I just learned from an indirect contact in Cofepris (Mexico's FDA) that they are running both the gene therapy and placebos. That's probably why some people get sick and/or die right away and others feel nothing.

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Statements to that effect were made by Ukrainian-Spanish doctor Nadiya Popel who works at a hospital in Menorca and has been suspended for saying these things. What she says in the clip is translated in the thread.


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What does not make sense is that this is happening because it's part of the trial. You have to follow both the group experimenting on and the control group. But in this case there's no way to know what happens after as far as I know.

Unless the most bananas in the conspiracy-theory movement are right: they are chipping people. I saw a video where a vet has both her arms scanned and the one jabbed shows up a 15-number ID. Does anyone know if there are more cases? Remember the magnet challenge? First it was fake news, now we know the nanoparticles are magnetically charged so they stick to cells.

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That's entirely plausible. Do you have proof?

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I don't. A member of my family went to the doctor, and she said that her brother works at the Cofepris and warned not to get the jab because they're running both placebos and the "vaccine".

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Dear Celia, the interview is very important. Thank you for conducting it. It would be very important to post the exact technical detail that Mr. Dias hinted at in the additional posting: Where does it exactly say that the person issuing a request to the database used this code?


The 17 000 "dead" that the propaganda shoves down our throats is a


This seems like a technical detail, but it is the root of the argument.

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Good reporting! Thank you

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