Wow, Celia. This deserves way, way more views.

And I have to say, reading RFK Jr's book, about halfway through, I really appreciate learning of your courageous reporting on Pharma/henhouse regulators' crimes and malfeasance since the 1980's. I had no idea, and I appreciate your work very much.

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Thank you Colleen! I appreciate your work so much as well. Bobby Kennedy's book is a Biblical miracle and a true bulwark against this evil. It is a smash best seller and there is nothing they can do about it. Time to thank God.

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I call it the third or fourth Bible

The old

The new

aLCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS call their big book the Bible


I guess there are a few more holy books out there too

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I agree; I sometimes wonder if there is systematic censorship being perpetrated on Substack from outside their systems; Celia's and others' publications reflect lower-than-expected views relative to other publications.

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yes, I also was already a (not paying I'm sorry to have to say) of Celia's, but I had no idea of her pedigree. That book is a staggering blow on every page. How is that criminal still walking?

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If you're talking about "The Real Anthony Fauci" it's kind of a miniature medical "Gulag Archipelago" isn't it? Every paragraph a horror story, two-thirds of the book are annotations. How do you argue something like that?

The hard part is getting The Blue-Pilled Pinheads to read it.🙄

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And people in retirement facilities are still dying from the fake jab.

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If it wasn't for Jon Rappoport, referencing to you in today's blog post, I wouldn't have found you! I am so glad I did. This is absolutely amazing what you posted here. I live in Thailand and last year around this time I read a Thai article for health workers, stating pages of the side effects to look for in the vaccinated. I was horrified at the time. One year later, to see this list words just don't do it. . . And, now what happens? . . . Thank You Celia. Bless You

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I also want to thank you Celia will pray that God blesses you. My brother recently reminded me of your Spin column and how brave you were in reporting on AZT. I fear perceived desperation caused people to uphold these investigational new drugs as panaceas. (And yet there is such a high average recovery rate; but we have been indoctrinated). I belong to a vaccine injured group on Fbook. They are gaslighted by doctors if they ascribe their illness to vaccination. It is horrible, criminal.

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Same here, I found you when Robert Kennedy mentioned you on the high wire interview about his book. Thank you for your contribution to his book. I’m going to buy it. Take care.

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I've lived in Thailand. Last year and this year have been surreal. Prior to the clot shots there were hardly any deaths much less any so-called "cases". But the government went full retard and all in with the vaxxes. Thai people are easily scared and have been clamoring to get the "good" Pfizer vaxx. Its utterly insane. Even my wife's family have been approached by local villagers who keep pressuring them to take the kill shot. Thankfully they've refused and are mad as hell at being berated about their "selfishness".

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You have the right to be frighten! We all are, no matter on which continent we live. Same situation/narrative everywhere, which in itself should raise doubts in our minds.

We must be courageous and stay informed in order to be able to help others understand what is going on, so they can make the right decisions for their health and their future.

Here is a link to "Planet lockdown" documentary interviews. I hope it will answer many of your questions: https://planetlockdownfilm.com/full-interviews/ (Translation in many languages available)

Take good care!

Thank you Celia for your wonderful work!

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I'm not frightened at all. What I AM is mad as hell. When you see people trapped on a rail line you do everything you can to get them off the tracks and out of the way of the oncoming train. When these see people refuse to move but blindly believe the train has come to rescue them then you jump out of the way. Save who you can but you don't throw yourself in front of the train to slow the inevitable. You do what you can do and there is nothing else to be done. As its been said "For those with eyes to see and ears to hear"

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Great metaphor. I can no longer speak to many friends or family members about the vaccines. They all know my opinion and the jabbed think I am crazy, at least on this matter. So we talk about other things.

It makes me very sad to see them put themselves at risk, with no due diligence or curiosity. But I cannot stop it.

However, I have had some luck in talking people out of vaccinating their children. I take what I can get.

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I like your name. Me too

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I do agree with you but, I keep trying to make them change their opinions. This is the junction to the boundaries between anger, fear and courage. :)

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You're doing what you feel you need to do and I respect that

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yes, same here, what a great lady. and a Believer in JESUS, Truth overcoming power to you!

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First of all, this is not a "vaccine." Vaccines contain antibodies that prevent disease. This monstrosity is an Experimental Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon that will kill EVERYONE who has been injected within 2 to 10 years. Why? Because Messenger RNA contains cytokine storms of spike proteins and prions [Prions cause Mad Cow Disease in cattle]. EACH jab, according to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, contains 50 BILLION spike proteins which replicate in the human body, fighting the heart, lungs, and brain for oxygen UNTIL THE VICTIM DIES !!! There is NO CURE !!!

Spike protein "vaccinations" were created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to kill each and every human being on planet earth who is inoculated. This is global genocide. Bill Gates, who is an ardent follower of the Georgia Guidestones [which mandates that there can be NO MORE THAN 500 MILLION people on Planet Earth], gave him justification to go into the Vaccine Experiment Business and quadruple his income. Saint Fauci is deeply enshrined in this conspiracy, along with Satanist Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. These are DEMONS !!!

The worst part of the Lethal Injection is a phenomenon called by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Health Ranger Mike Adams as FREQUENCY TRANSMISSIBILITY, commonly also called "SHEDDING," where a "vaccinated" person can contaminate an UNVACCINATED person through breathing, belching, farting, sexual contact, or anything expelled by any human orifice, since the spike proteins are microscopic, and by depriving the victim of oxygen, cause myocarditis, pericarditis, anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochrondrial cancer, and DEATH !!! We, the UNVACCINATED, are at risk from being anywhere near the WALKING DEAD who have taken the Lethal Injection !!! Do your research and stop believing these lying monsters in the government and in the media. Both presidents, 45 and 46, are responsible for promoting OPERATION WARP DEATH !!! We need a leader of this Republic who has the courage to come out against the worst mass murder in human history about to be seen. We, the UNVACCINATED, will inherit the earth if we survive the carnage. But what will be left for us?

Additionally, the blood supply in the hospitals are fully contaminated with "vaccinated" blood. Beware of this before getting any surgical procedure that requires transfusions. It won't be long before all insurance companies go broke because they can't pay any claims for medical or death benefits. Hospitals won't accept you without insurance. FEMA has ordered 562% more body bags than they did in 2020. I wonder why...

The ”vaccine” is a Suicide Shot. And people should not have to be bribed with donuts and lottery tickets to take it and sign their own death warrant just to please the genocidal globalists.

Dr. Fauci is a sick, demonic monster who made Gain of Function Research an official policy in Wuhan, China. He needs to be brought before a Nuremberg-style court and tried for crimes against humanity.

Steven Fishman


(949) 382-4254

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agree on every point dr Martin needs ft body guards as do all of these doctors researchers et al

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As does Steven Fishman

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REVEALED: The Real Reason Trump Keeps Pushing The Vaccine? (welovetrump.com)

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witness the "spray" house, houses connected to each other with hose and piping that release converted industrial solvent thru a chlorophenyl mixing tank. A land mine system that launches strings balls and sometimes blobs, that float, coat and voila, you have the flu virus. Mesmerizing bio film that becomes part of your body as a carcinogenic, blood and nerve raping chloro-hydrocarbon. Get cameras up, IR or white light cameras, air quality monitors for spiking VOC's, its visible on the night cycle. Organic as in demonic, guys called Nick. https//wikispooks/ptech.com the perpetrators, playing long game politics, with an almost unlimited casino laundered cash supply.

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what you've said is certainly possible--that the jab will kill everyone who took it within 2 to 10 years. Possible, but in my opinion highly unlikely. I'm still on the fence regarding whether the jabs were intended to kill or whether they were just a multi-billion dollar money making scheme. It's true the jabs are not vaccines in the traditional sense. Traditional vaccines do not contain antibodies, they contain antigens which cause your immune system to generate antibodies against them. The oh-so-clever mRNA "vaccinologists" thought, why not make the muscle cells of the body generate the antigen? (In the case of covid, they chose the spike protein as the antigen, but they could have chosen any section of protein from the virus) It sounded like an elegant concept (although to me it sounded completely insane!! You're going to cause the cells of my body to create trillions of toxic foreign proteins?! What could go wrong? At a minimum you're flirting with all kinds of autoimmune diseases.)

I think it's very possible that these "scientists" were blinded by their own hubris and their own desire to become famous, to win prizes, to make a lot of money, so they threw caution to the wind and created this monster called mRNA "vaccines". In other words, I believe it's just as likely that they blindly went ahead with this project not intending to harm (or maybe a few people are harmed but millions are saved, you know for the GREATER GOOD!) as it is likely that they intended harm from the beginning.

Regarding everyone dying, I'm just not seeing it. I know dozens of people who took 2 or more jabs and they look and seem healthy today. I also know of 3 deaths and 9 serious life changing injuries from the jabs out of about 200 people I know who took them, so they are indeed NOT harmless. Research has also shown that about half of the people who took the jabs are still producing spike 6 months later. What we don't know is the quantity.

Regarding shedding, it does happen, but is it something the unvaxxed need to be concerned about. I think not. We're exposed to all kinds of bacteria and viruses all the time. If we've had or been exposed to covid, we have antibodies against spike, so someone shedding spike is no big deal. We have this thing called an immune system, this miracle that keeps us alive and healthy while living in a literal sea of viruses bacteria and fungi. A typical human body houses 3 trillion bacteria and 30 trillion viruses!

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Sit then.. while others compile the research. See article below.

Dr. Martin has been researching precisely this morphing phenomenon since 2002. Yes. Sars Covi2 Avian flu

Meanwhile my immune system has me vomiting continuously for 24 hrs if exposed to someone recently treated. No big deal.

Note miscarriages, lowered sperm count, reproductive viability designed to fail by half through the matrilineage.

Note there were zero to negative obvious common sense preventatives recommended, which only made one more personally resiliant emotionally and physically. Maybe that was a clever preventative in and of itself. Mmm...

Note though that children suffered!💔

And so did many others.😓

But 30,000,000,000 viruses...

Apparently they don't exist

except at the patent office.



You're both right!


windfall to end all. literally.

A lucrative extinction plan yes

but with only diminishing returns.

😂😂😭 😭😓😭

Still, It's the ultimate shakedown of a

bad system going so very much worse.. till Pooofe! It's gone!! And beautiful ideas prevail. Whewph!

Ahhh.. perhaps the ultimate trickery.


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sorry to hear you are one of the people who do suffer from other people shedding the garbage from the "vaccines". It's definitely a thing, but it affects a small (tiny) minority of people. Why some are affected but most are not is one of the many many things we just do not know about this new "technology". Pharma and their pimps at FDA/CDC/AMA have created a monster and only time will tell how vicious and deadly this monster turns out to be.

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One of the most important interviews exposing the computer-generated SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as the RUSE for the DEPLOYMENT and INJECTION OF A BIOWEAPON.

Dr. David Martin, CEO of M-CAM International (risk management) has reviewed 4,000 Coronavirus patents. He appeared on Sitting #60 of the German Corona Committee on July 9 2021 to share his findings in a 90 minute discussion with lawyers of the Ausschuss and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Germany's most experienced lung doctor. His clear and verifiable conclusion is that there is nothing at all "novel" about the coronavirus misrepresented to be SARS-CoV-2. The announcement of a deadly virus was a ruse to market the mRNA "vaccines" (sic) which were fully developed before the pandemic was announced. Drs Martin & Fuellmich consider this situation to be a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) legal case.


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I absolutely concur. Thank you.

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The Virus theory is over 100 years old but the history of why the concept of a "virus" was adopted as a model for "contagion" and infection was never proven. This sounds like a shocking statement but the issue of toxic vaccines invented by money-hungry corporate scientists has been recently exposed as shocking enough. Looking back at the 1918 Flu pandemic we find that a virus, as defined in the traditional public understanding, was not involved in causing the massive deaths. In fact, it was not until 1931 that an electron microscope was invented in order to see anything as small as a conceptualized virus. So the "proof of concept" that a virus actually exists did not exist in 1918 but BIG PHARMA (Rockefeller) managed to confabulate facts and mythology to brainwash the public into believing a fairy tale that allowed Corporate medicine to amass great profits. The mass realization of the VIRUS MYTH will be one of the great awakenings of our time if we manage to survive the poison VAxx. - Here are documents and recent works by virologist Stefan Lanka that can reverse the hypnotic effects of mass media indoctrination - Dismantling the Myth of Virus Theory - Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day


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At age 78, I still remember losing my sense of taste and smell when I got sick with what was called the "Flu" back in 1959. I was preparing for holiday to Latin America and had received required vaccinations prior to the trip... The 2nd time I got the "Flu" was following vaccinations in the USAF during the Viet Nam era where about 40% of the enlistees ended up in the hospital... The 3rd time I got an upper respiratory infection (Flu) with severe cough was following a pneumonia "vaccine" at the Gainesville VA hospital in 1015. I cannot recall a case of what could be described as the "Flu" (or even Covid-19) that was not preceded by an injection. The symptoms from those 3 events could easily qualify as "COVID-19" in the context of today's PsyOp.

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see Anthony Mawson papers at PubMed. plug his name into the Search Box. He's the man on vaccine-induced liver-damage leading to retinoid spillage. I'm of the opinion that this op is one that has managed to include symptoms of toxicity under one 'umbrella'. Jim West clearly identified an initial trigger in the early 'hot-spots' where exposure to hydrogen cyanide poisoning was high due to living too close to power plants and refineries that had fracked-fuels flowing through them (presumably natural gas burned in households as well although I don't recall him identifying that exposure). Grant Genereux has accumulated extensive circumstantial evidence that the inoculations include retinoic acid as an undisclosed adjuvant. When they hit a blood vessel is when people drop literally on the spot.

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here it is converted industrial solvent base, and i believe from information on the net about death cult targeting is chlorophenyl crystal, some maybe the shhipping container full out of wuhan labs, but then about sixty other labs produce it. Its a two part system, run by mafia cartels, pest control co. pool cleaner , tool rental companies mostly, Run using laundered casino, indian mostly, but i am projecting what i see here. Spray houses, buying contiguous parcels they go after witnesses, software engineers that they stole patents and so forth, Its a software money, banking laundry, that set up spray houses, vent contracts with hospitals, libraries, you could contact the invisible floating gel particles in the store parking lots, or its vents, anywhere they want to engage in a land grab, or trafficking people, RICO into medical and mental institutional, or illicit drug market, about any dark situation a dollar or dime can be turned. put comic books, toxic avenger movie with batman/joker gas, with world's most evil and powerful software together, and there you have it.

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I lived 2 blocks from a power plant for years. What info do you have on that, that I should know?

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AQMD air quality managment supposedly have a lidar satellite on refineries and maybe powerplants, you might want to call them. Lidar uses lazer,, air quality monitors are fairly cheap, i have a few, some have recording sd card time stamps, little fans and lazers to tell CCOH fomaldahyde from TVOC. It the TVOC that is a cia trafficking slow kill delirient worth investigating. Hydro carbon poisoning, ahemm, flu virus, umbrella for this nasty system.

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BIG NEWS FOR PROSECUTORS -- Migration of Lipid Nanoparticles away from the Deltoid muscle and into Vital Organs was Planned According to BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin


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Dec 9, 2021
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I had it also, on June 26, 2020, for one day. I felt very tired and could not get out of bed. Fortunately, my doctor, who is a naturopathic D.O., gave me Hydroxchloroquine, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Magnesium, Ashwagandha, Astralagus, Cordyceps, NAC, loads of Vitamin C, and African Mango Extract, and I was better in 36 hours and never tested positive ever again. The virus was very real, but most doctors would not prescribe Hydroxychloroquine and instead opted to put people on ventilators in hospitals where they died. If everyone had the treatment I had right away, there would have never been such an onslaught of deaths, and certainly no clamoring for the Experimental Use Authorization Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon a/k/a "vaccine," which will ultimately kill 200 million Americans by 2030. OPERATION WARP DEATH was the goal of COVID, never the cure.

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and if, as in my country Hydroxychloroquine has been suppressed you can use Quercitin in it's place.

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I’m very happy to hear your illness was short lived, but we have no proof that it was a virus.

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What we do have proof of in this 54 second clip is that Global Genocidal Maniacs Klaus Schwab and Pfizer CEO Al Bourla wants to reduce the population by 50% by 2023. Virus or not, it is pure premeditated murder.


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This is a deep fake video. The unedited version shows Bourla stating that 50% of the world population will have access to their medicines. You should prob delete this link. We don’t need to add to the crazy

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This is what concerns me. All the deception stuff is deeply human and eventually you begin to notice that we critical folks are not always free of any negative mentality of jumping to conclusions, etc.

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Dec 10, 2022
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You're welcome. It just goes to show how demonic the world has become. Yet the lamestream news media won't cover it at all. It's all up to us to get the word out.

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There is no proof of any virus and no test for one. No doubt you were sick, as people throughout history get sick. There are many causes. The cause here was not the corona virus which, as noted, has no proof of existence. It is the null set scientifically. You are just assuming you had the c-virus, because that is what you were told. It's called propanganda.

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Clearly stated truth. Fear is immunosuppressive. HUMANS HAVE BEEN CONDITIONED TO BE ACTORS ON A STAGE OF CULT RITUALS.....Humans are more likely to get sick and complain about suffering more. Psycho-social influences cause people to adopt the narrative then adopt the symptoms even if they are mild so as to fit-in to the social "drama". This is a form of social bonding and mass formation. Humans are suckers for PsyOps and adjust their normalcy bias based on perception of hive opinion and perceptions...but hive opinion is easily influenced by Television and print media, talking heads and other propaganda. Social media has amplified the toxicity of this outcome to intensify these destructive consequences. SELF DESTRUCTION IS STAGED AS THE FINAL ACT BEFORE CURTAIN-CALL.

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oh please! I was sick with what I later figured out was covid before I knew about covid, so it wasn't the propaganda that made me sick, it wasn't fear of covid that made me sick. We know there are viruses, we know about corona viruses (of which the common cold is one), so this "there is no virus" is just playing into the hands of those who call us science deniers, anti-vaxxers and misinformation spreaders. If you want to read about viruses, how they do what they do, check out the book Herbal Antiviral's by Stephen H Buhner. The writer knows the subject, knows how viruses get into a cell and hijack it to make multiple copies of itself, and how plants have biochemicals that interfere with one of more of those processes of viral reproduction. Book is well written and backed with hundreds of references. Be sure it's the book by Buhner as another writer has published a book with the same title and I can't vouch for that one.

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So glad I came across your post—your comment helped me understand this point as I didn’t realize a judge had ruled against Pfizer in sealing the data—And the judge DID allow it’s release...!

So, we DO have data for 90 days post vaccination. And this is Pfizer’s one data! All you need to do is extrapolate and estimate the unbelievable numbers of dead and injured innocent people that have occurred since those 90 days. This can no longer be accused of being a “conspiracy theory”. This needs to be shared far, wide, and often. Thank you!

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sorry, but this is a valid question. If in the U. S., 100 or 200 million persons got vaccinated, why does the situation not replicate the Pfizer studies? Everyone WOULD be dropping dead, or about half. Does it depend on which batch, then? And why would Pfizer have studied the BAD sort of batch? Does not add up really.

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With regard to these Pfizer documents, Dr Bryan Ardis of Texas uncovered a list of possible serious Covid-19 vaccine-induced adverse outcomes that the FDA has been withholding/hiding from the medical community, from authorized dispensers, and from all potential Covid-19 "vaccine" recipients. The FDA has had this CBER list since at least October 22, 2020, two months prior to the Covid-19 "vaccine" roll-out here in the U.S. At the same meeting, the CDC presented a similar list of possible adverse events they would be tracking. Interestingly, and not surprisingly, the Table 7 adverse events recorded by Pfizer are what were fully expected by the FDA and CDC to start being reported to them once the vaccinations started.

After watching/listening to several hospital healthcare personnel whistleblowers stating that it is primarily vaccinated individuals presenting to hospital, not with Covid-19 symptoms, but with what appear to be Covid-19 vaccine-induced injuries; and, then encountering vaccine-injury attorney Aaron Siri's substack, I wrote the following article to assist in disseminating this info. At one point, GlobalResearch changed the URL, deleting all of the stats to that point, but that's another story.

The FDA’s “Intentional Malfeasance”: Vaccine Injuries include “Deadly Strokes, Bizarre Rashes, Cardiac Arrest, Blood Clots, Neurological Symptoms


The reason I'm posting this here is that, in addition to these FDA lists, the ten hospital whistleblower interviews and the eleven physician declarations of vaccine-injury to themselves and/or to their patients, I believe commenters here will be particularly interested in watching/listening to international trial attorney Reiner Fuellmich's interview of Dr Bryan Ardis, where the first half of the interview explains how Ardis uncovered Herr Fauci's genocidal dictate that all hospitals employ the deadly remdesivir as the primary drug in their Covid-19 treatment protocol; and the second half of the interview which "...deals with the CBER FDA C-19VAE list of possible serious adverse event outcomes (of Document 2 above); and briefly discusses the tens of thousands of apparently vaccine-related deaths reported to the VAERS and to the CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) reporting systems."

In this regard, in the following recent bitchute video, attorney Thomas Renz of Renz-Law.com presents CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) data from New York State which undeniably proves that, contrary to statements by the FDA and CDC, the serious Covid-19 vaccine-induced adverse event outcomes from these lists, including "deaths" are occurring in large numbers of partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated individuals.



If you're pressed for time, skip forward to time = 12:46; but, I would encourage you to listen to the entire presentation.

And, finally, to truly understand the seriousness of the issues at hand, watch, on bitchute, the following interview of Karen Kingston, who was introduced in the above Thomas Renz presentation as the ex-Pfizer employee whistleblower. Karen Kingston has a superb grasp of these deadly vaccines and will surprise you with the depth and extent of her knowledge.

Covid-19 "Vaccines" Are Poison: Greg Hunter Interviews Pharmaceutical Analyst Karen Kingston


And, get the word out on Plandemic III, coming soon (-:

Plandemic 3 Teaser


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How can I thank you? I will make a post out of this so it is more readily available to all my subscribers who may not read all comments.Thank you so very much for this critical and detailed information. I will make an exception and post it in advance of watching the videos. I'll do it now.

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Celia, and readers, traveling the internet this morning I found you. I am grateful. Somehow, a click and click and click, I wound up at a video interview of Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari) whom I have never heard of. She is a profound wealth of knowledge about the Global Financial Takeover.

Please, check out this other, shorter (22 min.) video of her giving a talk in English in The Netherlands and I sincerely welcome response and commentary.


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Bernie Madoff was a smooth-talking conman who defrauded billions from investors and the SEC ignored him for years because he was "too big to fail".

If we could imagine Bernie Madoff appointed to manage the US Treasury we'd only begin to grasp Anthony Fauci's vaccine cartel.

Fauci is the Bernie Madoff of US healthcare.  While Madoff defrauded a few thousand trusting and greedy investors with an office of ~20, Fauci directs thousands of "researchers" (obedient functionaries) who defraud, poison, and kill millions under the pretext of healthcare.

Remember the Ford Pinto? It was taken off the market after victims of their exploding gas tanks discovered that Ford had covered up the risks to sell the popular product. Imagine the US Government forcing Americans to drive Pintos, and then preventing the victims of exploded gas tanks from suing Ford for their defective product. As ridiculous as this sounds, that scenario IS today’s vaccine program.

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Thank you for this killer information (literally), Pfizer's higher ups deserve to be in jail. And that's not even mentioning the deal they made with the Israeli government which has resulted in a police state. HOWEVER, Celia, I cannot abide Alex Jones given his appalling moves around those innocent children murdered at school X years back. He's a complete creep.

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Michael, I listen to many voices and sources, including Alex Jones. Why do you think they won't let him present any evidence in court, but are simply sentencing him without a jury trial? Who exactly did he interview about this on his show and what exactly did he himself say? This is not clear to me. I'm not insensitive. I'm just confused.

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I'm not an expert on his entire history, I know he was without principle or ethics when it came to getting all the inflammatory mileage he could out of those school killings. I've seen interviews with parents of kids killed that day. For him to say they were making it up was unconscionable. As for him not being allowed to present evidence now about other things he's done, if it's true he should be able to present to but that doesn't erase what he did back then. Those parents suffered enough without having a bloated egomaniac smear them.

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Can we get very specific? Did he say they were "making it up?" I have heard him say "kids died" and ALSO it had FF (false flag) features. Something like that. But I accept that you can't stand him and I respectfully disagree. I think Infowars is a force of tremendous GOOD in this insane war of ours.

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How would you like it if your child was gunned down in cold blood and someone started trumpeting that the event had false flag features? This is an outrageous lie. LATER when he got in trouble he said "oh, yeah, some kids died." That's pathetic. I respect your work I say take a hard look at who this person is. I say you lose more than you gain by citing someone of his corrupt caliber.

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Michael, I'm just trying to understand what exactly Alex Jones said that got him into so much trouble. I believe we should make things forensically accurate as a first step, then we can react appropriately. I don't see evidence in general that Jones is a psychopath whereas I do see abundant evidence in his adversaries, the globalists. So I am surprised IF Alex Jones suddenly became a demon who didn't care that kids were gunned down. I am asking what show or shows he did. What year was it? Who did he interview? Is it WRONG to ask these questions? To try to get the basic story down first? NATURALLY all infinite sympathy goes toward grieving parents. I have spent my life documenting child murders by Pharma and adult murders by Pharma. To mostly deaf moral souls, at least among my peers. I don't need to be told how to feel. Also, I wouldn't touch this with a BARGEPOLE. Do I seem like somebody who wants to torment grieving parents??? YOU started this. You said Alex Jones is a kind of monster and I said what exactly did he say? Right? So tell me.

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Michael Brownstein is a shill for the official narrative. I admire you for standing up to him, Celia.

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I was not telling you how to feel! I assumed you knew his history about the killings at that school. If not, check it out. I'm happy you're documenting Pharma. It's easy to find out what he said back then.

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Dec 5, 2021
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Michael, can we agree to just leave this and you understand I hear what you are saying. I spent some time just now searching for the deeper story, found only hundreds of links about Jones being ordered to pay damages. One can find the root sources of the people who Jones interviewed. I am not going to link anything here, only to say anybody who wants to go see it can find it.

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What happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012 was not that long ago. I've heard parents grieve about losing their children to a mass murderer. For Alex Jones to follow the NRA line about a false flag is a gross desecration. I have no interest in who he's interviewed since then. But let's get back to Square One -- what's going on now with Pfizer and the corrupt CDC and Fauci and Gates must be resisted. Thanks for highlighting that. I've read other sources about what Pfizer was covering up with their grotesque 55 year hold on info. This is the tip of an inhuman iceberg.

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If my child was gunned down and I found out that it was a false flag in that it was some sort of government agent (foreign or domestic) who did it for a political agenda...I'd be damn furious but not at the person calling it a false flag. But were you not aware that a false flag can involve real deaths? (See my post above.)

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Specifics Michael. And if you're concerned about Alex Jones' application of the First Amendment you should check out your own creep meter. I'm not an Alex Jones fan but he's accurately broken more stories than the cable and network television.

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OK, so Michael is not being a creep when he says it's outrageous, IF AS BILLED BY MEDIA.

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I think the Aerial footage of evtra's continuously running out the front door of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Building into the crowd before filing single file back around to the School Building's back door and straight through the building and out the front door again - AJ uploaded the video to you-tube to the Music of Dead or Alive's "You spin me right round" - AJ even momentarily reveresesd the footage to make the extras spill in reverse out the back door of the school and single file round to the Front - it was very Keystone Cops entertaining but YouTube pulled it down and I figure AJ has been able to present this Aerial Footage as evidence - AJ has been Framed by Lawfare

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AJ has been unable to submit this footage in his Defense

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I agree with both of you here, but unrelated to the high school incident. While I think Jones lacks integrity and prevaricates on principle in order to grift, sell and serve his ego, I'll listen to what he has to say, but with super careful discernment. In my book, Alex Jones is no David Knight (the great David Knight), who never compromises on principle.

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That whole Sandy Hook narrative was what big tech used to censor Alex Jones and others a few years back, leading to the censorship of people today who aren't actually that radical but just want to discuss vaccine pros and cons. Your emotional response helps that narrative, that certain "appalling views" need to be censored.

At the time, BTW, I don't think Alex Jones was personally saying no kids had died, but if I am remembering correctly (prior to the media spin), he had some guests claiming it was a false flag. But from my impression, Alex Jones has always said that *real* events occur that are "false flags" in that they are done on purpose by malicious actors, and thus I had the impression Alex was more saying the shooter in Sandy Hook maybe wasn't "real," not the deaths themselves.

Most 9/11 truthers will tell you that 9/11 happened, but it was an inside job.

Thus, I'm personally skeptical of the whole way they framed up the "Alex Jones vs. poor dead kids" narrative...it leads to reactions just like yours and then people cheer censorship when they shouldn't. I'm not saying you need to like Jones or agree with him. But just be aware that the same mainstream media censoring the info in this blog is the same media that enabled and cheered Jones's deplatforming.

BTW, I just started watching an old British sci-fi show Blake's 7 you should watch - they set up the "hero" by claiming he molested children. It's a very strong, emotional PR move.

PS. They also did this at a time that InfoWars was seeing massive growth and threatening to take away viewers from them, so there's that competition element as well. Jones had been saying crazy stuff for years, but now all of a sudden he had to be silenced? Yeah, I'm not buying this was for good reasons given his huge increase in popularity at the time. CNN wants a monopoly.

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I think Alex Jones is a gross fraud too, but you clearly need to watch this documentary all the way through before you comment on this anymore as you seem to still be under the bind of a powerfully emotional spell: https://www.bitchute.com/video/iazwAxgBtexC/

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Yep, it's very damning, but they will downplay it. I covered this document - and the vast difference between media coverage of the 1976 swine flu vaccine problems vs. today - here: https://wholistic.substack.com/p/pfizer-vaccine-reaction-report-shows

Short version: The difference between today and 1976 is that Big Pharma wasn't spending gazillions on TV ads for prescription drugs on news networks.

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So good to read you, once again, Celia. I had no idea The Truth Barrier moved to Substack. Thanks to John Rappaport for linking this article in his post today.

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Gary! Hi there! Welcome back. I can't yet bring myself to tell the story of how the tiny ship Truth Barrier (the original) sank, with 13 years of publishing cargo in it. I hired two guys, twins, who turned out to be psychopaths criminals, to update the site and fix glitches. Then when they did a violent stick-up, I was persuaded to hire a cyber protector expert for something like $4,500. GoDaddy was 100% useless and assisted the criminals. And so I had to let it, and all the money I spent trying to salvage it, go.

But the blessing is this new Truth Barrier. And this new readership, via Substack. Warmest blessings to you Gary. Again, so glad you're back.

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Thank you for certifying my 110% anti-vaxxer club membership. Too bad the crimes, especially murder, will continue as big pharma is pulling all the strings in the WEF/elitists desperate attempt to rid the world of humanity.

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I lost someone I loved so much to this.

I'm finding hard to forgive the medical staff. Ignorance is not a virtue.

I'm broken. And I don't know how to get back.

Peace and love to you for your bravery..Sadly the sociopaths are winning.

Dark winter. Live event now running. Xx

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Love never dies . Never . I am so sorry for your loss . There may be a part for you to play in the protestation of the crime , but the best way to heal is to retreat back into the memories of the relationship and reflect on the love you both created . Focusing on the insanity is not going to help the pain go away .

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There are never enough words when losing someone close. You will get back up in your own time. Allow yourself whatever long that time is regardless of what others tells you as being enough seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. You yourself, are always in charge of your moments.

Also remember that there are medical professionals that says no to this insanity. Truth is prevalent more by the days ahead, trust in this Universe that we call world.

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Truth will win thanks to people who speak up

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I am sending this to every single awake human and Activist I know. It's THAT powerful!

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Thank you, Celia, for continuing to reveal the truth!

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Same - here from Jon Rappoport's blog

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