FOX 23 Airs 18 Minute Segment Reporting On 18 Year Old Who Died 12 Days After Second Pfizer Shot: "Trista Was A Beautiful, Beautiful Girl, More Full of Life and Joy Than Anybody I've Ever Known."
FOX 23 Airs 18 Minute Segment Reporting On 18 Year Old Who Died 12 Days After Second Pfizer Shot: "Trista Was A Beautiful, Beautiful Girl, More Full of Life and Joy Than Anybody I've Ever Known."
Mr Hound - I don’t think that the dam will break all that soon because of the vice-like hold that the liars of the corporate media and their ‘health’ officer enablers in the government bureaucracies have over the minds of 80% of society. Decades of psychological programming and group-think will take a lot more time to overcome. But the dam definitely will break eventually as Pharma’s Angels of Death sweep more and more before it. At some stage, the liars who infest the corporate media will begin to feel the blowtorch of the fury of the surviving vax victims and their families, as their screams of pain grow ever louder.
I concede your point. We are too comfortable, and we are too misled. Just remember this, the term "meek" does not equate to weak. It means I can destroy you at will, but I am choosing not to.
“legally” unaccountable does not mean that We The People can not hold them accountable. There is a scent in the air that smells like something brewing.
Sounds like hell. You describe a living hell. I am in shock that #1 this happened in Nov 2022 and it is just be reported now and #2 all the alphabet soup agencies and the doctor quoted are STILL recommending the kill shot to this very day. When will we grow a conscious? That doctor will spend eternity in the living hell you describe. Yes the day cometh.
Why is AntiFa not burning Pfizer , modRna , J&J ? Democratic party brown shirts . . . . They are the party of the KKK , i should not be surprise. Over the weekend i read the 1900s US anarchist. Am surprise politicians or Biolab did not got blown away so far.
There already was a summit in Las Vegas who are preparing 'class action' lawsuits. It's going to EXPLODE. They can't get away with this, never! This is systematic murder. ) '
Have I mentioned that I know a guy living in a car outside my house who lost his job (literally escorted by Homeland Security from the state of Alaska) for not taking a PCR test? He saw it for what it was--the beginning of the end. He lost his apartment and his job. All my neighbors who live in Section 8 housing had to get the jab in order to keep their apartments. My 50 year old cousin took the vax and within two weeks developed myocarditis--he's thin, healthy and exercises frequently. My friend with brain cancer took the vax three times and got a new brain tumor that paralyzed her left side and she died last month. My grandmother was locked away in a nursing home with short term memory loss and couldn't understand why everyone stopped visiting her. Heartbreaking, all of it. My brother nearly died on a respirator--doctors said he'd die without it. These are my stories and I don't even know that many people. I'm basically a hermit living in a village and I maybe see other people once a week. The ostriches all have buried their heads in the sand--because I can't be some odd freak. I am like everyone in the world except that I'm just not that puzzled. But it is so damned needlessly tragic.
Thank you for sharing your story. Hermit here, too, agreeing that "it is so damned needlessly tragic." Keep saying to myself, "It didn't have to be this way."
No “it didn’t have to be this way”. If more people would have listened to those like Celia and Dr Duesberg and those who have been pointing out all the flaws in the narrative since 1987 then it wouldn’t be. In future legends people like Celia, Duesberg, David Crowe and other dissidents who are hailed as prophets.
A.M. they made everyone get the shot to keep their apartments? I can't believe I'm still hearing more new and atrocious things. A.M. stay the course. Ive said the same thing.. I live like a hermit in a small town and know very few people. But I know of much death and destruction to our small community. Our pastor, the newspaper owner, the golf course owner...all dead!! All under 60. Shock is not strong enough word.
"they can't be *that* evil to intentionally give us death jabs"
I think that’s what people can’t wrap their minds around. I know it took me awhile to admit that’s what they are, but for people who aren’t sociopaths it’s hard to accept. But one look at our foreign policy should have shown us that yes indeed they are.
Shortly after taking the jab, my 21 year old grandson had pericarditis. He was absolutely positive that the jab had nothing to do with it. Me? I'm not so positive.
Well, again, I find that deeply odd. My mother got a case of pericarditis back in the 90s. She was in her 50s and had just flown home from Hawaii. The doctors thought it may have happened on the flight home--causing the inflammation around the sack. I've never known anyone else to get it, and never a young person. These are the types of cases that really bother me because there's some ambiguity and all the ambiguities are ignored or written off as something else. Instead, if our culture were functioning, we would be investigating all such incidences.
And the beat goes on ….. the Pfizer tv commercials continue nonstop — and the people keep dying. Insanity doesn’t come close to describe present day reality
The fact that Fox gave it such airtime, yes indeed, that is news, though the story has been around, heavily censored and shadow-banned for quite a while now. Thank you for reporting. I am glad to see this story getting more visibility. I salute her parents for fighting for justice for Trista, and to prevent this nightmare from happening to others.
IF they would have stop the injection program after the deaths spike . I would have understand ; mistakes were made , people were trying to do the right things.
They utterly disqualified themselves . This is depopulation genocide.
If they are not speaking up now , i lump them all in the same boat. it's been 4 years.
Birx came out asking people to acknowledge vaxx injured and she's the head of the 4 headed snake. Am not going to make excuses for lower management. If they can't think for themselves . . . i mean . . . we unplug robots on the factory floor when blood is spill.
I once saw a video on Natural Law by Mark Passio - he raised a sobering question. Who was more culpable - Hitler, or everyone who followed his orders? Today we STILL have MASSES of willfully ignorant guilty of crimes against humanity.
Merck didn’t make mistakes. They didn’t properly study the vaccine long enough or do the proper studies. But then the FDA is just as responsible for allowing the vaccine to be approved. They knew that the studies were either missing or they showed that it was dangerous.
The studies were fake, in my opinion. The goal was to maim, kill, and control us right from the beginning, so what sort of study would have softened that outcome? Pharma didn't "develop" or "study" anything related to the vax - they were simply contracted by the
DOD to get it into our bodies as quickly as possible. Which prompts more questions, as some have said that just making and filling the damn vials for billions of doses would normally have taken years - so how was it ready to go within one?
The Gardisal vaccine was the most deadly vaccine until the Rona ones were released. And once again a big pharma company got off on criminal charges instead of CEOs being charged and sent to prison just like Pfizer did. Just imagine how much harm could have been avoided if we held bad companies accountable.
"Merck has engaged in a relentless propaganda campaign to frighten and guilt parents into inoculating their children with Gardasil."
The doctors that pushed the vaccine should also be on the hook for it. Maybe if bad doctors started going to prison others would think twice before recommending them.
And if the effing media had covered the stories then lest people would stop getting the dangerous vaccines and drugs. Merk should have been dismantled after the Vioxx disaster happened. I remember how hard it was to get it removed from the market. And pharma companies are still making dangerous products. I’m so sick of the two justice systems in this country!
The Media abusive conduct . . . i mean they traumatize so many people instead of being a guiding light. I curse Walter Lippmann (manufacture consent , yellow journalism) for his legacy . . . We cant outsource our thinking or delegate our authority.
What a shame! A shame that this girl died. A shame that a drug likely killed her. A shame that the govt. allowed the drug and provides for NO liability. We all face this possibility.
This is VERY true , it is not a flippant comment. Fauci is t he US Bio Weapon program Warlord. HE is NOT a carrying old grandpa. The plutocracy was on board with the whole program . Too many minions not to be a planned operation.
Remember when congress was debating giving big pharma immunity they asked them why they couldn’t make vaccines safe. Big pharma told them it was impossible, but congress gave them immunity anyway. And that’s when the childhood vaccine schedule started going up.
Yep they put heavy metals, aka NEURO toxins in kids shots. Surprisingly kids started have NEURO logical problems then. Autism is through the roof, and no one can figure out why. Doctors are baffled.
Yes Rockefeller ruined natural cures that had kept people alive for thousands of years. Better sanitation and antibiotics and natural cures would be better for mankind.
They want 12 year olds to be able to consent to this. This is serious culling of the human herd, and the immediate deaths do not even seem to be intended. It is supposed to be slower and invisible. Cardiac deaths, cancer in young people, autoimmune disease, strokes...
"Well, states are passing bills to allow children to get jabbed without need for parents' knowledge or consent now. This is part of the reason for the push to give children "rights" outside of parents' consent. "
I agree with your viewpoint, but I think they want the culling to go faster than that.
Probably allowing some of these things to be reported in the MSM as a "limited hangout;" allow some lawsuits/"little" things to be revealed, while hiding...what exactly, in the background?
Some would say the role of the DOD/DARPA in all of this; this is a military, culling operation against the sheeple, and it goes deep.
So, let some lawsuits go through; perhaps Pfizer is the designated scapegoat, while the DOD/DARPA and Moderna and others hide in the background; continuing to work on their nefarious, end-times, de-populating schemes.
Be sure you are saved and not just think you are. The time is shorter-than-short to enter in.
Notice the OU doctor just keeps repeating the safe and effective mantra that he was almost certainly rewarded for from the very beginning. One can only hope that these local news reporters will not be coerced to drop this story and just pretend like it’s all good.
How many of us at age 18 were often impressionable and bamboozled and fooled by others? I can understand if she was scared and made the choice to get injected with mRNA poisons. Young people often follow the crowd because they do not want to be ridiculed. They can be easily bullied because they don't have the experience to resist being bullied.
Society is a cruel mentor often leading people in many wrong directions. She is another victim of the depopulation empire which seems to be rolling right along. Beware, they are coming for everyone since the anti-humans do not care about anything other than themselves. It's unbridled arrogance. The earth be damned.
When my uncle died in October of 2021 he said the same thing Trista did right before he passed away. It's eerie and heartbreaking. He said his whole body hurt (was in extreme pain), and he was going to try to lay down to somehow sleep. He went upstairs and aunt called paramedics right away and they were then in minutes, but couldn't bring him back. He had received the flu shot and covid booster on the same day, and died a couple weeks later. Massive heart attack. He was crying out for help, and this HMO had made an appointment for him to get an ekg the next day (rather than urge him to go to the ER).
Virology is Mythology -- No virus has ever been scientifically isolated or proven to exist in the history of planet earth. Virology is a Rockefeller, snake-oil business model of allopathic medicine.. -- Dr's. Sam and Mark Bailey have posted more than 200 Videos. Most of them explain why diseases are not caused by so-called "viruses" -
Is it the money? Is it the brainwashing? Is it the ignorance? I'm confounded, and I find myself feeling like I'm in some kind of parallel universe. However, I continue to plant the seeds of how treacherous this whole pathetic exercise has been beginning, roughly March 2020. I am prepared to stay the course, and will not give up and realize that you virtually can one certainly no one in the government no one in mainstream media no one in many cases even in alternative media. You have to work your way through the tapestry of lies as you watch this video wondering how they look at themselves in the mirror every day do they have a conscience? Do they have a soul even? I don't know, but we must continue to fight and not give up and do whatever it takes.…………… Whatever it takes.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️
PS: make no mistake about it. We are in the fight of our lives , for our lives There is no other way to put it.
Once a family member decides to seek retribution, it may not stop for a long time. This dam is going to break soon.
Soon, no one will be able to deny this evil. I look at beautiful children, and people everyday, and think…”Are they jabbed?”
I have no words.
It used to make me ill to think about it, now I just get angry.
I think anger and sadness are mirror opposites of one another, sometimes. It’s also frustration.
Mr Hound - I don’t think that the dam will break all that soon because of the vice-like hold that the liars of the corporate media and their ‘health’ officer enablers in the government bureaucracies have over the minds of 80% of society. Decades of psychological programming and group-think will take a lot more time to overcome. But the dam definitely will break eventually as Pharma’s Angels of Death sweep more and more before it. At some stage, the liars who infest the corporate media will begin to feel the blowtorch of the fury of the surviving vax victims and their families, as their screams of pain grow ever louder.
I concede your point. We are too comfortable, and we are too misled. Just remember this, the term "meek" does not equate to weak. It means I can destroy you at will, but I am choosing not to.
And conveniently the whole pandemic scam was under the auspices of the DOD.
....Which is legally unaccountable..
“legally” unaccountable does not mean that We The People can not hold them accountable. There is a scent in the air that smells like something brewing.
That smell is the director throwing the public a bone.
They are playing the free darling Assange card as well.
Sounds like hell. You describe a living hell. I am in shock that #1 this happened in Nov 2022 and it is just be reported now and #2 all the alphabet soup agencies and the doctor quoted are STILL recommending the kill shot to this very day. When will we grow a conscious? That doctor will spend eternity in the living hell you describe. Yes the day cometh.
Why is AntiFa not burning Pfizer , modRna , J&J ? Democratic party brown shirts . . . . They are the party of the KKK , i should not be surprise. Over the weekend i read the 1900s US anarchist. Am surprise politicians or Biolab did not got blown away so far.
They are useful idiots. Their actions are not unscripted protest and violence. They take and follow orders.
Soros didn't give them money to do it.
😎 oh man , where are the rebels ?
They're waiting for a call from central casting.
No, we mean the real rebels.
And they my friend are WE.
And we are few and the compliant are many.
There already was a summit in Las Vegas who are preparing 'class action' lawsuits. It's going to EXPLODE. They can't get away with this, never! This is systematic murder. ) '
Have I mentioned that I know a guy living in a car outside my house who lost his job (literally escorted by Homeland Security from the state of Alaska) for not taking a PCR test? He saw it for what it was--the beginning of the end. He lost his apartment and his job. All my neighbors who live in Section 8 housing had to get the jab in order to keep their apartments. My 50 year old cousin took the vax and within two weeks developed myocarditis--he's thin, healthy and exercises frequently. My friend with brain cancer took the vax three times and got a new brain tumor that paralyzed her left side and she died last month. My grandmother was locked away in a nursing home with short term memory loss and couldn't understand why everyone stopped visiting her. Heartbreaking, all of it. My brother nearly died on a respirator--doctors said he'd die without it. These are my stories and I don't even know that many people. I'm basically a hermit living in a village and I maybe see other people once a week. The ostriches all have buried their heads in the sand--because I can't be some odd freak. I am like everyone in the world except that I'm just not that puzzled. But it is so damned needlessly tragic.
Thank you for sharing your story. Hermit here, too, agreeing that "it is so damned needlessly tragic." Keep saying to myself, "It didn't have to be this way."
No “it didn’t have to be this way”. If more people would have listened to those like Celia and Dr Duesberg and those who have been pointing out all the flaws in the narrative since 1987 then it wouldn’t be. In future legends people like Celia, Duesberg, David Crowe and other dissidents who are hailed as prophets.
And you. People like you.
Wouldn’t be here were it not for You. You know how true those words are.
“will be” hailed as prophets
A.M. they made everyone get the shot to keep their apartments? I can't believe I'm still hearing more new and atrocious things. A.M. stay the course. Ive said the same thing.. I live like a hermit in a small town and know very few people. But I know of much death and destruction to our small community. Our pastor, the newspaper owner, the golf course owner...all dead!! All under 60. Shock is not strong enough word.
"they can't be *that* evil to intentionally give us death jabs"
I think that’s what people can’t wrap their minds around. I know it took me awhile to admit that’s what they are, but for people who aren’t sociopaths it’s hard to accept. But one look at our foreign policy should have shown us that yes indeed they are.
It’s war. Govt against its own people. We are just having a hard time recognizing it.
Yes and yes.
am in the same boat. I know a boat load of people with ACUTE problems.
Shortly after taking the jab, my 21 year old grandson had pericarditis. He was absolutely positive that the jab had nothing to do with it. Me? I'm not so positive.
Well, again, I find that deeply odd. My mother got a case of pericarditis back in the 90s. She was in her 50s and had just flown home from Hawaii. The doctors thought it may have happened on the flight home--causing the inflammation around the sack. I've never known anyone else to get it, and never a young person. These are the types of cases that really bother me because there's some ambiguity and all the ambiguities are ignored or written off as something else. Instead, if our culture were functioning, we would be investigating all such incidences.
And the beat goes on ….. the Pfizer tv commercials continue nonstop — and the people keep dying. Insanity doesn’t come close to describe present day reality
Yup - including POS Travis Kelce getting paid millions to push their poison
The fact that Fox gave it such airtime, yes indeed, that is news, though the story has been around, heavily censored and shadow-banned for quite a while now. Thank you for reporting. I am glad to see this story getting more visibility. I salute her parents for fighting for justice for Trista, and to prevent this nightmare from happening to others.
yeah, her face was familiar to me. so many faces, so many stories, so many gone... flashing by like a trip on the Wonkatania.
IF they would have stop the injection program after the deaths spike . I would have understand ; mistakes were made , people were trying to do the right things.
They utterly disqualified themselves . This is depopulation genocide.
At middle-management levels, mistakes were made. The higher you go, the more intentional this devastation is.
If they are not speaking up now , i lump them all in the same boat. it's been 4 years.
Birx came out asking people to acknowledge vaxx injured and she's the head of the 4 headed snake. Am not going to make excuses for lower management. If they can't think for themselves . . . i mean . . . we unplug robots on the factory floor when blood is spill.
Birx >>
I once saw a video on Natural Law by Mark Passio - he raised a sobering question. Who was more culpable - Hitler, or everyone who followed his orders? Today we STILL have MASSES of willfully ignorant guilty of crimes against humanity.
AND that's why i have no sympathy for those who bring up the Dresden argument. Well all wars are a tragedy don't get me wrong.
We gave the courts the opportunity of being the check and balances.
IF we can't change this whole debacle for the better . . . we deserve whats next.
Or the powerful American families that supported and funded Hitler? Within American help Hitler’s name wouldn’t be known today.
We are seeing the "WE MADE MISTAKES" contingency ..that was programmed into the scamdemic at the planning stage.
Benj. I watched the first 3 minutes of Birx and couldn't stomach any more. She is still a lying sack of sh#! playing both sides if the fence. Yuk!!
yes indeed. Cashing in on the way up and cashing in on the way down.
Fucking bureaucrats.
At middle-management level orders were followed subserviently by compromised little pissants.
Merck didn’t make mistakes. They didn’t properly study the vaccine long enough or do the proper studies. But then the FDA is just as responsible for allowing the vaccine to be approved. They knew that the studies were either missing or they showed that it was dangerous.
The studies were fake, in my opinion. The goal was to maim, kill, and control us right from the beginning, so what sort of study would have softened that outcome? Pharma didn't "develop" or "study" anything related to the vax - they were simply contracted by the
DOD to get it into our bodies as quickly as possible. Which prompts more questions, as some have said that just making and filling the damn vials for billions of doses would normally have taken years - so how was it ready to go within one?
I agree. Sasha says that there were no studies done. Others say that they didn’t study long enough.
Great comment.
The Gardisal vaccine was the most deadly vaccine until the Rona ones were released. And once again a big pharma company got off on criminal charges instead of CEOs being charged and sent to prison just like Pfizer did. Just imagine how much harm could have been avoided if we held bad companies accountable.
"Merck has engaged in a relentless propaganda campaign to frighten and guilt parents into inoculating their children with Gardasil."
The doctors that pushed the vaccine should also be on the hook for it. Maybe if bad doctors started going to prison others would think twice before recommending them.
And if the effing media had covered the stories then lest people would stop getting the dangerous vaccines and drugs. Merk should have been dismantled after the Vioxx disaster happened. I remember how hard it was to get it removed from the market. And pharma companies are still making dangerous products. I’m so sick of the two justice systems in this country!
Last I heard Vioxx is still on the market.
It got put back on after 6 months with a black box warning. And of course no one was charged! That’s what fries my bacon.
Maybe "Renamed"?
The Media abusive conduct . . . i mean they traumatize so many people instead of being a guiding light. I curse Walter Lippmann (manufacture consent , yellow journalism) for his legacy . . . We cant outsource our thinking or delegate our authority.
It's most countries.
What a shame! A shame that this girl died. A shame that a drug likely killed her. A shame that the govt. allowed the drug and provides for NO liability. We all face this possibility.
The government did far more “ allow” the bioweapon. Let’s all be perfectly clear on that.
This is VERY true , it is not a flippant comment. Fauci is t he US Bio Weapon program Warlord. HE is NOT a carrying old grandpa. The plutocracy was on board with the whole program . Too many minions not to be a planned operation.
DoD... Dealers of Death
Because humanity is under a veil of evil.
I knew this was coming before I lost my job three years ago.
I felt it, and I still feel it.
Remember when congress was debating giving big pharma immunity they asked them why they couldn’t make vaccines safe. Big pharma told them it was impossible, but congress gave them immunity anyway. And that’s when the childhood vaccine schedule started going up.
Yep they put heavy metals, aka NEURO toxins in kids shots. Surprisingly kids started have NEURO logical problems then. Autism is through the roof, and no one can figure out why. Doctors are baffled.
Rockefeller Foundation lockstep&SPARS documents conclusion are the abolition of the 1986 act.
They expected that price for rolling out a planned'emic.
Yes Rockefeller ruined natural cures that had kept people alive for thousands of years. Better sanitation and antibiotics and natural cures would be better for mankind.
So damn tire of living under the Oligarch . . . i feel like am living in someone else nightmare instead of my own dreams & pursuit of happiness.
That’s exactly what’s happening. It’s huge.
They want 12 year olds to be able to consent to this. This is serious culling of the human herd, and the immediate deaths do not even seem to be intended. It is supposed to be slower and invisible. Cardiac deaths, cancer in young people, autoimmune disease, strokes...
This is what I was talking about:
"Well, states are passing bills to allow children to get jabbed without need for parents' knowledge or consent now. This is part of the reason for the push to give children "rights" outside of parents' consent. "
I agree with your viewpoint, but I think they want the culling to go faster than that.
Probably allowing some of these things to be reported in the MSM as a "limited hangout;" allow some lawsuits/"little" things to be revealed, while hiding...what exactly, in the background?
Some would say the role of the DOD/DARPA in all of this; this is a military, culling operation against the sheeple, and it goes deep.
So, let some lawsuits go through; perhaps Pfizer is the designated scapegoat, while the DOD/DARPA and Moderna and others hide in the background; continuing to work on their nefarious, end-times, de-populating schemes.
Be sure you are saved and not just think you are. The time is shorter-than-short to enter in.
Notice the OU doctor just keeps repeating the safe and effective mantra that he was almost certainly rewarded for from the very beginning. One can only hope that these local news reporters will not be coerced to drop this story and just pretend like it’s all good.
It's not the greatest, but given the censorship and propaganda it is definitely remarkable.
How many of us at age 18 were often impressionable and bamboozled and fooled by others? I can understand if she was scared and made the choice to get injected with mRNA poisons. Young people often follow the crowd because they do not want to be ridiculed. They can be easily bullied because they don't have the experience to resist being bullied.
Society is a cruel mentor often leading people in many wrong directions. She is another victim of the depopulation empire which seems to be rolling right along. Beware, they are coming for everyone since the anti-humans do not care about anything other than themselves. It's unbridled arrogance. The earth be damned.
When my uncle died in October of 2021 he said the same thing Trista did right before he passed away. It's eerie and heartbreaking. He said his whole body hurt (was in extreme pain), and he was going to try to lay down to somehow sleep. He went upstairs and aunt called paramedics right away and they were then in minutes, but couldn't bring him back. He had received the flu shot and covid booster on the same day, and died a couple weeks later. Massive heart attack. He was crying out for help, and this HMO had made an appointment for him to get an ekg the next day (rather than urge him to go to the ER).
Virology is Mythology -- No virus has ever been scientifically isolated or proven to exist in the history of planet earth. Virology is a Rockefeller, snake-oil business model of allopathic medicine.. -- Dr's. Sam and Mark Bailey have posted more than 200 Videos. Most of them explain why diseases are not caused by so-called "viruses" -
Is it the money? Is it the brainwashing? Is it the ignorance? I'm confounded, and I find myself feeling like I'm in some kind of parallel universe. However, I continue to plant the seeds of how treacherous this whole pathetic exercise has been beginning, roughly March 2020. I am prepared to stay the course, and will not give up and realize that you virtually can one certainly no one in the government no one in mainstream media no one in many cases even in alternative media. You have to work your way through the tapestry of lies as you watch this video wondering how they look at themselves in the mirror every day do they have a conscience? Do they have a soul even? I don't know, but we must continue to fight and not give up and do whatever it takes.…………… Whatever it takes.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️
PS: make no mistake about it. We are in the fight of our lives , for our lives There is no other way to put it.
just read this story on the Expose, UK docs and pharmacists guidelines to kill patients with covid
very obvious that the govt was in on it!