I'm on the phone with Bobbo. It was two days before the recall that he got the second shot, but the whole medical class was well aware by then. Also, he had "prosthetic valve endocarditis," from the prosthetic valve placed in his heart 3 days after birth. I will continue to report, more details—this was just a first dispatch. There's a lot more to it.

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It's very odd - that this was reported, at all, much less on the front page. It's almost like the Commandment "Thou shalt not - do any truthful Covid Journalism" - has been suddenly lifted.

It seems exceedingly lucky, that distribution for the product, had been banned, for both victims, or I doubt the story would have been told at all. But front page news!?!? If it bleeds it leads is the old adage of news, and no doubt - having sympathetic young victims helps.

The implications are left hanging, out there - for the rest of the Swedes, born before 1991. But will they do the math?

Who gets charged? Individual physicians - who may not have been paying attention, when the message to 'STOP!', went out? Why not indict Bancel and Von Der Leyen, Gates and Fauci? Because it's not being investigated as the intentional Democide, that it should be...

Thanks for finding and following the story - and bringing it to us, Celia.

Perhaps with an "Avian Flu Pandemic" waiting in the wings - it's been determined that some level of Press and State Credibility, must now be re-established - before they proceed with the next OP, and mass poisoning. "Mistakes were made. The Justice system works. Order has been restored...now take your deadly, deadly medicine."

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Yes, but it's not really a mystery. I knew that the major newspapers would call Pontus' mother-in-law, Malin, when Pontus' case started being investigated by the police. So, I asked her specifically to mention Nicholas. Then I was lucky that Linnea Blomberg at Aftonbladet was new and receptive, and that she managed to get the article published without a paywall, as I requested. After that, equally new and receptive journalists from GP and Expressen called me. It's about others writing when the biggest newspaper writes. And the reason the first one wrote was because there were TWO investigations at the same time. The rest is about Nicholas's contribution to the fight against the state's collaboration with big finance for a monopoly on violating us: his story.

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We are all so sorry for your terrible loss, and at the same time grateful for your activism. Maybe this is to be the start of the landslide of truth that Big Media will no longer be able to bury. God bless.

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Thank you ❤️ Yes.

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There are no words for your loss.

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Stay solid and strong. Refuse to comply. Offer to inject the injectors with their own toxic slurry .... Be insistent.

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Buyer beware..I doubt this will really get off the ground except for the gullible and lost.

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I think the newspapers are reporting it in an attempt to save their credibility. They are trying to re-gain the trust of the masses. Too late in my opinion. All trust is lost.

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Forfeited Trust is a good way to put it. Our side ought to pool resources and buy up these failing enterprises at bargain prices and then . . . . Our side has been the one pointing out "the emperor has no clothes." Others in the audience are beginning to acknowledge that and the emperor is now em bare assed.

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off-topic: do the Swedish people know how many problems they were spared by never entering the Euro scheme?

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Roger could you elaborate?

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The countries who joined the Euro had a good economic growth at first. Then came the big crisis. And people learned the hard way that it's a bad idea to let German bankers run your currency. The depressed economies of the Mediterranean have received more damage than benefits from the EU.

I don't know what economic horrors suffered the Scandianvian countries. But it seems to me that they were better positioned to fight the economic poison of the EU because they had their own national currency.

The Swedes have a major immigrant problem, but their economy is better. The Spanish have a growing immigration problem, and a bad economy.

I think a major factor is the currency.

The Swedish people "chose" the right option by not submitting to the Eurpean Central Banksters.

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Yes. I wonder why more nations did not opt out of the Euro.

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Celia -

You mean like....Switzerland??

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And Hungary is being fined millions by the EU for closing their borders to migrants. You lose your national sovereignty by joining the EU apparently...

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They aren't "German" bankers, Agent Roger; they have an entirely different nationality... 🤔

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What...like immigration quotas, Rog?

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Yes. I just attended my cousins funeral last weekend who got glioblastoma after his booster shot of one of the covid injectable products. So. Fun! good times! Looking forward to the next casualty in my family. Am down now visiting my dad who has congestive heart failure after his booster shot.

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Jun 16Edited

My wife's best friend had a mother who got brain cancer (glioblastoma) after her shots and died quickly. My wife's OTHER good friend, had a mother who got a nasty lymphoma and also died quickly after her shots. Our next door neighbor is now a widower because his wife was a teacher, was forced to take the shots, and then got a nasty pneumonia 2 weeks later, and died quickly. The priest at the local parish got the shot early in December, 2020, and died of a massive heart attack on 1/1/2021. Shall I go on? I'M ONE PERSON

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It is truly unbearable. I struggle with extreme numbness.

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Same with me: family, neighbors, friends…I feel they were murdered. All who entered a hospital did not come home.

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They were murdered by protocol.

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"when his son drew his last breath, he was holding his hand, and he felt like a spear went through his heart."

From the Gospel of Saint Luke:

«And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: "Behold, this Child is appointed for the ruin and the resurrection of many in Israel, and as a sign that will be opposed; and a sword will pierce your own soul so that the thoughts from many hearts may be revealed"»

In Latin:

«Et benedixit illis Simeon, et dixit ad Mariam matrem ejus: Ecce positus est hic in ruinam et in resurrectionem multorum in Israel, et in signum cui contradicetur: et tuam ipsius animam pertransibit gladius ut revelentur ex multis cordibus cogitationes.»

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Thank you for reporting.

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Maybe it’s a perverted way to further reinforce “standard of care” laws which protect doctors when doing harmful things to patients, as long as they are within the parameters of what most reasonable doctors would do. Most “reasonable doctors” would not use a recommended treatment before a ban and not use the medication after it’s banned. So what was not “murder” before the ban is “murder” the day after the ban. Therefore all doctors who follow orders and protocols are protected by “standard of care.”

Or maybe it’s a sea change. But probably not. Probably a cynical ploy to channel and control expected outbursts of public rage

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Or, excuse me, manslaughter

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Sadly seems the trump shots are woking well.

Heartbreaking and sad trump backers stand blind.

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It is truly sad that you still don’t see that both political parties are on the same team . Peasants are simply given an illusion of choice.

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Wrong - Biden is a demented fool with no say in anything but his puppet string pullers are knowingly killing people!!! Trump was led to believe that “warp speed” (named by Faucci btw - not Trump) was the saviour of the people. With ZERO medical knowledge, how could Trump possibly know the cabal was using him as their mouthpiece for their “safe and effective” genocide???

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Re how could Trump know? The same way I did. And many, many like me.

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Yes, why would we want a president who is LESS informed than we are? And weaker? I at least fought back.

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Trump wandered into the same mistake Reagan did In April of 1984, with HIV. At that time, the blood supply was considered at risk for a lot of contaminates. It was an election year, and Reagan wanted to clean up blood donations, and do something that would slow what he was told was HIV blood contamination. HHS and Reagan allocated 2 million dollars for the task. That amount has now exceeded 36 Billion per year, and funded worthless and toxic drugs. and maniac quacks like Fauci.

People like Dr. Scott Atlas, and RFK Jr, and even Dr, Zev Zelenko tried to warn Trump.

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Lol, say anything to save hero trump. Good grief the Trump cult followers are blind.

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So you would rather go with the woke left run by the cabal whose sole agenda is fraud, vote rigging, changing children’s gender, transhumanism, slavery, social credit score, 15 minute cities, mass genocide as in depopulation etc etc!!! Yes a vote against trump should work out very well for you???

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Why is it that the pink-pilled always assume that if you don't like Trump, you must like Biden?

Personally, I can't stand either one of the llluminati scum.

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The simple maths is to not vote right means you are voting left or not at all, which = the same outcome!

BTW I am not pink red or blue pilled!

I do assiduous research on every single topic and make a conclusion based on verifiable facts and genuine medical research - not that foregone conclusion / paid by big pharma research, whose ONLY outcome is to promote big pharma no matter how many lives are lost!

To me, the fate of humanity’s hands is in the next president of the free world. The western world stands on the brink of man made apocalyptic destruction, so who you vote for next time around does NOT COME DOWN TO WHO YOU “. L. I. K. E. “!!!

In fact our best chance might be neither - but RFK!!

Humanity deserves a vote for someone who is going to try and stop this destruction of all living things - NOT a vote for more of the same x 10 ensuring the end of life on planet earth. Think about it long and hard before you vote your children and grandchildren out of existence!!!

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Neither Mr. Awful nor Mr. Terrible. If asked whether you pefer to be shot or hanged, the proper answer is a definitive NO!

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trump is for agenda 2030.

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There will be others running and there is still 4.5 months until November.

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And they'll all be playing for the same team.

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Hindsight is 20/20

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"Hindsight is 20/20"

Sadly, only for those who are not paying attention. (see above)

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Good grief, never ever trumps fault. The defending of cult leader trump is disgusting.

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No votes for Mr. Awful or Mr. Terrible!

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It really is that easy to see this and yet people fight amongst themselves.

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Lol, wrong I see what is going on. Have been affiliated

With any political party for years. Seems you think you know more than what you really do.

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Lol, copy, djt fully innocent🙄

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They are all guilty. Both sides are.

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STOP blaming this on Trump. His medical advisers told him these vaccines were safe and effective. He was the president of the USA - NOT THE BLOODY SURGEON GENERAL - AND HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO TRUST HIS MEDICAL ADVISERS. Trump never claimed to be a doctor or understand science, however his chief medical adviser Faucci did!!! He is the biggest snake in the grass since one told Eve to eat the forbidden fruit!

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I got no dog in this political fight, but Trump still stands by and defends and is proud of Operation Warp Speed.

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Agreed. Trump still won't acknowledge that these injections are killing millions. For this reason, I want nothing to do with him or his "advisors". He's a sick man, who is very much a part of this problem.

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Agree. IMHO, there is no one to "vote" for - if votes even count in most elections now, which I doubt.

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Why not vote for RFK. The only way this evil vaccine machine will be exposed is through RFK!!!!!

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I can't stand him & think he's a major elitist scumbag creep. That's why.

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That’s Trump ego..which he should apologize and admit WARP Speed was a mistake.

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How stupid is Trump?

There NEVER was a virus.

So either Trump is the stupidest president we've ever had, and that includes Bush Jr!

Or...Donald Trump, the llluminati prince and 'Herald Of The New World 0rder' did exactly that, and initiated the NW0 Agenda 21, the systematic depopulation of the Earth, which Donald "I Am The Father Of The Vaxxines" Trump initiated in, oh wow,,,,2021.

Just as planned.

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"Oh and you knew all of it was BS from day 1 eight? Sure."

About the vaxxine Patti?

We knew since 2009 that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, because Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told the entire Conspiracy Community that the EviI were creating a genocidal vaxxine for the "Great Culling".

Not a genocidal virus, a genocidal VAXXINE.



Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.



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Agree. This is not a political issue in terms of it being the fault of one party or another . This is global ...

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Trump needs to verbally come out and curse these warp speed vaccines but he never will. He played a part for sure so stop defending him. It’s not all his fault of course as many many many played a part in this planned murder of millions! All need to be held accountable! Trump is STILL supporting the beautiful vaccines which means he is a participant in murder right along with all the doctors and nurses and any health care professionals etc. who continue to promote people taking these shots! So sick of everyone giving Trump a free pass in this genocide!!

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Before the 2020 election both Biden and Trump proclaimed that here would be no Covid shot mandates. After he promoted the the use of inexpensive therapeutic treatments, I believed Trump and thus voted for him (the only reason). Biden proved he was untrustworthy when he forced the jab upon millions who wanted no part in it.

While Trump doesn’t get a free pass for his part, I don’t think he’s saying everything he knows about this whole scenario and his continued support of these poisonous products. I hope if he gets elected again, we’ll all find out what he knew and why he refrained from saying or doing anything.

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Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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"BLOODY SURGEON GENERAL" good phrase--so appropriate. Public serpents! "biggest snake in the grass "

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General - as in military.

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Lol, never trump at fault. What a joke wake up trump is a treason its fool.

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Uh huh, would you rather have crooked Joe?

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I believe I'd rather have a Kennedy who will speak with people who disagree with some of his stances and will change his stance if convinced otherwise..

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Replying to your question

Kennedy was interviewed on Jimmy Dore show. Surprised Jimmy, and many of us, with his views and opinions about Israel. He questioned Max Blumenthal's reporting.

Jimmy asked Kennedy if he would be willing to speak to Max Blumenthal from Grey Zone, as Max has written about the Palestine situation for many years.

Kennedy said "yes" he would.

Blumenthal reached out to Kennedy's people to set that up. Big NO from Kennedy's people.

Blumenthal then went on Dore's show to go over the Kennedy interview. During the interview Kennedy texts Dore to say that he will speak with Blumenthal (on air)

We're still waiting.

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I'm still waiting for him to speak to Max Blumenthal, which he said he would do, twice, last August.

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So, let me see if I have this correct, as I have not been following either's view on Gaza.

My bet is that Blumenthal is calling Gaza a genocide, as is my position. My bet is that Kennedy is pro-Israel, which I really detest. I'd also like to hear Kennedy talk with Max.

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That pretty much sums it up.

I am grateful to have started listening to Kennedy in April 2020, and to have joined Children's Health Defense. I learned a great deal from him.

But I was aghast at the Dore interview (which you can watch on youtube I believe), as were many others I believe.

I no longer support his candidacy. And I miss him on CHD.

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Then who are you thinking of voting forl? Trump is an out and out Zionist. Biden is compost. Who else but Kennedy has a chance? I'll listen to the Dore interview and see where that goes. I'm hoping that Kennedy isn't a Zionist...just utterly clueless about the Israeli government.

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Better research the Silicon Valley billionaire he picked as his running mate, as well. Kennedy is 70. What is with hiring retiree-aged people for the toughest job in the country?

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Obviously you are not 70.

I am. And I am in a much better state of mind to handle life than I was at 30, 40, 50 or 60.

With age, hopefully, comes wisdom.

And if you pay attention to your diet, exercise regularly, get outdoors, keep abreast of the big world around you, then you are quite capable of handling the toughest job in the world.

Although, let's sadly face it, the Presidency of the United States of America seems to be controlled since November 22, 1963.

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I'd rather have none of the billionaire elites who bought their way into the running.

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Now do Biden!

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Good grief the trump cult clan refuses to acknowledge hero trump has done anything wrong. The cult leader trump has some bizarre spell on his devoted followers.

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Trump was lied too by Fauci and crew, Trump is not medical, he did not mandate nor did he want to lockdown, he thought he was helping people, he relied on the experts.

Then we have good old Joe Biden who mandated and cost people their life or their job..lockdowns,mask..what a good old Hitler.

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Keep drinking the trump kool-aide and be-sure to never open your eyes to the conman trump is. Americans really have become so gullible.

Did you forget trump gave fauci and birx medals on his last day in office. The extreme of what the trump worshippers will go to for their god is pretty amazing.

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Have you noticed that most people are still social distancing themselves at supermarket express checkout lanes and while waiting to pay at cafes and gas stations? Some are standing three meters from the person in front. Annoying when waiting to purchase an item or two in a supermarket and the queue stretches halfway through the store. You feel like screaming COVID IS OVER YOU DUMMIES but I think you'd receive strange looks and maybe some guys with a stretchers and a straightjacket might show up. No thanks.

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Jun 16Edited

How about the one's still driving around in their cars ALL BY THEMSELVES with masks on!!! Probably just waiting for the next booster to come on the market!

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it's very sad -- and alarming -- how bamboozled people are.

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"It is either a sea change or a control Op, on the part of Swedish mass media"? Guaranteed, it is the latter. 🤔

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I knew that the major newspapers would call Pontus' mother-in-law, Malin, when Pontus' case started being investigated by the police. So, I asked her specifically to mention Nicholas. Then I was lucky that Linnea Blomberg at Aftonbladet was new and receptive, and that she managed to get the article published without a paywall, as I requested. After that, equally new and receptive journalists from GP and Expressen called me. It's about others writing when the biggest newspaper writes. And the reason the first one wrote was because there were TWO investigations at the same time. The rest is about Nicholas's contribution to the fight against the state's collaboration with big finance for a monopoly on violating us: his story.

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Dear Bobbo:

"Oceania was at war with East Asia. Oceania had always been at war with East Asia."

– George Orwell "Nineteen Eighty-Four"

I have some idea of the pain you're in. I'm the last member of my family, my brother Paul died in 1995 age 43 courtesy of the compassion of Dr. Fraudci and AZT; my twin sister Laurel of colon cancer at 52 "out of the blue" in 2011; she had done everything right, ate healthy, exercised regularly... I now understand the cancer was likely due to either childhood vaccinations (she grew up with moderate to severe eczema and a raft of allergies) or from the Gardasil vaccine which I recall she took in her 20s.

(My older sister also passed at 64 of Colin Cancer in 2013.. she pretty much smoked and drank herself to death, but that's another story...🙄)

Since the Covid Scamdemic got seriously underway in 2020 I re-read Wade Frazier's "The Medical Racket" (https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm) but also Robert F. Kenney Jr.s "The Real Anthony Fauci", "Turtles All the Way Down" (Anonymous and understandably why), "Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality" (Harris L Coulter), watched Del Bigtree's "Vaxxed, From Coverup to Catastrophe" (https://rumble.com/v31uqs6-vaxxed-from-coverup-to-catastrophe-conspiracy-culture.html) and Eleanor McBean's "The Poisoned Needle" (http://www.whale.to/a/mcbean.html): Seems American doctors in the 1920s were noticing a causal link between cancer in their adult patients – and Childhood Vaccination...

But that's just the history of conventional vaccination. The mRNA vaccines are not vaccines, but experimental genetic chemotherapy agents, and the individuals responsible have no excuse for the crime they have committed: In all experiments with mRNA technology since its inception in the early 1990s, the test animals ALL DIED. But they were inflicted on an unsuspecting public after the bogus terror campaign of "Covid-19" (in 4 years of unrelenting horseshit I am aware of not ONE case amongst anyone I know, of "Covid-19", and certainly not any deaths) after 8 months of "development" during which all safety protocols were suspended, they are not approved, they are certainly not licensed: They only had an Emergency Use Authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration and comparable agencies in other countries – Health Canada in my country for example – simply adopted that authorization without doing any further testing of any kind...

Thus it is not much of an intuitive leap to understand that we are all the victims of a deliberate "Crime against Humanity" perpetrated by our demonic Elites, the goal of which is a massive population reduction. 6.5 BILLION people on Earth have taken at least one dose of The Lethal Injections; given the consequences of the experiments I've mentioned it should be axiomatically obvious that they will eventually all die as a result. Delores Cahill PhD of Ireland gives them 3-5 years, Charles Hoff MD here in British Columbia gives them 2-3 years.. or like Tiffany Dover, they could die, on television, within minutes...

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Capt. Roy Harkness

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I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t think it’s possible to go without medication after a liver transplant? Usually one needs immune-suppressant drugs for life after a transplant to avoid rejection. I thought so, anyway.

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I listened to interviews with Bobbo and that is what he said. Nicholas always got through things easily.

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Jun 15
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I will.

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I think it is irrelevant- it was the vaccine that killed him and it won on a legal issue. That is that the vaccine had been OFFICIALLY BANNED for Nicholas’s age group, due to a now proven, possible side effect of myo and peri carditis AND DEATH!!! It was, at the very least, manslaughter to administer to that age group after it had been withdrawn. Personally I would label it PRE-MEDITATED MURDER, not manslaughter!!!

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Murder for those planning about it knowingly, and likely manslaughter for those too compartmentalized to be "in on it."

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Jun 16
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Well, I've watched perhaps 10 home videos of Nicholas, and his very similar looking brother, and listened to interviews with his father.

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The no-immunosupression following transplant was a red flag for me too.

Interestingly one of Australia's biggest scamdemic-promoting and excess deaths-denying news sources, has this week also done an abrupt about face, leading one SS to state "I think we've entered a new phase of the op".

If, as Celia says, Nicholas has a very similar-looking brother, it begs the question does "Nicholas" even exist at all?

Are we about to see a slew of faux legal cases to convince the Public that justice and compensation are going on, while in the background legitimate, real injury and death cases will be denied on a technicality?

Something's up.

The media doesn't just suddenly reverse course and become 'open & transparent' on something they've spent 4 years ruthlessly and vehemently denying.

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Nicholas was one of five liver-transplanted children in Sweden who did not need immunosuppressive medication.

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So very sorry for your indescribable loss. I know you will keep fighting for Nicholas and I pray for peace and strength to move you forward. ❤️

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Thank you❤️

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Yes sorry for your loss!!!

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I sent proof in a medical journal to Cecilia a couple of minutes ago. Nicholas was one of five liver-transplanted children in Sweden who did not need immunosuppressive medication.

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That unfortunate little boy was untypical of the, over all, very healthy young people of different ages who are dropping dead from the poisoning. The public response might be “ah but he had a complicated medical history, he’s not typical”, thus distracting from the general reality.

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The worst part of all this is the pushers of the euthanasia shot, the heads of Moderna, Pfizer, and the WHO were ALL caught on camera admitting that they did NOT take it. The cherry on top was Fauci who claimed he took the shot, yet a former employee refuted him when he revealed that Fauci was asked by another employee if he took the jab. After unleashing a mouthful of expletives he said "I am far too important for that." They all KNEW what was in the shots. No mystery here!

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I can't believe that these crooked doctors blamed it on bacterial caused myocarditis when it's clearly due to the vaccine, not bacteria!

Years before covid, before "spike protein", the lipids were found to be toxic and spread around the body.... Why did they go with multiple dose shots? Why are people falling for the spike protein while ignoring the real issue?

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


And here is the study that saw myocarditis in previous applications not using mRNA.

"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."


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”Nicholas wound up getting a “bacterial prosthetic endocarditis.” With the assistance of an MD, Björn Hammarskjöld, Sundgren was able to put a case file together that led to the opening of an “involuntary manslaughter” investigation, by a medical prosecutor in his home city of Gothenburg. The first time he filed it, it was rejected, but when he was able to update the medical evaluation, she changed her mind.

Hammarskjöld and Sundgren have found a study from Yale University that connects specific cytokines with the heart inflammation induced by mRNA vaccines. There are also studies that show that those specific cytokines pave the way for the very bacteria that attacked Nicholas heart—staphylococcus aureus.

The cytokines create small holes in the walls of the arteries that bacteria can enter the bloodstream through. They can also create attachment points for these deadly bacteria.”

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If the lipids were known to be toxic way before covid and mRNA was used with it (it was a gene therapy before), why are they blaming bacteria and not the simple fact that the lipids were toxic?

Here's an analogous story.

Dr Brian Hooker's son got severely autistic after the MMR shot, which contains mercury.

The doctors, including Dr Hooker said it was because his son got a measles infection of the intestines which screwed up his digestion etc.

Why not the mercury being toxic? (Like the lipids are in the covid shots)

That's like saying that polio was caused by a virus , not DDT and arsenic based pesticides.

Myocarditis could be directly caused by the lipids clogging up circulation, especially to the heart, where damage ensues and they think it's the bacteria causing it somehow.

I'm just saying that if someone took a known toxic shot and later died of some infection causing heart damage, was it the infection that caused it or the toxic shit injected?

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Nicholas contracted bacteria in his blood and heart, as confirmed at the hospital. Dr. Hammarskjöld and I believe it is due to an undetected inflammation caused by Moderna's COVID vaccine. Myocarditis after the mRNA vaccines against COVID is not caused by the lipid particles. It is caused by the immune system's response to the spike protein that the mRNA molecules, embedded in lipid particles, have caused cells to express.

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"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."




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as for bloodclots, there are 36 sorts of snakevenoms in the vaccines, and in all drinking water on the planet. i dont see anyone talking about it anymore though. together with the self-assembling graphene nanochip, it gathers intel on your bodys state, then sends instructions on how the snake venom should attack you at your weakest spot, with help from the immortal hydra.


see page 30-40, 1300 illnesses caused by the vaccines. what pfizer wanted to withhold for 75 years. but its just "of special interest", in truth, the vaccine can cause any disease on the planet, and it will seem like it was "natural causes". it ruined my back, for example, but id had surgery on it 7 years prior.

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The doctors were paid for giving the shots. The greater the percentage of their patients took the mRNA death jabs, the higher the payout. Do you understand now?

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Jun 16
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The lipids are toxic. This is why the shots injured people.

The spike protein and blaming bacteria are ways of them distracting from the lipids clogging up shit.

If the shots have a known risk of myocarditis, why are they blaming bacterial myocarditis?

Even though they're doing this, it's obvious to people that the shots are the cause.

It's just funny to see the media tell the half truth 😂

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