Black Rock, Vanguard, lithium.

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And quartz, oh my!😱

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There was a quartz in The dark side of the moon, by Pink Floyd.

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Troodo in Canada announced last week there will be no more gas/diesel powered vehicles allowed there by 2035.

And the EV makers need lithium for the batteries, right?

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There’s nothing like having an exploding “battery” in your vehicle. Damn, I’d pay major dollar for THAT!

Where do I sign up? Does the Harris/Walz bumper sticker come with it?

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Fires from lithium batteries have been happening too frequently, even from parking an e-bike in your home overnight. And they expect us both to pay the high prices and to take these risks?

They're mad. But they probably all own corporate shares in everything from the mines to the finished items.

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Albamarle Lithium Co, King Mountain, North Carolina.

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Hopefully Troodo will be 6 feet under by 2035...

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I am hoping that any day now, there will be a successful vote of no confidence, and then a Conservative win in the election.

If we still have the Troodo Liberals by 2035, Canada will be a Hell-scape.

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‘Give me a rug to pull out from under others, and a broom hefty enough, and I will sweep everything away...'


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"One of the ways to mass control people is just by damaging their brains a little bit."


So what happened to these brains?



Breggins kicked and banned me for that question?

A reply would have been better.


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4 hrs ago·edited 11 mins ago

The Breggins banned me too, after removing all of my posts. It wasn't even clear why. I think because I knew more on certain subjects than they did.

So much for being "freedom warriors". Needless to say, I don't read that Substack any more.

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THE issue is not about ME per se being relegated by cancel culture;

it's the evil hypocrisy schlock that is destroying US.


Presenting to be against evil;

but yet coddling/covering-for evil 'on-the-other-hand'


& I'm tired of USA being sacrificed for ZioUSA-evil.

and to think of all the lives lost because of that evil.

And didn't they just give more billion$, 8 Billion, to the Zio-evil.

I'd much rather the flood victims could get some of that.

But they're suffering's apparently just a distraction so to not think about the Zio-evil.


I read Dr.Breggin's comment; & said to myself:

'Hey I haven't received an email from the Dr.Breggin's Substack. for awhile.

Why? I investigate ... & find I am not subscribed.

I try to re-sub, and receive message: 'Not Allowed'.


It's the zio-hypocrisy schlock that hurts so much.

I'm so sick of IT!

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Federal Equity Management Agency (FEMA) & War for Israel

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2024.10.05


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Thank You, Ginger (I presume).

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It's all beem coming for decades. The Day tapes....

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

heads up and hats off to Sage Hana for bringing the Day Tapes back to light, in this limited sphere of influence. I was exposed to them years ago on KPFK, late at night, sometimes accompanied by the spirit of Michoacan...(which, in and of itself, may be another component to this mind control)

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On the Something's Happening program? One of the most innovative radio programs in US history, not just Pacifica Radio.

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Time we all start believing in a higher power. And I don't mean government.

Believe in your community and fellow man. Believe in your God. I think these predators have taken us to the point of no more wiggle room. Absolutely tragic.

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Amen to that! 💗🙏🏼

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"Just listen to people, straight, the story is in all their voices."

That's right, and that's why empathy is better than data in cases like these.

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We've toured the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, before I knew what that place was and what it represents. The Vanderbilts were, according to the what I've heard and read, as bad or worse as any of the elites that are most certainly driving the weather manipulation. The main house at the Biltmore was unaffected from what I've read. That house has the worst energy of anywhere I've ever been. An awful, awful place. A sanctuary where the citizens of Asheville can heal should be put in it's place. I know it brings in tourist dollars, but at what cost?

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In the absolute best case scenario, the federal government is criminally negligent in not rescuing and diverting assets and monies towards the victims of hurricane Helene. In the more likely scenario, the federal government is purposefully, slow, walking or denying assistance because there are monetary interests in the lithium and quartz mines, and there are electoral issues by having the entire red area unable to vote in the coming election. Either way, this is treason and completely unacceptable. There will be consequences.

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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ( errr, I mean- a War o' Attrition...)

(it is a big country after all, and frogs can boil in so many ways- when you think about it...)

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The State does not condemn the State.

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the State does Not Exist !!

Smash the State !!

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That's paradoxical, innit?

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I like to think it might give some insight into how easily one can change reality by shifting their perspective, but then again- who am I kidding...?

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My perspective is that there is a pact of silence.

Everything else is theater.

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There are factions now in competition...

One may hope a little bit.

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Yes, you may.

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I like to hope for the truth faction, but can't seem to find them represented on any posters, whether stapled onto telephone poles- (as if they exist anymore) or, wheat-pasted, late at night, onto the plywood pallisades that used to rim new construction sites (as opposed to the chain-link and wind-screen that now harbors demolished towns) so, as you can see it becomes hard for me to wrap my imagination in...

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Plywood has been a luxury material since the time of the Egyptians.

Hope is definitely a virtue.

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If lithium is the new oil, the Rockefeller-Rothschild cabal surely seek to exert monopoly control and rule the 21st century. Same old. I'm tired of these goons running the world.

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Hillary, like John Kerry, do not believe in the Constitution, which provides for government by the consent of the governed. They know we don't believe they are demonstrably fit to govern, nor believe the lies that make up their official narrative, and they just want to end free speech if they can't shut us up. They don't want to fix things by doing the right things, their antipathy to free speech is proof of criminal intent.

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We can thank God they did not win their respective presidencies.

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I've relocated to Taiwan as well, and--strangely enough--have lived in that region of the Appalachians some 20-30 years ago; Boone, Black Mountain, Asheville. East Tennessee (Appalachian Trail country.) To say this turn of events is unthinkable understates the case by leagues. Given all that is happening at the infrastructure level in America, very little surprises me...but THIS!

Then again, I didn't know about the lithium.

God help you, my fellow Americans. There is not anything these monsters will not do to you to further enrich themselves.

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If there is any white pill to this horrible tragedy is that more and more people are waking up to the fact every day that the regime hates us and wants us dead, and man we feel the same about them. The current U.S. government is illegitimate, period, full stop.

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Mayor of Asheville is a yet another woke globohomo Jew. Wikipedia entry- “Manheimer graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder, and she served as campus director of the American Movement for Israel.”

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globohomo jew. Nice.

And so on point. If only we'd stick to globohetero christians. Y'know - like the guys who got us into this mess to begin with.

I'd have expected more from the Health Freedom movement. But after almost 5 years of reading such comments....

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Jee Zuss. Not another one:).

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Thank you for reporting this and all the previous reports you’ve done on this disaster, Celia.

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From Karen Kingston report today, reliable way to support boots on the ground in NC with Strategic Response Partners. She personally knows the owner and says this about him: I personally know the owner and he is a generous, brave, and great man. Also, I (Daisy Mae) personally know he is the person that took RFK Jr to the Mexico border when he went - and hosted a fundraiser for RFK Jr. at his home. And I personally met his wife at a CHD event in our area.: https://www.givesendgo.com/SRP24?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

I donated today

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Yes and let’s also remember there are also amazing stories of support coming from the community, private citizens, and orgs. It has totally inspired me:



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Why is anyone surprised about the Biden Response? He doesn’t know anything. He hurts the democrats for him to know anything. If he knows something, he might actually do something. They want him invisible right now.

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To be fair, he is in the midst of dementia; he really isn't IN.

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This is actually the first comment I have read in four years that expresses any type of fairness and understanding about dementia.

I have no faith or belief in politics as usual, or it's participants on either side of the fake paradigm, but I have been sickened by the constant cruel references to someone suffering from dementia.

At this point, I do a quick scan of comments before I fully read because the cruelty on this side of the fence is every bit as toxic as the gang calling us grandma/baby killers during the fake pandemic.

And before there are any arguments, I am quite aware of the typical political crimes and shenanigans of Mr. Biden. That is not the point. To comment on his politics is one thing, to throw around disgusting (and referencres to diaper wearing is disgusting) insults is quite another.

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