Love this. Love your work. I hold RFK with the same mixture of admiration deep gratitude and sadness on his Gaza perspective.

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Me too Brian. Please see a comment on him I just wrote.

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Wow. You sure spelled this out well, & I'm grateful! One of the very big lessons I've learned since the Covid madness began was, I am never going to agree with everyone - even my former "heroes" - about everything. In fact the big lesson is, Do Not Put People on Pedestals (they will only eventually fall off them anyway). It's a lesson I've had to learn over & over & over again. RFK Jr. is an heroic figure. And he is neither perfect nor right about all things. He is merely human. But after all, an exceptionally heroic one! Grateful to you for elucidating this so very clearly.

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Janet, I am with you. I now realize heroes, the mechanisms, of hero worship, this is connected to hypnotism. And it is also the Rene Girard thing—scapegoat to sacrifice. The sequence is: Hero to Scapegoat to Sacrifice. You see it ALL the time. Except the Democrats who do the whole thing in reverse. Their idols get elevated without an iota of heroica. It's all hypnosis working on Woke algorithms.

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I know I am not a big thinker. I do think a lot, though, & philosophize a lot. I have long not been a big fan of organized religion. Was raised in a nominally Christian family - but we sure weren't very Christian. Whatever that means. In any case, in some of my philosophizing it came to me some years back that the pedestal problem (I've long realized it's a problem - in the world, in my own life) could possibly be a problem caused by religion. We elevate some figure (e.g. Jesus Christ) to heroic status. The figure is perfect. & we ourselves can never be perfect. So we "worship" someone & feel terribly sinful & imperfect. & remain kind of small & fear-based. How many times have I watched people elevate someone (or a class of people, e.g. doctors, scientists, "authorities," some new politician who will "save" us all) & worship them - instead of recognizing nobody is perfect, nobody will "save" us. We have to do it for ourselves. I'm rambling now, & know I'm certain to offend many with these comments. Sigh. It's all just thoughts! All I know is this - I've stumbled too many times by elevating someone or some class of people onto a pedestal they will inevitably fall off, eventually. I've joked in recent years (the Covid era) that the sound of pedestals crashing has been deafening.

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I think we are all victims of psychological abuse from the well-strategized messaging and have been groomed to distrust everyone. Though it seems impossible that one could not see the Gaza mass murder but still be an expert on vaccine murder. It innately breeds distrust. And then there’s always the fact that RFK gets quite a bit of press. I know that if the powers that be were really threatened by him, he’d be off the map completely.

But Celia’s point that but for him, where would we be about truth about vaccines? He could certainly be saying more, but what he has said has irrevocably changed the landscape.

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I remember in the VERY beginning, Bobby said: "Do not under any circumstances take these shots." About Covid shots. It served as a spell breaker, and it was unequivocal. I wish I could find it.

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Possibly his Brian Rose interview ~early 2020. That one was a game changer for me.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

Yes I think he still says that. But he has also said, “vaccines should never be mandated unless they’re proven safe.” That is quite a statement.

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there is no "vaccine"...just vials of toxins. until any pathogenic virus is proven to exist using Koch's ORIGINAL Postulates....there is no pathogenic virus. In fact...contagion is a hypothesis that has never been proven either!

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Precisely right Mindy.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

I didn't go there because it goes beyond the point of the post. But to your point, that would mean that he is the quintessential definition of controlled opposition: steering us away from the bigger truth that "vaccines" have always been useless poisons deliberately mass injected to create illness and to keep the idea alive that there are viruses that will kill us, another lie, and that all we really need are "safe" vaccines!

He's not an idiot--he would know the truth, so his purpose is being the "side-gig" in this campaign with lots of press, there to promote the deeper agenda, wait out the covid vaccine fallout/outcry and then declare that good regulations are finally in place to make vaccines good again. He's the fixer.

His secret motto is MVGA (Make Vaccines Great Again). Though let's face it, millions of us will never touch another vaccine again---or will we? We might be forced to--as long as they're "safe." He has said exactly that.

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"He's not an idiot" no, he is a natural lying political wannabe. I unregistered to vote 2 yrs ago during the scamdemic. I was arrested and prosecuted...not once...but twice for refusing to slave my face behind a skam (mask)....I didn't know how the courts operated on the first bs arrest....and despite my best efforts to not comply w/ a bullshit non-jury trial verdict (it was a dissimulation of process- long story) and I was given 5 days in jail in solitary confinement. Now...in hindsight, I never should have gone to jail...since there was not a real trial...but the second false arrest over no masking (in a courthouse)...I denied the state and court, jurisdiction. NO PROSECUTION!

I unregistered to vote because I don't give my power over to others anymore. I know better. I won in court so I know how the game is played.

RFK, Jr. is a player. I'm not interested in finding out the wrong way (voting) that my gut instinct was right all along. I don't trust people who aren't forthright.

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Wowza. What state gave you jail time? How did that even happen!?

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In Feb 2021...arrest at grocery store that ON MY CELL VIDEO the mgr. gave me "permission" to shop w/o a mask...then one day a month later..calls the cops on me. Apparently....a lot of people started doing it. I'm a bad influence. Oregon...fucking Eugene, Oregon (city and then the state...but they failed in their mission).

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Safe vaccines. Now there’s an oxymoron.

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Lol, yes indeedy.

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Love it.

So now we've got all our 'candidates' lined up:

MLGA: (Laughter) Kamala (or MALA, Make America Laugh Again, or Make America a world-wide laughing stock Again, hardly matters which)

MAGA: Trumpster

MVGA: Kennedy

And for the most powerful Man in America:

MGGA: (Genocide) From that ME guy, Nut-n Yahoo

MGGA will decide who crosses the finish line first, yet once again.

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I just cannot agree that contagion does not exist. I have too many times seen one person in the family get sick, and then days later followed by others with the same symptoms. There is something there, I don't know/care what name to call it, I don't know where it originates, but I know 'it' exists. We can watch people fall ill, I think it ridiculous to say that phenomenon does not exist.

Once when my children were little, after 4 bouts of strep throat amongst all, the nurse practitioner suggested I take the dog for testing and treatment, and isolate him til done. Voila. A cured carrier not licking the kids in the face, we never had it again.

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I hear you.....I didn't believe it either until I read Virus Mania (book). Have you ever heard of "empathic illness"? Take a man...he loses his wife ...she dies....he's so distraught he dies not long after. One cancer patient is told they have 6 mo. to live....the person dies around the 6 mo. time frame. One cancer patient is told the same thing.....he/she lives another year or 2 or 3...

Have you ever had someone in your family get flu symptoms and 2 others get the flu but not everyone? Why not? If contagion is real then EVERYONE has to get the illness (cold/flu/"virus") ....but in the book Virus Mania....there are actual studies from the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's and beyond where the most bizarre experiments proving contagion of viruses was done...and NO contagion.

Read the book. Show me the studies proving contagion is not a hypothesis...where is the theory of contagion? Hell, we don't have the theory of gravity proven ....but we know it exists.

There is a LOT riding on the hypothesis of contagion. Without it.....big pHARMA can't pull pandemics on us. David Crowe died of cancer in the summer of 2020.....his podcasts helped me first hear the questioning of viruses years ago when I was against vaccines...but couldn't wrap my brain around viruses. That changed in 2020...

check this out ...UPDATE...this is the correct podcast....https://www.audacy.com/podcast/the-infectious-myth-d33b4/episodes/the-infectious-myth-thomas-cowan-on-covid-19-and-germ-theory-37b53

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It qualifies Kennedy as a LIMITED Hangout...which is never good.

Kennedys' desire and motivation to be a KENNEDY ..is greater than his will to accept the evidence on contagion and viruses.

He deliberately and willingly, LIMITS his knowledge.

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That would be the good news. I’m sure he’s heard the other version(s). Anyone in his shoes who does not explore all paths is not a good actor, but still catapulted to center stage.

Ah, the intricacies of the long game….

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Imagine being a Kennedy...good tune.

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Not a fair comparison. People will make their voting choices for many different reasons. I was a supporter of RFK Jr., subscribed to Children's Defense and even made small contributions. I greatly appreciate his work, both on the environment and against Big Pharma. But I cannot rationalize genocide. For me, it is a moral guardrail.

Genocide is not just the number of people who are killed. Genocide begins with the dehumanization of an entire people so that then they will be killed. It seeks to erase their memory, destroy their culture, demonize their religion. It takes all the things through which we express our humanity, art, literature, poetry, music and negates them by mass killing, by destroying schools, libraries, hospitals cultural centers and museums. Genocide seeks to end the very things through which we as a people live on beyond this physical life. It is why genocide is call 'the crime of crimes.'

RFK Jr. has spoken to some very smart people about this issue and hasn't budged. I can't vote to improve my life if it means others must die for this measure of my comfort.

This is a year of very hard choices. But democracy means that we have the right and capacity to make those choices. I have made mine and I respect the choices of others. I only hope that already limited capacity survives 2024.

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Death-vaccines are "Democide" to be technically correct.

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who are they trying to kill -- the people as a political entity, or the species ? I think both are true.

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again...repeat from above....there is no such thing as a vaccine until a pathogenic virus has been proven using the original Koch's Postulates to prove the pathogenic virus exists. That has never happened.

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Yes but you ain’t gonna budge the millions of people (and I hear a few of them everyday), that now call having the flu, or a cold “COVID”. The flu, upper respiratory distress, congestion, aches and fever, headaches you name it, ALL of it is “COVID”. Drives me nutty.

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My job isn't to budge anyone. My job is to offer information and inspire inquisition. I'm waiting for anyone to provide the ONE study where SARS-COV2 was ISOLATED (per the definition in a dictionary...separate for everything else- which is not what examining a "cell culture" or executing a computer "genome sequencing" which is NOT part of Koch's Postulates.

Now, you may want to believe in myths about contagion, but I don't. I demand a high bar for anyone wanting to "lock down" and force suffocation devices on my face. It isn't my job to make people critically think!

What IF..... a runny nose, fever, body ache, rash, headache, phlegm, and all the other "symptoms" of colds and flu's are actually the body's response to stress, extreme temperature changes, lack of sleep, terrible diet, exposure to toxins (like alcohol and drugs-legal and not legal) and not the hypothesis "contagion"??? I'd love to see proof contagion is a theory or a fact and not still just a hypothesis. Wouldn't you?

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I'd like everyone to stop eating sugar and then we'll see.

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I mean refined white sugar, with 95% of the cane removed. it's poison. honey is a beautiful enzyme-rich cocktail mixed by the bees, a whole food, with many benefits.

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yep...right here...zero sugar (no honey, no date sugar, no coconut sugar...zero sugar). but.....stress and poor sleep....guaranteed to cause negative health affects.

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A resounding YES on what all the ‘symptoms’ represent. Not necessarily the ‘hypothesis of contagion’.!

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contagion is not a theory. I'm waiting for scientific evidence it is real.

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Much gratitude for your courage, fire, and endurance!

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Thank you. That's why I love reading your stack. Voice of reason and so beautifully written. Bad people do good things sometimes. Good people do bad things sometimes. We need to accept that instead of looking for heroes or the winning horse.

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RFK decries the slaughter of Ukrainian youth in that US proxy war but can’t find an ounce of empathy for the sniping of children in Gaza. That is inconsistent with the man I thought he was.

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It is for many many people. I believe that he in under some form of "block," let's just say. And the most constructive thing is to *expect* him to see the reality, truth, which requires that he starts getting his information from non IDF sources. I suggested to somebody affiliated that really he should be shown reels, from Gaza. He is a reader of books, in the main. I want to nourish an awakening. And also we ALL have things we are still in the dark about.

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Your gullibility is laughable, and despicable from the point of view of those whose slaughter RFK Jr IS ACTIVELY LYING ABOUT. All you are doing is making excuses for a man who DAILY makes a mockery of "children's health defense." It's sickening, on both your parts.

And as for you trying to dismiss me with your out of the gate slurs intimating I couldn't possibly be using my real name, funny how that's never come up, in the SEVERAL YEARS I've subscribed to your substack, or the other innumerable comments I've made, including *defending* you when Alison Harver McDowell attacked you.

But clearly I managed a direct hit in goring your sacred cow, RFK Jr, for *rightly* speaking out against his nonstop lies and utterly bullshit propaganda nonsense about the Palestinians. (claiming with a straight face Palestinians have *streets named after them* for killing Israelis??? when the Israelis have stolen/kidnapped 21 THOUSAND Palestinians, including CHILDREN, and imprisoned them, without charges,for YEARS, while concurrently starving, beating, and torturing them to death, AND LIVESTREAMING TORTURE/SNUFF FILMS ON TIKTOK AND ISRAELI STATE TV...)

You rail at my "profanity," while entirely failing to recognize the profound profanity of RFK's position. And then you have the gall to suggest maybe, some day, he'll speak to this, of course, not in time to prevent the EXTERMINATION OF THE PALESTINIANS, but some day, far off in the future, I'm sure he will... in some other fantasy/delusional "reality" you appear to be inhabiting, sans living, breathing, tortured, starving, bombed, INNOCENT Palestinian men, women and children.

Yes, I will speak with profanity, as this situation, in all its profanity of LIFE, so richly deserves. And by the way, one need not be paid to be a *shill* - "one who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler *TO DUPE BYSTANDERS INTO PARTICIPATING IN A SWINDLE* is exactly what I'm calling you out for. By giving RFK's full throated support of Israel's extermination/genocide campaign against the Palestinians "a pass," (whatever happened to "holding their feet to the fire"???), you encourage others to do the same - to sweep that inconvenient truth out of the path and blithely march behind Bobby, because, you know, vaccines, Fauci, MEDICAL FREEDOM FOR GOD'S SAKE.

Yeah. and you dare ask me what I'll do if we don't have RFK championing these things?!? We'll, I think we need to ask a far more important question - which is what your strategy is going to be when RFK is USED TO GUT THE MEDICAL FREEDOM MOVEMENT by uttering just 6 words: "a safe vaccine has been created."

Clearly there are other things in this regard you appear to be willing to give RFK a pass upon - despite all his research and activities ostensibly fighting vaccines, he has always been extremely careful to parse his vaccine policies by framing himself as decidedly NOT "an anti-vaxxer." Why not? Anyone who does a scintilla of research immediately recognizes vaccines are, and have always been a scam, a hoax, a lie.

RFK Jr proudly notes all 6 of his kids are fully vaccinated. Again, why? Why would you be proud of exposing your own children to the debilitating effects of a modality proven to be harmful??

And why would you, at the height of covid restrictions, throw a dinner party wherein attendees had to be vaccinated, and saying, OH, Cheryl wanted that, is pure nonsense, in the vein of if someone wanted you to jump off a bridge, would you?

And as to Kennedy's book on Fauci - yeah, sure, we all.loved it, by golly, though, wasn't that supposed to lay the groundwork for actually PROSECUTING FAUCI??? Although, that got left in the dust as soon as RFK'S campaign began, because "we shouldn't indulge in past recriminations," right, we really need to be looking forward, where staggering criminality persists and is NEVER ADDRESSED.

I'm sorry you also fail to understand that the Zionists own RFK Jr. Surely his lengthy association with Jeffrey Epstein shouldn't also be given a "pass," or should we just pretend the admitted (ostensibly former) sex and drug addict couldn't possibly have been further compromised by Epstein, known MOSSAD ASSET, or Ghislaine Maxwell (first wife, Kathleen's best friend), daughter of illustrious MOSSAD SPY, Robert Maxwell. Because, of course, known sex traffickers/blackmailers are just regular people, too, who socialize all the time with people they aren't really trying to pervert to their causes, huh, right?!?

So, Celia, I stand by my original comments, all.of them, profanity included, because I AM enraged by the lies many, like yourself, are willing to overlook in your desperation to be handed a SAVIOR. And all the while you ignore all the careful parsing, the commitments left unfulfilled, the obvious signals your savior is being held hostage by OUR ENEMIES, doing their bidding (willingly or not, doesn't matter), and that he will continue to do their bidding because otherwise, like JFK, RFK, and JFK Jr, he'll be assassinated. And the whole charade will proceed without you ever once seeing how you've been duped by your own desperate gullibility, *and* laziness in failing to interrogate your own beliefs.

And Celia, you're welcome to email me at jazwoman@gmail.com, where I'm more than happy to prove to you anything and everything I write is, in fact, under my own, legal, name, Julianne Jaz. Pretending I'm not a real person, with entirely legitimate arguments and concerns is a very lame, and frankly stupid, way to try to evade the real point of all of this - IF YOU EXCUSE GENOCIDE APOLOGISTS, YOU ARE YOURSELF A REPREHENSIBLE PERSON.

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From a guy who has fought the good fight since the ‘80’s as the underdog in the healthcare field, and has been ridiculed, condescended upon, called a quack, but persevered and is seeing the fruits of the struggle in that arena. I also happened to be interested casually at first, but after retiring was increasingly curious about the Middle East having lived in France and read different perspectives about the Palestinian/Israeli challenge I’ll call it. I’ve read Carter’s and Khalidi’s books, all well referenced just to give you context. I ask usually verbally with someone if it’s a good time for feedback? Let me hold a hand out in peace as a fellow passionate warrior who can get riled up. I’ve learned my passion and energy are both my biggest asset and my biggest downfall at times. I’ve still not found a way to rein it in at times. In my field, not everyone was “ready” to hear the natural health point of view, nor is everyone ready to hear your message. I was taught to deliver my message with love in my heart to be more accessible for another to hear it. If I may, your anger defeats your purpose in the eyes of most because the delivery is hate-filled, not love-filled. The contrast with Celia from my perspective is that she comes from concern, peace and love. Kennedy has let me down as well, he comes up short but he is accessible to change and isn’t beholden as are nearly all of our govt. In essence, his imperfect humanism, based upon his experiences in fact create that block Celia mentions. Take a moment and re-read what I say dispassionately without ego, then reflect on whether your current approach helps or hinders things. God Bless you and America.❤️

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Take your smart rude remarks and attack someone who actually deserves it.

You are here presenting like a shill which is what you accuse Celia of. Typical playbook move, to sew anger and division...

Although you made some valid points, nobody wants to hear it because of your delivery.

All politicians, especially presidents have to pay the piper. We don't have a choice. However, RFK is speaking against the biggest genocide in history and I don't agree with all his beliefs either.

Nobody will stop big pharma but raising awareness is crucial and refusing to take vaxxes can help. They poison us many other ways anyway.

We should support things that are good and shun the bad.

Be kind to others. We all have differing opinions but we should discuss them without rudeness.

Most of all, we need to stay united.

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Sorry, but I call complete and utter bullshit on your claim "we have no choice." No choice other than to continue to collude with EVIL?!? That might be acceptable to you as a choice, but only a thoroughly brainwashed, or brain dead, person would suggest this is our *only* choice. You do demonstrate perfectly, however, the thorough destruction of your imagination and ability to think, akin to that of most Americans, such that you cannot even conceive of a different course of action. Not to mention, your grasp on moral integrity also seems decidedly impaired, such that it prevents you from seeing we most assuredly ALWAYS have available to us the choice to withdraw our participation in, and collusion with, evil. We are not required to vote. Voting signifies your consent to being governed by whomever is INSTALLED, because your vote is absolutely not determining who will be crowned as POTUS. And ALL those candidates running for this position have, already and repeatedly, pledged their fealty to ISRAEL, which constitutes TREASON. You could choose to actively boycott this situation, calling attention to the depravity of this meaningless exercise, but instead you prefer the path of the compliant, wouldn't want to raise any questions, wouldn't want to suggest we're enabling criminals by giving them "cover." Willingness to be a useful idiot in the service of perpetuating evil is not a virtue. And there's really no way to slap any lipstick on that pig...

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Colluding would be more like promoting discord which is what the evil powers-that-be want.

What you say is true, but I'd rather not be a target. The US was probably set up to give the slaves the illusion of freedom as they would be more productive.

I know they use Maritime Law. How does insulting people about it further the cause for freedom? When has anybody ever been "free?" IMHO, freedom is in the mind.

Ask a Russian 100 years ago what happens when you go against the synogogue of satan. Better yet, ask Jesus. Mk. 12:17 "And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him."

Nothing we do will end evil, but we can resist it.

What is most important is our spiritual integrity. You are making yourself sick with worry. We can do our best with the chances we are given.

Death is not the worst thing or the end.

John 10:27-32

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”

31 The Jews picked up stones again to stone him. 32 Jesus answered them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you going to stone me?”

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Is he, really? Speaking against the "biggest genocide in history"? When he wants a "safe vaccine"? No such animal. How do you make it safe - by testing it on other people or their kids? And he is on the record for vehemently saying he's "NOT anti-vaccine." And has not stepped back from saying he would follow the recommendations of the WHO/CDC/NHS when the "next pandemic" rolls around.

Not to be trusted on crucial points. (Not even mentioning his unconscionable active support for the more active blatant genocide ongoing in Palestine Occupied Territories and denigration of the victims of hideous Israel aggression.)

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I agree with you 100%, but RFK is raising awareness that vaxxes are dangerous.

Who would trust any of them knowing that?

It seems that if you want to stay alive and be in politics, you have to kiss the wall and at least somewhat support their poison so they still can peddle it.

We have been bewitched and given body altering pharmakeia.

The Book of Enoch discusses how the 1/3 fallen angels shared mysteries of the earth with man that was not meant for them, and these men have been using those things to pollute the earth ever since with this knowledge, wealth, and power. Maybe they are the 13 families/committee of 300 passed down through generations maintaining their bloodline?

Could this be the mother of all conspiracies?

The book is best but here is a great read aloud with words.

Book of Enoch


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I would suspect a little Bi-Polar Manic Behavior stuff doing on here, in these comments JJ.

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Actually, I go past the tone and emotion-triggering words and only see stark truths spoken boldly. I've not read too many people express so brilliantly, clearly and concisely such thoughts and opinions as Julianne has in this comment.

So, she's passionate about her convictions. Same as Celia is in the post.

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I don't entertain slurs, from either you or Celia Farber. Slink back under your rock, troll.

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Upon a second reading what you have said here, though some it may have some valid points, your overall attitude of basically ‘verbally name calling and slamming’, in this case Celia Farber the writer of this Substack, or others here who don’t see things as you do, with your rather venomous tongue, is totally off putting and quickly turns people off to ‘your message’.

Ever heard the expression…””You catch more flies with honey than vinegar”? (Old English Proverb)

“Flies represents anything you want to achieve. Honey(sweet) represents anything pleasant that you do to get what you want. Vinegar (sour) represents anything unpleasant you to do to get what you want. It tells you to use nice methods rather than unkind methods in dealing with other people”.

“This is a saying that means: you will be more successful in life being sweeter, or rather nice than being, mean to people, not nice and doing hurtful, dishonest things in life”


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Ooo…can’t take the heat sista? Too close to the bone? I’m no troll and definitely not a ‘ newcomer bi-polar commenter ’ on a manic upswing. Been on this Substack a looong time…never seen the likes of you here before. Are you a “paid subscriber”? 🤔🧐😎

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I don't feel the need to defend myself to you, or anyone else. In the parlance, FUCK OFF.

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Maybe it is simpler.

He wants to stay alive and in politics.

Can anyone really be 100% honest in politics?

Can anyone be 100% honest and stay alive in politics?

They have to choose their battles.

We can't trust anyone so we choose, and hope for the best.

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Celia God Bless you! Brilliant writing I so so so agree with you about RFK Jr who is a hero of mine - Im English but if I was voting in the US I would vote for him in a flash! If we attack our flawed heroes because they are not 100% perfect then we lose our heroes. (Plus as you say there are no perect heroes anyway). RFK Jr IS THE ONLY POLITICAL CANDIDATE TAKING ON BIG PHARMA! And actually I suspect the Janice girl attacking you is a shill paid to attack the free thinkers on behalf of big tech big pharma big military and the deep state. That or she's just stupid not to understand the effect of what she's doing. As for Israel I dont know enough regarding what is going on. Certainly what is happening to the Palestinians is terrible. But Hamas is terrible and a cause of a lot of the problem. Fanatical Islam is a death cult. But equally I read that Israel funded Hamas in the first place so that confuses me. Whatever though,I do not want the Western world turned into a sharia state. So in terms of way of life and values, I feel much closer to Israel than to Hamas. But now Im discovering that the Western way of life, its project, has been fatally flawed and corrupted into a nightmare by evil forces that have been working on it for the last 100 years...so our way of life in the west that has felt so blessed and free is crumbling so fast it is breathtaking. I read you (I love you) Naomi Wolf, Elizabeth Nickson and Sasha Latypova and it makes me weep, but you are all truth seekers and I mustnt look away. I'm still confused by Israel. So Id never be that hard on RFK Jr, but even if I was firmly against his views on Israel Id just ignore that and focus on the brilliant good that he is so bravely doing for us. With love xxxxxx

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Celia, this is truly brilliant. It is the best exploration of this most bewildering issue. It's beautiful writing, exposes the (tragic) fault lines of humanity. We will wake up after election day with one of these candidates being president- they are all, as you say singing for Israel. This piece helps us put things in perspective, which no one has so far articulated as insightfully and with resounding clarity as you!

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Thank you Bibi! That means so much. I am really struggling to articulate a place of no place, a place of no resolution, no good options, nothing like we imagine it to be. That seems to me to be the place that is actual life. You and I grew up under psychological pressures and demands that left us both averse to conflict and condemnation. They ARE having intense, messy, conversations in the campaign, they are working on it, and I keep getting this feeling it will bear important fruit. But I also "understand" people who are just 100% done.

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Couldn't agree more. Stellar writing, from a rare (and by that I mean humble) perspective. Being human is far more complex than most can or are willing to grasp. Celia gets it, thank God.

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This is such a well written piece, classic Celia Farber

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Celia, your integrity is beyond reproach. Thank you

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

Thank you Celia.

Two of the biggest funders of congress: Israel through AIPEC and big pharma. Both are relevant today, but one is closer to home.

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Celia, you've continued to expose issues few people wanted to touch, and have saved lives in the process. It all comes down to the sanctity and respect for every human life, don't you think? Whatever side a person is on, there are no labels that should justify the taking of another's life. While we're all arguing about who in the Gaza conflict should by expendable by association, the cabal is forwarding their plans to destroy humanity because they think we're all expendable. People, don't let yourselves become one of them. We're already on the brink of societal collapse.

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At the "Defeat the Mandates" rally in January 2022 in Washington, DC, which I attended, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that even Anne Frank was able to hide in the attic, while we would not be able to hide anywhere from the surveillance state that was in the making. Afterwards, he was severely criticized in the media, his girlfriend publicly announced that she did not share his views on Anne Frank, and he apologized. That tells you that there could not be a presidential candidate who does not support Israel.

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This is one mighty knotty issue which needs unpicking dispassionately.

I am a Brit, so I have no vote to cast in your election. We recently held our own elections and the results were entirely predictable. We got the globalist Uniparty in power as expected and I can assure you that the same will happen in the USA. Demockery is all about deceiving us to have faith in democracy.

One thing I am very proud to report is that, given no candidates courageous enough to defy Israel, 48% of Brit voters chose to stay away from the polling stations.

This means that more people refused to vote than ever before and that made a silent vote of no confidence in our government. We were saying "None of the above" by ignoring the vote.

In the face of undeniable genocide occurring in Gaza and the West Bank, to support any candidate who fears to defy and condemn Israel is resoundingly immoral and indecent.

It implies national complicity.

Therefore, I implore you all to refuse to vote and to demand that the arrest warrant for Netanyahu, issued by the ICC be implemented immediately. To have a war criminal lecturing your politicians and receiving standing ovations from your Congress is the most disgraceful event I have witnessed this year..... and there have been many disgraceful events.

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Most disgraceful indeed, Frances ... thanks for making this crucial point, along with the priceless gem about not voting for president. It's encouraging that people are waking to the fact that voting for someone to rule over them is destructive folly and that they Do Not have to do it.

They are learning about The Grandest Distraction of All, if I may be so bold ...


Note to self: Order T-shirts "Stop voting for president, it's killing you".

~~ j ~~

"There is no distinctly American criminal class ... except Congress." ~~ Mark Twain

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I agree completely about the honorability of fighting pHarmaCo and the evil of supporting the actions (and in my opinion, the very existence) of the Zionist government of Israel.

RFK is the only candidate I've seen in my 50+ years of existence who's stood up against the malpractice of state-backed vaccination. no matter how idiotic or blind his other views are and how much they align with the Uniparty candidates, he has one fantastic platform point backed by years of putting his own career on the line fighting pHarmaCo in court to help lowly citizens with no other chance of redress.

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I share your tragic sense of life, Celia, and I reject moralistic, blanket denunciations of good (but necessarily flawed) people. But this matter is grave. Anyone here moved by your excellent essay should listen to these remarks by Lisa Pease, interviewed last week on Briahna Joy Gray’s Bad Faith podcast. From 1:00:00 to 1:05:00 specifically, for those who can access the podcast. Pease, who has helped RFK Jr. in his investigations of his father’s death and became a friend to him, says she had to break off all contact when he said to her that perhaps the Palestinians should just be entirely wiped out. Her full remarks are worth considering. They seem credible to me. There is much more to say about this, but I’ll leave it at that right now.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

He said that?

If he said that, I have to invoke the most powerful brainwashing known to man. He is then fully brainwashed? I do not think "he" (actual person) would say that. I do believe he likely said that. THIS means we have to understand implanted ideologies, mind control, Monarch programming, the use of trauma etc.

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Celia Farber. RE: "If he said that". Its hard to imagine RFKJr as a Zionist, whose father RFK killed in LA 1968 & uncle JFK in Dallas 1963, were killed by the same monsters, particularly with Lyndon B Johnson's Jewish family connections seeming to have a big role in the Dallas shooting in Los Angeles in 1968 & even earlier in 1963. I have European Ashkenazi Jewish family in 3 branches, so agree with Celia about implanted ideologies starting with the Torah's brutal justification & glorification even the genocide-definition of "God". Personally, I believe that the whole fake false 'religion' (Latin 'religio' = 'to-relate' i.e. 'not-to-indoctrinate' or 'to dominate') thing through books of indoctrination, us vs them, is planned & deliberate as a means of keeping populations subservient to colonial empire, now for 7000 years of failed empires since Babylon. Palestine is the LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa, hence highly charged within our sub-conscience as a key place of mass movement of goods, services, energy & people, highly coveted by western humanity's Oligarch fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') masters. What has happened to humanity under Oligarch command & control since the 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') origins of our once Collaborative Language. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/5-collaborative-language

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The Gaza coast line beach front properties would make lovely resorts for the Israel people to enjoy the Mediterranean Sea… must worth millions …. Hummm I wonder what motivates the IDF…. 😡

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Psyche, Growing up with 3 branches of my family being Jewish, it strikes me how detached & privileged many are to invade another people's home & self-righteously through some book of colonial propaganda, lay claim to it as a beachside resort. Over a million of 8 million Israelis are Dual citizens so one can describe Israel as a vacation resort with cottages in various parts. Among Jewish friends & families, I'm always surprised at how non-chalant they are about their luxury trips to the lands of the Palestinians & other places worldwide whose sovereignty & resources, they disposes for fantasy trips. Jared Kushner is the worst in already making Real-Estate deals knowingly, over the dead bodies of ~200,000 Gazan Palestinians.

'PRECURSERS TO NUCLEAR WAR' Why do we call it the "Nuclear family" particularly associated with the detached car-dependent, highway outpost sprawl suburbs where 30% of people live? Suburban asphalt living is so boring most flee again to their end-of-highway Cottages & resorts? Altogether these insouciant lifestyle conspicuous Nuclear consumption choices by the 30%, devastate 10 times the resources of the 70% who live in Multihome Extended-family neighbourhood dweller on average. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/7-nuclear-war-detached-housing


3-D POLYCULTURE ORCHARDS Palestinians over many millennia of foreign nation imposed warfare were still regreening the desert, through their mixed Polyculture Olive, Pinion-pine & other orchards with mixed orchards & meadow gardens. Tightly knit intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary Village architecture had the least ecological impact from largely walking community economy. Polyculture photosynthesizes 92-98% of solar energy creating weather vacuums drawing warm-moist ocean winds inland. Village areas surrounded by tall trees are similar. When Ashkenazi came, even though boasting 'Regreening', they’ve bulldozed the mixed Orchards & imposed sprawl suburban car-dependent housing, institutions, shopping-&-industrial centres which reflect greater than 98% of solar energy, creating High-pressure areas pushing wind from the continent towards the sea. Ashkenazi planted mono-crop Conifer trees which burn like matchsticks from lightning etc. along with monocrop 'agriculture' (L. 'ager' = 'field') which together reflect over 95% of solar energy, pushing winds towards the sea. The unmentioned Meteorology conflict is that under Ashkenazi & Sephardic hegemony, Israel has recorded the longest drought in the Levant regions history. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies

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I agree. RFK Jr.’s stance on the Gaza slaughter is inexplicable; it goes against all the good he fights for. Gray, another admirable person, so rare even on the principled progressive left, wants to support RFK Jr. for president—despite her continuing wrongheadedness on all things “covid.” Gaza is a bridge too far, though.

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It can be "explained" by a treaty with the Mossad to keep him alive if he never crosses their interests, which would have been made before 1970, I presume.

I do not have specific facts to assert this, merely the circumstances.

JFK Jr. would have "violated" such a treaty by his expose' in George Magazine about Clinton corruption, and perhaps his intention to run for national office.

He promptly died in a freak small-plane crash.

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The circumstances surrounding the JFK, Jr. crash most plausibly support 10 pilot errors he committed that evening, not a Mossad op.

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He's a zionist - that explains it all.

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Yes, but through what method has he been made into a Zionist? Celia mentions psy-ops, and I put forward an agreement to keep the boy alive, that he has followed since his father was assassinated with an MK-Ultra'd Palestinian patsy for propaganda purposes, and perhaps a "signature".

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Ah. Interesting. I think you're on the right track.

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couldn't care less. Hes completely and utterly zionist and the Kennedys are one of the 13 illluminati families of the US if you look into that..I'm not that interested in all that illuminati stuff but they are in Fritz Steinmeyer's book. And his wife is rabid zionist I'm sure. They live in Hollywood. His grandmother was jewish and his grandfather was a mafia guy in NYC marrying into the Jewish mafia. Whatever the reason its a crime and should be outlawed like nazism was but now only in Russia. He's called Putin a thug. I hate RFK Jr.

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I like to understand how things work in our world.

Sometimes it comes in useful.

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I saw the Bad Fatth video interview - this woman Lisa Pease is completely crediitable - you should watch it dear Celai -https://youtu.be/1tGxHP0402A and here is Dr Shiva on The Swarm - 15 minute video - https://youtu.be/OEkgZtu_Q2Q

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I will do.

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I agree. RFK Jr.'s pro-Zionist position on Gaza is like an unexplained turd in the punchbowl. If his position is the result of implanted ideologies and mind control, then we have much to wake up to and rise above. How many citizens' thoughts, comments, and votes are sourced from mind-controlled programming?

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This story from Robert Malone today compliments this discussion:

Surveillance Capitalism and PsyWar

"In many cases, surveillance capitalism merges with PsyWar tools and technologies to power the modern surveillance state, giving rise to a new form of Fascism (public-private partnerships) known as techno-totalitarianism."


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Most devastating comments from Lisa Pease's account of her conversations with RFK, Jr.: 1:05:00 to 1:10:00. Pease also explains benefits of using a mind-controlled "patsy assassins" at 38:00-40:00, and then explains MKUltra at around 1:47:00:

What the TRUTH Behind the RFK Assassination Tells Us About the TRUMP ATTACK (w/ Lisa Pease) https://youtu.be/1tGxHP0402A?si=jxHKh3KuAcYxnFlQ

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This is shocking.

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