Trump is a deal maker. He exists around the edges of nuance and leverage. Nothing you see at first glance is what he is planning for. Remember years ago when he graciously had Romney to dinner and everyone was screaming that Romney would be the next Sec State. Uh huh, how did that go? He met with Gates last week. Yep, more of the same. He meets with everybody. He does it to get a full understanding of them at least from the shell he sees and the lies they spew. He met with Kim in Korea after calling him Rocket Man for months. Meeting with Ellison and letting Ellison and the others throw a giant spitball on the wall is pure Trump. Are we talking about cabinet hearings? Nope. Good. Dems can only focus on one or two things at a time. He is flooding the focus field with so many things they don’t know what to do. Meanwhile he works his cabinet picks slowly through the ridiculous ‘Republican’ senate. Have tactical patience. He does, and that is what makes him different. Nuance, distraction, many press conferences, X and Truth posts that get libs blood pressure up, etc…. He is a master at the game, and he is doing it with Ellison and the others. Billionaires all think they are going to change the world some more, because they are obviously all pretty swell already. Let them keep thinking that while Trump plays them like a fiddle. Remember, he was spared by God for this….
If he's such a great deal maker why did he approve the lock down and allow Fauci to become defacto president of the US? Trump has no understanding of what pseodoscience or real science is, He bows to the so-called "experts." Trump still promotes mRNA vaccines and boasts how his Warp Speed program was successful. This my friend is his Achilles Heel.
Not so black/white in the ‘real’ world of geo-politics.
Trump was an insecure, vulnerable novice his first term, when they sprang the ultimate Wild Card of a global pandemic on him. Not something even a veteran executive would know about, and his administration was chock full of quislings & saboteurs.
One of his most glaring flaws is his stubbornness to admit a mistake…but that’s quite understandable in DC environs where the career swamp reptiles are waiting to pounce on him every nanosecond.
It’s up to us, in these End Times, to navigate the lies and duplicity coming out of official sources. We are personally responsible for our own individual fates, not some cultural icon or other.
Trump knows exactly what he is doing. No mistakes then or now. He works for the cabal and always has, and it is the same with those around him. The exception is some of the fake free media types who are ignorant players.
Trump also gave Fauci secret service protection. Nuff said. Fuck the government. All of it. Every word it says is a lie and everything it has is stolen.
What you may say and reality are miles apart. You think the people demanded and made Trump do what he did? Then he's a fool who bends to popularity rather than doing what's right.
No, people demanded that somebody save them from this virus, there was howling and wailing and gnashing of teeth, beseeching a saviour.
Careful what you wish for, some neferious globalist might have a solution.
Stop demanding saviours, stop living in fear, man up or every charlatan out there will deem you ripe for plucking. Don't bless or blame Trump, bless or blame the person staring back at you when you look in the mirror.
Pro and anti vaxxer were both looking for a saviour, yet neither looked in the mirror. Generalisation, many did look in the mirror. Canadian truckers for example.
I have no problem looking in the mirror. I stood up for what I knew was right, unlike the spineless Trump you've described, and I was vilified and coerced and persecuted for a year as I fought not only for my right to make my own decisions but for others around me and then lost my job.
Don't make assumptions about people. That's making a judgment without discernment or truth.
People did not make Trump do anything anymore than I was made to do anything. An individual either has courage or they lack it.
If you want to be right instead of true. So be it.
His operation Warpspeed was successful. He didn't champion the creation of the mRNA death-shot. He created a (let's call it a vaccine) injection with Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc - natural "drugs" that he and others used in the early days of COVID when they got sick. They made an optic of it - on camera. He had a black woman at the White House talk about her illness, hospitalization and natural treatment. And Trump spoke proudly about having his military deploy the "vaccine" across the nation. Why the military when America has THE best supply chain operations for pharmaceuticals in the world? Because the military is here to protect us "from enemies foreign and domestic." - to ensure that Trump's safe vaccine was deployed in Anerica - at least in the beginning. As his advisor and confidant, liable attorney Lin Wood said on camera in Jan 2021 (pre-Biden): 'You don't think that DJT wants to go down as the worst President in AMerican history - do you?" It's all a sting operation. It has to look bad for the good guys before it ends to the good.
You really think these guys can be played like fiddles? By Donald Trump?
These guys are where they are because they are in cahoots with the military and the powers that be. If they take orders, it sure is way above the US President's paygrade.
They are, and never will be, played by Donaled Trump. Or anyone else.
This is all being allowed. Whether it comes to fruition or not.
It sure is a great distraction.
Very good, short, concise piece from globalresearch today.
This is a very good article that touches on things that have been bothering me this week. It also touches on great things that have happened this week. Thank you!
Celia, good points on "what's really going on"? One issue I have issue with is did they allow Trump to win? There was cheating in 2024, nowhere as much as 2020. Was that intentional? And the Dems choice was Kamala Harris??? Did an unelectable candidate get shoved on stage intentionally??? Trumps first term had the senate and house as Republican for the first two years, yet he was stonewalled. Hard to read the air these days. The next few months will be revealing one way or another.
That's pretty much true in every Democracy, Trudeau in Canada has a mandate of 25% of the people, yet he manages to get total control of legislation. And uses it to enact very unpopular laws.
Donna Ruth, I am going to read more T.S. Eliot thanks to you. No rest is exactly it. I've become an inchworm who always churns soil but never smiles. Maybe we all have. Even the off grid people have to perpetually be thinking of the beast, the anaconda, how it plans to strike next. How much longer can this go on? Will our souls ever regenerate? Will be ever feel like we once did?
“Will we ever feel as we once did?” Indeed. An important question.
As we observe children and grandchildren, we realize that their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual every-day experiences are THEIR norm. And these are too often dictated by MSM, social media and imperfect education outlets.
We can hope that the lessons of local, national and global history will be taught and absorbed so as to add to their formation and discernment, but in the midst of the incessant clamour of the world, these efforts are oft stymied. Sigh.
But God is in His heavens - and we can find some solace in, “All shall be well; all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well” (Julian of Norwich).
B4 we purity test splinter MAGA-MAHA with Stargate mRNA A. I. injections, lets spread out the options from sinister 🌽spiracy to Hopeium.
First and foremost, A. I. Is a dual use tool just like nuclear, biological and chemical. And it is after all our Wash DC Feral Goober$Mint. The way it tWerks is $Minting $$$ to the Goobers who supported the campaigns. Think LBJ and NASA in Houston. Abbott was at the inauguration lunch spotlight both for the Border 🌽trol and the Texas StarGate $$$. Elections have 🌽sequencies.
1) Stargate could 🐝 a twofer Headfake. We need A. I., And there are Pharma Senators blocking MAHA RFK Jr. So, “hey look over here senators, we are changing your Pharma money laundering over to Stargate money laundering. And hey look, we can cure cancer too! With A. I. Biosynth mRNA injections.“ (Letting RFK Jr quash the mRNA injections later on.)
2) if RFK Jr is not confirmed, Trump can still keep MAGA-MAHA, and install RFK Jr in an between Senate sessions appointment for 2 years of MAHA anyway. A slight delay.
3) Trump is a GoreBully trojan horse and MAHA was fake on his part, just to get power. To heck with making America healthy again. Warped Speed/Meth, full Speed ahead with TransHumanity injections.
We will Soon know.
IF Trump is serious about Energy, he should also Manhattan project clean Plasma Fusion to power StarGate and other A I with. And also to fight inflation for us by lowering energy costs.
Con-science or pseudo science is conTrary to a well formed conscience.
Alamo Dude, I enjoy your poetic humor and your unusual use of emoji. Corn Spiracy. Corn Sequences. It starts to become truly funny. We are an absurd species! I like "purity test."
It's amazing Bobby doesn't just say: "Why don't I go back to doing nothing, but nothing, for all you people, like every normal person in the field of politics, since I KEEP failing your purity tests."
Narcissism in activist/enlightenment movements—very under reported.
Somebody should monetize this!
A type of ideological PCR test for contrarian purity that would also test for whether you think Kary Mullis existed or invented PCR, while it's at it. For only $69 extra. (A real and true position out there.) Three levels of testing for your clarity on whether viruses "exist."
I don't think MAHA was entirely fake on Trump's part.
He knows vaccines cause autism and has experience.
But I take your point. He's a New York alpha male if ever there was one.
I want Roy Cohn to come back and ruin all these people's lives, who ran the Trump Loathing Industrial Complex. I want him to start at The New Republic.
Roy Cohn was my father's divorce lawyer. (Hence the unannounced move to Sweden in 1976.) I was raised to fear and loathe him but lately I dream of him coming back to avenge Trump, and everybody else. IF Trump is real. It's hard to imagine Trump loathing was all a production? ALL the Russiagate, wiretapped bus, J6, rigged 2020, all the Jack Smith from Holland law fare, media foaming for 8 years, ALL of it?
Nothing makes sense except that we are in a simulation and I really can't handle that idea.
We already have fission which can be the cheapest, safest, most environmentally friendly and most plentiful energy on the planet, if we removed the corruption that is blockading it, in the USA, namely the EPA & NRC. Fusion is worth pursuing but their Manhattan project was ITER which is a $65B idiotic boondoggle whose purpose was to delay fusion for as long as possible.
Trump, like any prominent politician must play all sides to some degree. i.e. He may be the exact opposite of Trudeau but he needs to work with him in on some issues and he will. That's just the reality of politics. He may despise Zelinski and want to shut down the Ukraine war immediately, but that would step on too many toes, and he will get reprisals from the neocons in the Senate & House so he has to act carefully.
People just need to realize, on a major political stage you just can't talk or behave like we do here on Substack, you would get beaten up pretty bad if you did. That's just the reality of interacting with the colossal system of World governments and large corporate interests.
Well, fission works, yes. But no one has yet figured out the 25,000 year waste disposal problem. Plasma Fusion is finally at the Energy in=Energy out stage. And the waste is water vapor. Granted, more than 90% of mislabeled green house gases is water vapor. But California does need water. And clouds either reflect solar heat radiation back into space or trap it in the biosphere based on the trigonometry of clouds altitude. I’ll take water vapor over nuclear waste that destroys land for 25,000 years any day. Chernobyl, Fukushima, Hurricane Helena, LA and Lahaina fires. Etc.
We don’t really need fusion except military applications anyway. We have enough hydrocarbons globally for more than 350-500 years even with projected growth. Clean burning Natural Gas and less soot jet fuels from Gas to Liquids for instance.
Our real problem is battery storage and EMF from electromagnetics. It takes more Natural Gas energy than energy out from hydrogen storage fuel cells. Lithium is dirty to mine and dangerous for runaway fires. Sodium Ion looks promising,
But driving in an EV like a Tesla is a constant exposure to EMF the force of 5 MRIs constantly from wheel bases.
But all problems have solutions, just I’m buying into Bill Gates back yard Fusion reactor solution. When after 70+ years no one has a solution for the 25,000 year half life waste disposal problem. AND we don’t really need it with all the cleaner burning hydrocarbon technology and resources we now have.
I do agree we have Fission and it works. I just don’t want to leave the waste problems around for 25,000 years into the future. When it really is not necessary to take that risk.
Why does anybody think Tesla cars are a good idea?
Tesla himself, you know, completed the car, almost. Ran on cosmic wave energy—close to perfect. He tried to transport it back to Serbia by ship, but it vanished en route. This is what I have been told by somebody who was his scientific heir. Long story.
I agree... totally. I like your Substack name; I have always called the MEDICINE the ART OF MEDICINE for a reason. I have worked both in the rarefied field of RNA back in the way back machine day at NIH, NCI and then moved into Clinical Cancer patient research and work. :)
What I learned from this article is that you do alot more looking around than I do before coming to conclusions. Youre gathering info from all over which gives a broader view of the day. And more.
Maybe this is where RFK Jr saves the day for Trump. And changes the whole world. This article could throw some kind of monkey wrench into the whole thing.
I would not throw an entire civilization overboard just to please a bossy woman who holds power over me. I might consider letting parts of Bridgeport go though.
That Ellison man has the looks of an alien, check his strange ears, could not possibly be trustworthy with those.... Looks apart we do not want any of the rMNA more, so how did this presser at all come about, with such dubious people and even more dubious messages, just corruption and lies jumping out...
It's all one club - no matter who appears in power - and we are not in it, as much as it would be so nice to hope for.
Yes there are some changes and things that appear to be great! and yes we are walking head on into transhumanism / depopulation with even stronger digital controls. It's been here just it's easy not to see it when we are fighting over partisan issues and hating one side or another.
And these plans, no matter who is selected, oh, sorry, I mean elected, are made between big tech and government long before they are presented. Much of 'innovation' is payed for by our tax dollars to three and four letter agencies, which are connected to all the big universities like Stanford, Berkeley, MIT and more. Any time one tries to get funding or go to the big tech conferences, it's normal that many four and three letter agencies are there. It's a VERY close relationship that few seem to really grasp. Like CIA, media companies and Hollywierd, not many see how they are connected. DARPA made the internet and In-Q-Tel Facebook and more! Hang out in Palo Alto at the cafés and you can literally hear military, some medicine and tech deals being done or talked about.
More than a few career gov. people I have spoken to have explained that long term contract plans rarely change, no matter who is in office. And all the big technocrats are there with this team - ( and they are with EVERY government people selected in power, they supply everything to run this country!) - Bill, Jeff, Mark, Elon, Larry, Sam (which Open AI is Microsoft), Masayoshi and more are a part of Stargate AI as well as some of them (let's not forget JD and Vivik) very invested in Mrna.
Another interesting connection - LSD, CIA, Stanford and then how Steve got the idea for the iphone after a trip - they have been using drugs to get into other dimensions and then making all the tech to control the populations. Very fallen angel like! And completely connected to population control, pharmakeia and attempting to hack us all.
Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Another ( probably not popular here) point of view that tracks some of what we are seeing now. "A Look at Trump 2.0 in 2025: Zionist Expansion and More Vaccines"
DARPA + users giving all data with no regulation since 1998 + Silicon Valley + In-Q-Tel + Stanford + MIT + Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, X, Meta + wireless (un) smart things + cell towers + data centers + (fallen) angel investors + two party system supporting all of this with UN, DAVOS, EU, Isreal, China (and others unseen) + NGOS + medical pharmakeia + blue screens, algorithms, unsocial media; ie MKULTRA with personal data collection on steroids + no one wanted to see all this for what it is = transhumanism dystopia depop global project!
Very interesting, which book of his? Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? He was clearly under some pharmakeia ( legal and not legal) for the later part of his life.
"There are few men on earth who won’t throw an entire civilization overboard to please a bossy woman who holds power over them." - C. Farber
That's a ridiculous statement.
You honestly believe some bossy Susan woman is MAKING Trump do what he's doing? That's a terrifying thought. Our president, the man making life-altering decisions that effect 325 million citizens, is enthralled to an old woman who is bossing him around? GOD HELP US.
This is delusional.
The grasping at straws over what Trump is doing, not what people are desperately conjecturing he's doing, but what IN REALITY HE IS DOING, is sad.
Trump is standing with his hands folded over his crotch as well as the other men. All four men stand this way. It's not a secret Freemason pose. It's a common technique taught in PR camera classes to keep men from fidgeting with their hands while standing. Solving the old problem of "what to do with my hands".
Trump is a deal maker alright. We watched him announcing a big one with these men.
I'm not sure what you hoped to accomplish by publishing the entire lawsuit of Altman v. Altman other than to confirm Trump has no problem throwing in with a man accused of raping his sister, of incest.
As for the "pushing people into the spotlight so they hang themselves" strategy, Uh...yeah...Fauci REALLY felt the fire when Trump placed him in the spotlight.
Fauci REALLY paid a high price. He walked away after years of "service" unscathed, immensely wealthy and retired.
MAN! That'll show those swamp people.
The first facility for this monstrous project called STARGATE, named after a plot device from a mediocre Roland Emmerich science fiction novel (classy!) is already being built in Abilene Texas.
AND Trump has vowed to call the "Stargate" project a NATIONAL EMERGENCY so it can bypass all regulatory checks and balance efforts. WHAT?
The first of many "AI factories" where they "make the AI" as Trump so cognizantly stated.
Trump's understanding of AI and the impact of "Stargate" is TRULY INSPIRING. not...
If people keep this up - excusing and performing feats of mental children's gymnastics in order to justify Trump's "moves", we are over.
I'm getting a clearer idea of what people really mean by "holding Trump's feet to the fire".
It's a euphemism for kissing his ass. Got it.
Grow up. Wake up. We are rapidly running out of time.
God help us.
I don't hate Trump. I am deeply saddened by what I see him doing. I endorse no politicians.
AND anyone who excuses him with hand wringing and support and a "let's wait and see what he's REALLY doing" is helping speed the plow to humankind's demise.
It's NOT a ridiculous statement. Take a poll, from women. Look at fathers, after a certain age. Second or third marriages. We all have HORROR stories. How men, even the strongest, get controlled by certain women is NOT a subject you will succeed in making me back down on.
NOR will you make me feel bad about my deep interest in Masonic signaling, about which I am transparently wondering, not asserting.
You might want to read more carefully and not get so triggered. Are you educated about Masons at all?
Hoped to accomplish? It's called news. She filed the suit, it's been widely reported, and he denied it and that's what I reported.
I watched the press conference on Peggy Hall channel last night.
Creepy, yes, and not surprising, though I did wonder how RFK Jr felt about it.
I will weiigh in on publishing that lawsuit about Altman, though. I really did not need to come across that with my breakfast. Has he been convicted? Then why do I need to know? (that's a rhetorical question). Speaking for myself, I don't need to know. That lawsuit is between his sister and himself.
The excuse you pose for Trump's decisions is ridiculous to me and I explained why I think this.
Here we go again - If the president of the United States of America is being dominated and MADE to do things by an old woman named Susan the US is on its deathbed.
I'm not taking your anecdotal stories about women dominating men as any kind of proof of anything.
I am very versed in Freemason signaling and the hands over the crotch is not a Freemason secret symbol.
If I'm wrong and it is a Freemason hand gesture, Trump is making the same gesture and is sending the same secret message.
Not every hand gesture is a secret Freemason signal.
I'm not triggered. I'm sad you are promoting such illogical and debased ideas.
You used the lawsuit not as "news" but to make some ill thought out point.
Name-calling is also the product of a ridiculous mind.
I am a woman. BTW.
If you want to lemming over the cliff as Trump wants you to do, fine, but I do object to your efforts to drag others with you.
When men stand with their hands clasped over their genitals it means that they might as well be eunuchs. They are feeling powerless. What they say may not match their body language.
Nobody we see on our screens has any real power.
They are all, and Trump is no exception, obedient puppets in the Black Nobility show.
Don't let their soap opera distract you or waste your time.
Good point, solid interpretation. I've been scolded for bringing of Masonic conspiracy when I didn't even say the M word. I just always see that gesture and always wonder what it means.
I am studying lately the Pilgrim Society theory of everything. I don't know if it conflicts with Black Nobility theory.
Pilgrim Society is one of the sub-divisions via which Black Nobility control is exercised. There are very many secret societies and some members belong to more than one, creating a confusing network which shields the true rulers. Don’t get caught in the weeds, Celia. The pair who run A.I.M. keep changing their names as they have progressed from website to website… now they call themselves the ‘Gabriels’ - previously it was Thomas Paine and his missus! Changing IDs? Why? Find out who these people are before wasting days down their rabbit hole.
Celia, I am going to take a closer look at this.. Robert Malone's post caught by attention but last week I was watching Fox Business (I have been not well and watching TV.. long story, on the mend) and "representative" from a company said something about "EZRA" type of MRI which is not paid for by insurance and apparently identifies "cancer" cells.. go look it up.. A.I gives the short version, but I have worked in Cancer all my life and the EZRA MRI caught my attention because of its name (biblical) and also it seemed so far out as well as was very expensive.. but I digress. I also heard about the so called Stargate.. and noticed that the Softbank,, and I am going by memory now.. and tired.. and the "description" by Larry Ellison which said that Cancer cells can be Identified, the Genome analyzed and then an mRNA custom designed (designer A.I. Cancer vaccine) is frankly at this point a THEORY. I commented on Malone's post and I haven't looked at other posts.. but this is ALL THEORY.. did I hear the words "it worked in animal Models"... well that means that there are no human clinical trials. Anyway, right now I am up late and tired but THIS STARGATE and the concept of STARGATE.. and the CURE FOR CANCER... has long been the DREAM of every President of the United States. So I am taking all this with the grain of educated salt.. :) I began working in Cancer research under Nixon's War on Cancer remember that? or the Moonshot.. and Trump said he wanted to go to Mars. Well.. I want a Mercedes Benz and house on the beach :) ANYWAY. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT TOPIC and I look forward to hearing more about this so called Stargate. I am a Trump supporter you know that.. and agree w/ some comments from Alien Nation.. but let's all think critically.. especially the scientists out here. Have a great night.. :) Isabell
Isabell, I'm sorry you are not well. Lately I am very keen on Irish Sea Moss for general mineral balancing, but healing chronic illness is not a straight line and I always want it to be simpler than it is. My new theory is that we get sick because of cruelties sustained over years, and only love can heal it. Jesus of Nazareth would agree with me.
Anyway, yeah, cancer is the big obsession and Nixon kicked it off as a dark field of infinite money and infinite tinkering. EZRA MRI. Interesting.
They want to take away hope and love so that MK ULTRA goes global as people become traumatized, resulting in soul loss. Find a higher power, cleave to it, find beauty everywhere you go, and if you can’t see it, draw it, paint it, live it!!!
Trump is a deal maker. He exists around the edges of nuance and leverage. Nothing you see at first glance is what he is planning for. Remember years ago when he graciously had Romney to dinner and everyone was screaming that Romney would be the next Sec State. Uh huh, how did that go? He met with Gates last week. Yep, more of the same. He meets with everybody. He does it to get a full understanding of them at least from the shell he sees and the lies they spew. He met with Kim in Korea after calling him Rocket Man for months. Meeting with Ellison and letting Ellison and the others throw a giant spitball on the wall is pure Trump. Are we talking about cabinet hearings? Nope. Good. Dems can only focus on one or two things at a time. He is flooding the focus field with so many things they don’t know what to do. Meanwhile he works his cabinet picks slowly through the ridiculous ‘Republican’ senate. Have tactical patience. He does, and that is what makes him different. Nuance, distraction, many press conferences, X and Truth posts that get libs blood pressure up, etc…. He is a master at the game, and he is doing it with Ellison and the others. Billionaires all think they are going to change the world some more, because they are obviously all pretty swell already. Let them keep thinking that while Trump plays them like a fiddle. Remember, he was spared by God for this….
“Trust the plan!” 😒😒😒
I don't think so.. I like Trust but verify better. :)
If he's such a great deal maker why did he approve the lock down and allow Fauci to become defacto president of the US? Trump has no understanding of what pseodoscience or real science is, He bows to the so-called "experts." Trump still promotes mRNA vaccines and boasts how his Warp Speed program was successful. This my friend is his Achilles Heel.
THE EMERGENCY. Unending fake public health “emergencies” enable global elites to maintain an iron grip on a worldwide population living in fear. Watch Turfseer’s music video.
Not so black/white in the ‘real’ world of geo-politics.
Trump was an insecure, vulnerable novice his first term, when they sprang the ultimate Wild Card of a global pandemic on him. Not something even a veteran executive would know about, and his administration was chock full of quislings & saboteurs.
One of his most glaring flaws is his stubbornness to admit a mistake…but that’s quite understandable in DC environs where the career swamp reptiles are waiting to pounce on him every nanosecond.
It’s up to us, in these End Times, to navigate the lies and duplicity coming out of official sources. We are personally responsible for our own individual fates, not some cultural icon or other.
Trump knows exactly what he is doing. No mistakes then or now. He works for the cabal and always has, and it is the same with those around him. The exception is some of the fake free media types who are ignorant players.
Trump also gave Fauci secret service protection. Nuff said. Fuck the government. All of it. Every word it says is a lie and everything it has is stolen.
Agree with early covid being his achillies heel. He may have been led astray by experts, but never forget the power of the masses.
How many people were demanding a vaccine? How many demanded masks and lock downs?
I would say more than 50%, a man close to re-election had better listen to those people
What you may say and reality are miles apart. You think the people demanded and made Trump do what he did? Then he's a fool who bends to popularity rather than doing what's right.
Great. That's a real hero you've described.
No, people demanded that somebody save them from this virus, there was howling and wailing and gnashing of teeth, beseeching a saviour.
Careful what you wish for, some neferious globalist might have a solution.
Stop demanding saviours, stop living in fear, man up or every charlatan out there will deem you ripe for plucking. Don't bless or blame Trump, bless or blame the person staring back at you when you look in the mirror.
Pro and anti vaxxer were both looking for a saviour, yet neither looked in the mirror. Generalisation, many did look in the mirror. Canadian truckers for example.
I have no problem looking in the mirror. I stood up for what I knew was right, unlike the spineless Trump you've described, and I was vilified and coerced and persecuted for a year as I fought not only for my right to make my own decisions but for others around me and then lost my job.
Don't make assumptions about people. That's making a judgment without discernment or truth.
People did not make Trump do anything anymore than I was made to do anything. An individual either has courage or they lack it.
If you want to be right instead of true. So be it.
My story is very similar to yours, my wife & son both lost their jobs, I held onto mine because my MD was anti vax.
The difference is, I live in Australia, my prime minister did not sign off on warp speed, but boy did they go hard on getting us vaxxed.
For me to blame Trump would be to excuse my government, I will never do that.
Yes Trump was wrong, so too was big pharma and yes they should be held to account.
Forgive me for going there, but that little man in Germany, how many Jews did he personally kill?
Trump never instructed my concentration camp guards on how to behave, they chose their path of their own free will.
Trump was either complicit or a stooge, I really don't care, he was not around to mandate the jab. Those who mandated it committed the crime.
But that is just pov.🤔
His operation Warpspeed was successful. He didn't champion the creation of the mRNA death-shot. He created a (let's call it a vaccine) injection with Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc - natural "drugs" that he and others used in the early days of COVID when they got sick. They made an optic of it - on camera. He had a black woman at the White House talk about her illness, hospitalization and natural treatment. And Trump spoke proudly about having his military deploy the "vaccine" across the nation. Why the military when America has THE best supply chain operations for pharmaceuticals in the world? Because the military is here to protect us "from enemies foreign and domestic." - to ensure that Trump's safe vaccine was deployed in Anerica - at least in the beginning. As his advisor and confidant, liable attorney Lin Wood said on camera in Jan 2021 (pre-Biden): 'You don't think that DJT wants to go down as the worst President in AMerican history - do you?" It's all a sting operation. It has to look bad for the good guys before it ends to the good.
Happy New Year.
You really think these guys can be played like fiddles? By Donald Trump?
These guys are where they are because they are in cahoots with the military and the powers that be. If they take orders, it sure is way above the US President's paygrade.
They are, and never will be, played by Donaled Trump. Or anyone else.
This is all being allowed. Whether it comes to fruition or not.
It sure is a great distraction.
Very good, short, concise piece from globalresearch today.
I hope you are right
Yeah ok but Suzy Wiles? C'mon she's in bed with Pfizer et al
I hope you're right
You sold Trump, perfectly!
Deal...NO deal. Trump will never speak for me nor any politician.
I see you've read all of Ian Flemming's 007 novels. Quite a lifetime achievement.
This is a very good article that touches on things that have been bothering me this week. It also touches on great things that have happened this week. Thank you!
I like this post, Celia. I have to admit I’m in the “He’s one of them” camp. Let’s see how it shakes out.
Celia, good points on "what's really going on"? One issue I have issue with is did they allow Trump to win? There was cheating in 2024, nowhere as much as 2020. Was that intentional? And the Dems choice was Kamala Harris??? Did an unelectable candidate get shoved on stage intentionally??? Trumps first term had the senate and house as Republican for the first two years, yet he was stonewalled. Hard to read the air these days. The next few months will be revealing one way or another.
90 million people didn’t vote, and Trump won by a total margin of a few million. This is no mandate of the people.
That's pretty much true in every Democracy, Trudeau in Canada has a mandate of 25% of the people, yet he manages to get total control of legislation. And uses it to enact very unpopular laws.
Yeah, times are going to be challenging with the tech bros getting so much (more) power in both countries
Many watched the press conference with mouths agape.
Whiskey tango foxtrot?!
What is this?
Only 24 hours after jubilation?
A gut punch.
We scrambled, like Celia, to make sense.
How can this be?
Why are we viewing what might potentially be more 3D chess?
After all, weren’t the reins his?
Why this?
Why now?
So much manipulation.
White hat.
Black hat.
Please, Lord, what is going on?
We just want to get on with our lives.
To roll with the seasons and festivals and family.
We are the chorus in Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral.
Seeking to live out our lives, our brief moments allotted in time and space.
Praying for our leaders to lead with wisdom, knowledge, counsel, piety and fear of the Lord.
Lord spare us.
Grant us peace, order, stability.
Protect us from evil.
“There is no rest in the house.
There is no rest in the street.
I hear restless movement of feet.
And the air is heavy and thick.
Thick and heavy the sky.
And the earth presses up against our feet.
What is the sickly smell, the vapour?
the dark green light from a cloud on a withered tree?
The earth is heaving to parturition of issue of hell.
What is the sticky dew that forms on the back of my hand?”
(T.S. Eliot: Chorus, Murder in the Cathedral).
Donna Ruth, I am going to read more T.S. Eliot thanks to you. No rest is exactly it. I've become an inchworm who always churns soil but never smiles. Maybe we all have. Even the off grid people have to perpetually be thinking of the beast, the anaconda, how it plans to strike next. How much longer can this go on? Will our souls ever regenerate? Will be ever feel like we once did?
“Will we ever feel as we once did?” Indeed. An important question.
As we observe children and grandchildren, we realize that their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual every-day experiences are THEIR norm. And these are too often dictated by MSM, social media and imperfect education outlets.
We can hope that the lessons of local, national and global history will be taught and absorbed so as to add to their formation and discernment, but in the midst of the incessant clamour of the world, these efforts are oft stymied. Sigh.
But God is in His heavens - and we can find some solace in, “All shall be well; all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well” (Julian of Norwich).
B4 we purity test splinter MAGA-MAHA with Stargate mRNA A. I. injections, lets spread out the options from sinister 🌽spiracy to Hopeium.
First and foremost, A. I. Is a dual use tool just like nuclear, biological and chemical. And it is after all our Wash DC Feral Goober$Mint. The way it tWerks is $Minting $$$ to the Goobers who supported the campaigns. Think LBJ and NASA in Houston. Abbott was at the inauguration lunch spotlight both for the Border 🌽trol and the Texas StarGate $$$. Elections have 🌽sequencies.
1) Stargate could 🐝 a twofer Headfake. We need A. I., And there are Pharma Senators blocking MAHA RFK Jr. So, “hey look over here senators, we are changing your Pharma money laundering over to Stargate money laundering. And hey look, we can cure cancer too! With A. I. Biosynth mRNA injections.“ (Letting RFK Jr quash the mRNA injections later on.)
2) if RFK Jr is not confirmed, Trump can still keep MAGA-MAHA, and install RFK Jr in an between Senate sessions appointment for 2 years of MAHA anyway. A slight delay.
3) Trump is a GoreBully trojan horse and MAHA was fake on his part, just to get power. To heck with making America healthy again. Warped Speed/Meth, full Speed ahead with TransHumanity injections.
We will Soon know.
IF Trump is serious about Energy, he should also Manhattan project clean Plasma Fusion to power StarGate and other A I with. And also to fight inflation for us by lowering energy costs.
Con-science or pseudo science is conTrary to a well formed conscience.
Alamo Dude, I enjoy your poetic humor and your unusual use of emoji. Corn Spiracy. Corn Sequences. It starts to become truly funny. We are an absurd species! I like "purity test."
It's amazing Bobby doesn't just say: "Why don't I go back to doing nothing, but nothing, for all you people, like every normal person in the field of politics, since I KEEP failing your purity tests."
Narcissism in activist/enlightenment movements—very under reported.
Somebody should monetize this!
A type of ideological PCR test for contrarian purity that would also test for whether you think Kary Mullis existed or invented PCR, while it's at it. For only $69 extra. (A real and true position out there.) Three levels of testing for your clarity on whether viruses "exist."
I don't think MAHA was entirely fake on Trump's part.
He knows vaccines cause autism and has experience.
But I take your point. He's a New York alpha male if ever there was one.
I want Roy Cohn to come back and ruin all these people's lives, who ran the Trump Loathing Industrial Complex. I want him to start at The New Republic.
Roy Cohn was my father's divorce lawyer. (Hence the unannounced move to Sweden in 1976.) I was raised to fear and loathe him but lately I dream of him coming back to avenge Trump, and everybody else. IF Trump is real. It's hard to imagine Trump loathing was all a production? ALL the Russiagate, wiretapped bus, J6, rigged 2020, all the Jack Smith from Holland law fare, media foaming for 8 years, ALL of it?
Nothing makes sense except that we are in a simulation and I really can't handle that idea.
THIS IS AN INTERESTING RESPONSE.. I am a retired molecular biologist and spotted Sars Covid from the get go.. as a "novel" Chimera made in China.
Let's just HOLD ON FOR A WHILE.. and see what happens..
The first Stargate facility is already built in Abilene. I don't think we have the luxury of wait and see.
We already have fission which can be the cheapest, safest, most environmentally friendly and most plentiful energy on the planet, if we removed the corruption that is blockading it, in the USA, namely the EPA & NRC. Fusion is worth pursuing but their Manhattan project was ITER which is a $65B idiotic boondoggle whose purpose was to delay fusion for as long as possible.
Trump, like any prominent politician must play all sides to some degree. i.e. He may be the exact opposite of Trudeau but he needs to work with him in on some issues and he will. That's just the reality of politics. He may despise Zelinski and want to shut down the Ukraine war immediately, but that would step on too many toes, and he will get reprisals from the neocons in the Senate & House so he has to act carefully.
People just need to realize, on a major political stage you just can't talk or behave like we do here on Substack, you would get beaten up pretty bad if you did. That's just the reality of interacting with the colossal system of World governments and large corporate interests.
Well, fission works, yes. But no one has yet figured out the 25,000 year waste disposal problem. Plasma Fusion is finally at the Energy in=Energy out stage. And the waste is water vapor. Granted, more than 90% of mislabeled green house gases is water vapor. But California does need water. And clouds either reflect solar heat radiation back into space or trap it in the biosphere based on the trigonometry of clouds altitude. I’ll take water vapor over nuclear waste that destroys land for 25,000 years any day. Chernobyl, Fukushima, Hurricane Helena, LA and Lahaina fires. Etc.
We don’t really need fusion except military applications anyway. We have enough hydrocarbons globally for more than 350-500 years even with projected growth. Clean burning Natural Gas and less soot jet fuels from Gas to Liquids for instance.
Our real problem is battery storage and EMF from electromagnetics. It takes more Natural Gas energy than energy out from hydrogen storage fuel cells. Lithium is dirty to mine and dangerous for runaway fires. Sodium Ion looks promising,
But driving in an EV like a Tesla is a constant exposure to EMF the force of 5 MRIs constantly from wheel bases.
But all problems have solutions, just I’m buying into Bill Gates back yard Fusion reactor solution. When after 70+ years no one has a solution for the 25,000 year half life waste disposal problem. AND we don’t really need it with all the cleaner burning hydrocarbon technology and resources we now have.
I do agree we have Fission and it works. I just don’t want to leave the waste problems around for 25,000 years into the future. When it really is not necessary to take that risk.
25,000 years is kind of a long time.
Why does anybody think Tesla cars are a good idea?
Tesla himself, you know, completed the car, almost. Ran on cosmic wave energy—close to perfect. He tried to transport it back to Serbia by ship, but it vanished en route. This is what I have been told by somebody who was his scientific heir. Long story.
We actually DO NOT NEED AI.
Trump is doing exactly what he was put there to do--shifting the paradigms of infrastructure, health, education and money.
I agree. Trump is doing exactly what he was put there to do.
Greenlight an AI system that will catalog all of humanity and track them in precisely the same way animal inventory is accounted for at factory farms.
Sometimes called The Beast System.
I agree... totally. I like your Substack name; I have always called the MEDICINE the ART OF MEDICINE for a reason. I have worked both in the rarefied field of RNA back in the way back machine day at NIH, NCI and then moved into Clinical Cancer patient research and work. :)
What I learned from this article is that you do alot more looking around than I do before coming to conclusions. Youre gathering info from all over which gives a broader view of the day. And more.
Maybe this is where RFK Jr saves the day for Trump. And changes the whole world. This article could throw some kind of monkey wrench into the whole thing.
I would not throw an entire civilization overboard just to please a bossy woman who holds power over me. I might consider letting parts of Bridgeport go though.
Megyn Kelly's interview with Nicole Shanahan and her take on Stargate. Articulate, calm, knowledgeable.
Shanahan was excellent. Has anybody heard if she is being given a role in the administration?
That Ellison man has the looks of an alien, check his strange ears, could not possibly be trustworthy with those.... Looks apart we do not want any of the rMNA more, so how did this presser at all come about, with such dubious people and even more dubious messages, just corruption and lies jumping out...
🤣 I noticed the alien eyes myself. Yes, he is very creepy!
Thank you for your amazing works!
It's all one club - no matter who appears in power - and we are not in it, as much as it would be so nice to hope for.
Yes there are some changes and things that appear to be great! and yes we are walking head on into transhumanism / depopulation with even stronger digital controls. It's been here just it's easy not to see it when we are fighting over partisan issues and hating one side or another.
And these plans, no matter who is selected, oh, sorry, I mean elected, are made between big tech and government long before they are presented. Much of 'innovation' is payed for by our tax dollars to three and four letter agencies, which are connected to all the big universities like Stanford, Berkeley, MIT and more. Any time one tries to get funding or go to the big tech conferences, it's normal that many four and three letter agencies are there. It's a VERY close relationship that few seem to really grasp. Like CIA, media companies and Hollywierd, not many see how they are connected. DARPA made the internet and In-Q-Tel Facebook and more! Hang out in Palo Alto at the cafés and you can literally hear military, some medicine and tech deals being done or talked about.
More than a few career gov. people I have spoken to have explained that long term contract plans rarely change, no matter who is in office. And all the big technocrats are there with this team - ( and they are with EVERY government people selected in power, they supply everything to run this country!) - Bill, Jeff, Mark, Elon, Larry, Sam (which Open AI is Microsoft), Masayoshi and more are a part of Stargate AI as well as some of them (let's not forget JD and Vivik) very invested in Mrna.
Another interesting connection - LSD, CIA, Stanford and then how Steve got the idea for the iphone after a trip - they have been using drugs to get into other dimensions and then making all the tech to control the populations. Very fallen angel like! And completely connected to population control, pharmakeia and attempting to hack us all.
Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Another ( probably not popular here) point of view that tracks some of what we are seeing now. "A Look at Trump 2.0 in 2025: Zionist Expansion and More Vaccines"
One more: Trump Doubles Down on mRNA; Ads AI & “Predictive” Health
DARPA + users giving all data with no regulation since 1998 + Silicon Valley + In-Q-Tel + Stanford + MIT + Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, X, Meta + wireless (un) smart things + cell towers + data centers + (fallen) angel investors + two party system supporting all of this with UN, DAVOS, EU, Isreal, China (and others unseen) + NGOS + medical pharmakeia + blue screens, algorithms, unsocial media; ie MKULTRA with personal data collection on steroids + no one wanted to see all this for what it is = transhumanism dystopia depop global project!
Philip K Dick predicted this.
Very interesting, which book of his? Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? He was clearly under some pharmakeia ( legal and not legal) for the later part of his life.
Things are moving beyond even Dick’s dystopian visions.
"There are few men on earth who won’t throw an entire civilization overboard to please a bossy woman who holds power over them." - C. Farber
That's a ridiculous statement.
You honestly believe some bossy Susan woman is MAKING Trump do what he's doing? That's a terrifying thought. Our president, the man making life-altering decisions that effect 325 million citizens, is enthralled to an old woman who is bossing him around? GOD HELP US.
This is delusional.
The grasping at straws over what Trump is doing, not what people are desperately conjecturing he's doing, but what IN REALITY HE IS DOING, is sad.
Trump is standing with his hands folded over his crotch as well as the other men. All four men stand this way. It's not a secret Freemason pose. It's a common technique taught in PR camera classes to keep men from fidgeting with their hands while standing. Solving the old problem of "what to do with my hands".
Trump is a deal maker alright. We watched him announcing a big one with these men.
I'm not sure what you hoped to accomplish by publishing the entire lawsuit of Altman v. Altman other than to confirm Trump has no problem throwing in with a man accused of raping his sister, of incest.
As for the "pushing people into the spotlight so they hang themselves" strategy, Uh...yeah...Fauci REALLY felt the fire when Trump placed him in the spotlight.
Fauci REALLY paid a high price. He walked away after years of "service" unscathed, immensely wealthy and retired.
MAN! That'll show those swamp people.
The first facility for this monstrous project called STARGATE, named after a plot device from a mediocre Roland Emmerich science fiction novel (classy!) is already being built in Abilene Texas.
AND Trump has vowed to call the "Stargate" project a NATIONAL EMERGENCY so it can bypass all regulatory checks and balance efforts. WHAT?
The first of many "AI factories" where they "make the AI" as Trump so cognizantly stated.
Trump's understanding of AI and the impact of "Stargate" is TRULY INSPIRING. not...
If people keep this up - excusing and performing feats of mental children's gymnastics in order to justify Trump's "moves", we are over.
I'm getting a clearer idea of what people really mean by "holding Trump's feet to the fire".
It's a euphemism for kissing his ass. Got it.
Grow up. Wake up. We are rapidly running out of time.
God help us.
I don't hate Trump. I am deeply saddened by what I see him doing. I endorse no politicians.
AND anyone who excuses him with hand wringing and support and a "let's wait and see what he's REALLY doing" is helping speed the plow to humankind's demise.
Your hands will be bloodied.
It's NOT a ridiculous statement. Take a poll, from women. Look at fathers, after a certain age. Second or third marriages. We all have HORROR stories. How men, even the strongest, get controlled by certain women is NOT a subject you will succeed in making me back down on.
NOR will you make me feel bad about my deep interest in Masonic signaling, about which I am transparently wondering, not asserting.
You might want to read more carefully and not get so triggered. Are you educated about Masons at all?
Hoped to accomplish? It's called news. She filed the suit, it's been widely reported, and he denied it and that's what I reported.
Why shouldn't I, Mr. Scold?
I watched the press conference on Peggy Hall channel last night.
Creepy, yes, and not surprising, though I did wonder how RFK Jr felt about it.
I will weiigh in on publishing that lawsuit about Altman, though. I really did not need to come across that with my breakfast. Has he been convicted? Then why do I need to know? (that's a rhetorical question). Speaking for myself, I don't need to know. That lawsuit is between his sister and himself.
The excuse you pose for Trump's decisions is ridiculous to me and I explained why I think this.
Here we go again - If the president of the United States of America is being dominated and MADE to do things by an old woman named Susan the US is on its deathbed.
I'm not taking your anecdotal stories about women dominating men as any kind of proof of anything.
I am very versed in Freemason signaling and the hands over the crotch is not a Freemason secret symbol.
If I'm wrong and it is a Freemason hand gesture, Trump is making the same gesture and is sending the same secret message.
Not every hand gesture is a secret Freemason signal.
I'm not triggered. I'm sad you are promoting such illogical and debased ideas.
You used the lawsuit not as "news" but to make some ill thought out point.
Name-calling is also the product of a ridiculous mind.
I am a woman. BTW.
If you want to lemming over the cliff as Trump wants you to do, fine, but I do object to your efforts to drag others with you.
I agree about the hands. I do not think it masonic.
As for Susie W, she may be bossy, but SHE has bosses, too.
They are all playing their parts.
When men stand with their hands clasped over their genitals it means that they might as well be eunuchs. They are feeling powerless. What they say may not match their body language.
Nobody we see on our screens has any real power.
They are all, and Trump is no exception, obedient puppets in the Black Nobility show.
Don't let their soap opera distract you or waste your time.
Good point, solid interpretation. I've been scolded for bringing of Masonic conspiracy when I didn't even say the M word. I just always see that gesture and always wonder what it means.
I am studying lately the Pilgrim Society theory of everything. I don't know if it conflicts with Black Nobility theory.
Pilgrim Society is one of the sub-divisions via which Black Nobility control is exercised. There are very many secret societies and some members belong to more than one, creating a confusing network which shields the true rulers. Don’t get caught in the weeds, Celia. The pair who run A.I.M. keep changing their names as they have progressed from website to website… now they call themselves the ‘Gabriels’ - previously it was Thomas Paine and his missus! Changing IDs? Why? Find out who these people are before wasting days down their rabbit hole.
I love your reporting. It’s soooo good.
And the blackout is brilliant!
Celia, I am going to take a closer look at this.. Robert Malone's post caught by attention but last week I was watching Fox Business (I have been not well and watching TV.. long story, on the mend) and "representative" from a company said something about "EZRA" type of MRI which is not paid for by insurance and apparently identifies "cancer" cells.. go look it up.. A.I gives the short version, but I have worked in Cancer all my life and the EZRA MRI caught my attention because of its name (biblical) and also it seemed so far out as well as was very expensive.. but I digress. I also heard about the so called Stargate.. and noticed that the Softbank,, and I am going by memory now.. and tired.. and the "description" by Larry Ellison which said that Cancer cells can be Identified, the Genome analyzed and then an mRNA custom designed (designer A.I. Cancer vaccine) is frankly at this point a THEORY. I commented on Malone's post and I haven't looked at other posts.. but this is ALL THEORY.. did I hear the words "it worked in animal Models"... well that means that there are no human clinical trials. Anyway, right now I am up late and tired but THIS STARGATE and the concept of STARGATE.. and the CURE FOR CANCER... has long been the DREAM of every President of the United States. So I am taking all this with the grain of educated salt.. :) I began working in Cancer research under Nixon's War on Cancer remember that? or the Moonshot.. and Trump said he wanted to go to Mars. Well.. I want a Mercedes Benz and house on the beach :) ANYWAY. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT TOPIC and I look forward to hearing more about this so called Stargate. I am a Trump supporter you know that.. and agree w/ some comments from Alien Nation.. but let's all think critically.. especially the scientists out here. Have a great night.. :) Isabell
Isabell, I'm sorry you are not well. Lately I am very keen on Irish Sea Moss for general mineral balancing, but healing chronic illness is not a straight line and I always want it to be simpler than it is. My new theory is that we get sick because of cruelties sustained over years, and only love can heal it. Jesus of Nazareth would agree with me.
Anyway, yeah, cancer is the big obsession and Nixon kicked it off as a dark field of infinite money and infinite tinkering. EZRA MRI. Interesting.
Do you ever listen to Morley Robbins?
They want to take away hope and love so that MK ULTRA goes global as people become traumatized, resulting in soul loss. Find a higher power, cleave to it, find beauty everywhere you go, and if you can’t see it, draw it, paint it, live it!!!