We got Monarched on the JFK assassination, moon landing, Gulf of Tonkin, AIDS, 9/11 and now Covid. CIA controlled news media and government "scientists" authorities would never lie to us - right? The tyranny will continue until we put a stop to it. Become Ungovernable. Do Not Comply and make yourself hard to kill.

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Your conscientious work is not in vain, it helps me grapple with the unthinkable

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Jan 7Liked by Celia Farber

Also, I think it starts with a seed. Consensus. Agreement. Tea,m player. Common goals. If we reject these things we're off to a good start. I never wanted fame. Always saw it as a very bad thing. I've met more famous people than most people I know and one thing I didn't have to learn, you cannot talk to a famous person, mostly, except maybe famous writers. I had a good chat with Edward Albee, for instance. But my point is that we concede agreement, or imply agreement on things that should be radically questioned and these things often involve 'desire.' Fame, status, money, power, success--all these concepts should be radically questioned within each individual. Each carrot that is offered represents a potential landmine. If I watch a movie, I often avert my gaze. Or if I watch, I study the shot--the composition, the quality of the film stock. I listen to the sounds. If a movie is trying too hard to sway me--notice how the Graduate is all about the music--I let it go. Anything trying to manipulate my emotions through dishonest means--let it go. Analyze everything and assume first that it is meant to program you, meant to shape you. Proceed with that premise first.

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Jan 7Liked by Celia Farber

You're coming out the gate just great. Monarch is such a timely metaphor, at the very least, to pursue. Your references are really good. Your language is speaking to me.

I sometimes check out sports championships. The past some years, I've had to turn off Super Bowl half-times because they make me queasy. For what it's worth, a black, bisexual drag queen once told me that the granddaughter of Mary Laveau (famous New Orleans voudou priestess) advises Clive Davis (BK) on his star handling.

I don't know much about Monarch (CIA), but I think Ukraine and Gaza are serious "Shock and Awe" events, aside from their geo-economics, to distract us from the WHO vanguard of the Great Reset barreling toward us. Add DEW attacks and the message to the "global" population is this is what we can do and will do if you step out of line. And yes--Covid--total Monarch, probably literally. Your mission is right on. Good stuff.

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Jan 7Liked by Celia Farber

My life passion has been literature. Of course I studied this in college--got my B.A. and M.A. in lit. My point is that when deconstruction hit the scene at my college--in the late 1980s, the fury and disbelief it sparked it me has not extinguished to this day--it is to literature what monarch programming is to the individual. It was a theory set to destroy the canon, the art of literature and it provided the tools for the destruction. So, it makes me wonder if this is not true of all art. We can certainly see it with dance, with music, with the canvas and graphic arts--all have been bludgeoned. This can also be applied to the university and academia writ large. So, I respectfully suggest that in addition to the monarch programming of the individual, is the coorelative which has been applied to our culture. I think there must be a connection.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7Liked by Celia Farber

The next thing we need to understand is Project Montauk, who the Montauk boys are, and why they are being paid to come to the USA by the 10s of thousands. The Montauk boys are triggerable mind slaves, who were drowned and then shocked back to life on an electric fence around the age of 14 years. At that point they were given an arousal drug and implanted with commands and triggers. This is what the CIAs interest in central and south America has been about. They are sending mind slave enemy combatants to the US, and at some point, they will trigger these combatants and they will call it civil war on the news.

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Jan 7Liked by Celia Farber

You make sense—it’s all programming, it’s all designed to make us crazy, and yet we can’t look away. Actually we can’t afford to look away. I agree about fame. When someone is famous like taylor Swift, I have to wonder… Always detested the Beatles, except “here comes the sun” and a few others, but clearly anyone who puts Aleister Crowley on an album cover is… satanic? Strangely, though, elementary school kids have caught on to “psyop." My 10 year old granddaughter told me that Taylor Swift is one—oh she is a “psyop” she said the other day. They know about chem trails too. Maybe in the future they’ll be running their programs and spending a ton of money on it but no one will be paying attention. And isn’t that the whole point?

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I sincerely appreciate the effort and look forward to garnering further understanding of all of this. I have always been rebellious. I believe I have always been in this camp of resistance. But as I read your words, I wonder in what ways I have been hypnotized. Anyway, thank you.

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Jan 7Liked by Celia Farber

So glad you’re covering this subject Celia. It IS everywhere and it is subtle and blatant.

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Celia, the "Monarch" programing goes way deeper than just brainwash. What they are referring too is the sphenoid bone in the front of the cranium, it is a butterfly/bat wing shaped bone on the front of the skull. it is the access point to the front lobe of the brain and of course our pineal gland. It is the gateway to manipulating the human mind. I've tried to explain this many times without much if any success. Please let me try one more time. This is how it works, when a baby is born in a hospital evil demons in lab coats use a long syringe and they inject poison salts into the brains of infants aka lobotomy! It is the dumb down process that makes the brainwash possible. They like to get them young while the skull is still soft and easily penetrated by syringe. I'm going to stop there to see how well you digest what I just told you, I'm not good at explaining things, but I can help with you're research if you really want to know the truth. Peace and blessings.

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I love this post. Many ideas here.

One thing I noticed about fascism and trauma, from the intellectual side. I've seen people (former libertarians) who admitted to have been under the effects of trauma all their life, who then study the European intellectuals who were precursors of fascism, and then they admit to feeling "at home." Quite shockingly, traumatized people seek to re-experience the sensation of trauma, and if they are of an intellectual bent, they will fall in the fascist cul-de-sac and they will feel very well living there, for a long while. Until the next crisis.

Another aspect of this is the addict-like behavior. Traumatized people say that others suffer from trauma, but they don't. When other people investigate whether pathogenic viruses exists or not, those who live in the intellectual cul-de-sac of fascism get angry: "of course there was a virus, of course it is all true, you idiot!" That's part of fascist mentality: there can be no escape, no solution, no alternative, everyone must have the same mediocre and endless suffering, and learn to love it. Like addicts, they hate to see other people attempting anything, because then they look bad, as it is revealed that they are sitting comfortably in emotional misery. And it's also a matter of saving face, like in political fascism, like in everyday trauma. "No one can know how much we enjoy feeling defeated and enslaved."

That's the mystery of fascism. In a word: Masochism.

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Jan 7Liked by Celia Farber

Stop discounting your explication. You flesh out the realities of mass hypnosis and individual mind control just fine. The perfect example of "Covid" is one everyone should be able to wrap their brain around, unless of course they've already succumbed to their programming. Thanks for the Reese piece.

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Thank You Celia, I do think obviously this whole scam is just another Trauma testing....adding to our concerns as: Stolen elections, Fake Insurrections, Invasion at border, Constant drums for proxy wars, and wars and potentia; wars, The ever ongoing financial collapse by drunk sailors at the printing money, and then you go find out, net zero means no breathing, can't cook with gas, cant drive with gas, we have a buffoon as acting commander in chief and the racist transhuman insults to the 10,000 cuts and then they add salt and "vaxxines". Trauma makes people go through many stages, and the wounds linger. I have a phd in street Trauma by way of living 68 years in this Life. Keep writing youre appreciated.

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Jan 7Liked by Celia Farber

Monarch, MKUltra, etc., these are all ritualised trauma- and humiliation- based mind control methods.

I wrote some connections of the various trauma rituals with COVID here: https://fullbroadside.substack.com/p/whats-happening-in-australia

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Jan 7Liked by Celia Farber

I can feel your pain, Celia. There are fragments of consciousness that can be translated into fragments of paragraphs, before they eat themselves head-first and leave nothing but a void.

But I think the Trauma theme is really a good place to try to communicate. To me, trauma means more than discomfort, even extreme discomfort. It means the breaking point where what was a whole system fragments in order to try to somehow protect itself. And with the human race, this is probably the main, or one-and-only epidemic.

We are broken. We are mere countless "smitherines" flying in "tight formation". We have the illusion of unity, personal and otherwise, or we have no illusion. Without at least some illusion, the fingers don't work and the keyboard in an unrecognizable, nonfunctional crystalline thing.

Trauma, as a theme, is indispensable. Maybe "bootstrapping" is another one of those. How to create the thing we need from the shards and the false collection of those shards that are the thing we DO NOT need?? IF we could somehow arrive at the destination, then we'd have the building blocks we needed to construct the journey. I had a dear friend years ago who was degreed as a mechanical engineer, who would say "I do my best [welding] work standing knee deep in a pile of shit." What can I do standing knee deep in a pile of Covid? I sincerely hope a lot of us can not only figure that out, but also learn to accept that it's the only shot we have. Cleaning up the shop before we start is another one of those fatal illusions.

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Jan 7Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks for trying. Will look at the sources. This post’s “team no virus” confused me.

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