Several of us will be testifying before DC Council this Thursday. They are dropping the mandate for Covid shots for school, but still promoting and allowing the shots. Hopefully we will rise their consciousness.

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It is good that they are dropping the mandate


They are converting the other vaccines to MRNA from what I understand.

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Who needs vaccines? They don't work, are not safe and do harm 🤷🏼‍♀️

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It’s this obsession with playing God. We have gone so far away from Eden that people that would have been eaten by a predator can now live a sinful lifestyle. If we weren’t in society there wouldn’t be obese people cause those that couldn’t run would be the first to go on top of many other sinful habits. Survival of the fattest in America these days.

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I think it's less an obsession with playing God and more an obsession with destroying God and everything that makes us human.


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Now we are just arguing semantics, in order to play God one has to have already destroyed God in their heart. If they didn’t they would have humility and a conscience to keep that level in check. Nietzsche said in 1882 God was dead in society, so they are way past destroying him and on to being that replacement. Satan loves to play God and be worshipped that way.

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You understand correctly.

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They know what they are doing.

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Exactly and those people don’t have souls, the sold them a long time ago

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Thank you! God bless you 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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They have no conscious whatsoever.

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Jun 19, 2023Edited
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I will appeal tother conscience and moral responsibility and together with other witnesses we will paint a compelling picture. There are some decent people in DC government, several manipulated by propaganda which I will address. I will publish my testimony after. We shall see.

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Good wishes!!

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Yes - It truly is the District of Corruption. Is it the most corrupt? maybe but there are other places like Boston, Philly, NYC, Detroit, Chicago, LA etc that have similar power structures allowing lawless anarchists to have free reign. They all utilize the same magic formula of the 3 B's (Bribery, Brainwashing, Blackmail) to manipulate the clueless masses by hook or by crook.

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DC is different. It has operated as a foreign-owned corporation since The Act of 1871. The same corporation also owns all federal land and buildings, as well as US overseas territories like Guam. To me, this makes DC a fraud, a deception, pretending to be something other than it actually is.

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Yes - DC is one of the big three power spots that are separate from the gpvernments where they are located. The other two are the Vatican and the City of London. It's been argued that these are the places where the dark forces are centered. I once saw a report showing the actual street layout of DC contains pentagram which is a satanic symbol often associated with the Freemasons. If you ever want to take a deep look into the underbelly of the Illuminati, this fellow Dylan of the New Templars has drawn up some very interesting reference maps.


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Yes, the question for me is which power is behind those three spots. I think there is much nonsense and many lies, deceptions and misdirections about the freemasons and the Templars. I think it's a smokescreen intended to keep us in fear and to hide a deeper and very ancient secret.

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Jun 19, 2023
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I lived there for 10+ years. Went to university there as well. It is heavily infiltrated with rats but there are many good people who are stuck living there.

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In the past, there was Sodom and Gomorah, Will DC and NYC suffer the same fate?

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Burning down the house, at 6,000° F? Increasingly possible. This short, well-presented documentary could be very educational to the younger generations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7_92sjUcOI

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Thank you, Karen, for all you do. I have been following Bobby Kennedy since 2012. Because of him, and others, I have three beautiful grandchildren who have never been vaccinated. Unfortunately, they live in California and the twins will be four in a few weeks. They will have to move. I love Bobby. If he makes it, it may be the first time I voted for a Democrat. 🙀

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I too have never voted Democrat, but I certainly would consider it if the candidate were Bobby Kennedy!

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Maybe it's a ploy by the democrats to entice people who've never voted democrats to leave their normal voting strategies and join them. I don't know. I don't trust anyone anymore and am sceptical about both sides. But I do love Robert Kennedy jnr and have listened, but not always agreed, with all he says since 2012. Maybe, just maybe, he's the honey, as Trump was??? Just speculating...

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You're right to be cautious with your optimism. Remember what a breath of fresh air Obama sounded like before he was elected?!

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Same! I’ve always voted straight ticket Republican. But, I changed my party affiliation to “No Party Affiliation” a few weeks ago. The more I read about RFK Jr., the more I like. And to me, a lot of his views seem more Libertarian than Democrat. But maybe that’s just because we’re used to the bat shit crazy, pedophile Satanists that have hijacked our country over the last few years.

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They here they queer they comin for your children....

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Sacrificing Children to Moloch


Mengeles From the FDA Mass Murder Advisory Committee Discuss Clinical Trials for Babies:


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I agree Celia. We are in a new kind of war. No more noble "geneva convention" on the humane treatment of the target. Women and children are now the targets in this war against life. Thanks for bearing witness.

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Jun 19, 2023Edited
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Sadly the so called Geneva convention has only been there as lip service to hoodwink the people while the oligarchs play by different rules.

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What's with all the deleted comments? I count 3 so far, and each one elicited at least one response from others.

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How and why anyone would plunge 'undisclosed' substances into their babies is beyond me. My heart breaks. I truly hope this horrific lesson results in the downfall of this nefarious crime.

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Unfortunately, there is no way that I can vote for RFK Jr.

Many of his policy positions, if implemented , would be just as disastrous as the Covid vaccines....if not more so.

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Mark: Your unsupported disparagement of RFK Jr is evidence of the extent to which the powers that be fear him, and you are evidently a troll for them, trying to sow doubt where none should exist. The powers that be fear his abilities to improve the world like no other person in the world, by reducing corruption, restoring our human rights and constitutional rights, cracking down on polluters of every kind (including our planet and bodies), and bringing integrity back into the mainstream.

We see you for what you are.

RFK all the way.

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“We see you for what you are “

Would you care to elaborate since you know me so well?

I’m a constitutional conservative who is against government intervention in any area where it can be avoided.

I’m for a much smaller government

I’m for civil liberties and personal freedom

I’m against gun control

I’m for a strong military

I’m against an all knowing and all seeing state ‘security’ apparatus.

I’m against the dystopian nightmare that the Democrats and globalists are planning for us.

In short, I’m a conservative and proud of it. I just wish that the leadership of the Republican Party could say the same.

And just because RFK Jr SEEMS to have adopted some of the same positions doesn’t mean squat.

He’s still a Dem and still has many ‘liberal’ positions with which I profoundly disagree with.

His appointees would also be Dems and look where they have gotten us.

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Jun 19, 2023
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You're right about presidents being selected, or installed, as opposed to being fairly elected.

After 2020, I'm still amazed when people spend their precious time discussing the 2024 "election" and the pros and cons of "candidates".

Just another thing to distract us from where our attention should be focused:

enhanced digital IDs, the US ceding its sovereignty to the WHO in September, and the CBDC infrastructure being installed in the US in July.

All coming at us like a tsunami.

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I don't agree with him on everything but he is the only candidate who is honest enough to listen the concerns of everyday people like you and me. His organization is the Children's Health Defense. Biden's is the Biden Crime Family, a byproduct of the globalist swamp rats.

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What do you consider more disastrous than the Covid vaccine? I have seen seven children under four years die here in Chicago. Also a young man who became sick after the first vaccine and yet, he took the second one. On the third he passed out! He did not want to be vaccinated but he would have lost his job! Unlike you, I have always been a Republican, but this time I will vote for Robert Kennedy. Should he loose, then I will vote for Ron de Santis. There are no other obtions.

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I don’t know where you got the idea that I had ever been anything other than a Republican, I’ve been a Republican my whole life.

I really don’t know how any lifelong Republican could vote for RFK Jr.

He is a hard core liberal Democrat.

He’s a climate change nut

He’s anti US military

He’s anti capitalist

He’s for gun control

He’s for socialized medicine

And as far as I can tell, he’s pro abortion.....or else he does that cute little maneuver that nominally pro life democrats try - where he’s personally opposed to abortion but doesn’t have a problem with others doing it. I’m willing to bet that he will be ‘evolving’ his abortion stance very soon to attract Dem voters.

Seriously, go back and look at his statements and positions. He is portraying himself as a centrist, but he’s not. He’s about as far left as you can go and still believe in our form of government.

Here’s a hint:

Dennis Kucinich is his campaign manager.

I can not, in good conscience, vote for ANY liberal Democrat for President.... or anything else. The Democrats and their globalist allies have already screwed this country up enough, I refuse to vote for a liberal Democrat to ‘fix’ the damage.

Even if he does seem honest (a rarity in his Party).

I have enough trouble voting for the damn republicans......but that’s for another day

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yeah, it's rare for a Leftist to be against any of the Major Mainstream (i.e. Leftist) Narratives. The norm is to support them all as a block. RFK goes against most of the Covid Narrative, but he seems to support all the others. By the way, it's not permissible to vaguely peripherally criticize the Trans Narrative and not boldly, directly, and FORCEFULLY CONDEMN it lock, stock and barrel -- which RFK has not done.

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Jun 19, 2023
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Thank you dear. I think Ron de Santis is another great option as well. Ha ha ha! You are so funny!

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I count 5 deleted comments now. Weird.

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I’m not being sarcastic but please list those policy decisions that could be disastrous ..if RFK is elected .. Thanks

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The question is: How can this be happening?

I wonder if I have an idea on how.

Does anyone know since when in studies they speak of mice being "sacrificed" after so many days, instead of "killed? This choice of word at first thought sounds more moral because "to sacrifice" implies a kind of self-critical acknowledgment of being guilty of having killed a being, for a purpose. Thinking again, however, this choice of word is more dangerous than a habit of saying "to kill". Because "kill" is descriptive with no moral judgment, yet it is honest and the speaker/writer fully confronts themselves with the reality and the degree of guilt. When saying "sacrifice" on the contrary, dangerously the word not only signals that there is killing going on for a purpose - but also, the "for a purpose" tends to legitimize the killing. It is also a word that very much empowers the decider on life and death

therefore am afraid that certain personality types among scientists working in labs, after having killed and sacrificed a sufficient quantity of animals, they might make the leap towards normalizing the thought that also sacrificing some of those too many humans out there in a larger figld experiment, might be legitimized by an adequate purpose, the purpose being finding any kind of better condition for the majority, or future generations. For instance, depending on how important the research is, hey become frustrated by the animals not yielding enough transferable insight. At that point, sacrificing a small portion of current humanity for the good of humanity at larger might become more and more thinkable, then justifiable.

So, when did the use of "to sacrifice" instead of "to kill" start? Totalitarianisms, or power structures, have at all times worked very attentively with language.

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I just cut to the chase and call it MURDER. Plain and simple. In the womb then expands to include outside the womb until it explodes in a genocidal conflagration. Evil if accepted NEVER stays in its own lane.

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Jun 19, 2023
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I personally was talking about the use of the word "sacrifice" in the scientific literature.

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Okay, this is getting freaky. There are about 10 deleted comments on this thread. What in blazes is going on?

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The mRNA gene altering substances trials were completely fake. The control groups were destroyed, trials cut short, mRNA substances switched in midstream, negative effects cut out of data, falsified data, and a 95% efficacy result that was a 100% lie. This is normal procedure for vaccine and drug trials that big pharma always hides from the public. No vaccines and most drugs are not safe nor effective.

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It doesn’t make sense how RFJ, Jr. is an advocate for children and not an advocate for unborn babies. Why can’t he see that he’s fallen for the same propaganda that he’s fighting against.

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Leftists have some visceral connection to killing unborn children.

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abattoir - Yeah, I had to look that word up - "A slaughterhouse." I agree.

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So which issue is more important to 'himanity'?

It's criminal to watch the young be experimented on who will step to the plate and put a stop to it? No one I'm watching - it's all talk, talk, talk.

And about your glossy candidate RFK jr - thic comment of mine addresses ALL of humanity, including the babies:

How can you even consider a candidate who doesn't understand photosynthesis?

Makes me wonder about any other important issues, like What Is A woman?

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What kind of "parent" volunteers their infant or child for medical experimentation?

Are they doing it for money? Or are these children orphans?

But on the other hand, how is it that the (hundreds of thousands? millions?) of babes aren't now dying at the same rate? I know they're definitely dying, but still one in three???

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This is happening because world wide genocide is being carried out, as per government policy. See stopthecrime.net where Deborah Tavares has been laying it out for years, using U.S. government documentation as proof. Chilling.

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Shocking, just shocking.

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Ron Desantis installed the death penalty for Florida, I don’t doubt he wouldn’t add it for these types either. He needs to get the information. They are insulated out of many reasons. None of the candidates are perfect, they are human. Plenty of things to go after RFK Jr about. Victor Davis Hanson talks about the left will most likely attack his campaign for how he treated his wife Mary. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3231043/amp/How-serial-cheater-Bobby-Kennedy-Jr-strutted-family-home-exposing-private-parts-demanded-m-nage-trois-wife-Mary-went-public-Cheryl-Hines-telling-Mary-things-easier-killed-herself.html

That stuff isn’t good at all. He certainly belongs on the left as depraved a lifestyle as he lives.

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