Smells like vitamin BS from here. If increasing your B1 had any noticeable effect, that strongly suggests your diet overall is crap. So eat right according to your species, don't dose yourself with food components like they were drugs. Two more angles would be (1) the harmless placebo angle, which allows you to crank the dose way up with no real risk. Don't try that with the fat soluble 'mins. And (2) the red-flag word "protocols" in this setting, which is a cheap and cheesy way to make it sound like serious science. So dear friends, leave the plastic bottles on the shelves and head down to the meat department. I like the boneless chuck roast protocols, myself.

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Lol … I started getting a glimmer into manufacturing of most vitamins and found (including I might add Dr Morecola and even those recommended by my chiropractor) most ingredients are purchased through an international hub and the majority appear to come from China whose toilet paper I wouldn’t wipe my behind with. A local company here in New England was selling a brand that got high marks from my anti vaxx buddies and it turned out the company was sold to the former head of the DOJ (no joke) So I stopped trying to figure out the hype and stopped all supplements. I rely when necessary on herbal tinctures made by people I know and eating the cleanest and most nourishing foods, whether it’s local vegetables or fruits or breads or meats. Im nearly 80 and have no ailments that plague most people I know. 💕

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Plant medicine! I am moving towards this learning as much as I possibly can. I can grow Yarrow/Red Clover/Calendula/Burdock/Mullein ect and learn to make tinctures/salves/teas....cannot grow supplements. My concern is what if we become reliant on anything manufactured, then all of sudden, it stops? A terrifying thought I've had is with all of the addictions out there from alcohol/supplements/opioids/cannabis and ALL the pharma drugs people are on, what if that just stopped! That would be our apocalypse

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Maybe it would be our saving grace…

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Lisa if all Big Pharma drug-poisons went away... it would be Heavenly... not apocalyptic..

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Caffeine, alcohol and sugar are dangerous poisons, I’ve discovered. I visit my local butcher and farmer’s market; grow as much as I can and have built an apothecary with great grannies old time recipes.

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For BP that's high anyone? Particularly the lower number? The upper can be moved the lower if fixed

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I did the same for 12 years. It worked beautifully until it did not. I included organ meats. Otherwise I probably could have gone 4 more years before my liver overflowed with copper, vitamin A (not a vitamin) and B6. After I worked with Garrett Smith - nutritiondetective.com - for 6 months, my symptoms massively improved. Now, 14 months on, I take 95% less supplements. Going to zero supplements fast.

BTW it is not a drug like effect. Beyond resupplying a massively deficient nutrient it is directly a drug effect. Unfortunately, B1 deficiency is rampant because it is depleted in foods but more because our livers use it up frantically to bind toxins into safe packages in our bile. As long as we take in vitamin A (not a vitamin) and copper, we will be low on thiamine.

Also the B1 that is normally produced in the gut microbiome, is not produced by the carnivore fed microbiome because the bifido bacteria die off while carnivore.

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Your reaction to the thiamine video reminds me of when I was a young RN learning about disease. I believed I had every illness ranging from brain tumors to renal cancer. I believed these crazy thoughts because I knew very little about disease. However, my tiny bit of knowledge led me to think I was now an expert.

Giving blanket statements tells me you aren’t well versed in details about nutrition & vitamins. Educational videos about nutrition aren’t meant to convince each person that they need high doses of any particular vitamin. The video made it very clear that certain conditions may improve if given access to more vitamin B1. Also, to your point about the potential to overdose of fat soluble vitamins, Eliot Overton made it clear that thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin.

Vitamin details are very important. Most people know very little about basic nutrition, and they, like you (and most physicians- I’m married to one, so I know) believe “you don’t need vitamins if you have a balanced diet.” That gets the doctor off the hook since he has no clue about nutrition or its importance.

Anyone smart enough to follow this Substack should know that the videos posted by Celia & others are educational & not edicts on how we should conduct our lives.

Celia was simply giving us access to information about thiamine. I appreciate it and hope she continues to enlighten us with information she finds interesting & valuable.

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The overwhelming quantity and variety of often contradictory offerings seems to me to be a barrier to truth et la vérité

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Walden, here's something from someone on the internet who doesn't share your rather damning assessment of vitamin supplementation:

How does Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) feel?

Thiamine is water-soluble, and has been shown to improve glutamate, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurological transmissions.

If you are perfectly healthy and don’t have a thiamine deficiency, you’ll likely not feel anything after supplementing with thiamine.

But I’ve come across study after study, and reports on forums, where lab tests showed thiamine and thiamine pyrophosphate within range. And yet people were dealing with “mild thiamine deficiency”. The problem is “mild thiamine deficiency” can turn your world upside down.

If you are hypothyroid or dealing with Hashimoto’s there is a very good chance you would benefit from thiamine supplementation. Same with diabetes, fibromyalgia and inflammatory bowel disease.

Neurohackers report that supplementing with thiamine is an effective mosquito repellent.

Many report thiamine supplementation boosts attention, energy, and motivation. A reduction in brain fog and increased mental clarity with less anxiety.

Those dealing with fibromyalgia and nerve pain report a significant decrease in pain levels.


I would also note that the average American's diet is crap.

I did a Yandex search of The average American diet" and the first few hits included:

"The Standard American Diet (SAD) is characterized by a macronutrient composition of 50% carbohydrates, 15% protein, and 35% fat. The primary pitfalls of the American diet are excessive sodium intake and inadequate consumption of nutritious foods. Nutrients or food components most closely linked to health risks that affect the most Americans include excessive calories, saturated fats, trans fats, and added sugars, as well as inadequate amounts of sodium, vitamin D, calcium, potassium, and fiber."

"The average American diet consists of a high consumption of processed foods, sugar, and saturated fats, and a low consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, causing your insulin levels to go over the moon."

"The average American diet consists of excessive sugar, saturated fats, processed meats, and little to no fresh vegetables and whole grains."

"What is the average American diet? ... the average American eats a whopping 1,996 pounds of food (approximately one ton) each year."

I can't quite believe that last one. It's more than double what I get through, and I weigh over 170 lbs.

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YES....My Doctor told me the same about B1, thiamine, for mosquito repellent

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You’re right about the SAD. Before taking random supplements, one must assess one’s current diet. If you’re eating beef organs, you probably don’t need to supplement with B1. Look elsewhere for solutions to the standard complaints of fatigue, body pain, brain fog, etc.

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I wish I would have read your comments before writing mine.

The type of off-the-cuff comments made by Walden Matthews are commonly made by people who have preset biases. I suspect he’s read that all nutritional needs are met by eating beef. Although beef is very nutritious, it’s not the full story. What did the cow consume over her lifetime? Did she consume food (grasses) replete with B vitamins? After all we are eating what the cow ate.

The devil is always in the details but I find people rarely have the initiative to search for them.

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Hashimotos thyroid, diabetes, fibromyalgia, IBD -what do they have in common? A few things, but primarily, all are expressions of mitochondrial dysfunction.😉

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And in the details of the discussion, it was mentioned that B1 is required for the mitochondria to work properly.

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Tim, many thanks for the multifaceted tutorial.

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There is a background problem to all this. Consider these diseases of beri beri and Korsakoff dementia and pellagra and scurvy, diseases of deficiency according to the textbooks: they are all associated with historical horrors, such as slavery, convicts, and mad people who received in some cases worse treatment than slaves and prisoners.

They never had a "choice" to go buy more meat.

They invented a halfway solution: wheat germ extract. That was the start of the age of vitamins. It was easier for doctors to tell the State to give vitamins to prisoners and to the poor, than telling the State to make sure to give them fresh meat.

Today, people who should have no problem in getting good quality meat, end up with diseases like slaves of centuries past, because they become obsessed with ecologism. The rich and middle class must starve themselves with raw vegan diets and create severe deficiencies, because they must save the planet from capitalism.

Ideology is what creates disease. In some cases, between ideology and disease we find deficiencies, in other cases psychological torture, in other cases poisoning. But there's always an antihuman ideology nearby.

Modern ideology: socialized healthcare. The working class needs to be able to receive the same medical agressions as the rich do: cancer screening, the latest fad drug for heart disease, or the bullshit of genetic therapies.

I think megadosing of vitamins, as weird as they are, are still better than communism.

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With bill Gates poisoning most conventional food in America with his mRNA vaccine now and the enormous number of pesticides herbicides fungicides etc already used in their production.. I hope you're eating organic meat, ideally Grassfed organic meat because you can bet your life that the conventional grains they're feeding cattle are highly contaminated...

I would at least get my Glyphosate levels checked.. If you've got the money.. Ideally you'd want a lab that could do a full metabolic panel, complete bloodwork, heavy metal test, there are several other tests required to get the really big picture...

Yes it's a pain in the ass but might save your life?

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Buy a freezer chest and fill it with a side of beef!

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As much as I enjoy reading the humorous anecdotes of jaded skeptics, after the laugh it's back to humble pie for me.

Some days I've read so much on nutrition in a marathon sitting that it drives me to dyslexia. By the time I realize I should have quit attempting to absorb all those pages an hour sooner, I'm steeped in mistrust over conflicting reports on nutrition, vitamins and their origins, ready to walk away from it all. And watching a 2+ hour video at the end of a physical farm like setting workday is a guaranteed recipe for slumberland.

I'm fortunate to after decades of yearning to live on arable land. My faith that food grown in microbial rich soil as a means to avert many malnutrition related deficiencies such as mitochondrial starvation finds me more recently relenting considerably on "vitamins" intake. And yet I'm haunted by my inability to give guidance to those in my life especially with neurological conditions (I'll be referencing Elliot and personally dosing too. Thank you, Celia).

My advice to others to likewise cultivate, I realize because of constraints, may be synonymous with if pigs could fly.

If only we all were positioned to heed the wisdom of agronomist, the late Charles Walters and other sages, contending that as goes the quality of the soil, so go the civilizations that feed upon those crops.

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Reading all the opinions, I believe every person has to choose for themselves. We all have some common and some unique nutritional needs. There isn't a one size fits all for diet or supplementation. I have experimented with food supplements all my adult life and for me I found the right combination of vit/min's to complement my diet.

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I would not like to be without my Thiamine AND Benfothiamine regimen -- along with highdose B3( Niacin) and B-complex. That being said, this will not help our central problem, which, of course, is enlightenment. ,🙂

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understandingB6toxicity.com has some eye opening ideas on B6. I found B complex supplements to be a bad idea. Nicotinic acid is wonderful. Non-flush niacin and other forms of B3 that are not nicotinic acid make everything much worse. I did great with B1. Needed it for 5 months. I pulse it occasionally now. Worth learning all we can from @nutridetect on twitter.

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I've discontinued all synthetic vitamins since reading "Agent 131711" s investigations into the manufacturing of them. Below is a link to his latest, but I suggest that everyone check out his previous investigations especially the one on Vitamin D. The profit margin is huge and the toxic raw materials source from India and come in vats and big plastic bags with health warning symbols stamped all over them. I'm actually incensed that "freedom movement" doctors pushed this stuff so aggressively.


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I'd be suspicious of these reports of the toxicity of supplements. Yes, it may be true, but it might also be a psych-op to turn people away from being healthy.

It may be a way to attack the freedom movement.

I think as these accusations fly we might expect a reply from people who know what they're talking about.

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Check out Agent 131711’s reports. He includes photos of the vats and bags the “vitamin” powder comes in from India.

I always doubted the synthetic vitamins and only took those made with foods (vegetables, etc) which are more expensive. But during the plandemic, the relentless promotion, especially of vitamin D, from “Freedom” sources caused me to let down my guard. Big mistake.

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I’d hold off judgement until I hear some rebuttals to131711

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Any idea why it was pushed by the freedom movement docs???

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Perhaps because it seems to work in clinical settings? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxMEYtKYdZM

I found Dr. Seheult quite convincing; others did, too. https://insideucr.ucr.edu/awards/2022/07/06/bahrain-rewards-clinical-professor-medal-covid-19-policy

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Ditto! Ditto! Ditto!

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BTW, B1 in bulk powder is WAYYY cheaper and higher quality than what you can buy in capsules / tablets. Same is true with nicotinic acid. I want to hear what Elliot thinks once he groks nicotinic acid.

FWIW, nicotinic acid (NA) was the key to Bill Wilson's early successes with addiction. He worked with Abram Hoffer to bring NA into the AA program until Rockefeller infiltrated AA and forced Wilson out..

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Rockefeller infiltrated AA and forced Wilson out.?

First I've heard of that.

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Anyone seeing an explosion of the brand "now" on the shelves in organic stores? I looked up the owner and it was a hedge fund that also owned fast food restaurants. Tried to get my old castor oil brand in the brown glass bottle (because it is the way it should be stored), but the store only has "now" brand in plastic, clear bottle. I tried to tell the owner but she said they struggle getting lots of things. Educating ourselves is important but there is a huge connection to our body spiritually that they wanted you disconnected from. Instinct is also an important tool. Hear the doctors you trust but in the end be your own healer.

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You are correct on the packaging of castor oil; the same would apply to colloidal silver, by the way. NOW is probably strong on marketing (and profit margins for the retailer). Why not try buying exactly what you want elsewhere?

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My son in law asked me once " what did people do 100 years ago when there was no Vitamin C "? He was referring to me taking C medicinally for almost all sickness. To which I answered " They died"

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I listen to a DO everyday here in Florida. Dr. Becker. He explained how fruits were eaten to compensate for Vitamin C.

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Solenium was cure for me

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Selenium is frequently depleted along with molybdenum, magnesium, potassium and zinc as the liver overworks to protect us from and detox vitamin A (not a vitamin) and copper. Please check out Garrett Smith on youtube and at twitter @nutridetect

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cure from what, if you don't mind sharing. Farmers used to do a "selenium wash" as a last ditch effort.. it often worked.

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I just found his channel about two weeks ago...I am starting my mom on Benfotiamine. for fibro....

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Mar 16
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Are you a rat?!

"All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose determines that a thing is not poison."

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EXACTLY. Have you looked at Grant Genereux ggenereux.blog or Garrett Smith on Twitter @nutridetect yet? You are going to love these. Hope to see you there soon.

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Then I hope none of you is on warfarin.

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Sounds like symptoms of the JAB. My Brother had a lot of these. He took the JAB not by his choice.

His son insisted or he couldn't see his grandson. He died suddenly in his sleep while taking a nap in the afternoon. Age 65. RIP Brother + Was high doses of thiamin pumped into the JAB, too?

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Does your nephew know that he murdered his dad (your brother)? I hope to hell he knows what killed him.

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Right. This is what I'm saying. I don't think my Nephew even thinks that it was the

COVID JAB that did him in. He had some health problems, but nothing major. We

believe the JAB took hold of is weak immune system and did a number on him.

He told his co-worker about his symptoms. She was having to lift boxes for him.

He was out of breath. We believe he had neuropathy, too. He never told me

anything other than when he got the JAB at Walgreens. We live 5 hours away.

I hadn't seen him in 3 years. Not, because we were mad. It was because of my

nephew and his witch of a wife. We got into an argument over COVID and not

being able to see their son. They were JABBED too and booster. Her mother was

an insulin diabetic. She was diagnosed with an aggressive form of pancreatic

cancer. She was diagnosed in June of 2022 and died December 2022. We believe

that she took the JAB and booster also. I told them both this when they called

and told me my Brother passed away. They never said a word. Thanks

so much for asking. Take Care :-) I hope you are safe in Canada. +

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"They never said a word."

That alone speaks volumes. They know. (now).

God bless.

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You know....You are right. Thank U....GOD BLESS YOU, Too +

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Been watching Elliot for years

He’s very focused on B1 and everything you wanted to know about Oxalates

Lots to learn from him.

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Also check out niacinamide... Another b vitamin that helps metabolism which helps elimination of toxins.


Another help is "benadryl" diphenhydramine 25 or 50 mg a day.

This helps longevity by mitigating serotonin.


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my keto guru Dr Berg on youtube recommends benfotiamine, the more easily assimilable version of B1.

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Thank you Celia. First hand experience. B1 for 5 months helped hugely. Thiamine is easily depleted in the liver's effort to detoxify toxins (aldehydes, alcohol, copper, vitamin A,....) Thiamine is also incredibly safe and difficult to overdose. Garrett Smith advised and guided me with it back in 2022. Invaluable first step in my recovery. He is doing better with nicotinic acid now

As ever, I ask you to study @nutridetect threads on twitter. I suffered hard after 12 years paleo/keto (with a little carnivore mixed in). My biggest error was eating organ meats and eggs. Garrett Smith is a genius helping a growing number of us to recover and restore our liver function. Kelsey Kenney @niasource on twitter is similarly a genius bringing insights into nicotinic acid. I hope I see you soon on Garrett's website nutritiondetective.com. He also does a livestream on youtube every Tuesday at noon CST.

Thank you and please keep on.

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Without individual assessment, it is hard to establish which food heals you and which ails you. I have started seeing a homeopathic nutritionist to adjust my diet as per current status every couple of months. There are visible results.

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Garrett does individual assessment. Every client has access to that assessment. Every client has access to a growing group of us on the network who trade experience as we are here. Many people are months and years ahead of you with your same issues. It is an invaluable resource the same way Celia is here. Only more so.

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We're I to get my B-1 through my medicare plan, I'd be funding the sorts of actors discussed by Chris Hedges and Gretchen Morgenson concerning her book about "These are the Plunderers," the Stephen Schwarzmans of the lop-sided American economy who sought privatization of our public assets to extract the money value, in a process still ongoing in a psychopathic way, persuading to a set of ethoses and practices which must alienate the career-bound from their warm center. Check the Chris Hedges report for March 1 , on The Real News Network.

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Not everyone has a B1 deficiency, but for those that do there is another option and that is taking the dimer of B1 called sulbutiamine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7210561

B1 is water soluble but Sulbutiamine is fat soluble and can allow high levels of B1 to be absorbed by the brain. Here is an excellent article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7210561/

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