Epstein File Initial Release Contained Child Po*N, Says Victim's Lawyer. FBI Subverted Bondi's Orders, Have Possibly Gone Rogue. DOJ Uploads Epstein Files. Nobody Seems To Be Driving The Narrative Bus
Also: US-UK Relations Disintegrate; Jim Jordan Slams Starmer For Trying To Throttle Americans Free Speech, Union Jack Hung Upside Down At Blair House,
Breaking news: Epstein Victim Maria Farmer’s lawyer tells Jesse Waters that child po**n was in fact part of yesterday’s initial Epstein binders, given, apparently, also to at least some of the victims and their attorneys. At this point, I want to emphasize, ALL Epstein “shock” revelations are decades old, and have been on the record for the same amount of time. Still, I am trying to cover it with this cognitive dissonance in mind. For what it’s worth, which, admittedly, is not much. Certainly not for the countless victims.
Clip here.
Amidst all the online chaos today about this, I went to see if any of the chosen influencers had reported this, but found nothing. Then I saw, in the form of an X community note/fact check, that the DOJ has in fact uploaded the very same Epstein files to its website that the influencers got yesterday at the White House.
It is here.
Pretend this is a newspaper and turn the page. New subject.
Page 2. (The post I wrote before I saw the breaking news above:)
In the early morning hours, I posted a piece in which I took a shot at quantifying my shift (a shift underway for years) toward placing Britain (Pilgrim’s Society/Crown/City of London et al) as the driver of events, thoughts, and outcomes, since, by one metric, 1909.
This morning, after 4 hours of sleep, two news items appeared that seemed to clearly support yesterday’s take.
You know how it is when you put on a new lens and everything looks different suddenly. One can become obsessive.
Item #1
There’s a war of sorts, now more clear to me, between the US and Britain (and EU) over the future of free speech and censorship. Jim Jordan has brought it to a head.
(Brexit, it turns out, only made Britain more fascist/globalist. Go figure)
In a letter dated Feb. 27, addressed to “The Rt. Hon. Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC MP” Jordan blasts Starmer’s deployment of at least eight technology companies “…operating in the United States, requiring them to produce communications with government officials in the United Kingdom (UK) related to content moderation or suppression of free speech on social media.”
Stunningly, especially in light of our new awareness of the 1909 Imperial Press Conference and its implications for our “freedom,” Jordan puts Starmer on notice that “UK officials have already threatened to use UK laws to police American free speech.” The letter is below, and I’ve reproduced one of the footnotes, about the lethal “Digital Services Act—” the new weapon of EU/UK/Anaconda.
Here’s Jim Jordan’s very serious letter:
In this Starmer visit WH clip, JD Vance says the US has a “special relationship” with our “friends” in the UK, “…and some of our European allies” but that we can’t allow the UK to infringe upon our first amendment, such as it is. Starmer retorts, insanely, that freedom of speech is alive and well in the UK, and that he’s proud of it.
At a time, mind you, when UK police are going door to door, harassing and even arresting people in the UK over social media posts.
Clip here.
And here’s German Chancellor Olaf Scholz equally proud of the state of free speech in Germany!
Clip here.
“…even if he is a billionaire…?”
That borders on MK Ultra mind splitting language.
But with that electric blue backdrop, and wearing those fine suits, these WEF “leaders” convince themselves and each other that they are all that stands between their nations’ moral survival and dangerous dogs like us.
Europe really is not “the West” anymore—they’re unrecognizable, just as EU skeptics like Vladimir Bukovsky feared. But the UK’s collapse into an Orwellian dystopia is extra-dimensionally disturbing and shocking.
Item # 2 is on the same theme:
A UK company is torpedoing social media accounts they don’t like by weaponizing the “Digital Millennium Copyright Act,” to impose censorship and erasure of non-prog-globalist content.
Not an Israeli company, a UK company.
If the Pilgrim/UK theory of history holds up, it means the UK is not our “ally.”
Does it make more “sense” now that Christopher Steele was a British agent?
Is there any actual love lost between the US and the UK?
It feels like a collapsing old school play.
Is this censorship battle, between Trump’s USA and Starmer’s UK, the “real” war, (War Of Indepenence 2.0) and is Donald Trump fighting for the US to be sovereign vis a vis the UK and Five Eyes? Or is that “hopium?”
We shall see.
AIPAC tracker reveals Jim Jordan has taken over $80,538 from the pro-Israel lobby. What are we to make of that?
Who funds “Track AIPAC?” Maybe AIPAC.
I’m only half kidding.
In other news, the Epstein files/Bondi/Patel/Bongino/Influencers debacle remains messy, dispiriting, and inscrutable.
In a very strongly worded letter that seems to suggest she does not trust Kash Patel, Pam Bondi has demanded the complete Epstein Files that were apparently missing yesterday (despite the staged handover to select influencers) from Patel by 8 am EDT today.
Patel’s Twitter feed, and Bongino’s, are bereft of any clarifying information today so far. But citizens on X are very animated.
What an exhausting theater of social media bluster it all is.
Should we leave the theater in the intermission?
I’m reminded of D.H. Lawrence’s great line, from Lady Chatterly’s Lover:
“Somehow, there was a cat. But it wouldn't jump.”
(Not sure if he punctuated it like this, or with a comma, but I’ve always loved the line.)
Remember that every facet of society aided, abetted and protected the Epstein/Maxwell operation for decades. Graydon Carter wound up removing the voices of Epstein victims Maria and Annie Farmer at the 11th hour from Vicky Ward’s piece, “The Talented Mr. Epstein,” after Epstein harassed him, stalked him at VF’s offices, and even, possibly left the head of a cat on his doorstep.
He said that wasn’t why he did it.
Jeffrey Epstein (alive or dead) is funding entire branches of alternative media, as OJ Simpson once did.
Waiting For Godot
The real world is eclipsed by the virtual world. Bored in our waiting rooms, we tweet things we think or suspect.
Why would new FBI Deputy Director Dan Bongino re-tweet something as old and weak tea as this, regarding Epstein? Clip here.
I understand that “Silverloch” is Bongino’s new media company, but this has been known about Acosta’s statement on Epstein and intelligence for almost 10 years. Is this young lady the future of Dan Bongino’s brand of new journalism? She is very pretty but she can’t even pronounce “Acosta.”
We old timers are like cobblers wondering if anybody understands the difference between hand made shoes and factory made ones. No market for our slow hand made shoes. So we grumble.
Bongino is the Deputy Director of the FBI, he has a podcast that earns him around $5.5 million a year (which word is he will quit, but he hasn’t yet) but he has to open a new journalism company now, to enter the fray?
Bongino does or does not want Epstein’s intelligence roots to come out—all of them? (As per his own reporter.)
Why can’t he hold Israel’s get to the fire if the did, in fact, create, fund and implement a sex trafficking, rape and kidnapping ring for profit in the United States?
(Except now I am beginning the question also the Mossad narrative, in light of what seems to be a solid case that Britain created all of this to bring about New World Order.)
Still, an obsession with Israel persists inexplicably.
Must this mysterious, exaggerated and very fake love of Israel extend past every other consideration for these ‘patriots,’ even at the expense of thousands of destroyed young girls’ lives?
Here’s Ian Carroll, on Dan Bongino’s Epstein slalom.
An aside: “The Fashion Industry,” still openly flaunting Pizzagate/Project Monarch and child sacrifice fetishes, needs to be dismantled if child trafficking and pedophilia is ever to be seriously attacked. Every single “modeling agency.”
Turn page.
Government By Journalism
I want to dwell a little more on 1909.
As per yesterday’s post, that was the year The Pilgrim’s Society, funded by Burroughs Wellcome, gathered 650 “newspapermen” from primarily the UK but also the US, at an event that confessed its agenda by way of its name: “The First Imperial Press Conference: A Parliament Of The Press.”
(“Government by Journalism.”)
Are you as stunned as I am, to see it in plain view, or as surprised that it’s been so elusive? (Maybe some of you knew about it?)
“Government by Journalism” fits seamlessly with everything we have experienced all our lives, in my opinion. The media is the despotic “government” and rules over us, without taking corporeal form. We felt it but we could not identify it.
Nothing anybody said about “media bias” over the decades was remotely over the true target.
The First Imperial Press Conference was funded, planned, seeded and executed by British intelligence, and Anglo-American bankers. At the end of the press conference, they established “The Empire Press Union.” (With hubris characteristic of British Imperialism, they didn’t name themselves subtly.)
Unless I’m oversimplifying, the British Empire merely stopped operating primarily by land and sea, and instead stitched itself atomically into every piece of “news” or “history,” or even “culture” we ever knew. Central to the new Empire was the “pharmaceutical industry,” which was never an “industry” and always a tool of the New World Order. (All documented in yesterday’s piece, linked at top.)
Now it begins to make sense—to gel. King Charles, Prince Philip, all their bizarre NWO, de-pop musings, and adoption of woke-speak on matters of “Climate Change,” “AIDS,” and so forth.
The shoe, I feel, finally fits.
That said, any time we are excitably certain we can finally see the Great Pattern…it can mean we’re courting disillusionment, so I prefer to be not quite persuaded that the shoe that seems to fit actually fits.
For now, I’m very interested in learning more. (Which conceals a near obsession.)
Why Had I Never Heard Of The Imperial Press Conference, Or Lillian Scott Troy, Prior To Two Weeks Ago? (Courtesy of listening to American Intelligence Media.)
These are screen shots, reminders of yesterday’s “aha,” in the ancient world of pre-internet magazine journalism we used “pull quotes” (text from article enlarged for graphic drama.)
(Out of screen shots now; All the Aim4Truth and FBCoverup.com links, again, are here: here, here, and here.)
This case—by no means new— has been made by various researchers and thinkers, including but not limited to the Gabriels and McKibben c/o Aim4Truth (American Intelligence Media.)
They’re harsh on some of this era’s favorite alternative journalists and political figures, who they have identified and sourced as Pilgrim agents.
I like to leave fellow ‘journalists’ alone, or at least not engage in open hostilities (with the possible exception of AIDS/Davos propagandist Laurie Garrett, (CFR) who I abhor, as she does me.
Candace Owens is one of the people the AIM team have had some questions about.
Like so many, I’ve been very impressed with Owens’ work, but I have not understood how she could get away with it, or how she could have married the son of a high ranking British Mason. (Make that “very” high ranking.)
How is she allowed to bash Israel, and expose the Macrons, and even lay out the truth about the USS Liberty?
I know she has been attacked, and also fired, but she is allowed to ascend to 30,000 ft, by the air traffic controllers.
I’m naturally trusting, so I chalked it down to all her qualities, including looks, polish, wit, courage, etc.
AIM lays out the case against Owens and Turning Point USA, here.
I still don’t entirely “want to believe it,” but facts don’t care what I want to believe. I suggest you read it, and take it into consideration, as we educate ourselves about the Pilgrims—which is our focus. Here they deconstruct JD Vance, another one I “don’t want to believe” was created by the Pilgrims.
They all sound so good, right, true, bold, patriotic, and, like us, anti-globalist.
I want to trust them. But not as much as I want to know the full truth.
Still, Candace’s journalism is her journalism. Isn’t it?
As for President Trump, if I have understood the history, AIM initially diagnosed him too (God forbid) as an agent of the Crown, but have changed their position of late, in the wake of his EO and DOGE blitzkrieg. I need more time to track this reversal, and understand it. How can Trump be Pilgrim-clean, when his VP, created by Peter Thiel, is not? When he is surrounded by Pilgrim-minted conservative influencers? Maybe it’s a miracle.
American Intelligence Media (the Gabriels) seem to love Trump, now, but not in a box-checking MAGA way. Let’s see what develops. Here’s a recent clip where they analyze the Epstein situation, and the Zelensky psychedelia. I don’t know what the “Q” means. I’ve never heard them mention that Q. Truth is, I’m confused, and yearning for clarity. On anything.
What I can say definitely is that the forensic history these people (AIM) continually churn out does not lend itself to feeling, or require that you “believe” them. Nor do they toss out “suspicion” or “dot-connecting” promiscuously as so many do. They’ve become historians I learn from, quite simply, and for the record, I do not share Douglas Gabriel’s cynical take on RFK Jr. as a Kennedy who decided to oppose vaccines for purposes of personal gain and exploitation.
I believe Kennedy is sincere in his vaccine truth crusade, and his book, The Real Anthony Fauci represents nothing short of a decades long awaited Normandy beach landing for people like me. So let’s keep our eyes open and our spirits open to contradiction, and even maybe some good news.
By the way, “It’s all Britain” is, since decades, also flagged by the ADL crowd as “code” for anti-semitism. They attacked Lyndon LaRouche on such grounds, among many others. (Many other grounds, I mean.)
There’s going to be no escaping the anti-semitism charge, but I personally would prefer to be called “anti-usury,” or “anti-banks funding revolutions and wars—” something to that effect. If you try to unpack the post Federal Reserve (Crown-centered) monetary system, you’re officially an anti-semite, so just accept it.
The people behind all this are, in any case, not actual Jews, they’re imposter Jews. Fake Jews.
So I reject the accusation out of hand.
Another story that broke today, quite strange, was the synchronized tweeting of some of yesterday’s influencers who got the Epstein binders from Pam Bondi.
I saw a meme that said:
“We’re the fake news now.”
Funny but depressing. I think all “influencers” should reveal who exactly they receive monies from, his much, when and why.
It’s a good time to be a small fish, I tell you.
Final note—
Simon Miles wrote this in our comments section, very chilling. Does anybody have any additional insight?
This Epstein photo will do alot of work for me, going forward.
Last but not least:
I just saw an account on X that takes a radical outpost position on Epstein, Mossad, UK, and history.
Here is the Tweet:
Is this one step too far? More than one step?
Maybe we’re going off the deep end but maybe that’s where we’ll find the truth in the end.
I’m not afraid of either the deep end, or being wrong. Or temporarily wrong.
But it’s 7:30 pm and I haven’t had breakfast yet.
Here’s this guy’s short video answering the question: “What Is The Crown?”
If he saw my thoughts he’d call me a dupe, shill, idiot, or worse.
I haven’t lost faith in everything and everybody, just yet.
Jimmy Dore asks the right question: "How long does it take to scrub Israel out of all those documents?"
Celia, there is too much here for me to read at the moment. But as I skimmed through, I slow read your observations and thoughts about Candace Owens. I would like to consider a few things about her.
Firstly, I have been a fan of her since the days she doxxed "the boys" and then made a public apology. I think she was 20-years old at the time. It took courage for her to do that.
Secondly, I would like to point out some of the associations she has had since she married George Farmer and her conversion to Catholicism. I understand your perhaps tentative or suspicious thoughts about the Catholic faith due to your family history, investigative journalism that surely associated the Faith with shocking behavior from the highest of her leaders, and also the current news-worthy trouble they have been directly involved with. Having said that, Candace has given a interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan, who is too holy to lend his time to a deadbeat pseudo-journalist. She has also pilgrimed alongside Michael Matt of Remnant TV and news. Michael Matt is a very solid Catholic and respected by Catholics who "walk the walk".
Thirdly, I'd like to posit that she is very possibly receiving True Grace from God Almighty who is using her - as he has used countless other sinners of some of the most heinous acts - to do things that fulfill His plan.
Age is a funny thing... she is 35 but seems to have lived the experiences of someone 100. She has been accused and harassed, lauded and cheered. But if what she has exposed thus far is true, she deserves the benefit of doubt. As for George, perhaps together they will grow to overcome the history of his family. Many, many saints have rejected the wealth and inheritance of their families to become the greatest saints of all time.
May God give you strength and forbearance in these challenging times. - Amy