Alex Berenson is rarely accused of being controlled opposition. Why is that? He is all for about 70% of the narrative, including "the virus." The way he came at Malone on that show just struck me a kind of weird.
Right, that blind-siding attack on Malone came out of the blue and was totally unjustified. Worse, Alex slammed ivermectin and parroted BigPharma talking points against this existential threat to their all-in-one final solution. Then he doubled-down on these bad takes in his response to the Daily Beast while simultaneously ignoring the thousands of requests from his subscribers to address their concerns.
Alex is all about Alex. He shares useful data and gets the inside scoop on some stories, but he has major blind spots and his apparent desire to reclaim his spotlight in the mainstream prevents him from seeing grave threats like democide and tyranny.
In my humble opinion, anyone who trash talks Ivermectin after knowing how valuable it's been for Dr Pierre Jory and Dr Paul Marik -- and how it's been used around the world successfully -- is either very ill-informed or carrying some kind of lopsided grudge that does no good. And after how much Malone has been demonized and censored, doing pretzel logic on him to say he's actually controlled opposition is absurd. Malone is far from perfect. How could anyone spending decades making vaccines be totally clean? But he's got inside info and the courage to convey it. Again, we are up against something big time and are in no position to demand saintly purity from anyone!
"But he's got inside info and the courage to convey it."
On the other hand, I'm humbled before Diana West's deep and extensive study of dissidents and defectors. I'm still looking at this from both sides now. Unlike Joni. :)
I'll have to really read Diana West's, I've lost track of it. My feeling is we're up against the wall. I sent you one of Steve Kirsch's latest posts, there's two minutes of someone interviewing Malone in which he lays out why the military data is important. Did you see that?
Berenson was the first substack author that I dumped when I started reading substack. He has that MSM dilletantish style that I can't tolerate. Whatever got him fired from NYT didn't change him from what he is and I regard him as a controlled opposition operative, for what that's worth.
The more you expose yourselves to a large public venue on such a complex topic, you are at greater risk for being perceived as inconsistent. You are almost certain to receive scrutiny irregardless of what side of the fence you are on. All this Covid stuff continues to evolve and it’s at times difficult to keep up with. Thus, thoughts change.
Some are more careful than others when presenting themselves to the media. Dr Malone has a very controlled presentation.
However, the Fox program that he and Alex Berensen shared was a very poor presentation by Mr Berensen (might be the worst I’ve ever seen). He seemed almost obsessed.
However, all the discredit can’t go to him exclusively. Fox News handled it very poorly by asking no additional questions. Sadly, mainstream television (which I include Fox), has limitations as to how much detail they really present due to their time restrictions and perhaps their “hidden” liberal management.
I’m beginning to believe there are better media resources out there these days if you can be patient enough to listen, ie Rogan and a number of others.
Finally, Berensen and Malone are giving us useful information and seem committed to helping rid this false narrative. For now, that’s about as good as it gets.
They (and others) have given us more real stats than I’ve seen from the bureaucrats or perhaps ever will.
We should keep supporting it and don’t create divisiveness within our own like minded group.
However, some investigation into motives is always good to hear and perhaps the question on why Malone actually took the jab is a bit fuzzy. Why doesn’t someone ask him ?
I’m going to try to because I’m attending a conference in Florida next week in which he is a speaker.
Regarding why Malone took the injection, he’s actually discussed it in a number of interviews. It was early on in the rollout, and there had been some preliminary research that indicated the jab might help with long COVID, which Malone had been suffering from. He made a poor judgment based on a faulty hypothesis and paid the price for it heavily.
I have followed Berenson and bought his books under the "any hole in the wall" theory but I have noticed that he supports plenty of that which I do not. Anything that brings it down... for now. Like Malone, I noticed that Berenson started to care a whole lot more when the situation was pointed at his children. That and what's going on in Israel.
I've always been particularly concerned about how people treat children, especially their children because IMO, they won't ever treat anyone any better than that. So I also would like to see these maniacs that have been afflicting children with this madness stopped.
But that isn't the be-all end-all of the situation. The entire thing needs to be stopped in its entirety, the bad actors called out, and all prevented from happening again.
In 2011, he twitted “National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) has now voted to recommend AVA (Biothrax) anthrax vaccine testing in pediatric population.” 1 This defies many human rights: you cannot under any circumstance experiment on healthy children (like they did with the COVID shots). Needless to say that vax poison completely failed and harmed those children. No retraction from Malone.
By 2014 he was an depopulation fanatic (masons or their mercenaries, are usually depop-nazis), when commenting “The world is becoming more violent. Here are the most and least peaceful countries”, he twitted “yet another predictable consequence of unchecked global population growth.”
There’s no overpopulation, not only because well developed humans contribute more than they use but also because births are shrinking year after year. More problematic of his lack of common sense on that topic, is that he is calling for policies against unchecked population: not a single one of them has been done without violating basic human rights and freedoms… especially informed consent (typical violation by the COVID shots, which by the way were sucessful in Malone’s goal of checking global population growth), yet Malone calls himself a freedom fighter (!) and of course, never retracted.
Worked under Fauci at the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). He has a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-2017 2):
“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.” 3
Dr. Malone “the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines, including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.” 4
Does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents5, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? US patents expire in 20 years: how many of those are still valid? If he could have blocked vax manufacturers, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide? By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.
Some ask: is it legal and ethical to appropriate patents, when the funding came from the taxpayer and is supposed to benefit the taxpayer, not the researcher who cashed his wage?
It’s like a physicist who worked in the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government research project (1942–45) that produced the first atomic bombs, alleging that he didn’t know his theoretical and practical knowledge would be weaponized, even though he was hired by the military and knew it could be weaponized. Worse if his patents could have stopped the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. All those lives would be in his conscience.
April 2021. He said he took 2nd Moderna shot: “almost did me in. As in I almost died.” Some say that it is strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE? He said he was expecting the EU to require it but it wasn’t required back then (took without coercion!) and hoped the vax would (magically?) kill his post-COVID cough (!). He almost died, yet he didn’t warn everybody in the interviews to avoid this huge risk until … 13 Jan 2022 ? 6 Not in Puerto Rico 3 Oct 2021 or Hawaii 18 Oct 2021.7
24 Jun 2021 Malone twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ 12 Malone didn’t answer, maybe he didn’t read it and wasn’t aware of Hill’s 180° change towards the anti-ivermectin genocide. He surely supported ivermectin afterwards.
In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the elderly and high risk, while working for a Bio-defence contract. 13 It seems he never gave a public apology.
He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each, instead of leading a class action against the social media that censored him and millions (Twitter, Linkedin, etc.). 14
He attacked Harvey Risch, MD; Judy Mikovits, MD; Paul Alexander, Ph.D.; and The Wellness Company.15
Some argue that this is exactly what a false flag does: block anyone contesting his official narrative. For instance, the Breggins were criticizing Mattias Desmet’s mass formation theory: “The Desmet/Malone Ideology of Mass Psychosis Blames the Citizens and Not the Global Predators“.16 On the contrary, Malone has leaded global congresses in many countries, where he accused global corruption. Still, he refuses to mention “conspiracy”. By suing and not giving explanations, Malone left the accusations open.
If you search for the word “conspiracy” in Malone’s substack, you’ll only find disbelief in such reality. For example, he reposted Desmet, who lays the burden on the people, not the oppressors/predators. Either Malone and Desmet were fooled or they are trying to fool us... into the magical belief that this is a spontaneous yet coordinated process across nations and that there’s nothing else to do except talking us to extermination. Some argue that Malone is the fooled and Desmet is the fooler because he uses half truths to structure a lie. Yet, he might just be a fooled, repeating structured foolishness.
9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 17, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:
2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections ... 3 years too late: by Jan 2020, Malone had published a paper showing that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 18 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023.
“He didn't come forward expressing remorse, as lots of great inventors have done before him,19 rueing their sometimes literally earth-shaking inventions, from the atom bomb20 and the Kalishnakov, to the office cubicle and the labradoodle. Notably, as of June 2023, "The History of mRNA Vaccines" still unfolds under a spray of lovely pink blossoms on Malone's website.21” 22
8 Jun 2023. “In some cases I have proceeded to delivering a cease and desist and that was enough. Dr. Richard Fleming was one such case. I sent him a letter, and he stopped… if I win a case, this will become a disincentive for those prone to this sort of behavior in the future, directed towards me or to others… Spreading hate can be quite lucrative in the age of the internet, where attention seeking behavior can be monetized.” 23
Comment: no mention of the scientific dissent causing his lawsuit. Using the “hatred” argument is an ad hominem fallacy proving lack of arguments of the self-victimized.
Will soon publish more in my subs!
In the meantime, read this, it's important:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
me too... kinda like he knew something about Malone that wasn’t public knowledge... something really, really ugly... and dangerous (to him too)... but it was festering in him
... definitely don’t agree with all of Alex views, but this seemed more than some petty issue... something he’s got bottled up.
Seemed more like the behavior of a petulant adolescent who is no longer the most popular kid in school and wants to take a jab at the one stealing his sunshine …
I'll be totally honest. I DON'T CARE whether a weaponized virus came out of the Wuhan lab or it was no virus at all but rather a computer program. I DON'T CARE if Robert Malone has a shady history to whatever degree. Just like I DON'T CARE that up until recently Republican politicians like Ron Johnson merited only my contempt for their previous policies. ALL THAT MATTERS IS THAT THE HORSE IS OUT OF THE BARN. The vaccines should be the focus 100%, vaccines forced on millions of people brainwashed by a corrupt media. All that matters is the vaccines don't work and cause harm. So if Robert Malone reveals some of that, great. If Ron Johnson hosts doctors, nurses and the injured by the vaccines in the US Senate, terrific. We're dealing with something so dark and evil that whoever casts a light on it should be applauded. We need to stop nitpicking and defeat this monster before it carries us away into a trans humanist nightmare.
Michael, this was more or less my position too. I think it still is. BUT, Diana West wrote a piece that was so arresting that...I framed and posted it, hoping my readers, who I truly feel are the best people on the internet, would not conflate it with my position. I'm just watching, learning, wondering. Still.
Thanks, Celia, for your open-mindedness. I just feel we're up against something so challenging the question becomes what can we do to defeat it? I have no definitive answer for that although I'm in favor of standing up and being heard. But if that's not enough, what then?
Celia. Diane's article was not so much against Malone as it was a warning to us that there are many unanswered questions we need answered. I myself have posted many of the same points to those that follow my daily blog. Trust but verify. Trust but ask the hard questions. So far no one is asking him the hard questions that to me are so obviously needing to be asked. Perhaps he just happened to wake up to the evil of his profession late in the game or perhaps he is building our trust in order to further push a vaccine for a non existent pandemic. The fact that he is working behind the scenes on another vaccine is what really made me start to question him and the "why did he wait" question too. His vaccine is no safer than the others on the market. No vaccine was ever needed. Early treatment and the correct hospital protocol was all we needed. The pandemic was created for the vaccine not the other way around. Fauci has been working with Gates and big pharma for years on mandating global vaccines. If you look at the GAVI website and their chart in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals you will see the answer to all of them are vaccines. They are evil, depopulation sociopaths.
The unite4truth blog has quite a bit to say about Malone and it's not favorable. I haven't really dug into it but one thing they say is that Malone is positioning himself to take over for Fauci and also to make a lot of money on alternate treatments/vaccines whatever. I haven't paid too much attention because I completely agree with Michael Brownstein--I don't give too much of a shit about all of the convoluted details at the moment--we have to focus on the big ugly picture and stop this madness. Then, I think these details become much more important when we get to the stage of true accountability.
Yes, I agree...another vaccine ($$$) is not needed. Nor was any vaccine! I follow Malone's substack, but will cancel after reading Diane West's information.
Diana West has been way ahead on these topics, I would also put Dr. Jane Ruby next to West. Both of these women have been asking the right questions since day one.
As horrible and destructive as these vaccines are, and they are all of that, if we focus on the vaccines, we may lose sight of the real threat we're facing. That threat is Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBCDs) ushered in by vaccine passports. While the vaccines themselves are doing their destructive population reduction work, the threat to those of us who remain on the planet lies in TPTB (i.e., the ultra-wealthy banksters) who are working diligently to enslave us through CBDCs. The vaccines are merely the means to their ends; population reduction for those unfortunate enough to succumb to the poison, and digital IDs and eventual digital control over the rest of us when they do away with the world's currencies and substitute CBDCs that will control every aspect of what remains of our pitiful lives. In that sense, the CBDC horse had not yet left the barn. We still may be able to resist their totalitarian control mechanisms, but the window of resistance is closing fast. If we want to focus on the real monster, it is CBDCs, IMO. Not enough people understand that this is the ultimate goal of the globalists, while those who are resisting are focused on vaccines and masks and sundry other restrictions. The real monster is totalitarian control over every aspect of our lives through digital IDs and currencies. And, yes, you are correct when you note that the scariest part of all of this is when we're transformed into trans-humanist batteries in the matrix. Doesn't get much worse than that.
That's a good point and I believe that is a big part of it. I'm a huge fan of market investing/trading but I'll have none of the crypto -- for lots of reasons but I think what you're talking about is the biggest. I believe it!
Also, another huge part of it that I don't think is getting enough attention is that of energy production and electrification. The very idea that the elite care so much about our planet (based on science as iffy as that of covid) that they must do this for "our" own good is preposterous.
The same people that have been behind corporations that have happily destroyed everything in their path are now telling us how bad *we* are for driving cars, or using too much of what they provide.
Crypto is a trap IMO. And it's one that will enable our lives to be further controlled by people that essentially hate humans or, at best, hate freedom.
BTW, crypto is a trap. Catherine Austin Fitts tells us that central bankers are allowing cryptos to exist so they can work out the bugs, at which point they will institute central bank digital currencies and absorb all the others. Crypto only exists until it competes with currencies issued by central bankers, on which they earn interest and through which they control the sovereign governments of the world. Rothschild once said (paraphrasing): "I care not who runs a country as long as I control that country's money." That's the game, and CBDCs will cement total control over every one of us.
By "vaccines" of course I meant this as well, in fact the end of my comment says unless we get it together this monster will carry us off to a transhumanist nightmare. Obviously that includes digital currencies and the social credit system via 5G and smartphones. Naming names with banks today is valuable but their program has been the same since the invention of banking and credit systems long ago. In fact, the source of the problem is capitalism. Capitalism and patriarchy.
100% - Malone is casting a light. The nitpickers are trying to extinguish it. They can sod off. Malone has come out strong against the jab for kids. He said from the beginning he is pro-safety and that's why he feels he has to speak out. So what if he still believes in vaccines. So what if he's helping to develop them. He said of the one he had hopes for in India was showing safety issues so a no go. He's pro-safety, not anti-vaccine. Divided we fall and that's what they want.
If the jab is bad for kids how could anyone recommend it for adults? This shot is not safe for anyone. Even Malone himself almost died from the shot and we are supposed to think that giving it to the already compromised is a good idea? Sorry but something is off here and we need to keep an open mind to the possibility. He is now pushing a shot for a flu that has long since been gone. Why?? And perhaps you should read the truth about his new shot. It is no safer than what we are already getting. No we need to keep our antennae up.
Yes, he is casting a light on many of the most troubling aspects of the covid scam. But, in doing so, he is causing us to focus our attention on what he's telling us, most of which we already know from other sources. I don't believe (I may be wrong on the one) that he has produced any dramatic revelations about the scam. So, if he is in fact controlled opposition, we need to ask ourselves: What is he distracting our attention from?
Well, we know full well by now that the covid scam was appropriated by TPTB as cover for the financial collapse of the global economy, which really is only a continuation of the 2008 financial collapse, both of which were precipitated by bank fraud on a massive scale. Given the imminent collapse, bankers seized on the covid as an excuse to lock down the world's economies, thereby reducing demand for money that didn't exist, so they could engineer multi-TRILLION dollar bailouts from sovereign governments to recapitalize their balance sheets. And that is exactly what they did. Isn't it possible that Malone is feeding us just what we want to hear so we focus our attention on him and completely ignore the biggest wealth transfer in the history of mankind?
"most of which we already know from other sources."
Dr. Palmer would agree with you. Early January I listened to an interview with him and Catherine Austin-Fitts in which Dr. Palmer said this about Dr. Malone (note: I had trouble making out a few words due to his strong German accent):
“[T]he mRNA vaccines were a bad idea from first principles. You have some people, I have to call out them out for this, I’m sorry but I have to call out the great inventor Robert Malone. He now says, okay, he’s seen the light, that mRNA vaccines are [unintelligible] not a good idea. They were never a good idea, based on first principles and he should’ve known it and he should have told us; not some nobody guy from [unintelligible] like myself should have to say this. He should have told us and he never did. He never reveals anything that is actually novel and substantial. He always says something that somebody has already said.” (@ 1:15:21)
My take is that Malone and a few others are good sources for me to use when talking to normies about the dangers of the jab. That's it.
mRNA Exposed with Dr. Michael Palmer and Catherine Austin-Fitts
Boudica -- wow, what a heroic name you're carrying! I'm sure you're aware she was a queen of the British Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the conquering forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61. We need you front and center in the field!
In 2011, he twitted “National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) has now voted to recommend AVA (Biothrax) anthrax vaccine testing in pediatric population.” 1 This defies many human rights: you cannot under any circumstance experiment on healthy children (like they did with the COVID shots). Needless to say that vax poison completely failed and harmed those children. No retraction from Malone.
By 2014 he was an depopulation fanatic (masons or their mercenaries, are usually depop-nazis), when commenting “The world is becoming more violent. Here are the most and least peaceful countries”, he twitted “yet another predictable consequence of unchecked global population growth.”
There’s no overpopulation, not only because well developed humans contribute more than they use but also because births are shrinking year after year. More problematic of his lack of common sense on that topic, is that he is calling for policies against unchecked population: not a single one of them has been done without violating basic human rights and freedoms… especially informed consent (typical violation by the COVID shots, which by the way were sucessful in Malone’s goal of checking global population growth), yet Malone calls himself a freedom fighter (!) and of course, never retracted.
Worked under Fauci at the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). He has a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-2017 2):
“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.” 3
Dr. Malone “the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines, including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.” 4
Does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents5, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? US patents expire in 20 years: how many of those are still valid? If he could have blocked vax manufacturers, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide? By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.
Some ask: is it legal and ethical to appropriate patents, when the funding came from the taxpayer and is supposed to benefit the taxpayer, not the researcher who cashed his wage?
It’s like a physicist who worked in the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government research project (1942–45) that produced the first atomic bombs, alleging that he didn’t know his theoretical and practical knowledge would be weaponized, even though he was hired by the military and knew it could be weaponized. Worse if his patents could have stopped the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. All those lives would be in his conscience.
April 2021. He said he took 2nd Moderna shot: “almost did me in. As in I almost died.” Some say that it is strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE? He said he was expecting the EU to require it but it wasn’t required back then (took without coercion!) and hoped the vax would (magically?) kill his post-COVID cough (!). He almost died, yet he didn’t warn everybody in the interviews to avoid this huge risk until … 13 Jan 2022 ? 6 Not in Puerto Rico 3 Oct 2021 or Hawaii 18 Oct 2021.7
24 Jun 2021 Malone twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ 12 Malone didn’t answer, maybe he didn’t read it and wasn’t aware of Hill’s 180° change towards the anti-ivermectin genocide. He surely supported ivermectin afterwards.
In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the elderly and high risk, while working for a Bio-defence contract. 13 It seems he never gave a public apology.
He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each, instead of leading a class action against the social media that censored him and millions (Twitter, Linkedin, etc.). 14
He attacked Harvey Risch, MD; Judy Mikovits, MD; Paul Alexander, Ph.D.; and The Wellness Company.15
Some argue that this is exactly what a false flag does: block anyone contesting his official narrative. For instance, the Breggins were criticizing Mattias Desmet’s mass formation theory: “The Desmet/Malone Ideology of Mass Psychosis Blames the Citizens and Not the Global Predators“.16 On the contrary, Malone has leaded global congresses in many countries, where he accused global corruption. Still, he refuses to mention “conspiracy”. By suing and not giving explanations, Malone left the accusations open.
If you search for the word “conspiracy” in Malone’s substack, you’ll only find disbelief in such reality. For example, he reposted Desmet, who lays the burden on the people, not the oppressors/predators. Either Malone and Desmet were fooled or they are trying to fool us... into the magical belief that this is a spontaneous yet coordinated process across nations and that there’s nothing else to do except talking us to extermination. Some argue that Malone is the fooled and Desmet is the fooler because he uses half truths to structure a lie. Yet, he might just be a fooled, repeating structured foolishness.
9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 17, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:
2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections ... 3 years too late: by Jan 2020, Malone had published a paper showing that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 18 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023.
“He didn't come forward expressing remorse, as lots of great inventors have done before him,19 rueing their sometimes literally earth-shaking inventions, from the atom bomb20 and the Kalishnakov, to the office cubicle and the labradoodle. Notably, as of June 2023, "The History of mRNA Vaccines" still unfolds under a spray of lovely pink blossoms on Malone's website.21” 22
8 Jun 2023. “In some cases I have proceeded to delivering a cease and desist and that was enough. Dr. Richard Fleming was one such case. I sent him a letter, and he stopped… if I win a case, this will become a disincentive for those prone to this sort of behavior in the future, directed towards me or to others… Spreading hate can be quite lucrative in the age of the internet, where attention seeking behavior can be monetized.” 23
Comment: no mention of the scientific dissent causing his lawsuit. Using the “hatred” argument is an ad hominem fallacy proving lack of arguments of the self-victimized.
Will soon publish more in my subs!
In the meantime, read this, it's important:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Celia, I like you, also appreciate the controlled opposition at least bringing light to vaccine dangers. However, I have a huge point about this comment:
"so who cares if he is confused about isolation, and…the entire bedrock of the Covid Vaccinology Religion. (Vaccines Save Lives—etc.)"
I care, and this is the most important thing and also why the controlled opposition is allowed to talk about this one vaccine killing people, but not allowed to discuss that the virus isn't even f'ing real!
This issue is the basis of the last 100+ years of Rockefeller medicine. One made up disease with expensive drugs and/or vaccines to treat but not cure them and never prevent them. Times a billion.
This ensures that the big pharma money never stops being printed and it will not prevent the next COVID, which you know damn well will be coming when everyone gets tired of COVID. There will be no treatment for the next one either and there will be many more vaccines. An unlimited number of them. Precedent has been set. None of the controlled opposition would dare question the safety or effectiveness of any other drug or vaccine, because they are preparing us for the next one that Bill Gates already mentioned.
I really think that the hill I'll die on is that NONE OF THIS IS REAL!
You cannot just come up with a list of symptoms without a cause and call it a disease. But that's the Rockefeller game plan which has worked 100% of the time for 100+ years.
I have read more about conspiracies since 9/11 than probably 99.9% of people on this planet and whatever they don't let you discuss is more than likely the biggest truth that is being hidden.
There is no new virus. And I'm not far from declaring that viruses don't exist period after reading extensively about their "discovery". I think whatever it is that they find is just remnants of destroyed mitochondria from being in a centrifuge for 4 hours. I really have never found adequate evidence of the existence of any virus ever. No one has ever seen a live virus ever because it is not possible.
And of course your reasoning is completly sound based on the censored $cience going back those hundred years:
"Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; and, being such, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine....Believe not in vaccination, it is a world-wide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end." -Carlo Ruta, Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Perugia, Italy - 1896
Dr. Charles Creighton in 1884, after his full investigation of inoculations said "Vaccination constitutes a gross superstition."
"My honest opinion is that vaccination is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name." -Dr. Harry R. Baybee
1909 New York Press, January 26, 1909 publishes a report by W.B. Clark which states, "cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person." Scientific evidence begins to mount that where human lymph is employed in a vaccine, syphilis, leprosy and TB soon follow. Where calf lymph is employed in the creation of a vaccine, TB and cancer soon follow. (Cancer and Vaccination by Esculapius).
This amazing newspaper piece from a century or more ago exhibits the reality we see manifesting itself today in great detail:
Like you I also care about what the shills say regarding their differing theories of origin. The manifestation of a virus is only a media construct. This is what our history teaches us in every instance. At times they sprinkle in a war here and there to obfuscute the masses and take pressure off the media campaign.
I knew myself personally after a 10 year fight to debunk the HIV/AID$ dogma that it was inevitable they try again. How I learned from those 10 years. Okay careful virus is real and if your toenails are black you have it get tested. Then from that abusurdity where every symptom online linked back to the virus of the day the dominoes started to fall.
The more you actually researched the more you found contrary to the narrative. So in my case I went from being a death cult follower to a Dusbergian and then I became a Perthian for some time but after all the learned research and so so boring virological papers you end up going back to having a cup of Lanka every morning and not giving a shit other than trying to save those you hold most dear if even they will listen.
I do find it gratifying to know that more people because of the efforts of some of the best people on the internet that children as young as 10 and Grandmothers as old as 80 know more about censored virus history, PCR testing and cycle thresholds and widespread population based rapid antibody testing than their public health officers.
They know we know and frankly we know they know that we NO. War is coming there is no avoiding it. It won't be as quick as many believe because well Galen Winsor is correct.
For example, in my 1988 book, AIDS INC., I showed how the cover story about HIV was used in Africa.
For a very long time, the true causes of illness and death in areas of Africa have been: hunger; protein-calorie malnutrition; starvation; contaminated water supplies; poverty; war; farm land stolen from the people; corporate pollution; toxic medicines and vaccines; toxic pesticides; overcrowding in cities; lack of basic sanitation.
Most if not all of these causes could have been eliminated. But local governments did not want healthy people. Sick and dying people were easier to control, and taking away their land was an easier proposition.
Colluding with and paying off local government leaders, transnational corporations and foreign governments set up shop in these African countries and used the healthier people to work on their giant commercial farms and in their factories.
But in 1984, suddenly, there was a new (cover) story broadcast and sold to the world: what was really decimating Africa was HIV. THIS explained all the illness and dying.
The true causes, listed above, were shoved into the background.
Those true crimes were hidden, were permitted to continue unabated.
Not only that, the HIV cover story paved the way for pharmaceutical companies to rack up profits by selling extremely toxic AIDS drugs (e.g., AZT) to Africa.
The HIV test, which turned out false positives like Niagara Falls, made these drugs seem necessary—as fake case numbers soared.
People dying from the toxic medical treatments were, of course, listed as AIDS deaths.
And, as it turned out, HIV had never been isolated. Therefore, there was no proof it existed, no reason to suppose it existed.
Like AIDS, COVID-19 is also an intelligence-agency type covert op.
The short-term goal is wrecking economies. The long-term goal is taking the population into a new world of technocratic control.
Selling this as necessary all comes back to THE VIRUS COVER STORY.
“We’re not forcing technocracy down the throats of the people. Certainly not. We’re simply doing what we must, because of the danger of the virus…because everyone is a virus-spreader…(because too many people want their freedom)…”
Always identify and return to the cover story. Walk around it. Look at it from all sides. Walk into it from one side and exit from the other. Test it. The vital clues are there.
Another classic example: 2009, La Gloria, Mexico. Smithfield Foods, the largest pork producer in the world, operates a giant pig farm. 950,000 pigs.
The poisonous urine and feces from these 950,000 pigs run out into the open air and form what are called lagoons. They’re so large, you can see them from outer space.
Workers spray the toxic lagoons with a toxic foam. It’s routine.
Workers, and people in the surrounding neighborhood, are getting sick and dying. So new contractors are brought in to spray the lagoons with yet another toxic chemical.
Out of nowhere, guess who shows up? The CDC.
Guess what they conclude? It’s not the urine and feces lagoons or the toxic chemicals causing illness and death. No. Of course not.
It’s a new mysterious “virus.” H1N1.
And voila, we have a new cover story and a new epidemic, called Swine Flu.
The cover story serves a number of purposes, as time passes. But the most obvious one is: Smithfield Foods is protected. They get away with murder.
And to cap it all off, four years later, in 2013, Smithfield, still protected, sells itself to a Chinese company, Shuanghui International Holdings, for $4.72 billion.
Here’s what I wrote about Zika (another phantom virus) in 2015:
“Medical CIA” provides the cover story.
In Brazil, the so-called center of the “Zika epidemic,” there are many problems in poverty-stricken areas that involve more than babies being born with small heads and brain impairment.
The grinding poverty itself, of course. Stolen farm land. Widespread corporate use of poisonous pesticides, some of which are banned in 22 other countries. Contaminated water supplies. Lack of basic sanitation. Overcrowding. Prior vaccine campaigns, in which toxic substances were injected directly into the bodies of people whose immune systems were already on the verge of collapsing. Toxic medical drugs.
In 2014, the Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough) was recommended for pregnant women. Among other toxic substances, this vaccine contains aluminum compounds. Aluminum can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage.
Workers are now fumigating areas with toxic sprays to kill mosquitoes. Soldiers are going door to door, handing out more toxic mosquito sprays for indoor use.
Combine all these factors, and you have an ongoing catastrophe.
It makes a great deal of sense to highlight, promote, and blame the “Zika virus” for what is actually going on in Brazil, if you want to distract and divert and obscure.
If you stopped the vaccine campaigns, stopped the spraying, and remedied the conditions I listed above, the health of the population would return and revive, without medical intervention.
Of course, the governments and their allied corporations have no intention of returning stolen land to the people. They have no intention of stopping the use of poisonous pesticides. Medical authorities have no intention of admitting they are concocting a story about a “virus,” Zika, as a cover for their corporate and government allies, and as a pretext to have “a new disease” to treat and work on and solve. They have no intention of stopping toxic vaccine campaigns.
To cap it all off, the conditions the “virus” is supposed to be causing—babies born with small heads and brain damage—can result from ANY injury or insult to a pregnant woman or her infant. No virus required.
His website has at the top, a group of articles he wrote just on the coronavirus (I get his emails). You will need to get into this and find it, probably about a few months ago, but don’t quote me😬 sorry I don’t keep his emails.
Again you cunfuse isolation and use it willfully. Has never been isolated. This is incorrect logic. The term you are trying to imply is Purification. Know the difference otherwise they know you don't know and assume as much.
There is a big difference between Purification and Isolation according real Science. $cience has foregone Purification and insinuates Isolation as Purification when in fact it is not.
Otherwise where are all the dead Pygmies and the graves? I like your writing style you tell it like it is.
This was also the case with Polio to a "T". Widespread use of pesticides they still like to use today causing sickness being blamed on a virus becuase they are to stupid to use fire for weed control and crop managment.
My rule for 2021: Don't trust anything you read or hear. My rule for 2022: Don't trust anybody. I am frightened to think what my rule for 2023 might be.
I guess it depends on how much you buy into the viruses and other diseases (HIV, SARS, Avian flu, MERS, polio, etc) as being something you somehow catch. No one can explain how these so-called viruses are transmitted and why they cannot seem to purposely infect someone when they deliberately try to inflict a certain virus upon them.
I, for one, do not believe that any vaccine or mRNA injection protects you against anything...virus or disease. To my belief, viruses and diseases are created within (terrain) and not caught from the outside (as in germ theory) simply because there has never been any proof that any of these monstrous viruses exists.
The "bad actors" always seem to be floating around in some lab dish along with numerous other floaties and never in pure form. Even the mRNA spike proteins have been computer simulated and are not exact. Again, there is no proven, rational explanation as to how a person gets sick with these things from exposure.
However, exposure to outside toxins is another matter. Smoke, chemicals, and other nasties can be breathed in or absorbed and therein might lie the very reason you become sick. Your body needs to expel the toxins and it uses numerous methods. You immune system gets rid of some of it and you get "sick" to get rid of the other particles.
Why do people seem to get the "flu" during the cooler months? There is less sun exposure, which is one of the healthiest things you can do without the chemical laden sun screen. You don't sweat as much because you are more bundled up to conserve heat. Sweating is the greatest release of toxic material your body will usually perform. During the warmer months, you may be releasing toxins through sweating and in the cooler month releasing them through colds, flu and other "viral" illnesses.
All vaccines are fake and can never replace, rebuild, increase or otherwise improve your immune system. All they can ever do is line the pockets of big pharma and the medical community. We have been royally duped for the last 70 years. And you can throw in most other big pharma drugs which never seem to cure much of anything.
So whatever Malone says, to me is based on the biggest of lies and he has been living them for a very long time. The very same lies most of the top medical honchos and experts have catered too for decades. It makes for a very luscious living and is never questioned by anyone.
Goodness, this comes at a propitious time, at least for me. I listen to a podcast, the No Agenda Show, with former MTV star Adam Curry and former writer for PC Magazine John C. Dvorak. The podcast is a "deconstruction" of the media, presenting what "really is going on" in relation to mainstream media stories. Truth told, I never, and I mean NEVER, listen to or watch any mainstream media, ever. All I need to know about the truth behind the news I learn from the No Agenda Show. (I admit, my horizon is extremely limited; hence my interest in authors like you on Substack.) Please be aware that the show has some "quirks" that truly loyal producers (i.e. listeners) find most compelling. The show has listeners across the globe, something truly amazing.
All that aside, it is at least curious that these podcasters identified Malone as a (former) CIA operative, engaged in controlled opposition against, I presume, the counter-covid narrative. I held my tongue, so to speak, when Curry said he didn't trust Malone and that he believed Malone was working on behalf of the CIA (one of the most-involved bad actors in the covid scam); I wasn't convinced. But, as time goes on and people like Diana West begin to question Malone's bona fides, I have to wonder whether or not he (Malone) really is working on behalf of the CIA to distract us from -- what, exactly. At the very least, he seems to be fully invested in the existence of a "novel corona virus." Is that the purpose of his distraction; i.e.,to continue to drive the narrative that something like a deadly "virus" really exists, along with all its possible variants? Regardless, Celia, you have piqued my curiosity regarding Dr. Malone and forced me to be as skeptical of him, and his assertions, as I am of Faucimengele. Just when I thought I knew who our friends and enemies were . . . I love your work; please keep doing what you do.
In The Morning! Yeah, they connected Malone pretty solidly as an asset. When Malone said on the JRE that his CIA buddy called him... I thought, Uh oh! We need to evaluate everything and any source as if they're full of shale, and then determine if the information is legit!
There may well be the game of black hats vs. white hats going on behind the scenes. It would then be conceivable for Malone being part of the white team, which is somewhat better than the opposing side but still not good. In his youtoob heyday, George Webb (Sweigert) mapped out the workings of the DS; he assigned the numerical labels of 333 (half-evil) and 666 (evil) to the opposing teams. The obvious conclusion was there were no good (in the sense of the word) players involved. So much for expectations.
I read West's article the other day and have been waiting to see what else happens. Will more journalists pick it up? Will Berensen say more, given his dust up with Malone? Will Malone address it? In any event, Dr. Malone isn't totally against jabbing kids, if you read this portion of West's article:
"Not even Malone's opposition to children taking the shot is always a hard stop. On November 23, 2021, in an exquisite Hawaiian setting, Robert and Jill Malone, barefoot and wearing leis, spoke to a group of children seated crosslegged on the ground before them. It was a Q&A on the virus and the vaccine.
Girl: I'm a little bit scared about getting the vaccine.
Dr. Robert Malone: Getting the vaccine, ok. So, what you can do to get so that you're not scared?
Wait, what? Isn't Robert Malone supposed to be warning children against the clot shot?"
Is he really a warrior? Please read Diana's piece fully. Explain to me why Malone's wife had Bill Gates, Melinda Gates and Trudeau as her influencers and then removed them once she was caught?
There are still more questions, however I don't think Malone is really who he says he is. He unjustifiably labelled Alex Berenson "controlled opposition" and was directly responsible for Alex losing plenty of subscribers. Alex has been giving out information and data since day one. Where has Malone been since day one? Why call Alex "controlled opposition"?
Who or what is the “controlling” agent? Seems he’s controlled, as in still influenced, by a lifetime of mainstream scientific training and thought which has served him well, professionally.
He’s clearly shedding many, albeit not all of these views. Yet. We’ll see where things land.
I highly doubt he’s “controlled” as in: in on the scripted deception.
He is allowed to have a fairly loud voice (invite to Joe Rogan), while no one has even heard of Jon Rappoport who has written almost 300 blog destroying the narrative that the virus exists and has been isolated. Guys like Steve Kirsch are as anti-Rapoport as mainstream is anti-antivax.
Here is a quote from one of his latest blogs:
"Why do “alt. people” reject every piece of the official COVID narrative, except the piece that starts with “the virus exists,” an announcement which emanates from elite labs no truly independent observer is permitted to enter?"
I agree. People's opinions evolve over time (as they learn more) and I don't have to agree with 100% of a person's opinions to find some value in what they say. Nonetheless, I am waiting for more shoes to drop...
You are right the vaccines are meant to kill everybody who takes it within five years and unfortunately people have not followed Bill Gates he announced in Switzerland in October 2019 that a pandemic is coming soon and he expects to make 7 billion in 2020 selling his new vaccines he actually made 10 billion! He patented the cure in Nov. 2019 one month prior to officially released it on us! Actually two Wuhan lab technicians and the wife of one of the two who got COVID 19 died in the last week of Nov. 2019 the city got its first victims in The first week of Dec. And the doctor who first spread the news died one month later!
I have been filling this reality since Bill Gates first public acknowledge meant of the disease he helped create!
Malone's motivations are not mysterious. He's vaccinated, so he took the jab. His thinking has evolved as he's learned more. The same is true for all of us.
Malone is a hero, doing more right NOW than any of us to ring the bell of danger and warn as many people off as possible. He's saving lives and you want to write this drivel? Whose side are you on? Facts, or rumors, whispers, unfounded accusations, gossip, or bavardage? The innuendo here is unprofessional journalism. You should be ashamed of yourself. I've enjoyed all your other writing, but this is just over the top. Have you asked Dr Malone directly and publicly to answer any questions? Are you giving him an opportunity to respond before you publish hearsay? Because that's what it is.
Please get your priorities straight and work on what will make the most difference. This isn't it. In the face of a clear and present danger you seek to sow suspicion.
THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY POSITION. Charles: I re-posted a piece that may not reflect MY position. Does anybody here even understand what that tradition is? Diversity of perspectives?
On the one hand I will not be sucked into "Malone is controlled opposition" on the other hand, when a writer of the caliber of Diana West makes a case, I won't be guilt tripped into ignoring it.
And West's case was not exactly a case for "controlled opposition--" it was a case for insisting Malone either be very clear, or, not have such stature as a MORAL authority. And she's right.
Clarity IS morality.
Presently, I still think Malone is on the side of light. Not controlled opposition. Just not accustomed to being clear.
I’m at this stage prepped to give Dr Malone the benefit of any doubt! I’ve heard similar things said about Reiner Fuellmich and other leading lights in this fight. At this stage, absent any real hard core evidence to the contrary, I don’t feel it behooves any of us to keep second guessing these people. This is a massive fight, and until we’re given good reason not to, we need to support them, and trust them.
Mind you, if people like Malone, Fuellmich and their ilk turn out to be less than the sum of their respective parts, a lot of very smart people who perhaps should have known better aren’t just going to be pissed off; they’re gonna look mightily stoopid!
That said, I have no small measure of respect for your own efforts Celia. It didn’t go unnoticed you “liked” Charles’s reply. Keep up your great work. I can’t support you financially, as I’m doing my own thing, and struggling to keep it up. But I’m reposting and sharing as much as time permits. 👍🙅♀️🦠🙅♀️💉😎
This is, of course, the trouble with having leaders doing your thinking for you - some of them may be less than perfect, and they may have conflicts of interest, like Dr Malone and his new, yet undisclosed, vaccine. What we know is that the mRNA vaccines do not prevent infection, and they do not stop spread, so there is no benefit to them. We also know that they potentially carry great risk, so any kind of risk-benefit analysis would be simple: no one should take them, period. Not people under 18, not people over 60, no one in the age range between. And that's all we need to know.
As to the virus itself, it may not have been isolated in some sense or other, but it has been sequenced, and so have its millions of variants. But that's not material to the question of vaccines for this particular coronavirus: they don't work, they're dangerous, and no one should take them. And that's that.
Before he was bounced from twitter he was asked about a vaccine he was developing. He explained many times he was, maybe still is, a consultant on a vaccine being develop by an Indian pharmaceutical company. He is not developing a vaccine. He's been upfront about that.
I will say that this is typical in that - just when there is a glimmer of hope and some movement in the right direction the “opposition” — those opposed to mandates, lockdowns and the government intervention in health decisions and the disgusting public “health” response to this virus — suddenly decides to eat its own. This is how we lose.
The fact is the Branch Covidians are made up of the most powerful politicians, the media, tech, major education institutions and the world’s billionaires and oligarchs do not break from one another. They are lockstep. Which is why they’ve convinced and scared people into being ignorantly foolish.
But yes - let’s take some folks like Malone and McCullough - who’ve done more to shine a light on this lunacy than most people combined - and try to destroy them from within. That’s smart. That’s brilliant. (that’s sarcasm).
We do not have to agree 100% with everything people on “our” side say - otherwise we’re just in the Democrat party. But let’s also recognize that we don’t have to agree to still have a purpose which aligns to the greater good of crushing these tyrants we’ve witnessed the last two years.
I don’t have to like Malone, McCullough, Kirsch, etc. but they are doing great work on this particular issue.
How sad and true! The irony is that it is the gay community again which has bought into Fauci’s Second WHOPPER, the Covid Scam …hook line and sinker!!!
I don’t get it. You’re getting some weird revenge satisfaction because there are heterosexual victims now? You need to get your head on straight. We’re not the enemy.
Sweetheart, trying to gaslight me or anyone on these threads is going to fall flat- we’re all gaslighting experts. You said straight people get to know what it’s like, the shoe is in the other foot and “how do [we] like them apples? You are clearly doing exactly what I accused you of doing. Pretending you are innocent and it’s just my “conception” doesn’t fly. Your anger is misdirected. Figure it out. Quit acting like a jackass- that’s why as you say, people don’t like you.
Hard nut to crack. It's stunning to me the lack of discussion about graphene and other ingredients and 4th industrial revolution technologies/agenda. The big name skeptics don't ever mention that stuff.
No other ways can explain his contradictions like saying the shot was safe for third trimester and older people. Also, him taking the vaccine for his long covid goes against his own expertise, that you don't take a vaccine after having had a disease....
He also managed to disobey Desmet's wishes by taking Desmet's term of "mass formation" and make up his own term "mass formation psychosis" which later was fact checked as not existing. Ugh
I think he's setting himself up for a nice position in the future medical system that unfortunately will get away with genocide by having scapegoats...
I'm skeptical of most everyone, with a few notable exceptions....Jon Rapoport (who directed me to Celia, who I trust,) Dr Paul Thomas, The Vaccine-injured, true whistle-blowers who actually blow their careers, those types. On Malone, for me, it's tough. there are great points in these comments, on all sides. One thing that nobody's mentioned, and which most may think is foolish or irrelevant, that I noticed. At the DC Rally, when Malone spoke, he was accompanied by his wife. I don't know, but she just appeared to be so real, and so moved, by his speech. Maybe I'm reading something into it, but she looked as though she was seeing a man truly throwing off (most of) his shackles and demons and speaking the truth from his heart. Maybe she's just a really good actor? Just a thought. Anyone?
Reply to self...I just read the Dianna West article. Wow! Scratch everything I said above about Mrs Malone. She's connected to all of the creeps, Gates, etc. Sorry.
Alex Berenson is rarely accused of being controlled opposition. Why is that? He is all for about 70% of the narrative, including "the virus." The way he came at Malone on that show just struck me a kind of weird.
Right, that blind-siding attack on Malone came out of the blue and was totally unjustified. Worse, Alex slammed ivermectin and parroted BigPharma talking points against this existential threat to their all-in-one final solution. Then he doubled-down on these bad takes in his response to the Daily Beast while simultaneously ignoring the thousands of requests from his subscribers to address their concerns.
Alex is all about Alex. He shares useful data and gets the inside scoop on some stories, but he has major blind spots and his apparent desire to reclaim his spotlight in the mainstream prevents him from seeing grave threats like democide and tyranny.
In my humble opinion, anyone who trash talks Ivermectin after knowing how valuable it's been for Dr Pierre Jory and Dr Paul Marik -- and how it's been used around the world successfully -- is either very ill-informed or carrying some kind of lopsided grudge that does no good. And after how much Malone has been demonized and censored, doing pretzel logic on him to say he's actually controlled opposition is absurd. Malone is far from perfect. How could anyone spending decades making vaccines be totally clean? But he's got inside info and the courage to convey it. Again, we are up against something big time and are in no position to demand saintly purity from anyone!
"But he's got inside info and the courage to convey it."
On the other hand, I'm humbled before Diana West's deep and extensive study of dissidents and defectors. I'm still looking at this from both sides now. Unlike Joni. :)
I'll have to really read Diana West's, I've lost track of it. My feeling is we're up against the wall. I sent you one of Steve Kirsch's latest posts, there's two minutes of someone interviewing Malone in which he lays out why the military data is important. Did you see that?
I do not trust Berenson a tiny bit and stopped receiving his info shortly after starting to read his stuff.
Berenson was the first substack author that I dumped when I started reading substack. He has that MSM dilletantish style that I can't tolerate. Whatever got him fired from NYT didn't change him from what he is and I regard him as a controlled opposition operative, for what that's worth.
The more you expose yourselves to a large public venue on such a complex topic, you are at greater risk for being perceived as inconsistent. You are almost certain to receive scrutiny irregardless of what side of the fence you are on. All this Covid stuff continues to evolve and it’s at times difficult to keep up with. Thus, thoughts change.
Some are more careful than others when presenting themselves to the media. Dr Malone has a very controlled presentation.
However, the Fox program that he and Alex Berensen shared was a very poor presentation by Mr Berensen (might be the worst I’ve ever seen). He seemed almost obsessed.
However, all the discredit can’t go to him exclusively. Fox News handled it very poorly by asking no additional questions. Sadly, mainstream television (which I include Fox), has limitations as to how much detail they really present due to their time restrictions and perhaps their “hidden” liberal management.
I’m beginning to believe there are better media resources out there these days if you can be patient enough to listen, ie Rogan and a number of others.
Finally, Berensen and Malone are giving us useful information and seem committed to helping rid this false narrative. For now, that’s about as good as it gets.
They (and others) have given us more real stats than I’ve seen from the bureaucrats or perhaps ever will.
We should keep supporting it and don’t create divisiveness within our own like minded group.
However, some investigation into motives is always good to hear and perhaps the question on why Malone actually took the jab is a bit fuzzy. Why doesn’t someone ask him ?
I’m going to try to because I’m attending a conference in Florida next week in which he is a speaker.
Good points, Ikeprop.
Regarding why Malone took the injection, he’s actually discussed it in a number of interviews. It was early on in the rollout, and there had been some preliminary research that indicated the jab might help with long COVID, which Malone had been suffering from. He made a poor judgment based on a faulty hypothesis and paid the price for it heavily.
I have followed Berenson and bought his books under the "any hole in the wall" theory but I have noticed that he supports plenty of that which I do not. Anything that brings it down... for now. Like Malone, I noticed that Berenson started to care a whole lot more when the situation was pointed at his children. That and what's going on in Israel.
I've always been particularly concerned about how people treat children, especially their children because IMO, they won't ever treat anyone any better than that. So I also would like to see these maniacs that have been afflicting children with this madness stopped.
But that isn't the be-all end-all of the situation. The entire thing needs to be stopped in its entirety, the bad actors called out, and all prevented from happening again.
The REAL Robert W. Malone, MD
In 2011, he twitted “National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) has now voted to recommend AVA (Biothrax) anthrax vaccine testing in pediatric population.” 1 This defies many human rights: you cannot under any circumstance experiment on healthy children (like they did with the COVID shots). Needless to say that vax poison completely failed and harmed those children. No retraction from Malone.
By 2014 he was an depopulation fanatic (masons or their mercenaries, are usually depop-nazis), when commenting “The world is becoming more violent. Here are the most and least peaceful countries”, he twitted “yet another predictable consequence of unchecked global population growth.”
There’s no overpopulation, not only because well developed humans contribute more than they use but also because births are shrinking year after year. More problematic of his lack of common sense on that topic, is that he is calling for policies against unchecked population: not a single one of them has been done without violating basic human rights and freedoms… especially informed consent (typical violation by the COVID shots, which by the way were sucessful in Malone’s goal of checking global population growth), yet Malone calls himself a freedom fighter (!) and of course, never retracted.
Worked under Fauci at the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). He has a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-2017 2):
“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.” 3
Dr. Malone “the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines, including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.” 4
Does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents5, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? US patents expire in 20 years: how many of those are still valid? If he could have blocked vax manufacturers, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide? By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.
Some ask: is it legal and ethical to appropriate patents, when the funding came from the taxpayer and is supposed to benefit the taxpayer, not the researcher who cashed his wage?
It’s like a physicist who worked in the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government research project (1942–45) that produced the first atomic bombs, alleging that he didn’t know his theoretical and practical knowledge would be weaponized, even though he was hired by the military and knew it could be weaponized. Worse if his patents could have stopped the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. All those lives would be in his conscience.
April 2021. He said he took 2nd Moderna shot: “almost did me in. As in I almost died.” Some say that it is strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE? He said he was expecting the EU to require it but it wasn’t required back then (took without coercion!) and hoped the vax would (magically?) kill his post-COVID cough (!). He almost died, yet he didn’t warn everybody in the interviews to avoid this huge risk until … 13 Jan 2022 ? 6 Not in Puerto Rico 3 Oct 2021 or Hawaii 18 Oct 2021.7
24 Jun 2021 Malone twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ 12 Malone didn’t answer, maybe he didn’t read it and wasn’t aware of Hill’s 180° change towards the anti-ivermectin genocide. He surely supported ivermectin afterwards.
In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the elderly and high risk, while working for a Bio-defence contract. 13 It seems he never gave a public apology.
He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each, instead of leading a class action against the social media that censored him and millions (Twitter, Linkedin, etc.). 14
He attacked Harvey Risch, MD; Judy Mikovits, MD; Paul Alexander, Ph.D.; and The Wellness Company.15
Some argue that this is exactly what a false flag does: block anyone contesting his official narrative. For instance, the Breggins were criticizing Mattias Desmet’s mass formation theory: “The Desmet/Malone Ideology of Mass Psychosis Blames the Citizens and Not the Global Predators“.16 On the contrary, Malone has leaded global congresses in many countries, where he accused global corruption. Still, he refuses to mention “conspiracy”. By suing and not giving explanations, Malone left the accusations open.
If you search for the word “conspiracy” in Malone’s substack, you’ll only find disbelief in such reality. For example, he reposted Desmet, who lays the burden on the people, not the oppressors/predators. Either Malone and Desmet were fooled or they are trying to fool us... into the magical belief that this is a spontaneous yet coordinated process across nations and that there’s nothing else to do except talking us to extermination. Some argue that Malone is the fooled and Desmet is the fooler because he uses half truths to structure a lie. Yet, he might just be a fooled, repeating structured foolishness.
9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 17, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:
2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections ... 3 years too late: by Jan 2020, Malone had published a paper showing that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 18 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023.
“He didn't come forward expressing remorse, as lots of great inventors have done before him,19 rueing their sometimes literally earth-shaking inventions, from the atom bomb20 and the Kalishnakov, to the office cubicle and the labradoodle. Notably, as of June 2023, "The History of mRNA Vaccines" still unfolds under a spray of lovely pink blossoms on Malone's website.21” 22
8 Jun 2023. “In some cases I have proceeded to delivering a cease and desist and that was enough. Dr. Richard Fleming was one such case. I sent him a letter, and he stopped… if I win a case, this will become a disincentive for those prone to this sort of behavior in the future, directed towards me or to others… Spreading hate can be quite lucrative in the age of the internet, where attention seeking behavior can be monetized.” 23
Comment: no mention of the scientific dissent causing his lawsuit. Using the “hatred” argument is an ad hominem fallacy proving lack of arguments of the self-victimized.
Will soon publish more in my subs!
In the meantime, read this, it's important:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
me too... kinda like he knew something about Malone that wasn’t public knowledge... something really, really ugly... and dangerous (to him too)... but it was festering in him
... definitely don’t agree with all of Alex views, but this seemed more than some petty issue... something he’s got bottled up.
Seemed more like the behavior of a petulant adolescent who is no longer the most popular kid in school and wants to take a jab at the one stealing his sunshine …
...that could be...🐱meow🐱
He certainly did himself far more harm than good, whatever the motivation.
I'll be totally honest. I DON'T CARE whether a weaponized virus came out of the Wuhan lab or it was no virus at all but rather a computer program. I DON'T CARE if Robert Malone has a shady history to whatever degree. Just like I DON'T CARE that up until recently Republican politicians like Ron Johnson merited only my contempt for their previous policies. ALL THAT MATTERS IS THAT THE HORSE IS OUT OF THE BARN. The vaccines should be the focus 100%, vaccines forced on millions of people brainwashed by a corrupt media. All that matters is the vaccines don't work and cause harm. So if Robert Malone reveals some of that, great. If Ron Johnson hosts doctors, nurses and the injured by the vaccines in the US Senate, terrific. We're dealing with something so dark and evil that whoever casts a light on it should be applauded. We need to stop nitpicking and defeat this monster before it carries us away into a trans humanist nightmare.
Michael, this was more or less my position too. I think it still is. BUT, Diana West wrote a piece that was so arresting that...I framed and posted it, hoping my readers, who I truly feel are the best people on the internet, would not conflate it with my position. I'm just watching, learning, wondering. Still.
Thanks, Celia, for your open-mindedness. I just feel we're up against something so challenging the question becomes what can we do to defeat it? I have no definitive answer for that although I'm in favor of standing up and being heard. But if that's not enough, what then?
Celia. Diane's article was not so much against Malone as it was a warning to us that there are many unanswered questions we need answered. I myself have posted many of the same points to those that follow my daily blog. Trust but verify. Trust but ask the hard questions. So far no one is asking him the hard questions that to me are so obviously needing to be asked. Perhaps he just happened to wake up to the evil of his profession late in the game or perhaps he is building our trust in order to further push a vaccine for a non existent pandemic. The fact that he is working behind the scenes on another vaccine is what really made me start to question him and the "why did he wait" question too. His vaccine is no safer than the others on the market. No vaccine was ever needed. Early treatment and the correct hospital protocol was all we needed. The pandemic was created for the vaccine not the other way around. Fauci has been working with Gates and big pharma for years on mandating global vaccines. If you look at the GAVI website and their chart in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals you will see the answer to all of them are vaccines. They are evil, depopulation sociopaths.
The unite4truth blog has quite a bit to say about Malone and it's not favorable. I haven't really dug into it but one thing they say is that Malone is positioning himself to take over for Fauci and also to make a lot of money on alternate treatments/vaccines whatever. I haven't paid too much attention because I completely agree with Michael Brownstein--I don't give too much of a shit about all of the convoluted details at the moment--we have to focus on the big ugly picture and stop this madness. Then, I think these details become much more important when we get to the stage of true accountability.
I go over the same things, but I explain why Malone's controversy with Berenson exposes a few things at the end of my post.
Yes, I agree...another vaccine ($$$) is not needed. Nor was any vaccine! I follow Malone's substack, but will cancel after reading Diane West's information.
Diana West has been way ahead on these topics, I would also put Dr. Jane Ruby next to West. Both of these women have been asking the right questions since day one.
As horrible and destructive as these vaccines are, and they are all of that, if we focus on the vaccines, we may lose sight of the real threat we're facing. That threat is Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBCDs) ushered in by vaccine passports. While the vaccines themselves are doing their destructive population reduction work, the threat to those of us who remain on the planet lies in TPTB (i.e., the ultra-wealthy banksters) who are working diligently to enslave us through CBDCs. The vaccines are merely the means to their ends; population reduction for those unfortunate enough to succumb to the poison, and digital IDs and eventual digital control over the rest of us when they do away with the world's currencies and substitute CBDCs that will control every aspect of what remains of our pitiful lives. In that sense, the CBDC horse had not yet left the barn. We still may be able to resist their totalitarian control mechanisms, but the window of resistance is closing fast. If we want to focus on the real monster, it is CBDCs, IMO. Not enough people understand that this is the ultimate goal of the globalists, while those who are resisting are focused on vaccines and masks and sundry other restrictions. The real monster is totalitarian control over every aspect of our lives through digital IDs and currencies. And, yes, you are correct when you note that the scariest part of all of this is when we're transformed into trans-humanist batteries in the matrix. Doesn't get much worse than that.
That's a good point and I believe that is a big part of it. I'm a huge fan of market investing/trading but I'll have none of the crypto -- for lots of reasons but I think what you're talking about is the biggest. I believe it!
Also, another huge part of it that I don't think is getting enough attention is that of energy production and electrification. The very idea that the elite care so much about our planet (based on science as iffy as that of covid) that they must do this for "our" own good is preposterous.
The same people that have been behind corporations that have happily destroyed everything in their path are now telling us how bad *we* are for driving cars, or using too much of what they provide.
Crypto is a trap IMO. And it's one that will enable our lives to be further controlled by people that essentially hate humans or, at best, hate freedom.
BTW, crypto is a trap. Catherine Austin Fitts tells us that central bankers are allowing cryptos to exist so they can work out the bugs, at which point they will institute central bank digital currencies and absorb all the others. Crypto only exists until it competes with currencies issued by central bankers, on which they earn interest and through which they control the sovereign governments of the world. Rothschild once said (paraphrasing): "I care not who runs a country as long as I control that country's money." That's the game, and CBDCs will cement total control over every one of us.
Yes! Follow Solari...Catherine Austin Fitts, will make this clear.
By "vaccines" of course I meant this as well, in fact the end of my comment says unless we get it together this monster will carry us off to a transhumanist nightmare. Obviously that includes digital currencies and the social credit system via 5G and smartphones. Naming names with banks today is valuable but their program has been the same since the invention of banking and credit systems long ago. In fact, the source of the problem is capitalism. Capitalism and patriarchy.
100% - Malone is casting a light. The nitpickers are trying to extinguish it. They can sod off. Malone has come out strong against the jab for kids. He said from the beginning he is pro-safety and that's why he feels he has to speak out. So what if he still believes in vaccines. So what if he's helping to develop them. He said of the one he had hopes for in India was showing safety issues so a no go. He's pro-safety, not anti-vaccine. Divided we fall and that's what they want.
If the jab is bad for kids how could anyone recommend it for adults? This shot is not safe for anyone. Even Malone himself almost died from the shot and we are supposed to think that giving it to the already compromised is a good idea? Sorry but something is off here and we need to keep an open mind to the possibility. He is now pushing a shot for a flu that has long since been gone. Why?? And perhaps you should read the truth about his new shot. It is no safer than what we are already getting. No we need to keep our antennae up.
Yes, he is casting a light on many of the most troubling aspects of the covid scam. But, in doing so, he is causing us to focus our attention on what he's telling us, most of which we already know from other sources. I don't believe (I may be wrong on the one) that he has produced any dramatic revelations about the scam. So, if he is in fact controlled opposition, we need to ask ourselves: What is he distracting our attention from?
Well, we know full well by now that the covid scam was appropriated by TPTB as cover for the financial collapse of the global economy, which really is only a continuation of the 2008 financial collapse, both of which were precipitated by bank fraud on a massive scale. Given the imminent collapse, bankers seized on the covid as an excuse to lock down the world's economies, thereby reducing demand for money that didn't exist, so they could engineer multi-TRILLION dollar bailouts from sovereign governments to recapitalize their balance sheets. And that is exactly what they did. Isn't it possible that Malone is feeding us just what we want to hear so we focus our attention on him and completely ignore the biggest wealth transfer in the history of mankind?
"most of which we already know from other sources."
Dr. Palmer would agree with you. Early January I listened to an interview with him and Catherine Austin-Fitts in which Dr. Palmer said this about Dr. Malone (note: I had trouble making out a few words due to his strong German accent):
“[T]he mRNA vaccines were a bad idea from first principles. You have some people, I have to call out them out for this, I’m sorry but I have to call out the great inventor Robert Malone. He now says, okay, he’s seen the light, that mRNA vaccines are [unintelligible] not a good idea. They were never a good idea, based on first principles and he should’ve known it and he should have told us; not some nobody guy from [unintelligible] like myself should have to say this. He should have told us and he never did. He never reveals anything that is actually novel and substantial. He always says something that somebody has already said.” (@ 1:15:21)
My take is that Malone and a few others are good sources for me to use when talking to normies about the dangers of the jab. That's it.
mRNA Exposed with Dr. Michael Palmer and Catherine Austin-Fitts
Boudica -- wow, what a heroic name you're carrying! I'm sure you're aware she was a queen of the British Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the conquering forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61. We need you front and center in the field!
The REAL Robert W. Malone, MD
In 2011, he twitted “National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) has now voted to recommend AVA (Biothrax) anthrax vaccine testing in pediatric population.” 1 This defies many human rights: you cannot under any circumstance experiment on healthy children (like they did with the COVID shots). Needless to say that vax poison completely failed and harmed those children. No retraction from Malone.
By 2014 he was an depopulation fanatic (masons or their mercenaries, are usually depop-nazis), when commenting “The world is becoming more violent. Here are the most and least peaceful countries”, he twitted “yet another predictable consequence of unchecked global population growth.”
There’s no overpopulation, not only because well developed humans contribute more than they use but also because births are shrinking year after year. More problematic of his lack of common sense on that topic, is that he is calling for policies against unchecked population: not a single one of them has been done without violating basic human rights and freedoms… especially informed consent (typical violation by the COVID shots, which by the way were sucessful in Malone’s goal of checking global population growth), yet Malone calls himself a freedom fighter (!) and of course, never retracted.
Worked under Fauci at the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). He has a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-2017 2):
“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.” 3
Dr. Malone “the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines, including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.” 4
Does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents5, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? US patents expire in 20 years: how many of those are still valid? If he could have blocked vax manufacturers, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide? By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.
Some ask: is it legal and ethical to appropriate patents, when the funding came from the taxpayer and is supposed to benefit the taxpayer, not the researcher who cashed his wage?
It’s like a physicist who worked in the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government research project (1942–45) that produced the first atomic bombs, alleging that he didn’t know his theoretical and practical knowledge would be weaponized, even though he was hired by the military and knew it could be weaponized. Worse if his patents could have stopped the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. All those lives would be in his conscience.
April 2021. He said he took 2nd Moderna shot: “almost did me in. As in I almost died.” Some say that it is strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE? He said he was expecting the EU to require it but it wasn’t required back then (took without coercion!) and hoped the vax would (magically?) kill his post-COVID cough (!). He almost died, yet he didn’t warn everybody in the interviews to avoid this huge risk until … 13 Jan 2022 ? 6 Not in Puerto Rico 3 Oct 2021 or Hawaii 18 Oct 2021.7
24 Jun 2021 Malone twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ 12 Malone didn’t answer, maybe he didn’t read it and wasn’t aware of Hill’s 180° change towards the anti-ivermectin genocide. He surely supported ivermectin afterwards.
In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the elderly and high risk, while working for a Bio-defence contract. 13 It seems he never gave a public apology.
He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each, instead of leading a class action against the social media that censored him and millions (Twitter, Linkedin, etc.). 14
He attacked Harvey Risch, MD; Judy Mikovits, MD; Paul Alexander, Ph.D.; and The Wellness Company.15
Some argue that this is exactly what a false flag does: block anyone contesting his official narrative. For instance, the Breggins were criticizing Mattias Desmet’s mass formation theory: “The Desmet/Malone Ideology of Mass Psychosis Blames the Citizens and Not the Global Predators“.16 On the contrary, Malone has leaded global congresses in many countries, where he accused global corruption. Still, he refuses to mention “conspiracy”. By suing and not giving explanations, Malone left the accusations open.
If you search for the word “conspiracy” in Malone’s substack, you’ll only find disbelief in such reality. For example, he reposted Desmet, who lays the burden on the people, not the oppressors/predators. Either Malone and Desmet were fooled or they are trying to fool us... into the magical belief that this is a spontaneous yet coordinated process across nations and that there’s nothing else to do except talking us to extermination. Some argue that Malone is the fooled and Desmet is the fooler because he uses half truths to structure a lie. Yet, he might just be a fooled, repeating structured foolishness.
9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 17, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:
2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections ... 3 years too late: by Jan 2020, Malone had published a paper showing that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 18 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023.
“He didn't come forward expressing remorse, as lots of great inventors have done before him,19 rueing their sometimes literally earth-shaking inventions, from the atom bomb20 and the Kalishnakov, to the office cubicle and the labradoodle. Notably, as of June 2023, "The History of mRNA Vaccines" still unfolds under a spray of lovely pink blossoms on Malone's website.21” 22
8 Jun 2023. “In some cases I have proceeded to delivering a cease and desist and that was enough. Dr. Richard Fleming was one such case. I sent him a letter, and he stopped… if I win a case, this will become a disincentive for those prone to this sort of behavior in the future, directed towards me or to others… Spreading hate can be quite lucrative in the age of the internet, where attention seeking behavior can be monetized.” 23
Comment: no mention of the scientific dissent causing his lawsuit. Using the “hatred” argument is an ad hominem fallacy proving lack of arguments of the self-victimized.
Will soon publish more in my subs!
In the meantime, read this, it's important:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Celia, I like you, also appreciate the controlled opposition at least bringing light to vaccine dangers. However, I have a huge point about this comment:
"so who cares if he is confused about isolation, and…the entire bedrock of the Covid Vaccinology Religion. (Vaccines Save Lives—etc.)"
I care, and this is the most important thing and also why the controlled opposition is allowed to talk about this one vaccine killing people, but not allowed to discuss that the virus isn't even f'ing real!
This issue is the basis of the last 100+ years of Rockefeller medicine. One made up disease with expensive drugs and/or vaccines to treat but not cure them and never prevent them. Times a billion.
This ensures that the big pharma money never stops being printed and it will not prevent the next COVID, which you know damn well will be coming when everyone gets tired of COVID. There will be no treatment for the next one either and there will be many more vaccines. An unlimited number of them. Precedent has been set. None of the controlled opposition would dare question the safety or effectiveness of any other drug or vaccine, because they are preparing us for the next one that Bill Gates already mentioned.
I really think that the hill I'll die on is that NONE OF THIS IS REAL!
You cannot just come up with a list of symptoms without a cause and call it a disease. But that's the Rockefeller game plan which has worked 100% of the time for 100+ years.
I have read more about conspiracies since 9/11 than probably 99.9% of people on this planet and whatever they don't let you discuss is more than likely the biggest truth that is being hidden.
There is no new virus. And I'm not far from declaring that viruses don't exist period after reading extensively about their "discovery". I think whatever it is that they find is just remnants of destroyed mitochondria from being in a centrifuge for 4 hours. I really have never found adequate evidence of the existence of any virus ever. No one has ever seen a live virus ever because it is not possible.
And of course your reasoning is completly sound based on the censored $cience going back those hundred years:
"Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; and, being such, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine....Believe not in vaccination, it is a world-wide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end." -Carlo Ruta, Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Perugia, Italy - 1896
Dr. Charles Creighton in 1884, after his full investigation of inoculations said "Vaccination constitutes a gross superstition."
"My honest opinion is that vaccination is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name." -Dr. Harry R. Baybee
1909 New York Press, January 26, 1909 publishes a report by W.B. Clark which states, "cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person." Scientific evidence begins to mount that where human lymph is employed in a vaccine, syphilis, leprosy and TB soon follow. Where calf lymph is employed in the creation of a vaccine, TB and cancer soon follow. (Cancer and Vaccination by Esculapius).
This amazing newspaper piece from a century or more ago exhibits the reality we see manifesting itself today in great detail:
Like you I also care about what the shills say regarding their differing theories of origin. The manifestation of a virus is only a media construct. This is what our history teaches us in every instance. At times they sprinkle in a war here and there to obfuscute the masses and take pressure off the media campaign.
I knew myself personally after a 10 year fight to debunk the HIV/AID$ dogma that it was inevitable they try again. How I learned from those 10 years. Okay careful virus is real and if your toenails are black you have it get tested. Then from that abusurdity where every symptom online linked back to the virus of the day the dominoes started to fall.
The more you actually researched the more you found contrary to the narrative. So in my case I went from being a death cult follower to a Dusbergian and then I became a Perthian for some time but after all the learned research and so so boring virological papers you end up going back to having a cup of Lanka every morning and not giving a shit other than trying to save those you hold most dear if even they will listen.
I do find it gratifying to know that more people because of the efforts of some of the best people on the internet that children as young as 10 and Grandmothers as old as 80 know more about censored virus history, PCR testing and cycle thresholds and widespread population based rapid antibody testing than their public health officers.
They know we know and frankly we know they know that we NO. War is coming there is no avoiding it. It won't be as quick as many believe because well Galen Winsor is correct.
I'm so glad there are others out there. It's lonely when you think you're the only one who knows.
Many will pass through the wide gate.
An article Jon Rappoport wrote last year.
For example, in my 1988 book, AIDS INC., I showed how the cover story about HIV was used in Africa.
For a very long time, the true causes of illness and death in areas of Africa have been: hunger; protein-calorie malnutrition; starvation; contaminated water supplies; poverty; war; farm land stolen from the people; corporate pollution; toxic medicines and vaccines; toxic pesticides; overcrowding in cities; lack of basic sanitation.
Most if not all of these causes could have been eliminated. But local governments did not want healthy people. Sick and dying people were easier to control, and taking away their land was an easier proposition.
Colluding with and paying off local government leaders, transnational corporations and foreign governments set up shop in these African countries and used the healthier people to work on their giant commercial farms and in their factories.
But in 1984, suddenly, there was a new (cover) story broadcast and sold to the world: what was really decimating Africa was HIV. THIS explained all the illness and dying.
The true causes, listed above, were shoved into the background.
Those true crimes were hidden, were permitted to continue unabated.
Not only that, the HIV cover story paved the way for pharmaceutical companies to rack up profits by selling extremely toxic AIDS drugs (e.g., AZT) to Africa.
The HIV test, which turned out false positives like Niagara Falls, made these drugs seem necessary—as fake case numbers soared.
People dying from the toxic medical treatments were, of course, listed as AIDS deaths.
And, as it turned out, HIV had never been isolated. Therefore, there was no proof it existed, no reason to suppose it existed.
Like AIDS, COVID-19 is also an intelligence-agency type covert op.
The short-term goal is wrecking economies. The long-term goal is taking the population into a new world of technocratic control.
Selling this as necessary all comes back to THE VIRUS COVER STORY.
“We’re not forcing technocracy down the throats of the people. Certainly not. We’re simply doing what we must, because of the danger of the virus…because everyone is a virus-spreader…(because too many people want their freedom)…”
Always identify and return to the cover story. Walk around it. Look at it from all sides. Walk into it from one side and exit from the other. Test it. The vital clues are there.
Another classic example: 2009, La Gloria, Mexico. Smithfield Foods, the largest pork producer in the world, operates a giant pig farm. 950,000 pigs.
The poisonous urine and feces from these 950,000 pigs run out into the open air and form what are called lagoons. They’re so large, you can see them from outer space.
Workers spray the toxic lagoons with a toxic foam. It’s routine.
Workers, and people in the surrounding neighborhood, are getting sick and dying. So new contractors are brought in to spray the lagoons with yet another toxic chemical.
Out of nowhere, guess who shows up? The CDC.
Guess what they conclude? It’s not the urine and feces lagoons or the toxic chemicals causing illness and death. No. Of course not.
It’s a new mysterious “virus.” H1N1.
And voila, we have a new cover story and a new epidemic, called Swine Flu.
The cover story serves a number of purposes, as time passes. But the most obvious one is: Smithfield Foods is protected. They get away with murder.
And to cap it all off, four years later, in 2013, Smithfield, still protected, sells itself to a Chinese company, Shuanghui International Holdings, for $4.72 billion.
Here’s what I wrote about Zika (another phantom virus) in 2015:
“Medical CIA” provides the cover story.
In Brazil, the so-called center of the “Zika epidemic,” there are many problems in poverty-stricken areas that involve more than babies being born with small heads and brain impairment.
The grinding poverty itself, of course. Stolen farm land. Widespread corporate use of poisonous pesticides, some of which are banned in 22 other countries. Contaminated water supplies. Lack of basic sanitation. Overcrowding. Prior vaccine campaigns, in which toxic substances were injected directly into the bodies of people whose immune systems were already on the verge of collapsing. Toxic medical drugs.
In 2014, the Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough) was recommended for pregnant women. Among other toxic substances, this vaccine contains aluminum compounds. Aluminum can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage.
Workers are now fumigating areas with toxic sprays to kill mosquitoes. Soldiers are going door to door, handing out more toxic mosquito sprays for indoor use.
Combine all these factors, and you have an ongoing catastrophe.
It makes a great deal of sense to highlight, promote, and blame the “Zika virus” for what is actually going on in Brazil, if you want to distract and divert and obscure.
If you stopped the vaccine campaigns, stopped the spraying, and remedied the conditions I listed above, the health of the population would return and revive, without medical intervention.
Of course, the governments and their allied corporations have no intention of returning stolen land to the people. They have no intention of stopping the use of poisonous pesticides. Medical authorities have no intention of admitting they are concocting a story about a “virus,” Zika, as a cover for their corporate and government allies, and as a pretext to have “a new disease” to treat and work on and solve. They have no intention of stopping toxic vaccine campaigns.
To cap it all off, the conditions the “virus” is supposed to be causing—babies born with small heads and brain damage—can result from ANY injury or insult to a pregnant woman or her infant. No virus required.
But…“Look here, at the virus. Don’t look there.”
Could you supply the link to Rapport's article?? Thanks
His website has at the top, a group of articles he wrote just on the coronavirus (I get his emails). You will need to get into this and find it, probably about a few months ago, but don’t quote me😬 sorry I don’t keep his emails.
Again you cunfuse isolation and use it willfully. Has never been isolated. This is incorrect logic. The term you are trying to imply is Purification. Know the difference otherwise they know you don't know and assume as much.
There is a big difference between Purification and Isolation according real Science. $cience has foregone Purification and insinuates Isolation as Purification when in fact it is not.
Otherwise where are all the dead Pygmies and the graves? I like your writing style you tell it like it is.
This was also the case with Polio to a "T". Widespread use of pesticides they still like to use today causing sickness being blamed on a virus becuase they are to stupid to use fire for weed control and crop managment.
She was speaking rhetorically.
My rule for 2021: Don't trust anything you read or hear. My rule for 2022: Don't trust anybody. I am frightened to think what my rule for 2023 might be.
2023 (this was my rule from about 2007) - Every single thing you thought was true at one point is a lie.
That was my rule for 2020.
I guess it depends on how much you buy into the viruses and other diseases (HIV, SARS, Avian flu, MERS, polio, etc) as being something you somehow catch. No one can explain how these so-called viruses are transmitted and why they cannot seem to purposely infect someone when they deliberately try to inflict a certain virus upon them.
I, for one, do not believe that any vaccine or mRNA injection protects you against anything...virus or disease. To my belief, viruses and diseases are created within (terrain) and not caught from the outside (as in germ theory) simply because there has never been any proof that any of these monstrous viruses exists.
The "bad actors" always seem to be floating around in some lab dish along with numerous other floaties and never in pure form. Even the mRNA spike proteins have been computer simulated and are not exact. Again, there is no proven, rational explanation as to how a person gets sick with these things from exposure.
However, exposure to outside toxins is another matter. Smoke, chemicals, and other nasties can be breathed in or absorbed and therein might lie the very reason you become sick. Your body needs to expel the toxins and it uses numerous methods. You immune system gets rid of some of it and you get "sick" to get rid of the other particles.
Why do people seem to get the "flu" during the cooler months? There is less sun exposure, which is one of the healthiest things you can do without the chemical laden sun screen. You don't sweat as much because you are more bundled up to conserve heat. Sweating is the greatest release of toxic material your body will usually perform. During the warmer months, you may be releasing toxins through sweating and in the cooler month releasing them through colds, flu and other "viral" illnesses.
All vaccines are fake and can never replace, rebuild, increase or otherwise improve your immune system. All they can ever do is line the pockets of big pharma and the medical community. We have been royally duped for the last 70 years. And you can throw in most other big pharma drugs which never seem to cure much of anything.
So whatever Malone says, to me is based on the biggest of lies and he has been living them for a very long time. The very same lies most of the top medical honchos and experts have catered too for decades. It makes for a very luscious living and is never questioned by anyone.
Goodness, this comes at a propitious time, at least for me. I listen to a podcast, the No Agenda Show, with former MTV star Adam Curry and former writer for PC Magazine John C. Dvorak. The podcast is a "deconstruction" of the media, presenting what "really is going on" in relation to mainstream media stories. Truth told, I never, and I mean NEVER, listen to or watch any mainstream media, ever. All I need to know about the truth behind the news I learn from the No Agenda Show. (I admit, my horizon is extremely limited; hence my interest in authors like you on Substack.) Please be aware that the show has some "quirks" that truly loyal producers (i.e. listeners) find most compelling. The show has listeners across the globe, something truly amazing.
All that aside, it is at least curious that these podcasters identified Malone as a (former) CIA operative, engaged in controlled opposition against, I presume, the counter-covid narrative. I held my tongue, so to speak, when Curry said he didn't trust Malone and that he believed Malone was working on behalf of the CIA (one of the most-involved bad actors in the covid scam); I wasn't convinced. But, as time goes on and people like Diana West begin to question Malone's bona fides, I have to wonder whether or not he (Malone) really is working on behalf of the CIA to distract us from -- what, exactly. At the very least, he seems to be fully invested in the existence of a "novel corona virus." Is that the purpose of his distraction; i.e.,to continue to drive the narrative that something like a deadly "virus" really exists, along with all its possible variants? Regardless, Celia, you have piqued my curiosity regarding Dr. Malone and forced me to be as skeptical of him, and his assertions, as I am of Faucimengele. Just when I thought I knew who our friends and enemies were . . . I love your work; please keep doing what you do.
In The Morning! Yeah, they connected Malone pretty solidly as an asset. When Malone said on the JRE that his CIA buddy called him... I thought, Uh oh! We need to evaluate everything and any source as if they're full of shale, and then determine if the information is legit!
ITM, sir. It's amazing how much more insight we producers have that most others are missing.
There may well be the game of black hats vs. white hats going on behind the scenes. It would then be conceivable for Malone being part of the white team, which is somewhat better than the opposing side but still not good. In his youtoob heyday, George Webb (Sweigert) mapped out the workings of the DS; he assigned the numerical labels of 333 (half-evil) and 666 (evil) to the opposing teams. The obvious conclusion was there were no good (in the sense of the word) players involved. So much for expectations.
Malone has his beliefs but is a WARRIOR against jabbing kids. And a warrior agains censorship.
I read West's article the other day and have been waiting to see what else happens. Will more journalists pick it up? Will Berensen say more, given his dust up with Malone? Will Malone address it? In any event, Dr. Malone isn't totally against jabbing kids, if you read this portion of West's article:
"Not even Malone's opposition to children taking the shot is always a hard stop. On November 23, 2021, in an exquisite Hawaiian setting, Robert and Jill Malone, barefoot and wearing leis, spoke to a group of children seated crosslegged on the ground before them. It was a Q&A on the virus and the vaccine.
Girl: I'm a little bit scared about getting the vaccine.
Dr. Robert Malone: Getting the vaccine, ok. So, what you can do to get so that you're not scared?
Wait, what? Isn't Robert Malone supposed to be warning children against the clot shot?"
His current stance is absolutely no way. He’s very pointed now, if not necessarily a few months ago when she quotes him.
As things get darker, he’s increasingly radicalized.
As am I.
Is he really a warrior? Please read Diana's piece fully. Explain to me why Malone's wife had Bill Gates, Melinda Gates and Trudeau as her influencers and then removed them once she was caught?
There are still more questions, however I don't think Malone is really who he says he is. He unjustifiably labelled Alex Berenson "controlled opposition" and was directly responsible for Alex losing plenty of subscribers. Alex has been giving out information and data since day one. Where has Malone been since day one? Why call Alex "controlled opposition"?
Projection, no?
He should be a warrior against jabbing anyone. It's ok to kill adults but not the kids??? Geez
Only for this one vaccine. He's absolutely controlled opposition.
Who or what is the “controlling” agent? Seems he’s controlled, as in still influenced, by a lifetime of mainstream scientific training and thought which has served him well, professionally.
He’s clearly shedding many, albeit not all of these views. Yet. We’ll see where things land.
I highly doubt he’s “controlled” as in: in on the scripted deception.
In my world this distinction matters.
He is allowed to have a fairly loud voice (invite to Joe Rogan), while no one has even heard of Jon Rappoport who has written almost 300 blog destroying the narrative that the virus exists and has been isolated. Guys like Steve Kirsch are as anti-Rapoport as mainstream is anti-antivax.
Here is a quote from one of his latest blogs:
"Why do “alt. people” reject every piece of the official COVID narrative, except the piece that starts with “the virus exists,” an announcement which emanates from elite labs no truly independent observer is permitted to enter?"
I completely agree with you.
Malone is the reason I heard of C. Farber. He linked to one of her articles via Twitter, before he got deplatformed.
I agree. People's opinions evolve over time (as they learn more) and I don't have to agree with 100% of a person's opinions to find some value in what they say. Nonetheless, I am waiting for more shoes to drop...
Politics makes strange bedfellows. The enemy of my enemy is my friend for now.
You are right the vaccines are meant to kill everybody who takes it within five years and unfortunately people have not followed Bill Gates he announced in Switzerland in October 2019 that a pandemic is coming soon and he expects to make 7 billion in 2020 selling his new vaccines he actually made 10 billion! He patented the cure in Nov. 2019 one month prior to officially released it on us! Actually two Wuhan lab technicians and the wife of one of the two who got COVID 19 died in the last week of Nov. 2019 the city got its first victims in The first week of Dec. And the doctor who first spread the news died one month later!
I have been filling this reality since Bill Gates first public acknowledge meant of the disease he helped create!
Malone's motivations are not mysterious. He's vaccinated, so he took the jab. His thinking has evolved as he's learned more. The same is true for all of us.
Malone is a hero, doing more right NOW than any of us to ring the bell of danger and warn as many people off as possible. He's saving lives and you want to write this drivel? Whose side are you on? Facts, or rumors, whispers, unfounded accusations, gossip, or bavardage? The innuendo here is unprofessional journalism. You should be ashamed of yourself. I've enjoyed all your other writing, but this is just over the top. Have you asked Dr Malone directly and publicly to answer any questions? Are you giving him an opportunity to respond before you publish hearsay? Because that's what it is.
Please get your priorities straight and work on what will make the most difference. This isn't it. In the face of a clear and present danger you seek to sow suspicion.
THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY POSITION. Charles: I re-posted a piece that may not reflect MY position. Does anybody here even understand what that tradition is? Diversity of perspectives?
On the one hand I will not be sucked into "Malone is controlled opposition" on the other hand, when a writer of the caliber of Diana West makes a case, I won't be guilt tripped into ignoring it.
And West's case was not exactly a case for "controlled opposition--" it was a case for insisting Malone either be very clear, or, not have such stature as a MORAL authority. And she's right.
Clarity IS morality.
Presently, I still think Malone is on the side of light. Not controlled opposition. Just not accustomed to being clear.
I’m at this stage prepped to give Dr Malone the benefit of any doubt! I’ve heard similar things said about Reiner Fuellmich and other leading lights in this fight. At this stage, absent any real hard core evidence to the contrary, I don’t feel it behooves any of us to keep second guessing these people. This is a massive fight, and until we’re given good reason not to, we need to support them, and trust them.
Mind you, if people like Malone, Fuellmich and their ilk turn out to be less than the sum of their respective parts, a lot of very smart people who perhaps should have known better aren’t just going to be pissed off; they’re gonna look mightily stoopid!
That said, I have no small measure of respect for your own efforts Celia. It didn’t go unnoticed you “liked” Charles’s reply. Keep up your great work. I can’t support you financially, as I’m doing my own thing, and struggling to keep it up. But I’m reposting and sharing as much as time permits. 👍🙅♀️🦠🙅♀️💉😎
This is, of course, the trouble with having leaders doing your thinking for you - some of them may be less than perfect, and they may have conflicts of interest, like Dr Malone and his new, yet undisclosed, vaccine. What we know is that the mRNA vaccines do not prevent infection, and they do not stop spread, so there is no benefit to them. We also know that they potentially carry great risk, so any kind of risk-benefit analysis would be simple: no one should take them, period. Not people under 18, not people over 60, no one in the age range between. And that's all we need to know.
As to the virus itself, it may not have been isolated in some sense or other, but it has been sequenced, and so have its millions of variants. But that's not material to the question of vaccines for this particular coronavirus: they don't work, they're dangerous, and no one should take them. And that's that.
Dr Malone and his new, yet undisclosed, vaccine.
Before he was bounced from twitter he was asked about a vaccine he was developing. He explained many times he was, maybe still is, a consultant on a vaccine being develop by an Indian pharmaceutical company. He is not developing a vaccine. He's been upfront about that.
I will say that this is typical in that - just when there is a glimmer of hope and some movement in the right direction the “opposition” — those opposed to mandates, lockdowns and the government intervention in health decisions and the disgusting public “health” response to this virus — suddenly decides to eat its own. This is how we lose.
The fact is the Branch Covidians are made up of the most powerful politicians, the media, tech, major education institutions and the world’s billionaires and oligarchs do not break from one another. They are lockstep. Which is why they’ve convinced and scared people into being ignorantly foolish.
But yes - let’s take some folks like Malone and McCullough - who’ve done more to shine a light on this lunacy than most people combined - and try to destroy them from within. That’s smart. That’s brilliant. (that’s sarcasm).
We do not have to agree 100% with everything people on “our” side say - otherwise we’re just in the Democrat party. But let’s also recognize that we don’t have to agree to still have a purpose which aligns to the greater good of crushing these tyrants we’ve witnessed the last two years.
I don’t have to like Malone, McCullough, Kirsch, etc. but they are doing great work on this particular issue.
How sad and true! The irony is that it is the gay community again which has bought into Fauci’s Second WHOPPER, the Covid Scam …hook line and sinker!!!
Yup- no idea that he created the first one.
I don’t get it. You’re getting some weird revenge satisfaction because there are heterosexual victims now? You need to get your head on straight. We’re not the enemy.
Sweetheart, trying to gaslight me or anyone on these threads is going to fall flat- we’re all gaslighting experts. You said straight people get to know what it’s like, the shoe is in the other foot and “how do [we] like them apples? You are clearly doing exactly what I accused you of doing. Pretending you are innocent and it’s just my “conception” doesn’t fly. Your anger is misdirected. Figure it out. Quit acting like a jackass- that’s why as you say, people don’t like you.
Dr. Robert Malone, Knight in Shining Armor or Controlled Opposition?
I should have written that. :) See my post above.
Thank you. Discernment comes through the Holy Spirit.
Hard nut to crack. It's stunning to me the lack of discussion about graphene and other ingredients and 4th industrial revolution technologies/agenda. The big name skeptics don't ever mention that stuff.
Malone is either an idiot that has a high title
A disinfo agent.
No other ways can explain his contradictions like saying the shot was safe for third trimester and older people. Also, him taking the vaccine for his long covid goes against his own expertise, that you don't take a vaccine after having had a disease....
He also managed to disobey Desmet's wishes by taking Desmet's term of "mass formation" and make up his own term "mass formation psychosis" which later was fact checked as not existing. Ugh
I think he's setting himself up for a nice position in the future medical system that unfortunately will get away with genocide by having scapegoats...
I'm skeptical of most everyone, with a few notable exceptions....Jon Rapoport (who directed me to Celia, who I trust,) Dr Paul Thomas, The Vaccine-injured, true whistle-blowers who actually blow their careers, those types. On Malone, for me, it's tough. there are great points in these comments, on all sides. One thing that nobody's mentioned, and which most may think is foolish or irrelevant, that I noticed. At the DC Rally, when Malone spoke, he was accompanied by his wife. I don't know, but she just appeared to be so real, and so moved, by his speech. Maybe I'm reading something into it, but she looked as though she was seeing a man truly throwing off (most of) his shackles and demons and speaking the truth from his heart. Maybe she's just a really good actor? Just a thought. Anyone?
Reply to self...I just read the Dianna West article. Wow! Scratch everything I said above about Mrs Malone. She's connected to all of the creeps, Gates, etc. Sorry.
Just when I thought we were out...