What hogwash! Obama bleating about no place for political violence? What is killing innocent civilians by drone? What is unleashing Biden on Ukraine? What is the utter denial of genocide in Palestine? These political degenerates think they can fool the people all the time. People are waking up.

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Government = gaslighting.

Exactly, as you stated. Its all ridiculousness. Nothing in the world is more violent than the U.S. 'government'.

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Objection! ..The British Empire is much more violent than the Colonials

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The line between the two nations blurs but if you were to factor in who has the older history of oppression that Britain wins.

Teflon Don ! I don't like ya much but glad you'll live on.

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To promote more vaccines and boost the genocidal Israel ..BRAVO!

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Maybe his former relationship with Putin will get us out of Ukraine, the new Israel. Maybe. If so, expect more 'bullets'. His base will finally wake up should he "promote". I think he'll go neutral on the jabs but won't prosecute pharma either. RFK has displayed verbal fealty toward Israel too but unlike Trump he hasn't borrowed large sums of moola from The House of Rothschild. I'm voting twice for Kennedy.

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That's the spirit...all sins are cured after commission, by the rolling vote circus.

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Like father, like son or the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

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Was! It no longer exists.

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Government in general. Corruption has infiltrated most if not all governments.

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What about his cook, an excellent swimmer in top shape, who "drowned" in Obama's pond while secret service looked on. More like WAS drowned.

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One of Obama's neighbors and mentors was Bill Ayers & his equally radical consort Bernadine Dorhn. They were the cofounders of the Weather Underground a spin off of the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) because the SDS was not violent enough for them. So they turned their beliefs into action and blew up lots of stuff and have an impressive body count for their efforts. They lived the rhetoric by actually blowing stuff up and getting people killed. Of course they let the foot soldiers do the dirty work so they could retire to Academia & teach our kids to be lunatics. That's justice for ya. So I'm thinking that having a Bill Ayers as a mentor is not because you're against violence. Anyone notice how "the great uniter" got us back to feeling like it is the nineteen sixties all over again? Back to race riots the works. Just when we were all starting to put those ugly days behind us.

Can't believe so many people fell for it. You hear these people say "I voted for Obama" and are sincerely hurt when he showed his true colors. People are such suckers. One thing a bi-racial man is going to know how to do is hide his true feelings. Pretend like he likes you when the fact is he's barely keeping the lid on a life time of seething resentment. If you are going to move freely in both worlds you need to learn to hide what you truly feel. But the voters pretended that going to the "god dam America" church for twenty years said nothing about his true feelings.

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I was going to add and what about your Chef?

Blood is their elixir adrenochrome is their ambrosia.

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Some read the New York times and the Washington Post and believe this is the truth and they will never wake up. And like they said Trump said, I could shoot someone in the middle of New York City and you would still vote for me. This is another projection of their mode of operation.

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Don't put your house on it.

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Call me crazy, but I’m a wee bit skeptical about this event.

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The way the Secret Service snipers waited too long to take out the shooter makes me think it was an inside job. Bongino doesn't trust them.

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I don't trust Bongino...do you ?

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I trust his subordination 100%

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If it's real ..I'll vote for the shooter for POTUS

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Some might label your statement "hate speech", but in my opinion it's more accurately described as moron speech. Or maybe troll speech. It's hard to tell.

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And I understand your limits in spotting a staged event.

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That’s because you’re blinded by the media narrative and don’t understand that they don’t want to tell you the news; they want to tell you what to think.

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Are you sure or just positive?

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

WTAF? You'll vote for a 20 year old would-be assassin? The mentally-ill assassin of a man that tens of millions of people love? A "loner" that could find no other way to relate to humanity?

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Well, he has all the credentials for a make-believe assassin.

Young, a three-word name, a loner, and his entire CV presented by the MSM..

.. What's not to love?

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well his brains are all over the shop so he's not eligible to stand for the office. they have biden on offer with similar mental state if that's what you want though

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Not crazy at all. I immediately thought the same thing. Can we take anything on our national political stage at face value? I myself now suspect there is puppetry involved in every event, even when there is none.

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When they were willing to unleash the COVID plandemic to stop him and ruinkill the lives and fortunes of millions in the process why would anyone expect ANY lunatic thing would be off the table? When they have an agenda whatever it takes is what is on the table to accomplish it.

I know, it's crazy to suspect that the 2019 event 201 war game to simulate C19 plandemic that actually happened a few months hence had anything to do with the fact that Trump was poised to win in a landslide. If nothing else it made mail in ballots the most corruptible of all methods a mandate. Same way it is crazy to think that they'd be war gaming 9/11 on the same day and moments 9/11 was going down. Followed by the Patriot Act and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Yup. It's crazy to ever suspect that anything would be a coordinated inside job. Even when it is. Because "our public servants would never do that"

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Unfortunately, same here.

I saw the headline about this Trump story but have not read beyond that.

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The only thing to be skeptical about is the lethargy & incompetence of the police. When they admit incompetence it usually means nefarious deeds. Exactly the same thing happened happened for the assassination of Japan ex-PM Shinzo Abe and the attempt on Slovakian PM Robert Fico recently.

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I am 100%. It doesn't wash.

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The blood will wash of more easily than the black die on Rudy Guilianis' sideburns.

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?!? What part doesn't wash?

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All of it, from the convenient Antifa shooter to the crowd's weird reaction. But I am a student of Dave McGowan's. So the first thing I do is ask questions.

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But are you aware that Dave McGowan is high-level controlled opposition?

When the one REAL event happened, the moon landings, they pushed out a number of operatives to encourage those who disbelieve them - mostly with very good reason - to disbelieve the moon landings Boy-Who-Cried-Wolf style.

In the debunking of the first two parts of Wagging the Moondoggie what is abundantly clear is that Dave knows full well the moon landings happened and is very selectively choosing his information as well as making actual falsehoods.

This is from the debunking of Part 1 of Wagging the Moondoggie. If you have better information, please let me know.


"The first thing that I discovered was that the Soviet Union, right up until the time that we allegedly landed the first Apollo spacecraft on the Moon, was solidly kicking our ass in the space race. It wasn’t even close. The world wouldn’t see another mismatch of this magnitude until decades later when Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini came along. The Soviets launched the first orbiting satellite, sent the first animal into space, sent the first man into space, performed the first space walk, sent the first three-man crew into space, was the first nation to have two spacecraft in orbit simultaneously, performed the first unmanned docking maneuver in space, and landed the first unmanned probe on the Moon."


Now we begin. Basically a highly inaccurate statement. America was behind by a few months on all the Soviet achievements. However, they began to forge ahead in all the relevant milestones. First orbital rendezvous, first docking, first extended EVA etc. In addition, the Soviets were experiencing major setbacks with their heavy launch vehicle N1.

"Everything the U.S. did, prior to actually sending a manned spacecraft to the Moon, had already been done by the Soviets, who clearly were staying at least a step or two ahead of our top-notch team of imported Nazi scientists. The smart money was clearly on the Soviets to make it to the Moon first, if anyone was to do so. Their astronauts had logged five times as many hours in space as had ours. And they had a considerable amount of time, money, scientific talent and, perhaps most of all, national pride riding on that goal."


This is basically either very poor research or a lie. America were well ahead in the Moon landing race. The Soviets also had their own “imported Nazi scientists”! Poisoning the well.

"And yet, amazingly enough, despite the incredibly long odds, the underdog Americans made it first. And not only did we make it first, but after a full forty years, the Soviets apparently still haven’t quite figured out how we did it. The question that is clearly begged here is a simple one: Why is it that the nation that was leading the world in the field of space travel not only didn’t make it to the Moon back in the 1960s, but still to this day have never made it there? Could it be that they were just really poor losers? I am imagining that perhaps the conversation over in Moscow’s equivalent of NASA went something like this:"


Meaningless rhetoric and expanding on his poor research/probable lie. Multiple begging the question. The absence of reoccurrence is not evidence of a hoax.

"Boris: Comrade Ivan, there is terrible news today: the Yankee imperialists have beaten us to the Moon. What should we do?

Ivan: Let’s just shit-can our entire space program.

Boris: But comrade, we are so close to success! And we have so much invested in the effort!

Ivan: Fuck it! If we can’t be first, we aren’t going at all.

Boris: But I beg of you comrade! The moon has so much to teach us, and the Americans will surely not share with us the knowledge they have gained.

Ivan: Nyet!"


Meaningless rhetoric.

"In truth, the entire space program has largely been, from its inception, little more than an elaborate cover for the research, development and deployment of space-based weaponry and surveillance systems. The media never talk about such things, of course, but government documents make clear that the goals being pursued through space research are largely military in nature. For this reason alone, it is inconceivable that the Soviets would not have followed the Americans onto the Moon for the sake of their own national defense."


Meaningless rhetoric. Bare assertion. What he classes as inconceivable was the result of numerous explosions of the Soviet heavy launch vehicle N1.

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The funniest part is that you chose the "debunking" that didn't. McGowan included a lot of factual data and you miss all of it here (it's a long series). You only included his artistic license parts where he is a funny guy. For me, that's the bonus with all the other factual stuff he presents. I have not seen any debunking of his series that is fact-based. Just vitriol.

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In fact, there is factual data in Parts 1 and 2 which constitutes cherry-picking or lying by omission.

I always keep an open mind so can you give an example? I have asked for an example before but no one has ever provided one.

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Nice cherry-picking!

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Qui bono? Is that the right term?

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Cui Sonny Bono...

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Cherly you must be kidding?

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I am not pro bono....

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the question then becomes...'are you pro-chastity' ?


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Come and see me if you want enforced chastity.

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I can't stand the little Irish prancer either

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Anna Nicole Smith RIP

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It SEEMS Trump benefits more from "miraculously surviving" than the "other side" would if he actually was killed. His popularity went up with the Justice Dept. grand inquisitions. It should only increase even more with the sympathy factor here.

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Did anyone see the botoxed bonce of Alec Baldwin in the crowd?

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No- but I saw two of the tramps from the train yards @ Dealey Plaza- or was it cheech and chong, or johnny depp and his bandmate....?

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I concur.🤔

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funny- I just re-watched 'blue velvet' a couple nights ago...

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Agreed! Way to sketchy how the SS didn't see this guy on a rooftop with no trees or anything blocking the view? Give me a break! #insidejob!!

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Same here.

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IMO one thing is for sure. The inability to believe ANYTHING including your lying eyes and ears means they're winning. That 5th gen warfare they talk about where you can no longer discern truth or identify the enemy even when you see it feel it touch it smell it with your own senses.. Yup it's staged. Or maybe not? Who knows? Your mom may be your sister or you might not be the gender you thought you were? Everything is up for debate all the time.

Keeps the peeps divided conquered and distracted.

Point is, when they have us unable to trust or believe ANYTHING they are winning

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Yep, it's Tamuldic. The world has become the Great Debate Society and there will be no declared winner.

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Bullshit. They're winning at lying and you're a dumbass if you believe liars.

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I'm assuming that is sarcasm but not sure. But will go with that.

IMO It kind of cements the point I'm trying to make. TOTAL demoralization is part of the agenda. When you get people to the point they utterly can't believe their senses or anything they see or think and they can't have any confidence that their gut instinct to take a stand or take action makes any difference I think at that point you're far along the way to controlling a demoralized population.

It feels like your response was saying "confidence or trust in yourself is as futile as total apprehension and lack of confidence. Either way you will lose. Just keep your head down, try not to notice or have an opinion, and most important, do nothing & be invisible else you'll be chosen to lose first and biggest

That is kind of what I was trying to say, complete demoralization and destruction of the will to even care works well to control people

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OK. Thanks for the clarification. Obviously it is I who doesn't trust because I never really know how to interpret things. Once again I've been caught over thinking things.

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mzlizzi - it was not staged, but it may have been a planned inside job.

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totally staged

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LOL, Charlie Hebro

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I hope you detected my sarcasm.

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I thought it was irony.

...Now that's sarcasm.


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there are a lot of 'made for t.v.' moments in this spectacle,

(pure theater- a la Grand-Guignol)

I especially like the low angle shots of Trump fist-bumping the air (with old glory on a pole in the background) while the cadre of SS agents support him - echoes of 'raft of the medusa' by delacroix, and the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima by Genaust...fwiw

(with a dash of Van Gogh...! )


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It forms a pyramidal structure...

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Squib from hat to ear?

How does a bullet graze Trump's ear yet not hit anyone or anything near a spectator?

Who is that guy in the picture behind Trump who is wearing a grey hat and glasses? This guy has appeared in other pictures in the same location from years ago. He was being ridiculously touted as being JFK Jr, and that's why I remember him and his costume.

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Other people were hit.

A woman who was seated directly behind Trump is dead. Physician at the scene said that brain matter was scattered. So she is most certainly dead.

One other person in the crowd was seriously injured as well.

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Thanks. I thought that the other hits were near the shooter.

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No. The shooter most folks are referring to was on the roof of a metal building outside of the periphery of the crowd, about 200 yards from Trump. There are reports of another shooter positioned in bleachers within the rally crowd, but I'm not spending any time to determine whether those reports are true. There will be a myriad of people examining every facet of this during the next few weeks, so we're sure to hear about all the possibilities.

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Welcome :)

You may enjoy this, Russia has spoken out in regards to this attack on Trump, with a bang actually....


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You think they care about Pleb deaths? really?

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Trump is someone who is for peace. Not a lot of them around anymore, hence their value.

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He sent more drones than Obama, supplied weapans to the Saudi’s to bomb Yemen, continued to bomb Syria, tried to coup Venezuela and killed Iranian general. He also supports genocide of Gaza. Trump is a war criminal and no peacemaker . WTFU

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Under Obama a bomb was dropped almost every 20min for 8 YEARS. No way Trump was in Obama's league.

And Obama's policy of bombing Arab countries Libya, Syria, and Yemen was one that Trump continued based on advice of his military. Was it wrong, absolutely. But it was Obama's policies that he continued, not that he created.

The Venezuela coup and Iranian assassination IMO were CIA hits, he went along with them. Was that a right thing to do, no. Did he mastermind them, I doubt it. And as the Iranian assassination took place when he was hosting Xi I doubt he had anything at all to do with it. He decided to take credit for it rather than look like he didn't control the CIA/military. Could be wrong.

I am 100% against his support of Israel, I see them as a rogue nation that needs to be charged with genocide and forced to return much of the land they have stolen. Can I change his mind, I doubt it.

But is he the best on offer, IMO yes. He made mistakes during his first term, trusted people who were traitors to him and to the country. I believe he will do a lot better in a second term.

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He already told the Israel ‘s to finish the genocide of the Gazan’s. such a man of peace he is. lol

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Trump promised to end those wars and lied. He then started a war against the American people with Operation Warp Speed and lockdowns. He is no peacemaker.

If he so incompetent to hire such advisors, he is definitely not qualified to be president.

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An update, this is info on a man who was in the stands that were adjacent to Trump's platform.

Local firefighter, may he rest in peace.


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OMG!! I noticed the same guy!!!

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I wonder if any readers here know who that guy is. Likely some government agent, but that is only speculation on my part.

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Probably did hit someone. Could easily pass between someone. You're grasping at straws.

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I do realize that the death could have been staged. It would not have been the first time. We don't have enough information yet.

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If and MD said that brain matter of a woman in back of Trump was splattered, I would tend to believe that MD.

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I 'predicted' this on previous articles posted by Celia within the past few weeks, in the comments section. How did I know this would happen.....?

I also shared that this would happen on several other Substacks (you can find one such post at Armageddon Prose/Ben Bartee's Substack, dated June 29th) - people, come on....this was all hoaxed 100%.

As I previously stated - they (the elite) are following a Biblical narrative, quite precisely. Following a script, as in script-ure (from the Bible). As such, Trump was to be attacked so that they can build him up into the messiah role. Just like the Jesus narrative played out. Same same. There are various other events that will now unfold in lock step.

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Yes, a number of people have mentioned an "assassination" would happen. If you're not ASSUMING this was staged from the getgo you really don't have any idea.

My post whose purpose is to showcase a video made by eyevolution on YouTube analysing the Tarot, astrological and numerological elements in the 2017 cover of The Economist, published a week before the 2016 election, where they clearly TELL us that Trump is going to be president twice - the second time coming back as "Messiah". I could just give the link to the video but I think my post provides a good intro because the two short videos are pretty packed.


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Just a shame they won't follow the Messiah script verbatim ..and nail The Don up between two thieves.

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The donnie worship is only going to increase by his pied piper followers.

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Amazon.com: Migi Donald Trump Hat with Hair 2020 Wig Visor Keep America Great MAGA Hat USA Cap Red


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What! ..no red clown nose?

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You don't seem very savvy with the internet. Or perhaps you've been huffing that metallic paint again.

On June 29th I said:

"It has everything to do with subliminal messages. Many other media outlets with similar coverage. Now this all seems to be about Joe Biden and his performance in last Thursday's debate with Donald Trump, or meandering at a skydiving moment, but subliminal messages are not about the overtly discussed message, but rather the unconsciously programmed message.

Even the assassination will be hoaxed. It is the requisite step to the rise of Trump as the world's Messiah. The 'elite' are following a Biblical script, very precisely. We're getting much closer to all of this kicking off."

Again - its at the Substack I referenced above.

hang in there!

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The latest line that they all are repeating is, "there is no place for political violence in our democratic system." This is an obvious ploy because political violence is the name of the game then we keep playing.

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:… and we don’t live in a democratic system .

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Celia, you have done a great job compiling all these posts, thank you! I was on Truth Social staying abreast of things. I am banned on TwiX still.

Elon is right, there was something fishy about this. The shooter was pointed out to the Secret Service several minutes before, but they did nothing. Then the Secret Service sniper on the roof near Trump took out the shooter AFTER the shooter got shots off that could have killed Trump.

By divine protection, he only had an ear wound.

Prayers for the attendee killed.

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Where did you learn that the Secret Service had a sniper on a roof top?

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There's a video. Sage Hana has it. They have snipers on a roof. He heard the shots and appears to duck and pull his gun down before firing.

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Thanks. I'm assuming that the video is on Sage Hana's substack?

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The link you posted appears to have two shooters/snipers on it. The forward one with the high tripod and a guy in back of him in more of a prone position, who extends one of his legs rearward when the front sniper starts shooting. The front sniper is shooting a high caliber automatic on semiautomatic which also has a suppressor. I would guess he shooting the shooter who shot at Trump.

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Thanks. This link appears to show the dead shooter on top of the beige metal building:


Can't see his rifle.

Tomorrow, I'll have to read all of the related comments on the Sage Hana substack.

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It’s all theatre and we are being played. 😟

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Lotta hot takes out there right now.... Inside job?


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100% staged. See my comment below.

P.S. - Tucker and 100 other people outright said this was going to happen. Even Biden said something like...its time to put Trump in the crosshairs - he JUST said this days ago. Now he's leading with, 'there's no room for violence in this country.'

In 2017, as I have stated numerous times, in NYC the theatrical performance of Julius Caesar played out and the character looked EXACTLY like Trump. Here is the clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qfzqBr1qh0

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You mean 100% another CIA special, assassinate anyone who stands in the way of Bankster total power.

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"et tu brute ... I am killed and cut in two bits" :-)

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United States of Kabuki theater.

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Trump IS ALSO deep state.

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More likely YOU are a deep state sockpuppet.

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"Our democracy".... the Build, Back better folks love to keep saying our democracy is at risk, our democracy will fail, etc, etc... Guess what... when they say our democracy they are talking about what they want to build... The USA is a Constitutional Republic, or at least it was and was always meant to be.... Democracy always leads to tyranny and that is what OUR DEMOCRACY means to those who use it... it heralds the tyranny they want to put into place.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

“The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign.” —Elon Musk

Musk is absolutely right: The Secret Service is either incompetent or complicit. Secret Service snipers should have be positioned on the rooftop of every building overlooking the rally Remember the Secret Service walking away from JFK's vehicle just prior to JFK being assassinated. They have proven over the years that they are worthless when it come to stopping such assassinations. Trump should be provided more than sufficient taxpayer money to hire his own protection, including snipers.

Now that the deep state has screwed up so badly on this assassination attempt, I will have to agree with the commenter that they will now attempt to kill Trump by causing his plane to crash; or they will somehow bomb him or poison him. They will not stop until Trump is dead. - I'm predicting this, while not being a Trump supporter (been there; done that). I'm more interested in RFK, Jr. , although, I expect the deep state would also attempt to kill him. And, I'm including Obama with the deep state. We know Obama has been running the show.

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Obama, like the Clintons, are Rockefeller puppets. And the CIA is the enforcement agency for the Rockefeller crime syndicate.

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Thanks. I've never heard that relationship stated so precisely.

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And so it begins, with the shop-worn "Lone-Nut-No-One-Could-Have-Predicted-or-Prevented” ploy and the shooter as per, is now conveniently dead. I suspect this was done to scare him.

And if it doesn't, it won't be the last attempt: They won't stop until they're successful, and obviously they can't even be bothered to make it look like an accident. 🤔

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I very much doubt this was done to scare Trump. It was done with the intention of killing him. - No sniper, using an ordinary semi-automatic rifle, and ordinary ammunition, is consistent enough at 200 yards to be able to hit a person's ear and be certain to not hit the cranium. You obviously have not shot much.

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Are you sure he was grazed by a bullet? There’s simply no way to know if there was even a bullet. We just don’t know

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Then, when some of the rally attendees saw a shooter on a roof, and rifle shots were heard, and Trump put his hand up by his neck and blood was seen on his face, and the photos show a wound on his ear's tragus, how do explain the wound? Do you think that one of the secret service agents bit him?

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I really don’t know what happened. I didn’t see any of that. Are you saying that could not be staged? They convinced most ppl (including me) that the Twin Towers AND Tower 7 were taken down by two planes. It could be real or not. Have you ever seen someone get shot in the head and not be shaken? I do not know and I cannot know

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You need to go on vacation.

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Consider the orchestrated lunacy of the past 4 years we've all lived through worldwide, Edmond: Literally anything is possible.

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Hi Roy. Yes. What struck me was that the shooter did hit Trump's ear from that distance with what should be an ordinary rifle...later stated to be an AR-15. That's a pretty good shot at 200 yards, if that was really the distance. Trump was one lucky individual. If the shooter had gone for a chest shot, rather than the head shot, Trump's current medical condition might be quite different. A shot aimed at the heart, but striking the thorax two or three inches to the left, could have hit the aorta.

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It's (as usual) all very curious... I was watching Mike Adams take on it (https://www.brighteon.com/000158ff-6d4c-4b65-bb04-a4cbd137b47b) what piqued my curiosity, was hearing several shots going off... none of which seemed to have struck anyone in the crowd behind Mr. Trump... 🤔

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Beyond doing the basic qualifying course on the FN-C1A1 7.62mm rifle (The West's answer to the AK-47) in the Canadian military, I have to agree with you: I haven't shot much. (https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/fn-c1-self-loading-rifle)

I wrote the above comment before I'd gathered even what facts were available from the Mainstream Media. I didn't know the shooter had (purportedly) managed to wing his ear.

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What would you have me say? Of course this obscenity began years if not decades ago. It's just that now maybe...MAYBE... the pinheads will start to notice.🤔

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He will have to read his CIA talking points list in order to answer that question.

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They're not smart enough...🙄

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Only the Lord knows how the woke media will spin this thing. My heart aches for this country and for all who haven't trusted in Jesus completed work on the cross for the sin debt they owe. I will try to sleep with a heavy and weary heart.💔

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Here's the hard evidence the entire thing was staged af.


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Agreed...something is amiss.

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What an egotistical dumbass. The obvious explanation, which dumbo can't fathom, is to some degree the SS was involved in the shooting. Like JFK assassination. Dumbo going to tell us that was staged too. Oh I know, JFK is still alive and living in Tahiti.

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The culprit's last name 'coincidentally' is Crooks.


Good luck with your chosen ignorance. No skin off my back.

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Wow! That explains it. Grasping at straws much.

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