APOLOGIES for the erroneous headline last night, changed it this morning. I was exhausted when I posted it and it was supposed to say that Leslyn Lewis is the first "woman of colour" (phrase borrowed from MacLeans) to be Conservative MP in Canada. Not Canada's "first woman of colour." Sheesh. Sorry. It's corrected on the site now, but the original email likely still has the very confusing headline.

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Great she's standing with them but does it matter what colour she is or where she was born?


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YES. Because Trudeau et al are calling all supporters of the Freedom Convoy "racist." I never usually invoke race and maybe I mis fired. Maybe I will revise the post again. I wish we had politicians like her.

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Love this. I've penned a homage to truckers here and reminder that the same forces that undermine liberty across the west want to displace truckers with technological "progress". We need to blockade that future in their defense.


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Oh yes! The “Trucks that Drive Themselves” fetish.. how many people will they kill and maim? Oh thats right! I forgot… people are mere nuisances to the New World Order so the more killed the BETTER!

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I stand with Canada and the Truckers! GOD BLESS THEM ALL! Are there any movements happening in the US of this magnitude? Any non profits fighting for Freedom that I can support?

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Justin Trudeau should be in Guantanamo!

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What is her ‘track record’ on speaking out against this Covid Charade? Did she stand up in the beginning or just jumped on the ‘bandwagon’ when this Convoy deal started up?

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Meanwhile in the most secret of secret hideouts (maybe a tree house!) Blackface Trudope had the internet connected so he could continue to be the gobshite that he has proven to be - at least he's being consistent, in a weird Hitler'ish sort of way.

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Interview with convoy organizers: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1vAxRkzoeAXKl

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This was AMAZING!! Thank you for the link. I have been aware of course but only peripherally. Oh my gosh. Everyone watch this video!

I wish I could go to Canada for support. But I am one of the "unwashed" that these people are fighting for. Hopefully the mandates will end and then I am heading up there. My grandfather is from Nova Scotia.

Let's all pray - or send white light or whatever one practices to send good energy - to Ottowa. The chief of police has said there will be no "Jan. 6" trouble. Let's hope that is true and stays that way. We all know about agitators.

Thank you so much Celia for bringing focused attention to this Convoy. It's precious.

All eyes are on Canada.

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They have the CIA & FBI working overtime gaming a scenario for another Fedsurrection. Probably have an agent drive a semi-truck through the wall of the parliament building and then have a couple dozen agents shepherd protesters in through the hole.

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I read that the head of security for the Freedom Convoy used to be on Trudeau's sniper team. He lost that job for refusing the jab. I imagine that he's well aware of the tricks of the regime, e'g. false-flags. I think the protesters are also aware, especially after the Jan 6 fake ''insurrection.''

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Just watched the video linked above. The convoy and the Ottowa police are well aware of what can happen. Hopefully they have used a good deal of their funds for security. I think that is how the Washington DC Defeatthemandates march stayed calm 2 weeks ago.

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Good to hear. But the title is confusing.

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