Dear Celia:

Hate to rain on your or Dr. Makis' parade, but "Bets?"

I'm about 30 minutes into the article you posted earlier today; Dr. David Martin being interviewed by Alex Jones.. Hopefully you too are taking it in.. Dr. Martin is beginning to detail (what you and I were already aware of btw) a crime so monstrous that it is almost incomprehensible. Meanwhile people have been murdered, their evidence "memory-holed" for considerably less than what Dr. Makis is demonstrating...

I think of my brother Paul on his deathbed in January 1995 at the age of 43.. blind, emaciated, scarcely able to move, thanks to Dr. Fraudci and AZT.. We all thought it was "AIDS"... it's only since 2021 and reading "The Real Anthony Fauci" that I learned the reality of it. Since then I've lost both my sisters, I'm the last member of my family and I've every reason to believe my siblings are dead, my parents met their pitiable ends, thanks entirely to the Medical Racket.

The monsters we're up against are incredibly powerful, the money backing them is unimaginable.

May God be with you in your efforts.

Capt. Roy Harkness

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stay as far away from the medical establishment as possible!

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You don't have to tell me, Carolyn... 🤔

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Oh, Capt. Roy, I'm so sorry for your losses. 💔

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Yes, my sincere condolences., too...I feel the same way, Capt. and we nearly lost a 22 year old college student because of the convid BS....she knew better but all her friends got jabbed & the school was pushing to meet their own quota in order to get the blood $$$...

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Welcome to life on Planet Earth I guess...🙄💩 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2Wx230gYJw

I think Colin Wilson put it best really, in his "Beyond the Occult":

"For most of us, life is a disappointing business that begins with high hopes and the sounding of trumpets, moves on to frustration after frustration, and finishes off as a disillusioned crawl into the grave".

Told that one to my departed brother in 1992 on our drive to Lakefield from Toronto (an hour and forty minutes) as he chainsmoked all the way, to celebrate our niece's "Sweet 16" with the rest of the family... He laughed so hard I thought he was going to suffocate!

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Yeah, it's a rough ride indeed. I'm glad your brother had a good laugh with that quote.

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The irony of it was his deep interest in Eastern Mysticism, Hindu and Buddhist.. Gave all of us a copy of "Autobiography of a Yogi" which I've yet to read.

... always look on, the bright, side of life! ... 🎶

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1984 was not just the name of a book by George Orwell. It was also the year that Tony Fauci got control of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in America. (NIAID) America had a rate of 12.8% of autoimmune/chronic disease when Fauci took over the reins in 1984 and by 2008 it had skyrocketed to 54%. Charles Ortleb called out Fauci for running a criminal enterprise in his book, "Fauci, The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme." As Charles Ortleb noted, "You can't reason with someone who has Fauci's power and administrative long arms because at all times he is running and protecting a criminal enterprise." Everything is profit over truth.

It seems they do not care how many people are mass murdered. The same shady politics, shoddy science and big pharma collusion is in play today as it was then. The medical establishment can inflict much suffering and death on an unsuspecting public when opposition is silenced.

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I think Celia can spot both the fraud and the ignorant.

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I just hope she's watching her back.

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She needn't worry. The major grubs she exposes actually get off on having their crimes and deeds reported.

It gives them a thrill knowing that even under exposure they are unaccountable.

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That's not always the case: Consider Gary Webb, Danny Casolaro, J.H. Hatfield, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden for examples – and that's off the top of my head...🙄

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You might want to do a deeper dive into Assange and Snowjob.

Limited hangouts, 911 Gatekeepers.

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The evidence is everywhere. It is all around us every day. It seems high time to question everything.

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Start with god and Jesus ..those two fairy tales are what keeps underwriting Israels' unaccountable mass murders.

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Not Jesus, but "Christians," especially those Scofield Bible following dupes. That thing is all about Zionism and Israel, not Jesus. Ask one of them about Balfour. If they even know who he is, they'll tell you he was a part of God's plan...to restore Israel. No getting through to a mind like that.

As for Jesus, whether one believes in His divinity or not, His message of peace, non-violence (except for that one time when He went into the temple, overturned the tables, and beginning whipping the shit outta those money-changing scumbags. 😂) and self-mastery is universal and timeless.

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It's a story Liberty.

A story of a sinless saint that ergo cannot be criticized.

A story for the penurious to cheer their hero for clearing the temple.

A story of pure politics wrapped in Christmas paper and religious divinity.

A story to placate the timid and stop them from treating the oppressor and the writer of the story in kind and break the spell that they are held in thrall by a story.

It's a trap Liberty..

Re-ligion .... Return to bondage.

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Or a story of an ideal. One to be pursued.

As for timid, what is there about Jesus that one could describe as timid?

I agree...People cling to stories and woe to those who question. Take the story about SARS CoV-2, for example...:)

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Ideals of character are ideal for an ideal world. Not this world.

And an idealist is not to be followed, if it were the exponential placebo of villains who would keep you on your knees, praying to their product.

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I think of Jesus as "a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief" (Is 53:3) which is about par for the course for anyone who stands up for truth over system-illusion.

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ever since I heard the warning chants, back in mid 2020, from those on the dissenting side -of millions, if not billions at risk of being harmed or killed by the shots- I knew that if true ( and I imagined it so) it could not be hidden, and thus inevitable revelation would necessarily have be taken into account tby those who planned this affair, and subsumed into their script.

The Resolution Will Be Televised (and it's happening as we type...)

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Bingo. A good Scamdemic needs carefully crafted, after market contingencies.

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Amazing how the truth is pouring out.

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One big truth awaits its turn that will likely never come out.


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We understand that. Poet, that is the LEAST of our problems.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

It's not the least of our problems, it's the answer to all of our problems, forever.

Well, maybe not all of the problems, but all of the problems related to medical tyranny.

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Medical cons go way beyond viruses. If I had to name the biggest medical fraud, it would be the cholesterol-saturated fat-heart disease hypothesis, closely followed by the "cancer" scam. Actually diabetes probably is an equal second.

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According to Clif high it’s the movement of earth into the edge of the galaxy that is closest to galactic center . Like the time that Atlantis existed

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I do so look forward to the tsunami.

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You're a surfer?:).

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The Indonesian tsunami was a DEW attack. The aid funds were set up by two grifters

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It seems the Marxists are going to win BIG TIME in Britain in two weeks. I have a hunch that those people are not going to say anything in defense of the victims and against the perpetrators. They are the perps!

In France, maybe the globalist center-right wins. They are not going to say anything against the tyranny they supported these four years.

The Germans will only have new elections if and when they put all the AfD guys on prison, and they clearly prefer to lose against Russia in the battlefield again, and destroy the country again, rather than stopping now and simply go to prison, as they should.

It would be a good idea to permanently move the German Bundestag to a Prison and have all the parliamentary sessions there, for the sake of time efficiency and saving fuel in transport.

But who knows, maybe Farage takes this "little" democide issue for himself, since nobody else wants it, and manages to win in the future. I doubt it, that guy is also a sell-out, IMO.

By the way, it's quite remarkable that the Reform party has as number deputy two men, one a former MD and TV star who is a homosexual with the oddness of disliking high taxes, and a Muslim Pak Businessman whose name can be translated as "Beloved" and he seems to have the very normal view of disliking mass immigration. Quite the far right party, eh?

The LBC channel on youtube is mind-boggling. They seem completely obsessed against Russia and in favor of Israel's genocide. Those journalists are delusional and a clear danger to themselves and others, and that's before the breakfast double-gin!

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So do the Germans have a real peace treaty from wwtwo? Are they sovereign? Or are there, were there four allied occupiers? And where are those now? Who controls G? Do you know? Are those allied occupiers still allies? Why? Qui bono? Germany is in the middle of Europe stuck between a rock and a hard place it seems, at least that is what is feels like.

The biggest Am. airbase outside of the U.S.A. is allegedly in Germany...Ram still..Stein .oh well I'm sure those Germans like being occupied just like any other peoples would like being occupied and controlled like the Americans also do not seem to be so free anymore. What is Bletchley Park in the UK, what was decided there vis a vis those Germans since 1945? fyi' Other Losses by James Bacques and all books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, I wish you a lovely day, btw I do get the gist of your point, like General Smedley Butler said : War is a Racket, it is nothing personal just numbers to those filling their koffers with the currents at sea, Weapons of Mass Migration by Kelly Greenhill, time will tell again and again, those two not planes and three buildings doing a free fall still reverberate throughout the world, but that spell is wearing off it seems, what will take it's place who knows hey? I like the song by Leonard Cohen, From Manhatten to Berlin, Grüß Gott!

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I understand the Clowney and wife are demonizing independent journalists that are trying to show the American population an unbiased glimpse of Russia.

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The mind virus is now a pandemic.

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The Rothschilds control both the Tories and Labour.

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fyi: Song: 'God help us all' by Five Times August

music by Jan Weckstrom from Red Rumble.

There a nice interview with him on Geopolitics & Empire

Gulf Stream Riders

Dear Celia, I wish you a lovely day, thanks for being a caring human being and posting your finds and for writing your well written book, Saludos.

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Five Times August has a newer song out which he performed in Geneva recently: Liars, Cheats and Crooks. It is definitely relevant. I believe the song officially drops on June 27th but it can be found on GooTube (YouTube). It’s my “go-to” song for these times.

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Dear Elizabeth, thank you very much, kind regards!

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I so love that you said that…”kind regards”. It is such a lovely way to sign off…especially in a time of such incivility. It is a beautiful turn of phrase. Thank you for that. If a lot of us could return to civility, we would make some progress against the evil-doers. I think my new favorite person on planet earth is our neighborhood trash collector. I’m white and he is black. I live in an affluent neighborhood and he probably does not. Maybe he does, but I doubt it. However, when this man cones on Fridays to collect trash, he brings the joy with him, and kindness. My little neighbor boy runs up and down the street to “help”. Which is not really helpful if the man were solely interested in expediency, which he is not. The boy’s parents cannot take him to a birthday party on trash day or schedule nothing else or the boy will be crushed as he looks up to this trash collector. In fact, a lot of us on our street look forward to seeing him. The boy’s father runs up and down the street now, too, chatting about sports with the gentleman…and I do mean GENTLE-MAN. So, I am staying home from work tomorrow until I can meet this man, learn his first name and give him a card with a tip to thank him for bringing kindness to our street. I only wish my beloved garbage collector were in a position of great power because the world would be a better place for it. In lieu of this story, which is true, thank you for beautiful, precious civility.

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You are welcome dear lady! Thank you for that story, it is good for the soul, a story gift so to speak, kind regards.

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It ain't just that they're lying. Reason is gone so completely out the window, there's hardly an argument to be made, that they won't answer with a look of confident light heartedness, like Dr. Robert Garry before Senator Josh Hawley yesterday, pointing up his inconsistencies over 'proximal origins' for the covid virus. Anthony Fauci is always ready to crack a smile on a talk show, so that you're reminded of Robert MacNamara warning us it wasn't by reasons that we made it out of the Cuban missile crisis. Rather, madness in power was ready to give it a rest.

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What if the Cuban missile crisis was another hoax and deep state psyop?

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Tuesday I saw a show in which a guy named Cory Hughes discusses with Ryan Christian and friends the subject of Jack Valenti as a c.i.a. spook and marksman on the grassy knoll, at an hour 15 in-- https://x.com/AMwakeup/status/1803062759325626656 . At an hour 26 they get on to the subject of the arms meant for the anti-castro Cubans going to Israel as part of general operations since 1946. Real boots on the ground sort of stuff such as the native Palestinians experienced at the end of that pipeline probably didn't come across as a hoax or much of a psyop. But things were kept on the up and up Stateside the while that profits were comfortable, and we could mostly put pedal to the metal and cruise the highways toward good faith encounters, which I hope you can still do.

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Most stuff that makes the news is CIA bullshit.

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It has been a long time since I read a lot of the AIDS Scam stuff, particularly Inventing the AIDS Virus. Sadly I have been following Fauxi since the mid-80's when a friend of mine got AIDS and died of Fauxi's neglect. Can you give me some info or sources for the brilliant and heroic Peter Duesburg's thoughts on cancer?

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Vic, I can give you the basic basic which is now something I wrote 20 years ago but it's baked into a larger narrative about what the cabal did to Duesberg. For more details you might go to davidrasnick.com—Duesberg's partner in aneuploidy. Let me double check that address. I will return here with the link to "The Passion of Peter Duesberg."

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Thanks. Fauxi’s most evil accomplishment is destroying medical science. For what he did to Duesberg alone, he should have been branded a Liar and driven from descent society.

In the 80’s and 90’s I had done a lot of reading on the entire AIDS Mass Murder Scam in tribute to my dead AIDS friend. Since then I kept a distant eye on what’s was going on in this area, like repeated mRNA technology failures, but didn’t focus much on it.

Until When the Wuhan virus scam started. Seeing Fauxi on the news again brought up the old disgust and revulsion. I tried to warn my friends the First Rule of Modern Medicine “Don’t Trust Fauxi!”. Sadly they didn’t listen.

One of few joys of the Covid Scam was seeing your writings again. I am truly sorry about what the Medical Mafia did to you. That alone would be justification to have ruined Fauxi. Know there are people that you will never know who hold you in their thoughts and prayers. You have made the world a better place. Thank you.

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Please stop using the phrase Wuhan virus, which gives legitimacy to the concept of there being a virus, which there is not. There was no lab leak, because there was nothing to leak except imaginary ideas.

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Please note I said "Wuhan virus SCAM".

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I understand, but the point remains. It's just a nitpick. Wuhan has nothing to do with anything. The reason why people started using that phrase is only because of the lab leak controlled opposition nonsense. You feed the narrative by even saying it. You end up in the Steve Kirsch/Mike Adams/Robert Malone category of health freedom advocates who believe the government is releasing gain of function viruses because viruses are always real when the only drum to beat is THERE ARE NO VIRUSES.

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Sixway, you just don't get it. You are fixated on the Sam Bailey rabbit hole of "There are no viruses." Are you REALLY going to put Sam Bailey up against Peter Duesberg. Are you going to do that. Oh, that's right, you're one of those who thinks something like genital herpes in adults or chicken pox in infants are parasites.....righhhhhttt.

You say, "Oh no, you're so wrong, it's SO important to go down this rabbit hole!!" No it isn't, actually, despite your insistence.

The globalists are getting your next death shot ready, with military backing, and you want to win this argument. Who cares? You're dead anyway. Oof.

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People are stupid really does underpin the Marx philosophy. I’d say people are naive, too trusting in authority from their schooled daze.

THEY take advantage of our trusting nature, we are a bit like dogs, we trust and bond with people.

We need to teach trust must be earned and due diligence is your best defence.

Doctors hate having to justify their diagnosis and prescriptions when people prepare before arriving for their appointment. Time they now need to allocate.

Health has become a metered commodity, doctor taxi driver, same same.

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Trust needs to be earned; I agree, but it must be earned over and over. Just as character is not "just developed" and then you're done...We develop character and build it over and over with every choice we make.

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I remember when the Lancet took that paper down. Do they have the huevos to stand up to big pharma and republish it as a peer reviewed study? Probably not. But it'll be fun to watch them and big pharma eat crow when another journal does.

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Good news.

We'll see what comes of it.

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"Public health was the midwife of Marxism." Do I understand that to mean that it drove Marxism and not vice versa?

At any rate, I've said a thousand times..."There ain't no such thing as 'public health.' There is only individual health."

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Thank you, Celia, for keeping us instantly informed of these astonishing events! This is even bigger than the David Martin show because so many will dismiss anything that is connected to Info Wars. I am exceedingly thrilled to see the wheels coming off the Covid con, and, simultaneously, deeply saddened because so many close friends and relatives were conned into the jab.

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This is gonna be bad!!! Albert Bourla, remember the name.

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