If Putin's taking out bio-labs and wrecking the mafia, more power to him.

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Considering in part the timing (2/22/22 'war' started-'they' are interested/follow numerology) and mass amount of critical thinkers joining us everyday on 'Lunatic Island' - maybe the Russia/Ukraine war is a distraction. The amount of damage being noted re: jabs, outrage, people waking up and truth still to come out, they need something else for the masses to focus their attention on. They have more tricks up their sleeves but we have them on the move. Evil is dysfunctional, the snake is starting to eat its own tail. It has a shelf life. God Bless!

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Dear Eggs, I am so grateful to you for this comment in the morning. YES! I for one, can't afford any more hopelessness. "Evil is dysfunctional." FANTASTIC and true. God bless you.

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What is strange to me at least is that Vlad the Impaler is a fully paid up member of Anal Schwab's gang and as the gang encompasses the globe (even Canada for chrisakes) then it would follow that nobody steps out of line unless they have permission to do so; So my point is, that this is not Vlad going a bit mad and been impulsive or throwing his toys out of the cot. Whatever he's up to (like our own Blackface) he has the blessings from the elites, Le Club, and there's a bigger game in play. Anyway, such are my ramblings for now - I believe I'll have me a beer!

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Is it really all that tight? Are they not also prone to human will, rebellion, contrition, whatever else? I think we ought to watch that Oliver Stone thing about Putin.

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Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story - Full Documentary by Oliver Stone (Original English version)


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I think you're right Sean. All part of the same massive Punch And Judy show.

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It is illuminating to read Slavsquat substack. Covid-1984 is a big question mark with Putin.

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My son was a missionary for 2 years in Ukraine 1996 thru 1998. He said everything was run by the mafia there. You had to pay bribes for so many things. His area was Donetsk and Lugansk. All the mafia people drove Dodge Vipers. This all makes so much sense and why the US mockingbird media is chorusing Putin as this horrible monster.

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What have you not learned about communism and from Putin's own statements and actions???

Putin is a vicious tyrant. Putin imprisons anyone that contests his authority. Those are the lucky ones. The others Putin torchers and murders. Putin's invasion of the Ukraine has already cost the lives of thousands of people on both sides and it will continue murdering many more. Maybe a million plus by the way the ukraine's are resisting. And the Pope is going declare Putin a saint for his contributions to humanity. So Putin is a saint for saving those desperate people from owning nuclear weapons.

And do you believe China's Xi is also a saint too for his contributions to humanity, in sale of human organs.

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I think you need to reduce your meds. Or increase them. Either might help.

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The question is can can you really think!!

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Clif High has some interesting points about nearly everything under the sun. For anyone paying attention to Ukraine since the illegal putsch in 2014 when Yanokovich was ousted unconstitutionally and "someone's" snipers shot 3 people at the Maidan protest, it has been as clear as Victoria Nuland's non existent baking skills that they took over Ukraine because Yanukovich dared to consider a trade agreement with the Customs Trade Union instead of the EU. Yea. That. And also the Ashkenazi Jews needed a place to bug out to if and when Israel ceases to exist.

The ethnic cleansing civil war in Eastern Ukraine will stay in my mind as one of the bravest against all odds determined defences of all time. A cobbled together militia of civilians, ex military types, international sympathizers and irregulars held off a well armed Ukrainian army. They smashed them in the Debaltsevo cauldron, ground them down at the airport. They died defending their homes and their land and refused the historical and spiritual revisionism prepared for them. Heroes were forged in those attritional times. Givi. Motorola. Zakarchenko. All assassinated. But all integral to Donestk and Luhansk still being in tact and filled with ethnic Russian speakers today. I remember the old lady in the red scarf blessing the Donbass armour as it rolled up through the streets. I remember Givi smoking a cigarette as shrapnel fell all around him from the latest rocket hitting civilian suburbs. Those people survived man.

Russia showed incredible restraint for 8 years. They even instigated the Minsk Accords. All France and Germany had to do was compel the Ukrainians to uphold their end of the deal.

But no. The whole Anglo-Zionist mechanism is hell bent on full dominance. Unfortunately for the peadophile cowards who run the godless west, the strength in their will and sinew has been spent in dissipation. Damn those who seek to cow the sovereign and the faithful to serve their nihilism. Russia is cleaning house and I for one have waited for this day for a long time.

May the Lord's Will be done. On Earth as in Heaven.

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RDP, wow, fascinating. Honestly, what would I do without you guys? I have been unable to travel, move, go, since a decade before "Covid," due to things that happened "in my brain," in my environment and in my imagination. (dimmed.) Through these "letters" from the world, and from history, I get to travel, to be there. To see it and get it. One challenge. When we say "Anglo-Zionist" we lose so many people. Might we call it something else?

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Would Synagogue of Satan fit? Just joking. Clif High opts for "the globalists", and he knows why.

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How about 'the security apparatus that does big finances bidding?'

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Try.... We the People

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Gog Magog. Right on schedule. Revelation is playing out like clockwork. Atheists need to get praying to Jesus Christ now.

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I have always been too cowardly to properly read Revelation. Just bits and pieces. I will start again. If you want to tell us more, I'd be very interested in your take, Dr. Obvious.

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One weekend following the 1/6 false flag attack, with a friend entrapped in the whole mess by the undercover provocateurs, I was driven to read Revelation/Apocalypse all the way through.

On some levels, apostle John’s vision sounds metaphorical and a puzzle or riddle. Then, as we learn more, the descriptions resonate with our real world events.

Each of us will have a unique interpretation, and all may be accurate. One example is the locusts that come out of the pit, have human faces, and poses scorpion tails that have viper venom.

Although a distorted image, look what we have learned about the mRNA peptide sequences encoded in the jabs. One sequence is similar to a toxic component of cobra venom.

So one sees the pictures of all the gloved and masked jabbers piercing the arms of victims with a deadly witches brew of CRISPR built mRNA, lipid nanoparticles, polyethylene glycol PEGYLATED components, and I’m thinking “this reminds me of the hordes of locusts from hell unleaded in revelation”. I may be right, I may be crazy, to quote the Billy Joel song, but my mind makes connections and my memory is long, especially for music, metaphors and images.

Bet you’re sorry you asked. 😛

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Ukrainians are not Khazarians and Ukraine is not run by a Khazarian mafia. Of course it has a criminal element and corruption like most places. Russia and Kyiv were founded by Vikings. Ukrainian is a Slavic language very close to Russian. Native Ukrainians are mainly Cossacks. (Mainly because Stalin used pogroms of moving peoples in the Eastern European countries around to help destroy their culture and power and if it killed a lot of people so be it, but that means there are pockets of people scattered around. Cossacks are legendary fighters and independent. The Russian empire paid the Cossacks to protect the frontiers from warring Islamic Turks and Huns and other invaders. The Caucuses are to the East of and above Iran. The Soviets settled a large number Russians in the Eastern part of Ukraine as part of Russification with a large portion in Donetsk where they mined, made steel and ships. These Russian Ukrainians remain pro-Russian. The native Ukrainians are pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian.

The name Cossack (Russian: казак, romanized: kazak; Ukrainian: козак, romanized: kozak) was widely used[by whom?] to characterise "free people" (compare Turkic qazaq, which means "free men") as opposed to others with different standing in feudal society (i.e., peasants, nobles, clergy, etc.). The name "cossack" was also applied[by whom?] to migrants, free-booters and bandits.[4]

It has the same etymological root as "Kazakh", an unrelated Central Asian Turkic people. [5][6]

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You deal in half-truths, of which your first sentence is a glaring example: First part true, second a bold-faced lie.

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Dear Celia, I beg to differ, a little bit. What is happening at the border of my country, deep within the Eastern European borders is much simpler.

The day before the russian army engaged into the war Putin met Erdogan for a short agreement: that the russian military vessels to be allowed to get back to their country, if needed:


Russia wants Crimeea because this way they would meet no other territories (on water) from Bosfor and Dardanele to home. But having Crimeea separated from Russia on land is not acceptable either. They knew that for a long time and now they're fixing it.

All these days Russia moved on ground within the Ukrainian territory for only 10km (I don't believe that you have this info on your media in the US). They're taking their time to sweep those areas properly. When this is over, Russia will have ground access from their territory to Crimeea.

All other subjects are true more or less, but they are thrown in just to make a bigger pile.

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Thank you Prisoner on Earth for this analysis and information. Do you mean that Russia is going for isolationism? Is that, then, in opposition to "globalism?"

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Thank you Celia. In my opinion Putin and his government are economically as globalists as one can be. If you can ignore the fact that there is no real democracy in Russia, that the human rights are a joke and that any real political opponent may experience a sudden death, then he'll be happy to do business with you.

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Feb 26, 2022Edited
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Access to the sea is the main military op. One more news that you may not know: https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-razboi_ucraina-25388447-insula-serpilor-fost-capturata-trupele-ruse-minister.htm/amp

Just check where that "snake island" rock is.

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Feb 26, 2022
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I believe this is about Russia claiming space in the Black Sea. Or having leverage in negotiations. Who knows?

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Putin is a vicious murdering tyrant with dreams of world domination which Putin has expressed thousands of times. How do you think tyrants stay in power? By popular vote!!! Putin takes great care of his advisories! By imprisonment, torcher and murder. So some days Putin is a great guy.

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Time will take whether those things have been - or will be - neutralised with extreme prejudice.

There are other more surgical ways to achieve those aims without harming civilians and civilian assets.

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I appreciate that Cliff starts off his fireside-chat shows with "Hello, humans. Hello, humans." It's a mix of instantly feeling three steps into the future, two steps deep into the parallel universe, one step back into the past -- while simultaneously feeling/being more in the present than actually being in the present -- even while not even being in front of a fireplace -- watching the wood burn -- at that moment.

Well of course, as adept individuals, each of us is probably always 'on' -- living simultaneously in multiple dimensions already -- but Cliff reminds us of our long lineage: we are part of a heroic, proud, ancient bloodline, an ancient tribe: The Last Tribe of the Naturals.

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The Last Tribe Of The Naturals. YES!! I agree, his welcome is so...welcoming! He is so reassuring, that man. People who have been dead are always full of light. Clif died, at least once. Have you ever heard him tell that story Tom?

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I vividly remember Clif talking about his coming back from the death bed in great detail in one episode of his in particular. I was listening to it while driving in my car -- the day after the RedPillExpo (which took place in Rapid City, South Dakota this past June) had ended. A bunch of us, led by John B Wells, convoyed-down to "Fort Igloo" (Black Hills Ordnance Depot) -- located in the very kitty corner of southwestern South Dakota -- to check-out living in above-ground, former conventional-ordinance bunkers amongst the grazing black (angus beef) cattle.



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Celia you are a giant among journalists. thank you for digging and uncovering contrarian angles on very complex and events. you are cutting through the propaganda and it is truly fascinating. please don’t stop. thank you

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Mike, what a generous thing to say, thank you! To Jack and Lewis (my cats) I am most definitely a giant. :)

No but seriously. I genuinely thank you for your gift of words. My spirit animals are all very small AND very slow. Ant, earthworm, turtle--NOT putting myself down. But always felt when a journalist stops being AS an ant, he/she stops being one who carries a crumb, a bit too heavy, somehow it happens anyway, one is never alone. Small things can observe. Big things get observed.

I have often reflected on the fact that a journalist observes. So does every last person. What then, IS a journalist? I'm actually formulating a course on this. Painfully slowly, of course...

Thank you again, Mike. It helps to know people out there are responding to whatever it is I'm doing on my end. I will keep doing it!

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So the Russian Ukrainian separatists want me to simultaneously believe that the Ukrainian people and it’s leadership are NAZIs and they are also the Jewish mafia. Sure. Got it.


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Clif High makes clear, even in that very clip, that there is no "Jewish" mafia; The Khazars were not Jewish at all. They pretended to be.

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Fritz Freud has a substack in which he posits the Chinese Communist Party leadership is dominated by Manchus, who are originally from Khazaria.

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Manchus like Rittenberg and Epstein? (Yes, another one.) https://jewishjournal.com/news/worldwide/179731/

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https://youtu.be/lSYFJB7o9ZQ I’d love to change the world…TYA

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Even converted Jews are still Jews plus the Khazars DNA does have a mixture which includes Jewish.

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Oh ok. All I know is Clif High harbors no antipathy toward any race. He translates and narrates peoples, tribes, languages, through the centuries, so it's no use trying to make me feel guilty for loving Clif High because he said "Khazarian mafia." He's not an anti-semite, and neither am I.

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Ukrainians deserve a lot more respect than the pro-Russian commenters on this thread have given them falsely smearing them as NAZIs and neo-NAZIs. Apparently they aren’t familiar with photoshop.

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Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story - Full Documentary by Oliver Stone (Original English version)


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If you believe this insanity then you are a sad case. When Russia invaded the Crimea, was Putin liberating those people to purchase beach property??

How about Putin wanted to make sure the Ukraine did not possess nuclear weapons? Now research bio-labs

is the reason!!! Now laundering money!! How about Putin needed a place to walk his dog!!!

How about Russia and China have agreed to split up the world and invade a country every other year. China already has bribed it's way into many third world countries, south and central America, Asia, Africa which will make it very easy to do military drills in those countries then out right invade.

And Canada has Chinese soldiers there too!!! Thank you Canada!!

If any of these experts believe Russia will not soon invade those other countries not in Nato

they are blind and death!!! Putin has stated many times and ways that he wants to rule over the old USSR!!! War is coming at every opportunity unless China and Russia realize the world will violently resist. And several third world nations will assist these invasions. Petty tyrants are created when the opportunity arises. China and Russia don't want a nuclear war because no one wins at that game. Chernobyl is an example since 1986, and still dangerous. Simply move a nuclear weapon to each threatened country under USA and allies control. China and Russia are not going to use missiles and bombs to attack that country and accidently ignite that NW. Mainly, if that NW explodes no one can use that land for hundreds of years and the fall out also damages everything around it for hundreds of miles. And the radiation is circulated around but the wind.

Eventually no one escapes the death radiation. And you place those weapons as close to China and Russia as possible. This will cause China and Russia to take a stand and threaten war. But that is all they will do because a nuclear war is "ARMAGEDDON"!!!

Realize that China and Russia play by their rules and make them up as is required. Your choice slavery or death!!!

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AJ: Points well taken. I refer you to RDP's report about Ukraine, above. Not one of us (human beings) has the whole story, the whole elephant. But Tomas Tranströmer wrote this incredible line: "There is one who can see it all without hating."

We know who.

Are we meant to "see it all without hating?"

I'm trying to remain calm. What use is it to panic about Armageddon? As far as I experienced, "Covid" WAS already ARMAGEDDON.

This is some version of the afterlife. Or the waiting room before death. God is giving us a little more time. What are we meant to DO with it?

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