Thanks Celia, for posting this very important interview with the truly intrepid & extraordinary Miranda Devine. Like you, yes, I do feel some rage & physical revulsion at seeing Brandon & Co. A dear friend with whom I collaborated on a book has just been nominated for a prestigious prize but—guess what?—as unvaxxed I can't go to the reception, even at this late date of February 28, 2023. Not to mention pilots. But I digress & excuse the longer than usual post: the one caveat I would say is that we need to redefine "Watergate" as not a "watershed" moment but yet another deep state move that has, erroneously, come to signify all that can be good about a free press. Surely it was meant to oust Nixon for various reasons, most probably when he pressed then CIA director Colby for ALL the JFK files which, as we all know, remains the big NO GO zone. Colby was trained at Camp Ontario (an OSS place of "murder and mayhem") by George Hunter White of the then FBN (Federal Bureau of Narcotics). Sidney Gottlieb, the chemist & main-brain behind MK-Ultra, brought White into the picture (aka Morgan Hall) as a kind of enforcer/torturer, one of whose man targets was Billie Holiday, planting drugs etc. I digress again. My point is that Ukraine s VERY deep state & goes back to all the imported Nazis (Paperclip, Overcast etc. he precursor of which was Artichoke, & targeted Carl Olsen, a whistle-blower of the time who couldn't bear what he had seen in Korea re: chemical warfare)). The primary ops that were run through Ukraine, from the 1940s into the 1990s, that we know about, are AERODYNAMIC, QRDYNAMIC, PDDYNAMIC & QRPLUMB. So when Sergey Lavrov, Maria Zakharova, Vladimir Putin etc. speak of the "Ukrainian Nazis," they know very well whereof they speak. And so does Brandon, is my point. Yes, it is scary & truly demonic.
Jon was the first who opened my eyes, and his work is well worth considering, especially if one knows that he was the first to point out that AIDS didn't exist, only the symptoms did, which is the same script as the one used in the plandemic. AZT caused AIDS in the West, and in Africa, it was mostly due to malnutrition and the lack of potable water. The Evil Dwarf was engaged in the AIDS psy-op, as he was in the Remdesivir/ventilator protocol for which hospitals received $38k for "covid" patients killed by ventilators and $13k for a diagnosis based on the PCR "test" that poked people an inch away from the fear center in the brain, sometimes killing them by breaking the blood/brain barrier, poisoning them with graphene, and stealing their DNA (which the test was actually made for by its inventor).
In the early 80s the CDC surveyed this "new" immune suppressing syndrome" and concluded that it was based primarily on recreational drug use, with IV addicts and gay men in the fast track bathhousel-lifestyle, using a huge slew of drugs with poppers at the top of the list. That was correct! Back when CDC was honestly reporting the facts. (97% of all cases then bieng 95% male, with 70% of females as IV addicts in the 5% who were women)
CONCLUSION: This "GRID" or AIDS was NOT an infectious disease. Even Dr. Peter Duesberg claims that this "recreational drug use" conclusion ,was not his conclusion, but came from the CDC. But CDC changed all of that to lie and conform to the HIV program.
That ALL changed when Fauci and Gallo (among other virus hunters) needed NEW research funding and a "germ" to scare people with. Thus, HIV and the AID$ fraud was born. AZT was needed to create what the "virus" failed to do---that is, kill AIDS patients.
The sexual transmission scare-tactic and FRAUD of HIV infetion was revealed by Dr. Walter Dowdle, who was the CDC's top STD analyst, (recently given a Lifetime Achievement Award for his work) whose research (now confirmed by the Dr. Nancy Padian Study). that "sexual transmission" of HIV is a myth. Virtually non-existent. Yet CDC still keeps these LIES going on today--like with COVID and other Political Viruses.
they made all the sick suffer alone as everyone was too scared to embrace them. Same as Covid. WHEN will the evil pay for their crimes on earth..they will pay when they suffer Gods' wrath but I want to see justice here on earth
Well the entire concept of a "virus" and "Infectious AIDS" has never worked in the epidemiological analysis. Perhaps we should abandon "HIV" from the start and look for another "viral cause."
But even here we have problems. What virus attacks mostly males at about 90% of the AIDS cases, even though back in 1985 we know that HIV was evenly spread 50/50 between males and females? This keeping mind that these were male IV drug addicts and a small percentage of gay men in the fast-track drug using lifestyle. Unless they were treated with AZT, only a small percentage of women (about 5% of the total) developed AIDS and these women who did were about 70% IV drug addicts like the men. The Medical history of IV drug abuse has documented a slow immunity decline in IV Junkies since the 1870s. They used to call this "the Dwindles." (A slow decline in immunity and health)
What virus takes on average 10-15 years to cause the disease? (Magic Johnson refused AZT and is alive and well now for over 32 years)
What virus exists and re-asserts its power after the "patient" is antibody immune and the virus can not be cultured in cell cultures?
So even if we eliminate "HIV" we still have another seven reasons to doubt that a germ theory is to blame. Zika virus was another wash out, which Jon Rappoport exposed recently.
Dr. Luc Montagnier who was given the Noble Prize for the "discovery of HIV" (which Gallo and Fauci got caught stealing in 1984) expressed doubts about HIV in 1990. Montagnier did find a virus called "Micoplasim X" that caused pneumatic diseases, but these cases were rare and could be treated.
But the GERM SCARE is really the problem. SARS CoV-2 is even more of phantom than HIV. The CDC, NIH and WHO do not even have a sample of it that can be tested in proper lab. All they have is a computer generated map. But NO virus.
I should add though, that it is entirely possible that some form of parasitic bacteria(s) might have been circulating around to cause what they label "COVID" being cultivated by warm and wet masks, and the reason why Fauci and his ilk banned Ivermectin, which has proven to be very effective against this disease.
so, help me here Ray, what were all the lesions on gay men before AZT became the treatment. and why were they passing it to people they sodomized but not, say, their sister who shared their household? Were not men dying of something they were passing to each other exclusively? I mean this as a sincere question.
It looks like the AIDS test was just about as fraudulent as the PCR test and those who refused treatment by AZT (in which the Evil Dwarf was also involved like in the Remdesivir/ventilator murders), "miraculously" survived. Consequently, among the many exotic ingredients in the "covid" injections, AZT may have also been included in a few batches. I wrote about this on May 29, 2022:
The entire system is corrupted. Why is it no surprise that these evil creatures are free to walk the earth while someone like Julian Assange rots in Belmarsh Prison? Who said life is fair? Life is not fair. Life is a set up from birth till death. As Carlin said, "it's a private club and you and I are not in the private club". Thank goodness for that! Who would want to be in evils private club full of sick parasites sucking off the rest of humanity? The game is rigged. The rigging in the US started in 1913 and hasn't stopped since. None of these alien to a life well lived parasites will ever spend time behind bars, so don't ever count on it happening. Instead, we the people are tracked, traced and soon will be branded with some kind of chip as global property living in 15 minute cities. It's really not a pretty picture is it? As Catherine Austin Fitts has often said "maybe death isn't so bad". They, those who run the planet as their personal evil empire, lie and cheat and are the lowest slime life has ever produced. As for the rest of us, pray wthout ceasing and with each moment you live, think as someone once did. "forgive them for they know not what they do" a noble statement, while I can only imagine they full well know what they do, and they like it too! In the meantime, well all hell is breaking loose, Be humble, be grateful, be kind, be truthful, be giving, be loving and above all, connect with nature and create an eden inside this alien to life world so foreign to what earth could have been and still has the potential to be, if only all these heinous creatures would cease to exist by one good swipe of KARMA that kills them all.
Well said Leesy and my thoughts exactly. So easy to let fear in, especially if you go down the rabbit holes. I have to refuse many links because I know who holds the future, and it is NOT a human man. It is all so disturbing, but...God is great and He knows their evil. I was thinking a reverse rapture would be day we wake up and boom...!! They are all in hell. I count on the saving grace of my Creator. We don't get out of life alive, but I know where I will be for eternity and that is priceless.♥
It really is mind boggling Leesy, when you think about all the corrupt government actors that we know of and how few of them have spent even a second behind bars. Rod Blagojevich is the only one I can think of in my lifetime.
truly mind boggling! trying to maintain one's sanity, all the while feeling, once you realize the level of corruption, is quite a daily challenge these days. these last 3 years feel like my eyes have been pried wide open. it's heartbreaking, but at the same time liberating to finally realize what evil feels like and what it looks like. here's hope good wins out!
Everything you just wrote encapsulates what I’ve been thinking and saying. Most of my adult life I wondered if I was too cynical; now I realize I was hopelessly naive.
I'm 72. Since 9/11 I've been researching and reading. I've come to the conclusion we've ALL been had by evil negative forces so alien to what most people want, which is to be living a life in peace & harmony, which, with nukes pointed in every direction, is not how peace is supposed to work. Until all WOMD are eliminated along with wars & war mongers, there will be no peace on earth. I wish I could hug everyone who realizes and can admit that they have lifted the veil of lies & deceit in every direction of life and now can see what we all have to fight for, which is the preservation of our minds and our souls. blessings to all my dears.
I agree with you Leesy and as far as being 72, I remember being in a room with a woman who was about to turn 94 and she was staring out the window quietly watching people go by… then all of a sudden she said “oh I miss my 70s so much ..I had SO much energy in my 70s and I was still wearing heels and the 80s were good too but the 90s the 90s they are hard”
Exactly! It revealed the full-scale corruption and co-opting of an American president in more ways than one. I no longer see things through the left/right paradigm or any other paradigm manufactured by our would-be masters, because I now know that the paradigm is comprehensively one of power versus people - everywhere. Nevertheless, I am still astonished at my Democrat supporting friends for their blindness on this issue (and so many others.)
My post on Miranda Devine's superb book:
The Bidens: Chinese infiltration, Ukrainian corruption, Russian subterfuge, a compromised First Family, and an American public in denial
Similar to you, whenever I see a photo of any of the Bidens, I get a profound feeling of disgust.
I wanted to point out one thing though. People really ought to drop the comparisons to "Watergate" unless they clearly include the fact that it was itself a CIA operation in their calculations. Even at face value Watergate has always been a pseudo scandal. Nixon spied on the opposition -- oh heaven's to Betsy! Where's the fainting couch? I've got the vapors! 😒
I well remember the Watergate hearings being aired every day that long summer. President Nixon must surely be rolling in his grave. If Watergate could cause such a huge inquiry, why on earth is nothing happening about the current situation?
Look at how those clowns went after Trump a few years ago. And they were the perps! There are still lefty idiots who are saying that the Donald colluded with Russian spies. It’s so easy for deep state thugs to play these silly games when you have a dumbed down public hooked on Twinkies and pro wrestling. They’ll believe anything you say.
Thanks, Celia, for posting this distillation. The whole sordid Biden Crime Family cesspool literally takes my breath away. It IS a spiritual attack, and we all need to double-down with repentance and prayer.
"If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
Crack and prostitutes is the least of it. Hunter liked them young. Very young. The contents of the laptop show that. The elites are rotten degenerates. A true canker in society.
You ask the right question: why hasn’t this been investigated and the guilty punished? What is the magic potion someone is using to keep silent the msm?!
Yes. And Acts 8:37 and 1 John 5:7 and Revelation 1:11 and lots of critical verses affecting doctrine. In fact, the NIV removed 10% of the traditional text. That's around 64,000 words!
Keep faith, Celia. They are not as strong as they appear to be. They are like snakes; all of their supposed cunning is rooted in fear of betrayal and loss. They are undoing each other before our eyes, and we are helping to speed that inevitable process along.
I was about to post a few words when I saw yours. I agree that once the events of that Tuesday in September occurred - and quickly entered our false history - it was officially over. Everything since has been a not so gradual clean up operation. And yes, the murder of JFK was immense.
So hard ta believe an' yet TRUE--undeniably--an' I think ALL of us that KNOW these truths an' don't look away--are goin' thru these times with a form of PTSD. I've spent the last 3+ years REALLY re-learinin' US (and foreign) hist'ry--talk about a poisoned well--how CAN we drink from it again? And though the Bidens may be the most farcical (that's a farce WITH a cull!) "fambly" we've had the displeasure to endure--honestly, they may NOT be the worst... We have at LEAST 100 years of documented treason by sittin' US "Precedents" (Pressin' Office no less...). Somehow we grew up under the DELUSION we had freedom an' could indeed (mostly) trust our leaders and how WRONG we all were (but that was the was the orchestrated "proper-gander" they offered us...not the truth!). We all need a good dose'a warm ginger tea to address the nausea an' motion sickness from learnin' all this... as the ride continues like a bad run-on sentence an' we humans who know....DO have the fortitude ta watch the road and mebbe just mebbe...steer us / US away from the precipice.... Gotta "Keep on Truckin'" as our pals ta the north showed us!
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you just wrote.
The notion that people write off the fact that JB showered with his daughter is nauseating and frightening.
This is the same mental gymnastics that allowed the holocaust to happen
I wouldn't be surprised if the Biden children, all three, were abused by the Monarch program. I kind of just assume they were, actually.
I agree, Amy… There’s a reason that a Hunter is such a mess
Between our Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and your President Biden, North America went right down the toilet.
Thanks Celia, for posting this very important interview with the truly intrepid & extraordinary Miranda Devine. Like you, yes, I do feel some rage & physical revulsion at seeing Brandon & Co. A dear friend with whom I collaborated on a book has just been nominated for a prestigious prize but—guess what?—as unvaxxed I can't go to the reception, even at this late date of February 28, 2023. Not to mention pilots. But I digress & excuse the longer than usual post: the one caveat I would say is that we need to redefine "Watergate" as not a "watershed" moment but yet another deep state move that has, erroneously, come to signify all that can be good about a free press. Surely it was meant to oust Nixon for various reasons, most probably when he pressed then CIA director Colby for ALL the JFK files which, as we all know, remains the big NO GO zone. Colby was trained at Camp Ontario (an OSS place of "murder and mayhem") by George Hunter White of the then FBN (Federal Bureau of Narcotics). Sidney Gottlieb, the chemist & main-brain behind MK-Ultra, brought White into the picture (aka Morgan Hall) as a kind of enforcer/torturer, one of whose man targets was Billie Holiday, planting drugs etc. I digress again. My point is that Ukraine s VERY deep state & goes back to all the imported Nazis (Paperclip, Overcast etc. he precursor of which was Artichoke, & targeted Carl Olsen, a whistle-blower of the time who couldn't bear what he had seen in Korea re: chemical warfare)). The primary ops that were run through Ukraine, from the 1940s into the 1990s, that we know about, are AERODYNAMIC, QRDYNAMIC, PDDYNAMIC & QRPLUMB. So when Sergey Lavrov, Maria Zakharova, Vladimir Putin etc. speak of the "Ukrainian Nazis," they know very well whereof they speak. And so does Brandon, is my point. Yes, it is scary & truly demonic.
They are STILL pushing the clot shot even in face of #DiedSuddenly
Congrats on your success with the book
Jon was the first who opened my eyes, and his work is well worth considering, especially if one knows that he was the first to point out that AIDS didn't exist, only the symptoms did, which is the same script as the one used in the plandemic. AZT caused AIDS in the West, and in Africa, it was mostly due to malnutrition and the lack of potable water. The Evil Dwarf was engaged in the AIDS psy-op, as he was in the Remdesivir/ventilator protocol for which hospitals received $38k for "covid" patients killed by ventilators and $13k for a diagnosis based on the PCR "test" that poked people an inch away from the fear center in the brain, sometimes killing them by breaking the blood/brain barrier, poisoning them with graphene, and stealing their DNA (which the test was actually made for by its inventor).
Governments have been hijacked:
The latest conspiracy forced on politicians in 194 countries, only further shows that humans are to become slaves, cyborgs and, preferably, dead:
In the early 80s the CDC surveyed this "new" immune suppressing syndrome" and concluded that it was based primarily on recreational drug use, with IV addicts and gay men in the fast track bathhousel-lifestyle, using a huge slew of drugs with poppers at the top of the list. That was correct! Back when CDC was honestly reporting the facts. (97% of all cases then bieng 95% male, with 70% of females as IV addicts in the 5% who were women)
CONCLUSION: This "GRID" or AIDS was NOT an infectious disease. Even Dr. Peter Duesberg claims that this "recreational drug use" conclusion ,was not his conclusion, but came from the CDC. But CDC changed all of that to lie and conform to the HIV program.
That ALL changed when Fauci and Gallo (among other virus hunters) needed NEW research funding and a "germ" to scare people with. Thus, HIV and the AID$ fraud was born. AZT was needed to create what the "virus" failed to do---that is, kill AIDS patients.
The sexual transmission scare-tactic and FRAUD of HIV infetion was revealed by Dr. Walter Dowdle, who was the CDC's top STD analyst, (recently given a Lifetime Achievement Award for his work) whose research (now confirmed by the Dr. Nancy Padian Study). that "sexual transmission" of HIV is a myth. Virtually non-existent. Yet CDC still keeps these LIES going on today--like with COVID and other Political Viruses.
they made all the sick suffer alone as everyone was too scared to embrace them. Same as Covid. WHEN will the evil pay for their crimes on earth..they will pay when they suffer Gods' wrath but I want to see justice here on earth
Well the entire concept of a "virus" and "Infectious AIDS" has never worked in the epidemiological analysis. Perhaps we should abandon "HIV" from the start and look for another "viral cause."
But even here we have problems. What virus attacks mostly males at about 90% of the AIDS cases, even though back in 1985 we know that HIV was evenly spread 50/50 between males and females? This keeping mind that these were male IV drug addicts and a small percentage of gay men in the fast-track drug using lifestyle. Unless they were treated with AZT, only a small percentage of women (about 5% of the total) developed AIDS and these women who did were about 70% IV drug addicts like the men. The Medical history of IV drug abuse has documented a slow immunity decline in IV Junkies since the 1870s. They used to call this "the Dwindles." (A slow decline in immunity and health)
What virus takes on average 10-15 years to cause the disease? (Magic Johnson refused AZT and is alive and well now for over 32 years)
What virus exists and re-asserts its power after the "patient" is antibody immune and the virus can not be cultured in cell cultures?
So even if we eliminate "HIV" we still have another seven reasons to doubt that a germ theory is to blame. Zika virus was another wash out, which Jon Rappoport exposed recently.
Dr. Luc Montagnier who was given the Noble Prize for the "discovery of HIV" (which Gallo and Fauci got caught stealing in 1984) expressed doubts about HIV in 1990. Montagnier did find a virus called "Micoplasim X" that caused pneumatic diseases, but these cases were rare and could be treated.
But the GERM SCARE is really the problem. SARS CoV-2 is even more of phantom than HIV. The CDC, NIH and WHO do not even have a sample of it that can be tested in proper lab. All they have is a computer generated map. But NO virus.
I should add though, that it is entirely possible that some form of parasitic bacteria(s) might have been circulating around to cause what they label "COVID" being cultivated by warm and wet masks, and the reason why Fauci and his ilk banned Ivermectin, which has proven to be very effective against this disease.
so, help me here Ray, what were all the lesions on gay men before AZT became the treatment. and why were they passing it to people they sodomized but not, say, their sister who shared their household? Were not men dying of something they were passing to each other exclusively? I mean this as a sincere question.
poppers. amyl nitrites. It's all in the book!
Wow. Just looked "poppers" up. So much for the zero patient "Galen" the male flight steward story i had read a million months ago.
I remember that part in Kennedy's book.
There was a drug called "poppers" that was very popular among gay men.
Gay men are easy to isolate and attack, because they have their own establishments.
The "test" for "AIDS" is just about as fraudulent as the one for "covid."
It looks like the AIDS test was just about as fraudulent as the PCR test and those who refused treatment by AZT (in which the Evil Dwarf was also involved like in the Remdesivir/ventilator murders), "miraculously" survived. Consequently, among the many exotic ingredients in the "covid" injections, AZT may have also been included in a few batches. I wrote about this on May 29, 2022:
Agreed I love Jon Rappaport!!
His site on Substack seems to be done by ghost-writers, and I'm not even certain it is he anymore...
Both AIDS and "ebola" are mundane poisonings...
What does that make you, soldier? :)
The entire system is corrupted. Why is it no surprise that these evil creatures are free to walk the earth while someone like Julian Assange rots in Belmarsh Prison? Who said life is fair? Life is not fair. Life is a set up from birth till death. As Carlin said, "it's a private club and you and I are not in the private club". Thank goodness for that! Who would want to be in evils private club full of sick parasites sucking off the rest of humanity? The game is rigged. The rigging in the US started in 1913 and hasn't stopped since. None of these alien to a life well lived parasites will ever spend time behind bars, so don't ever count on it happening. Instead, we the people are tracked, traced and soon will be branded with some kind of chip as global property living in 15 minute cities. It's really not a pretty picture is it? As Catherine Austin Fitts has often said "maybe death isn't so bad". They, those who run the planet as their personal evil empire, lie and cheat and are the lowest slime life has ever produced. As for the rest of us, pray wthout ceasing and with each moment you live, think as someone once did. "forgive them for they know not what they do" a noble statement, while I can only imagine they full well know what they do, and they like it too! In the meantime, well all hell is breaking loose, Be humble, be grateful, be kind, be truthful, be giving, be loving and above all, connect with nature and create an eden inside this alien to life world so foreign to what earth could have been and still has the potential to be, if only all these heinous creatures would cease to exist by one good swipe of KARMA that kills them all.
Well said Leesy and my thoughts exactly. So easy to let fear in, especially if you go down the rabbit holes. I have to refuse many links because I know who holds the future, and it is NOT a human man. It is all so disturbing, but...God is great and He knows their evil. I was thinking a reverse rapture would be day we wake up and boom...!! They are all in hell. I count on the saving grace of my Creator. We don't get out of life alive, but I know where I will be for eternity and that is priceless.♥
It really is mind boggling Leesy, when you think about all the corrupt government actors that we know of and how few of them have spent even a second behind bars. Rod Blagojevich is the only one I can think of in my lifetime.
truly mind boggling! trying to maintain one's sanity, all the while feeling, once you realize the level of corruption, is quite a daily challenge these days. these last 3 years feel like my eyes have been pried wide open. it's heartbreaking, but at the same time liberating to finally realize what evil feels like and what it looks like. here's hope good wins out!
Everything you just wrote encapsulates what I’ve been thinking and saying. Most of my adult life I wondered if I was too cynical; now I realize I was hopelessly naive.
I'm 72. Since 9/11 I've been researching and reading. I've come to the conclusion we've ALL been had by evil negative forces so alien to what most people want, which is to be living a life in peace & harmony, which, with nukes pointed in every direction, is not how peace is supposed to work. Until all WOMD are eliminated along with wars & war mongers, there will be no peace on earth. I wish I could hug everyone who realizes and can admit that they have lifted the veil of lies & deceit in every direction of life and now can see what we all have to fight for, which is the preservation of our minds and our souls. blessings to all my dears.
I agree with you Leesy and as far as being 72, I remember being in a room with a woman who was about to turn 94 and she was staring out the window quietly watching people go by… then all of a sudden she said “oh I miss my 70s so much ..I had SO much energy in my 70s and I was still wearing heels and the 80s were good too but the 90s the 90s they are hard”
So Leesy, I say Live it up kid!!!
I have alot of energy, but not for energy vampires, who run the planet as their personal, screwed up empire. As Prince sang, party like it's 1999!
“... what earth could have been and still has the potential to be ...” 😢
It's exhausting wrapping ones brain around the level of evil.
Exactly! It revealed the full-scale corruption and co-opting of an American president in more ways than one. I no longer see things through the left/right paradigm or any other paradigm manufactured by our would-be masters, because I now know that the paradigm is comprehensively one of power versus people - everywhere. Nevertheless, I am still astonished at my Democrat supporting friends for their blindness on this issue (and so many others.)
My post on Miranda Devine's superb book:
The Bidens: Chinese infiltration, Ukrainian corruption, Russian subterfuge, a compromised First Family, and an American public in denial
Similar to you, whenever I see a photo of any of the Bidens, I get a profound feeling of disgust.
I wanted to point out one thing though. People really ought to drop the comparisons to "Watergate" unless they clearly include the fact that it was itself a CIA operation in their calculations. Even at face value Watergate has always been a pseudo scandal. Nixon spied on the opposition -- oh heaven's to Betsy! Where's the fainting couch? I've got the vapors! 😒
I well remember the Watergate hearings being aired every day that long summer. President Nixon must surely be rolling in his grave. If Watergate could cause such a huge inquiry, why on earth is nothing happening about the current situation?
Look at how those clowns went after Trump a few years ago. And they were the perps! There are still lefty idiots who are saying that the Donald colluded with Russian spies. It’s so easy for deep state thugs to play these silly games when you have a dumbed down public hooked on Twinkies and pro wrestling. They’ll believe anything you say.
Thank you. The idea that we should admire the repeaters who broke the story is a sick joke at best.
Thanks, Celia, for posting this distillation. The whole sordid Biden Crime Family cesspool literally takes my breath away. It IS a spiritual attack, and we all need to double-down with repentance and prayer.
"If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14
"So, that protected Joe Biden until the election.:
Which he cheated to win anyway
Crack and prostitutes is the least of it. Hunter liked them young. Very young. The contents of the laptop show that. The elites are rotten degenerates. A true canker in society.
Seriously disturbing! The gallows is too good for these people.
You ask the right question: why hasn’t this been investigated and the guilty punished? What is the magic potion someone is using to keep silent the msm?!
Please keep writing ...
You didn't get to mention pipelineGate and war crimes are us
Yes. And Acts 8:37 and 1 John 5:7 and Revelation 1:11 and lots of critical verses affecting doctrine. In fact, the NIV removed 10% of the traditional text. That's around 64,000 words!
Keep faith, Celia. They are not as strong as they appear to be. They are like snakes; all of their supposed cunning is rooted in fear of betrayal and loss. They are undoing each other before our eyes, and we are helping to speed that inevitable process along.
"It is completely beyond comprehension that this has happened to our country and to the whole world."
It's just the latest episode in a long and twisted story. I think 9/11 was more "serious" than this. Perhaps even JFK.
see JFK to 9/11 - Everything is a rich man's trick.
On youtube here and there.
I was about to post a few words when I saw yours. I agree that once the events of that Tuesday in September occurred - and quickly entered our false history - it was officially over. Everything since has been a not so gradual clean up operation. And yes, the murder of JFK was immense.
And now, we are really in a pickle.
So hard ta believe an' yet TRUE--undeniably--an' I think ALL of us that KNOW these truths an' don't look away--are goin' thru these times with a form of PTSD. I've spent the last 3+ years REALLY re-learinin' US (and foreign) hist'ry--talk about a poisoned well--how CAN we drink from it again? And though the Bidens may be the most farcical (that's a farce WITH a cull!) "fambly" we've had the displeasure to endure--honestly, they may NOT be the worst... We have at LEAST 100 years of documented treason by sittin' US "Precedents" (Pressin' Office no less...). Somehow we grew up under the DELUSION we had freedom an' could indeed (mostly) trust our leaders and how WRONG we all were (but that was the was the orchestrated "proper-gander" they offered us...not the truth!). We all need a good dose'a warm ginger tea to address the nausea an' motion sickness from learnin' all this... as the ride continues like a bad run-on sentence an' we humans who know....DO have the fortitude ta watch the road and mebbe just mebbe...steer us / US away from the precipice.... Gotta "Keep on Truckin'" as our pals ta the north showed us!