played a helpful role on 9/11 ... or so he tells us.
But the commenters aren't buying it:
Body language and tone-of-voice betrays him.
Alright, Milli Vanilli. None of the sounds right.
I guess this performance paid for his cheek implants.
He is lying.
He is so full of it.
I find this disrespectful with the victims of the 9/11 attack, and hope that they will tell us soon who really was behind this.
He had the support of police? Oh, he was there for this roll call? Why would a citizen be there? This is Amazing!!! AN ACTOR.....
I think he believes it himself. Hilarious!
What a lot of phoney baloney....I've never before heard a 9/11 account that is vastly out of step with other testimonies in terms of tone and content. For me, the moment he says 'peanut butter jelly sandwiches' as comfort food, the rest of his testimony rings hollow. The hallucination during the sleepless nap also sounds suspect...he must be regretting ever agreeing to take part in this interview.
Not one pause , reflection , amazing stream of consciousness , almost like crisis acting script.
Someone of his supposed linguistic prowess might have read a little more Then he would have known that these products were actually transfections (a specific biological process, just search for it) and not vaccines as previously designed. Definitions matter. Not that he cares, though
Irony of ironies. You do, I'm sure like most readers of Ms. Farber, know that Dr. Chomsky and his colleague the late Dr. Edward Herman literally wrote the book on how media propaganda is used in a free and open society in the West. That book, of course, is Manufacturing Consent (1988).
Actually this is why Chomsky's sudden illness is so disconcerting to me. There seem to me to be only two possibilities.
Either he took a Covid vaccine believing the fairly obvious lies about "safe and effective" and was too stupid or too deceived to understand the danger. (Which seems incredible for a person who has been labeled "One of the smartest people alive" (Chris Hedges). Or he knew the vaxx[es] were potentially dangerous and told Americans to take them anyway which would evince a high level of dishonesty and moral turpitude in that esteemed academic.
It seems to me either of these possibilities can not be true.
Of course it could be that Chomsky's stroke was not the result of the Covid vaccine (bio-weapon). But then how does a relatively healthy albeit elderly man decline so precipitously without forewarning?
This is why I believe some sort of explanation is owed to the public. Something is seriously not adding up here and, as I said, the whole Covid phenomenon reeks of fraud, lies, gross negligence and perhaps even intentional mass murder. I and many others would like Dr. Chomsky to be the one exception and speak the truth to the public about this subject.
People on the left, academia, inclined toward pro-pharma, pro-vaxx, trust your doctor, etc. Jewish men on the academic left even more that way. I see no mystery with Chomsky getting the shots, boosters, being a fascist, berating people, getting a stroke, not putting it together, and certainly not acknowledging it. Exactly predictable.
Thank you, Ms. Farber.
My problem, among many others, is an inclination to hero worship. I fell in love with Dr. Chomsky around 1990 when I read his "Manufacturing Consent."
Media propaganda has grown exponentially worse since that time. It is difficult to relinquish one's heroes.
One best know one has been betrayed before one has been defenestrated.
"...some sort of explanation is owed to the public." This has been my overall thought each time I now hear of an untimely death. Like many, my first question (never properly satisfied), "Did they take the jab?" seems intrusive and out of order, as I would have agreed prior to three years ago.
But, HIPA laws are bullshit, created when AIDS did it's job of creating "illness shame" and we needed a law that would protect the pharmakillers - vaccine and other deadly meds - that were going to be released big time, in our present moment.
I want every obit to clarify: took the jab, did not take jab. Is that too much to ask?
But wasn't the state or gov asking if we took the jab? Wasn't that what the vaccine card was all about.
Or possibly, Ocam's Razor theory a smart 90 year old who succumbed to the 24/7 fear mongering. And he lived a chunk of his life in the vaccine era which always claimed as a triumph of modern medicine and science.
So many traitors to people…..make a list….like Jordan Peterson, Arnold Swartzager… many more
Yes. Arnold will never be able to wash away the stench of his statement about how the unjabbed can just “screw your freedom.” “Out, out damn spot!”
Noam Chomsky for over 30 years avoided any discussion on views outside of the mainstream on 9/11, JFK assassination, Federal Reserve, the important topics. He considered the ideas irrelevant. Chomsky clearly doesn't get the medical industry, that's not his forte, but Chomsky disregards other viewpoints on this as well. The news organization Democracy Now is much in the same vein, a lefty (fake progressive!) outlet.
Yes and boos to KPFA and Pacifica radio for always featuring Chomskys interviews. No doubt he was VA cine injured but is now too brain damaged to reveal the truth.
Chomsky was a NWO asset.
Agreed. Did he ever warn his fans about NWO? If no, what was he all that good for? Of what did he effectively warn?
Guess it depends if he sold his soul or not?
corporate media were central to the plandemic narrative and went along because that's what they do. when blackrock owns you and 80% of your ad revenue comes from pharma, you really don't have a choice
i think MCM was attacked so early because he's been over the target for so long. the cabal knew who they were gunning for. this is the guy who on the first day of class tells all his students, "don't believe a single word i say, do your own research."
Not sure about that tidal wave. Its been a very gradual awakening. The problem goes way beyond mRNA criminals. Administrative States across the formerly democratic west have evolved into tyrannies of vastly bloated, unelected, ineffective, unaccountable leviathans, and often backed by criminal cartels.
As a wise old man asked me the other day, how do we completely reinvent our governments?
Start by abolishing all 3 letter agencies. While one would think the voter would oust a corrupt politician, it appears they won’t; therefore, term limits are necessary (along with their aides). I recall mention of a plan to gut Washington, D.C. and decentralize - all departments of government would be distributed throughout the country.
" do we completely reinvent our governments?"
We don't. The question has been asked for millenia and I don't see that anyone's ever come up with a reasonable answer, so maybe that's the wrong question to ask.
The question has been asked for millenia - and there have definitely been new answers - answers that have built the world around us - a world which is better in some respects - but the answers have also generated new questions and new problems.
However, if you think its the wrong question - then bless us all with the right question.
I'm not sure that I have the right answer, and if I did, I doubt many, if any, would accept it.
Besides, I'm neither a Socrates nor a Jesus.
Thanks for the response - it was a good one.
Let this be just the BEGINNING of a tsunami of lawsuits which hopefully will lead to prison sentences. Did they really think they could ambush humanity at large with a Medical Coup Of Mass Destruction and move on as if nothing happened? I want to see heads roll! Thank you, Celia.
I do too. It's UNIMAGINABLY horrific what these people have done. With no end in sight.
It is, beyond! FYI, I am not being allowed to 'Like', only reply.
I too want to see heads roll. In the thousands.
yes! They murdered us.
I am not being 'allowed' to 'Like'.
Yes! I am not being allowed to 'Like'.
Be sure to choose your stadium seating in one of the higher rows ;-)
Yes. Heads rolling would really put a damper on some people's propensity for greed. But, I've always thought that for crimes of treason, as ordained in England in 1283, drawing and then quartering in a public square, by tying each of the four limbs to a different horse and spurring them in different directions, might very well get everyone's attention.
Medicine/science must lose their expert pedestal forever. Both corrupted by peer review and co-ordinated by conspiring professional organisations, via licensing and publishing and funding.
Established narratives are defended NOT scrutinised.
In reality medicine is the WILD WEST, they simply gloss/distract over their lack of education and tick boxes on their indoctrination. Penned or corralled by the years of investment they have made into this charade. They watch dis-ease rates escalate and think ‘this is all good’.
Compare any illness statistic from the 80’s to present. There’s the elephant in the room.
Cv19 was an operation to show how the sickness industry, govt + pHARMa, profits from suffering.
It called a SHOW DOWN.
I just posted this above, but let me re-share here as it seems apropos to your comment here....
Go to any website that does Latin to English translation, and try the following (with intended spaces).
Even Google translate will produce the following result.
Sci enti fic
I used this site -
I’m not surprised, the ability to break language down and analyse it has been deliberately lost.
My mum finished school at 15yrs, beautiful handwriting, could spell, they were taught Latin at her local public school in small town NZ, it was akin to maths and English.
I finished school, never studied a language or history, taught myself to spell eventually as an adult and terrible handwriting...
Between 50s to the 70’s they rewrote the curriculum to dumb us down and haven’t stopped piling on the material that has to be covered so teachers don’t have time to create their own style and subject expertise, making teaching reductive and anti-creative.
Creatives are always looking for ways to do things differently.
All the schools conformed with the cv19 operation, instruction followers teaching our children to be just like them, obedient.
Thank you for sharing the Latin key.
In school, they always teach us to receive information as fact. Incredible, as you highlight, how they strip out all the gristle and fat from the steak.
POTD (post of the day)!
Link to the evil one:
Interesting, Yandex translate gives "Sci fi" .... i.e., "Science fiction". Still fits!
"They should have refused."
Indeed and so should have the doctors and nurses and everyone who was pressured into spouting jab propaganda. Instead they all became good Germans. I hope they are having a hard time living with themselves!
The "Germans" you're referring to were generally anti-Communist.
Anyone still believeing old war propaganda would do themselves a favor and question everything.
“… this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.
If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions…”
Murray Rothbard, Revisionism for Our Time
Mr. Rothbard was Jewish American and an historian of the very highest caliber.
This, too.
“The History of our Revolution will be one continued lie from one end to the other.”
—John Adams Letter to Benjamin Rush, 4 April 1790*
Masons. Right?
The Germans do like following orders as it makes them feel safe. They have done so for a very long time. Part of the problem of living in middle Europe, enemies on all sides.
Everything is corrupt. There is nothing new under the sun.
Go to any website that does Latin to English translation, and try the following (with intended spaces).
Even Google translate will produce the following result.
Sci enti fic
I used this site -
This is how easily they fooled people with their fake medical narrative. they have done it innumerable times before. They needn't change a thing.
As a dual degree M.D. and DAOM (Chinese medical doctor), I can tell you firsthand. ZERO doctors in practice know a thing at all about vaccines. Only the very scant few, that somehow, and for some odd reason, choose to educate themselves on them. This is how they pulled off the plandemic. the medical professionals are eejits. Truly. They are not educated as we should want them to be. I used to interact with innumerable M.D.s, N.D.s, D.O.s, Chiro docs, Chinese docs - none of them know the first thing about vaccines. I promise you this much.
"I can tell you firsthand. ZERO doctors in practice know a thing at all about vaccines. "
I wish more folks knew how true that is. The following is from a very interesting series on the subject from the 50s and 60s. Lear's whole series is worth a read.
“One reason [for the poor training of physicians] is suggested by a paper read by Dr. George W. Dana at a Pharmaceutical Advertising Club Seminar in New York City…in 1959…
‘…A great deal of what these doctors know about these new products, which now constitute the major part of their prescriptions, and for which they are in a position to prescribe so specifically, they have learned from the medical communications of the industry .
‘Thus the doctor has been twice blessed by you. You have created the product, and you have instructed him as to its usage. You are emerging as a dominant influence in postgraduate therapeutics." That the situation is as Dr. Dana described it no one doubts.”
Do We Need a Census of Worthless Drugs?
by John Lear
The Saturday Review, May 7, 1960, pp. 53-57
Excellent work Geoff.
It really is done very simply as these quotes suggest. It is also through controlling the books that physicians will be exposed to while in medical school. Dr. Thomas Levy has a wonderful book on the power of Vitamin C. In his foreword he describes the process of mis-education as it relates to doctors. He relays how the system simply crafts a first edition of, say a book on pathology, then they just keep updating it with subsequent editions. Anyone who has been to university is familiar with 'new' textbooks coming out every so often, and really those books are minimally changed, but the price surely goes way up. I worked at a book store in university and personally witnessed this process.
I also worked as a valet parking attendant during medical school. The money was fantastic, and I could have flash cards on hand from which I could cram information in. It was a very fancy steak house that I worked at. And several nights a week, most weeks in fact, the large banquet room in front, would be rented out by big pharma. Pharma reps would come in, who were always very attractive women, and they would swoon and sway doctors with their fancy dinners, cigars, alcohol, and impressive chests. The entire evening would be comp'd of course.
Thanks and glad you are one of the rare ones who appreciated it. Very little evidence so far that anyone finds it worthwhile.
I have a cousin with an impressive chest and a few other assets who worked as a drug rep and she confirms that your observations about that racket hold water (not that they're questionable in any way!).
I like the rest of your commenst BTW.
Yeah. Started college in my 50’s. Never bought updated ones, especially the books with the CDs placed inside. What a scam.
"science falsely so called"
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: (1Tim 6:20)
Nor about true healthy nutrition and metabolism. Dumber than dirt, most of them.
There is one story that not many of view heard about because no English language mainstream media published it. It happened in Montreal. When the mass vaccination started in January 2021, the nurses were the first to witness first hand what happened to those that took the shots. So, when Quebec like all the other Canadian province implemented the " vaccine mandates" the nurses from Montreal fought back and said no. Guess what happened next? The premier organized a big press conference with all the mainstream media to make a big announcement. The conference was in French, and I listened the the entire conference because it was absolutely fascinating! What did the premier of Quebec declared? " We will not be implementing vaccine mandates because we can't afford it. Because if we were to do that our entire medical system will collapse. We can't just fire 25,000 nurses because the cost will be too great. Then one reporter asked how is it possible to let 25,000 unvaccinated nurses work? Isn't that dangerous for those who are in hospital and already sick? Aren't they going to kill them? This is what the premier answered: if we fire 25,000 nurses today, I can guarantee you that many more people will die, more than you can imagine, so it's a risky bet to take. This is from what I recall from the press conference. The most interesting part is that we never heard anything about people dying because of nurses that refused to take the covid shots. I have a friend who was working in a nursing home at the time, and was ready to give up her job than to take the shots. Do you know what she told me? That once the mass vaccination started people started dying suddenly or getting sick with covid and ending up in the hospital. There were just too many not to see the direct results of mass vaccination.
I heard from a colleague that Sunnybrook in Toronto also did not mandate the jabs for the same reason
Wow! Wow!
Primetime media mouthpieces are just highly paid frauds. They deserve scorn and derision because they will always be eager to play that lucrative and self important role.
All part and parcel of the grand buildup to the 'Satanic' Deep State narrative. They must and will burn it into the retinas of as many as possible. Then they can create the necessary feelings of intense indignation and people will seek redemption. They need the public to demand it, and then the great 'savior' will be brought in. Trump. An event that is preordained to happen. (Trump looked to the sky and declared he is the chosen one, after all).
They desperately want the public to align all of this evil with 'Satanism', so that they run to the false light. Look at other professional propagandists like Russell Brand, JP Sears, Candace Owens (and many others), all converting to Christianity/Catholicism in lock step.
Regarding Russell Brand's conversion, I will also highlight this. Now, it could be that many readers here will not have experience with cryptography/'numerology' (gematria), but this is absolutely how occultists work. Russell Brand gets baptized on April 28th, which is the 119th day of they year; you might think of 9/11 being done on Sept. 11th. This 'coincidence' (April 28th) is hugely significant, and shows his true allegiance.
A couple other examples of cryptography being their MO - WW1 ends on November 11th, at 11:00am. 11/11/11. The Americans enter WW2 on June 6th, at 6:00am. 6/6/6. This is how occultists operate, always; and it holds great significance.
Agree completely. Today I was working on a section of the Dr. James Thorp book , (still being edited) about nurse Michelle Spencer, (formerly Gershon.) She blew the whistle, in 2022, about the mass deaths of babies on the labor and delivery ward in CA where she worked. Well, they did not fire her but they did withhold her Christmas bonus. Guess what the amount was? $6,666.
Every nurse but her got one.
They're so disgusting.
That's ghastly.
The first Apple computer was sold for $666.66.
Occultists, all of them. Disgusting.