How long before somebody comes over here, maybe from another portal, and tells me I am an anti-CCP brainwashed American rube? I'm setting the timer.

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I'm sort of grateful to China for showing us what the dystopian hellhole end game really looks like. I have long ago grown weary of China apologists who ignore this stuff or claim that maybe China is really doing this to prevent the "big one" next virus. The lockdowns have killed far more than Covid ever could it's just a matter of calculating how many. There's direct examples like the bus crash that killed 27 getting carted off to quarantine camp or the at least 10 who died in the fire who had been welded into their apartments for 109 days. The suicide reels are mind blowing. My prayers are with the Chinese people. Their leaders, on the other hand just seem to be following from the same genocidal playbook of Chairman Mao.

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Amy, thank you. Utterly clear and true. The welding in to the apartments is so so next level. before I (mostly) healed my neuro-imbalance I was very claustrophobic, which gave me problems in airplanes and NYC subway cars. They used to always inexplicably grind to a halt between stations and then just this silence. Sometimes they'd say something. It always felt like, "wait, what is the matter? Why does this always happen?" I sometimes had quiet panic attacks. When I think about the people welded in I want to scream. It's impossible to believe this is where Virus Cult and PCR and NWO combined got us. And CCP. And the infiltration of the US. Communism promises to kill you for your own good, to keep you safe.

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This is ungodly

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Sometimes I read people saying that the problem is that China is practicing "State Capitalism."

The implication is that they abandoned true Communism.

They keep trying to save the anti-individual ideology that kills the most. This is squaring the circle.

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totally. classic.

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The troubling aspect is Fauci, Trudeau, and the Schwabians admire the CCP zero covid protocols.

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that's because they are Satanic

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You beat me to it.

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Even more troubling is the fact that they openly do so and yet, they are are followed.

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1 Current US color revolution is to create, ''anti CCP brainwashed Americans! Why? Maybe US et al will ''have to use'' nukes against China.

Locked down China from history perspective. *Click*> https://youtu.be/IrqkwG7Nqj8?t=3670

Hell On Earth was a everyday experience

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It hasn’t happened yet!? I have had that happen in less than 30 seconds on Quora. The WHO was even quicker on Insta Gram.

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The demons for sure have all the information on you Celia, and all of us on this Substack channel. The demons “that print the money” and want to depopulate the “eaters” are losing control thanks to people like us spreading the truth. We are close to a tipping point.

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They’re losing? Really? Where? Are then in prison? In court? Have they lost their livelihoods, families?

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Nov 26, 2022
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stunning summation.

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Here in the Western "rich" countries we are not allowed to produce almost anything, and have to buy almost everything from the country owned by the evil Chinese Tyranny. If there is a collapse (interest rates rising soon) then we must start producing stuff again. Which means a lot of people that have been excluded (through several ways over at least three decades) from the productive economy, will find something more profitable than mandatory idling. Then, they will see how incredibly abusive the working conditions really are (lots of taxes, extremely low quality of services, and mandatory things no one wants, such as insurance for nonsense (always a rent-seeking grift).) Some people will demand the laws to be changed in certain ways, others will demand different changes. Which would be a repetition of the impossibility of democracy, and the inevitability of oligocracy. How much productivity would the future oligocracy desire to see? That desire is what will guide the "legal" changes. Of course, we will see some major theatre plays in the streets, and tons of deranged articles in the media.

The most important change is the reduction of the cost of electricity. Which means legal changes and more electricity production. Almost all the production we need to foster healthy economic growth depends on elecetric energy.

But to me the most important thing is that no one forgets the crimes and the victims of the false pandemic. They must be restored when possible and they must be honored, or else we will see even worse things.

The EU is a communist nightmare and it has to go!

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I agree on all points. I love your phrase "mandatory idling."

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Your very conclusion would in one fell swoop, resolve the issue of electricity costs; no new legislation necessary. Once EU is gone, it will be back to supplying the domestic markets direct, without the forced involvement of an exchange set up and managed by thieves. The cost of electricity would immediately become fractional.

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VERY perceptive. Thank you.

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This is heartbreaking to watch. But, I’m glad the Chinese people are rising up and fighting back, for once. I just hope and pray it doesn’t get them killed. The biggest thing, or really the ONLY thing separating the US from China at this point, (since our Constitution seems to no longer be a mitigating factor), is the 400 million registered firearms we have in this country. As a southerner, I can say with a fair amount of confidence that, if the Biden regime were to try these same measures on the American people, it WOULD NOT end well for them.

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I fear they will be killed. They're trapped. This is very bad, CCP likely to crack down ultra hard if we had to guess.

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Many will definitely be killed. The only question, as here in America, is are enough ready to sacrifice all for Freedom or will too many be too cowardly to act, thus dooming those willing to die, and kill, for Freedom, nothing but ineffective martyrs.

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An unarmed man faced with a gang of police that have weapons cannot be called cowardly for refusing to commit "suicide by cop". We talk big in the USA; but, even though millions of us have weapons, it is impossible to attack those who make the Satanic laws and regulations.

Should we all disguise ourselves as gays and go to the Pelosi mansion?

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That's funny.

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We’ve seen plenty of videos of a couple cops dragging families from restaurants (or some similar circumstance) while tens if not hundreds of citizens stand and watch. I recall one particular incident in New York. If those citizens surrounded the cops and did not allow them to mistreat the family, that would be a good start towards regaining control over our society.

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Key words: New, York. The place where everyone hates everyone else. Why would these people be expected to help others?

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I have never seen a video of a couple cops dragging families from restaurants while tens if not hundreds of citizens stand and watch.

If you would be so kind, Amuzed_Traveler, please share the video of the particular incident that incensed you. Thank you.

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I did a quick search and many links to specific stories come up but not the particular one I was noting. It was probably on an episode of Tucker Carlson where I saw it.

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"Should we all disguise ourselves as gays and go to the Pelosi mansion?"

Not a bad idea. Even though it's a joke, it reminds me of what Andrew Tate said (paraphrasing): if all us men started tomorrow using only female toilets and changing rooms everywhere, the gender thing would disappear in about a week. I suspect he's right. If we all just started trolling (like I suspect the Canadian teacher with the enormous ridiculous fake breasts is doing), not only would it be fun, but it would surely bring the whole thing to a standstill.

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While I have been vocal about boys being allowed into girls' bathrooms and locker rooms, I must remind myself that in 2004 I went to a spa in Berne where the giant locker room invited both men and women to undress and put on swim suits, there was a tiny area where "shy Americans" could undress in privacy. There was no untoward behavior (besides my ogling the incredibly fit Swiss ladies) in the unisex locker room.

The main problem with Obama's unisex view of marriage and bathrooms is that Americans are not as sophisticated as people in western Europe. We probably never will be.

That is not to say that perversion of all sorts and pedophilia is not running wild in America. It's just that our fellow Caucasians across the Atlantic are not so prudish, brutish, and reactionary as us hillbillies.

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Transgender would get us into the Pelosi Palace. Borrow your wife’s dress.

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Americans seem to have become chickens.

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So true! Neil Oliver's asks, "I wonder what would happen if". . . https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/11/26/neil-oliver-asks-i-wonder-what-would-happen-if/#more-240281 I pray that is not the case here in the home of the "brave" when the time comes, as it surely will.

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It is heart wrenching what the Chinese people have endured for over a century

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As Catherine Austin Fitts reminds us, there are worse things than death.

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I wish I could share your optimism in that regard. The US is doing the same, just smarter. They are not going after everyone at once. They are going after those who would be the leaders of a successful uprising. Those that understand and care enough to stand up; those still in isolation for Jan.6, men of the cloth and others who protest at abortion clinics, parents who speak out against CRT and LGBQWTFO agendas at school board meetings. Just a week or so ago a family lost custody of the child because they would not recognize the child’s gender preferences for the most obvious examples. And we do nothing.

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True. What CAN we do?

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After the case in Indiana, every single parent and grandparent in the States should have taken to the streets and remained there until this nonsense was put to rest for good. Like what the Brazilians have been doing since their election went the way ours did in 2020.

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Expose them at every corner, meal table, housetop, street, school, town hall - reveal the evil thru spoken, written, visual word

Twitter & Substack is just the start

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“All that’s necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

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Exactly. We still have not learned.

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There are lawsuits abounding & have you read about the “Wellness Project”? Headed up by Dr McCullough & others?

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While I do hope for their success, by the time they are decided it will be too late regardless who wins.

Parents have already had their kids taken from them by the State for questioning LGBQRTWTFO policies. Too late for them. Parents have had their children taken from them for seeking a second opinion from a different hospital. And this last is not new. This needed fought against decades ago. Unless we really turn out and stand up enmass and do so yesterday, the fight will be over before we get out boots on.

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Better late then NEVER

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It WILL get them killed. Be in no doubt about that. The options open to the Chinese now are 'die on your knees' or 'die fighting'. I hope they choose the latter. If enough do, they win.

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Sadly, yes. However, they are physically weakened from the conditions they have been forced to live under for so long. I doubt those keeping and feeding them are similarly deprived. The numbers difference should help though.

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Check out the videos of the - cough - 'Covid Quarantine Camps' and get back to us.

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The US government locked us down and masked us and wouldn’t let us travel once and many (most) just followed along like good little sheep. We are at a tipping point soon just like China. The only difference is the 2nd

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I was actually able to post this on Facebook. That’s a first. I wonder how long before they take it down or I get a 30-day ban? 🤔

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By 2025 we may be in the same situation with their coveted digital programmable currency. So tired of these fkers.

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Digital currency creates such a hellscape from which escape is impossible. TPTB will simply turn the QR codes on our smartphones from GREEN to RED. And then we're done. The horror, the horror ...

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Get rid of your phone maybe

They can't control everyone ..

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I don’t have an idiot phone and thus was unable to gain access for my 8 year old to use the toilet.

If QR Codes are required, and you do not have what ever device they demand you carry the QR code in/on, then you can not use whatever is QR code controlled without the device they demand you use.

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We must create parallel communities if possible

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Personally, I prefer standing and fighting. These people will not leave us alone, they demand one thing and they demand it of all of mankind; compliance. We comply, or we die. OR, we stand.

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It would be easier if your child were younger, but no toilet means go where you stand. They can clean up the mess. It's their problem at that point

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The problem is much larger than that. Imagine when they use this already in use tech for banks, ATMS, supper markets, gasoline pumps, hospitals, pharmacies and everything else.

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I wonder if we should start carrying fine-point black Sharpie markers and begin to put a dot or two on every. single. qr. code. we encounter throughout our day. Yes it will become a crime. They will probs be able to see us on surveillance but we got to try something.

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I should add that even with the QR Code for the restrooms, the store clerks hold it for you scan. The opportunity to mark is all but nonexistent and as it is laminated it can be easily wiped off.

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I like the idea, but with the exception of the restrooms, all the QR codes we have had to use were sent out by City Hall via email.

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We already have QR Code only public toilets in Japan and public events require QR Codes to attend.

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So, if my social credit score keeps tabs of my bathroom habits, i may be permitted to enter. If my history shows that i go fast, always remember to flush, wash my hands, and leave no mess behind, then it gives me a little gold star or something to mark me as a good little toilet-goer? ... and i am welcome to come back to use their toilet network again in the future? I guess that's how it works. I can't believe this is what we've come to.


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Actually, I had not thought of that, but probably. How it was used where we saw it was in order to use the public toilets in the shopping area, you first need to make a qualified purchase in a qualified store. Upon making a such a purchase, the store clerk will on request provide the QR code for you to scan into your idiot phone. Then you show the QR code on your idiot phone to the scanner that controls the door for the toilet.

Not what you want to learn when your 8 year old needs to go right NOW and you do not have an idiot phone. My thoughts where along the lines of what else they could prevent us from using if we did not meet what ever requirements they put in place. However, I bet your idea is a part of it. I recently read of a Chinese national in the States that at the end of the month walked to work instead of taking public transportation. When offered a ride by a coworker, they said that they couldn’t. The government (Chinese) fitness app tracked how much they walked and they would be locked out of this or that service if they did not get caught up on the physical activity.

Yet, most seem to think all the tracking stuff is nifty. Madness.

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Maybe it feels like attention. Like somebody cares.

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A commenter on one of the many threads on the subject I read in the past couple of years wrote that he cried when his grand son replied in a similar fashion when asked if they were concerned about being tracked with his devices. “It makes me feel safe, that someone is looking out for me.”

We are so far behind in this war.

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this is truly a dystopian evil. we have created the panopticon. this is clearly leading to the Mark of the Beast system in the Bible.

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I will NOT go to Hell for them! If I am to go to Hell because God feels I am not a good, believing person, so be it. But, never for some scum in a piss poor government.

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The people that want vax passes are the ones that litter and leave the restrooms a mess. I HOPE they have bathroom passes!

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If those are the bathroom rules, I'm good with that!

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I favor keeping cleanly terlits fer sure. But being monitored about bathroom habits is going a bit too far IMO ... although i must add how Greg Gutfeld could do an entire show around QR coded terlits. He can't help it.

Because of Ukraine, I pray nightly for the Russian people, the Ukrainian people, and the American people. Lately I've been adding the Chinese people to the list ...

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While I too hate those you leave toilets a mess, I used to have to clean the toilets at the gas station/convenience store I work at in college, I do not endorse QR Code only rest rooms. I do not endorse QR Code only anything.

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Gold, silver and even fiat currency. These will be the legal tender of the opposition economy

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Things are different now. Those will have no value if you do not have the ability to go any where without the require amount of social credit. Look into the Internet of Things (IoT). About ten years ago a client of mine was working on IoT for quality control in factories. His area was on the monitoring of the workers as they come on shift, worked through their shifts and departed after their shift. The system he was designing would allow the following. If an employee literally stepped out of line, they would immediately be taken off the assembly line and examined to determine the cause. Drunk, hungover, too much late night fun with the wife, a fight with wife, drugs, illness, etc. The employee would not be allowed to return until the cause was determined. Who would you buy from from, when all they movements are monitored?

This, IMHO, is the true evil of 5G. As far as I can tell, the first generation of a world wide blanket of IoT requires the 5G network for everything to connect to it.

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People need to find the courage to stop this. Watching slavery come to you and not doing anything about it is suicide. Everyone needs to know and understand their "line", beyond which they will kill or die before crossing it.

"When the Nazis came for the communists,

I remained silent;

I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,

I remained silent;

I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,

I did not speak out;

I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,

I did not speak out;

I was not a Jew.

When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out."

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Yep. And we are living it again. We never learn. If I were in States, I’d be in jail or dead. As ii is, i am all but unemployed.

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And goods to barter

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What goods? What do I have to barter with? A disused flat screen TV and not a lot else. Where are you going to go to Bart? With whom will you barter?

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ESG is already in place for corporations and they are already advertising ESG score improvement services for individuals. This alone will get us much closer to their goal. The Central Bank Digital Currency will seal the deal.

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"ESG is already in place for corporations" please provide any links.

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No need for links. Around a year ago, I first heard of ESG. Before then, there was plenty of evidence that there was something like it in existence. Coke going woke, is one example. Operation Choke Point, another. So I googled it. Environmental, Social Justice, Governance, or similar (ESG) store improvement services were already being advertised but international accounting firms, international legal firms and international investment firms. At least one was then advertising these services for individuals. The first thing I saw when I first searched where these ads. I did so again read entry and the ads were not on the first page but Lots of info was.

Someone I used to correspond with in Australia was unawares of ESG but after I told home of it, he found they one if that countries largest banks (the largest or 2nd largest, I forget now) had an executive level ESG manager.

When I searched recently, I found many references to ESG in the Japanese language. i live in Japan.

It short, its a done deal.

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2025? Try 2023.

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I too am thinking this will be upon us sooner than we think. Personally, I would not be surprised if when we wake up tomorrow we find that our accounts are frozen and will remain so until we stand in line to get whatever they demand we take and we provide whatever they demand we give.

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I'm usually a 'rose-colored glasses' type of gal, but I'm also a realist. Anyone who thinks Schwab is giving up his life-long dream when he's at the 10 yard line is in la-la-land.

Prepare for the worst and pray for the best. God Wins in the end.

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Amen. Jesus is coming to bath his garments in the life blood of the wicked. See Isaiah 63.

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Yes, he does. But he does so on his time. If we what this to end, with his help, we need to end it.

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Or we wake up and no longer can gain access to the internet without certain credentials. I dread losing this community connection.

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That will certainly be part of it, specifically to deny this community.

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Probably to deny people ANY community. Keep them isolated from everyone. Drive them mad.

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True, but I think they’ll first isolate those who have some idea what’s they are up to.

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I KNEW this would happen and its only the beginning! The “Cultural Revolution” ended in MASSIVE Countrywide revolt with hundreds of thousands of Red Guards killed by huge mobs! Meanwhile, Xi Jin Ping is NO Mao Tse Tung! These imbecilic Zero Covid policies are just a smokescreen for the collapse of the Chinese real estate bubble and subsequent bank failures! 74% of the Chinese people put their savings into real estate investments but the bubble has burst as overbuilding has flooded the market with unsaleable condos, offices, homes, etc and the Chinese banks are refusing to honor depositors withdrawals as massive loan defaults are occurring nationwide! This in turn is causing bank runs and people attacking the banks and marching in the streets and is I believe the real reason for the shutdowns! The CCP learned to stem demonstrations when they turned massive Hong Kong riots in 2019 into a mass of cowering virus jelly with covid! These are not the peasants of 1963 though! Hundreds of millions of Chinese are educated and have experienced prosperity and once started they will never go back! They must feel they literally have nothing to lose any more! The CCP is Enormous and Xi is making thousands of enemies by the minute!

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I love your disposition Dennis! And your knowledge. Thank you.

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The collapse of housing markets is because China stupidly privatized real estate, thinking that would boost the economy.

If they just looked at the USA, they would see that investment markets only screw the people.

Funny, a communist country allowing for investing... Did you know, that's not really communism but state corporatism?

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all the profits go to the CCP and their military. its purposeful capitalism designed to enrich the one party authoritarian state that is seeking to destroy the West and specifically the United States.

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And in the USA etc all the profits go to big corporations and big banks who influence government.

How is our system any different?

It's always run by greedy lying aholes.

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There is no “privatization” in China without “approval” and participation (read payola) of the CCP. Youre dreaming if you think communism is some “saviour from the evils of capitalism..,

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I'm not saying that. If you read my comment you would understand that they aren't communist, they are state corporatist. The state owns or controls business, like the USSR had.

But my point is that it's no different than what we have, where the corporations run the state. Ever wonder why we went along with the bullshit ccp con-vid Priyanka l propaganda videos?

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Not sure where you are going on this comment. every system of merchantile interchange has some evil attached to it when its misused. But communism at its core is inherently evil at its roots, because it denies the universal laws of God that govern the real ways the world works. it actually inverts them and promotes perversion, death, slavery, killing and stealing. Capitalism's evils is that it tends to concentrate wealth to fewer and fewer peoples over time and can be misused to our living in sinful world. But if the ultrawealthy decided to follow biblical mandates, much of this evil disappears and is kept under check. Wealth is earned by risk and that is how it should be. The rewards of the wealthy who chose to act with goodness will bring benefit to others and to themselves and family. But communism only benefits a few party members before they kill each other off as we have seen over the last hundred years--likely 125 million innocent citizens of countries killed by communist governments. And still is happening today in China.

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Who would get these ultra wealthy to follow biblical mandates?

Oh yeah, the "state" run by the church.

Same system as China and the same system that the wef wants to push on the world.

What happens when the church is corrupt? We get the same authoritarian system that started the inquisition in Spain.

Whether bankers, corporations, religions, science, or politicans centralize control, we get fascism.

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Please reread what I said. Nowhere was there any defense of either communism or the CCP.

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Ooops. For a moment I thought that was Melbourne Australia.

Of course there the government uses paramilitary forces and fires rubber bullets into peaceful assemblies of men, women and children. And you think China is bad.

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Rubber bullets, pepper spray and in Canberra Feb 2022, sonic weapons aimed at protesters at Parliament House convoy to Canberra rally.

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I was in Ottawa. That LARD machine atop an ugly military vehicle, aimed at us. It was surreal, my Canada pit against me, against us. The dystopian nightmare began, the true face of despotism for all the world to see. We didn’t so much leave next morning. We escaped.

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The lessons of Tiananman Square.

China has always been showing us who they are. Was not the world too scared to do anything serious because of China’s economic leverage. The US wouldn’t link human rights with trade negotiations. Decouplers won and China got their coveted Most Favored Nations status.

Is the world still at the mercy of so much manufacturing being outsourced to China? It appears so, we love our chips, phones, earbuds, bluetooth speakers, etc etc etc, too much.

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not to diminish the state terrorism being enacted on the Chinese people, merely to note that Mark Crispin Miller recently reminded readers -- no one was killed at Tiananmen Square: it's possible isn't it that the long exclusion of China from UN ( necessary for US dominance and corruption thereof ? ); and other U.S./U.S.-led hostilities/treacheries directed China-wards, are implicated in these repressions now ?

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I know Mark has seen evidence of this claim. I've not seen the evidence. But of course I am finally understanding along with so many others that virtually nothing we were told was true, especially if it was an epoch defining news story.

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I hate to add to this, but I will. While in the navy, a crypto tech (those who code, decode and transmit, receive and handle encrypted message traffic) I knew was involved in the messages related to Tiananmen Square. He said it never happened. At least, not as we think we know it did. He also said that there were no deaths.

I think this is the first time I have shared this story.

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