We are one day past one week out. At this point, we still have to make it to inauguration day. The Psyops are flying. We are scared. People are reacting with fear. There is so much that we don't know and so much that hasn't happened yet. Personally, my biggest fear is that RFK, Jr. gets sidelined. I'd like to trust Musk, but I don't. I worry about dirty tricks from the IC. But, I have zero control over any of this. To me it feels like so much wasted energy. I think people are responding from fear. I think consider utilizing psychic defenses.

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Agree 100% we may have to organize around something but we don’t know what it is yet

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Right there with you. Hard for me to trust any of them, really.

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Which are your favorite three psyops?

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Not you!

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Favorite, probably isn't the word I would use. Three most influential Psyops? WWI, JFK Assassination and Sept 11. Jan. 6 and OKC bombing. Manson and Helter Skelter. CIA/Arbenz/UFCO. Global Warming. Population Explosion. Communism/Fascism.

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Looks like someone isn't real good at counting.

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I don't like constraints.

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WW1 was a psyop? First on your list but I have to ask, how? Ferdinand and Sophie were shot by snipers and they arrested a patsy, who just happened to be walking by with a smoking gun?

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The more I read the more reservations I have about WWI. Have you ever read a really good and detailed account of the assassination of Ferdinand? It's quite bizarre, and in retrospect has all the Hallmarks. I read about it years ago, I think in a book by Otto Fredreichs--not sure on that name just off the cuff. And then, after the assassination weirdness, is the strange strange back and forth exchanges going on for the next three months or so leading up to the war--exchanges among diplomats, ambassadors and heads of state. Then, all the weirdness and money exchanging hands in the backing of Trotsky and Lenin--which of course causes Russia to pull out from the midst of the war. The Titantic is a seriously strange event, then comes the creation of IRS, FED and the Wilson administration basically run by House--you got the pet League of Nations project--and America seriously doesn't want to go to war but gets pulled in by the known Psyop of the Luisitania. That's just off the top of my head at the end of the night. I think it was a PsyOp. And it kind of breaks my heart. I think the point was a huge money transfer--it got rid of remaining monarchies, mostly, bankrupted most of the remaining Aristocracy, killed a whole generation of young men--maimed hundreds of thousands--who then came home to Prohibition--which set off the mob and a huge underground crime network. Everyone reaped the psychological damage from this massive engagements--makes that's not even mentioning the scale of the battles, or the Versailles Treaty.

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But restraints are your favorite. The fur-lined, black leather ones.

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That is clever and funny 😆

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RFK was using trump to get his foot in the door in DC, I believe his intentions are good, but he was foolish to trust trump, trump was only too happy to take his supporters; he was at 20%. He'll dump him. Cause Chief of staff, hello? So sad.

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Well... interesting idea.... but CNN is reporting RFK is head of HHS.

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Nov 14
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Another person with Zionism on the brain. Thinks Israel is the center of the World.

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No, another bald brained antisemitic twit.

Democrats, party of hate and envy and enslavement, if not genocide.

Israel is our one middle eastern hope, you dope!

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Yeah, why is that? All I see is it causes troubles, vast expenses, interferes in US elections and misdirects energy, resources and talent away from the real critical issues in the World. After all it is just a tiny sliver of sand in the midst of a big sandpit.

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Nov 14
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So true. I get paid with hookers and blow. Terrific work from home gig.

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You don't know that. Why not wait and see instead of making claims about something you know precisely ZERO.

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Trump delivered at last!

Kennedy is nominated for Secretary of HHS, where he would be in charge of the CDC, FDA, and NIH.

Just requires confirmation by the Senate, which is not a sure thing because there are so many RINOs.

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Tinker Bell did you eat the large slice of humble pie yet??

Or like other fools disappear into the shadows??

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Inaccurate Assessment. Collaboration the way forward. He was never even at 4%.

Dumpage happens, those with severe Derangement Syndrome should have attended pillow beating parties a while back.

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Musk probably is still lusting after a color revolution in Venezuela. This is one of my big concerns; it's one way we're being lied to MASSIVELY. It's been at least 15 years since I read a good article describing all the upcoming wars (which have all been fomented, countries destroyed, deep state minions making out like bandits while the Bankster in charge gets the country's sovereign gold as well as their own bank installed as a "central bank," ie, the country is now remote-controlled.) Which countries? There was a one-to-one correspondence: ALL the countries left which have resources worth stealing, and do NOT have a Rothschild-style central bank, were on the list for us to "export democracy to" and "save from their own leaders." We got Libya, Syria, etc etc... and Venezuela is one of the few left. Thus we'll be hearing about how Chavez was "dictator," and believing that tripe when in fact, he was a great, honest, loving leader, a man of the people, who insisted that the CITIZENS be considered the owners of their own country's natural resources, NOT some Anglo Deep State. What then happened was that many people moved there who were not natives, in order to get a part of the pie; and when the oil began running out, they got pissed and started making noises about how unfair it was TO THEM. And the Anglo country-crushing machine gathered them into the fold. The lying press is always referring to THEM being unhappy with the government, and many of them aren't even Venezuelan, originally. We're in lock step now to invade and ruin those beautiful people's lives. The big clue is how the press BLASTS HEADLINES endlessly about Venezuelan this, Venezuelan that; making us think gosh, that must be a horrible country, a horrible people. It's ALL LIES! They're huge-hearted, beautiful beings. And are our next target.

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I agree. Crimes against humanity--the United Snakes of Americon.

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Wow, your delusions are beyond comprehension!

I am sure you lick boots of Che and Castro. Don’t swallow.

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Well, well. How much emotional energy was wasted on your biggest fear? RFK is now head of HHS. I'm not being mean -- just trying to bring to light what ails us all when we give in to fears. I've done it myself. We have to constantly remind ourselves that fear is fruitless.

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Came back though to say, I didn't waste any emotional energy, It was a niggling worry. But I had read, even before I wrote the comment this morning, that RFK, Jr. is at Mar-a-Lago.

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Didn’t mean to sound so blunt… probably due to my being on a “save energy” binge lately. We’ll need all our emotional strength for whatever is coming next…

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indeed, evidence convinced a keyboard warrior of nothing.

Collaboration always the way forward, Fear is the opposite of Love.

Those promoting what they claim to disavow bear no fruits...

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I wasn't promoting what I claim to disavow--if that is what you mean. I simply meant that I'm not above it all. I believe in love and I don't give in to fear. That doesn't mean a doubt never crosses my mind, nor, as I said, do I maintain that I am so far evolved as to be past it all.

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🧭Steady as she goes mates!⛵

Steady as she goes!

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Agree with you. Where is RFK?

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and my biggest fear is that RFK is not totally on board. I get that he'll be great for the health movement but I believe his heart is still with the democrat party. His head knows better but.......

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I don't think that. I think RFK is totally on board.

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The present Demonrats...are not the same people and not the same party that JFK sr and his brother were a part of. But JFK had his own skeletons in multiple family closes....such as the mobsters importing banned liquor etc. And then there was that little incident of the woman drowned in the car after it fell off a bridge and the miraculous "escape" etc etc......This is the "human condition"......always was. In college I read THE CANTERBURY TALES.... they were quite funny really...but almost every one of these "tales" involved someone playing a trick or a deception on some else to benefit themselves. We are fallen and we can't get up.

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Those who are following closely are not fearful. Plans and details for the future are on the table and sure some of them might or might not be psyops. It’s a war. Read all the Q posts, and look at all the links and info within that app. Find peeps good at decoding and comms as some are excellent. It’s unbelievable the number of comms dropped every single day encompassing many platforms that comfort me while proving who is in control. Check out Ezra Cohen - Watnick. Neither the enemy nor the public will get a peak at our cards unless we want them to. It’s a real war, there has been casualties and likely there will be more, it’s not over. When cornered with no way out stupid shit happens. I believe we’ve witnessed some.

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Well I would appreciate knowing some of those "links" you speak of that comfort you..I read a few Q posts a some years back and thought it was batshit. Maybe I should have read more of it? I used to think I was "good at decoding" because I never took any of the "vaccines" and laughed at the idiots in their useless masks. I also did not fall for the magically disintegrating 1OOO' tall buildings of steel and cement destroyed by aluminum airplanes.

There is one book I read that I do find profoundly troubling by a man named jonny Carracci ...EATERS OF CHILDREN....is this really true?

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Your assessment is lost on keyboard warriors, unfortunately.

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It's natural to complain about some of the selections, I don't like some of them either, but before I get worked up and start tossing pies I think it only fair to see what happens. There are still many moving parts, today's lay-of-the-land will not be the same on Jan 21, 2025.

Time will tell.

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"Founder of CCCP: Christian Conservative Contrarian Party"

It's cool that you're the founder of something that doesn't exist outside of your 18-follower Substack account - CCCP/USSR, so clever.

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Haha, yeah, I'm not a big mover & shaker, but I am a very happy camper. C'est la vie.

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Fraggin' yer own? Pathetic!

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Nov 15
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Friggin' ✓ Pathetic!

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Nov 16
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Didn't watch zee video! ciao

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We have really good hints. The collaboration has an unprecedented energy surrounding it.

It was catipulted into the front row when we witnessed RFK handing the baton.

Some of us saw this coming months in advance and publicly said so.

Knowledge, Wisdom, Discernment in that order.

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It all looked rosy when Trump got Kennedy & Musk on board. My first reaction was that Trump, along with these sensible people, could be better than first time around. now i'm seeing some cracks in the pavement like Tulsi Gubbard being part of the WEF and the upcoming VP Vance being heavily invested in the DEADLY mRNA technology! It stinks at the moment, but I'll be patient top make sure Trump's is not riddled with our ENEMY! Obviously, with RFK's background, these Trojan Horses might have changed their allegiance. We'll find out son enough.

Why hasn't Trump or RFK mentioned Big Pharma's rejection of LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS their crap medicines and injections cause to recipients? Forgive me if I missed this very serious omission.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live a lot longer if we avoid the murderous Big Pharma and the corrupt medics!

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More garbage. Tulsi ain't part of the WEF, why do you make such idiotic claims. Just because a long time ago, when she was a prime A democrat recruit, she did the YGL course. Since then she has quit the Democrat party, which despises her, and joined the Republican party. You guys give zero room for people to change.

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An factual observation to be considered as to it's feasibility TODAY! I didn't state it as a current FACT, just a historic consideration! Mick (UK).

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Oops! Thanks for the correction, FS.

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Thanks Mick, I didn't know about Tulsi being part of the WEF Or Vance's connection to the mRNA technology. Sure helps to be informed. Trying not to be too disillusioned.

Unjabbed Barbara (CA)

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Thanks Barbara! I can't guarantee any information that I post. It's all drawn from other articles. All we can do is investigate further to ensure it's likely or genuine. Then we can decide how to react! It's good to see you're in the Vax Free Club! Mick (UK).

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I can't verify either of these 'rumours', but I'm fairly sure that Gabbard went through the WEF induction process as part of their 'Young Leader' program. Perhaps she's seen the light? Mick (UK).

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Let's hope so! Thanks Mick.

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Hey UnHandjobbed Barbara. Disillusionment is the colon's bone sauce.

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True, remember, big pharma big gov industrial complex. Dims a rings have too many skeletons and shekels (sp?) in closet to allow their fellow prostitutes to take the fall. Like the snake that swallows its’ tail. Feds are the problem, not solution

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My only complaint with Trump is that he still will not admit that the mRNA injections are dangerous and worse than ineffective. He apparently bought Kennedy's silence on the issue by promising him a position, but Kennedy may have been conned there.

We need to see Kennedy with _real_ power, eg head of the FDA, CDC, or NIH, and need to hear Kennedy speaking out once again about the mass death and injury caused by those "vaccines".

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All the appointment being handed out and RFK is like, huh? What about MEEEEEEEEE?

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Bull, he's just been selected head of HHS. You staked your reputation on that not happening, and now it happened, so your reputability is now worth ZERO.

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RFK is right.

I voted for Trump largely because of Kennedy's support.

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Looks like Trump is making Kennedy Secretary of Health and Human Services. This is promising.

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It's even better than I thought! Assuming Kennedy gets confirmed by the Senate, he will then be in charge of all of the CDC, FDA, and NIH.

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Be sure to write to Trump with your thoughts: 45office.com

It’s important he hear from all of us. Don’t let anyone discourage you. We are the movement. Our voices need to be heard.


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Thanks! I just wrote him a note about discouraging and automatic draft which is currently on the table.

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Thanks for the link to the president! May I recommend JBS.org, though you seem to be as aware of the Constitution as I am. I just sent a note, myself. Thanks, Again!

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When MAGA had their experience with the dep state on JAN 6, those of us who have been dealing with this for 40 years, as they stayed silent, thought this might help them understand where they actually live. It actually got them a lot of sympathy from the rest of America. We said "Welcome to your country MAGA, now you actually are 'real' Americans, welcome to our world." Now that we live in the upside down, where it's antisemitic to be anti-genocide, let's see if they've learned anything as they come after free speech and antiwar people. We shall see.

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I am sure you were outraged by the humus genocidal terrorist attack and their preachings for decades.

Maybe it your dirty ivy league chant is, “the only good Jew is a dead Jew”.

Coward you are. Image you support bitem lick’em and grope em Ukrainian boondoggle. Wave your yellow flag

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The first people the IDF killed on Oct 8, after the inside job on Oct 7 when they firebombed Israeli homes and cars, were American Christians in a Church in Palestine. All Jews are not Zionists, and all Jews are not Semitic. Have a nice day, clownpants. GET THEE BEHIND ME.

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So, look closely at WHO is taking issue with Trump's appointments, and ask yourself why. Trump has always been vocally anti-globalist, and these appointments do not change that.

As for "bullying", we have endured FOUR years of actual indictments and false charges against Trump and innocent Trump supporters. The tables have turned, and now WE are seeking REAL justice for those who attempted to dismantle the Constitution. We endured mocking and bullying for rightly saying the 2020 election was rigged and stolen.

So get over it you fucking bastards.

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Sorry, we are ALL being played. Both sides. We need to get together.

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I think the best way forward is to help everyone see the propaganda their OWN side is being manipulated with. Many think it's literally only the other side that's lied to.

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Well, I agree with a lot of this, but at the same time, Trump made a lot of deals in order to have much of the opposition to his presidency dropped and we're not going to like a lot of the nominees for the various positions. (People like me – idealists – probably won't like any of them.) It shouldn't come as a surprise though and it doesn't mean all is lost. These coalitions are always like this and there has never been an administration that doesn't operate like this.

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Yeah, that 100 million dollar “deal” he took from Miriam Adelson was really one helluva “deal,” wasn’t it? Anything for Israel, it seems…

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Idealist- “You can see the stars but still not see the light!”


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Thanks! Greg does great work. Fearless...I've been sending out his links lately as well...

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HOLY SHIRT. EXCELLENT VIDEO. Many thanks for sharing.

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There are no ethics in business, legal or illegal. Take the money and do what good you can, block whatever evil you can, otherwise you have no ethics.

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Sure, say that to the mob after you've taken their money. What's that funny lookin' fish floating on the Potomac?

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Yeah, I'm gonna complain until I see a brand new government. I expect to be complaining for another 20 years at least.

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Make that "eternity." It has ever been thus.

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It's not "MAGA" but individuals and probably some bots

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Hey, I have been “successfully unsubscribed “ from hundredS of Trump texts. Think about that? What does that tell you about their M O? BLUDGEON TILL YOU WIN! Hammer dissent with any means that is socially allowable.

Regarding “MAGA”? LAAA (Leave Americans Alone Again) is the real solution.

LAAA and MAGA will happen automatically!

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This alliance, or fusion, has such potential. My issues with Trump have been mitigated by RFK's strengths, and vice-versa. US Marine Veteran is right, a respectful exchange of ideas and opinions is what we've been fighting for, and we should be mindful of how the current treasonous, tyrannical regime has cranked the vise on dissenters these last 4 years.

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Yeah, and, by the way, what the hell is going on with FEMA up in Michigan?

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For what it's worth, if you're referring to reports of many trucks parked on standby near Oscoda, somewhere I read a sentence today that Wurtsmth AFB may be embarking on a PFAS cleanup project.

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Thanks for that. Probably the best use of that information is to stay out of the limelight when the riots come to town.

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Nov 18Edited

It seems that thanks to FEMA he has job security :- ) A couple of things are vague. The New Madrid activity suggests that the army is setting the stage for creating a Richter 8 earthquake? I've read elsewhere directed scalar waves interference patterns can cause seismic disturbance.

The reporter talks about trucks/no trucks at "the airport". Which airport? Michigan has several. The location in the other video is a military AFB that, as far as I know is still decommissioned.

I quite paying attention to Before It's News years ago when they were telling tall tales of fictitious executions of political figures (example: the Clintons, Cheney) at Guantanamo.

Maybe they've cleaned up their act. I hope not.

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He is right. Deals have obviously been made to get people like the deepest state Rubio as Sec State. There may be a plan or a deal that makes it make sense. My counsel to anyone frustrated is that Trump is unique in his affinity to fire people who equivocate or frustrate his program. Maybe his program has a lot of moving pieces, but he will get rid of Rubio et al if he has to. The Thune debacle is the worst thing that has happened, and Trump couldn’t control that anyway. ALL of Washington works on deals. Thune promised a lot to many and the 53 ish Senators who pretend to be Republican Conservatives almost all believe they should be President, so they will do whatever it takes to grow their brand. The ONLY solution to shit picks writ large is eliminating the deal making by term limiting everybody. Once politics becomes service again and is not a job, virtue will prevail as the founders intended.

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hero ball is a ballbuster

musk and his DOGE (translation: medieval venetian ruler and proto city of london financial pirate) aren't a deep state creation, he's a free speech absolutist come to save us all by privatizing (and doubling the cost) of an already bloated bureaucracy!

the price of liberty is eternal what?

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Ditto, not pleased with the choices. Ron Paul has also been commenting the choices. It appears they are all loyal to Israel and Crytpo. They also seem to be o.k. with nuclear. There is cause to be concerned, there always has been. Kennedy has always been on board with genocide in Gaza, no he and Trump have just teamed up. The only candidate that wasn't o.k. with genocide in Gaza was Jill Stein.


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