Agree, I thought from the very beginning that this was an orchestrated event, a false flag, so to speak. What I have seen in some photos from substacks regarding Ukraine that horrified me, to provide another data point, were the photos of the stacked up dead bodies of the Ukrainian soldiers. Horrible. Yet the MSM will not show any of this. And if you talk to people who only watch TV, they have no idea of the tremendous loss of life. The US is using our tax money to kill us and others overseas. Terrible.
"Israel Shahak was a resident of the Warsaw Ghetto and a survivor of Bergen-Belsen. He arrived in Palestine in 1945 and lived there until his death in 2001. He was an outspoken critic of the state of Israel and a human rights activist. He was also the author of the highly acclaimed Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (Pluto Press 1999) and Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies (Pluto Press 1997).
Foreword by Gore Vidal
1: A Closed Utopia?
2: Prejudice and Prevarication
3: Orthodoxy and Interpretation
4: The Weight of History
5: The Laws against Non-Jews
6: Political Consequences
Notes and References
‘Shahak is an outstanding scholar, with remarkable insight and depth of knowledge. His work is informed and penetrating, a contribution of great value.’
– Noam Chomsky
‘The future of the Palestinian people would have looked much brighter if there had been more Israelis like Shahak ... An outstanding personality.’
– The Jerusalem Times
‘Shahak is a very brave man who should be honored for his services to humanity ... One of the most remarkable individuals in the contemporary Middle East.’
– Edward Said
‘This is a remarkable book ...[It] deserves a wide readership, not only among Jews, but among Christians who seek a fuller understanding both of historical Judaism and of modern-day Israel.’
– Catholic New Times
‘Shahak’s overview of Jewish history is both erudite and readable ... A trail-blazing, double taboo-breaking piece of dynamite.’
– Middle East International
‘Above all, Shahak has the courage to say what most Israelis do not dare to say and definitely do not want to hear ... Remarkable, powerful, and provocative.’
– London Review of Books
‘Anyone who wants to change the Jewish community so that it stops siding with the forces of reaction should read this book.’
– Jewish Socialist
‘Shahak is the latest – if not the last – of the great prophets.’
– Gore Vidal
‘Shahak subjects the whole history of Orthodoxy to a hilarious and scrupulous critique.’
Clearly this was engineered, created. Obvious from the start. LIke 9/11 was engineered, created. Questions. Who knew? Who got this going? The predators. Israel. Mossad. Too general. That's like saying the US. Or Satan. Another question: Why was this engineered? Distraction from bigger stuff? Clearly, as w 9/11 no concern for life, especially not for the lives of Americans (9/11) or Israelis (Oct 7).
A couple of things to add: the Israeli press (along with Grey Zone & Electronic Intifada), have presented testimony from Israeli soldiers, witnesses, & others relating to the so-called Israeli Hannibal doctrine in which the Israeli military will kill Israelis so they aren't taken as hostages. It's common knowledge in Israel that probably hundreds of the people killed at the rave festival were killed by the delayed Israeli attack on the area & on the fleeing cars which simply could not have ended up in the condition they did through the weaponry available to Hamas. On the tech side, despite various aggravating asides (plandemic related etc.), Antony Lowenstein's The Palestine Laboratory is the most up to date resource for an overview of the massive use of Israeli security/surveillance tech in Europe, the US, & elsewhere...
they also inject their population- in case we forget- i think that the jewish population is just as expendable as are all others in this world of parasites
Not exactly related. However, when it comes to the Zionist claim in general, I thought there are might be a number of thought experiments to discuss. One of them is "How is a Jew?"
When discussing the modern state of Israel and its land claims, many seem to gloss over a set of very basic questions one should be asking before even examining the land claims as such. One such basic questions is “Who is the Jew?”.
This question is as blunt as it is intricate; it is as plain as it is prejudiced, but most of all, it is as strange to modern sensibilities as it is fundamental with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is strange since when we speak of who, as an example, is an American, or a Russian, we don’t hesitate all that much. In fact, one’s citizenship is typically sufficient to answer. Now, one can go a bit deeper and suppose that one’s basic culture, a mother culture, can add flavor to this question. This is how a first-generation Russian immigrant in the US could be qualified as Russian American, Russian by culture and American by citizenship, and also, to some extent, by culture. How much of both this individual can be is a question of debate since the answer depends on the very fluidity between two identities that effect this individual. As the generations progress, his or her American children are much more likely to be considered as Americans and less so as Russians. If for some reasons, their own children decide to resettle in Russia, their identity in turn could assume the reverse flow in their fluidity. There is really nothing controversial in this since this is basically the history of humanity at a time.
Another claim is a racial one, which adding to the attribution of identity, could be an additional marker to the one determined by residence and culture. This is how one could still be called an African American with ten or twenty generations passing since person’s actual ancestors left the African continent. Now, the racial, or narrowly defined ethnic origins, when coupled with specific cultural attributes, such as language or religion, gives rise to such terms as Armenian Americans or German Turks. If such attributes seem to be complicated, well, they are. In such cases, one usually deals with composite terms, as one word would not suffice. Moreover, given the innate human identification fluidity through such phenomena as intermarriage and immigration, these composite terms, if to survive, might require more than two or even three words to complete the picture. The idea of parsing these terms to arrive at some, unattainable, “core” identity are frequent exercises in futility.
However, when it comes to determining who a Jew is, one is frequently conditioned to take this identifying denomination at face value as if completely written in stone. This is strange, considering that one can’t possibly argue that Jews constitute a race. One look at the children of Ivanka Trump and an Ethiopian, or even Indian, Jews leave little room for a narrow racial definition. There is clearly no such thing as a singular Jewish race. When it comes to general cultural practices of food and dress, these are widely diverse, ranging from strange fur hats worn by members of certain Judaic Orthodox sects to the modern clothing worn by the so-called secular Jews. The same goes for the singular language, as the majority of Jews outside of Israel speak their motherland languages, and/or related dialects, such Ladino and Yiddish, which have very little in common with one another. Even when one attempts to draw a direct linguistic connection between modern Israeli Hebrew and the ancient Hebrews of, let’s say, the 1st century AD, the linguistic bridge is not as straightforward as the spoken language of the ancient Hebrews, Aramaic, is spoken today by apparently non-Jewish people groups in countries like Syria or Iraqi Kurdistan. A side story on the Hebrew language “revival” gets even stranger when one entertains the idea that Hebrew, whose written form in general skips on vowels, may have never been a spoken language, but rather was a language of the written lore such as the Hebrew bible.
So, this is how one inevitably arrives at the idea of the multicultural and multiethnic Jew. It is as not a small underwater rock to glance over but rather a monumental formation to make Everest seem small. In the purely scholastic form, the multiethnic Jew was most famously handled by Shlomo Sand in his The Invention of the Jewish People. This seminal work underscores the lack of singularity in defining Jews by any cultural or racial terms as such through posing the most obvious questions over the tapestry of historic forgeries such as the Roman “exile” in the wake of the second temple destruction in 70 AD.
If one entertains the idea of a strictly post-Roman exilic phenomena, one can go no further than the book of Acts, chapter 2, to see that even before the presumptive exile, the singular Jew didn’t exist, but rather a set of multicultural Jews were on the scene to hear the apostles speak in their mother tongues (!). So, what does make a person, a mythical singular Jew, to be in the possession of land claims in the historic Caanan? The unavoidable answer is the Jewish religion or Judaism. This is the only thread that truly holds. At the inception it stretched to persons with physical links to the Canaan; it is clear as the ancient evidence related to the Jews of Babylon of Jews of Egypt is well established. However, already then, the connection had clearly religious overtones, as in the case of the Jewish community in the Elephantine, ancient Egypt, around 400 BC, the correspondence in Aramaic showed how the Judah expatriates asked the priestly authorities in Jerusalem to establish a temple to worship Yahweh, and other deities.
Here is the rest of it ... Setting aside the inevitable question of what the Judahites actually worshipped in 400 BC, a Jew was and continued to be one who must follow Judaism as the most distinctive attribute that does create a singular most important, if not the only, basis for a common identity. Separated from religion, the claim of a singular identity seems to be null and void. This has been well confirmed by such authors as Yonathan Adler in his The Origins of Judaism: An Archeological-Historical Reappraisal which describes the late second temple period. According to the book, being a Jew only related to individuals keeping the Law. When the law observance was abandoned, so ended the Jewish identity. In fact, abandonment of the Law was such a dramatic step as to force one to flee to other jurisdictions outside of Judah, such as Samaria, for mere survival.
However, over the last millennium and a half, after the arrival of Islam, in some parts, and Christian persecution in others, Jewish identity has assumed more sectarian attributes where physical descendancy had come to matter more than during the times of much more open forms of Judaism when entire Jewish kingdoms existed well outside the Holy Land. Since this descendancy was based on the multicultural and multiethnic Jew a priori, the resulting Jew remained such without necessarily understanding the full implications of what it meant. This was the time when typical patriarchal descendance, as per Biblical genealogies, had been replaced by maternal primacy, as such was easier to determine as insisted by the new rabbinical teachings. Now, one had to be born of a Jewish mother, and be a Law follower to be a Jew. Here one does not need to be deceived by the seemingly hermetic nature of such dictates, as a mother can convert to Judaism and become a Jew thus sanctifying her children into one of the Jewish nations. This is exactly the mechanism by which the children of Ivanka Trump are considered Jews today.
The biggest extinction threat faced by the Jewish nations besides the atrocities of the Holocaust was secularization that began sweeping the communities at the time of European Enlightenment. Suddenly, many a Jew, later a majority, no longer followed Torah. The extinction seemed inevitable as the Jews were set to become Russians, Germans, French, etc. And it did happen to many millions. However, the absence of the traditional “other” in the European milieu was very inconvenient to the elites always on the lookout for scapegoats. A system of ethnic IDs was born to create others to pacify the restless. Bureaucracies of Germany, Russia, and later USSR, were very happy to partake. This is how it came to be that some of the most overt proponents of antisemitism (against the Jews in these cases) turned out to be saviors of the notion that the Jews, at least the European ones, were a nation. In fact, the very desire of the European racists to get rid of the “Asiatic” Jews by letting them settle in “Asia” somehow was the best gift the nascent Zionist movement could have ever received.
This is how some, whose ancestors may have followed the Torah in the past, became fit to claim Hebrew religious heritage in the complete absence of religion as such. This is how to this day, outside of Orthodox Jewish communities, one can continue being a Jew without any attachment to the Torah. This is how the Soviet Jews, whose religious denaturalization made nearly complete by Soviet atheism, came to be one of the staunchest supporters of the Zionist project, since only within this project one got to keep his identity despite the disgusting propensity to skip on circumcision and to eat pork to put any Slav to shame.
In other words, Zionism became an alternative salvation of identity for secular Jews, the only way to retain an identity in the racial and ethnic terms which had very little to do with actual historic background of what it meant to be Jew. So, suddenly, out of the European fountain of bureaucratic prowess, came one single pure ethnic “Jew”. This is precisely how the secular Jews formed the basis upon which the modern edifice of the state of Israel was erected. This is how a claim, placed in a singularly genetic-ethnic category, was perfected with respect to the Ottoman, and later British, holdings in Palestine. One can’t help but find such claims to be remarkable, as these were made with the Torah in one hand, and obsessive disobedience to its precepts in another. The Golden Calf subjugated Moses.
So, what about these purely genetic claims to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Firstly, these claims completely negate the need to follow the Law, which was the very raison d’etre of the last alleged Hebrews in the Holy Land. In other words, Zionism imposed a completely secular set of claims on the religious edifice that didn’t tolerate such in the least. This was the ultimate “abomination of desolation” to make Antiochus Epiphanes blush. I bet Daniel turned in his grave just about then.
Secondly, this claim purports to meld a multiethnic and multicultural historical Jew into a singular entity that may have never existed in fact. Or even if it did exist, it certainly ceased to be such long before the last time ancient Torah Hebrews dominated parts of the Holy Land. In this regard it is important to recall that already at the time of Babylon, and later Persian control, the Jew was already plural. And it was certainly plural during the Judean anti-Roman revolts of the first millennium AD. On this point, one is warned not to confuse the Judean subset of the totality of the Jewish nations, the ultra-famous Wars of the Jews by Flavious Josephus notwithstanding.
Most importantly, this genetic claim is made on the literal DNA presumably related to the Biblical patriarchs. This is an impossible claim for several reasons. To begin with, nobody has any idea how to distinguish any ancient Levantine DNA between ancient Hebrews, Moabites, or Samaritans. This is why the field of genetics to date has failed to find a “Jewish” gene. And trust me, this was not for lack of trying. This is not to be confused with such notions as an Ashkenazi, eastern European, or Cohen genes, notions which may be as real as contrived on their own merits.
The problem is further complicated by the fact that various groups claiming Jewishness have exhibited diverse gene pools, some of which had been substantially diluted by non-Levantine lineage. In fact, the majority of Jews in Israel, who in fact maintain in a dominant political role, are represented by the eastern European Jews or Ashkenazi. This is the very group, which yours truly could claim membership in, some of the most tenuous Levantine genetic roots. So weak, as to be almost non-existent by some estimates, these claims are virtually void when judged by so called Mitochondrial, or maternal, DNA, which tends to exhibit no Levantine links. In this regard it is important to recall Ivanka Trump and the rabbinical instructions to neglect paternal descendancy in favor of maternal descendancy when judging Jewishness – so much for that.
Ironically, Ashkenazi Jews form the core group of the leaders who not only founded the state of Israel in 1948 but continue its discriminatory policies against Palestinian Arabs today, as well personified by such remarkable individuals as a certain Mr. Mileikowski born in 1949 to a couple of Polish immigrants. Today this person bears a name of Natanyahu, which betrays nothing but an artificial superimposition of identifies where such might not even exist, historically speaking. The most sordid part of this saga is that the Palestinian Arabs, alongside such groups as Arab Jews and Samaritans, form the closest genetic block which could claim genetic kingship of the ancient Torah Hebrews. This is scandalous enough to make the “only democracy in the Middle East” to basically ban the practice of DNA testing. Yes, you need a court order in Israel to undertake such a test.
In conclusion, attempts at a singular Jewish identity have defied its multicultural and multiethnic historic roots. These attempts generally circumspect the religious demands of the Torah in favor of unfounded genetic claims, under the umbrella of Zionist ideology, which seem to discriminate precisely against the very groups that embody such genetic claims in fact. And if you think this is entirely schizophrenic, I agree. And this schizophrenia, unless resolved at some point in the future, will continue to cast a long shadow on the relations between those who think themselves Jews and those who don’t.
Here's a better question: What the P-Funk is a " Palestinian"?
Until recent times it was a derogatory term for Jews.
There is zero to distinguish an alleged "Palestinian" from any other Arab.
No unique language, no distinct genetics, no nothing.
Because it is all a ridiculous scam to harass Israel.
700K has mushroomed to multi millions because Israel is Genocidal? Even your false charges are goofy!
In 99.8 percent of the land held by Arabs, no room could be found for a mere 700K who preferred the fantasy of driving the Jews into the sea to the gracious offer of citizenship by Israel.
Ireland has absorbed over one million invaders it had no previous relationship with in a few years.
To anyone with sense it is manifestly obvious who is running the scam, and it isn't Israel.
This is a subordinate question to the original, as it is not the Palestinians who make spurrious claims from antiquity. In simple terms, modern Palestinians are the descendants of those who lived in Palestine under the Ottomans and then subsequently under the British mandate. It is not that complicated. Levantine genetics are certainly distinct from the geentics of Egypt, Maghreb, Sudan or Arabia. Such distinctions are obviously not very significant as the Arab world at large does constitutes one continious geography, more or less. Your rough linguisitic argument seems to stem from the idea that modern Irish, Scotts, Welsh, Australians are indistinquishable from the English. The current references to genocide relate to the situation in Gaza today. Otherwise, you might be confusing the terms of ethnic cleansing (this is what has been happening in Palestine since 1948) and genocide. When you refer to the 700K, are you referring to the events of 1948? If so, given the history of those events then, it is clear that those who were driven out of the future state of Israel were not envisoned by the government of Ben Gurion to receive citizenship benefits. If you have the evidence to the contrary, please provide. I am not entirely sure what you to mean to demonstrate by the Irish example. Are you implyng that the Palestinians should have accepted the Zionist invaders and gave them equal rights? Well, in this case you seem to be advocating the one state solution, which is to give everyone between the river and the sea the same passport. I think it is a great idea.
It is more than a little disingenuous to pretend that serving as guest worker/tenant farmers gives ownership of a land.
Ignoring the reality that many arrived in Israel specifically to work for the Zionists is also a notch or two short of honest.
As to your baseless presumption, my family ruled in Ireland over four hundred years AFTER the British invasion in 1169 and it was another hundred years after our dynasty fell before the British dared enter the lands of my personal branch.
We also bear the singular distinction of being the only clan to tax the British in Ireland.
I have a very solid grasp of my ethnicity and reality.
There has never been any possibility of palestinian land being invaded because there has never been a palestinian land.
There has been neither Soverignty nor personal land ownership by people claiming a palestinian identity.
Your argument is pure fluff, as is inevitable when defending the indefensible.
Now you tell me: How do you rationalize defending the UN and the people who want to impose Sharia Law on you?
How do you miss the insanity of Generational Refugees, and convince yourself of a mystery regarding the obvious reality that if part of a small island can absorb a full million people in the space of a few years, Arabia, with it's vast oil wealth should easily be able to resettle a 700K generic Arabs in seventy five years?
How can you claim that is hard to understand?
Do you have learning disabilities?
But most puzzling of all, no one wants to touch the question of Armegeddon, God's Vengeance on the Jew Haters.
Sovereignty or not, there have always been people living in the Holy Land, whether at the times of Jesus, or under Byzantium, the crusaders, or the Ottomans, or the British. Expelling their descendants from the land, as expleiling anyone from the only land they know as theirs, is an inhuman act, an injuctice which Jesus attempted to put an end to with his teachings about loving your enemies etc. I assume your Zionist reading of scriptures have superceded your obligation to follow the direct set of commandements given by the Messiah in his sermon on the mount and other ocassions. I guess you would rather worship the earthly golden calf of Zionism as opposed to listening to the words of the Messiah himself - "my kingdom is not of this world" as he went out of his way to castigate the injustices perpetrated by the religious leaders of his day, the very leaders, whose descendants effectively came back to power in the modern state of Israel,
"So what you're saying is that Hamas had the secret formula to bypass the most sophisticated intelligence aparatus and defense structure on the planet and catch Israel by surprise."
First of all , Israel is a nation of people , Zion is what has been usually called " The State of Israel " -- this initial direct creation of cognitive dissonance has to be stared at , to just look at the situation with words . Second of all , there is a difference between a BORDER , and a Boundary . A border is a one sided event . A boundary involves both edges as they meet at the boundary . So , an element of warfare is automatically engaged in when the words BORDER is used , but when the word boundary , there is a co - alition of two sides . ( or more ) Once , I had been put in the mental hospital by the father of my children . There was a young woman , a lovely normal person , who had a strange fixation - she thought that any man that walked into the room could possibly be her future husband . We talked and walked , and I listened to her psychosis with fascination . Suddenly , I realized that I was crazier than she was . I thought that the person who I had children with , was my husband , when actually , he was my most direct enemy in life . This was HILARIOUS to me . As Christina , she was just exhuberantly hopeful , and speaking about her wish to find a man . ME , I was truly insane , as the person I called my husband , was trying to dissappear me . I share this story , to explain that on the turn of a dime , one word away from fact , one can lose 25 years of one's life . The state of Israel is the collective of people who follow the Jewish Bible , at many different levels of integrations . Some are Zionists , and do think that its nice to have jewish people living there , in Jerusalem , and others are not , yet they are still of the nation of Israel , the chosen people of the God in their Bible . I believe if was start there , we will be able to best filter this situation calmly and clearly . The stories in that Bible , which talk of the slaughter of the Palestines , the total and complete eradication , including children and animals , does not really help , The Bible stories are pictures of psychological events , not to be taken literally . IN MY OPINION < the judeo christian bible is a story of psychology , not of historical events . And so ... on we go . Killing other people is always totally wrong and limits the future of mankind via broken time lines . Our best future is when we are all included in it .
when we think that our ideas can exist split from our biology , we are gonzo . One must always refer to biological truth - inside of idealogical direction . A short PS , I started to refer to the father of my children as " The childrens father " not my ex , or my husband . A big tell was , he thinks this is very funny , he LIKES it . It allows communication to continue , as is necessary to manage the flow of my family . But , in the big picture , I am seeing a gigantic wound - almost like where the placenta is ripped from the uterus , where our biological reality is connecting with the technological story - it is no longer integrated or functional . AI IS language , AI is anything that is connecting with human intelligence that is not actually containing a heart , mind , or body . Ai is your hammer , Ai is a math equation , AI is a book . And where the AI and the Biologos meet , is where we need to be seriously focusing on right now . AI is the name of the people , AI is the bomb being dropped , and AI is the poem being written that makes it stop .
More so than the Jewish Bible, they follow the dogma of the Talmud. There is a difference. And to understand what's going on now, one must be familiar with the entire history of "evolution" of the Jewish belief system. There is so much there that is never talked about.
The warmongers plot and lie and plot some more. I believe we could one day see a war on our own soil caused on purpose by all of the illegal infiltration of terrorists. Most people have no clue as to how bloody this one will be.
CIA and Mossad designed those that attacked Israel BUT somebody inside let it happen on purpose, just like 9-11.
The ME is off limits for me. Trying to understand what has been going on over there over the last 100 years is like trying to sort out a file cabinet during an F10 tornado.
Does Celia not realize that the "Europeans in North America committed genocide against the Precious Indigenous Native Americans" narrative comes from the same Goddamned source as Covid, Climate, Ukraine, Transgender, Critical Race Theory, et fucking cetera...???
Agree, I thought from the very beginning that this was an orchestrated event, a false flag, so to speak. What I have seen in some photos from substacks regarding Ukraine that horrified me, to provide another data point, were the photos of the stacked up dead bodies of the Ukrainian soldiers. Horrible. Yet the MSM will not show any of this. And if you talk to people who only watch TV, they have no idea of the tremendous loss of life. The US is using our tax money to kill us and others overseas. Terrible.
“The people who watch TV” don’t know even .5 % of what is going on in the world, or even in the USA!
This may be of interest:
"Israel Shahak was a resident of the Warsaw Ghetto and a survivor of Bergen-Belsen. He arrived in Palestine in 1945 and lived there until his death in 2001. He was an outspoken critic of the state of Israel and a human rights activist. He was also the author of the highly acclaimed Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (Pluto Press 1999) and Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies (Pluto Press 1997).
Foreword by Gore Vidal
1: A Closed Utopia?
2: Prejudice and Prevarication
3: Orthodoxy and Interpretation
4: The Weight of History
5: The Laws against Non-Jews
6: Political Consequences
Notes and References
‘Shahak is an outstanding scholar, with remarkable insight and depth of knowledge. His work is informed and penetrating, a contribution of great value.’
– Noam Chomsky
‘The future of the Palestinian people would have looked much brighter if there had been more Israelis like Shahak ... An outstanding personality.’
– The Jerusalem Times
‘Shahak is a very brave man who should be honored for his services to humanity ... One of the most remarkable individuals in the contemporary Middle East.’
– Edward Said
‘This is a remarkable book ...[It] deserves a wide readership, not only among Jews, but among Christians who seek a fuller understanding both of historical Judaism and of modern-day Israel.’
– Catholic New Times
‘Shahak’s overview of Jewish history is both erudite and readable ... A trail-blazing, double taboo-breaking piece of dynamite.’
– Middle East International
‘Above all, Shahak has the courage to say what most Israelis do not dare to say and definitely do not want to hear ... Remarkable, powerful, and provocative.’
– London Review of Books
‘Anyone who wants to change the Jewish community so that it stops siding with the forces of reaction should read this book.’
– Jewish Socialist
‘Shahak is the latest – if not the last – of the great prophets.’
– Gore Vidal
‘Shahak subjects the whole history of Orthodoxy to a hilarious and scrupulous critique.’
– The Nation
Professor Israel Shahak
Pluto Press (2002)
Foreword to the first printing
by Gore Vidal
Jewish History, Jewish Religion:
The Weight of Three Thousand Years
Link to PDF:
Clearly this was engineered, created. Obvious from the start. LIke 9/11 was engineered, created. Questions. Who knew? Who got this going? The predators. Israel. Mossad. Too general. That's like saying the US. Or Satan. Another question: Why was this engineered? Distraction from bigger stuff? Clearly, as w 9/11 no concern for life, especially not for the lives of Americans (9/11) or Israelis (Oct 7).
A couple of things to add: the Israeli press (along with Grey Zone & Electronic Intifada), have presented testimony from Israeli soldiers, witnesses, & others relating to the so-called Israeli Hannibal doctrine in which the Israeli military will kill Israelis so they aren't taken as hostages. It's common knowledge in Israel that probably hundreds of the people killed at the rave festival were killed by the delayed Israeli attack on the area & on the fleeing cars which simply could not have ended up in the condition they did through the weaponry available to Hamas. On the tech side, despite various aggravating asides (plandemic related etc.), Antony Lowenstein's The Palestine Laboratory is the most up to date resource for an overview of the massive use of Israeli security/surveillance tech in Europe, the US, & elsewhere...
they also inject their population- in case we forget- i think that the jewish population is just as expendable as are all others in this world of parasites
for sure...
Not exactly related. However, when it comes to the Zionist claim in general, I thought there are might be a number of thought experiments to discuss. One of them is "How is a Jew?"
When discussing the modern state of Israel and its land claims, many seem to gloss over a set of very basic questions one should be asking before even examining the land claims as such. One such basic questions is “Who is the Jew?”.
This question is as blunt as it is intricate; it is as plain as it is prejudiced, but most of all, it is as strange to modern sensibilities as it is fundamental with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is strange since when we speak of who, as an example, is an American, or a Russian, we don’t hesitate all that much. In fact, one’s citizenship is typically sufficient to answer. Now, one can go a bit deeper and suppose that one’s basic culture, a mother culture, can add flavor to this question. This is how a first-generation Russian immigrant in the US could be qualified as Russian American, Russian by culture and American by citizenship, and also, to some extent, by culture. How much of both this individual can be is a question of debate since the answer depends on the very fluidity between two identities that effect this individual. As the generations progress, his or her American children are much more likely to be considered as Americans and less so as Russians. If for some reasons, their own children decide to resettle in Russia, their identity in turn could assume the reverse flow in their fluidity. There is really nothing controversial in this since this is basically the history of humanity at a time.
Another claim is a racial one, which adding to the attribution of identity, could be an additional marker to the one determined by residence and culture. This is how one could still be called an African American with ten or twenty generations passing since person’s actual ancestors left the African continent. Now, the racial, or narrowly defined ethnic origins, when coupled with specific cultural attributes, such as language or religion, gives rise to such terms as Armenian Americans or German Turks. If such attributes seem to be complicated, well, they are. In such cases, one usually deals with composite terms, as one word would not suffice. Moreover, given the innate human identification fluidity through such phenomena as intermarriage and immigration, these composite terms, if to survive, might require more than two or even three words to complete the picture. The idea of parsing these terms to arrive at some, unattainable, “core” identity are frequent exercises in futility.
However, when it comes to determining who a Jew is, one is frequently conditioned to take this identifying denomination at face value as if completely written in stone. This is strange, considering that one can’t possibly argue that Jews constitute a race. One look at the children of Ivanka Trump and an Ethiopian, or even Indian, Jews leave little room for a narrow racial definition. There is clearly no such thing as a singular Jewish race. When it comes to general cultural practices of food and dress, these are widely diverse, ranging from strange fur hats worn by members of certain Judaic Orthodox sects to the modern clothing worn by the so-called secular Jews. The same goes for the singular language, as the majority of Jews outside of Israel speak their motherland languages, and/or related dialects, such Ladino and Yiddish, which have very little in common with one another. Even when one attempts to draw a direct linguistic connection between modern Israeli Hebrew and the ancient Hebrews of, let’s say, the 1st century AD, the linguistic bridge is not as straightforward as the spoken language of the ancient Hebrews, Aramaic, is spoken today by apparently non-Jewish people groups in countries like Syria or Iraqi Kurdistan. A side story on the Hebrew language “revival” gets even stranger when one entertains the idea that Hebrew, whose written form in general skips on vowels, may have never been a spoken language, but rather was a language of the written lore such as the Hebrew bible.
So, this is how one inevitably arrives at the idea of the multicultural and multiethnic Jew. It is as not a small underwater rock to glance over but rather a monumental formation to make Everest seem small. In the purely scholastic form, the multiethnic Jew was most famously handled by Shlomo Sand in his The Invention of the Jewish People. This seminal work underscores the lack of singularity in defining Jews by any cultural or racial terms as such through posing the most obvious questions over the tapestry of historic forgeries such as the Roman “exile” in the wake of the second temple destruction in 70 AD.
If one entertains the idea of a strictly post-Roman exilic phenomena, one can go no further than the book of Acts, chapter 2, to see that even before the presumptive exile, the singular Jew didn’t exist, but rather a set of multicultural Jews were on the scene to hear the apostles speak in their mother tongues (!). So, what does make a person, a mythical singular Jew, to be in the possession of land claims in the historic Caanan? The unavoidable answer is the Jewish religion or Judaism. This is the only thread that truly holds. At the inception it stretched to persons with physical links to the Canaan; it is clear as the ancient evidence related to the Jews of Babylon of Jews of Egypt is well established. However, already then, the connection had clearly religious overtones, as in the case of the Jewish community in the Elephantine, ancient Egypt, around 400 BC, the correspondence in Aramaic showed how the Judah expatriates asked the priestly authorities in Jerusalem to establish a temple to worship Yahweh, and other deities.
Here is the rest of it ... Setting aside the inevitable question of what the Judahites actually worshipped in 400 BC, a Jew was and continued to be one who must follow Judaism as the most distinctive attribute that does create a singular most important, if not the only, basis for a common identity. Separated from religion, the claim of a singular identity seems to be null and void. This has been well confirmed by such authors as Yonathan Adler in his The Origins of Judaism: An Archeological-Historical Reappraisal which describes the late second temple period. According to the book, being a Jew only related to individuals keeping the Law. When the law observance was abandoned, so ended the Jewish identity. In fact, abandonment of the Law was such a dramatic step as to force one to flee to other jurisdictions outside of Judah, such as Samaria, for mere survival.
However, over the last millennium and a half, after the arrival of Islam, in some parts, and Christian persecution in others, Jewish identity has assumed more sectarian attributes where physical descendancy had come to matter more than during the times of much more open forms of Judaism when entire Jewish kingdoms existed well outside the Holy Land. Since this descendancy was based on the multicultural and multiethnic Jew a priori, the resulting Jew remained such without necessarily understanding the full implications of what it meant. This was the time when typical patriarchal descendance, as per Biblical genealogies, had been replaced by maternal primacy, as such was easier to determine as insisted by the new rabbinical teachings. Now, one had to be born of a Jewish mother, and be a Law follower to be a Jew. Here one does not need to be deceived by the seemingly hermetic nature of such dictates, as a mother can convert to Judaism and become a Jew thus sanctifying her children into one of the Jewish nations. This is exactly the mechanism by which the children of Ivanka Trump are considered Jews today.
The biggest extinction threat faced by the Jewish nations besides the atrocities of the Holocaust was secularization that began sweeping the communities at the time of European Enlightenment. Suddenly, many a Jew, later a majority, no longer followed Torah. The extinction seemed inevitable as the Jews were set to become Russians, Germans, French, etc. And it did happen to many millions. However, the absence of the traditional “other” in the European milieu was very inconvenient to the elites always on the lookout for scapegoats. A system of ethnic IDs was born to create others to pacify the restless. Bureaucracies of Germany, Russia, and later USSR, were very happy to partake. This is how it came to be that some of the most overt proponents of antisemitism (against the Jews in these cases) turned out to be saviors of the notion that the Jews, at least the European ones, were a nation. In fact, the very desire of the European racists to get rid of the “Asiatic” Jews by letting them settle in “Asia” somehow was the best gift the nascent Zionist movement could have ever received.
This is how some, whose ancestors may have followed the Torah in the past, became fit to claim Hebrew religious heritage in the complete absence of religion as such. This is how to this day, outside of Orthodox Jewish communities, one can continue being a Jew without any attachment to the Torah. This is how the Soviet Jews, whose religious denaturalization made nearly complete by Soviet atheism, came to be one of the staunchest supporters of the Zionist project, since only within this project one got to keep his identity despite the disgusting propensity to skip on circumcision and to eat pork to put any Slav to shame.
In other words, Zionism became an alternative salvation of identity for secular Jews, the only way to retain an identity in the racial and ethnic terms which had very little to do with actual historic background of what it meant to be Jew. So, suddenly, out of the European fountain of bureaucratic prowess, came one single pure ethnic “Jew”. This is precisely how the secular Jews formed the basis upon which the modern edifice of the state of Israel was erected. This is how a claim, placed in a singularly genetic-ethnic category, was perfected with respect to the Ottoman, and later British, holdings in Palestine. One can’t help but find such claims to be remarkable, as these were made with the Torah in one hand, and obsessive disobedience to its precepts in another. The Golden Calf subjugated Moses.
So, what about these purely genetic claims to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Firstly, these claims completely negate the need to follow the Law, which was the very raison d’etre of the last alleged Hebrews in the Holy Land. In other words, Zionism imposed a completely secular set of claims on the religious edifice that didn’t tolerate such in the least. This was the ultimate “abomination of desolation” to make Antiochus Epiphanes blush. I bet Daniel turned in his grave just about then.
Secondly, this claim purports to meld a multiethnic and multicultural historical Jew into a singular entity that may have never existed in fact. Or even if it did exist, it certainly ceased to be such long before the last time ancient Torah Hebrews dominated parts of the Holy Land. In this regard it is important to recall that already at the time of Babylon, and later Persian control, the Jew was already plural. And it was certainly plural during the Judean anti-Roman revolts of the first millennium AD. On this point, one is warned not to confuse the Judean subset of the totality of the Jewish nations, the ultra-famous Wars of the Jews by Flavious Josephus notwithstanding.
Most importantly, this genetic claim is made on the literal DNA presumably related to the Biblical patriarchs. This is an impossible claim for several reasons. To begin with, nobody has any idea how to distinguish any ancient Levantine DNA between ancient Hebrews, Moabites, or Samaritans. This is why the field of genetics to date has failed to find a “Jewish” gene. And trust me, this was not for lack of trying. This is not to be confused with such notions as an Ashkenazi, eastern European, or Cohen genes, notions which may be as real as contrived on their own merits.
The problem is further complicated by the fact that various groups claiming Jewishness have exhibited diverse gene pools, some of which had been substantially diluted by non-Levantine lineage. In fact, the majority of Jews in Israel, who in fact maintain in a dominant political role, are represented by the eastern European Jews or Ashkenazi. This is the very group, which yours truly could claim membership in, some of the most tenuous Levantine genetic roots. So weak, as to be almost non-existent by some estimates, these claims are virtually void when judged by so called Mitochondrial, or maternal, DNA, which tends to exhibit no Levantine links. In this regard it is important to recall Ivanka Trump and the rabbinical instructions to neglect paternal descendancy in favor of maternal descendancy when judging Jewishness – so much for that.
Ironically, Ashkenazi Jews form the core group of the leaders who not only founded the state of Israel in 1948 but continue its discriminatory policies against Palestinian Arabs today, as well personified by such remarkable individuals as a certain Mr. Mileikowski born in 1949 to a couple of Polish immigrants. Today this person bears a name of Natanyahu, which betrays nothing but an artificial superimposition of identifies where such might not even exist, historically speaking. The most sordid part of this saga is that the Palestinian Arabs, alongside such groups as Arab Jews and Samaritans, form the closest genetic block which could claim genetic kingship of the ancient Torah Hebrews. This is scandalous enough to make the “only democracy in the Middle East” to basically ban the practice of DNA testing. Yes, you need a court order in Israel to undertake such a test.
In conclusion, attempts at a singular Jewish identity have defied its multicultural and multiethnic historic roots. These attempts generally circumspect the religious demands of the Torah in favor of unfounded genetic claims, under the umbrella of Zionist ideology, which seem to discriminate precisely against the very groups that embody such genetic claims in fact. And if you think this is entirely schizophrenic, I agree. And this schizophrenia, unless resolved at some point in the future, will continue to cast a long shadow on the relations between those who think themselves Jews and those who don’t.
Here's a better question: What the P-Funk is a " Palestinian"?
Until recent times it was a derogatory term for Jews.
There is zero to distinguish an alleged "Palestinian" from any other Arab.
No unique language, no distinct genetics, no nothing.
Because it is all a ridiculous scam to harass Israel.
700K has mushroomed to multi millions because Israel is Genocidal? Even your false charges are goofy!
In 99.8 percent of the land held by Arabs, no room could be found for a mere 700K who preferred the fantasy of driving the Jews into the sea to the gracious offer of citizenship by Israel.
Ireland has absorbed over one million invaders it had no previous relationship with in a few years.
To anyone with sense it is manifestly obvious who is running the scam, and it isn't Israel.
This is a subordinate question to the original, as it is not the Palestinians who make spurrious claims from antiquity. In simple terms, modern Palestinians are the descendants of those who lived in Palestine under the Ottomans and then subsequently under the British mandate. It is not that complicated. Levantine genetics are certainly distinct from the geentics of Egypt, Maghreb, Sudan or Arabia. Such distinctions are obviously not very significant as the Arab world at large does constitutes one continious geography, more or less. Your rough linguisitic argument seems to stem from the idea that modern Irish, Scotts, Welsh, Australians are indistinquishable from the English. The current references to genocide relate to the situation in Gaza today. Otherwise, you might be confusing the terms of ethnic cleansing (this is what has been happening in Palestine since 1948) and genocide. When you refer to the 700K, are you referring to the events of 1948? If so, given the history of those events then, it is clear that those who were driven out of the future state of Israel were not envisoned by the government of Ben Gurion to receive citizenship benefits. If you have the evidence to the contrary, please provide. I am not entirely sure what you to mean to demonstrate by the Irish example. Are you implyng that the Palestinians should have accepted the Zionist invaders and gave them equal rights? Well, in this case you seem to be advocating the one state solution, which is to give everyone between the river and the sea the same passport. I think it is a great idea.
It is more than a little disingenuous to pretend that serving as guest worker/tenant farmers gives ownership of a land.
Ignoring the reality that many arrived in Israel specifically to work for the Zionists is also a notch or two short of honest.
As to your baseless presumption, my family ruled in Ireland over four hundred years AFTER the British invasion in 1169 and it was another hundred years after our dynasty fell before the British dared enter the lands of my personal branch.
We also bear the singular distinction of being the only clan to tax the British in Ireland.
I have a very solid grasp of my ethnicity and reality.
There has never been any possibility of palestinian land being invaded because there has never been a palestinian land.
There has been neither Soverignty nor personal land ownership by people claiming a palestinian identity.
Your argument is pure fluff, as is inevitable when defending the indefensible.
Now you tell me: How do you rationalize defending the UN and the people who want to impose Sharia Law on you?
How do you miss the insanity of Generational Refugees, and convince yourself of a mystery regarding the obvious reality that if part of a small island can absorb a full million people in the space of a few years, Arabia, with it's vast oil wealth should easily be able to resettle a 700K generic Arabs in seventy five years?
How can you claim that is hard to understand?
Do you have learning disabilities?
But most puzzling of all, no one wants to touch the question of Armegeddon, God's Vengeance on the Jew Haters.
Maybe you will be the first.
Are you an atheist, or merely suicidal?
Sovereignty or not, there have always been people living in the Holy Land, whether at the times of Jesus, or under Byzantium, the crusaders, or the Ottomans, or the British. Expelling their descendants from the land, as expleiling anyone from the only land they know as theirs, is an inhuman act, an injuctice which Jesus attempted to put an end to with his teachings about loving your enemies etc. I assume your Zionist reading of scriptures have superceded your obligation to follow the direct set of commandements given by the Messiah in his sermon on the mount and other ocassions. I guess you would rather worship the earthly golden calf of Zionism as opposed to listening to the words of the Messiah himself - "my kingdom is not of this world" as he went out of his way to castigate the injustices perpetrated by the religious leaders of his day, the very leaders, whose descendants effectively came back to power in the modern state of Israel,
I Suppose you skipped over the part about cursing those who curse Jews.
I suppose you are among those deluded folk who make a Pagan Mockery of Christ.
I suppose you imagine Christianity to be a far different thing than Christ intended.
Sunday is not the Sabbath and Ham Dinners are abomination.
Christiànity is a means for Gentiles willing to be obedient to be accepted into the Family of God.
Your own Paul makes this clear: you are Not The Root, but a mere ingrafted wild shoot, and you can as easily be grafted OUT as you were grafted in.
You surely cannot " lose" your Salvation, but you can certainly throw it away.
Paul's advice, then, is to NOT boast against the Root.
It's good advice.
You might also take a look at Deuteronomy 28, and also Deut 32, The 1st Song of Moses, and at least Joel 3. Zechariah 14 is also pertinent.
This situation is prophesied and it will unfold in exact accordance with that prophesy.
Read Joel 3 slowly and carefully for a very complete airing of just how God feels about these things, and exactly how things will resolve.
It's not a pretty picture, but it is reality.
The Song of Moses provides a sort of overview of everything, and includes the well known " Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord. I will repay".
You really need to understand that Armegeddon is precisely God's Vengeance on Jew Haters.
Also worth noting is that while Israel's enemies will be destroyed, Israel will be completely forgiven for any blood guilt incurred.
You don't have to like that, but you do have to accept it.
Your arms are too short to box with God.
"So what you're saying is that Hamas had the secret formula to bypass the most sophisticated intelligence aparatus and defense structure on the planet and catch Israel by surprise."
— Cathy Newman
First of all , Israel is a nation of people , Zion is what has been usually called " The State of Israel " -- this initial direct creation of cognitive dissonance has to be stared at , to just look at the situation with words . Second of all , there is a difference between a BORDER , and a Boundary . A border is a one sided event . A boundary involves both edges as they meet at the boundary . So , an element of warfare is automatically engaged in when the words BORDER is used , but when the word boundary , there is a co - alition of two sides . ( or more ) Once , I had been put in the mental hospital by the father of my children . There was a young woman , a lovely normal person , who had a strange fixation - she thought that any man that walked into the room could possibly be her future husband . We talked and walked , and I listened to her psychosis with fascination . Suddenly , I realized that I was crazier than she was . I thought that the person who I had children with , was my husband , when actually , he was my most direct enemy in life . This was HILARIOUS to me . As Christina , she was just exhuberantly hopeful , and speaking about her wish to find a man . ME , I was truly insane , as the person I called my husband , was trying to dissappear me . I share this story , to explain that on the turn of a dime , one word away from fact , one can lose 25 years of one's life . The state of Israel is the collective of people who follow the Jewish Bible , at many different levels of integrations . Some are Zionists , and do think that its nice to have jewish people living there , in Jerusalem , and others are not , yet they are still of the nation of Israel , the chosen people of the God in their Bible . I believe if was start there , we will be able to best filter this situation calmly and clearly . The stories in that Bible , which talk of the slaughter of the Palestines , the total and complete eradication , including children and animals , does not really help , The Bible stories are pictures of psychological events , not to be taken literally . IN MY OPINION < the judeo christian bible is a story of psychology , not of historical events . And so ... on we go . Killing other people is always totally wrong and limits the future of mankind via broken time lines . Our best future is when we are all included in it .
when we think that our ideas can exist split from our biology , we are gonzo . One must always refer to biological truth - inside of idealogical direction . A short PS , I started to refer to the father of my children as " The childrens father " not my ex , or my husband . A big tell was , he thinks this is very funny , he LIKES it . It allows communication to continue , as is necessary to manage the flow of my family . But , in the big picture , I am seeing a gigantic wound - almost like where the placenta is ripped from the uterus , where our biological reality is connecting with the technological story - it is no longer integrated or functional . AI IS language , AI is anything that is connecting with human intelligence that is not actually containing a heart , mind , or body . Ai is your hammer , Ai is a math equation , AI is a book . And where the AI and the Biologos meet , is where we need to be seriously focusing on right now . AI is the name of the people , AI is the bomb being dropped , and AI is the poem being written that makes it stop .
More so than the Jewish Bible, they follow the dogma of the Talmud. There is a difference. And to understand what's going on now, one must be familiar with the entire history of "evolution" of the Jewish belief system. There is so much there that is never talked about.
I posted a comment about this in the main thread.
The warmongers plot and lie and plot some more. I believe we could one day see a war on our own soil caused on purpose by all of the illegal infiltration of terrorists. Most people have no clue as to how bloody this one will be.
CIA and Mossad designed those that attacked Israel BUT somebody inside let it happen on purpose, just like 9-11.
The ME is off limits for me. Trying to understand what has been going on over there over the last 100 years is like trying to sort out a file cabinet during an F10 tornado.
Israeli Cyber Security has been taken over by JoeBama alumni via Paragon.
Israel had a thriving Cyber Security Industry, but that is a thing of the past.
Details at Coffee and Covid, here on Substack.
Does Celia not realize that the "Europeans in North America committed genocide against the Precious Indigenous Native Americans" narrative comes from the same Goddamned source as Covid, Climate, Ukraine, Transgender, Critical Race Theory, et fucking cetera...???