
There will be a livestream from somebody in the know, at 11 pm EDT tonight:


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Thanks Celia. This is an important intervention from the Federal Government against Ritter, who was always On-Target with truthful analysis, a "traitor", like John Kennedy was in the eyes of the MIC.

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Lee Stranahan was on the situation/s in Russia and Ukraine before almost everybody else. And, he paid for it with numerous health challenges.

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1:08:19 Some discussion about Scott Ritter. I'm not a big fan of Ritter .. and Mercado Media is not on my list of YT Channels for info. If you watch a little of this channel skip around and you'll see it's all about how great we are for helping the Ukraine. Anyways .. they are saying that Ritter is a pedophile .. maybe .. this is the first time I've heard that .. but it is being used to discredit Ritter .. as if that is going to make whatever truth Ritter says about Russia and the US meaningless.


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When the propagandists have nothing on a target, sometimes they just grab a straw and a few 'trigger words'and blow bubbles to see what floats.

The WEF-ers seem to be trained for that sort of idiocy...

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They've hated Ritter ever since he told the truth about the fake "weapons of mass destruction" story during the Iraq war. The satanic beast system hates the truth.

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The illegitimate corrupt US government is at war with the American people. They are at war with those anywhere in the world who support freedom and sovereignty.

The US government is the enemy, not Russia. This act proves it.

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The USSA, once a free & democratic Republic, now a Vassal State of the Demented Demons of Davos:

Eddie Hobbes Event: Road to Dystopia - Unless we Stand Up! Ivor Cummins:


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Another critic become political prisoner. He must be telling a lot of truth. Will hope his detention is brief.

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Ritter‘s been *all* OVER social media. He is well-known & well-regarded in the Circuit against the Ukrainian debacle, the Gaza Genocide and imminent nuclear exchange with the RussianBEAR: Moscow is NOT BLUFFING

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The very reason Russia now finds itself between a rock and a hard place is precisely because NATO has called Putin's bluff since the 2014 Maidan Putsch, and with this war--er, "Special Military Operation"--entering its 16th month with no end in sight, they are only eager to further exploit what they correctly perceive as Russian weakness.

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Ritter is NOT WRONG; This is NOT a good SIGN; we are *closer* to Nuke☢️War ☠️ than we have EVER BEEN

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maybe there are no nukes, but don't tell anyone...

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3


And who needs nukes when you've got HAARP, radio interferometry, and you can steer hurricanes around?

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Not "HAARP", but microwave gyrotrons (initially high-power radar, but that's much more expensive than gyrotrons), as were also used at Lahaina. The barium doping of silica in chemtrails causes it to absorb microwaves. It heats, causing an updraft, which steers storm systems and the jetstream. HAARP is useful if you want colorful auroral effects, or possibly to induce earthquake inducing pressure resonances.

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Same thing...ionospheric and atmospheric heaters and microwave motivators.

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Did you know that any alchemist worth his salt is able to transform cholesterol into tryptamine and send people flying into the outer space?

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Is that sea salt or Himalayan Pink Rock Salt?

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Eustace Mullins didn't think so. Nevertheless, a lot of games seem to have been played with Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Apollo 11. Or, for that matter, earth's poles on Google Earth.

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Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Apollo 11 all happened. Don't distract from the hard reality before us by such diversions.

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see Bill Kaysings: WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON...

cause WE DID NOT GO...final answer.

In order to withstand temperature extremes in "space" for mammals...the ship would have had to have walls 4 ' (that's FEET) thick. That would be absolute O degrees to 2000 degrees F.

We never went, sports fans...and we are not going "back" any time soon. Get over it. The beautiful blue planet is our home....whether we like it or not. As alluring as it sounds, outer space is not on the menu for many generations to come

In the meantime, maybe would could learn to share our toys and make nice with our neighbors?

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There is nothing stupendous about going to the moon or landing on the moon. China, Japan, India have all put landers on the moon recently. Even the Russians were able to land two large Rovers on the Moon in 1970 and 1973.

You can see the Moon Reconnaissance Orbiter photos right now. And the Japanese SELENE probe to the Moon & the Chandrayaan-2 Indian Moon orbiter. It would be an incredible job to fake those. They would have to match ground observations and invent fine detail to be compatible with that. For what purpose? A crazy notion.

Third-party evidence for Apollo Moon landings:


"...SELENE photographs

In 2008, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) SELENE lunar probe obtained several photographs showing evidence of Moon landings.[1] On the left are two photos taken on the lunar surface by the Apollo 15 astronauts August 2, 1971 during EVA 3 at station 9A near Hadley Rille. On the right is a 2008 reconstruction from images taken by the SELENE terrain camera and 3D projected to the same vantage point as the surface photos. The terrain is a close match within the SELENE camera resolution of 10 metres.

AS15-82-11121: Apollo 15 Lunar Roving Vehicle

AS15-82-11121: Apollo 15 Lunar Roving Vehicle

AS15-82-11122: Apollo 15 photo

AS15-82-11122: Apollo 15 photo

3D SELENE reconstructed photo

3D SELENE reconstructed photo

I suppose you figure China's plan to send astronauts to the moon in 2027 is all to make a fake video landing. And all the amateur astronomers and hundreds of foreign science institutes with hundreds of radio & optical telescopes will be suckered in. I still can't figure out why you figure NASA would go to all that incredible expense & trouble to fake a moon landing. If they didn't want to spend the money, just cancel the program, they do it all the time. In fact cancelling these type of mission is the norm not the exception. And yet here they are going to great lengths and cost to do another series of human moon landings. I suppose you figure that's going to be fake too? Artemis missions? Fake? SpaceX's plans for private Moon flyby mission, already financed by a Japanese billionaire with the Youtuber, Everyday Astronaut selected as one passenger. Fake mission?

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I must have been an incredible job to build a fake Joe Biden out o Meccano and install it in the White House. But very few people seem to have noticed.

Seriously, though, I have a question. What is the difference between, on the one hand, sending men to the Moon and publicizing that fact and getting the public to believe it, and on the other hand, faking a mission to the moon, pretending it really happened, and getting the public to believe it?

Or, in my best Hillary Clinton voice, "What difference, at this point, does it make?

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Gold foil reflected the heat on the moon's surface. In space, temperature was maintained at acceptable levels by rotating the craft, and using foil to reflect excess insolation.

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I don't doubt they did. But their photographic documentation and implementations involved a lot of "distractions". The Deep State can't play anything straight.

However, to settle this, get a powerful, very short flash duration laser, a really good telescope, and the appropriate filter and fast response photomonitor. Show the astronauts really did leave cube-corner retroreflectors on the moon. Has anyone other than those with likely conflicts of interest done so?

And regardless what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ordinary people have observed trinitite at the Trinity test site. (Most is now bulldozed under.)

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts were aerial, so didn't leave any. But people who drank fallout rain died.

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?!? There are nukes. Big nukes. Bad nukes. The only question is how big & bad are they?

There has been talk about Russia having 100MT, cobalt laced blockbusters that can be or even have been quietly dropped on the seabed on the East coast of USA, and remotely detonated, resulting in a 100-200ft tidal wave rendering the entire eastern seaboard devastated & highly radioactive for many decades. That's quite doable actually, the tech is well established.

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What if there are no nukes?

Then, we've all been victims of propaganda for years, and the military has been lying for decades. Generals lying!?!?! Inconceivable!!!

I keep repeating that word, and I don't think it means what I think it means.

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We have a whole lot more to worry about that there is nukes, lots of nukes, in fact listening to Scott Ritter a lot more than we pretend to have. The US lied and didn't really dismantle all those nukes, it put locks on them or disabled them, all of which is easy to reactivate.

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But, if there are no nukes, then we have spent many years worrying about non-existent threats, an energy we could have spent in worrying about real weapons, whose principles of operation no one knows, and also the financial BS associated with them would be covered up by a smoke screen.

Or we could just stop worrying and love reality: the world is ruled by pirates, alchemists and vampires.

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Why are so few speaking about the electromagnetic weapons that are used on us daily?

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They burnt up the nukes the USSR surrendered. Don't know about their own.

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They say, "With nukes, 6,000 says it all!"

50,000 would be overkill.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 4

Producing a nuclear explosion is far easier than making a power reactor, and noone disputes their existence. Just don't do something stupid like moderating it with graphite like at Chernobyl.

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That's not persuasive.

It sounds plausible that any form of producing energy can go boom boom and be transformed into a weapon of some sort. But that's simply because we are talking about something artificial an unstable: accumulating much energy in one place.

But what can go wrong? The boilers, for example. The water vapor meant to move the turbines can leak. Pipes can explode. But that's not what we are talking about.

The problem is that the neutron is a theoretical construct. We are told that by nuclear fission much energy is produced. Part of this energy is transduced into heat. The heat is supposed to be the energy which boils the water and creates vapor and movement and electric energy, which is what we want. But maybe fission is not what is happening. Maybe they know the atoms are not real. That "energy fields" (whatever that is in reality) is the real stuff, but we are stuck in the particle model because... laziness or politics or financial interest or whatever.

The point is that it may be the case that what we call a nuclear reactor is not what we've been told. And, finally, your argument is not persuasive because if the story of the electrons, neutrons and protons is not true, then that does not imply that they have discovered the way to use the same principle of the "reactors" as an offensive weapon. Just the same as mere water in movement in a hydraulic central is not in itself a usable offensive weapon. We can have a principle that gives us the ability to produce energy, and we may not be able to use that principle efficiently as an offensive weapon.

Do you know about the "sorites" problem? It's very cool.

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Neutrons are theoretical constructs? Then why did I wear a Li-6 fluoride badge when I worked in radiobiology? Why is borax wax a useful neutron shield? (Used as a precaution at the National Cold Fusion Institute.) Is spontaneous fission also a theoretical construct? I think I wore it because we had some SF material stored right next to my desk.

Now granted, I don't accept the standard model or the strong force. IMO, it's all leptons and electrical charge. But that's a work in progress, mostly because I'm insufficiently adept at the necessary mathematical modeling. It's called electricity and masochism (magnetism) for a reason!

Didn't you see the Disney cartoon of the ping-pong ball-laden mousetraps? Keeping a fission reactor going at a steady, controlled rate is much more challenging. I've stood on the bridge when the control rods were yanked from a TRIGA reactor, and seen the Čerenkov flash the beta particles (electrons) made in the cooling water. (Though keeping a supercritical nuclear weapon core contained until a useful amount occur is also.) Why fast reactors are so challenging. Difficult to throttle them. Best proposal I've seen is to run them slightly subcritical, and "throttle" by proton bombardment of the lead or bismuth coolant (very little moderation), which boils out neutrons (about 1 per 6 MeV of bombardment energy) to sustain the reaction. See Heinlein's 1940 short story, Blowups Happen.

You don't think mere dammed water can be a usable offensive weapon? Have you seen what happens when a dam bursts?

And FYI, a "particle" is the collapse of a wave function. The term also often means an entity with rest mass, though has been applied to photons, which don't. For the most part, "wave-particle duality" is a distinction without a difference.

Vagueness isn't much of an argument.

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I sure hope they haven't salted their Poseidon Tsar Bomba with cobalt. The sodium in sea salt should produce quite adequate short term radioactive fallout.

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How *dearly* I’d. LOVE for that fantasy to be REAL. 🤪😒😕🙁

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Make sure to have a supply of potassium iodide on hand.

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After nuclear war...life won't be worth living.

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Duck and Cover.

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This is just ridiculous. I and no one I know is "at war with Russia." I don't know a single person who believes this ridiculous fallacy being promoted by these demonic criminal entities.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 4

I haven't read it yet but imagine the point is that the CIA started setting all this up as soon as WWII ended (if not earlier.) They're totally in charge of Zelensky etc

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It's known as a proxy war,

The people behind it seem to believe they can "win"

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I totally agree! We all need to be finding ways to get along with each other .. not the other way around.

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We've always been at war with Eurasia, Chris.

Or was it Eastasia? I can never quite remember.

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In 2023, Lifeguard Captain Jeffrey Little respectfully requested a religious exemption from Los Angeles County so as not to have to raise the "Pride" flag. The county refused, is threatening to fire him, and his supervisors illegally leaked his request, resulting in death threats against his family, including his young daughters.

You know that the Supreme Court ruled that flag-burning is protected political expression of free speech.

Did you know that in 2019 in Iowa Elmi Said (also known as Abdiqadar Sharif) was sentenced to 10 years in prison for stabbing his roommate to death? Ten years.

Also in 2019, in Iowa, Adolfo Martinez was sentenced to 16 years in prison for the "crime "of setting a pride flag on fire. Sixteen years.

In 2024, at NYU, the president of an anti-Israel student group set an Israeli flag, on fire and threw it to the ground. More protestors took the 10-foot Israeli flag, shredded it, and hung it from lamp posts and trees. NYU gave the group the President’s Service Award – the highest honor a student group can receive.

In May, 2024, Adolfo Martinez was eligible for parole. The hearing denied his request. He's still in prison serving his 16 year sentence.

Who knows about this? Who cares? In 2024, is there any longer in the United States of America anything remotely resembling justice?

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No its all political. Degenerates are a protected class. Homosexual nonsense has become MORE IMPORTANT than ANYTHING ELSE.

They will never ever stop because Homosexuals can never become content they must always, always, always keep trying to fill the infinite void of their life's. After you give them your children. What then?

Everything is never enough

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Not surprising. I guess the desperation is getting hot under the collar.

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Perhaps this is to pump up fears of world war.

But, I think we are far past that point. Iran showed Israel that their super high tech dome is not so effective...

My issue with Ritter is that he seems to fall for the faux war drama between EastAsia and Oceania.... If Russia is really the enemy, why are they still pumping Russian gas through Ukraine?

Why is Russian oil allowed to be sold through India?

Because they need to make us think there's a war going on.

There was a Hungarian first minister that said they were building nuclear plants because of the energy crisis. They went with Russia to do it. The Americans were saying they can't buy Russian uranium, but lol the USA is one of the number one customers of Russian uranium! Oh and even though Russia is coordinating the nuclear plant construction, they have contractors from France, England etc paid by Russia to build in Hungary.

They're pulling a 1984 on us.... A fake endless war like we suffered before... The cold war. I always thought of the war going on in 1984 to remind me of the cold war I grew up with.

Constant fear of nuclear destruction and an eerie feeling of the world being fractured.

If you want to dig deep to see that Russian politics is pretty corrupt just like the West, check out https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/

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I think you are basically correct, but it is rather alarming how quickly U.S. political/'diplomatic' brinkmanship has accelerated. Back in 2016 I had been reading that one of Hillary's chief goals 'when' elected was war with Russia. Given the 2014 color revolution in Ukraine that's not surprising. Also not surprising given the amount of debt that we have been racking up and that the normal 'debt' solution is war. Does it all boil down to currency and military contractors and weapon sales, or, as in the 1950s are the real elements within who truly are pushing for nuclear warfare? We may have reached the point where the psychopathy is deep and real enough and powerful enough to exercise this option.

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Sad. I understand Scott was making a film about Russia for himself and us to help understand this huge country. I wondered how long he would be permitted to continue. I guess there’s no point in lamenting it had to happen but it does make our situation crystal clear.

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A lot of scary talk going round by people who are in the know, that our real rulers are psychopath, megalomaniac monsters, who actually believe that they can take down Russia with a preemptive nuclear strike and survive the retaliatory response with as little as 40% of Americans & Europeans dead. Ready to start their new Malthusian World Totalitarian techo-feudal state. This is happening. They keep pushing Russia, even destroying their strategic warning radars, Russia WILL respond, and it isn't going to be in Ukraine. Be afraid children, you let this psycho oligarchy takeover, now the consequences of that may soon be fatal to most of us.

Scott Ritter: Russia Issues Stark Warning Global War as US & NATO Equip Ukraine with F-16s, Nuclear:


Jeffrey Sachs: NATO In 'Wartime Hallucination' Mode! The Most TERRIBLE Offensive Is About To Happen


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Your first sentence re who "our" "real" "rulers" are? This has been known and a feature of our lives for decades and decades and decades. Those who rule and those who seek to -- with rare, rare exception -- feature this characteristic as core to what drives them...

The errors of Russia (Do you know where that phrase comes from?) have spread. We're living it here in the U.S. and the "West." This is where we have been headed for a long while now. All the degradation, violence, psychopathy, deviance, war -- all features of what those children told us -- and what others have said "Uncle H" tried to defend against.

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According to the ancient Scriptures, it will be America-Babylon taken down by Russia and others:

For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon [AMERICA] an assembly of great nations [RUSSIA AND OTHERS] from the north country [OVER THE POLE]: and they shall set themselves in array against her; from thence she shall be taken: their arrows [HYPERSONIC MISSILES] shall be as of a mighty expert man [STATE-OF-THE-ART]; none shall return in vain [PINPOINT ACCURACY]. (Jer 50:9)


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I follow Mr Riiter dude is spot on

Regime ain't having that.

Two things

First if the bastards manage to make ww3 go hot.i hope they don't make it to their bunkers

Second , if they do I hope someone is waiting for them when they come out.

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Repeated strikes on the bunkers will take them out. See "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress".

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Murdoch and Cos' SKY NEWS hacks and lackeys in Oz are full on playing Israel and the Jews as the victims in The IDFs' mass murder in Gaza.

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Back in the US back in the US back in the USSA.....

Well, the Ukraine girls really knock me out

They leave the West behind

And Moscow girls make me sing and shout

That Georgia's always on my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my mind

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Tucker next?

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It's coming. Believe it.

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These psychos reputedly believe the planet belongs to them.

If they blow everything up, not only will they have no planet to enjoy; but also, there won't be continued war to support their hugely profitable weapons manufacturing.

So it's possible they actually consider cold wars more profitable. Fingers crossed.

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and is crime is being a lover of the USA and its constitution

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