Aha. A headline on one of those newspapers says “Valencia positions itself to be Smart cities “. Out with the old! In with the new! It’s just too slow otherwise. If all this Globalist claptrap must be in place in 5 years, gotta speed this up. Chop chop!

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Asheville, North Carolina is also on board to be a smart city. Just sayin'.

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another thing in common. Large reservoirs in the catchment. The only logical explanation for the reported tidal wave ladened with debris is release from reservoirs. In the case of Buncombe County North Carolina has 80 dams more than half classified as high risk (which means risk to life)

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So is San Francisco…

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The Smart City agenda certainly seems to be a common denominator. That's damning.

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Well that explains that.

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So they voluntarily go for 'Smart city' but get deliberately zapped anyway, causing emissions and use of fossil fuels in the rebuilding. Makes no sense at all.

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The first Cat 5 Hurricane in Accapulco a few months ago was exactly the same. ZERO warning on any Media & Just happened & destroyed building etc etc .... NO WARNING!! How can that be??? It Can't .

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Remember the chemtrail induced horrific "impossible" floods in Dubai? And the geoengineered huge floods in China? Maybe not... the MSM media keeps us blind to anything outside the US. They didn't even show us the horrific hurricane devastation In Acapulco Mexico both last year (hurricane Otis CAT 5) and this year (two CAT 3 hits - from the SAME system called John) all while the engineered two hurricanes hit the US southeast this year. And not a peep from the media or the Weather Channel. Total news blackout. Not even a mention of Acapulco even though they did give brief coverage of the Far East and even Valencia. You think maybe they don't want us connecting Acapulco to Helene? They don't want us connecting the dots. If anyone wants to continue to deny calculated geoengineering then I suggest you don't look too closely at what is going on.

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The devastation is mind boggling and so sad. How on earth do we fight this?

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That's like asking how do I stop WWIII. Be informed, think critically and personally prepare.

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We fight this individually. Each one of us MUST be aware of our energy and vibration.

Be alone in Nature if possible, and connect with Creator.

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I was watching TWC early coverage of Helene as she formed in the western part of the Gulf. On the edge of their radar screen I briefly saw hurricane John on the west coast of Mexico and I wondered why they did not even mention this hurricane. So.......draw your own conclusions. I only saw that screen once.

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In England , there was no news of the two hurricanes in Mexico

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So because it's not on MSM (the amount of coverage is inversely proportional to the severity of the climate crisis, it's virtually disappeared in the UK because the fossil fuel and animal ag industries don't want us alarmed enough to change our behaviour)- then it must be calculated geoengineering being hidden and not the climate crisis being hidden?

So when Big Oil told you that increasingly obvious climate change wasn't actually happening (or hid it) or wasn't caused by them after all- it being deliberately geoengineered as part of a plot to stop you buying into Big Oil, you believed them because.... it makes your life easier?

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Hey now, it also allows them to hate on “””globalists”””


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Spot on 👍🏼

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The CAT 5 literally came out of nowhere last year and hit Acapulco WITHOUT warning in the middle of the night. When have you ever heard of a CAT 5 just suddenly appearing without warning. Then this year, John came ashore at Acapulco as a CAT 3, fizzled out, then the system REVERSED and went back out to sea, regenerated to a CAT 3 again and came ashore a second time on Acapulco. When have you ever heard of a hurricane doing THAT?

Acapulco is one of the poorest cities in Mexico that occupies a very desirable coastline. A bit like Lahaina, right?

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exactly like lahaina. All land grabs and killing undesirable people. bastards.

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Historical records do document hurricanes making bizarre loop-d-loops, but this kind of stuff may have been going on for many more decades than we could imagine....(https://www.wfmynews2.com/article/weather/hurricane/see-every-florida-storms-path-for-the-past-100-years/83-329449414)... I mean, if this is in 'the matrix' then Noah's flood may have been something else entirely....just questioning....

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It was the same thing in Acapulco last year. A tropical storm became a cat 5 hurricane with no warning. Two years in a row!

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They sit comfortable in their confidence that those who claim they are using weaponized water - and fire - will be laughed at and never believed no matter what their own eyes tell them.

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That’s right my stupid cousin said it wasn’t the government. It was global warming. I can’t stand retarded people. Especially now.

They are literally killing the rest of us.

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First of all, let's look at a bigger picture here. Such as causes. We know there are weather modification tools, but we don't know the extent of what they can and can't do; there are short-term disruptions and long-term patterns that cause other disruptions. However, there was one MASSIVELY ginormous event in 2022 that NO ONE talks about, but which is probably behind many of these events: The eruption of Hunga Tonga. https://www.nasa.gov/earth/tonga-eruption-blasted-unprecedented-amount-of-water-into-stratosphere/

There was 5 seconds of coverage on it, if that.

Jeff Childers - who writes a very fine substack - reported on it intermittently, and has always marveled that the Climate Change obsessives never even mention it, given its propensity to change the weather WORLD-WIDE. Which it obviously has.

That's what volcanic eruptions do. They have in the past ushered in pestilence caused by sun blockage and temperature dips. They have caused temperatures to rise. They do all sorts of things. Why are they ignored? Well, because to the Climate Crisis Crowd, they aren't caused by human activity (at least they haven't managed to make that tie just yet, but give 'em time). So they don't want it reported. Climate emergency HAS to be OUR fault, so that we'll give up all our modern conveniences and stop eating meat.

But I would put money on the Hunga Tonga event to be behind the incredibly wacky rainstorms, floods, etc. that have been surging for the past 3 years since the event.

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This is absolutely a possible cause. Plus, the dramatic uptick in solar ejections which have been causing amazing and rare light displays of auroras all across the world in places one doesn't normally see the Northern Lights. I find it surprising that more warnings about the solar storms heading towards earth have not been sounded. Our infrastructure, wifi grid, electrical, etc... is ever so fragile in the face of the Cosmos. We forget that. People forget that in 1859 The Carrington Event, when an enormous coronal mass ejection fried our much less fragile (because less extensive) grid, the world shut down for a year!

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Hi Theresa, I agree Re: the Sun. And the fact it gets so little attention - zero official coverage - is a tell.

Could explain why TPTB are in such a rush. Because there is another event coming, probably in less than 2 decades. A 12000 year cyclical event for which we are in the zone.

But blaming CO2 sucks up all the O2 in the room, and that is where the Overton Window has been caged for decades.

It helps that Net Zero perfectly aligns with Agenda 2050 and the other psychotic plans they have for us.

Energy scarcity is a terrible thing.

And it is what they wish for all of us.

Lives that will be nasty, brutish, and short.


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Yes, there are all sorts of events going on. And most people don't realize they always have been.

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Yes, Hunga Tonga has some effect though the water vapour (a GHG) was quickly dispersed and represented an increase of 0.00146% in the total water vapour in the atmosphere- a lot in one go, true, and it would take human carbon emissions over 3 months to generate the same forcing.


However, volcanic eruptions and aerosols produce albedo and cooling (and are not being ignored by the Climate crisis crowd- these are the people who are studying them the most closely) HT also ejected aerosols counterbalancing the warming caused by its water vapour- so overall no net increase in forcing.

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Right? It's a big planet. People typically think the planet is small and we are crowded on the planet. That's programming. We are but specks on the planet. Even our biggest cities are but dots on the surface.

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i've no idea how that relates to Hunga Tonga. Humans may be dots but have a very big impact- like mass species extinction, cutting down half of the rainforest, poisoning the oceans and soil and increasing the temperature. We will make the planet uninhabitable for the specks of humans.

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"...We will make the planet uninhabitable for the specks of humans."

This is being accomplished through intentional geoengineering. But the controlled media tells us it is "human caused climate change". Just like the deployed DoD bio-weapon shot will save us from their plandemic. Right. You still believe what our controllers tell us.

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No I don't you are believing what our controllers (in big oil) tell us.

The amount of coverage of the human cause of climate change in the MSM is inversely proportional to its severity and the temperature ie its completely disappeared.

Intentional bioengineering has as much evidence as the bioengineered lab leak. ie none.

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"geo-engineering" is the word. not nio. geo. Go look up the patents and etc. THEY ARE doing it, friend. Look up, those are NOT contrails! they been seeding clouds since the early part of the last century, at least. and surely by the mid 1940s. And they made it rain in Vietnam War. that's how we heard of the Ho Chi Min trail, I think. they washed it out with lots of rain and rain and rain.

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LOL... it hurts my brain just trying to follow your twisted logic. But hey, what do I know?

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Big Oil is running the Green New Deal campaigns. You didn't know this? Why is that? Because it's a scam, that's why.

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Your first 3 words tell us all we need to know.

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Which of Al Gore's predictions have come true? Sea level is the same. We were supposed to be underwater due to cow farts by 2015.

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Al Gore did not predict- he said if this happens this could happen and sensationalised for his own reasons I don't have to answer for him (and sea levels have risen).

However, all of James Hansen's predictions have come true.


PS It's burps not farts.

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Go look at Plymouth rock which was carved at sea level. It's still above water. Or Liberty Island and measure the water level. Hello?

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In NZ it was definitely "farts' that were claimed to be the problem......

Also in NZ, sea levels rose several decades ago and took away our friends' holiday land on the coast at Ohiwa....all deeply covered by sea water......a decade or so ago the sea returned all of it so the caravan and tents can now be erected all along the sea front once more. No rising there these days.

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You never hear mention of Hunga Tonga except for the occasional comment on social media. It's all blamed on "climate change" and most people believe it .

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MSM is totally pushing that beef can be sustainable etc etc etc

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MSM is telling us to eat crickets and bugs. This is directly from the WEF. Remember Klaus your buddy said it: "You will eeeeet zeee bugz."

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You never hear climate change being blamed for anything on mainstream media: it’s all but disappeared in the UK- floods and hurricanes make good copy but no blaming going on.

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? Even todays papers covering Valencia literally claiming ‘climate change’ as cause in headlines…

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Someone did a great compilation of headlines I saw on FB. Each headline was blaming a different species of wild animal for climate change.

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I've read it will take 3 yrs for all the moisture to fall to earth from hunga tonga... and there have been a lot of other eruptions these past 2 yrs. Add in the solar and the change in poles and we're definitely in a time of change

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well whaddya know. If its not excess sea water- cuz they did say so many metric tonnes of sea water went up-- not just vapor? but you seem to have some hard numbers. So what Do youi think isd contributing/causing all these big, big storms? (

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I am all about Huinga Tonga.! which naturally leads ME to... was that volcano organic or man-detonated? right? just asking. So. They immediately told us that undersea volcano blasting all that sea water into the sky would make a lot of rain for the next five years. like they knew how long it would last?! (...and that it would prolly damage the ozone layer.... ) Then they stopped talking about it COMPLETELY . Some people still haven't ever even heard of Hunga Tonga!. It fits the govt climate change "narrative." (All the planets in our solar system are apparently heating up and there are no people or cows there to do it. hmmm?? ) I heard about it from Jeff Childers, too. l like that blog a lot.

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If you google it, there is a lot of data on it. I don't ever remember hearing about it - ever. I was very surprised when Jeff Childers talked about it. I am guessing the mainstream media had reasons for burying it, and I can guess why. They like climate "crisis" to be OUR fault. That way they can get us to give stuff up. Of course, the people running the programs don't give up anything, including their beachfront mansions.

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There was video footage of HT I watched which looked like a huge explosion occurred just prior. Strange seismic signature prior also, and contrary to what is normally expected apparently. I have no idea but I do remember serious concerns being raised over this abnormal series of events by many scientific observers.

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The blast was as big as 5 nuclear bombs, by many reports in scientific journals.

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Yes HT was equivalent to 100s of atomic bombs it says in scientific journals! And?


Still equivalent to 3 months of co2 emissions which are ongoing: year in year out.

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Sadly for you & your propaganda outlets, I'm onto the Climate Crisis scam. I used to buy in, then I learned. You can hound someone else, because you won't get regression out of me.

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You made me laugh! I am not sad at all. So glad you learned from social media.

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You make me laugh! Glad it's reciprocal. Please keep commenting, it's entertaining, like a Sunday cartoon.

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GOOD assertion!

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The volumes of water and the lack of warning reminds me of the Lynmouth disaster in the 1950's in Devon, UK.

The RAF had been testing cloud seeding on Exmoor at the time and that evening a huge volume of water torn down the valley destroying a large number of properties at the mouth of the river. I think 52 people were killed.

Imagining what 70 years of technological development could do with such ideas is perhaps best explained by the huge area of flooding that resulted in SE Spain.

Valencia is obviously the worst but the area which suffered floods is massive. All the way down to Almeria and across Andalusia. Its hundreds of miles.

For those interested there is plenty of evidence pointing to the 2004 Tsunami and Pakistan earthquakes a few years back being 'man made' - and not by climate change.

That suggests that there is technology out there of which the average person knows little if nothing.

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Nov 1Edited

Somewhere I read - was it from you? - that Spain had done something against something the UN or EU wanted - and there is was: "rain" or as you call it, "mud water" from the sky. It is both like the rage of a small child or a tyrant. Does it signify: we can do way more? Or is it closer to: We are doing this because we are at the edge of losing control and doing all we can to scare you into submission?

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And the people of Appalachia and Florida had the temerity to vote red. Lahaina is primo land for the Uber wealthy. Can’t have filthy low income people owning Maui.

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This is a very important question: what is going on in Spain? There comes one thing to my mind immediately: listen to the latest comments of MP Ione Belarra to the conflict in Israel:


She is The leader of Spain’s left-wing Podemos party and she might be located in Valencia.

And there are more very critical speeches of her to this topic. Just my 2cents…

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They formally declared that they would no longer fund or support sending weapons to Israel about two days before this happened

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It's a nice thought. Thanks.

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While Spain declared three days of mourning, the City of Asheville, North Carolina just notified us that they have helpfully added aluminum to our water supply to "adhere to particulates in the water to help them sink down and thereby help "clear the water". There was no water for two weeks and once it was restored three and a half weeks ago it looked like "Tang", yellowish-green and fizzy. Now with the aluminum it looks greyish green...you wouldn't dare bathe in it. Lovely.

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OMG! Aluminum? It just keeps piling on!

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Yes, and it's not a rumor. We actually got a phone notice directly from the City of Asheville themselves. Really? Someone thought that would be a viable solution...to add a neurotoxin to our drinking/bathing/cooking water? There is a wonderful Turkish saying that we find ourselves repeating more and more often these days. "We long for the intelligent, the idiots are raining down on our heads."

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Oh. My. God.

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It must be weather warfare... IDK of course, and no idea why Valencia. But this is not natural.

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Maybe They (whoever They are, exactly) felt a need to try it in radom places to try to make it look normal. Or maybe Valencia has too many Socialists.

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No it's not natural it's anthropogenic climate change making weather more extreme.

Weather warfare? i think you've all lost your marbles.

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Climate change is a massive psychological operation for control. Like Covid. Doesn't mean we don't need to take care of our planet. They use it as cover for global control.


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It's the other way around- they use 'global control' as a cover for letting fossil fuels and animal ag (pharma's biggest client) continue to profit and pollute actually.

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Horror of horrors! Cow farts... oh, excuse me, cow burps. LMAO

I do hope you are vegetarian. I'm helping by eating the cows.

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You can bet she's not a vegan. In fact, I bet she uses computers (how else can she comment here?) a car, a washer and dryer, items that are imported from China, etc. She's one Campbells tomato soup can away from the loony bin.

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That's funny. I gotta remember that one.

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Brainwashed much?🤦🏼‍♀️

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Yes, you are sweetie x

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I was half way through my reply and your comment disappeared! I'm not dumb- I can speak. I'm not blind- I can see and read science and everything.

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Oooh! You can read SCIENCE. Tell us, is it science, or 'THE SCIENCE' that got so popular in 2020 among your crew?

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First, you are using in all your comments a violent tone that plays against your message.

Second, in your comments you also use slogans. Also not good.

Third, it is humans who make the planet habitable for humans. Nature is tough. Humans create structures to protect themselves from nature. Now humans are destroying structures to destroy human life, as desired by environmentalists, most of whom are anti-human.

Fourth, you sound like Abby Rockefeller.

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All good points!

Except for the one about slogans—they can be very good.

For instance, after all these years, I still "go to work on an egg" and "drinka pinta milka day." But please don't tell that to the vegans.

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maybe spend some time on understanding that altering weather and using it as a weapon is a decades long endeavor. Patents back to 1947.


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Yes, i've seen this rather wide ranging list of patents. And?

If you want to believe this nonsense that weather can be secretly altered and directed knock yourself out.

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Thanks. I hope you knock yourself out in the comfy paradigm that most definitely won't serve you over the coming years.

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Comfy paradigm of rampant climate change- are you mad?

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Yup, just like the paradigm of a pandemic of a non-existent virus.

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The globalist billionaires are so worried about rising sea levels they keep building multimillion $ beach homes! And guess what? The insurance companies keep insuring them! D'you think they might know something we don’t..? 🙃

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I hope you're starving yourself, living on crickets in a cave, or else you are a YUGE hypocrite.

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Why are you here telling people what to believe and getting saucy when people call you out on your b.s.? Just admit you're not equipped mentally and move on.

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To Jo Waller. You are blind and possibly just dumb. I'm tired of listening to people except "experts" or media propaganda (group think) without doing your own discovery. You are simply dumb.

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If you're gonna be a climate alarmist, at least be good at it - she's cartoonish.

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Don’t care to read through two pages of patents then? No excuse for ignorance now. Get off your soapbox and do your homework!

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A brainwashed Al Gore denizen telling use WE'VE lost our marbles. C'est adorable!

All this C02 about, why aren't I dead yet?

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Certainly, weather technology could be at work here. But I have another thought we might consider, though there's no way to confirm: There has been an extraordinary spike in unusual space weather, from very high, rare spikes in solar flares to an unusual lineup of outer planets which puts the Earth in a vulnerable position vis a vis the sun and its gravitational pull. There's a guy on youtube (Adapt 30 maybe his handle?) who for the last year or so has been talking about the possibility of mudfloods (yes, one of those conspiracy phenomena). It's certainly happened in the past. Water emerges from the Earth. Note also the recent extreme and literally climate-changing floods in Morocco and other parts of North Africa this past year. Deserts are greening, recalling their once lush terrain as described in the Bible and many ancient texts. My son is an astrophysicist at NASA. He says, frankly, there is no way to really know. The truth is, we are just humans here and there may be something bigger... bigger even than the bad guys... at work. But keep your eyes peeled. And pray for those poor people. So much suffering in the world today. Pray for All Souls.

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It is David DuByne’s channel Adapt 2030 and Civilisation Cycle. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC-5dIHmtQzHIdNCs7-bEdCA


What struck me the past months/year is that my iPhone’s weather app is consistently and completely wrong. I am based in Switzerland and even our own MeteoSwiss app is similarly consistently and completely wrong (which is not usually associated with anything Swiss). Why is that? It wasn’t always thus. I wonder if they get it totally wrong on purpose or whether they genuinely can not predict weather any longer.

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I thought about the mud flood too. Not sure exactly what to make of all that, but feel there may be something to it.

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Maui has the most sophisticated warning technology known and it wasn’t activated AND they attempted to block people from leaving!

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Is this a man made event to force us into climate change tyranny? I used to think that was far fetched & crazy. Not so sure anymore. Seem to be alot of 100 year events suddenly.

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So now that 100 year events are not just hype- it's not human made climate change- it's a man made event!

Every aspect of climate change, for species extinction, loss of pollinators, ocean dead zones and agricultural failures are going to be blamed on deliberate events until there's no one left to force and no one left to do the forcing. Funny.

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You are dumb. There is not other explanation.

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She probably thinks windmills are good for the environment.

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Thanks, sweetie. Yes, it can only be that your opinion is right and not worth debating.

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Practically the only tool in climate change alarmists' arsenal is projection.

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I think there is a painting in the Louvre that needs tomato soup thrown at it. Get busy climating harder!

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I am blown away at the complete acceptance on the part of millions of people who believe and accept the narrative concerning these “storms”.

People are dumbed down.

Be it in the good or what we are breathing. Oh, Covid shots too.

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What I hear?

In the video, the usual epithets, but more passionate this time. Lots of people hate Sánchez.

Hating evil doers is good.

The most corrupt Government in all history.

In my environment I see indifference and fear. Lots of cognitive dissonance: how could our own party do this to us. Perhaps they are thinking something like that. I don't know. The most favorable to Europe perhaps feel betrayed by Queen Ursula and her evil words.

The media have waged cognitive war against the people once again, by bringing up the public works of the Francoist period. As I thought. Most people always fall for that. Franco, the Straw Man.

It doesn't seem likely that the ecologist dismantling of the dykes and the Spanish industry, over a period of decades since the late 1980s, is the reason why this has happened.

It is verboten to speculate about the weirdness of this event. If it's true that the "weather" is a weapon of the military, then this can happen anywhere, anytime.

The right wing people always fall for all the tricks of the left. The masks, the ventilators, the vaccines, the extortion, the coercion. The right is so afraid of everything that they preemptively submit to every demand of the left.

This is part of the program for the destruction of the Nations. Stay put. Do nothing. How dare you not submit.

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I think if hurricane Hell- ene had not happened then they might could pass this off as a ‘natural’ occurrence. But, as with all tyrants, they overplayed their hand. This is exactly what we think it is.

Wake up folks!! Better vote Tuesday if you want to stop this crazy #$_t

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All the geoengineering and weather modifications going on, whether targeted or not, are messing up natural air streams and moisture in the atmosphere ? And yes, there are natural changes happening, too…not simply what is being called global warming.

I’ve read that whatever is being sprayed over the US can? will? cause weather events in Europe. England just had another spell of heavy rain and flooding and France just had one, too.

“Atmospheric river” is a term i’ve heard recently in reference to unprecedented rains in CA, USA.

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We have had unprecedented rain for several years. And they’re spraying every single day… We did not have one clear night between March and July.

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Before you jump to the conclusion that "they" are controlling the weather, don't forget that the Hunga Tonga under-sea volcano blasted an unimaginable amount of water into the upper atmosphere, which will affect the weather for many years. What goes up, comes down eventually.

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