It’s all demonic, this mockery of the injured and the dead. Pure evil.

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Exactly. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear understand the situation we're in. Discernment appears to be granted by grace to some and not to others.

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Yes discernment is the only way some knew early on and others are blind still

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Your point about mockery by dance is really insightful.

Right around the time of the horrid 'dancing nurses' I recall a very sick video that Francis Collins made about Covid to the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon. His wife was doing a weird dance and toward the end when he sings "when we have the vaccine" the wife clutches her neck and drops down feigning death or something. Massively creepy.

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I found it.

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Isn't it creepy? They turned the comments off on the NIH you tube video (wonder why). I think the wife is supposed to be the 'covid germ' but still...hard to not see the symbolism now that people are the ones dropping dead not the 'covid germ.'

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whoa. Let's see if we can find that. This is downright creepy for real.

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Warning: You do NOT want to see this video of "Dr. Francis Collins and (wife) Diane Baker perform a parody of 'Puff, the Magic Dragon' for Camp Fantastic," link below:


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mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the least self-aware of all? Francis Collins <cringe>

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Fauci's boss.

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it's amazing, isn't it, where people plug into the (visible) hierarchy.

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WOW!!! This video is vile. Camp Fantastic for children with cancer. Wonder what else happens to them and what the Skittles symbolism is. These 'people' make me want to vomit. The smug mockery is truly DEMONIC.

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True, but she 'dies' or at least collapses when he mentions the vaccine. Mmm...I think the whole thing rather silly, almost sarcastic as if to say, 'Who believes this nonsense?'

Anagram of his full name, Francis Sellers Collins, is

conceals silliness fl rr

But then it appears that he thinks vaccines are a gift from God. God is not mocked. God thinks Francis Collins is a lying scoundrel and that is being polite.

Francis Collins has been weighed in the balance and found severely wanting.

But if anyone believed his nonsense without double checking then they were very, very foolish.

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How strange is it that Alex Berenson also picks this time to throw shade upon this subset of vaccine-injured, publicly questioning on twitter the integrity of one of the most widely shared cases, a woman whose symptoms include violent, uncontrollable shaking?

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Why am I not surprised. I promptly unsubscribed to Berenson when he went after Robert Malone's credentials in an interview. Robert Malone was present in that interview responded to Berenson's remarks with class. My conclusion was Berenson is a first class arrogant jerk with some kind of social disorder.

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I don't read or know Berenson but he should have gone after Malone's opinions and actions

rather than his credentials.

Malone remains heavily invested in vaccines. And unless he's changed his stance, last I heard, he was continuing to recommend the jabs for people over 50.

Malone presents well, has a calm and reassuring way of speaking. But like too many others we thought were trustworthy, it appears he's compromised.

Read Diana West's piece on him.

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Thanks I will. I wish I could remember who was doing the interview and what the interview was exactly about but as I recall, Berenson wasn't attacking Malone over his position on the vaccine. He was attacking his credentials as one of the "inventors" of mRNA technology, to which Malone responded something about looking up the original patents. It's distant in my mind, now. Berenson is a journalist,and if any journalist opened up his mouth about my contributions or lack of contributions in the field I worked in, I doubt I would have had the restraints Malone did. :-)

I've seen Malone straddle the fence, trying to be the objective scientist, and not burning down the whole house. However I can't say for certain that I would be a pure blood today without that darkhorse podcast with Weinstein, Malone, and Kirsch. That and Michael Yeadon's pleas probably saved my life....it ended a 20 year career with a company, but it saved my life.

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That darkhorse podcast episode was really informative for me too, though by that point I already had gathered ample evidence to know something horribly wrong was going on with the injections. If you are interested in the veracity of Malone’s patents, and his claim as original inventor of the mRNA and DNA platform technologies, check out Alexandros Marinos’ deep-dive on the topic here on substack.


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Unless he’s changed his stance yet again, I’m pretty sure Malone is now calling for a blanket-stop to the injections, regardless of age. He’s also began to publicly question traditional vaccines as well, expressing doubts about the disingenuous manner in which their safety and efficacy has been previously established via well-worn pharma shenanigans in their clinical trials. He began questioning traditional vaccines after a series of well-argued points made by Candice Owens in their interview, which he claimed induced “light-bulb” moments in his mind. Malone now also claims that he used to think the vaccine-critical stance argued by RFKjr was crazy, but has since came to consider RFK’s position as credible and heroic. In my view, we should question any and all figures in the Covid truth movement, but I do think Malone appears to be organically changing his worldview when exposed to alternative, credible evidence, and that he has been unfairly maligned by his more vehement detractors. We should continue to question everything and everyone, but not become so cynical and/or paranoid that we dismiss the good-faith efforts of allies genuinely fighting for the same cause. Am I 100% certain that Malone is not controlled opposition? No. But I do think his contributions have been a net positive in the quest for Covid truth.

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Agreed. I say that he also charges for information that should be free. I cannot see he needs the money. Perhaps one might say controlled opposition, a phrase others have used and which I thought suitable under the circumstances.


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I saw that. Berenson is a complete wrongun

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may be he always had the mean streak too but we did not notice? In former posts I notice he can be quite harsh. Haven't had any mails from him in quite some time. Is he still around?

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Throughout this scamdemic I’ve seen a very ugly transformation effect some of my friends. Before they were kind and caring - if our opinions differed, it mattered not. But something has gotten into them. Maybe it’s the mRNA but why them and not everyone who got it? This seems more like it’s part of the PsyOp to divide and conquer. But it’s troubling seeing their mean streak and total lack of empathy.

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so true. Many of my so-called friends were saying things like "time for the stick" when it came to vaccine "hesitancy" and many called for the punishment and death of the unvaccinated. And people continue to wonder how Hitler got elected...

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Yes, technically Hitler never got elected, but the Nazi's did rise to power through crisis and intimidation. Same tactics.

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Yes. So-called friends can take the stick, the death sticks as I call them, and play Russian roulette with their own bodies but not mine or anybody else's, and not at my/taxpayers expense.

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I think it was always there, but because we now see clearly we notice it better. I know several I thought were good and decent people, but they made harmful comments that I would have neever expected from them.

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There is a very real problem with spike proteins from the shots causing brain damage.

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Yes, so sad & true

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People that cruel are psychopaths with no empathy whatsoever. They ride on the pain of others for attention. Best to shun them.

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so many revealed as such... far ore than I thought there were

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"Covid Is A Post-Human, AI Driven Simulation That Seeks To Induce Indifference To Human Suffering" Yes, AND, also to eliminate a bunch of us - too many are too hard to manage, and robotize the remaining. It's also imo, not just post-human, but anti human, and the energy behind it (synthetic) is fully non-human.

It's so Dr Evil it is DOOMED to fail, yet how much damage till it's over?


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I guess this is the new free speech version of Twitter we never wanted. Do we never ever learn from our mistakes and improve as a species? Kind of reminds me of history lessons about how various psycho leaders have always used hateful mockery to persecute specific groups of humans with the thinly disguised intent to get rid of them altogether. It keeps happening.

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It's a two way street - we can mock them, laugh at them, or better yet, ignore them.

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All reasonable. But I do like mockery as I like to go on the offensive and attack.


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Well, it might be interesting to see how those who do the mocking behave once they or their friends etc. start dropping off the playing field.

All this is merely more proof that people suck (after all, that's why there is religion, right? To try to ensure people behave well - which is why the scum of the left hates religion).

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...and the truth and love.

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Give the cowboy another booster, on me.

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We are confronting the greatest evil in human history. No doubt in my mind.

Stay close to God.

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Amen. This is the perseverance of the saints.

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Well, if they're now mocking the vax poisoned, they're mocking their own church of the faithful. Meanwhile, the unclean have no such condition to mock. So, good luck with that. Not sure that's a winning strategy.

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Mockery of the vaccine injured is the sincerest form of toolery. 

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I cannot take this in. What am I looking at? It took me a full half hour to understand that this is actually a thing now because my brain kept rejecting it in disbelief. How can people respond this way? So, are the initial tweets valid with people mocking them on their thread? Or is the whole thing made up? My brain doesn’t function this way so I cannot understand this level of cruelty. I’m serious.

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yes, good reminder. love this so much.

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First I have seen it. Brilliant. I wish I had seen it two years ago.

Music can save us.

Here is Danser Encore held a month later (April '21) at the same venue.

In the first one, in March '21, people were hanging back watching - and they clapped politely, but this second one reveals the obvious success of the first Flash Mob, and that the desire for freedom was inspiring a tentative civil disobedience.


These two vids offer us a greater hovering overview of what could - and should - be: People awakening, pushing back, demonstrating courage, observant, questioning rather than accepting political and corporate lies and manipulation. Are we becoming better, wiser, more observant? When God closes a door He opens a window. There is more to this than we know.

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All very true. Mind you the heavenly Father has opened the doors wide to heaven and says arms wide open 'Come to me my darlings, come to me!'



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"The unseen angels should not be forgotten; they thrive on thanks as they work their cotton socks off for us." LOL!

Yes, we must not forget there is an unseen major secondary battle raging. Thanks be to God.

So, re the timeline of anticipated events, where do you see the proxy war in Ukraine fitting in?

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Well, if you have time to spare you could try this. I treat it as political theatre, but my intent and summary are serious.


However, if no spare time then the war in the Ukraine reflects very broadly the war in the east in WW2, 1941-45. Invaded by the Nazis in 1941, in 1942 battles were fought in this area and would also occur in 1943/44.

I have not done a detailed analysis but the overall picture I observe is similar.

Given that what they call a proxy ware has been ongoing in the Ukraine since at least 2014 and there was the Ukraine famine in 1932/33 and purges in 1936-38 I think the parallels can be seen.

It is broad brush as it were but then we could not expect exact parallels I consider.

Any further thoughts always welcome.

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bonne vidéo

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I don’t know French, but I still loved the language & understood this delightful video - thank you!

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In general:

We want to keep on dancing

To see our thoughts embrace our bodies

Keep on dancing

To spend our lives on a grid of chords

Oh no, no, no, no, no

We want to keep on dancing.

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a way to gaslight and deny vaccine injuries.... its a war against humanity... many battlelines

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Danse macabre

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