"Veee Pene-trate Zeee Cabi-nets..."

So then....the "CyberPolygon" - would HAVE TO BE, 'an Inside Job'...is what I'm hearing...

People should keep in mind the CIA's Vault7-revealed, "MARBLE FRAMEWORK"-capability. They can make a hack look like it came from ANYWHERE they want it to...Russia, China, Iran, North Korea...even your house.

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Exactly. Who said it was going to be a single source attack? The worldwide covidcon assault on humanity was not single source. It was a decentralized pharmaceutical attack on multiple decentralized entities around the world in conjunction with 5G.

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For certain.

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Yes. We can continue the process of terrorizing one another, or simply recognize that we've chosen to be terrorized... I digress...

The gentleman's comments are partly true. Grid infrastructures in major populated areas > all over the world < are designed with multiple levels of redundancy. Energy distribution is centralized, yet grid feeds and shut down cycles are switched on *micro-second* scales. These control features are generally built into local infrastructure.

Commercial designers and contractors operating on these levels of infrastructure, are not fools. They know system strengths and vulnerabilities down to a gnats ass... Only a fool would cause disruption on a major scale.

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or "a"/ multiple Sabateur/ (s) inserted from Foreign sources, Or just a Domestic Intel/Polezi source. OMG do people "really" plot & plan???

CW's are Beyond messy, confusing affairs, Comrade.

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Critical infrastructure can be sabotaged only from within. Isn't that what happened to the whole country starting in March, 2020?

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Yes, sabotage from within.

Just recently listened to Ryan from The Last American Vagabond interview Whitney Webb about this:

The Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) League And The Impending False Flag - w/ Whitney Webb


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That's right. Operation Gladio. 9/11. Anthrax attacks. Covid Plandemic.

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I've been stating the same. I'm not a cyber security specialist, but years of work in Intelligence, learning how to attack and take down foreign infrastructure, has taught me it is a multi-unit mission, a coordinated effort, which most often is kinetic in nature.

If we were to suffer a "devastating cyberattack," as predictive programming would suggest (WEF, politicians, MSM, Hollywood), the likely reality would be a coordinated effort by multiple actors to flip switches, break things, and run a concerted misinformation campaign to blame anyone and everyone but the real actors.

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Yep. Exactly. 🤔🤔🤔😐 oh wait, yes isn't that just like "lockstep", which EVERY government (at varying degrees, but overall in complete coordination) engaged it during 2020??!!😐😐🤨😤🤐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Most certainly! Many aren't familiar with the non-pandemic aspects of Rockefeller Operation Lockstep

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Are we supposed to trust a random tweet from a guy who can't spell the word "throw"?

That said, the new Netflix "comedy" produced by the Obamas is certainly stoking this bullshit fear campaign

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That's what it's meant to do. Obama is working with the WEF New World Order azzholes to take down the U.S. - He's scum.

Don't be fearful. I grew up decades prior to the Internet. Without it, life simply will not move so fast. The one thing which will be a pain for me will be not being able to search for an item online and order it to be shipped to me. That is such a time saver.

So, if you know you're going to need a part for a necessity, your car for example, order it now...don't wait.

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It's a lot more than the internet. It's the entire money supply = life blood of the economy. Energy, trade are severely hindered. This is not the 1950's.

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"It's"? -- Define your "It's". Sounds like you're fearful of losing anything and everything. Do you think you could have survived during the 1950s, '60s, '70' and '80s, when there was no Internet, no cell phones? I did, as did most people who were alive back then. And, during those decades, there was a money supply, energy and trade. My last employment was as a principal systems consultant for a relational database-centric, enterprise software and services company. If I have to, I can function in a grid-down scenario. In fact, I'm continually prepping for one.

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I didn't say I'm fearful of anything, so don't make shit up. I've lived in the wilderness, through the winter @ -30deg, with no electricity, no electronics, heat only from wood I cut myself. I wouldn't want to do it again, not at my age.

As for "it's", that of course could be anything from minor inconveniences to a complete economic shutdown, whatever the psychopaths who plan it want it to be. So it could be easy, it could be hard, if "it's" hard, your prepping might buy you a week or two.

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Here you go. You can start thinking of where to run:

Full Scale Naval War Breaks Out in Red Sea as Cyber Attacks Take Down Fuel Station Distribution in Iran


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1950's is Modern Society. Try 1880 and get back to me.

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Don't try to play with me. Whatever is thrown my way, I'll try to deal with it as best I can. I won't be one of those who easily gives up and dies. If worse comes to worse, there is such a thing as bartering. You should worry about yourself and try not to resort to cannibalism. Anyone I find resorting to cannibalism is going to be immediately terminated and processed into pet food for the neighborhood. <g>

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I'm not playing. I'm discussing your reference to 1950's survival. My point is that Is In the Modern Era and that Survival in an 1880's scenario is drastically different. Much "technology" from then is lost, perhaps a handful could survive in that 1880's era. If you can Good! Most won't including me and I've been prepping to some degree since 2006.

If you get this triggered by a posting, I wish you well in a truly catastophic scenario. I'm not attacking you but war requires cold analytics and tactics..... so I've been told, not having had that experience this lifetime..... yet anyway.

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It's not so simple to return to Yesterday's technology. Power Grids, pipeline pumps, supply chain products, banking etc ........ Do Not Function on Paper Tech much ..... plus most people under 40 can't write legibly with a carbon based pencil anymore.

Grid Down is No Electricity over the grid, for over a couple of months = 1880. How much 1880's Tech is Known ??? Practiced ??? No need to be fearful though, Reality will eliminate the Fear along with the vast of the population.

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OH MY!!! The spelling bee police have fact checked the tweet, so nothing to see here. I know I've never misspelled a word and not caught it before posting.

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Not to mention 'autocorrect' randomly changing words which are correctly spelled and used in context to something else.

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Yes, and AI is much the same, only with built in biases.

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he's correct though. And people in IT have no need for perfect spelling to do their jobs.

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Nor do they need even average intelligence - Bill Gates is a primary example.

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Gates purchased the software which he further sold to begin making his billions. He's not an IT wizard. He pays IT wizards and other wizards to do his bidding. He does have some financial acumen, however, realizing that forming Melinda's and his foundation would eliminate a whole lot of taxes. One thing he's had some success with is killing people, in line with his and his now deceased father's global depopulation goals. Hopefully, Billy-boy will be forced into an early grave.

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All Tech Oligarchs are intelligence assets.

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Do you mean that they were put in their positions by agencies such as the CIA, as was Jeff Bezos?

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Yes Bezos - and the rest...

Darpa/ARPANET created the forerunner to the internet - and the alphabet agencies have always controlled it.

The propaganda devised to appeal to the meritocratic-obsessed masses -esp the Americans- is that these guys are 'self made'.

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What do you mean by "intelligence assets"?

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It makes me smile to see someone else who knows his history and doesn't fall for the 'Bill Gates is a programming genius' BS propaganda! I agree with you that he does have some financial acumen. That's probably mostly because he's had mentoring from his banker grandfather (on his mothers side, both her father and grandfather were bankers) and people like Warren Buffet. He's taken lessons one way or another from Rockefeller in how to become a 'philanthropist' in order to social engineer the masses from thinking he's an evil parasite (which he is) to thinking he's a good guy just trying to save the world. But yes, by far his greatest success and talent is killing people, especially black people and he's also good at using his billions to buy control over the basic necessities it takes to sustain life. Food, water, and currently working on sunshine and air.

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Not even almost what I am talking about, and you are quite wrong. Gates is irrelevant, and people doing the jobs described in the tweet are absolutely brilliant if they are good at the job. Can't do that job if you don't know what your doing.

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We probably don't have the same definition of "brilliant".

But we can agree to disagree.

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Try doing that work before you make assumptions

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I think he sounds like he knows what he's talking about. However it seems like our voting machines infrastructure have been left vulnerable on purpose, which is different from the Corporate world, and things like Utilities. Government in some areas may be compromised as well, the ones that govern our personal information mostly.

I wonder why???

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Well yea, that was intentionally insecure software. Completely different issue. And I would say government in all areas is compromised. Its the nature of government and corrupt individuals who fill the seats

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By design, as the first supports and fulfills the second.

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Yea I definitely agree with that

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Just as the Covid pandemic was faked, so too will be various pandemics of cyber attacks. It’s all part of the same Psychological Operation.

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Having the manufactured fear removed from our lives would feel like being turned upside-down, right side-up. It's what keeps us down in the doldrums.

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Yes. This. It’s fear. Most have a fear of the unknown. And in today’s world and technology a lot appears unknown or beyond comprehension without putting in time to think or understand. Easy to manipulate and amplify. I often think that fear is the only real weapon used. Been pretty effective heh?

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It is manufactured fear but it is also a signal to what they are planning.

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In Australia, one ISP (Optus) had an outage recently and it brought down payment systems for shops and stopped train signaling systems. There wasn't a backup plan except to do things manually. Yet they still push toward a cash free society.

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Incredible, isn't it.

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I’m sorry, I’m confused. What happens if there’s a high altitude EMP? Other than taking my 71 Chevy LeSabre out of the garage?

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?Buick? LeSabre. Sounds to me like you've been planning. (-:

I'm trying to determine whether a Super-EMP might destroy the capacitor that's connected to the points in the distributor. That's the one item I'd probably purchase a spare for and wrap it in foil and place it in a faraday cage.

If you want to start studying about EMPs, a good place to start is https://www.futurescience.com/ - note the link to "ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE (the real science)"

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Thanks for the tip, Ed. I’ve been studying EMP’s since 2009. Of course I mentioned the car, somewhat tongue in cheek, since I live in a suburb of DC and I ain’t going nowhere. The traffic will make it impossible. Anything else viable will be simply stolen. And probably not too gentle a way. Do you have a hidey hole in West Virginia You wouldn’t mind sending me the address to? 😉

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I've lived in suburban MD & VA around DC. Only DC Ferals & Contractors would cling to that rotting corpse.

Get Out while you can, btw if you don't already Have a Rural hidey hole .... You will Not be Welcome driving up at the last minute to Eat our stockpiles, rural survival will be rough enough without unwanted tourists.

I do wish you well, but hopium is fatal and urban zones are death traps,

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I’m staying put. Flame thrower and all. Despite your contempt, there are a few of us left of worth and value. Please note, I don’t take your contempt personally. I do understand it. It’s a little broad, but nevertheless, my kids and grandkids live on the other side of the country, and in the event of something unfortunate happening I could probably not make it to them. I’m almost 70. I don’t really want to live in a world where we’re fighting each other. Literally. But we are red blooded Americans, so we are well armed. 😎

On another note, I did subscribe to your Substack. It looks interesting. Most of my family has served in one way or another. My father, in the second world war, his father in the first. I had a son who was a Marine who was pretty handy with firearms. I won’t mention his MOS, but I will tell you we lost him in 2004. He would have gotten up your driveway with no problem. Think Bob Lee Swagger. 😉 Once he’d done that, you would probably seat him at the head of the table, and implore him to stay. Of course, we all look reverently back at our dead. Particularly mothers.

Speaking of confederates, and your Substack, I have a few of historical note in my background. One who served in what my southern mother called., “That Late Great Unpleasantness” named John Pelham. Also known as “The Gallant.” He fell not too far from me at Kelly’s Ford , in March 1863. He was 23 years old. He left West Point to rush home to serve for his side, and gave his life for it. My father, grandfather, and great grandfather, were named for him.

I wish you all the best with whatever is to come, and figure you, and my Marine son, would probably play for the same team.

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My comments and your comments are not in conflict and I would pray to have your son here today to keep us all safer and free.

imo, It was such a waste of our youth and military, that I honestly misunderstood during the Bushie NWO wars for blood and profits. Stupid on my part, having Known better during the Vietnam fiasco. and I've voted R since Reagan, but came gradually to understand the complicity of the Rats, both Bolshevik democRats and Quisling rinoRats of the DC Uni-party. Trump merely sealed the deal, Exposing the Uni-party and mass media deceptions.

I only wish we both were younger for this time. Your insights are valuable to prevail and disseminate.

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I think you and I are on the same page about nearly everything. I too, was taken in by the WMD hoax. Now I understand that it’s all a Uniparty and nearly every politician is set up to be compromised.

I have a lot of confidence that 2024/2025 are going to be “awakening” years. The evil ones pushed things too far with the steal of the election and the Covid hoax. I feel the pendulum swinging back. I think it’s going to be a very rough ride, but I do have hope that we will be able to save our Republic. Hell, it’s really Western Civilization that’s at risk here.

Thank you so much for all that you do to keep people informed and aware. We are not going to survive by depending on our media. I think what’s going to save us is the rising popularity in the alternatives. You play a big role in that, so kudos to you. 👏

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Since 2009?...then, you're likely way ahead of me. Do you have any links to favorite comprehensive articles instructing how to protect against EMPs?

I've a sister in Annandale, with her daughter's and son's families close by; and, I was stationed at Andrews for a year, while studying Korean at the Defense Language Institute, East Coast Branch in Arlington at Crystal Plaza, so I'm somewhat familiar with the area.

My understanding is, if you are in an urban setting when an EMP hits, leave immediately, like within a few minutes, before everyone goes crazy. I agree that West Virginia would be a good state to escape to, as it's close to you and has lots of rural.

I'm in coastal southern Maine in an area that was recently rezoned residential from what was rural, so rural is still close by. But, the winter COLD here presents a real challenge. At present, I'm not contemplating leaving.

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I’m in Mclean. I’m closer to 70 than 60. My kids are grown and live far away. And in the event of a disaster. I’m not sure I could get to them. On a serious note, post EMP is not a world I probably want to live in.

You will probably be all right for a good while where you are. But not indefinitely unless you are already well organized with a group with very concrete plans and lots of artillery. And I’m not joking.

The best advice I can give you is to prepare as well as you can, and then let it go. We have to let go of things we can’t control. Find peace in your everyday life and enjoy everything you can now. Sending my love and best wishes to you.

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Thanks, Suzi. Same to you.

So sorry for you regarding your Marine son. Not having children, I don't think I can even begin to imagine the extent of your loss.

I'm not that far ahead in planning for whatever, having spent three and a half years caring for the white shepherd in my avatar who became bilaterally hind limb paralized after I stupidly had him get a leptospirosis jab. That was just a few months before I realized the Covid-19 jabs are bioweapons and consequently stayed far away from them.

I haven't been looking for an organized group. Back around 2009, when a number of us Wells and Kennebunk residents kept Nestle Waters from taking over our water supply, an outsider who had joined our group well into the fight spoke to me in the local Hannaford, asking me a weird question about firearms. In response, made a joke about it; but, it gave me the creepy feeling that he might be a local spook for a Vietnam style Phoenix Program which I had read had been similarly set up in the U.S. That's why I haven't tried to find a group...no sense in setting myself up until I clearly see a reason to do so.

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I am so very sorry about your pup. Mine is practically my whole world. I did have a Minpin, who became paralyzed and her hind legs. Unfortunately, she passed before I could look into getting her the harness and wheels thingy. Have you thought of that?

You make a solid point about who one can trust. I’m very inconsistent in what I choose to disclose. I know the government reads everything. On Twitter, I tend not to fall into the trap of answering any of those polls about whether or not you regret getting the clot shot. I also don’t talk about firearms much, but I’m talking about them here, so if stuff goes down I’ll have to lose them suddenly in a boating accident.

I woke up in 2012 to a whole lot of things. Everything changed for me. One of the things I researched closely was vaccines. I was shocked at what I discovered. A few years ago I would’ve been kicked out of my vets office for refusing vaccines, but I think some are beginning to see the light.

On a positive note, I was able to prevent my three grandchildren from being subjected to our vaccine program. I’m grateful for that. Again, I can’t tell you enough how sorry I am about your pup, but please realize you were providing the best possible care, and trusting the experts. That’s what we’re supposed to do. Dogs know everything anyway. They see right into our hearts.

I don’t really know what’s coming, and if we can ever really prepare. I do know it’s nice to have a community like this to communicate with.

Thank you for your kind and compassionate words about my son. One of the things I awakened to in 2012 was an afterlife, so I feel a lot of consolation in that.

I wish you well, and if you’re ever in the DC/Virginia area, send me a note. You are so very kind.


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Won't matter when you can't get fuel for your car.

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Take one second and think... If there's an EMP, there will be plenty of abandoned cars from which to siphon fuel. And, there will be those of us who have renewable power sources, rechargeable batteries we've protected, and powered tools that still work.

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You watch too many dumb Hollywood sci-fi shows. You seen covid, first rumor of a toilet paper shortage and you seen little old ladies loading up a shopping cart full to the top with toilet paper.

First hint of no fuel, people, and there will be hordes of people, will be grabbing every bit of fuel that ain't nailed down, and then they will denude the forests of both wood & wildlife. And your mickey mouse solar panels won't last one week before someone will swipe them and kill you if you get in their way. Even if they don't have a clue how to use them.

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One more important fact: I'm not afraid of dying, so I've decided to stay where I am. We'll see what happens.

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My sentiments entirely!

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Actually, I got rid of the boob tube years ago and do not bother with Netflix or anything Hollywood. And, I've already done my first couple of years of shopping. Plus, my dad was a WWII Army sharpshooter and in charge of a radar installation in Africa; and, later was an electronic technician of sonar on subs; I was in the military for several years and am a martial artist, so you'd better think twice before you aim a weapon at me or approach me physically. An RPG would be the effective approach.

There's not much anyone can do if we're attacked from within by a foreign army with heavy armament, including drones and aircraft, especially with the woke state of our military, which has seen a 900 percent increase of pilots with Covid-19 jab induced heart issues.

How do you plan on keeping your ass alive? Your fearmongering tells me you will experience an early grave. Either that, or you will attempt to hide in the deep woods for as long as you can.

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Please see my comments above. I think you and I are probably on the same page.

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Sorry Celia, this "cyber security expert" sounds like he has his head stuck in the clouds. Perhaps he's cut from the same cloth as the crew who parroted, "they'll never mandate the shots." Or my personal favourite, "they will never make the experimental shots part of your travel conditions/schooling/work or healthcare requirements."🤔🤨🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Infrastructure is separated from "cyberspace" to a degree, but we have connected our world to it so much that when systems are impacted, it creates a snowball effect into actual infrastructure. That's the point- they don't have to "take out the internet" or pull down the cloud. All they need to do is throw a pebble in the "pond" and let the ripples do the work for them. The people are the ripples btw.😉

"Crash" a system, that can't get "back online" for a few weeks, month, indefinitely and you'll have both panic and infrastructure overwhelm within a fairly short time frame. BTJMO and I'm comfortable betting against this cyber security expert😉😊

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Indeed. Grid Down could take months to repair, with or without Supply Chain issues.

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I'm soo relieved, Whew!!! that's a load off my mind knowing about the water tight compartments on the Titanic. If it can be "built", it can "fail."......... regardless of the best of well intentioned efforts.

Besides, I'm more interested in the Evil Intentions of the Deep Statist Feral Coup Cabal in DC and THEIR CiA/NSA ability to crash/disable the Grid/Internet/other Comms.

I suppose we'll see sumptin sumptin soon enuff.

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Cool story, but it's not up to the private sector. Ever hear of a little thing called the internet kill switch? Just saying. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protecting_Cyberspace_as_a_National_Asset_Act

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Enjoy this Cybersecurity Coloring Book: Holiday Edition (Free Download): https://go.proofpoint.com/CybersecurityColoringBookHolidayEdition2023.html

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Personally I'd like to see the web go down for 3 months just to watch post Gen Xs soiling their pants. Birth rate, local economy and IQ would all go up!

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I suspected this was the case. Add to this that bringing down the entire grid takes them completely out of control.

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Heads Up:





Davos 2023: 'Catastrophic Event...': Why We Must Invest In Cybersecurity:


"20 Jan 2023 #cybersecurity #wef #davos World Economic Forum | Davos 2023 | Moneycontrol @ Davos: 'The world is going through a period of unprecedented geopolitical instability. 93% cyber executives expect a catastrophic cyber event in next two years. Must ramp up defence and invest more in cyber security', says Akshay Joshi, the head of cybersecurity at WEF. Watch the full interaction!"

The WEF's Cyber Attack Simulation: Part 1


Obama's new movie on a massive Cyberattack:

Leave The World Behind | Official Trailer | Netflix


Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, Archbishop Carlo Vigano who has the connections to the powerful warned about what is happening:

"“I call upon rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals and all people of good will, inviting them to unite in an Alliance that launches an anti-globalist manifesto….”

"...For two years now we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians and religious leaders.

All of these, without distinction, have become enslaved to these new masters who ensure power, money and social affirmation to their accomplices.

Fundamental rights, which up until yesterday were presented as inviolable, have been trampled underfoot in the name of an emergency: today a health emergency, tomorrow an ecological emergency and after that an INTERNET EMERGENCY [aka CYBERATTACK] ..."


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I'm sure he knows a lot more than I; however, I still think it is possible that there are vulnerabilities built into processors and other hardware deliberately. I think vulnerabilities that we might plausibly believe were deliberate have been previously discovered more than once. None would be a magic bullet to hack everything, but the way this seems to work is that you need to be just one step ahead of the security professionals.

edited to add this as an example:


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The REAL vulnerability is exactly what is was for Covid. The cult of Global Financial Psychopaths can send orders down the chain of command directing the many Judas bureaucrats to do whatever. Shutdown critical infrastructure and claim it was due to a cyberattack. And then collect your big bonus for selling your fellow citizens down the sewer. Same old playbook.

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So true: The Internet or DarpaNet once was designed to withstand a Nuclear War, so it is quite robust even under catastrophic incidents.

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