Here’s the irony: When N-95 masks would genuinely protect people’s health by filtering out smoke particulates, the health authorities are scarcely mentioning them, if at all—proving mask mandates were never about health to begin with.

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I don't know, Margaret. I have already seen propaganda calling for people to be masked all the time forever going forward. Do not forget that masking is a massive psychological tool (as you well know, of course). And yeah, not N95s which actually may do something to fight smoke (not really viruses). They want us masked and subservient, especially in mindset.

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Oh yes, I understand that, but there are situations when N-95s serve their originally intended purpose, and this is one of them. When the air reaches hazardous levels, it is a legitimate threat to health and life, so the fact that they aren’t treating masking with the same level of urgency as they did for the bogus threat of COVID shows they care nothing for people’s health and that masking was only an obedience training exercise.

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I keep a couple of masks just for wildfires. I live in northern CA.

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I have a full-on gas mask that came in handy during the Paradise fire a few years ago. I am happily far away from CA now.

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Glad you got away. The Massive fires that hit the area near Boulder, Colorado looked VERY MUCH like what happened in Paradise. Houses burning from the inside out.


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Really weird how the trees never caught on fire. 🙄

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Word on the street is that those were caused by a power surge in the smart meter grid. Or something.

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"Arson" more likely... either way...

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Yikes! Yeah and the woman (Debbie Lusigne) who kept reporting on DEW for the CA fires "died suddenly" about a year ago. Nothing to see here.

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Yes, but the should be N95 with the exhaust valve. Those blue hospital masks are merely spit guards.

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Do you remember Steve Kirsch PAPR video?

Here you have it: https://rumble.com/vwkawa-how-to-protect-grandma-from-getting-covid.html

There's more information about PAPR (Positive air purifying respirator) here:


Kirsch is such a hyperactive showman.

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For those who don't do video:

How to protect Grandma from getting COVID

March 5, 2022



STEVE KIRSCH [sitting in chair, wearing a PAPR] : Hi I'm Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. This is the kind of personal protection equipment that you need to protect yourself against covid if you're serious about protecting yourself. [points to eyes] Can't get it through your eyes, can't get it through your mouth. [touches black hose from mask] Everything is filtered here.

So this is known as a PAPR. It's a powered air purifying respirator. This whole unit that I've got is from MIRA Safety,* it costs about oh, um, probably around 800 dollars everything included. So the backpack here on the back [stands up and turns around to show the filters strapped to his back] costs about 400 dollars [sits down again, facing the camera], and it's 125 for the filters. These are P3 filters, these are much, much, much better than a P100 or an N95 or even like that. And then I got a full face mask, that's about 250 dollars for this face mask. And so the tube then attaches here to the PAPR [shakes the hose from the mask to the filters].

Super easy to breathe in this. It's just effortless, it's like you're just breathing air. But it's all filtered ah, so that no viruses can pass through this. So this is the kind of, if you're serious about protecting Grandma from covid, this is what you want Grandma to wear because this will protect her from getting covid. It won't protect anyone else. It will protect her. So if you want to go see Grandma, this is, you want to put this on Grandma and um, and have the filters, ah, the two filters ah the two [stands up from chair again, and turns around to show the filters] filters on the back, and you're set to go. Grandma will have a nice time breathing in that. it'll be a little awkward to talk to her, but this is the kind of protection that, if you're serious about protecting people from covid, this is what you want to wear.



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* https://www.mirasafety.com/collections/frontpage/products/mb-90-powered-air-purifying-respirator-papr

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation


Steve Kirsch's rumble channel


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Minor point, but Steve Kirsch is merely a successful dis-informer and gatekeeper .

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And very funny and shocking. If you ever land a job as a gatekeeper or something, remember to make it entertaining and memorable.

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I don't trust his tribe in any case.

I prefer the real thing - James Corbett for example.

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Yeah, like everyone's got a mere $1500 bucks to drop on a powered face mask! 😷 Steve probably bought stock in the company before pimping them online.

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Steve was being sarcastic. His point was, no one will recommend a PAPR for covid, obviously it is too expensive and very clunky, so why in blazes are we all being made to wear these crappy little surgical and N95 masks that do not work against covid?

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Here's more:

COVID-19: A Second Opinion

Streamed on January 24, 2022




DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: The body of evidence*, and I speak as an evidence-based medicine specialist, the entire body of evidence tells us conclusively that the blue surgical mask that we've been using, and the white mask, the manmade masks, are largely and highly ineffective. They do not stop transmission, and every single place in America that we looked at, or the globe, where you impose the mask mandate, the actual infections increased.

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: This was actually one instance where Dr.Fauci was right, first, before he—

MALE VOICE OFF-CAMERA: Before he was wrong.**


SENATOR RON JOHNSON: Mr. Kirsch, just quickly describe who you are, how you got involved in this, and what point you want to make.


STEVE KIRSCH: Sure. My name is Steve Kirsch. I used to be a high-tech executive. My company was shut down. I started the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, was featured on "60 Minutes" for discovery of, or for the funding of fluvoxamine which has proven to be, reduce death by 12, a factor of 12, and still the NIH won't recommend it, for some reason. And I'm also the founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.***

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: OK. You have a mask that you want to talk about.

STEVE KIRSCH: Yeah. So there are only two randomized studies that have been done for masks and covid. And they looked at cloth masks and surgical masks. And in both studies there was zero effect. So the most recent one was the Bangladesh study.* And what we did is we got ahold of the original data set that was used for the paper and we did the graphs.** There is no difference at all between wearing a cloth mask and not wearing a cloth mask. The curves were identical. And they misrepresented it in the study as showing that it works. If you actually look at the data and you plot the data, and you can get the data because it's publicly available, you will find that the curves are identical. There is no difference between the cloth masks. And the surgical mask were in between the cloth masks. So if you had a red cloth mask it worked, if you had a purple cloth it didn't work at all, and the surgical masks were in between the two. In other words, it's all statistical noise. These masks do not work at all.

And the N95 masks are maybe slightly better but only for a very short amount of time. If you're in a room with someone for any amount of time, even with an N95, it's not going to work.

[Holds up an industrial mask with two hamburger-patty-sized pink filters]

The only mask that is proven to work is the one that they don't tell people about and that nobody wears.


This is the only mask that works. So this is called a P100 mask. It is 150 times more effective than an N95 mask. This is the only mask that has a chance of working. It's never been tested for the corona virus, but it should be 150 times better than almost zero.

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: I'm a little reluctant to even hear you talk about it because I'm afraid the Biden administration just might allocate about 100 million dollars to send those out to everybody.


STEVE KIRSCH: But here's, here's what it's like. [he puts the mask on and now speaking with a muffled voice] You put the mask on like this and then you strap it


and then you talk to people just like this. And this will filter it out. But! But!


SENATOR RON JOHNSON: I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid they're going to require that for air travel, so, OK.

STEVE KIRSCH [now holding up the mask]: But one important thing is that this mask works only in one direction. It will work to protect you.

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: But not somebody else.

STEVE KIRSCH: But there's no filter on the outside. Because if it was filtered on the outside, you wouldn't be able to breathe.



STEVE KIRSCH: So it works, but it only works one way and if they were really serious about protecting the American public, they would require everyone to wear this, in which case, everyone would rebel, and we would have no mask mandate.


SENATOR RON JOHNSON: And of course— we— so, one other point on masks, and we don't have, it's like, psychiatrists, unless somebody wants to speak to this, but I think it's obvious, I don't think we really need— the harm done to our children in terms of development, speech, I mean all these things have been written about widely. I mean, just even their oxygen levels.

DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Senator Johnson, there's one important study that actually ties everything up. It was the Swedish study by Ludvigsson*** and he was canceled because of this study. He looked at the 1.95— I think you mentioned it.


DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: 1.9 million Swede kids across the entire pandemic from zero* to 16 years old, all in primary school, secondary school. And what they found was that there were zero deaths in Sweden in children. And what was critical about that study was that there was no lockdowns, there was no school closures, and there were no masks. There was not even testing whether you had masks and they worked. There were no masks, and there were zero deaths. And that was an actual seminal study, and thank you for mentioning it.

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: Again, we've talked about the stratification of severe illness with covid that's been ignored, but Dr. Urso.

DR. RICHARD URSO: Yeah, I just wanted to enter into the record, clean this up a little bit. Masks have been looked at for three decades or so, there's been randomized controlled trials, so there's roughly 12 or so randomized controlled trials. There's zero randomized controlled trials that show masks stop the spread of respiratory disease. And that's including N95. And for everyone, N stands for non-oil resistant, 95 stands for 95% airborne particles, of which all viruses fit through. So I usually tell people that, you know, wearing an N95 also has not been shown in randomized controlled trials to be effective, but more importantly the capsule on these viruses are an oil capsule, and I tell people it's like peeing in a pool, it goes right through, it doesn't stick to water, water molecules, it's an oil capsule virus. At the end of the day the data is what it is, there's zero, repeat, zero randomized controlled trials at all showing that masks stop the spread of upper respiratory disease.



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*"More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms" by Paul Elias Alexander, December 20, 2021


**Senator Johnson refers to Dr. Anthony Fauci's initial assertions that masks do not work, and later assertions that people should wear masks.

***Vaccine Safety Research Foundation


* "Impact of community masking on COVID-19: A cluster-randomized trial in Bangladesh" Jason Abaluck, et al, Dec 2, 2021, Science

See also:

"We've asked Science to retract the Bangladesh mask study"

by Steve Kirsch, May 3, 2022


This also references "The Bangladesh Mask Study: A Bayesian Perspective"

by Norman Elliott Fenton, Queen Mary, University of London.

Preprint, May 2022


The abstract:

"A very large trial, whose results were published in Science, carried out in Bangladesh between 2020 and 2021 has been widely acclaimed as providing the most convincing evidence yet that masks work in reducing Covid-19 transmission and infections. However, the media grossly exaggerated the authors' own conclusions, and sceptical researchers have identified weaknesses in various aspects of the trial and statistical analysis which cast doubts on the significance of the results. The sole focus of this report is to determine what can really be learned about the impact of mask wearing on covid infections from the data in the trial. Using a novel Bayesian causal modelling approach, we find that the claimed benefits do not hold up when subject to this rigorous analysis. At best, one can conclude that there is only a 52% probability that the seropositivity rate among people subject to a mask intervention campaign is lower than those who are not, while there is a 95% chance that a mask intervention campaign would result in anything between 19,240 fewer positives and 18,500 more positives in every 100,000. This means there was no discernible effect of the mask intervention on covid infection."

** See: "Highly acclaimed peer-reviewed Bangladesh study shows that masks don't work at all"

by Steve Kirsch, February 20, 2022


***See "Open Schools, Covid-19, and Child and Teacher Morbidity in Sweden"

Jonas F. Ludvigsson et al, letter to the editor, January 6, 2021.


*I believe he misspoke; the study looked at children aged 1 to 16 years.

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Kirsch the mask opportunist says: "...it costs about oh, um, probably around 800 dollars everything included." Hey Steve, does "health insurance" cover that cost??


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Great job!

Thank you!

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So true, Margaret Anna Alice. So true.

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And also: ONE day after this "natural catastrophe," the Yankees and White Sox were back in Yankee Stadium playing a make-up doubleheader for the one game that was postponed. The air sure cured itself in miraculously fast time.

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I used to live near Syracuse. I can’t really talk to my old friends anymore. I’m the crazy conspiracy theorist to them. I admire that you listened to the radio. I haven’t been able to since they were crying about Hillary in 2016(?).

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I recommend listening to NPR because you can see the propaganda trends develop before they “go live”. You can then plan accordingly.

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When the news breaks come on the radio when we're in the car, I turn up the volume and say "Gotta listen to the newest propaganda!" 🤣

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MR2 - Yeah, but it's just too friggin painful. Used to be a massive NPR lover but over the past 3-5 years it's quickly transformed into a totally one-sided Orwellian propaganda machine. There's not even a hint of either objectivity or balanced coverage in any of the reports/stories. Can't bear to listen to it for even 5 minutes now which is really sad as I always loved so much of their programming. But it's creepy now. Buh bye Terry Gross. :/

Recent er... Fresh Air programs (strictly libral, mostly one-sided propaganda shows)

- June 8, 2023 - Parkland Survivor & March For Our Lives Co-Founder David Hogg

- June 7, 2023 - Elliot Page - For much of his life, the Canadian actor (Juno, X-men, The Umbrella Academy) experienced gender dysphoria that made him extremely uncomfortable in his own body.

- June 6, 2023 - The SCOTUS Conservative 'Supermajority' - Constitutional lawyer and Brennan Center for Justice President Michael Waldman says there's a growing divide between the electorate and the Supreme Court: "the country is moving in one direction ... the Court is moving fast in another direction." His book is The Supermajority.


If the country is moving in a different direction, then why is the MSM failing so badly & Tucker Carlson of FOXnews was the #1 show of ALL the MSM media until he was fired?

Sounds like a major part of the country wants to hear the other side of every issue now as opposed to being force-fed only one possible opinion/position on every single story.

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I can’t do it either & I used to listen all weekend .

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Rosalind. Ah, Car Talk. Absolutely loved the brothers' silly rap & goofy comments.

Always made my weekend to hear them listen to callers' car problems & diagnose them over the radio. How dumb is that concept? But it made such memorable radio times.

Thanks so much for your comment here as it made me remember & look up that show.

Cah Tahk & the Click & Clack Brothers - September 25, 2021 - Car Talk' Ends Its Radio Run. Here's What Ray Magliozzi Hopes You'll Remember


Also loved the Prairie Home Cmpanion on Saturday nights & was so sad that Garrison Keiler was brought down by "me too" complaints & innuendos.


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I loved Prarie home companion! My dad too. He taped it & had hundreds of cassettes. Wait wait don’t tell me also.

That reminds me I loved Charlie Rose on pbs, cancelled after allegations.

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2016, what a beautiful year!!!

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Jun 9, 2023
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I was lovin' it, it was the year of the orange cow, an auspicious sign.

But it only lasted 366 days.

The next time we have a good year we have to keep adding days and months to it, as much as we can before the bad guys notice the sabotage.

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Jun 14, 2023
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I saw some reruns Sunday, all in the family, it was great to laugh & hardly any commercials.

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"I have nothing to add, it’s all so painfully obvious."

Me too. I just don't know where to begin when The Guardian reports that Ireland needs to kill 20,000 cows for the climate and other equally absurd headlines - anyone who can't see this now is expending energy to go out of their way to not see it.

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Argentina just destroyed 200,000 chickens and 500,000 eggs because "Avian flu". That's ridiculous! There's zero need to destroy those eggs (or chickens, either!) Avian flu (if there is such a thing) is survivable and then the chickens have life time immunity.

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When I heard about the fires in Canada, I knew there was something going on. Just like COVID, there was a trial run. I say that Castro Trudeau and the rest will try and pull something for the 2024 Election.

Oh, the smog is so bad that we have to revert to more mail in voting or drop boxes. They will have all those illegals dropping those fake ballots all over the United States. Everybody knows we have

been infiltrated by the Enemy, right? Go and read Michael Yon's substacks for an eye opener.

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We've all been looted (our economies) over all the decades of the 20th & 21th centuries. See the Great Depression, WW1 & 2 & the Viet Nam war period to mention 3 examples.

And, does anyone remember that trillions were said to be "missing" from the Pentagon Budget by Sec of State Don Rumsfeld on Sept 10, 2001 or only the day BEFORE 9/11??

> Donald Rumsfeld Sept 10 2001: The Pentagon Cannot Account for $2.3 Trillion Dollars Of Taxpayer $$$ - AwakeAndAware https://www.bitchute.com/video/bTK6YXD73Cvc/

And let's not forget the massive 2008 banks' looting during the so-called 2008 "financial crisis". And, now, only the most recent looting with the biggest transfer of US wealth EVER during the past 3 years of the so-called C19 crisis. Large corps were deemed "ESSENTIAL" while small busineses were forcibly closed (& many failed) & people lost jobs & homes.

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It isn't as if the owners of the big corporations need more wealth.

So what motivates them to continue to rob all life of its resources?

It has to be that the plan is to sterilise this planet and start again.

The predator class believes that it can improve on nature.

"They have carefully vaulted seed banks and genetic material from every animal and insect they will require when the great silence finally falls.

Their dream must be to emerge to a new surface, owned entirely and exclusively by them, presumably restocking "nature" to suit their own, undoubtedly pre-planned design. I wonder if the new, remote city of Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan will still be standing....

That is what I think is intended." ~ quoted from my article: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-mother-of-all-false-flag-events

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Was the trial run already in Australia some time ago?

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There have been many examples of unusual fires in Europe, Russia, Middle East, China, California, Australia. I don't think they were trial runs. I think we are under attack by electro-magnetic weapons. The difficulty comes when we try to identify the source of the weapons. Foreign or domestic?

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Domestic foreign, so to speak. I still haven't wrapped my head around on whose behalf the actors act. Then of course I remember something that I readily suppress in my conscience every single time, and only after some more time the awareness pops up again. Oh, the new WHO chief is going to be one Mandy Cohen. And one NIH or so guy, Hotez, was pontificating about tikkun and how it was his and some other people's responsibility to perfect or repair Nature. I guess Mr Yuval Noah Harari would agree with him and would feel that he is one of those people. I don't know. But the only entity that would structurally make sense to have a motivation for all that happens, for all of it, and a reward in it - is that one. How that, and socialism, and Fabianism /Rhodes Groups relate to each other may be complicated to establish. But I think the top interest is the one that I'm not mentioning because so many people can't handle the feeling, or need to suppress the awareness. If I'm talking about it at all it's because I have only 4 months of relative freedom left to talk about it. Of course madness could be a motivation too, madness due to inbreeding - very interesting point; but that is not enough, madness shouldn't have so much method and purpose.

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Jun 9, 2023
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Yeah, repairing Nature after he/they attack it by launching all those satellites into the magnetosphere, & grossly polluting the air while they do that: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/assault-on-nature/wi-fi-in-the-sky/

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How come no one squeeked when Elon's rocket blew up? (Or when it launched for that matter?) How many cubic tons of carbon (or whatever they measure) does that produce? I'm pretty sure that produces more harm to the atmosphere than I have in my lifetime! But, ya know, that rocket was "supposed to blow up". 🙄 SpACe EXpLorAtiOn!

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Jun 9, 2023
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I don't know. What have you heard?

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Nothing much, I had read or heard that the toxic cloud was going in direction of Maryland and Pennsylvania. Someone said that Washington DC was not that far (not sure I would say that myself, but maybe for toxic plume the distance is easy to cover, don't know) - but besides, there are very many federal agencies and military installations in Maryland. Just look at the Wikipedia entry, they are listed there.

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Thanks for the info. I grew up in PA. I'll have to check more about the conditions there.

Yes, there are in Maryland. I just read recently that the Maryland area is bringing in

illegals, unskilled for the labor market. You know taxpayers will be giving them welfare

checks. The Governor of Maryland is a Leftist, Wes Moore. Look him up. I said when

I read about him that he is the second coming of OBAMA. Guess who was at his

inauguration in January? OPRAH.....

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It's been toxic in PA all week.

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Really, what area? I grew up in PA.

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I hope he's not going to continue OBAMA's Hope and Change!

They use their own people to advance their agenda.

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Start looking at the third and fourth level of consequences. Most of the wood products come out of Canada because they have shut down production in the states. They will also try to ban all wood burning stoves in their over-reach, much like the gas stoves. It’s all part of their plan to starve and freeze us out.

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I live in Eastern Ontario. We're burning too, but it's not forest fire weather. It's cool. There's been very little lightening. There are crazy amounts of mosquitoes (=groundwater), and the river is still high.

A few years back, it rained for over a month solid in the Lower Mainland of BC, while not too far south in California, it was drought and fires.

We are being messed with

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In the 2009 video immediately above, 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry recipient Kary Mullis provided evidence that "Climate Change"/"Global Warming" is a hoax.

The above video is the last ten minutes of Mullis' full 2009 Ted Talk:

“Kary Mullis: Celebrating the scientific experiment”


In other words, there is likely no need to be stopping or starting anything to reduce the global temperature, including the massive killing/culling of any cows. Although Mullis' presentation was 12 years ago, the global temperature is likely just fine. To be certain, one would need to add the last 12 years of NASA satellite temperature data and other weather bureau temperature data to the 50 to 60 years of data Mullis referenced as already having being tabulated and check to see whether there has been no major temperature increase.

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Thanks for the links!

Now I understand why they deleted him right before COVID. Not just because of the PCR, but because he was already onto them, and he can communicate effectively to the laypeople. He woulda been the most powerful anti-establishment voice right outta the gates.

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Something I've been researching and wrote about was the evidence in skew-t diagrams of weather balloon soundings, and what they show or don't show about changes in atmosphere temperature. It looks like I'll have to get cracking on this more.

The short version is: the atmospheric temperature profile is controlled by pressure (and according to the gas laws.) This is what balloon data/lapse rate profiles show us very clearly. There's no distortion of that profile by CO2. Sun warms surface, warm fronts move in and out, more humidity comes and goes, but nothing changes the basic temperature profile of the atmosphere as a whole.

Why is it hot at the bottom of the Grand Canyon? More CO2 there? No. Atmospheric pressure increases to the well-established tune of causing 6.5C rise in temperature for every 1000 meters of descent. This is the environmental lapse rate. It's real science.

Did you know the atmosphere weighs 2116 pounds/square foot at the surface? This is immense pressure; life on earth is adjusted to this pressure just as a deep sea fish is adjusted to the massive pressure.

Lots has been written on atmospheric pressure and surface temperature. This is forbidden science these days.

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Edmond - Great links & thanks for putting them here. So much evidence that it's simply over-whelming, unless you live OFF substack like most people & so never are exposed to this info.

More proof > Dec 12, 2022 - Data shows there’s no climate catastrophe looming – climatologist Dr John Christy debunks the narrative (Dr Christy is distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville) "Data shows there is no climate catastrophe looming..."


Christy reports that" "...the latest [(mainstream climate] models for the deep layer of the atmosphere are [proposing] warming about twice too fast, presenting a deeply flawed and unrealistic representation of the actual climate." Christy says they're exaggerating the stats.

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Last Straw 🙀😹

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Climate change does not cause fires like that.

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Videos on the internet showing drones starting the fires in Canada. Have to go locate the link now.

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Setting the stage for climate lockdowns

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My words exactly :-)

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The word out of Canada that the fires are arson, set by eco-loons who don't feel that the world is doing enough to stop global warming. But the cause is actually global warming by causing nut cases to go crazy and set fires. They have arrested one woman who set several fires.

"Multiple arsonists have been arrested in connection with the wildfires in Canada which have enveloped U.S. states from New York to Minnesota in thick smoke and haze."

“Several arsonists have been arrested in the past weeks in different provinces for lighting forest fires,” People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier tweeted. “But the lying woke media and politicians keep repeating that global warming is the cause.”

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Re: your comments here about the "Canadian eco-arsonists", I believe they were only actors. Remember there were also many so-called California fire "eco- arsonists" a few years ago too. The PTB always use the same or related "left" false flag plots & scenarios over & over.

(Well, on edit, the PTB admittedly also use the far-right as a fall guy too like the "Jan 6" "insurrection" (really hoax plot as led by ex-military patsies). It's usually ex-military who are "presented" as the "leaders" of a false flag or else as as govt who "stops the false flag"; see WACO FBI/military attack of a so-called religious cult (totally unnecessary) & the OKC "bombing" event that has been shown to be a false recounting (see documentary film, "OKC: A Noble Lie", that lays out all the investigative info/facts), as good examples.)

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Jun 9, 2023
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mzlizzi - What's the point of this poster-ing as it's the NWO/govt doing this w/"actors"? The so-called "eco-arsonists" are clearly govt paid crisis actors, so govt is no-doubt good at switching them out over the years (just as they've done before w/false flag gun events).

See lots of investigative "fires" videos on this at altie sites like bitchute, rumble, odysee etc. This same "wildfires" scenario has been playing out for several years now in parts of California & the western US too & we've seen no substantial govt concerns/help for it. The MSM *tells* us these wild-fire-starters are ALL "eco-arsonists" but we don't learn any more about them than just the headlines or brief descriptions. Mockingbird Press Disinfo 101.

Who Controls the Media? > The CIA’s Operation MOCKINGBIRD (2013)


“You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month.” - CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories.

(See "Katherine The Great,” by Deborah Davis (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991)

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With a photo of Bill Gates?

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And Schwab, Harrari, Biden, Trudeau, etc, etc.

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Lighbulb!! > WANTED posters, just like the Old West. > WANTED, DEAD or ALIVE.

I could get behind that for sure. Think Steve Kirsch would pony up some big $ for it?

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He loves projects like that

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People can't imagine that there can be a coincidence of extreme financial wealth with extreme Insanity in one and the same individual, not even in cases where the individual behaves visibly aberrantly during in public interviews. What they can imagine easily, is that the person who suggests insanity in certain billionaires, is insane themselves. Imagining that is easy, but imagining wealth and lunacy together is impossible.

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It is easy to persuade people that the predator class is insane if you remind them that those who believe they have a 'Divine Right to Rule' have been inbred for thousands of years.

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Agree, that's it's easy to persuade altho we all know that "insanity" is also often utilized as a "defense" by the MSM/PTB to replace "intentional, planned & maliciously evil actions" w/"crazy" actors/officials just to throw everyone off the real track of premeditated crimes.

Here's a brilliant crime/suspense movie on that exact topic that I watched again recently. > Primal Fear (1996) An altar boy is accused of murdering a priest, and the truth is buried several layers deep. - Director: Gregory Hoblit | Stars: Richard Gere, Laura Linney, Edward Norton, John Mahoney


(No spoilers, but the film has an excellent plot/storytelling, acting & production.)

Unfortunately insanity as a defense can be used to excuse completely complicit criminals.

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Also insanity in the extremely intelligent. I have observed super smart people doing super crazy things many times in my life.

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And toxoplasmosis does things to brains, too.

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Yes. Definitely think there’s a toxo link here. Doing things that are not in one’s best interest? Check!

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On The Five yesterday it was reported that last year the US preemptively had 150K controlled burns of underbrush - but Canada, under pm skippy, had had 23. And suddenly fires break out in northern Quebec and Alberta, where it is typically 10° cooler in May than northern US?? And a woman is charged in Alberta with 32 counts of arson. Lots of factors here, the least to have been attributed to - gasp! - climate change. Hate to keep haarp ing on this, but something is fishy.

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Good one. Love this > "Hate to keep *haarp* ing on this..." :-) (laughing instead of crying here...)

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Can we not forget that we already have undercover video of legacy media telling us that climate change is going to be the next manufactured crisis after Covid.

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Every day , we see scenes right out of The Blade Runner , Tyrell Corporation ( WHO, UN, GATES, WEF et al.) from The Matrix ( The Media, Politicians, Pharma ) & slowly slowly , Mad Max but there’ll be millions and millions of mad maxes not just one!

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Jun 9, 2023
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mzlizzi -Answer: What is predictive programming. (This is really so easy to answer.)

Sorry if I'm sharing links you are familiar with but perhaps others don't know of them yet.

> PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING - THE SERIES - EPISODE ONE - 9/11 FALSE FLAG - (2022) DIRECTOR'S CUT - MrTruthBomb https://www.bitchute.com/video/oQ3KTvI6UGkI/

> In this this episode we look at the concept of predictive programming, its origins + usage by Hollywood and 117 potential examples of 9/11 Predictive Programming.

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Be careful with the ammonium nitrate reference as it may (or may not) be a factor in the color of the sky. Ammonium nitrate is a solid with principal use as a nitrogen fertilizer. However, it is also a potent oxidant, like potassium nitrate, which makes it relevant for use in incendiary applications. Hence the name "fertilizer bomb". So, solid ammonium nitrate is not floating up over the New York skies, oxidizing and turning the sky orange. However, it may well have been used to enable the rapid spread and increased heat from fires started using directed energy. I believe that would be the more relevant connection. Note that any "sooty" fire emits smoke with higher concentrations of particulate unburned carbon, and this alone is sufficient to create the orange sky effect. A candle flame where the wick is too long (excessive carbon to oxygen ratio) demonstrates the same effect.

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I noticed heavy chemtrails over NW Ct the other evening. The next morning, the sun was red. I figured it was from the Strontium (commonly used in pyrotechnics, emergency roadside flares, etc ) that is used as part of the chemtrail cocktail. Later on that day, I was around extremely smoky Albany and heard about the fires. Still, I can't help think that the chemtrails were part of the whole op.

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Yes, thank you, for this.

Also, we need in general to avoid accepting a suggestion or premise merely because it supports our position.

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Would be great & very helpful if you had a link or source that could explain your points here. My research instincts always kick in when someone tells me but doesn't show. Thnx in advance.

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I try to share links but sometimes my health issues get in the way of my finding it, lots of brain fog from cirs & autoimmune issues.

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