"P.S. I am no longer sure about anything or anybody. If I included a clip from a public figure, it does not mean an endorsement of trust."

I am in the same place. I appreciate this post, and your sincere attempt to account for where we are and what's going on, and all we don't know.

Thank you, Celia. I'm still positive it turns out pro-human. Best to you.

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I feel the same.

I don’t know if Trump is good or bad. I vacillate daily listening to very convincing voices on both sides. I’m really trying to be comfortable living in this liminal space.

My gauge right now is if Trump pulls us out of the UN, I will start having more confidence in his potential leadership.

So many signals to wait for.

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Thank you so much for once again providing incredible insightful and thorough coverage of the situation. You are a lighthouse in a storm.

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Thanks Celia. This is comprehensive and much needed. LA was my home for 23 years and I’ve lived through countless wildfires there. This is not a wildfire. Now we are a few hours away in the mountains of SoCal. No one has had power for three days here. It gets below freezing at night and many people are elderly and without generators. There is no apparent reason for the power shut down except for the high winds we had on day one. SCE has used power outages as a scare tactic and a destabilizing tool since I moved here in 2020. As you likely know, State Farm refused to renew 72,000 fire insurance policies in Los Angeles in 2024. One of the most obvious and irritating facts about the fires is that they all started at once and are miles apart. It begs the question, are there any safe states in the US and if so which are they?

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Michelle: I live north of Portland, OR over the Columbia River in Washington. We haven't had a frost here yet (Jan 10th) this winter (includes 2024 Fall). No income tax, nice home prices. I moved here from Marin County, and the weather is almost as good.

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Hi David,

We escaped Portland early 2020 and moved to Quilcene up on the Olympic Peninsula.

👋 neighborhood of sorts!

No frost here yet either. Still having arugula and beet salads from the garden in Jan.

So grateful for the gentle climate, temperate rain forest and plenty of water.

Also aware we have not escaped danger being here, but for now it feels sane, as long as we don’t talk politics with many in our county.

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Portland Oregon is one of the most leftist cities in America. I guess coming from Marin County you don't see it.

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Oh yes, I see it. I protested hours ever week, busiest corner in Portland for over 10 years with a professional made sign 3'x4'. Many fights with joos, anti-fa knocked me out cold. Police had Nordstroms destroy tape with anti-fa faces. Homeland Security fined me $60.oo for sitting on a brick fence waiting for a bus. At 87 I quit when those huge riots started downtown. 88&8s,Dave

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We saw it and fled.

Covid became the great delineation.

We divorced our entire life and liberal community.

Completed started over with the focus of truth, living on land with goats and gardens and close to nature.

Thank god.

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Great article.

Trump is definitely one of them.

He is slick as, well, a snake.

Just as he told everyone more than once.

“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in”

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Do you mean a Jewish snake?

...or is that a reptile too far?

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Yep, at the top of the best conman list.

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Stop it!

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One has to be a snake to get rich from NYC real estate, no?

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Nothing wrong with natural snakes.

The biblical associations of snakes is the conn job.

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Good to have you back, Sir!

I'm sure you know, your archive is now empty.

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No, I didn't know that. And neither do I care.

Celia has to nurture a certain demographic and earn a crust.

Censure is a sign of something, but semiotics seems to have only one interpretational reward for the religious.

absit omen

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The objective is to make sure everyone distrusts everyone and nobody knows who the good guys or bad guys really are. Mission accomplished.

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You're right...I'm bad and edward is good.

Trust the science. :-)

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Arson, yes, absolutely. But individual psychos with incendiary devices, captured by residents or peace officers, is probably the cover story.

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Yup; "lone gunmen" as it were.

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The D.E.P.S. is hiring if anyone is interested.


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yes there is ALWAYS a cover story.

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With three-word names.

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It looks a lot like the exotic energy weapons they used on the twin towers, and to also dustify the houses in Texas and Maui. I've done a little study on them, just a select biography, I'm not qualified to comment: https://shonaduncan.substack.com/p/covert-weapons-and-technology

I've got a photo from the 2015 California fires, melted on the road next to green grass.

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Recall a Japanese engineer(I think) talking about use of energy spikes sent from a HAARP station near Alaska that were used to destroy Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan which, insanely, was built on a fault line. The idea was to threaten Japan that was talking about abandoning the US dollar. So use of energy for population control, land and other resource theft is not new. Unfortunately the public for the most part knows nothing about it and also has a hard time seeing the nefarious nature of this country that is controlled by monetary power and massive greed. Both Parties are the same this way and people need to stop listening to the divisive finger pointing that works to distract and weaken the power of the public.

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I'm in New Zealand and the Clutha Dam was built on a fault line. I wondered then whether it was a doomsday project. I wondered the same about Fukushima. Building nuclear energy plants in a seismic country is a special kind of stupid. Or method in their madness.

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True enough but, it was actually a controlled, man-made geological foundering event, out in the ocean, that created the huge outflow of water (tidal wave) sic.

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Any untouched, blue roofs in LA? Mentioned by Clif High previously.

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I use to live near one of the fire areas and when I saw the fure stuff And saw something about high winds I looked up weather for the area and said possible 80-100 mph winds. Never in over 20 yrs living in that area were there anything like that. A friend sort of same area said same thing. A tree came down in their yard missing the house. Old time residents told friend in many decades they never saw that.

One of my first comments when I learned of the fires was “watch for what blue items survive”. Oddly in PP there was a bluish grey house that fully survived. It is in this substack by a Palisades photojournalist who lost his house.

Pacific Palisades Village Devastation Part 2


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Not blue. Those are the gray asphalt tiles. The blue that was talked about is closer to that of a blue tarp. Fires are fickle for sure but in this case it sure looks like on purpose in some areas - whether from terrorists, WEF or encouraged by people who wanted out from under their mortgage, we'll never know.

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The color of the house is a bluegreyish. I don’t know what tones of blue are not affected. There have been misc blue items found after fires unless they are planted.

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Ah! memories 'eh?

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scientoloy out here in san jacinto has all blu, won't protect against firestorming, all about benzene roman candle, chlorophenyl tank mixiing chamber, goff communications, ptech, go to wikespooks indy singh put together, Ptech had AI tech back in late eighties, who to target by spray house ops. mob cia marriage from the hell realms.

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plants are mostly water, we are water bodies, what's happening?..., yeah same demo crews; khazar mobsterites that did towers, change their names and move into spray houses, benzene delirium houses, blowback keeps them mobbed up, they are unable to fit into anything other than destructive systems. so why further the exotic lazer plasma shit-balls, they did those into my house once, blowing out the phone line, mother board, phone line fuse; but its expensive, not the benzene roman candle blasters, that's cheap and effective. why they always resort to it, for virus, for trafficking peoplle and for land grab.

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Mad dialect....I like it.

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Wow, Shona. It'll take me a while to explore all you've documented here...

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911 directed energy was cool - no heat generated. These fires are different but could still be started by a different type of radiation. I don't know how they are doing it.

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I remember the days after 911 (i use the esoteric numbery occult signal/sign/symbol, not 9/11 deliberately, to make a point) people were reporting massive amounts of heat and I do have a video somewhere in this Substack post aka document dump that recorded those news items. I know of someone who is a nuclear expert who said they did build mini nukes into the base, far down and they were deployed and they got the readings from the satellite, something like that. So I reckon numerous weapons, some very exotic, were used that day. And mind control weapons too.


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Nukes are another hoax.

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I do.

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Don't tell me; I want to stay alive:).

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It's for the best.

Just be happy to believe that it's God making burnt offerings out of all the antisemites in Los Angles.

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These fires are about as funny as an Adam Sandler movie.

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The twin towers came down with plastiques as per the group of engineers and architects that investigated that debacle independently; ie, no govt money.

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The WTC and the Twin towers came down by radio interferometry.


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plus beta test of DEW weaponry - see the melted cars in the embassy suites parking lot across the way, judy wood's research https://live.solari.com/w/5fc6a3e6-a633-41b9-91cb-fb95a70ee5c4

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AE911 Truth are CIA cutouts. They are a limited hangout.

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At the bottom of every rabbit hole and every evil thing on the Earth. there you will find the jew. There's alot of distraction, including this gasoline kid. But the Truth is -- they are using smart meters to blow up the houses and GPS systems to blow up the cars. Just as the jews can blow up cell phones and walkie talkies, ALL wireless tech is weaponized for the mass kill. And what a surprise (not) to learn that jews are behind the creation of all these wicked technologies. Please see my book for info: https://birthofanewearth.com/2019/07/are-wireless-devices-really-safe/

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agree about the jews, but they hire anyone stupid enough, fronts and more fronts, tree trimming to pest control, its a tank and land mine system of carcinogen, mind fuck benzenes and other organic synthetic toxin. Halogenated often covered with traditional odors, smoke, bbq to dryer fluffy, colognes, all about smells as the chloro hydrocarbon builds up in the body. The communication control is to tweak by source code their targets as degenerates and them selves as god's chosen. but it all about organic vapor infiltration, gated ion channels of the cell, a war at molecular so brain freeze. a lot is on batman cartoons the gasses, and the departed movie, boston mob/fbi, can't tell the diff. after all you can't sell big pharma or coke/heroin without being upset, and its at the molecular, pre neural that one gets upset.

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"The Jews" are getting a lot of collusion from "the Christians" and "others" as well.

But I'll pass your message on to edward anyway.

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I been saying this for over a year. To Build Back Better they have to Destroy it first. It explains all the insanity we seen.

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I agree with Peggy Hall on this one. The lack of water, the cuts in funding, the DEI, the huge salaries, the climate change, the mayor being oot, it's all distraction. Distraction. Distraction.

I agree with her that if all of the above did not exist, they (the ones who are running the show) would have furnoughed anyway.

Everything stated does exist, but it is not the cause of the fake wildfires. They are convenient distractions so we can place the blame. And just as importantly it keeps us hating and fighting.

So, no, Alex Jones, I am not going down the Communist Marxist road.

It looks to me like DEW. I paid no mind to Judy Woods back in the day, but I have been watching her presentations of 9/11 Where did the Towers go, and I do believe directed energy theory now.

How else to explain the spate of fires in the past few years that result in locales looking like bombs went off.

Sorry for the long post. I am attaching two links for two interviews that Peggy did with a dedicated arborist in CA. She has done a great deal of wrk regarding these fires.

So had Reinette Senum. Geoengineering and directed energy weapons.

I could be wrong, but.....



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Peter Duke lived in the area, as well as his family. They were all burned out, but he does not think it was from DEW's (his personal opinion) . . . naturally he's a bit stressed in this video, and he also has footage from being allowed back into area from his press pass: https://rumble.com/v67klny-the-duke-report-default.html

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Thanks for posting this, I follow his substack. Heartbreaking, same situation sounds like for Altadena. I worked with someone who after getting his family to safety stayed and kept his roof watered. His house survived in Altadena area.

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yeah, its benzenes, blowing sideways half gravity of water, accelerating fires by the industrial solvent 'spray houses' ;now dependent on the money; source code communications software, so only intell agencies have that; using wikispooks.com ; who is who in that world, spook world paying for hamas, to syrian terrorists to ukranian nazism. money laundry for the elites to buy seclusive homes elsewhere..

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Yes, that's my take too- DEWs but they have all of this other stuff (DEI, etc) to serve as plausible cover story. Keep the divide on conquer going with the left-right nonsense. The entire govt is captured.

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Oh no not DEWs again!jhttps://jowaller.substack.com/p/maui-fires-clown-world?utm_source=publication-search

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That should read "they would have inferno'd them anyway"

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10 days to Inauguration. What will happen next? If I were Trump I would make the inauguration a small private ceremony in some undisclosed bunker. Cancel all Inauguration events in DC.

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It’ll be in March, since this calendar is theirs, he’ll be the 19TH President because every president post 18th were installed like toilets in the USA Inc.

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GOOD.! That means we can shit on them.

Working out "the installation" of God and Jesus is going to take a while longer it seems

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That won't happen. They want the chaos! Because we all know what comes from chaos. NWO

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The Original inauguration date for the President of the United States was March 4th. THE CABAL changed it to January 20th...

When THE CABAL changed it was a lot more difficult to stay warm in D.C. in January in the middle of month. Compared to early March

January in DC is a lot more difficult to stay warm than early March in Washington DC.

The inauguration will not be on the 20th because that would be under the old bankrupt corrupt corporate system.

The election on number for November 5, 2024 was under the old corrupt system.

Ones NASARA and GESARA is announced new elections will be held WITHIN 120 days. Trump will then become the 19th president of the Republic.

If they take any other path. It would be under the old system, which would make no sense because the old system is gone.


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I'm in exactly the same mental mindset as you... good guy or bad guy (not just Trump but ALL the players)????? This is beyond crazy.

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It's beyond crazy, yes. Impossible to address almost.

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It IS, what it looks like

And the futile solution, is what priests have conditioned the public to entreat.

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I agree it is sure confusing…but I have resolved to hold confusion in my mind in a state of equanimity, and just be okay with the fact that I simply do not and cannot know anything certain right now.

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They are all in it together...

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Thanks Celia for this additional info and historical background. I posted your link in the comment section of Jeff Childers Coffee & Covid stack this morning, where there is a long comment thread about the LA fires, the who, what, why, etc.

So many questions. We know most of the fires were arson, but were some started by DEW's? And how convenient the radical lesbian mayor was in Africa, a trip paid for by the taxpayers because Biden okay'd a military transport for her trip there.

And is this a clearing away for the 2028 Olympics? Or a 15 minute "smart city"? The radical wokeism that infected that government caused them to fire all the competent, mostly men, firefighters, because they rejected the death jab. Followed by the DEI hires of incompetent posers, and the refusal to allow water to come south from northern CA, and that woman who didn't do her job to make sure the hydrants had water for the firefighters. Not to mention they sent all their "surplus" equipment to Ukraine!


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Fire from the sky video on X is AI. Be wary of AI fakes. They are getting more authentic-looking.

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Oh is it? Sorry. I will investigate and take it down in such case. But where DID the fires emerge…from?

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The true story will never be told.

I use to live near one of the fire areas, when I saw the fire stuff and saw something about high winds I looked up weather for the area that said possible 80-100 mph winds. Never in over 20 yrs living in that area were there anything like that. A friend sort of same area said same thing. A tree came down in their yard missing the house. Old time residents there told friend in many decades they never saw that kind of wind. Media was pushing Santa Ana winds, off season for Santa Anas that are a fall time happening.

Thank you for the great info about Karen Bass. Had no clue. She was on City Council and wonder is her Cuba stuff is anyway connected to Cong Maxine Waters.

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I'll bet all these domestic "terrorists" and extremist groups whether left or right are entirely set up, funded, and run by the CIA or FBI. They are moles, agents, cutouts, and assets. The Weathermen, Black Panthers, BLM, Proud Boys, biker gangs, the lot. If I carried a bomb into a DC government building I'd be locked up for life no parole. But Bill Ayers gets to be a professor at a Chicago U and mentors future potus Obama. Nice pension. Yeah sure. See Eye Aye. Book deals. Oprah. It's a real hoot being a domestic terrorist alright. Where do I apply? 😀

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