"We don’t read the accounts of others to gather “information,” but to attempt to distribute the burden they carry, otherwise alone."

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It is called "entering into the fellowship of my sufferings." Doing so one can feel the sorrow and the suffering victims feel. Jesus said that and since He is the ultimate One who totally understands those in emotional pain, He takes that pain upon Himself. And to feel the pain of others, is to understand them and that reality is a comfort to they who sorrow.

None of us get out of here alive, and the biggest source of sorrow is the loss of those close to us. Ever seen a mother crying over a child who died and lies in a small white coffin? You can feel the hurt across the room. One of my clients operates a funeral home. When he has to prepare a child for burial, one would think after years he would be desensitized. His wife told me she knows when a child has died and he has to deal with it as a professional, because he comes home that day after work, sits in a chair alone and cries.

I heard a woman who confided in me reveal her abusive life from age three. I could not take ir. I broke. One would think a hard man like myself would be resistant. Nope. Bothered me so much I met with my minister to confidentially deal with the hurt. I broke again. He said "you are a passionate man." But rough.

What is that woman to me now? My best friend after 29 years. I understand her. I cherish her. We do not agree in everything. Does not matter. She knows I understand her hurt and cherish her. In the knowledge of her pain and hurt, she feels comforted. The loneliest person is always one not understood and even criticized and condemned.

She is the most beautiful inside and out gal I ever met. She will be close to me to my end. The depth of what we share is deeper and stronger and closer than any romantic relationship could ever be. It transcends all else. To do what I did to be her best and closest friend I had to embrace her sorrow. I know I did because it tore huge chunks out of my heart.

But it was worth it. My soft side is not my weakness. It became my strength.

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Your empathy and open-heartedness are remarkable. Wholly inspiring. Thank you for all that you wrote here. Truly.

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My minister summed it up years ago, "It is a broken world filled with broken people."

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Katherine, I will try later to explain this but another example was and is my comments to prostitutes when I am occasionally propositioned. It hurts me to see women destroying themselves. Jesus was very close to a prostitute Mary Magdalene. When propositioned my answer is always "I think far more than that of you gal." I get a smile. I seek to input to these women that they are God's highest and most beautiful creation.

It is true. Any man using a woman merely as a receptacle for his dirty plumbing is a fool and an ingrate and a criminal.

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I even despise my own G.Ps at the local medical centre. I can't tell them because we're all hostages to BigSick in one way or another. I just about reject all medication advice though, I certainly take my own time reading about side effects. Even the nurses & admin, bitches all know shit went down. They say nothing.

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Sad commentary.

But you do realize that to do nothing about the atrocities only gives fuel to the perpetrators - don't you?

Probably not.

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I was crying earlier this morning when I read the post.

It was painful to me the behavior of the doctor and nurse.

On the one hand, I understand (or at least, I imagine) that professionals have a callus in their soul already formed. It's easy for them to give up and to make mistakes.

On the other hand, I hate those impious technical bastards and all their nonsense.

... Nicholas life was short, but he was able to show the way of humanity. Truly an angel.

Rest in peace.

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Thank you for introducing us to Bobbo and bearing witness to Nicholas’s unforgivable vaxxicide, Celia.

I would like to echo your sentiment regarding supporting the families of murdered and injured children. I cannot recommend my brilliant and cherished friend Heather Hudson’s Substack, A Mother’s Anthem, highly enough:


Not only has Heather been documenting her son Cody’s cascade of vaxx injuries in meticulous detail, but she has done some of the most important research on lipid nanoparticles and has authored peer-reviewed articles, with more highly significant ones in the works.

Cody now has a terminal condition and is fighting for his life every single day. The doctors have no idea how he is still alive.

The following account is what inspired me to write “Lament of the Vaxx-Injured” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/lament-of-the-vaxx-injured):


Heather, Gary (her husband), Cody, and many other vaxx-injured individuals, bereaved family members, and allies have transmuted their suffering into Cody’s Law, proposed legislation to help support the victims of COVID countermeasures in Florida. The hope is this can be replicated in other states as well. You can learn more and sign the petition here:


See this Action Alert for additional links and details:


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**It can’t bring people back but it can make the pain of the first-level victims a little bit easier to bear.**

You are kidding - right?

As a person who lost my brother in law and many friends to the jab, there is really NOTHING that can make the loss of a family member 'easier to bear'.

I'm just amazed that parents haven't lashed out at the system for taking their children, after all it's the children that had absolutely no say in this.

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People respond differently to the shock and grief of losing a loved one, especially in nefarious circumstances. Some go very quiet and melt into the background of everyday life -- some get angry and organise a counter-action.

But I agree, only mass-demonstrations on the scale of the civil-rights movement or anti-war protests has a chance to make a difference. Psychos push and push to see how far they can get away with stuff, until people push back hard - or walk away. My recipe is that next time there's a vaxx scam, or conscription for a war, everyone just says NO!

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Good work. Terribly sorry.

After treating people effectively for COVID with ivermectin-based-therapy and vitamin-D, I advised most people against "vaccination.

I was fired in October 2021 for "vaccine refusal".

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“Do you know how crazy it makes me that we have perhaps over a million people subscribing to Covid Stars like Robert Malone or Steve Kirsch, and only a handful subscribe to parents.”

Being in DC during the Vietnam era, I attended several massive marches and demonstrations to attempt to stop an illegal war. The idea keeps coming up that we need similar kind of events that will feature those who have been scarred by this poison or lost children and other loved ones. And if the media in their normal criminal behavior ignore it or criticize it, either way we make sure that everyone in the world realize what these bastards care about and it isn’t peoples well being. What do you think?

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love it. we had the first Vaccine Injury Event in DC November 2019. over 3k people from all over the. states and the world came. it was small,, but mighty.. It should be replicated and done again.

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I think people have become gutless.

Go out and protest a bogus war but don't go out and protest the murder of your family and friends?

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Celia, I could not agree with you more. People always ask me “why are you listening to that/this/the other when it makes you so sad/angry/desperate?? I tell the exact same thing you said: to give their message a voice you assholes! Because SOMEONE has to listen and then tell their story and maybe, just maybe we can move enough people to fucking do something to help or prevent another tragedy from happening. You asked in your last article “How can this be happening?” It happens because no one cares about anything except themselves. Some people don’t even care about their families that’s how selfish and messed up people are now! How did we get here is maybe the question we need to ask. I go to Yuri Bezmenov when I think about it...the slow erosion of society, moral decay, it takes generations and we are here😭😭😭

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Not at all surprised at the lack.of empathy and resistance. Look at how long they have been fluoridating everyone; calcifying the pineal gland so there is a disconnect to soul replaced with "blind obedience" to murdering self and other, including children.

Imagine if instead of being asked by a cashier "Would you like to round that up to donate to childrens hospital?" the ask was to donate to the warriors going after the child sex traffickers, the farmers standing up against BigAg and about to lose their farm with the help.of the FBI, the pilots who lost their jobs because they refused to put their passengers at risk by injecting themselves with poison, the parents having to sacrifice the required second income to home school the children so they arent otherwise groomed by psychos who want to mutilate genitalia and promote sex to kindergarteners, heck how bout donate to support your favorite substack author/ whistleblower where you can get a real education in a world of liars, pedos, murderers and thieves...(assuming you have any critical thinking skills intact).

The world is sick, addicted to money and materialism and all things virtual, synthetic and tech (ironic its now all growing inside bodies). Immediate gratification at any cost- casualties (human) irrelevant- its all about ME!

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My heart breaks for Bobbo and my blood boils! We have a bit of a road to travel with getting the masses to see the controlled op of Kirsch and Malone. Truth has a way of finding its way but it takes patience, perseverance and faith.

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Gut wrenching. How parents make it to the other side of experiences like that is beyond me. Ugh

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"we have perhaps over a million people subscribing to Covid Stars like Robert Malone or Steve Kirsch..."

Do you trust their Subscriber figures? I don't. How many of those supposed subscribers are bots? How many have been imported from Twitter?

When obvious misleaders like Mal One and Kirsch are considered "Stars" on any social media platform, what we actually have is evidence of the complicity of Substack in promoting mind controllers.

Do not forget that Substack is a ghetto. A concentration camp for dissidents. A zone which is kept tightly separate from the general public to ensure that the inmates have no influence on the general public.

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Thanks to you and Margaret Anna Alice for bringing this to our attention. The outright murdering taking place in hospitals (quite frankly) has been going on for a very long time.

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We need to listen to this....Dr Couey interviews David Rasnick and they talk about COVID, Aids, and the whole scam.....

David Rasnick, PhD LIVE -- (28 June 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief


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Your truest, most frank comment yet Celia -Your final paragraph. No, we don't need more wizards. In fact, those "wizards" are walking the fine line of being co-conspirators. They are making bank off people's suffering, just as much as any of the pharmaceutical companies.🤔😐🤨

#actionsnotwords #andstilltheshotsrollon #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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seems to me that the reason why those who lost loved ones get less substack traction is that they're viewed as compliant. which is sad, most of those people were coerced. "Covid Stars like Robert Malone or Steve Kirsch" - #sarcasm, right?

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