That she giggled like the 13-year old girl she is when announcing freezing of bank accounts during the famous Truckers Protest says it all. Her only qualification was as a mockingbird journo who also penned her idol, George Soros' autobiography - an earlier giveaway. As for Blackface I read a substack some time ago that alleged that his old man, Pierre, would bring him to the secret MK Ultra lab at McGill University in Montreal where certain experiments were carried out. There is no way on God's green earth that Blackface had a 'normal' youth with a crazy mother and degenerate father. But wait! Like all Darth Vader wannabee's, Trudope will fail upwards via a cushy role in the UN or NATO....... wait and see.

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It's likely, yes. They never just go away do they?

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Unless you're already owned, you're not going anywhere.

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Regarding that last sentence, you very well may prove correct. Former Dutch PM Mark Rutte is now SG of NATO.

I've posted this several times in various places; can't remember if I've posted it on Celia's Substack. I stumbled on this exchange from a few years ago between (then) freshman parliamentarian Gideon van Meijeren and Rutte. I found it to be a spectacular takedown by the young man, calling attention to another mendacious WEF puppet.


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Excellent. Thanks for that link.

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cathy o'brien confirms that fidelito was mkultra'd

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really? Yes, seems certain. He can't say a single honest thing.

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everything is scripted with him. but after all these years he has yet to master phony sincerity

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that is SO true.

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Pierre Trudeau must've known that Justin wasn't his biological son. The MK Ultra treatment could've been a sort of revenge, but who knows what goes on in the dark corners of the mind with these people.

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It is Possible.

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". . . the secret MK Ultra lab at McGill University in Montreal where certain experiments were carried out." Yes, and apparently Kamala Harris' mother was a professor at McGill involved in these experiments.

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Freeland used to be a russian spy until the kicked her out of Russia. Hitler was at her parents wedding..I saw the picture from a newspaper from back then. That speaks volumes about her.

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Possibly a top job at the corrupt World Economic Forum? Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Is Freeland making this move in preparation to run for PM?

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Freeland and Turdeau should be executed. pure and simple !!!

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They are responsible for the mess - and deaths - they should be held to account for crimes against humanity and

not get to SLITHER away

to some other higher paying WEF or UN job.

Canadians should not allow this to happen.

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The thought had crossed my mind and I was re-traumatized LOL.

Probably, right? They've been saying she's Trudeau's "real boss" and she's going to be the "next PM".

Hopefully, something different is happening.

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I agree that is a very traumatic thought. It simply IS "too much." She is TOO awful perhaps even for the globo-beasts?

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"... that is a very traumatic thought. It simply IS "too much." She is TOO awful perhaps even for the globo-beasts?"

Sadly no one is too awful for them. Consider former New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern's next job after she resigned:

"Prince William has revealed that he is "honoured" to hand over a very important royal job to New Zealand's former Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern" for her "lifelong commitment to sustainable development and climate action align powerfully with our ambition to protect and restore our planet by 2030."


Sounds like Prince William and his father the King now want Jacinda Ardern to do to the world what she did to New Zealand, i.e. more mass murder, starvation, suffering.

The globo-beasts likely have a new job picked out for Freeland, as these arrogant monsters are always making plans.

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Chrystia will probably end up in the UK, working on muh Climate Change, side-by-side with the Swinging D from NZ.


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"the Swinging D from NZ"

🤣 😂 🤣

Besides Jacinda, now u just reminded me of "big Mike" and also France First "Lady" who is another "Swinging D," below:

"Mon malaise à moi /My own malaise - Parody de Mon manège à moi - Edith Piaf"



[Sarah Jane Iffra's parody of Prez Emmanuel Macron and the First "Lady"]

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merci MDR!

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Her handwriting alone, never mind the content, illustrates her poisonous mindset.

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P.S. Thanks for this excellent post. Events are speeding up!

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Where is the part in the eulogy about pet taking Justine to the military base and a secret shack out back to perform a Santa Claus ritual? That was super uncomfortable for the crowd.

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seems to me that she's his handler. there was a famous video from before trucker strike where he was speaking and she was sitting to his right, reading from the script in front of her - which must have been the same script he was using - and she was mouthing along and nodding approvingly.

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Exactly, I remember.

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She mentioned that once....good luck, I'm not holding my breath in her actually running and winner.....dream on...unless Soros puts her there. Then there would be an uprising.

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Yes, she wants to become the leader of the Liberal party 🤦‍♀️

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Just listened to the whole interview with Anneke Lucas with Patrick Bet-David. Is he so uncomfortable with her account that he refuses to comprehend? He makes these unrelated remarks. And she really holds her own, and is trying to get through to him about mind control and the co-opting to pit people against each other for their control purposes.(at the end of the long interview). God Bless her!

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I've noticed in many of PBD's interviews he seems to be selectively obtuse.

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Yes, I watched that when it first aired and was disturbed by PBD's preoccupation with his laptop while Anneka was recounting the horrors she lived through. Unspeakably rude and insensitive.

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It's a complete and total banana republic shit show here.

Freeland won't be missed. She's no hero in any of this.

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Governments have been taken hostage by demonic forces worldwide.

There are very few operating within them that are not compromised/corrupted.

Blackmail is a HUGE control mechanism too…

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She’s the granddaughter of a Ukrainian Nazi 😱

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Frozen banana republic. Worst type of bananas. Salmon should be King!

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Frozen Banana Republic!! I am laughing out loud Roger.

btw can you send me an email: celiaingridfarber@yahoo.com? will explain...

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I’ve sent an email at 10:24 am. Did you get it?

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I’m in Canada. Trudeau won’t step down. He said it yesterday. He’s a dangerous psychopath young global leader puppet of the WEF. He listens to his masters. Of course he has to because he’s got a lot of skeletons in his closet. His cabinet ministers are asking him to resign. The NDP party who was supporting him is not anymore and asking him to resign. We could end up without a government. That’s the WEF agenda. It’s extremely scary. I could flee to the US. I won’t. I was born in Ottawa. My family is here. I will fight for my country. I’m extremely nervous. I can’t believe that our Great White North has become such a mess 🤦‍♀️ We have the number that tyranny doesn’t. We must fight.

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Her name is Anneke Lucas. Here’s an interview she gave to an Austrian on Sunday. It’s devastating 😢 It’s mostly in English, but a little in German. https://youtu.be/IuUuCwG7JX4?si=nq0V9YC-6d2m3IHT

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Don't you think Freeland will just move into Another big Globalist position? They always recycle psychopaths.

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I hope there is a populist movement that can takeover Canada. If not, there will be vacuum and the CCP will fill it.

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There is !!! Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party of Canada, PPC 👍🏻 You can follow him on X .

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Once again, you have provided the absolute most detailed and comprehensive explanation of the topic. You are amazing. Thank you so much.

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I have? Thank you.

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How will Blackrock benefit in this?

Freeland and her mom were friends of Soros. Djt wants peace in Ukraine which could mean blackrock could start rebuilding. Bucks, bucks, bucks. Larry Fink was suppose to be a trump money manager,🤔

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So if DJT extends the war in Ukraine its to help the MIC and if he wants peace he's helping Blackrock. Nice, no matter what he does it's the wrong move according to you. Who do you support? Don't evade the question as you guys always do.

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Good grief, who is “you guys”?

I get it bow at the djt alter and worship the hero djt.

Screw your “ Don't evade the question as you guys always do.”

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You guys are the gang here that make a living out of smearing good people in the opposition. Could care less about stooges like Mitch McConnell.

And as I suspected you can't come up with a single reason for your attack on Pierre Poilievre. Just a juvenile response worthy of a ten year old.

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Good grief, you are truly a Hack.

Keep up your ignorant and baseless accusations. You seem to enjoy that.

Wish you well.

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Canuckistan's biggest problem are the statist stalinist bureauCRAPcies that employ useful idiots such as the Canuckistan Human Rights Commission, and related provincial disorganizations. Then we have the useless Senate, and myriads of other overpaid agencies with all needing to be defunded. Asswipes like turdo senior created these useful idiot agencies.

Then defund the bigots, rapists, frauds and liars of the OPP, the Ottawa Police, and the Toronto Police. Right there are savings per year of a billion.

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I wrote a spoken word piece (words and music) about him about 8 years ago: WALKING WITH THE DEVIL. Here it is: https://elsasemporium.com/justin-trudeau-useful-idiot-walking-with-the-devil.html

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That's very good.

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Any thoughts on why the most evil of the world get away with it most of the time? In 'The Protocols of the Elected Elders Of Zion', they say that its easy to control those kind of people because they feed their lust. That's why they refer to Gentiles as no more than cattle/beasts to use as they will. Any one remember the stories/articles about Trump considering expanding the US? I remember reading something recently about that could be Canada? 40 million people, 60 billion debt and 90% live close to the US and Canadian borders. The US 334 million and 2 trillion in debt. Seems like a bargain for Canada's resources don't you think? The US budget just for the military is over 800 billion. Consolidation no? Just a wild thought. Seems right for picking don't ya'll think?

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"Any thoughts on why the most evil of the world get away with it most of the time?" - I think it is because the vast majority of people intellectually acknowledge evil (e.g. in a biblical sense), but do not believe that it exists in the real world. Consider the denial of child trafficking, for example.

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Notice the rhetoric lately concerning Canada? What Trump has been saying? Easily done through 'trade agreements' or 'bank loans, or 'subsidies'. Sure seems the next step to consolidation doesn't it?

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The idea of the North American Union has been floating around for quite some time. It seems like Trump is simply picking up where Biden has left off:


And if you consider it from a military standpoint, suddenly you have the giant North American land mass against the giant land mass of Russia + China.

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The world looks forward to the disposal of the world's other incompetent Pussy = our new Zombie UK Prime Minister Starmer. These slimy cretins must make way for someone who is free of corrupt influence from the evil World Economic Forum and their New World Order!

Unjabbed Mick (UK). Stop accepting mRNA death shots from evil and corrupt executioners.

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Check this out.... creepy interview and lots of nuggets...... Young Justin Trudeau Speaks About Death of His Brother Michel Trudeau & His Father https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2EtOSlbxC4

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just watched. thank you. so strange.

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omg. another rabbit hole! I just watched most of John Coleman's rant, so I'm prepared. this is not light reading. thanks.

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