So let me understand this: Kate, Big Chuck, and Fergie all have cancer? All around the same time?


And the pharmafia have on hand a cancer vaccine?

It doesn’t take a genius to see where this is all going…

And believe me, they will make billions and billions

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A massive PR event

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YUP, total distraction for the "useless eaters," "cattle", serfs - the names they call of us who aren't in their "chosen" club of sykopathz...

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It very well could be. It did seem like it had a lot of theatric build-up.

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Well, if they all die, which I hope it will never happen, how is that going to be a PR event? It can only be if they will be cured of cancer. But Dr. Makis believes, and he has the data to prove it, that for those who took the shots no traditional cancer treatments works anymore. For those people, in order to have a chance, they need to detoxify the Spike protein first. I doubt that it's the case for the princess. Unfortunately.

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Not all so-called "C19" jabs were the same forumula or equally as deadly. I think Celia has also reported on this too re: "How Bad Is My Batch" information/website.

Factual info has come out about many elites (including the US Congress) & many thousands of medical staff were exempted world-wide from taking the deadly jabs... forget taking any faked-placebo...THEY WERE EXEMPTED. so ROYALS would be too.

(Caveat, however, perhaps Catherine/Kate was slipped one of the real deadly jabs?)

See > Dec 08, 2023 - "New Zealand FOI request finding that 11,000 politicians, doctors, elites got [so-called] COVID vaccine exemptions is no surprise, the same happened in US, Canada, UK...


...it was 'we know its ineffective, deadly &...the pandemic is a fraud", but we want your freedoms, liberties & we want you prostrated submitted to us so we will use threat of law and imprison you too e.g. Ford, Trudeau, Kenney, Biden etc. - Dr. Paul Alexander

How's about them tricky "C19 jabs"apples, Gabriella? Never forget lies & deceptions.

(p.s. And poisoning/killing/imprisoning UK Royals is a time-honored historical fact.)

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Mar 22
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Who knows? At this point, I have a difficult time believing anything being reported.

Wag the dog.

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My non vaxxed sister’s endometrial cancer was diagnosed when she had a hysterectomy. She went through months of chemo and supposedly is cancer free. I wish Kate the best. And all cancer victims.

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I don't think Celeste Celia's source is fake. Have you read her book about Aids? She an exceptional journalist, one of a kind. Those like her don't publish important information without knowing they can trust their sources. I myself know a few things about journalism and integrity.

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They carefully choose the stooges they Leak the Lies to.

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Mar 23
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fwiw- thought you might appreciate this:


It’s called a DEEP FAKE, this is the technology they are making you aware they have via channel4 three years ago…..imagine what technology is really at their disposal to create illusions. Apply this to recent distraction events as you will.


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Believe is arbitrary when is we adopt it without any logical or rational grounds. There is a great book on this topic called " Thinking in Bets". It talks about how people end up believing what they believe, and how those beliefs have nothing to do with reality or truth many times. It's a book worth reading.

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Mar 22
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Cancer is happening so if it happens to them, they get sympathy, and others with actual cancer will relate. I don't believe they have cancer or got the clot shot.

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Absolutely agree.

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Well, Queen Elizabeth and her husband died from the covid shots as far as I can see. I think most of the royals got the real stuff.

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Her husband was 99 and she was 96.

Something needed to do the job since old age didn't do it.

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That's the most gerontophobic comment I've heard since Patsy in Ab Fab shouted at her elderly mother, "Why don't you just die!" :)

Actually, according to their death certificates, "old age" did do it. But you can't always trust them. AIDS, heart failure and old age are all handy misnomers as causes of death in that they can and have been written on the death certificates of people who died for other reasons. And now we can ad COVID-19 to that list.

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Mar 22Edited
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Apparently, our congress exempted themselves from the jab.

Congerss either knew (most likely) or had serious reservations.

They didn't protect us but allowed EVERYONE to push it on our military, us, our babies, and elderly.

That alone shows that they are EVIL or control nothing.

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That is another real possibility. They were never good or useful although they write books and make movies to make us think they are.

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My ex as well. Three weeks after his second shot: turbo stage 4 lymphoma.

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I just saw a video of Charles which changed my image of him as a doddering old fool.

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Britain's Prince Charles gives statement at COP26 climate summit in Glasgow https://youtu.be/fuTzaCd_Suo?si=7ddhhKpdguP8J9df

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You can’t tell me this evil family bought into this bullshit. Come one. Just what they want you to believe. How many sheep do we still have in the world?. Did you guys learn anything from the past four years? For Gods sake Charles is on record talking about depopulation. Boy they are good. They area trying to normalize the turbo cancer in the young. Screw this monarchy. They are evil and they are liars. I’ll never believe they have cancer nor took the real poison. Besides when you go on MSM, it’s only for one thing and one thing only…to make you believe their bullshit.

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A sane comment.

Tabloids have eroded people's minds.

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I think your comment is more sane than mine…”eroded” 👍

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Well, have you considered the possibility that maybe they believed they got the placebo?

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It’s possible. But I really do not know what was shot in their arms and I really do not care.

All I know is they are evil and I don’t believe a damn thing that comes out of their mouths.

Look at Melinda Gates going on national tv/cnn justifying why she’s divorcing her evil husband. 😢😢😢That was all performative BS and she did it right after people started dying. She thinks your stupid🤣 That B has killed more babies and mothers with her husband than anyone I know but oh….she the victim here. Boo hoo! She’s hiding!

People glorify the monarchy like little sheep GLORIFY Taylor Swift and Beyoncé. Hell I came across an actual complaint (when all this BS started) pertaining to crimes against children and Ms. Beyoncé and her hubby were listed (their real names). A long list of famous people. Now you can’t find it anywhere…they wiped it clean.

Do you think Kate or Taylor Swift would die for you😃

Funny cause we know Jesus Christ did but it seems people care more about famous people than they do Jesus.

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And the thing that really makes my head spin is when I read stuff like this: “she divorced her husband cause she didn’t know he was on that island”🤣

Are people really this stupid? The stupid people are the ones that help contribute to the nonsense.

My point is I’m not sure what he was doing on the island but you can bet it was nefarious. And if people think she’s innocent, just remember she loves killing as much as her husband. They’ve done it for decades TOGETHER through their foundation BS.

I’m glad Dr. Alexander finally put her on the list!

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Exactly why they want to normalise the event … “even the Royals aren’t exempted”! Too bad they all got the saline not the poison!

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In the beginning I also believed they got the placebo. But when the facts change, I change my mind.

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A friend of ours is in hospice right now. Way too soon

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Let’s not forget the departure of Elizabeth and Phillip as well. Yes. They were both ancient, but you have to ask if they would still be present if not for taking the plunge as well. 🤔🤷🏾‍♂️

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The Queen’s departure was suspect, to say the least. They use homeopathy. I didn’t think they would get the shots. Now I am sure of it.

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Homeopathy has one thing going for it.

You can't overdose on homeopathy.

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The homeopathy can't simply save them from the toxicity of the mRNA injections. It's just doesn't work that way. On the other hand, the homeopathy is not even close as powerful as the Chinese Traditional Medicine. I tried quite a few times homeopathy with zero results. But with the Chinese Traditional Medicine I was able to witness magic happening right before my eyes.

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Adrenochrome kept them young. My guess, their supply was cut off.

No way would the Royal family ever get those DeathJABS...

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There is a woman on You Tube who does royal gossip and she stated that Elizabeth had bone cancer for 8 years before it was announced after she died so perhaps the jab fast tracked it.

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The jabs definitely haven’t extended anyone’s life. That is for sure.

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And kill millions and millions.

A complex Media psyop to Normalise the Big C....

and strike fear in the hearts of men.

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Mar 22
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Exactly: turbo cancers.

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You would think they would have taken saline shots. Charles had to know the toxicity of the mRNA jabs. Perhaps not.

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They are not very bright.

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If they took shots I'd wager they were saline.

My God, did I ever think i'd see the day when I am questioning something like this new report and considering it might be a lie.

I do know people with the turbo cancer, among other injuries, and I have great sympathy.

But I do think without a doubt that these cancers were part of the plan. As another commenter wrote, they will make billions. Billions on these new "cancer vaccines".

So I suppose they need some very famous people to be "cured".

God, I cannot believe I am so cynical.

Or have I just smartened up.

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I think many of us have smartened up.

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Thank you MusicMan--I just had my AHA! moment....BIG MONEY for "cancer cures"....I guess I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes...

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Also, “everybody gets cancer! It’s normal!”

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And they do all the chemo and trials as well….

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Yes that's important--another death protocol of treatments that have never cured cancer. Strange all this progress, but still just have radiation and chemo for the past 50 years. Baffling!

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The tests are deliberately devised to yield positives.

Then they bombard you with chemo and radiation.

A few decades ago we knew innately that the cure was far worse than the disease.

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Actually, people are learning about alternatives to conventional treatments for cancer and other conditions: https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/ivermectin-and-fenbendazole-success

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Pfizer recently spent $40 billion acquiring an oncology company. Create the problem, provide the solution.

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Yes, I read that the next thing is mRna in cancer treatments.....hate to say this but I wouldn't be surprised if this was just a big push for big pharma....and to normalize turbo cancer.....like, "We've got a cure for that which we gave you when you took our poison!"....

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Who knows if the story is even true. It might be. But they sure made sure to get the world involved over several months with the fake pictures and dopplegangers first. Probably because most people don't care and say, "Kate who?"

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They want those 3 children TRAUMATIZED with NO MOTHER so they can control them even more!!!

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well said!!! I shared your comment!! Also, that background is fricking FAKE!! It's a still image! Like WHY? WHY are they lying - again??

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Because that's who they are & that's what they do.

And unfortunately, too many gullible people buy it.

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Big Chuck-Up? Bwauhauhau. I hadn't heard him referred to as Big Chuck. I call him Proper Charlie - in honour of my dear English mother, who used such terminology. I don't care a fig really, except for having mild distaste for old Charlie; I mean, a man who has eyes so close together he can look through a keyhole with both eyes? Very untrustworthy. I agree, it's probably all about the money.

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Decadent West psychic energy has been drained ; Operation Cate is a success.

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Could be the answer unless Royalty is being ditched.

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assuming it works. which it won't. although you're pprobably right and they'll make billions even if it doesn't work

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Create a problem, rump up fear, find a solution! This was/ is a colonialist strategy to subjugate others, now its turned out to be a profitable business strategy!

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Yeah, something sure did feel off. I watched her statement and something about it just didn't sit right. I felt like something was being hidden and/or their was a certain level of deception. I just couldn't put my finger on it. Of course, I could be wrong.

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And the Queen had Multiple Myeloma too

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I don't believe for one second that any monarchy anywhere in the world got a real jab...

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Carla, the Deep State wants a One World Government. I don’t think they relish the idea of an outdated monarchy. It could be the Royals got the jabs. Like you, I’m suspicious, but there’s room for other answers here.

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Also the fact they received their jabs in public venues, where it would have been awkward and suspicious to deliver purposefully "special" (ie placebo) injections. In other words it's quite possible they got the toxic shots.

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NO WAY DID THEY GET REAL JABS. NOT POSSIBLE & ALL THIS CANCER MALARKEY IS A CON..... That family are healthy as hell... she hasn't lost any weight, her skin looks great, no dips around the eyes to denote serious illness... its all fake. her hair is still thick, lips not dry.... See for yourself. If she or Charles really had cancer they would both look ill... there are obvious signs present in skin, weight, hair, eyes etc when the body if fighting off deadly cells.... They are NOT sick.

Its all a con to lull the population into accepting cancer as a normal thing now since the Covid scamdemic & the poison jabs! Wake up sheeple.... its party time!

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I don't agree, not after seeing her deliver her message today.

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Acting! They are all terrified of a public rebellion against this genocidal covid scam linked to 5G. Joanie I don't mean to be rude at all, but these people have their own interests at heart love... There is so much that WE the people have been lied to about, for so, so long.

I don't ever state anything as fact if I haven't spoken to someone involved with the crime, or at the very least have evidence to back up what I am saying.

There are so many misinformation games all being played out at the same time to ENSURE nobody ever finds out the truth. It all boils down to one simple truth.... WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO & SILENTLY ABUSED SINCE THE 1920's. when they launched the "Spanish Flu" hoax to cover up what the new radio frequency towers were doing to everyone. We have all been used as repeated test subjects for harmful communications & electrical equipment. Its the real reason behind world war 2. Hitler was ahead of the race.

Frances Leader put up a post the other day about this very thing. The royals, like everyone else in a position of wealth & power are involved in domestic terrorism crimes against the public going back 100 years!

I will be posting this weekend on this same subject "Domestic Terrorism Crimes" you may all find it interesting....

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I'm with you, Joanie.

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She looks weak, gray and drawn, and thinner than normal - and she's ridiculously thin to begin with. The camera ADDS weight. She's sitting there in a sweater with horizontal lines, to try to camouflage the gauntness. Her hair is probably a wig.

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Agree. She does not look well

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Your comment comes from way out there in the twilight zone. What possible benefit to the globalists could faking cancer serve? Your "reasoning" is very difficult to follow. Do you somehow think that "royals" and other types of "VIPs" are immortal or immune from illness?

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Good luck with Your future!

Remember how convincing the royal family were when princess Diana was murdered in that car.... & she was murdered...by a mercenary specialist unit operating within the British intel services & the military. That's the real reason Harry fell out with everyone & buggered off to the states!

GPS computer hacking of vehicle controls has been used as standard by intel services since 1989.... Public not aware of the fact that ALL modern cars since the late 80's carry gps enabled electronics ... There is very obviously a LOT you are all unaware of.

Watch this space... some of us will be posting about all this in the next couple of months! With evidence.

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Sad as all the biographical information about the "royal" family may be, I honestly feel there are far more important things to occupy our minds with. How about the organized and carefully orchestrated democide of likely more than 2 billion people over time through the medical countermeasure known as the Covid-19 vaccine as a starter?

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I’m gonna use this as a quote if you don’t mind. I still read comments from sheep. What the hell is wrong with people..I mean people are still so stupid after four years. Can’t fix stupid I guess🙄

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Oh, there's more there now! I can almost smell the lanolin!

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Thank you😀😀You make more sense than this rubbish I hear from all these sheep🤣if they haven’t learned after years they too will meet their demise like the ones who were jabbed. If they haven’t learned anything after 4 years of BS there is no hope for them…they are sheep.

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My sister is exactly the same... she knows its bull but is still trusting the people who have lied to her all her life! I give up.

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if it's fake, you can't argue from this "evidence". you didn't see her skin.

in the video, she's much thinner btw.

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And it IS fake. (apparently)


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Why would that be impossible? They could have been jabbed with saline.

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If she got the saline shots, why is she sick with cancer? Why all these secrecy surrounding her? And why did they lie to the public, when they knew the truth in December?

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OK. Then it's the saline solutions that's giving so many these horrible forms of cancer, many of them quite rare. Just keep shifting the goal posts.

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Shrug. Maybe.

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a Thai princess was jab injured. US Congress was exempt from jab mandates (shouldn't that fact alone have made EVERYONE suspicious of the poison injections?), but some took them anyway. The fear propaganda was incredibly successful. Nancy Mace, a Congressional Rep from South Carolina, is covid "vaccine" injured.

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And look at J Raskin, who looks and acts like death warmed over. They ALL fell for the rationale.

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Is there a document about the exemption for Congress?

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I would have agreed with you, excepting these cancer diagnoses. Either they are staging something, or they got the jabs.

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They are all evil....

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Staged for what reason exactly?!

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I don't think they will have been daft enough to get the jab. But i does seem like they got a sucker punch.

The last vid message was deep fake, so they have gone.

Where to, is guess work.

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...or a real cancer...?

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I've already read a theory tonight that it's a fake cancer which will be 'miraculously cured' by a new cancer treatment, thus giving it credibility. I know pfizer have invested heavily in new cancer treatments. They obviously know a tsunami of new cancers are on their way (thanks to the magic potion) and they want to cash in on it. I mean, that's their business model, right?

But... that theory just doesn't wash with me. They might use a Hollywood celeb maybe, but not a royal. I don't even follow 'the news' much, but this cancer story feels authentic.

But on the other hand, it seems ridiculous that any of the royals would be getting real vax injections. So many VIP's got fake ones. Fauci patted the wrong arm the day after getting his, when describing how sore his arm was. Bourla admitted not getting it, and tedros.

Even if Kate got a fake vax (knowingly or not), the cancer diagnosis (true or not) is still a PR disaster for the vax, seeing as how it really is causing an explosion of 'turbo cancers' among ordinary people.

As crazy as it sounds, it really does look to me like she got a real vax and then got a real cancer. A few days ago I saw an old video of them promoting it, presumably from 2021. I remember thinking they actually sounded sincere, and utterly clueless (just like all those videos of clueless nurses and doctors promoting it).

The whole thing is just WEIRD. I mean, even Mariah Carey got a fake fax (as far as we can tell from the video of it). Even if the royals are genuinely pro vax, surely it would make sense (strategically) to NOT poison such high profile people to not draw attention to how toxic the jab is?

This is bound to make millions of normies skeptical of 'safe and effective'.... isn't it? Especially if they also watch sports....

The only explanation which makes any sense to me is that the people running the world are literally taking orders from some AI supercomputer somewhere which totally doesn't give a fuck. I don't 'believe' that..... but it's the only explanation which seems to fit!

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No.... its all fake. The royals are in this genocidal program up to their necks. They are playing their part in ensuring the British public follow the herd. Cancers are on the increase exponentially since people were lied to & told there was a pandemic.... NO WAY did any of the royals gat jabbed. It simply would NOT have been allowed. Their roles in controlling the narrative are far too important to risk them getting injured.

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I get all that and I don't disagree .... but the idea that it's all a psyop seems just as improbable and it makes no sense.

Even if she didn't get the jab and it's all fake, it's still going to look like vax injury to A LOT of people - including a lot of previously asleep normies. Why risk destroying public faith in Big Pharma if the intention is to promote new cancer drugs? It makes no sense.

Every 'anti vaxxer' is now going to use this story to try and wake up friends and family. And the explosion in cancers over the last 2 years is already a mainstream talking point. As the meme goes - the dots are practically touching at this point.

It *feels* to me like she had an aggressive turbo cancer and they panicked, tried to downplay it and buy some time and are now forced to acknowledge it.

The only 'psyop' that would make any sense to me is if she already died and they now want to drag it out as long as possible (before announcing her death) to make it look more like a normal cancer demise, rather than a turbo cancer or sudden death.

I read that her family did not visit her in hospital when she had the surgery. If that's true it would be consistent with her suddenly dying and the operation being an excuse to buy time.

But I totally agree, it's ridiculous that any of them would get the jab (for real) to begin with. I really don't know what to think.

I'm not committing to ANY narrative (that's my new bumper sticker).

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her family not visiting her, especially her mom, is so eerie.

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But what if they die from the cancer? Will you still hold the same beliefs, that they didn't get the real shots? I'm simply just curious.

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Neither do I.

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What an interesting day for this announcement. And Trump's blank check company, Digital World Acquisition Corporation, held their shareholder meeting and they voted to do mergers. Steven Mnuchin just said he wanted to buy TikTok.

Purim starts tonight at sundown -- the 13th day of Adar. The day we settle our debts and kill our enemies. Read the Book of Esther, Chapter 9.

This is actually the 12th month of the year. The new year starts on April 9 according to Exodus 12:1-2. The day after the solar eclipse, April 8.

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It’s also skull and bones day: 322

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Oh yes. You're right!

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Yep...I'm constantly amazed at how parashas line up with current events....B"H

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right....as if the "royals" got what we got in those "vaccines"...Fat Chance....Probably just made up so we think that the "elites" are not responsible for the obvious and terrifying carnage of the "vaxxed"

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It's very naive to believe that any of the royals got the real jab juice.

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Mar 22
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The Crown (Corporation) owns the Commonwealth.

All of it.

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Do you think Gates, Schwab or Boris Johnson took a jab?

Don't be daft...and don't presume to lecture people you don't know about the Brit East India Company.

Now run along lil troll.

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Mar 22
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My heart goes out to Kate and her 3 beautiful children.

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Mar 23Edited

Assuming this story is true.

It's wise to be skeptical of everything we hear and read now.

Such is the reality of the world we're in.

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Mar 22Edited
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Yikes, what is responsible for the catastrophic cognitive disconnect? I would like to amend that William and Kate quote to "vaccination is very very important if you are trying to be sick and die young."

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Dear Celia,

this was the assumption also by Dr Makis… BUT

I am afraid that, especially if you don’t live in the UK, you tend to believe the theatre that the Crown is!

Nobody here, at this point, believe that any of the Royals, or the politicians got anything but saline solution!

The excess mortality in the UK is difficult to hide and the skyrocketing turbo cancers are beyond count !

They have to “normalise” the issue .. so all of a sudden 3 Royals have cancer …

I am very sorry for the Princess of Wales if this happened to be really the case, and I wish Her well .

But I have a lot of doubts .. it feels like when “Boris got Covid and is on a ventilator” ….

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Oh, the effing doctors are just so confused! So concerned! They just can’t imagine what is causing this!

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It Is a real mystery, isn't it? Totally novel use of Mrna platform--totally experimental. In fact NOT TOTALLY...Dr. Dolores Cahill a professor from Ireland came out early in 2020 or so and said that all the "test animals" for the "covid vaccine" DIED! I think she said ferrets...not sure on that.

Bottom line: "they" DID test it and lo and behold--- it was "effective"....effectively lethal.

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Sucharit Bhakdi and Arne Buckhardt warned early on...Their exact words were:

"Do not take these injections....they will initiate severe auto immune attacks"....

Later Bhakdi was arrested but he is free now....so glad.

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Mar 8, 2024Prof Dr SUCHARIT BHAKDI: mRNA Injections and How They Kill. The Groups Exempted From the Jab Astound You teddolbi 5.87K followers Follow 25 0. Comments Share Embed Comments ... DR SUCHARIT BHAKDI: Organs of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune Attack!!!!

https://palexander.substack.com › p › dr-sucharit-bhakdi-in-athens-on-the › comments

Comments - Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi in Athens on the devastation ... - Substack

Oct 21, 2022Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi in Athens on the devastation by the mRNA gene injections, his plea to stop the injection NOW! 'What I want to tell you is that the whole hoax, the whole criminal hoax of COVID' ... Both mRNA injections of any formulations and all mRNA platforms must have full, rigorous testing and pass all the complete traditional trials ...

https://www.reddit.com › r › VaccineMandates › comments › zw33ur › drsucharit_bhakdi_why_all_mrna_vaccines_will

"Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi: Why ALL mRNA 'Vaccines' Will Cause Harm" - Reddit

Dr. Michael Yeadon: This is a really serious immunology lesson from Sucharit Bhakdi, explaining why all mRNA injections will unavoidably be toxic. Forget the word "vaccine". Whatever you call it, causing the body to express NON-SELF PROTEINS will automatically cause autoimmune attack on your own tissues.Why? ... Sucharit Bhakdi was for many ...

https://www.actforcanada.ca › l › top-microbiologist-dr-sucharit-bhakdi-calls-mrna-injections-‘crime-against-humanity’

Top Microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Calls mRNA Injections 'Crime ...

Oct 19, 2023In a lengthy presentation featuring nine international experts, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi framed the issue of compliance with DNA contaminated mRNA injections in stark terms. "Whoever propagates RNA vaccines as effective and safe - whoever claims nothing can happen to your genome - is either incredibly ignorant or endlessly evil," he said. Such people,...

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The story was that there had never been a coronavirus jab because all the lab animals died of ADE - Antibody-dependent Enhancement.

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That was the ferrets.

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Were they not minks that died like 12 million in Denmark? Someone was suing the government for killing the animals.🇨🇦

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Denmark to kill 15 million mink amid "very serious" concern over links to human COVID cases (Nov 2020 headline)

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Hmmm. The released Pfizer paper indicate that ulcerative colitis is one of the 770+ 'adverse events' that are associated with the injections....this is another one! I've read that having 'royal' lines is interfering with Schwab's one world order wet dream, so it could be they will just be targeted like the rest of us peons, us useless eaters....

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Imagine you’re trying to get people to give up their homes and live in 15-minute cities, and then you have an old fashioned monarchy living in castles—30 of them to be exact—claiming their bloodlines give them privilege to live above the rest of the peons.

I think Schwab would love to get rid of the monarchy. And he’s a man who gets what he wants.

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Let's act 'as if' he does not!

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the crowd that comments here is so far ahead of the curve they've spun out of the racetrack.

I'm a simpleton. she looks drawn and withered. I feel for her.

no telling how much free agency she has. including taking the jab. and now if she is subject to their cancer protocols. she is stoic and devoted to her role. she grows in dignity.

it's bad news, however you parse it.

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OH DEAR GOD...... its all fakery!

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why watch the news or read this blog if it's all fakery?

there must be some trust or we'll be rolling around in strait jackets in padded cells (if they still had such niceties).

I prefer to appear to have been fooled than wish this woman dead.

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I don't wish anyone dead! But it doesn't change the fact that these people do not, EVER, put themselves in the line of danger. The shots were designed to harm. The royals did NOT get jabbed with anything other than saline! & Kate does NOT have cancer.

She, like Charles, is playing a part to set the stage for a new breed of cancer treatments due to hit the market that are aimed at all the newly emerging aggressive cancers now being found in the vaxxed.... Big Pharma will be making even more money from these now the royals are on board with the con!

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good. I'm glad to hear it. maybe we need to say Fake-Kate when we mean AI-generated puppets. we're discussing various levels simultaneously. it's tricky.

the shots are bioweapons, no argument.

I don't know what Kate has. she's always so tense. her pregnancies were hair-raising. and Megan Markle is enough to give someone cancer, seriously.

it's true England had an insane lockdown, so bad I never could assimilate the level of tyranny. Australia too, and that's the UK, all under the same ghastly umbrella.

I guess I want Kate to not stoop to that level.

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It can't be all fakery. There must be a little bit of non-fakery mixed in to give it that aura of realism that Coronation Street, the Archers and Eastenders lack.

But which parts aren't fakery? That's the tough thing to work out. And that's what makes following the story as much fun as doing a crossword.

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I am not following Kate's story... it doesn't interest me... & neither do i watch any 'soaps'... I'd rather watch paint dry, at least it changes colour subtly to give some interest!

What does interest me is her being involved in duping the public into believing this BS. Its all just so far fetched its laughable! The royals, like every other well connected & wealthy individual would NEVER have taken the shots... they were designed to harm.... poison. They don't get their kids immunised either for the same reason! None of the wealthy connected have their kids vaccinated at school age & neither do most doctors! POISONS. Its been happening since 1957!

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For what it's worth, my sentiments towards the Royal Family are a mixed bag. As a Briton now in my sixties, the British history I was taught in school was largely the history of the kings and queens of England and then Great Britain, and my first encounter with Charles was when my entire primary school was forced to watch The Investiture of the Prince of Wales on a black & white telling installed in the assembly hall for the purpose.

But I've never really been into The Windsors—which I do regard as a soap opera. I've always preferred comedies and detective stories. I remember Ma'am's silver jubilee and the street parties that neighborhood organized up and down the country. But I stayed well away from the festivities. And I never laid a wreath for Diana That seemed well over-the-top to me. But I think I understand why a lot of people did.

Pushing poisons - yes. Most of the Royals seem to have done that with COVID-19. I am wondering why they did so. I don't have a definitive answer yet.

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Remember MAD MAGAZINE? I always thought "Prince" whatshisname"...looked just like that guy on the cover of MAD...

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I am not buying this story at all!

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What would it take for you to believe it?

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Transparency of the ruling elite. I'm dying laughing at the thought of it.

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I cannot believe how many gullible people actually believe that a) the royals took a deadly vx that they were certainly given inside information about, in advance and b) three of them fell ill with the same disease the vx is giving many in the population.

My prediction: by the grace of Gawd, all three will survive...

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I'd bet money on that too--so that when the cancer DELUGE that is just beginning really takes hold, people will have hope that its nothing! Totally survivable. Even though it's not.

I would not be surprised if she was chosen to put this theatre on from the beginning. Staged every step of the way. It had to be someone world-known (an actor would not do for the "third world" countries, a political figure is not sympathetic enough). They needed a Princess Diana figure, and she's the next best thing.

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King Charles will abdicate soon...

and Queen Kate will be the poster child for the New Miracle Cancer Vaccine.

She does look remarkably well for someone who has recently been inundated with chemo.

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That's the first thing that crossed my mind too.

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yes....isn't it wonderful. What a total sham

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Yes its painful to see so many people falling for this BS..... It will have been planned months if not a year in advance with military (intelligence services) precision!

A country (world) filled with adoring gullible royal fans , all swept up in their heartfelt sympathy for "poor Kate"....

Then the new cancer treatments will be rolled out by big pharma as allegedly miraculously curing her of all signs of this deadly version of the "Big C." But when all the REAL victims of the covid & vax scam are rolling up for this new miracle cure they will simply die & everyone will be told they weren't caught in time after contracting cancer symptoms.... Meanwhile, back at "El Rancho" - "Big Pharma" is raking in the pennies from all the thousands now dropping to their knees like flies with aggressive cancers who are desperate for a cure.

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There are two plausible possibilities here:

Four members have cancer now. Was it the vax?

One of two possibilities:

The Deep State, forming a One World Government, might not like the idea of Royals. One reason is their wealth is so on display, and will be irritating to those living in 15-minute cities. The Crown is “too old fashioned” for the WEF’s progressive mindset.

I doubt any of the Royals got the vax, but cancer can be caused. Maybe the Deep State wants to get rid of them.


None of them have cancer. It’s a distraction, yes, but perhaps Pfizer will roll out a new cancer Vax and a sudden “cure” and the whole world will be watching the Royals and boom! Pfizer is back in the money.

I doubt the Deep State wants to cure our cancer. They’re looking to kill us. But a vaccine disguised as a cure for cancer? That actually kills? That makes sense, doesn’t it?

And millions will fall for it.

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UK just announced a new lung cancer jab.

Check this out:

NHS Cancer Vaccine Launch Pad

The NHS Cancer Vaccine Launch Pad (CVLP) is a platform that will speed up access to messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) personalised cancer vaccine clinical trials for people who have been diagnosed with cancer. It will also accelerate the development of cancer vaccines as a form of cancer treatment.


"Personalised". How thoughtful.

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Omg. Why am I not surprised?! Right on cue.

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Your second possibility is more likely.

The NWO/Great Reset monsters don't give a rat's ass if the slaves living in 15 minute open air concentration camps are "irritated" by the monarchy's obscene wealth. They consider us cockroaches and they can't eliminate us fast enough.

Pfizer will definitely come up with a "miraculous" jab for cancer. They've been priming us for that for several months now. I pity the desperate people who will fall for it.

Listen to the Day Tapes (See Sage Hana's Newsletter on substack). The bastards have apparently had the cure for most cancers for decades.

Available only to themselves, of course.

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I heard the powers that shouldn't be want to put mRNA in ALL vaccines!

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I don't believe a word that the fake news media tells us! They're incapable of telling the truth. Let us not forget...all the important elite and Hellywood actors have doubles...

Another insider, close to Kate, recently said that she was offered as a sacrifice to Satan, so which is it? The whole coronation of the King was full of Satanic symbolism, including his oath, when he referred to Satan as "father". Hmmm...I believe she'll be here long after we're gone. Then again...they do murder the pretty ones, i.e. Diana. With A.I. generated graphics, it's almost impossible to believe our eyes anymore. When all trust is gone, so too, is society. We're on our way out. Only God Almighty will look after those who are His, through Jesus Christ, His Son.

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That cancer is not rare anymore since the jabs. I know 3 people who got jabbed who now have mucinous adenocarcinoma. It's horrible. One 25 year old had her ovaries, uterus, gallbladder, spleen and appendix removed. I imagine that is what Catherine had done. My friend got it after 5 years remission of breast cancer and after multiple surgeries and partial intestinal removal, is now terminal and on hospice. The 3rd is now deceased.

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This is all very strange. Royals don't get vaccines. Royals drink raw milk and eat organic food. They typically live past 90, like the Rothschilds. Maybe they wanted to get rid of Kate; her job was done, she produced an heir. Pharma has been talking about cancer vaccines for years. Who knows, time will tell. Every time I disconnect from the news, I feel better. Had been off for a week, only reading Celia and John Rappoport. Even they are getting to be too much. :)

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The DEATHVAX™ strikes again!

Yet I can cure her cancer in 60 days with nothing "radical" whatsoever.

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Can you? Maybe you can, you sound smart.

But should you?

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hard to believe she took the jab...unless of course for some reason they wanted to get rid of her.... maybe a wife position if it opens up could be filled by someone from the middle east or africa... to make the blending of the indigenous or its flat out genocide not so unacceptable

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Those women who are brought into the family can decide they want to quit but know too much… and have to be dealt with. It already happened with Diana.

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But then again, how much is too much?

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The dread Voldemort cancer, the origin of which we dare not speak the name.

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