Well, hate to be debbie downer but I think that yes, the election is already fixed. So we have to think ahead of what we'll do. I hope I'm wrong, and I may be. I hope people will wake up. Maybe this is where our team can play 4D or 5D chess.

This will be a long war. We are not "winning," as some claim, even though yes, in the long run (years? generations?) we can win. Many battles to come. Defending free speech should be paramount at this point.

The left has by now been hypnotized into insanity. They'll be used as an army against those calling out the insanity.

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I do not understand the reason Republicans and conservatives are failing or refusing to understand that the Deep State , aka, the Swamp is masterminding the election theft AGAIN:

All the Socialist Demon Rats, and 22 powerful RINO Warmongers controlled by Mitch McConnell, support preventing President Trump from re-occupying the Whitehouse by ****ANY*** means necessary -

those folks believe that using the Ukranian Proxy War to effectuate regime change in Russia is of the utmost importance.

Those two groups will make it appear that

1- the 2024 election was the most secured in our nation's history ;

2- President Trump and MAGA Republicans are sore losers

3- Kamala is an effective well prepared individual capable of presiding over the nation President Biden was lucid at all times

As has been shown over and over again the Mockingbird Media is controlled and manipulated by the CIA

The Swamp : CIA , DOD and FBI are against President Trump and MAGA Republicans .

So MAGA Republicans, we have the work cut out for us.

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The powers that be want Trump back in and they want you to keep thinking this isn't just theatre.

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Shirley, you jest

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Imagine thinking Trump is a populist.

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But he is

>>>>>inflation dversely affects the poor worse

>>>>>an economy without gasoline, coal and LPG would be a massive disaster severely affecting those at the bottom of the ladder

>>>> a nuclear WW3 will affect the poor and middle class the worse

>>>> 15,000,000 unvetted illegals in our midst competing for a few jobs will hurt the poor and middle class the worst

>>>>> If the cackling dingbat imposes price controls the business community will stop delivering products and services - WHO do you thinhk will be affected the most ?

Most foks do not understanding that a very powwerful Communist elite has hijacked the Democratic party

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Both parties are pro-war, pro-Federal Reserve, pro-corporatocracy, pro-Israel and pro-fascism. Trump was bailed out by the Rothschilds. Imagine thinking he's fighting them.

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Rickyrants, of course I can't know what your motivations might be for writing any of the comments you've dropped into this discussion, maybe your goal is to mix things up or to have a few laughs pranking others with your comments... or it's possible that you truly believe the stuff you've written here, in which case I probably shouldn't engage, because I don't want anybody to feel sad or say (write) something that might shake you up, or if you're not a narcissist and actually a good person I'd never want you to have doubts about your intelligence, I've battled that demon for most of my life... so that aside, and just in case you're a type who would like to grow by discussions or debates, you should ignore your "likes" and rethink your premise that "the powers that be want Trump back in", maybe do some more research and go back in history to review past battles between the Right and Left, and read more than you probably have about how the brain works, or if you're my age think about how the country looked and felt in the late 60's, way before the technology at our disposal had such profound effects on our thinking, both intended and incidental, and how the reach of, say, a Stalin or Mao would've been exponentially, geometrically, astoundingly higher than you can imagine; that and SO much more completely and totally blasts your premise so out of the water. BUT, have a nice day! Which hopefully doesn't require digging an even deeper hole over your incredibly flawed premise!

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You said a lot to say nothing.

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Oops! Sorry if I wasted your time R?CKYRANTS!

Say, can I buy your handle off you? This isn't just theater, I seriously love your handle because you made the i into an exclamation point which is brilliant! Well, kinda! See, what you did is... instead of the lower case i that it would normally be in our low class pedestrian world that you're trying so hard to liven up, and lemme tell you it is working so well, working to the Nth degree, I mean that i into an ! ALONE is like a breath of fresh Ayn Rand air, just the way you turned it all upside down on its head is cooler than the other side of the pillow, got change for an ice cube?? I feel like I'm at a Don Rickles Vegas show where I can't WAIT to see what you fire back at me i (sorry I just HAD to steal your little trick with the i... see where I would normally have put an exclamation point? I made it an "i" like you would have done, it's so brilliant and if this is how you feel all the time I want to be YOU! But not really! It feels depressing! Oh God let me outta here! Wait, this is a serious question...are you Hannibal Lecter? Cuz if you are Hannibal I must be Miggs because you have me over a big barrel. Anyway I gotta go, I'm sorry you wasted your time reading this. I was just doing my best to steal your time and keep your comments away from other better people than you cuz you're a classic type: too scared to strike out on your own, too bitter to be kind to beginners, and not nearly good enough to be interesting cuz you've got nothing but extreme contrarian bitterness to offer. Bye RR! Happy travels. Key word travels! Go far away! Hahaha!

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The powers that be want Trump back in. He's not an outsider. You are a clown.

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*Mundt act

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Trump is one of them, Jennifer. It's 2024. Get with it.

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Annnnd you’re an idiot. 🤷‍♀️

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Fantastic rebuttal. Stop hero worshipping a man who took part in a fake assassination attempt and still brags about Operation Warp Speed.

Celia, your readers are flailing. Honestly, this is sad.

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did you mean to post this twice?

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sometimes the same issues are raised by different individuals in the same thread

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I think they are beginning to open their eyes ! Especially now that RFK JR has come on board , and others like Zuckerberg I hear ! And it’s not about party it’s about the saving of America as we know it from morphing into a political totalitarian AmeriKA!

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The election is already fixed for Trump. Uniparty.

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If he wins, and deep state remains, then yes. BUT, the assassination attempt changed my thoughts. The wind worked against the shooters, I.e., the hand of God. The powers that be know Trump is a threat just like demons know that Jesus is God. TPTB will try again. Then will you believe? If he dies, will you still claim it’s theater?

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Trump is literally an actor.

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I agree with this and sometimes wonder if all on both sides are just playing a part.

I am conservative but what we are expected to take as fact just seems so ludicrous.

I'm not saying Trump is an actor in the sense that everything is fake that he does but that he IS part of a larger pushed narrative. It seems ridiculous and childish, all the things we are supposed to accept.

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Same donors. Same handlers. Same war machine. Same agenda at the end of the day.

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Rickyrants is literally a bot.

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You're literally unoriginal. Go vote, sheep!

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Actually I wish I hadn't so many people agreeing with me ... but then I think many of us can sense what's going on.

Whatever happens, the right will kick and scream and the left will spout nonsense about "all in this together" and "protecting democracy," etc. Just like their TV tells them.

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There is no evidence of election fraud anywhere. It has been proved everywhere even by republicans in red states. So why do you still think the election was stolen? Where is the evidence?

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No just hypnotized, bribed... and deluded. The pro abortion is a sacrament people, the anti guns/violence, the gimme dat cause I deserve mentality people, its all a part n parcel of what must be fought. The reason they hate Trump is? He a) pokes great fun at them and they CAN NOT stand to be laughed at (laughter is the great equalizer) and b) he speaks truth in his 'jokes'.. and they CANNOT with stand the light of scrutiny. That's why the double down on the REEEEing. Cognitive dissonance in the extreme... and well... soft in the heads.

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Fixed for Trump probably. This is not about left and right. It’s about what the oligarchs want and they control both sides. It’s incredible that people haven’t figured out how all of this works.

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Far from fixed for Trump Was it fixed for the assassinated Kennedys ? These same murderers fear him & want him out so they can power & control America ! Destroy our sovereignty, Constitution & lead US into a NWO globalist regime & agenda ! Enter the Antichrist & an evil one world government.

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They don't fear him. If they did, he would have been dead years ago.

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No years ago he was considered one of them ! A Dem but eventually disillusioned as is RFK JR. now! Not the same party of yesteryear. Many are jumping ship & for good reason.

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No reason to be part of either.

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Personally , I don’t care for either party either but like it or not it is what it is & third parties have never done well & end up taking or wasting votes! Bobby doesn’t want those votes to go to Kamalot!

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Oh, I think there's a very good reason that a Kennedy is aligning with Trump. So scripted it's almost unbelievable.

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I don’t agree. Bobby was shocked at the reception & standing ovation he received! But the way he was mistreated by the now leftist Dems was unconscionable . They essentially blackballed him ! Wanted him off ballots & blackballed , censored , blocked him . He tells what happened & why ! Other Dems are coming clean & are joining him as well . This is not about party it’s about the saving of America from becoming AmeriKA! 🙏🏼

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I always feared Trump would be shot or something else to kill him off, but Raskin saying this is worse because he's right, if they stop Trump, if he wins, the country will go into civil war which will usher in digital ID, CBDCs and the social credit scheme, isn't that what the demons want. I believe they need a war to achieve all of it. I must say if Trump makes it into the WH the world will be forever changed which is a good thing. We must all pray now because prayer thru millions of people is a very powerful thing.

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I refuse to accept defeat. I don’t care how fixed it is, we still have to fight abd unfix it!! Let’s not succumb to feeling helpless or that it’s all futile. That only leads to inaction.

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And that is what they want. Their tactic is to make it seem hopeless so people give up. F them! Never surrender.

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Completely agree that defeat is unacceptable. So is inaction. We are not helpless.

But there is no hope for Federal elections. We got that message in 2020.

What we have is we the people. Pray that enough of us become aware of the truth and the gravity of our situation.

The response to the tyranny has to be massive refusal.

And that's nowhere as easy as it may seem. Can you live outside the "system" they'll impose? How many of us are self-sufficient enough to live without electric and running water?

Each of us needs to decide how much freedom means to us. Then make a plan, and pray for the courage and resolve to stay true to it.

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We the people can empty our bank accounts, then close our wallets. That which cannot be found, cannot be confiscated.

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I think we must face it - digital id, social credit scores, and digital money is coming, no matter who wins. The decision whether to participate or not, and what that will involve, needs to be taken now.

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We have been preparing for over 4 years, in the beginning we didn't realize the shit storm that came but now we're happy we started when we did. After fake covid hit we stepped up everything and I can tell you, we will not be participating in their dystopian shit. We have put a plan in place to live outside the cabal of demons.

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Unless we want you to be a part of communist China we best stand up & fight against this at all costs ! Or America will morph into AmeriKA !

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The American people don't have the stomach for civil war or revolution. The only ones who take to the streets are the mentally unstable and those who are being paid. Unfortunately, the left has the majority. We all stood by locked down as the world burned when the media deified George Floyd. When the left riots if Trump is elected we will sit back and enjoy our bread as the circus is played on TV.

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Aug 14Edited

You're not taking into consideration the following:

There are millions of former military who are skilled and have experienced combat.

The vast majority of American civilians are armed. In many parts of the country, homeowners with guns are the rule, not the exception.

Increasing numbers of people are realizing how they've been played by the government narratives.

Don't underestimate the amount of rage that exists.

Civil war would be disastrous, though. A revolution in the form of mass refusal/rejection of tyrannical rules & systems is certainly worth trying.

But will you go quietly when they come to your door to take you to a FEMA camp, or stand aside when the UN blue helmets try to forcibly inject your family?

Many Americans won't.

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Many would rather give up their lives than to sell their souls to the devil ! 🙌🏽❤️‍🩹🙏🏼🇺🇸🕊

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I wholeheartedly disagree and I personally disavow this personally I will not take the mark of any beast I promise you

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That's true, but that's not how these things usually go. There is a spark, could be in any country in Europe, or Canada, Australia, New Zealand. And a chain of events are unleashed, a positive feedback is created, and that wave can spread like wildfire. The fury, the excitement draws people in, the normally sedate will rise up, and governments will fall like dominoes. It can happen, in the meantime we must sew the seeds of revolution, when people no longer believe in the system, when the corruption becomes common knowledge, the whole system is on the cusp of revolt.

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There are revolts in Europe. Europeans seem much more likely to protest against their governments than Americans, even though the right to protest is in our Constitution. White conservatives are too busy working, running businesses, and raising families to concentrate on organizing a revolution. Conservatives also have a lot more to lose. Look what happened to the Canadian truckers. Personally, I don't want to see a chaotic revolution. Voting doesn't work. The same assholes are in charge no matter who gets into office. I would rather protest through non-compliance.

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Cut off the money That's how we begin!

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The only people warring in Australia are the pro-Hamas Islamists taking to the streets.

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Busses are docile Not so for many other countries thank fully! They want us all to believe we are losing BUT Never give up NEVER give in never ever surrender And Don't Forget About The God Thing Which Wins In The End!

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Aug 14
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Is there a question here before the question mark I'd love to know?

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Aug 27
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Even after all that has gone on..there are still those that are asleep & dont see what is happening!!!

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Yeah there Democrats mostly and mislead undereducated and indoctrinated so fogettaboutem! Stay in the dawn fight people.

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It's called a "preference cascade." Look at Libya. Or when the Wall fell.

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Lets look at the outcome of revolutions. Bolshivik, Mao.

This is how the game is played, get us to kill each other then swoop in and establish the new regime after millions die.

They keep to the format and we fall right in

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It's not that simple. Those were bad examples, and they did go wrong, very wrong. And mostly they were orchestrated by creeps in the Western Aristocracy. The revolution against the oppressive Soviet empire was a good example. Worked real well for about 35yrs until now we are seeing the Bankster cult taking over, a silent coup.

Revolution doesn't only mean a wild violent mass uprising. You have the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia. Electing Trump could be a revolution if this term he really does take on the Swamp and their controllers. I doubt it, but it is always possible.

And you don't need a revolution to sink into an impressive Tyranny. That is what is happening right now, we are rapidly moving to a World Totalitarian techno-Feudal state. No revolution, just the boiling Frog method. May become the worst there has ever been. We are stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Do or Die.

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 6 - The Time to Choose


"...For hundreds of thousands of years humanity has strived against adversity, overcome incredible odds, grown and flourished on this planet. We have not come this far to become mere cybernetic nodes in some soulless AI-driven digital prison. It's time to wake up, to stand together and reject the dystopian Great Reset agenda and then start building a more beautiful world in which human freedom is not sacrificed on the altar of the technocratic state...."

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Liked this ❤️

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There is some truth here,it matters who dies in the fight IT should NOT BE THE PEOPLE it should be the leadership and the communists and radical Islamists

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The captured MSM is the Transnationals main weapon.

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100% Not captured as much as paid$$$$$

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I do not understand the reason Republicans and conservatives are failing or refusing to understand that the Deep State , aka, the Swamp is masterminding the election theft AGAIN:

All the Socialist Demon Rats, and 22 powerful RINO Warmongers controlled by Mitch McConnell, support preventing President Trump from re-occupying the Whitehouse by ****ANY*** means necessary -

those folks believe that using the Ukranian Proxy War to effectuate regime change in Russia is of the utmost importance.

Those two groups will make it appear that

1- the 2024 election was the most secured in our nation's history ;

2- President Trump and MAGA Republicans are sore losers

3- Kamala is an effective well prepared individual capable of presiding over the nation President Biden was lucid at all times

As has been shown over and over again the Mockingbird Media is controlled and manipulated by the CIA

The Swamp : CIA , DOD and FBI are against President Trump and MAGA Republicans .

So MAGA Republicans, we have the work cut out for us.

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Not just MAGA Republicans. This is true for Nationalist Populists in every country, because this coup is Worldwide and being orchestrated out of Davos, Geneva & London.

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They haven't Lost as much as the ruling elite would have U.S. Believe Believe you me!

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"So MAGA Republicans..."

Did you know Confumacious, that 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan?

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MAGA , we are the good guys.

We have not allowed 15,000,000 unvetted illegals to waltz into our country;

We will NOT ban fossil fuels . coal and LPG after the election;

We are NOT in Ukraine poking the Russian bear seeking to start a nuclear WW3.

Try to cut down on the Mexican Sinsemilla, please.

Remember MAGA Republicans the good guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sorry Contumacious, but 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.

Look it up.

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I guess we will have to continue the conversation at a later time when you are sober. Take care.

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Contumacious, rather than simply reply with impotent insults, just show where anything I've said is inaccurate.

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Maga, or magus, is the "fifth order".

Here it is, right from the devil's own rectum:


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Words as weapons… Proberta is not wrong. https://www.churchofsatan.com/hierarchy/

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Hah, so it is. I doubt that’s more than coincidence though. I think Trump is more a Mason-type than a church of Satan type

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More of a Kabbalah-occult type than a Satanist (which is pretty cringe)

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Palesse. I know MAGA is not that ! There are many Off shoot’s denominations of many religions. But it doesn’t mean they are all the same ! Only real common denominator is who they believe in !

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I know Sandy, but the satanists that secretly run this planet know that "MAGA, MAGA, MAGA", is a chant of fealty and devotion to the Lord of Darkness.

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Democrat words FO! Arrrrgh!

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Not "Democrat words" Dale, FACT.

'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.

Look it up.

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Spoken like a true demoncrap of the day Roberta probably a gender bend Ed r too boot!

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Dale, rather than simply respond with impotent insults, just show where anything i've said is inaccurate.

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Biden already allowed the Digital Currency by signing an EO as soon as he got into office & all the major banks have been running tests on the roll out. They’re just waiting for the Men in Black that run the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) to deem when to do it. If what Raskin says is true, & I believe it is, they are going to slam down on us so quick we won’t have time to lock our doors. What was really scary about Raskin was he spoke of this to everyday people. So casually, so matter of fact, why hasn’t his party come down on him? Ehy have they put out a disclaimer? Why hasn’t the GOP called attention to his comments? I don’t know why running the GOP is like herding cats. They need to let go of their egos & play nice together, act like a team. Win one for the Gipper.

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I don’t trust the Rinos nor the leftist Dems !

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"Why are we all pretending there will be what we call an “election” in November?"

Three things that I see connected:

1) Steve Bannon is in prison for four months. I imagine it's possible he gets out just a few days before Election Day.

2) Alex Jones's Infowars has to be shut down in its operations by Court Sentencing. Will this happen before the election?

3) There are rumors of direct war between NATO troops and Russian soldiers. How would an actual multi-country war in Europe, like in the good ol' times, affect the US election? Let's remember: most European nations are vassal states of the US. We are not in the days of Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland, when no one in Europe care one tiny little bit about what happened in the US.

Why is it that disarmed and voiceless European "citizens" care today about what the Americans vote? Probably because we do not know yet the Election is just another show no one understands but we observe anyway, like Halloween.

But Americans hold the fate of hundreds of millions of people in their hands. And it doesn't matter because there is an automated process. And robots who perform automated processes cannot go to jail. And programmers are blameless: they just follow orders. And hackers are like birds: not even real; because, no one hacked anything in the last presidential election, right?

No need to hack anything on election day or night. Like cheater professional cyclists, they use "performance enhancing drugs" months before the race, while in training. See? There is no cheating at all.

They used to call this gerrymandering or something. But that was less hubristic than this thing whose existence is consistently being denied by the worst people.

Dark fun: Illegal immigrants in the US have more political power over the fate of the lives of European people than Europeans have in their own countries. Has there been a more confusing time in the last 400 years?

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Well done.

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Aug 14
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You're so right! Everything, in the end, WILL be put right, because we know in the end, God wins! We just have to go through our own "passion", as does the Church, as does the world, until we get to that point. The Bible tells us "be not afraid" 365 times, so you are right: fear not!!!

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Aug 21
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Obviously you’re not a believer !

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Of course they are going to use the military and state police against (white conservative) protesters. They have been systematically culling the military of honorable leadership and installing managers who have been indoctrinated to hate and neutralize populist resistance. One of the first signals, starting 20+ years ago, was the glorification of SWAT style cop shows and good-guy FBI shows on tv.

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There will be no white conservative protesters. Where were they as the brown and white liberal protesters burned cities, blocked freeways, danced on the burning vehicles and threw rocks, bricks, and bottles of frozen water at the police officers you want to vilify? Where were they when the government took away their rights during Covid? Populist resistance? That's a figment of your imagination. And for your edification, most of the police officers in this country are white conservatives.

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Right now it ain't protesters we need. We need people to spread the message of disdain for the wholly corrupt establishment, the fact of the global coup, and put a fire under people's butts to primary every RINO, Neocon and UNI-Party slimeball.

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If I remember correctfly white conservative Kyle Rittenhouse, was shooting down the Antifa Roaches in Kenosha, Wisconsin. .


All the while Wisconsin governor, Tampon Tim was savoring Horse Cum while Kenosha burned


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Tampon Turn-Tail Tim is governor of Minnesota where he let Minneapolis burn.

As Bongino says, precision counts.

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The predominantly white conservative makeup of the county sheriffs and small town police forces in my area certainly appears to be the case, and I am grateful for that. Edified. As for the military and state police, not edified much.

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That's an interesting observation. I was always kind of wondering the dealy with those shows. The level of our being propagandized has you really seeing the Bible as the only truth.

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Naomi asks," if the Republicans don't wake up?".... Is it not clear there IS no waking up?

This is a dire possible reality we must all face. The 100% end of America, its constitution, rule of law and sovereignty if they manage to obstruct a legitimate vote by the American people for DJT.

This 1 world Gov, Klaus Schwab crowd has already said and firmly stated, you will have a one world gov. Like it or not.

And by way of money, blackmail and coercion,(Epstein island stuff) they will attain it.

and as for the normies crowd, I quote a song from the 60ies, by Judy Collins,

" don't it always seem to go that you dont know what you got till its gone"...

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Unfortunately way too many people are unaware of what is going on. They need to be educated. Common knowledge is the key. When people no longer believe in the system, it will crumble, it just needs a little push in the right place and the right time.

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Joni Mitchell, ''Big Yellow Taxi'' took away my old man.

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Is that Joni Mitchell song ?

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I think your correct

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How stupid is Donald Trump?


Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.


So how stupid is Donald Trump???

35million vaxxed are dead, millions more are sick and dying, and even more are permanently vaxxine damaged for life. Funeral Directors are ordering 30% more INFANT-CHILD size coffins, up from the 20% increase last year.


Donald Trump must be the stupidest president we've ever had, and that includes Bush Jr!

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President Donald J Trump is neither a doctor nor a scientist .

He was FORCIBLY led to believe by the SWAMP and the Mockingbird Media that Anthony Fauci , Deborah Birx and Olivia Troye speaketh the SCIENTIFIC TRUTH.


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Again, how stupid is Donald Trump???

Because even my GRANDMOTHER knew there was a genocidal vaxxine coming!

In 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told the whole Conspiracy Community that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, for the "Great Culling". Not a genocidal virus, a genocidal VAXXINE.


So sheesh, how stupid is Donald Trump?

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Read your previous posts , you are an anti_Trump nutter.

'nuff said

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"you are an anti_Trump nutter"

Not just Trump Contumacious, I hate ALL the llluminati scum!

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"ALL the llluminati scum!"

Assuming , that there is such a thing as "illuminati" then the appellative applies to the QueMala Harris - Tampon Tim Team

Following the globalists guidelines they have

1- allowed over 15,000,000 unvetted illegals into our country

2- want to ban fossil fuels , coal and LPG

3- want to start a nuclear WW3 against anti-globalist Russia

So try to get your head out of the anal cavity and do the right thing for a change

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"...such as thing as 'llluminati"

Oh sheesh Contumacious, TAKE THE RED PILL!

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Proberta, everything you're saying is old news.

Its all about prime directive, bro.

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Yes it is Anomalous, but as YOU yourself have learned 'Chuck', the pink-pilled don't know it!

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There's intellectual smart, and there's emotional smart. Emotionally smart people trust their instincts and intuition implicitly. So much was thrown on Trump while in office, he was busy putting out fires right and left. When ya keep someone constantly on the defensive, their judgement is impaired. It happens to the best of us. Truth is, that fucking wall woulda been up and finished YEARS ago, if the libelous Left wasn't so pernicious and evil-intentioned.

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The vax was full of trans human materials (self replicating nanobots, spike proteins etc) but the NIH put out lots of viruses. They have done this for years under fauci. One using gain of function was flu again but easy to catch. The deaths came from the drug they gave to combat it in the hospitals which weakened them and then the patients got on vents and that was about it. The mrna stuff in the covid 19 vax was some hi tech self-replicating nanobots. Now, this crap is in our food, water and air. Its about contol. They want to control you. The AI programming would be good to undrstand to see the end game for now. The later is transhumanism. They want to change humans from the image of God to something else. Not good. The government, DOD etc wants to put your soul in a machine that was you. Creepy.

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The great culling is happening to the world’s livestock & grow farms under the guise of H5N1. Who do you like you crickets? Fried or ground up?

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Forcibly? Was a gun held to his head? What evidence do you have that he was "forced to believe" anything?

And this: he was "led to believe by the SWAMP..." Wait a minute, wasn't he the guy who was going to "drain the swamp"? Does that mean he didn't really know who/what the swamp actually is? Then how could he promise to "drain it"?

So Trump either isn't as smart as he'd have us believe, since he's apparently easily led without taking a deeper dive into the ramifications of these decisions,


he's just another player in the devastation that's been unleashed on America.

Take your pick: incompetent or part of the cabal.

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»»»»»»»Forcibly? Was a gun held to his head? What evidence do you have that he was "forced to believe" anything?««««««


President Trump is neither a scientist nor a medical doctor.

He was told by the swamp that the “experts” were telling him the SCIENTIFIC truth and he “HAD TO ABIDE BY THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS.

Prior to 2014 I worked in infectious diseases for over 30 yearsas a medical provider .

I saw NO SCIENTIFIC STUDY showing that viruses have ever been isolated and purified .

I saw NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that the RT-PCR Test has ever been shown to detect the SARS-CoV2 “virus”.

The swamp forced doctors to go along with the HOAX by threatening their livelihood:


It also FORCED NURSES to comply by using the same tyrannical approach


‘nuff said

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"Forcibly led to believe by the SWAMP"


Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

Wake up Contumacious! Try.

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President Trump replaced him as soon as he was provided the details.


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So tell us Contumacsious, who do you believe FORCED Trump to appoint the corrupt Acosta as Secretary of Labor?

And all the other Deep State, Globalist, Rottchild banking executives, CabaI spawn, Skull&Bones, Goldman-Sachs secret society frat bros that Trump appointed during his administration?

Who do you blame those on Contumacious, who do you blame for Dumb Donald FILLING the Swamp, Fauci?

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Bottom line: I don't know a single person who'd remain STANDING, after everything they've done to Donald Trump. Lucky for us, he loves a challenge. He thrives on it, and gets bored when life's going too smoothly or well. Even if I hated the guy, I'd have to respect him for his resilience!

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How funny to find your name among the thread here Shari. I stumbled upon some of your writings on NPD in 2009 one day while working in my clinic. That was a pivotal day in my life, wherein you helped me understand the raging narcissist who is my mother. You cannot imagine how much that helped. Thank you for your efforts Shari!

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Aug 14Edited
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Shirley, you jest.

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Aug 15
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Trump was duped (though many of us, including your grandmother were not, and were able to recognize the fake pandemic,) and that's why Trump's been out there the last couple years talking about how bad the vaccine is and how many millions have died, including dead babies, and how many remain severely injured... or did that not really happen, and, in reality, instead Trump continues to push the military/intel agency-led Operation Warp Speed death shot and pretend that the disaster he presided over in 2020 never happened. Is this the man we're supposed to support? Apparently your detractors believe so, but count me a big NO.

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Amazed for four years how he's been let off the hook -- by ALL "sides" -- on this issue alone.

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U dont vote because hes perfect. U vote coz hes a lot better than the others.

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Did you get a vaxx because a President said to? Serious question. Millions of people didn’t. Are you mad that you foolishly took advice from him? Why would you?

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"Did you get a vaxx...?

Not me Mimi, because I knew there never was a genocidal virus.

And I also knew there WAS a genocidal vaxxine.

So I am obviously smarter than Donald "I Am The Father Of The Vaxxines" Trump, the llluminati prince!

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Or Messiah.

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Was it always in the cards or a more recent thing that Trump went from MAGA to MIGA?

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Its recent Howard, because too many people are finding out about Trump, the llluminati, the Jezuits, MAGA, and the Church of Satan.

I've also seen Trump using 'TAB' recently 'Take America Back'.

I'd say hold on to your MAGA souvenirs, they may be valuable on Ebay!

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Theres no perfect president.

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Agreed. But it's not just Trump. It's millions of sheep who are so gullible, they never question anything. One of 'em is 1 of 2 of my chiropractors. So called (former) friends are Dem-disordered. I had to break away, because I have no patience for emotionally ignorant people.

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Shari, the reason the pink-pilled love Trump is because the pink-pilled don't research.

So they don’t do the genealogy and they have no clue who runs this planet.

Research the llluminati, in all their iterations, Knights of Malta, Brotherhood of the Snake, Black Nobility etc.

And the New World 0rder.

Then go research Donald Trump and his cousin Hilary's Bavarian Jezuit genealogy, and llluminati bloodline.

Then go research Biden, the reptoid pedophiIiac's genealogy, and 0bama’s genealogy, and the Bushes, and the Clintons, and, and, and…

…and understand who REALLY runs this planet, and HOW they do it.

Or you can just skip ahead and watch the video.

Because in 1995 the llluminati THEMSELVES, showed us exactly what they are doing to the world, and who wins, as per the Prime Directive.

Hiding it right in plain sight.


PS. Note in the 3rd panel the little triumphant BAVARIAN JEZUIT boy, and his exotic-looking girl friend. Look like anyone we know?

PPS Shari, the deadly rainbow is not viral, its ELECTRONIC = 5[G]

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I SAW THOSE PAINTINGS MANY YEARS AGO, and based on my readings of history etc, I knew that these were just as the video said. I used to live in Denver and it is a hotbed of the new age and even very much worse now. I have also done much study of the bible which points to the vatican, without one doubt. GOD is true and every man a liar. We need to keep our eyes on Rome because they keep trying to keep all eyes off Rome. They have been "countering" the Reformation for over 500years now with their demonic heresies.

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I believe Dr Len Horowitz mentioned something about those airport paintings sometime back on one of his websites, but can't recall which one.

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That’s not true about Trump. He needs to be shown some grace where Covid is concerned. He believed all these trusted institutions just like most people did. I did. I live in a 62+ apt complex & I encouraged friends & neighbors so we could develop herd immunity. Now that I know better I have felt awful about that. Fauci & company made a pact before their first meeting w/Trump that if he fired one the others would drop what they were doing & walk out. What a bunch of self-centered scum bags. But unbeknownst to Fauci & co, Trump had Dr Scott Atlas running a shadow investigation because something told him to have another data stream. That’s why he was treated with Ivermectin & treatments that did not follow the protocol the CDC laid out when he was hospitalized with Covid. But I don’t understand why you say there was no virus. If there was no virus what illness struck ? What made everyone sick?

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"What made everyone sick?"

Radiation poisoning. 40,000 satellites were launched to complete the 5(G)grid and are now beaming 5(G) microwave radiation down on us continually, 24/7.

Radiation poisoning. And the first place they activated the 5(G) grid was Woohan China.

No Shelley, there never was a deadly virus. But there is a deadly vaxxine.

Why is Donald Trump STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaxxine???

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No, he just did what we all did, trusted who we thought were supposed to be the “experts” the same ones who’ve handled all the world’s medical enormities for decades. Trump should actually be thanked. He was the first President to bring in a second opinion person, Dr Scott Atlas. And Trump sought opinions from the Dr’s who signed the Barrington Report, the ones who spoke against Fauci, CDC, WHO. If Hillary had been in office who knows how much worse it could have been as she loves every thing about the alphabet mafias. We know more about what had been going on with China and the NIH than we ever would have known if she had been in office.

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Shelly, its a simple question: There never was a virus. Did Donald Trump LIE to the American people about a fake deadly virus, and then LIE and tell them the genocidal vaxxine was safe?

And Shelly, why is Trump STILL LYING???

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I thought this committee exchange from a couple of years ago between Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Raskin was a bizarre and revealing moment. As one of the unanimous Dems who have so rabidly advocated the condemnation of any J6er, Raskin took a sudden turn as a reasonable apologist for Ray Epps. To the extent that I still find records of this exchange on YouTube, it's treated as some kind of gotcha zinger for the Dems. To me it's effectively a billboard announcement that Dems were in on the setup.


Raskin is consistently contemptible.

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Consistently contemptible. I like that.

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Raskin has been possessed by Satan. Could be the most dangerous person in America (besides Obama).

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From an article in Maryland Matters, December 21, 2020:

Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D) received his shot late Friday. In an interview over the weekend, he said he found the experience to be exhilarating.

“When I got the shot, I said to myself, ‘I have not felt this good since I voted,’” he said. “It just feels like an act of pure patriotism, and suddenly [Bruce] Springsteen’s song ‘Badlands’ kept going through my mind with the line ‘It ain’t no sin to be glad you’re alive.’”

“Science has come through for us in a huge way. In the face of all the denialism and the propaganda and disinformation, the scientists came through for humanity.”

Everyone who is offered the vaccine should take it, the Montgomery County Democrat said.

I wonder if his son Tommy took the jab. How sad and odd is that rote progressive suicide note. I pray for these people's minds and spirits to be healed of the horrible spirits that possess them.

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I feel there is more to Tommy's suicide than meets the eye.

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ALWAYS. I posted about this earlier in this feed (or later, I guess).

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Ah … yes?

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Well quoted, and well expressed in your lines at the end. It is interesting to note that JBR receives his (first) jab on 12/21/20, declaring the words you cite. Exactly ten days later, his son commits suicide, just one day before the New Year commences and one week before J6. In his parting note Tommy alludes to grief and concern for the animals. Tommy sounds like the polar opposite to his father.

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Yes, Tommy sounds like the family member who didn't stand a chance. Every family has one.

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I honestly wonder if his son was jabbed at the same time, and something terrible happened to him inside—physically, mentally, or spiritually. And while I am empathetic to the horror of suicide, isn’t it an incredibly odd, emotionless suicide letter? The “global poor?” Animals? Are these distant abstractions the new holy of holies in the western atheist revolutionary progressive mind? Do these people have no connection with others? Are they purely motivated by self-hating guilt? And listen to them repeat over and over “the insurrection,” “our democracy,” as if trying to cast some spell, or deeply hypnotized themselves. Are they even alive anymore, these Borg-like entities of the Great Reset?

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Like you, Chris, I really got stuck on the "global poor." In a suicide note? Was it sarcasm? Rage?

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It's quite possible he heard his father rail about the global poor so many times and it was a jab at him for caring more about them than his own son.

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That’s a fascinating interpretation. I believe you and Celia could be right.

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It’s a very emotionally disconnected note. Granted, when someone feels at the end of their ability to cope (I’ve certainly been there), it’s hard to predict what will come out of one’s mouth or hand. But I would imagine if Tommy felt loved by his parents and friends, there would be words directed at them. And sarcasm or rage are interesting interpretations. I had not even considered that. Thanks for engaging with me, Celia.

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Many have had their souls occluded or even taken from them, with or without the jab. Few people recognize this phenomenon and how it works. There is a profound ignorance about nonhuman mind control by entities who use occult means of access, whilst also utilizing nanotech, alphabet psyops and general propaganda mechanisms. These entities, similar in a sense to google algorithms but far more advanced, tune into human frailties where they locate a range of emotional susceptibilities, which makes many people easy pickings. It is another level of energy harvesting. It is quite easy for them to insert hypnotic states redolent of the hive mind.

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Anyone needing an introduction to Mind Control can go to Fritz Springmeier's very enlightening books, which for some reason are parked, for free, at -- wait for it -- CIA.gov.

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Hear hear.

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Help. I did not press the button twice!

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Drugs are a doorway for the devil/demons. NEW AGE is 100% demonic and both of these can have sway over the human psyche and cause all sorts and every kind of evil outcomes! I WAS RESCUED MYSELF, FROM THESE THINGS.

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The vax was not available to young people in December of 2020 - it would have been Highly unusual for him to have gotten it .

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Context - Republicans have had control over the machines that count votes in America since 2002. Democrats have their own cheats on a smaller scale. Neither party will allow a fair, transparent process of counting votes.

I summarize the history of election theft in America here:


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Excellent, Josh.

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Excellent Work! Thanks.

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Naomi Wolf "knows" all of this and Trump or RFK Jr. do not? They're being blindsided? This clip reaffirms for me that Trump et al are in on it, by her own information. NO publicity about ignoring the election reforms Wolf proposed. No major focus on the (alleged) threats of Raskin's proposal. As she herself says, total SHEEP reaction by those "Republican patriots." And she ends the segment still worrying about threats to "our democracy," which she, Alex Jones, and many others of all stripes have been showing no longer exists for more than 20 years (at least). Trump is either a complete moron, which I don't think he is, or is in on it. And I don't "trust" Naomi Wolf, either.

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Excellently worded.

Trump is 1,000% in on it, all of it. Trump IS the Deep State's plan, not contrarian to their goals whatsoever. It is ALL about Trump, in fact.

Naomi Wolf - is 0% trustworthy. She is a blowhard.

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I trust Naomi for a variety of reasons - number one is that she lost her standing with all her former colleagues to the point where they write books disparaging her .

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True. And I can tell you from experience from many years ago, this is like being burned at the stake. Indescribably painful, soul destroying, disorienting…However I think she HAD a father, which really makes all the difference.

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WHAT ?!?!?!?!?!?

I do not understand the reason Republicans and conservatives are failing or refusing to understand that the Deep State , aka, the Swamp is masterminding the election theft AGAIN:

All the Socialist Demon Rats, and 22 powerful RINO Warmongers controlled by Mitch McConnell, support preventing President Trump from re-occupying the Whitehouse by ****ANY*** means necessary -

those folks believe that using the Ukranian Proxy War to effectuate regime change in Russia is of the utmost importance.

Those two groups will make it appear that

1- the 2024 election was the most secured in our nation's history ;

2- President Trump and MAGA Republicans are sore losers

3- Kamala is an effective well prepared individual capable of presiding over the nation President Biden was lucid at all times

As has been shown over and over again the Mockingbird Media is controlled and manipulated by the CIA

The Swamp : CIA , DOD and FBI are against President Trump and MAGA Republicans .

So MAGA Republicans have the work cut out for us.

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I was with you until you said you didn’t trust Naomi. She’s the real deal.

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naomi wolf nails it: why isn't the RNC all over this? maybe because they're in on the scam?

maybe because they invented it? as repulsive as the democratic party has become, let's not forget the mainstream RNC's ugly past in stealing elections. see mark crispin miller's book, fooled again, as apropos today as it was almost ten years ago https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/fooled-again-mark-crispin-miller/1125858278

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It was "Fooled Again" that got Mark booted from the castle.

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he wasn't supposed to cross that line

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omg. this is farce. he's a vegetarian, recovered colon-cancerian, who's now got lymphoma, and a chemo survivor. he doesn't know how to take care of himself. his wife is a financier. of course I want to know why the son, in the coils of Harvard Law School, suicided. I assume he had secrets and was miserable. r.i.p. to turn that personal tragedy into a geopolitical side-show — should be illegal.

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I concur 100%

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He could have just had a weak personality that was overwhelmed by his family and the Covid zeitgeist. We are an emotionally inept culture.

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Tommy could have just been a really really nice guy who couldn't deal with the world he found himself in, including his family and the political and social atmosphere.

The father laid it all out, or enough of it, in his memoir. If you read between the lines you can get an image of a reasonable but really really sensitive person trapped in a world of monsters.

On the other hand, he was politically passionate, and we know how that can get out of hand at that age. Arguing with "right-wing provocateur" Dinesh D’Souza?

Basically, I'm agreeing with you her, aj.

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often, really nice guys who can't deal with the world as it is, are people pleasers, who are created by parental abuse, sometimes by other authority figures. At my age, I now think, having seen it too often, that passion in the young may also be a manifestation of prior abuse. Emotional incontinence, vs. learning self control above all, which is useful for the lifetime, and cannot be taught by a parent who doesn't have it themselves.

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wonder how much, if any, friction there was between father and son about politics; the father was the last to see him.

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I wonder whether the father was just too full of himself and through his personality he terrified his sensitive son without being aware of it. When I look at Jamie Raskin's face, I do signs of a bullying, domineering, arrogant, type-A personality guy—a sort of family tyrant, if the family let him get away with it. Although this is nothing really unusual. I see it in a lot of US congress members, male, female, or whatever.

The father is never going to write about that, but he does write that he held off talking about a lot of stuff at the dinner table in order to avoid distressing his son. This at least indicates that such stuff had been brought up in the past and the son had indeed been distressed or upset about it.

Anyway, I know nothing about the details. My entire opinion is a speculation based on my own superficial impressions of faces and gestures in photos and what Jamie wrote. Not much to go on.

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I believe that the JFK assassination was a coup, that WG was another coup, and that every President since was basically from the CIA, with the exception of Reagan and Trump. Both those men were fired on by assassins. Ergo, the coup took place in 1963 and democracy has been an utter sham for 61 years,

Though I am not a fan of the Republican party, I have been working with the party in my state in an attempt to 'do something.' My county, which is small, and the local Republican leadership, are convinced that there is 'nothing wrong with our ballot system.' My husband was invited to oversee a trial run of the process. It did not 'prove' anything. They stacked up all the ballots, ran 500 test ballots through the scanner and, surprise surprise, ended up with 500 counted ballots. They don't address ANY security questions, and who knows what Internet interference takes place. But everyone wants to play nice, no one wants to get rid of the new toy and no one will be pushy enough to make waves. Republicans are in the extreme minority in my state and even if they made a huge stink, they have no hope at reforming the system--getting press coverage, getting legislative support--anything.

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Trump has been chosen by the powers that be to make a comeback. The fake assassination attempt should have made that clear. Raskin is participating in political theatre. He even told you he likes Shakespeare. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."

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Very likely given the history of the NWO of the last 500years. But GOD is sovereign in the affairs of man. The prophecies point to the vatican w/o a doubt. They point out it's destruction as well. We just cannot know when it all is fulfilled. But we are close to the last trumpet in Revelation16.

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My disagreement with Wolfe and with this Truth Barrier post is that I don't perceive any line between the two parties that administer our government. I do agree that the elections are fixed and that their is nothing within the established order of things that anyone can do about it. Does that mean civil war or revolution is in our future? Maybe, Maybe we are already there.

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Unfortunately we've been in a civil war with the elites for 100+ years. A whole bunch of us all over the world just woke up to that during the last handful of years.

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Since Jekyll Island

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They are both corrupted, but unlike the DemonRat party there is a grass roots revolt going on in the Republican party. If they had succeeded with the planned assassination of Trump, replacing him with Establishment scumbag, Nikki Haley, then they would have tried very hard to banish the populist uprising in the Republican party. At this point it could go either way. When your sons & brothers start dying in the Ukraine, that may put a fire under people's butts.

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A small point.... stop joining in the Left's self characterization as "progressive." They are anything BUT! Call them what they are, radical, REGRESSIVE, anti-constitutional revolutionaries, who seceded philosophically from America's founding values in the Declaration of Independence over a century ago, and who have been actively subverting the Constitution designed to protect those values ever since.

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Hear hear.

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