If people can't access videos, it is a feature, not a bug. I check all links as I go. Please let me know if you can or can't access them, and what country you are in. Thank you.

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Can NOT access links. Same yesterday in your article about Romania. I'm in Kanuckistan.

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Dear God, Celia. At risk of sounding melodramatic, I'm frightened. I work in Brussels (...) but this is not what they promised the people! It was always supposed to be about peace and prosperity.

If only they just kept it as an economic union exclusively ... but I'm well aware of the alleged whys and wherefores but only after the fact...

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Donnie, I don't think you're being melodramatic. I was though, in my "Rosemary's Baby" passage. I wonder what people mean exactly when they say "buckle up." Things are different, suddenly.

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Satanists and luciferians lie. They tell us they will bring prosperity when they mean destruction. To borrow from Celia, that's a feature, not a bug. They use all sorts of tricks to gaslight people into believing they are doing the right thing for us but really they are ushering in chaos, evil and degeneracy. And they are very happy watching all of this, you can be assured.

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Ah yes, the lovely accommodating considerate hostess Celia.

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I have incorporated this and several other of your recent posts in today's blog, Celia.


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Couldn't access any of the videos. Got a message that says, " Retry ". Why are the police working against the will of the people. Aren't they Romanians also ???

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Also: There is no shortage of evil people who are drawn to those types of jobs which allow them to legally kill or maim other people.

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"I was only following orders." Where have we heard THAT before?

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Romanians never trusted the lethal injections and they had the lowest uptake in Europe. Violent dictatorship under Ceausescu is still fresh in their memory. think that's why they send the controlled opposition clowns like Malone to Bucharest in 2022 to have a 'freedom and health conference'. I hope and pray this is the real thing and that the people of Romania, Serbia and Czech republic are not being misled by fake leaders to ring in the next phase of the global coup d'etat. I stand by the brave people of Romania and hope their freedom spirit will penetrate our collective consciousness and spread across the world so we truly become ungovernable.

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I am romanian and i concur w/ everything you wrote.God bless us all !

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Well said. Blessings upon you.

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I had the privilege of being invited to Romania to give speeches and hold discussions about how to prevent the oil and gas industry from fracking that beautiful country. The Romanians were incredibly hospitable and attentive to my advice.

Later, with diligence they stopped the frackers before they broke soil. A major victory.

I have no doubt that the Romanians are incensed that their choice of politicians are being persecuted by the hidden hands of globalism.

My experience of Romanians tells me that they will win because they know all about solidarity among their own and they can spot a wrongun in a jiffy.

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Re: Charles III...just open your eyes and look at his bloody official portrait.

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Oh I have. Many times. I just was not aware of his Islam quotes and those photos etc or the idea that he converted to Islam?

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Well the British Royals also claim to be Jewish and are known to be of German descent. Charles descends from Vlad the Impaler who was Romanian. Truth is IMHO is that they are not human and their religion is satanism. Satanism was behind the creation of Zionism. The royal demon chameleon shape shifters thrive on blood sport of humans and animals because they have no creative force of their own. They can only destroy. They seek to destroy God’s beloved beings and world. They go against God. All the horror happening in our world right now is down to the accelerated efforts of the dark forces who have possessed many of the world’s overt and shadow governments, bankers, religious leaders, corporate leaders, etc.

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Any claim of affiliation to religions is guesswork, rumour and fearmongering.

The European aristocracy are atheist and nihilist and it is this genre of humans who are unleashed during WW3 according to Albert Pike.

If you do not know what a nihilist is... read this: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-black-nobility-nihilist

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From my personal experiences I have come to know that there are spiritual forces behind anything and everything present in the physical world. So there are also spiritual forces behind atheism and nihilism even though their tenets may negate the existence of the spiritual world/any meaning at all to existence.

I do not consider the acknowledgment of the existence of dark spiritual forces to be fearmongering nor the existence of non-humans inhabiting what we consider to be human bodies. I also do not negate your experience nor your expertise. I respect it. I appreciate a forum where differing experiences and information may be shared.

Proving activities happening in the non-physical world is difficult in these materialistic times especially for those whose idea of proof is "seeing is believing." I am not suggesting this is you. I don't know you and also don't feel it is my place to evaluate others expressing their ideas in a forum. I am just speaking to the period of time in which we humans find ourselves. Humans are in a process of developing the abilities to "see into the spiritual world", but this is a lengthy process in our evolution.

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It just so happens that I felt the need to raise the issue of unexplained events and experiences after a private chat with one of my subscribers.

I opened the discussion here yesterday -


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Very interesting!

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Just a bloody ugly bloke.

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An openly satanic humiliation ritual if there ever was one!

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With Trump's defeat of Harris and the Biden (Obama) organized crime family, the U.S. is off the table for the time being. Globalist control can only manifest by car-jacking the EU.

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Well said.

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The Romanian people thought they had the right to choose, to vote for the person they thought represented them and their interests. They chose. Then they discovered who was REALLY in control, who was REALLY running their government, and it was not them, the people, but the installed communist/globalist operatives, like these in the judicial system, whose job is to STOP the people from being heard, to STOP them from having any power or say in their OWN country.

This is all part of the exposure happening now, as we have recently seen with the installation, temporarily, of Carney in Canada, a central banker and globalist and operative for the NWO. Thankfully, here in the US the people have their inalienable constitutional rights that make THEM the government, and they chose a leader who is taking our Republic back from these fascists.

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A big fat curtain has been pulled back, hasn't it? Well, the first stage of successful rebellion is the reveal. I pray for these people who are doing what they believe is good for their country.

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Have not tried video links yet, so have not seen footage. Based on the descriptions of what has/is happening seems like 2020-covid was a test for what was to come. 2020 Australia IMO was the early first test case for the rest of the world.

In this series of Alan Watt conversations he warned of these times and the history of how the steps to get us to these days.

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster)


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Many thanks for the link! I had not heard this one! xx

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The EU is looking like it's toast.. Romanians can be the overdue beginning... who's next? Each nation can rise up and throw out the WEF/Globalist or Sharia law murderous puppets.. But In order to engender Real change the overthrow must be nonviolent.. it's tricky, but Gandhi Proved it can be done.. India defeated what was at the time the worlds largest Empire[ the Sun never set on the English empire].. without firing a single solitary shot... just sustained relentless nonviolent noncompliance.. Christ taught us to turn the other cheek.. forgive our brothers that are still addicted to violence.. Every World Teacher down through out history has stressed again and again that violence ultimately changes nothing.. From JR Krishnamurti to Patanjali.. Yes even the 8th century Sharia Law Nightmare of a nation like Syria can be defeated.. It does require creativity, a fearless, creative approach to discovering how to best cage up and defang it's leadership...

There is a way... for each nations people to discover what method are appropriate for their particular situation... in order to set the stage for that discovery we must understand it is possible.. then take that first step.. toward the removal of that government..

There is always a way we simply must find it....

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The Gandhi official story is not true, it's embellished, to push the notion that uprisings can be done peacefully. They actually cannot. Did you even watch the film? There was plenty of violence.

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RMR you are completely and utterly confused.. First off, I read some years ago what is generally considered the premier 2 volume biography on Mahatma Gandhi ..by R Guha, ‘The Years that changed the World’… I've seen the film starring Ben Kingsley at least three times.. I've read various other publications and watched documentary’s regarding Gandhi’s influence and leadership as to how India gained its independence from the English empire.. not in any one of those readings.. viewings or extensive conversations with friends regarding the subject have I ever come across someone stating that Gandhi was not the preeminent driving force of India's Freedom Movement from the English empire.. There were other political allies involved, yes.. but across all of India, the Mahatma was seen clearly as the leader..

Secondly, you confuse the violence and conflict found in the movie to be instigated or in someway promoted by Gandhi.. His leadership and speeches consistently promoted non-violence, even when faced with lethal force as administered by the English governments Machine guns..

He constantly taught even after Indian Independence that the violent outbreaks between Hindus and Muslims must be met with nonviolent resistance. Was there continued violence? Yes.. but not by the millions that heard his message.. they in fact became part of the solution.. Part of Real change..

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You sure read a lot into things I haven't said.

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The European Union always was the rebranding of the Third Reich. The Russians have their eyes wide open. Show time.

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So this is why the turdo is banning firearms. He does not want the good guys to be able to rebel against the tyranny that is coming here under the new slime minister to be. How can anyone trust a tyrannical government that does not trust the people with firearms? Note they targeted the high power rifles? Why? Because turdo knows those are the ones that can shoot for miles and deliver death from afar.

It was the same situation in Britain, Australia and New Zealand and now Canuckistan. So it will go until all nations are disarmed. There are traitors in Ottawa and others in blue uniforms who assumed the roles of KGB in Ottawa for the commie kook turdo who admires Red China and whose father admired Castro.

These are the beginning of the End Times. Liars, criminals and cowards in political office cupping the balls of the OWO masters and kissing the asses of DICKtators world wide. There is coming a time but I do not know when...but now everything is corrupt and dirty.

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I can tell you with all certainty that disarming the citizenry will NOT happen in the United States. No way, no how. They had a bit of momentum about 15 years ago, but they overplayed their hands with their mass shooting psyops. Now more people own guns than ever before. I know they'll never stop trying, but it ain't gonna happen. Not in my lifetime.

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You are right. You have the Second Amendment.

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When the Brits get involved, always expect endless bloodshed. I actually think they pimp for Islam because it ensures conflict, which is the end in itself. "Let's you and him fight" has been Britain's motto for 300 years.

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The banksters are coming out from the shadows. They are exposing themselves.

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Can’t access links. I’m in US. Maybe the real reason X was attacked yesterday was to throttle news, and the over-the-top Musk hate was a cover

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Cannot access videos from the banana republic formerly known as Canada.

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Truth, justice, and the Trotskyyite way.

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It is more necessary than ever that those of us who believe fully embrace our Christian faith and pray for our slain brethren. This upsets me greatly but I know those who have perished have found comfort in God's embrace. Europe and the middle east has allowed itself to be manipulated by NATO into totalitarian states that mirror communism, and religion is of the people and will not be allowed, unless it's a totalitarian religion that helps usher in the communism (like Islam). I am guessing that liberals in the US are cheering this on.

Who said that atheists are not neutral but the enemy of Christians? I do believe that, now. These entities killing God's children and manipulating once-great countries into ugly, hate-filled dystopias absolutely despise Christ and all His teachings. They can only be led by satanic forces of evil.

Our power is to continue doing our inner work and resisting the burgeoning atheism here in the US.

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