Virolgy is garbage science just like climate science and quantum theory. Every single person that went through school trusting papers is no different than those that believe in religious prophets. I'm done with this blind belief from atheists and theists. https://drsambailey.com/2022/01/05/why-nobody-can-find-a-virus/

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What's up with quantum theory, what part specifically? Or all of it?

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For me, it went awry with Einstein's idea that a quantum is a particle. Up to then it was great.

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The phrase "a quantum is a particle" doesn't make any sense to me, I don't know what it could possibly mean, and so cannot see why Einstein would claim this. If you're referring to Einstein's papers on Brownian motion and the photoelectric effect (which pertain to the existence of atoms and photons respectively), these were both in 1905, 20 years before what is now called quantum theory was developed by de Broglie, Heisenberg, Schrödinger and so on. So hard to see how your statement makes sense at all.

Seems to me there is enough nonsense floating around in 2022 without needing to fire arrows at things we know nothing about. My tolerance for BS is getting lower and in particular don't like to see it in these pages where more attempt is made than most places to speak the truth.

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I misunderstood your question to be out of curiosity. Since I hardly intended to hijack a discussion about Peter Duesberg, I’d have said nothing if I’d realised you were gatekeeping. However, since you asked, it’s the photoelectric effect paper I was referring to. Einstein’s idea that the emitted quantum travels as a point-like particle is at the root of every bit of the suggested ‘weirdness’ of QM, has spawned, among others, possibly the most ridiculous theory in science, the Many Worlds Interpretation and helped to create an environment for the popularisation of pseudoscience and junk mysticism which probably contributed to the stupefaction of the general public that allowed their beliefs be led by charlatans like Gallo and Fauci.

This video isn’t where my view on the photon began but the experiment it describes is a clear falsification of the photon model even if the experimenter didn’t realise it and bought a mealymouthed explanation for his observations from an expert. The unacknowledged misidentification of an event as an entity is foreshadowed in the discussion from about 4 minutes where he acknowledges that the photon cannot be confined and then segues into describing the localised detection event. The experiment itself is excellently designed and executed.


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It's possible infectious "viruses" really do exit. But I agree there's no real scientific proof that they do. Another great site is viroLIEgy.com:


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Your essay is so brilliant. I heard that Duesberg recently had a stroke. I hope that he recovers fully and speedily. I hope this is not a misstep; I took the liberty of conveying some typos as they can be hard for the author to spot.

When anueploidy, or genetic instability>aneuploidy

35,00 genes> 35,000

but carcinogens my or may not>may

rip the chromosome pars apart>pairs

acknowledged that anueploidy is “important.”> aneuploidy

It had so many social implication>s

something..when all the dust settles>…

Max Planck Institute for Virus research>capitalize?

Peter does have a part of his personality that invites these attcks.> attacks

None agreed to an interview; Some> capitalize?

litigating against GlaxoSmithCline>


even killed people who too the anti-AIDS drug AZT> took

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Adria, I made all of the corrections except the last 3, as it took time to find them and I don't know how to search for words on Substack. Next innovation--will learn this. Anyway, it's about 85% done, and thank you again.

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Thank you Adria! I am blind to typos. (And much else!) Always appreciate help. You're very gracious.

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I find it hard to believe that you’re blind to anything important. (Perhaps you are a contemporary John Milton…) I find that you are a visionary and an inspiration.

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I concur! xx

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Wow. Thank you. Real journalism is such a gift now.

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this is absolutely amazing reporting. I am 54 and was studying biochem in college and grad school in the late 1980s and 1900s when this all happened. I remember being aware of this whole controversy. Many of us students felt that it was perfectly ligit to question the dogma and orthodoxy as that what science was supposed to be all about. But we were just students and had no power. I ended up in medicine and I've watched as politics and corporate cronyism have swallowed up scientific ethics

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Another homerun hit out of the park, Celia, perhaps another Magnum Opus?

I'm hurt vicariously on behalf of Peter Duesberg who is one of a handful of giants in his field who carries the truth like a sword. Bravo! A nearly unsung hero champion.

A long long read but thank you Celia , you have done Herr Duesberg justice and gave us clarity.

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Duesberg was always a hero to me, back in the late 1980s/early 1990s when I first discovered him. There was so much AIDS hysteria back then, even amongst heterosexuals. For me, Duesberg shattered *enough* of the AIDS hoax to liberate my mind.

Yes I was troubled by hearing these recent comments by Dr Cowan and Dr Lanka.... But I understand where this is coming from, especially in the case of Dr Lanka, who had pretty much figured out the truth about viruses by mid 1990s.

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I’d never heard of Professor Duesberg, or even knew there was any question about HIV virus before 2020 and Covid. Reading Duesberg’s book was definitely my red pill moment.

There’s also a fascinating Joe Rogan podcast with Duesberg from 2012, still up for now on Spotify.


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Here’s to red pilling ourselves 🥂

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I’ve had same experience. I was not aware there was ever a question of HIV/AIDS. Celia’s article in 2020 about Mullis/Corona Simulation Machine was the first step for me. My reading since then has been enlightening & unsettling, to say the least.

That, along with witnessing the C19 circus has forever changed my view (and blind trust) of doctors, pharmaceuticals, & “health experts.”

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This is the writing that forms the heart of RFK Jr.'s book.

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Huh??? "It is now de rigeur among “virology is a sham” converts to throw Duesberg to the scrapheap of history, but I insist they are both myopic and ungenerous in their assessments. I’m too drained to even cite who I’m speaking of. But this is definitely a trend that has been trending for about 25 years and is peaking yet again. "

I read this paragraph about 5 times and still can't make sense out of it. Virology is based on the presumption that these "particles" are pathogenic. The very word comes from classic Latin meaning "slimy liquid venom." What is the difference between a virus and an exosome? Essentially the former causes a transmittable disease and the later is a positive adjunct to the immune system. Viruses cannot be properly isolated yet exosomes, being presumably similar particles in the 200 nanometer range, can. The two heroes of this article, Duesberg and Rappoport, shout that viruses are not pathogenic, Duesberg, being a careful researcher specifically referring to retroviruses, and Rappoport, to viruses in general. In my opinion, the "field" of virology has been so throughly corrupted from the very start, that yes, it should be discredited and thrown on the dustbin of scientific history. This does not mean that these particles should not be continued to be studied in a fair and dispassionate way not designed to enrich the coffers of Big Pharma by trillions and terrorized the public into a brain dead paralysis allowing them to be impoverished and sicken or executed by venomous "vaccines."

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I have no idea what your objection is. Please state your objection clearly so I can answer it. I am arguing AGAINST the degradation/downvoting of Peter Duesberg that has again cropped up, via Dr. Tom Cowan (who I admire) stating that Peter Duesberg, in his assessment, did "more harm than good," because he didn't turn against virology on the whole. My counter-argument has only just begun, but I begin by invoking the AZT part of the war alone. On that alone, as a chemist, using utter clarity, deferring ZERO to the politics of the time, Duesberg "saved" many, many lives. By blockading the HIV totalitarians with his "emperor has no clothes," (HIV is barely in cells and harmless) classical argumentation, he helped countless people, mostly gay men, break the psychic death spell. Another huge win. He held classical standards in US science at a time when industry and woke-ism was corrupting all standards and turning them against scientists.

I could go on.

You are talking about virology, as a construct. I am talking about the effect of Peter Duesberg, on America, and on the world.

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There is no difference in our general attitude. However, my criticism relates to the quote at the top of my original comment. Virology is a sham, and that is what my comment expresses. The leading advocates of that opinion, which include Rappoport, Cowan, and Kaufman, to the best of my knowledge have never disparaged Duesberg's work.

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Ok so then what I need to do is locate the interview with Tom Cowan in which he categorically stated that Peter Duesberg did more harm than good all told. That was what I was referring to.

In terms of the "no virus exists" history, the first to deconstruct the existence of "HIV" were Perth Group, and their first paper was published by ("Duesbergian") Dr. Harvey Bialy, in Bio/Technology. I wrote it up and will find it. This history is very tangled, unexpected, and complex.


Virology is a HUGE misunderstanding. Best explained by Janine Roberts in "Fear of The Invisible."

Have you read that book? I knew her well. I want everybody to read that book. Everything about this whole thing is getting more and more distorted by the minute.

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Well said: “virology is a huge misunderstanding.”

Viruses/exosomes can’t cause anything because they are inert information packets.

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I disagree with Cowan on that score. By stating that this retrovirus was not pathogenic and implying that HIV causing AIDS was a hoax perpetrated by the extreme psychopaths Gallo and Fauci and their handlers, thus causing the deaths of millions around the world with the DNA terminator AZT, I believe that Duesberg did far more good than harm. Each to their own.

In my opinion, retroviruses are part of the field of epigenetics and allow a species to adapt genetically to a change of environment that traditional Darwinian theory.

Yes, I read Robert's book and have it sitting on my highly reduced bookshelf after my expatriation.

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I disagree about each to their own. I feel I must object on behalf of the true history of this whole damned thing, when this "Duesberg did more harm than good" trend emerges. Or am I just "too sensitive?" Or too didactic?

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Apr 4, 2022Edited
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I upvoted your comment, but just to set the record straight for the microbiological less informed, tetanus is caused by an anaerobic rod shaped bacterium, not a purported virus.

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I should have included Stefan Lanka.

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Your writing style really held my attention as did your article on Kary Mullis a couple of years ago. Normally, typos drive me away from a writer but, for some reason, even they were incapable of knocking my concentration.

I felt like I knew Dr Duesberg by the time I reached your conclusion.

Thank you so much!

** Incidentally - this discussion may interest you!


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In my nutrition thesis on AIDS and food that can help with the condition, I wrote a lot about Peter Duesberg. The two people I interviewed for the paper agree that AZT kills and they stopped taking it. I hope he recovers quickly and fully from the stroke.

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Yes, let's keep in our prayers a prayer for Peter's continued and full recovery. I was told by a friend who knows him better than I do that Peter Duesberg is Catholic. I found this fascinating. I can't believe I never asked him! But once when he was telling me he was relieved that Harper's did not run with the version of the article that was just about him, he referred to "The Passion of Peter Duesberg" as a story about him "...carrying the cross to Golgotha." That doesn't make him Catholic--I know.

Both of his parents were MDs in Nazi Germany, and my understanding is they were never...into it. Maybe they resisted strategically? Not sure.

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Yes, what they did to Duesberg is just the same as what they're doing to thousands of doctors and scientists today. In his book, Inventing the AIDS Virus, which everyone should read to understand much more about the history of medicine and the corrupt NIH/CDC/FDA etc that is not discussed today, he explained how they re-defined AIDS to only occur where HIV was detected and any AIDS was re-categorized as some other disease. That way, they had "proved" AIDS was caused by HIV because it was by definition always there. Re-definition = proof with the new "scientific method" they invented.

Blaming him for misinformation or causing deaths of AIDS sufferers was a tragic and criminal act that prevented people from understanding all that he had to share. That a "consensus" of scientists disagreed with him is just like the "consensus" of paid shills for big Pharma today who are responsible for millions of deaths through their non-treatment negligence of suffering patients and then the genetic injection warfare on the people in the guise of a "vaccine."

Duesberg also explained something nobody is talking about: the secret agents of the NIH who go on to work elsewhere as a network of public health officers throughout the country. THEY know their connections but the people have no idea they are working together to speak with one voice representing the CDC/FDA/NIH/big Pharma.

Thanks for reminding people of Duesberg's valuable work. That "they" say they have "discredited" him only shows how corrupt they all are. They're responsible for NO real scientific work being done to explore other -- other than HIV which leads nowhere -- explanations of the AIDS cases which include various causes which Dr Duesberg so carefully explained in his book.

It is astounding that "they" can ignore the devastating effects of the chronic harmful drug abuse of the homosexual population ("Poppers") and other drugs that destroy their health, as well as other aspects of what goes into destroying one's immune system (multiple STDs repeatedly contracted year after year). One has to be willfully blind to not understand that what these behaviors do to the immune system do contribute to the AIDS cases, and more than contribute, directly cause it in a large percentage of sufferers.

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Ron, searing comment--thank you! A "...TRAGIC AND CRIMINAL ACT..." it certainly was. And is. When do the American "science" criminals pay for their crimes of mass, mass murder?

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Just to note: The E.I.S. agents


these are the "secret agents" of the NIH/CDC are the graduates of their Epidemic Intelligence Service ("EIS") division who are supposed to protect the people from illness but end up being the forces that manipulate the public health policy throughout the nation.

Dr Duesberg wrote about them in his book, but almost nobody is paying attention to this power mongering clique controlling the nation, now elevated into a higher status than our elected officials, and with the ratification of a global pandemic policy Treaty, globally, they, and their international counterparts will rule and oppress the world, becoming responsible not for the saving of life but the destruction of life on a scale never-before even possible ... through their self-spreading genetic "vaccines" they're working so furiously on developing.

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Hello Celia, Thanks for reposting this. Good timing btw. I’ve just this week completed Part Two of my two parter series on the medical establishment’s response to the Covid “pandemic”, which yourself and readers herein might find of some interest. Both your Harpers’ article and your SPIN article from 1989 were referenced in this effort, and a source of inspiration.

You will see details below of this article and links to each part, published on my Substack page. To the extent I’ve been able get it out there in the current censorship environment the response has been very favourable, which is of course pleasing. I’ve also included some of these responses as I suspect they will resonate with your readers.

FYI I’ve been commissioned by Australia’s New Dawn magazine to adapt an abridged version of this article for their next edition. When that is available I’ll let you know. And once again, thank you for your tireless efforts in spreading the truth about our medical and scientific establishment, and being a key inspiration for my own endeavours in this regard. Both your articles were highly illuminating and informative. See below for further details. Best, GM

Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard: The Crimes & Betrayals of the Medical Papacy (Part One), by Greg Maybury, Perth. #Fauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #VaccineSideEffects #WHO #KlausSchwab #GreatReset #AdverseEvents


Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard: The High Priests of Public Health & Modern Medicine (Part Two), by Greg Maybury, Perth. #DrFauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #VaccineSideEffects #WHO #KlausSchwab #AdverseEvents


Preamble: Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the global conspiracy that is the Covid “pandemic”, is the ease with which the vast majority of those in the medical, healthcare, and affiliated scientific fields embraced the official dogma and complied with the dictates imposed under its all encompassing rubric.

The stark reality is that the arch-criminal globalist confederacy that is the World Economic Forum in tandem with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation could hardly have imagined much less attempted their monstrous deception without their imprimatur and cooperation. Along with betraying their solemn oath to ‘do no harm’, they've become fully owned chattels of the Big Pharma cartel. In this two part series, Australian writer Greg Maybury applies the 'blowtorch to the belly' of this once revered profession.

Some Reader Responses

'A must read piece. Clearly showing that the medical establishment follows the same process with every crime they commit & how the public can so readily drink the kool-aid when it gets served.'

‘You’ve really put down on paper what most of want to but can’t find the words. You certainly have done the homework and speak 100% truth. You’re work is amazing and you deserve much respect! God bless & protect you.’

‘Excellent breakdown of both the new “norms” imposed on our fellow citizens by their ‘leaders” whose main objective is the retention of Power over the citizenry no matter the consequences & the demise of the once highly regarded Medical Profession for their complicity!’

‘I don’t know of a single "blogger", pundit, or commentator, that expresses so well, in such a detailed, believable way, the thoughts you present. I have sent this link off to those who still receive e-mails from me (ie. they don’t delete them). I shall subscribe & support your efforts. I thank you.’

‘Excellent take on the medical profession and how we have all been criminally betrayed!’

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Greg, As soon as I have caught up a little, I really look forward to reading and reviewing all of this. Great work!!

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Thanks for posting. So much to learn. Let the light shine over evil!

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Hi Celia. To search for words on Substack and elsewhere: with the page or document open, click CTRL F. A search box will appear at the bottom left of your screen. Type what word or phrase you want to find. You are a fine writer and finer spirit. Carry on!

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Virology is to Biology what Astrology is to Physics. Astrology is benign only because Congress doesn't waste billions on an Astrological Bureaucracy that would impose Palmists and Tarot Readers on us.

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