So because of Hitler's pogroms against the Jews, we're now supposed to endorse the Jews' pogrom against the Palestinians. And not to do so is to be accused of anti-semitism. What a stupid, murderous world we live in. And the entire Western world allows it to continue. If Netanyahu and his ilk have been arrested (supposedly) why are they still at liberty to carry on murdering these whole populations?

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Joanie: The truth of Hitler's "pogroms" is the joos had a pogrom against Germany. The "death camps" of the Third Risch were work camps. Zyklon B was only used to delouse clothing, never were there any gas chambers in any camp. This has been proven by many chemists including Dr. Robert Faurisson, Germar Rudolf, but the joos control the new media, German gov't today, USA gov't today, etc.

i$rahell is the enemy within the USA, not Russia, China,or Muslims. I$RAHELL!

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Never forget the Russian Holomodor either... 60,000,000

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It's also worth noting that there is supposedly (per either Paul Morris or Stephen Mitford Goodson - sources vary as to who first discovered this) evidence in the British archives that gas chambers was a British propaganda operation, entirely fabricated, and a subsequent memo written in 1944 by the chairman of the Joint Intelligence committee Victor Cavendish-Bentinck (banker, subsequently Lord Portland): "We have had a good run for our money with this gas chamber story we have been putting about, but don't we run the risk eventually we are going to be found out and when we are found out the collapse of that lie is going to bring the whole of our psychological warfare with it. So isn't it rather time now to let it drift off by itself and concentrate on other lines that we are running."

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Absolutely Hitler said in 1920 that if the world didn't stop the Jews the Jews would destroy the world.

Makes me ask the question, why did God choose the Israelites as his chosen people where they continually disobeyed God, made me think that God had these people as instruments to test humanity on obedience to His ten Commandments which the Israelites have never kept even to killing the Son of God Jesus Christ.

Go figure, they did that so what would they stop at killing people children old people. These people live in the Old Testament as do the Arab nations,

The western nation have moved into it as well with thousands helping to inject their fellow man with a bio weapon just for money

We have a lot to answer for when we stand before God on judgement dsy

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Marianne: Maybe there is no God? The Big Bang, Evolution, Man created gods?

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They don't even live in the old testament. The old testament is clear that only a single life may be taken in return for a life. These people kill without limit or just cause.

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They chose themselves and wrote up reams of fictional history.

And, LOL, some Christians believe they were the chosen ones and the Jews are acting out of envy and jealousy.

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... a bit disturbing to see three "likes" for this claptrap

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Joanie: It is what the joos label Holocaust Denial, those with an open mind know as Holocaust Revisionist, those with full knowledge of the "death camps" know as hTruth. I have met many times with David Irving most knowledgeable author of ~90 books on WWII, still living. I interviewed a sondokommando (joos that allegedly removed dead bodies from gas chambers, for 3 hours, his NOT knowing I knew the chemistry and construction of the gas chambers, my last 45 years has been devoted to the study of the Eastern Front of WWII, talking with over 300 Germans and joos that were there in place & time. It is only the joo controlled media that keeps us from the TRUTH of WWII in Europe. It was FDR & Churchill that caused Hitler to invade Poland in 1939. You must read "The other side of the story."

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Agree with you the joos have been writing history according to their lies starting with Reuters who pass all the lies to all the news outlets

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I am agnostic on this as I don’t trust any source on these topics. There’s something nuclear about this topic. You appear to have done some serious first hand research - good on you. If you are right I sincerely hope for this content to soon make its way towards the main stream.

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Thank you Damien: For some reason, Substack is not allowing me to comment on Irene's comment. The "Reply" button does not work on my comment.

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I don't blame them for not allowing you to comment as you have a fixation or fetish with scapegoating people.

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do you mean that Hitler invaded Poland due to the treatment of ethnic Germans in Poland? or do you refer to some other reason?

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Danzig Strait Agreement

Amazing the tone of the Wiki article: totally devoid of any diplomatic evidence and carrying the same Perfidious Albion attitudes towards the Germans as they are now towards Russia.

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Irene: Substack is not allowing me to comment on your question. The "Reply" button will not work when I write. YOU are correct, but check out Hitler's Danzig Strait Agreement to Poland. Substack seems to censor wording (not swearing) they don't agree with. 88&8s,Dave

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David I will read the document

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Make it 4. Churchill wrote 5 books, no holocaust mentioned and too much more

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My parents were in Holland during the war there was never any mention of same

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I am clapping.

Be happy you don't have the "clap".

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5 I mean

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Much of Israel and IDF are products of the Transfer Agreement, the deal (not mentioned in history books or big media) between Nazi Germany and German Jews in the 1930s. Edwin Black's first book 40 years ago explains the agreement the Jewish residents of Germany had with the new political party - to forego a economic boycott and leave with wealth intact to Palestine/Israel.

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Yes Mel: Hitler wanted joos out of Germany and did pay for them to leave. He also sent some to Madagascar.

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You need to add the Bolshevics to that agreement. In the 1880’s Jews fleeing persecution in Russia came to the barren land and bought every piece of land from Syrian absentee landowners in Damascus. As these Jews settled, draining swamps, digging wells and planting trees, Arabs from Jordan, Syria and Egypt drifted into Palestine looking for work and were employed by some of the Jewish refugees

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What did the "Transfer Agreement" say about non-German citizens, like Polish Jews, Romanian Jews, Hungarian Jews, French Jews, Dutch Jews, Italian Jews, etc.?

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Edwin Black reported that 60,000 were able to leave Germany for Israel/Palestine. The ones who could stage a boycott when the Third Reich was vulnerable in 1933. And money to protect.

Black at the time of the book's release (1984), didn't know of IBM's critical role during the Holocaust, I wonder if Black has revealed more details on the Transfer Agreement.

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That's a lot of people to move.

How many Hebrews left Egypt with Moses? More or less than 60k?

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Most of what they say about AH and the "jews" is a pack of lies.

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If facts/truth be published, Hitler was the GR8st (greatest) leader in history. Regretfully, the GR8st slimy liars control the media in most White nations and have made him a devil. 88&8s,Dave

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It would be hard to put that any better or more clearly.

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Seriously, are that vapid and easily mislead by the nose that you have forgotten the October that will live in infamy?! Over 1400 Jews (women and babies raped, brutalized, tortured, vivisection, burned alive? Seems your selective memory serves your evil master well. And you fall like a sucker for hamas (hummus) and un fake news.

Head slap for the ages!!! But, trumpet your antisemitic tripe, prove your vapidity to the world. Gropin Joe and his Israel haters in congress be proud of ya.

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All proven untrue. ALL stop lying

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William: Most of the 1400 were killed by the IDF, not Hamas

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Nov 27
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I love God and go to church, but I am not so filled with propaganda that I think it’s great that the synagogue of Satan is bombing different very innocent people in many different countries including Palestine, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and who knows who else!!!!

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With the United States government funding it all don’t forget

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UN & NATO funding is more like it. NATO is not a defence pact it’s an international monopoly It drives a Market – It is a crime syndicate - Colonel Roxane Towner-Watkins.

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Thank you Sharon. Do you get information from IHR, Joe in Italy? GR8 sources for true history today. 88&8s,Dave

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Maybe again this is the outgoing administration (Blinken and Sullivan) deliberately fucking up international relations specifically to leave Trump with a mess when he gets sworn in.

Very similar to the stupidity of Biden approving Ukraine's firing missiles far into Russia.

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With Russia now using a hypersonic weapon for which the west has no defense against, it’s game over, Putin wins. The total lack of mainstream media coverage verifies it. Biden, Sullivan, Blinken and their handlers are MADMEN with no perception of where this goes.

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Maybe still hoping to start WWIII so they can declare martial law, and nullify vote results.

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I am sure they'll insist it is our fault for electing Trump

IE, We MADE them do it. There was no other choice. We put them in an existential position. Their back was to the wall. They did not want to but they had no choice but to kill lots of innocents because those idiot MAGA morons elected Trump,,, Something like that

Lie and lie some more and insist YOU are the good guys and everyone else bad

Its the Bolshevik mindset

Do as we say or we'll have to get nasty

And it's your fault for not seeing things OUR way

If you do as we say it is "Democracy working as it should"

If you don't do as we say it is Anti-Semitism, Racism, Russia Collusion, Misogyny, sexism, homo or trans or Islamo phobia , ...or something like that.

Whatever the case it will be "we good everyone else bad"

So we have the right to do what we gotta do and it is your fault for forcing us to be nasty

We victims everyone else mean predators

Tired of being gas lit by cynical treasonous manipulators

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Please don't go straight to politicizing this. People are being slaughtered.

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I think you have it backwards. The politics is exactly why people are being slaughtered.

To end the slaughter you have to fix the politics.

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The real human beings affected are my first response. Politics second.

I don't have it backwards. I just have different priorities than yours.

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How would you fix it except politically?

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We ALL saw the IDF helicopters

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Were you as outraged with the premeditated slaughter against Israelis? Thought so. Go back to your dank coward coven

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IDF did it with helicopters. WE SAW IT!!!

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That makes no sense. Nonsense.

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Nov 27
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God is our one and only savior.

Maybe you bow to his brother below. Or the fecund swamp dwellers in dc whom you sadly worship. I pray for your mislead soul.

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The ultimate bottom line that supersedes every comment on this thread is that the Israeli government has incontestably, indisputably n unassailablly committed horrific numerous war crimes ,crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing ….genocide. They must be held accountable and severe punishments drawn up. The ICC has a good first step by intending to arrest Demon Netanyahu.

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LOL for all time 😂

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Quite possibly patrick.

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Nov 27
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Technically, in this case, it is literally the Jews who are slaughtering civilians in Lebanon.

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Nov 27Edited
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They are no more "Christians" than they are "Jews". True followers of Jesus are for peace, not death and destruction. There are posers on both sides.

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"True followers..." of a mythical man? Your jesus is not mentioned in any history before 300, except in the bible.

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Josephus in 93.

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Most of us National Socialist look at the Jesus myth as the GR8st (greatest) lie of the joos. There is NO recorded history of the man, until about 300, except in the Bible. 88&8s,Dave

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Poppycock. Why would the "joos" lie about Him, they reject Him. That would be pretty self defeating don't you think? His life has already been proven as truth, even by Muslims.

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Nov 27
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I disagree. People who aspire to follow Christ are helped to become less destructive. Poet, I am going to respectfully ask you to stop trying to talk Christians here out of being Christians and loving Christ and God. YES we are all sinners and hypocrites. But please stop because it's not the direction of the canoe. We GET that you aren't into it, but I can't let you harrass Christians no end. Do you see that? Do you accept my polite request to stop?

Look up "The League Of The Militant Godless," and see what atheism meant to Stalin. You will see that atheism is not a good place, or answer. Give people a break please. I don't want to have to ban you. I like you.

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You are completely wrong and full of hate. It is you who is squibbing out and denying what you will some day realize is the truth. I only hope that it will not be when it is too late. And please, spare me the anti-God drivel. If you have a problem, take it up with Him.

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The Maronite Christians? I kind of like them. They're the descendants of the original Phoenicians, from before the invasion of Lebanon by Arab Muslims who gradually out-reproduced them, making them a minority in their own country.

Not sure what they're up to politically though.

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we are on the verge of waking up to how utterly wasteful and hateful towards ALL humans this kind of antiquated behavior is. there is NOTHING worthy or necessary about murdering innocent people. anywhere. for any reason. let us all use our highest spiritual expression and MAKE. THIS. STOP.

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I can only see this as an intentional way to keep the pedal to the metal on 24/7 crisis porn. (Not, of course, calling the real death and destruction "porn," but I am noting the deliberate stoking of death and destruction as a "pornification" of fear and crisis. Does it ever end anymore?) Our hidden-hand controllers are desperate for the next disaster because, apparently, the entire economy is collapsed? Look at how every day they constantly maintain an eternal crisis pose, all while ever being on vacation and telling us to watch football and go shopping and take poison. They have shame and don't give a shit about any of us.

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Nov 27
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It is ritual sacrifice. I agree. Whether it is consciously done motivated by genuine supernatural evil, or unconsciously done for not completely comprehensible motivations, the outcome is the same: "We" are "their" sacrifice. I see it clearly now.

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Nov 27
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Well said!

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Yes about Stockholm for sure

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I can’t understand how anyone likes Israel, especially Americans as we get blamed for everything that “shitty little country”does. Israel doesn’t care at all about ancient civilizations that have been destroyed with their bullying, nor the modern day progeny of the ancient people. They only care about their own story, no one else’s. I sometimes am so filled with loathing, it makes me think the whole thing is a psychological operation.

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It has shown me that I can indeed hate a people with a hot burning passion I never knew existed within me. Zionists. Pure human evil. Mass murderers. Children-killers. Racist fascist genocoders. Liars. Human evil at its most obvious. Anyone supporting them from afar is every bit as inhumanly evil as those driving the tanks over the children

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Hey Phillip….. I take comfort and consolation to know there are other people out there looking at this atrocious situation thru the same lens. Feels good to be able to live vicariously thru your Comments…… I can sleep better now.

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I can hate them like that 24/7/365. We all should and PUBLICLY. Let these child-butchering Nazis call us “antisemetic” if they want, they are rendering that word MEANINGLESS. Just one more inhuman lie on their part.

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Thank you for sharing Celia. I have not kept up with current events on Truth Social the last several days, I have been attempting to remain in a peaceful state of mind, seeing that the US deep state department is intentionally poking the Russian bear, and kicking its testicles, goading it into dropping a nuclear bomb on Europe.

So this news about Beirut is disturbing. I do not know what to make of it. I will resist seizing on a sudden opinion, but will follow the 72 hour rule.

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Why do so many of us continue to defend Israel? Because many of us suck as human beings. We are the ones who would lay brick at the kiln in Auschwitz. We are the ones who would turn our friends into the gestapo. We are the ones who would accept the payoff to “vaccinate” our fellow men. This is the game of Sims. Some of us are awake inside it; most of us are not.

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The guy that America supposedly "elected" supports Israel 100%. Thats one reason ppl defend the atrocious terrors begotten by Israel. We watched him don a yaulke and pray on the WailingWall. His daughter married one. She is also a WEFer YoungLeader. I do not understand how the trumpies believe thjngs are going to be different. Its all set up to make you think you have a choice. Here, you can choose either vanilla or french vanilla, both from the same corporation.

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Yeah and there’s a bizarre mass amnesia about the fact that he was already President for a 4 year term, so we KINDA SORTA already f*cking KNOW how he’ll be as president. And he sucked Israel’s cock the entire time.

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Joseph: If you knew Auschwitz, how the joo was treated, you would help "...lay the brick..." There is still a swimming pool (remnants) within the fence, photos taken by US Army Airforce taken in 1944 show within the fence. joos in Germany that supported Hitler lived normal lives during WWII.

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They had a theatre and a Jewish woman has footage of all the plays she was in.

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In part, all of Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria have to be "purified" to form Greater Israel" (see https://i.pinimg.com/474x/1d/59/d0/1d59d0d48ec23ba892191203efd18d62.jpg ).

I believe that Netan-yahoo has taken on that task; and, along with Gaza and the West Bank, is continuing with Lebanon and then likely Syria.

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The Greater Israel project is a real plan, an ambition of some Israelis.

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Yes. I've been collecting articles for a few years:

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan". Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky


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What's curious is that these countries that would be bordering a Greater Israel don't seem concerned that eventually they will also be absorbed into an Even Greater Israel. Or maybe they do and are working somehow to prevent this. By no means do I understand Middle Eastern politics. But my sense tells me this 'Greater Israel' is simply another iteration of NATO being created, biblical prophecies aside.

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Yes. I've been wondering if the bordering countries are going to wait to be attacked; or, if at some point, they will decide to coordinate an attack against Israel. Problem is currently there's a lot of U.S. firepower in the area, protecting Israel.

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Omg! They are demonic!

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A lot of strange comments. Yep, probably a lot of innocent people were killed. 1700 of them were killed last year near Gaza as well. War is like that. The bombs may be targeting one guy and hit a small family. They don’t care who they kill. It is quite possible that the guys dropping them had family in the 1700, or that the leadership did as well. The lesson we need to learn and are not is that fighting rarely ends the way you think it will. The other guy gets a vote. When Hamas did what they did, there was a lot of voting on the other guy’s side… and they are still voting. Kind of like California house races. Let me try to be as clear as possible. As long as Iran fuels the small armies of Hamas and Hezbollah, the fighting will not stop. They are the only country that can make it stop. The US can’t make it stop. US can make it pause, not stop. The focus on the dead or soon to be dead will not make a difference. We can be as pissed as we want to be over what appears to be senseless killing, but in the eyes of the prosecutors of the strategy, it is not senseless. The Middle East is a disaster. Go there and see. Don’t go to the super rich gulf states; go to the other places. Everyone has a reason to hate everyone else. Remember this little diddy from the NIV. “He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” Now that was describing Ishmael, the son of Abraham that is considered the father of Arabs. So maybe all the old books and prophesies are just true and we get to see it in the 21st century. Who knows. What appears to be the case though is Ishmael and Isaac are still not ok with each other.

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You are an inhumanly evil piece of shit. Israel started this in 1948 and they have continued it till this day.

You are a filthy lying shit.

You can’t possibly be so STUPID or IGNORANT that you actually believe what you just wrote.

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Exactly!! They are Liars!!!

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Or Hasbara.

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Nov 29
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Beware rabid rabbis:).

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As a son of Esau, let me say I have some serious issues with Jacob as well. You can’t really be this naive. You’re trying to rationalize the world where your kind wins and the other loses, where you get cheap gas for your truck while the people who should own the oil are bombed into humility. Spoiler alert: it’s all white supremacy and dominion and it always has been. It ends.

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No it’s not. Jews are not White and the WEF wants to kill all Whites. Get a clue liar. Jew can get sickle cell anemia like black people. Whites cannot.

We are sick of your idiot, forced-on-us government word “racist” fuck your govt. forced word!!!!

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No more 25 likes for fake virtue signaling!! Those days ARE OVER!!!

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In a nutshell evil people do evil things.

Those that support them are just as bad.

It’s the followers of Satan not God that can justify those actions and half don’t even realise it’s the work of Satan. Thus therein lies the problem in my humble opinion..

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Nov 29
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Technically you are correct but it’s those spiritual forces which guide us. Put simply do you or do you not have a Conscience. Those that follow satanic teachings have no moral compass but selfishly “Do what thou wilt” for personal gain or gratification and bugger the consequences to others. If you have a conscience then you have empathy and compassion and treat people how you would like to be treated yourself. We all have a propensity for good and evil, it’s up to you what side you choose.

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You totally missed the point of my reply to you. But you’re entitled to think how you do, but that doesn’t mean I agree with you just as you don’t me. That’s free will. It’s a shame you think people lack souls. You will find out the truth on passing from this earth into the other side, another cliche you will say, I have first hand experience after having a NDE but I doubt you believe in such things which is fine. Life is a journey of knowledge and experience. I wish you well on your journey. Excuse the cliche.

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Are you sure it’s not Hezbollah bombing itself to blame Israel?

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Omg I can’t believe you’re fucking serious. Get the fuck outa here.

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She’s nuts

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Wow, the castrated badger think it tough. Squeak elsewhere you tin hat.

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You are crazy

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Oh f.f. sake

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Well for a start Israel didn’t start this fight and there was many people from Gaza happily working and attending schools also university so why they want to attack the civilians who they all seemed to get along with? Israel is a tiny speck of land that belongs to them always has and always will. Israel is the only free democratic country in the middle east and they will fight until the very last person to keep their tiny speck of land. And I agree with them.

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I'll assume you're not a troll, are human, and can read. If so, why not learn from the "masters" themselves, directly: (there's much more to refer to if you're interested):


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She’s a troll all right. A child-butchering Zionist troll.

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Exactly we have others here as well. Liars big time

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i$rahell knew the Oct 6 2023 was to occur and could have stopped it at the border. Maybe i$rahell instigated it too. "Never trust a joo."

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Both sides are capable of that sort of thing which begs the question

Why do we have anything to do with EITHER side?

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Hezbollah has an air force?

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No she’s fucking retarded as hell. They are literally bombing 5 countries

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No Zionists have nothing to do with this. All the Aggressors have to do is stop bombing Israel and give the men, women, children and babies back to their country and the war will stop.

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Nov 27Edited

That's a tired old trope. An overused sound byte. "All Aggressors have to do...is stop bombing Israel." Oh ok. Up to 300,000 dead now from an alleged bomb over a year ago that killed 1000--likely Israel itself was behind that because wiping out this entire peoples was always the plan. Israel targets babies and children. Stop justifying these sick motherfuckers.

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We know many of the people at the music festival were hit by friendly fire, and Tomahawks took out all the burned cars.

very suspicious to me that the most famously impenetrable fence in the world was undefended for several hours.

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Yeah, I thought the Oct.7 thing seemed off too, has I followed these 2 brothers that went there (Israel) often. One mentioned not even being able to bend down to tie his shoe without guns pointing at him. Then I also heard from an former military guy talking about the 24/7 IDF border surveillance gals. So when I looked into it more, I found their reports were apparently being ignored for weeks. (Even reports by Egypt, as well). One of the surviving gals is still trying to get justice to this day, as to why they're reports were being ignored, allowing several of them to be killed that day. https://www.allsides.com/news/2024-10-08-0315/world-they-were-israels-eyes-border-their-warnings-about-hamas-went-unheard . . . . among several other things, like the Tantura massacre in 1948 and this old video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHBiT6eJaQQ&t=3s

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Sadly, the use of Jewish sacrificed lives to advance some officials’ policy has a long history

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Yup. Very suspicious.

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IDF killed most hostages idiot

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You are a sick Nazi-Zionist child-butchering FUCK

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Phillip: "....Nazi...." is a joo word for National Socialism, which was the politics of the 3rd Reich. Perhaps the best system of governing people.

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You can fuck right off, too.

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Would be nice if you knew the English language better Phil.

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Would be nice if you had an ounce of humanity in your putrid soul instead of nothing but Satanic evil and hatred and sadism. You garbage inhuman.

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The Zionists are 100% responsible for this and have been since 1948 when they literally began the ethnic cleansing of Palestine with the Nakba. Even Wikipedia describes the massacres and ethnic cleansing for what it is. You are either brainwashed or a goddamn lying piece of sh*t

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Move the joos back to the 1948 border. Give the rest to Palestine.

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Send them to "Rockall", a nub of an island inthe North Atlantic near the Faroes, I believe.

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Send them back to Poland. They don’t belong in Palestine at all

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This substack needs a "dislike".

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And a "RETARD" button.

Phil can go become "land-Phil".

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You mass murdering ethnic cleansing Nazis deserve to be buried deep in the ground forever, not actual humans like those of us who recognize your Hitler/Nazi level of evil. You should go back in time so you can suck the cock of Hitler and slaughter all the Untermensch you so desire. You just like killing peoples you don’t care who they are as long as they are helpless minorities.

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I love you.

I do not love your behaviour.

You are in a sick state of mind. Time to go and look at yourself in the mirror and say all these nasty pejorative ad hominems and enjoy how it feels.


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Semitic or non-Semitic Zionists?

Non-Semitic Zionists are Imposters to Semitism.

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It’s not only in Lebanon is Yemen bombing themselves? Palestine? Syria? Iran? Everyone but ISRAEL RIGHT?!?

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Well it wouldn’t be be the first time

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You're confusing them with Zionists.

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the Biden administration has facilitated mass murder for over a year. Biden himself merits prison time.

I need to submit my recommendation re accusations Mr. Kennedy was responsible for deaths from measles in Samoa 5 years ago. Maddow on MSNBC last night joined the lynch mob. here's the clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kKa4R-kHz4 . I had to google through a myriad of similar hatchet jobs courtesy of the legacy media before I finally found this rebuttal: https://www.mahanow.org/samoa-measles-outbreak-faq . shouldn't Mr. Kennedy sue these maniacs for slander? how else will they be held accountable?

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A vote for Trump was a vote for Israel.

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Israel is a pariah state. Under US/UK diplomatic and media cover, Israel has murdered and starved tens of thousands of children and there’s nothing you can do or say about it without being labeled an antisemite. The blowback from this, whether soon or decades from now, will be catastrophic for the zionist entity and its defenders.

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The people of the world will always be at the mercy of some group. That current group is the demonic Zionist entity.

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