Dana Carvey is funny as shit but one does wonder, why did it take these guys FOUR YEARS to start "crackin' the Fauci jokes" ? ?

And why do I feel deep within that had Bill Hicks been here, that brilliant and funny observation of never ending covid shots would have been made in BLOODY REAL TIME!!! ? ?

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One of the greatest evils is the slow-walking of the Truth.

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Because they are Fairweather observationists.

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It takes them so long because they don’t pay attention. They are also too lazy to question the insanity that seems obvious to us. It really is that simple.

They won’t see it until we are close to annihilation. Until then we won’t be able to turn this around.

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Many of them do see it. It's not insight it's courage they lack.

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Bill Hicks would have tore them apart instantly!

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George Carlin ripped them all a new orifice decades ago.


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Prophets come in many forms.

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That’s a good one, for sure. Classic.

Hicks just had a different style. Both are awesome.

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The comedian-prophet.

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Oh yea, he is a legend. I wonder why it took so long but...I think the most important part about his comedy is pointing out the same stupid issues these "public serpents" have been playing are the same all these years later. When are people going to wake up?

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The IRT would have taken at least two years to roll out though. We would have had to go through the cycle of shot, booster booster before the joke could have been made. But yeah, I feel the same way.

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If you can laugh while the world cries around you, then you will have the last laugh. But your frivolity will be brief.

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Brief Frivolity. A good title.

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Is that Kipling?

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I don’t know. I have never Kipled.

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DING DING DING!!! Correct answer!!!!!

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Oh bravo 👏 oh I needed that belly laugh. Both videos are brilliant. Thanks for sharing. I had to watch them over again 🤣🤣👏👍

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AWESOME. Just the perfect medicinal dose of levity and entertainment that my heavy soul's been needing. Thank you, Celia.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

What does the fact that it’s now ok to dis the holy shot and those who promulgated it mean ? It means the cue went out that Joe’s gotta go. The child who observed the shit running out of Joe’s pants leg and observed that “the emperor isn’t wearing his adult diaper “ is going to be listened to now. Hilly baby has gotten the surgery and is all dolled up and learned how to restrain her insane rage look and is ready to assume the throne.

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If they pull the Hil Cat out of the bag, I will be truly shocked. Yet, she has been making some odd appearances lately, and she is looking all dolled up in a troll doll sort of way.

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Thank you for that. What a gift. 😂

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I loved that video and them!!! Good laugh

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Given all the prestige Carlin managed to accumulate, which has turned to reverence in our time, why hasn't he been vilified/cancelled by the ptb? Why hasn't some belated sexual scandal been invented to tarnish his reputation? Could it be because he never mentioned Jewish Power? You can rail against the media and exclusive clubs as long as you don't put an ethnic face/name to them.

We see Dana Carvey is now doing devastating Biden and Fauci impressions. Netanyahu anybody? Not so much.

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Like several others, including the recent holier than thou Congress people, these performers are, in my opinion, a little too late to the party. In fact, way to late to the party.

And I have never thought it funny to make fun of anyone's dementia.

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DC is soooo funny. Thanks for the update.

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Dana Carvey is playing the part or role of the President Joe Biden.

The whole world is a stage folks, it really is. It's to bad we can't get everyone to just turn it off.

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Dana is most likely playing the role of Joe Biden.

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