Gavin Gruesom is definitely a stone cold sociopath. The problem is that our government is filled with stone cold sociopaths. It's become obvious that our government, and the governments of most "developed" countries, is at war with its citizens. I have no idea what we the people can do to win that war.
No! The problem is that The (common) People continue to allow scum like Newsom to control their lives even as him and his ilk openly destroy their lives; Many uprises have occurred for lesser things all throughout mankind's history...just saying!
uprisings occur when people are desperate. Most people in the US are not desperate. People who can't stand Gruesom just leave California for another state. Lots of people leaving California these days.
Well if the 'US' people aren't desperate yet, I have no idea what they see outside of their windows but they soon will feel desperation as the hordes of the starving homeless and destitute start remedying their dire situations; They too won't take their anger out on the very ones who caused the desperation in the first place; Nope, they will take it on their neighbours and friends who still might have food in the cupboards...
I'd suggest only the protected few aren't feeling any desperation yet and those 'DESPERATELY' fleeing a battle will only find themselves in the midst's of another fight...borders only exist on pieces of paper; All Government is a fucking fraud that only exists because people keep Paying It to rule over them
Many times throughout history, uprisings occur when the common folk have had enough of all the shit being thrown at them by those sitting in Ivory Towers who think they have some sort of right to control the masses....strangely enough, when the masses rise, the so-called rulers head for the hills while shitting themselves every inch of the way.
I too feel the outrage you've expressed here. And yes there ARE desperate people in the US, but most people in the US are not. I just don't see enough desperation to fuel a violent revolution. Moreover, violent revolution rarely leads to positive changes. It creates untold suffering and the regime that follows the revolution is usually worse than the regime that was revolted against. French and Russian revolutions are two examples. Lots of examples in Latin America. I can think of only one revolution where the outcome actually improved the lives of those who did not die in the fight.
Why do people automatically conflate revolution with violence? There are many ways to skin a cat and violent revolution only makes a complete mess of the entire process; Blood and guts will be everywhere as the knife plunges deep beyond the cat's skin...
No right-minded one wants or needs a bloody revolution or the ensuing total chaos that comes with it; No right minded one wants to see the tearing down of our communities
Perhaps we ought refrain from the word 'revolution' and stick with 'rebellion' seeing that people automatically deem a revolution to be violence
How about Lawful non-compliance? How about denying the beast the fruits of our labours? How about telling all the Corporate Pretend Governments to jam their rules where the sun never shines? (Rules are not Laws) How about people learning their Inalienable rights and start standing in Lawful non-compliance with knowledge as their weapon? How about people start acting as Adults instead of needing a daddy to do their bidding and keep them 'safe'?
you have examples of non-compliance that's actually worked? Like the Trucker's strike in Canada, for example?
People acting like adults would be great, but covid showed us that the majority of adults responded to the psyop with fear and aggression. Noam Chomsky wanted to ship the unvaxxed to camps and let them starve.
Like I said, I have no idea what we the people as a group can do to win this war. I know what I can do to protect myself and family. But people starting to act like adults instead of looking to the Nanny State to take care of them, I'm not holding my breath.
Not even close, I’m afraid. They are also mere puppets of the globalists psychopaths. They all report to higher ups, who report to higher ups too. Club of Rome is a pretty good place to look. The ruling bloodline families and their parasite reptilian bloodline are a good pace to look. Maybe even higher than that?
No one will escape their land grabs, or rhe chemical spraying but I'll pick the remote rural areas any day. As for Christianity, I don't know if that's the one all be all. There are stories of a crucifiction of a man very similar to Jesus way before the christians "document" it. For me, i know of such horrendous evil that exists, and people clearly worshipping a demon/satan. To me, the way the world works is there's an opposite to everything. Hot, cold, batteries have a negative and a positive and every culture has some form of that, yin and yang. Indias ayurveda has doshas wih opposites. There's many examples. And, If there is no God, no skin off my back. If there is well, that's a different story for the non-believer. Everyone is entitled to believe as they wish. I push my beliefs on no one.
The Chinese Buddhists had it all figured out long ago... Ying and Yang... a world full of opposites that will always be
I agree that none us can escape the chemtrails poisoning all life and HAARP manipulating the weather...This is something of critical importance that 'NEEDS' to be addressed as of yesterday; Local EMF transmitters fall into the same 'needs to be addressed' category
However, I do not agree that no one can escape the land grabs; People simply need to unite in a common purpose and say "no" then defend the word "no" as they forget about the fools notion of 'safety' and march shoulder to shoulder, no man left behind; Divide we fall, United we Stand...Where there is a (common) will, there is always a way!
and this:
"And, If there is no God, no skin off my back. If there is well, that's a different story for the non-believer. Everyone is entitled to believe as they wish. I push my beliefs on no one"
Looking at the pics of the perps, they are all too sloppy and wimpy to be me. But pipet, do not under estimate what I can and would be able to do were I a rogue. I would not be burning down houses but I might consider torching the encampments where reside sex trafficking trash.
Over 90% of religions are apostate according to the double reference prophecy of Revelation. You should have studied scriptures pipet and you would have seen that religious leaders hated and crucified Jesus.
Good but no CEEEgar pipet. I have yet to see anything from your hand by way of poetry and after all this time you still lie by making the claim you are a poet when in fact you are a mere pipet. Do you even know what a pippet is? Pull out your worn dictionary and look it up Pontiac.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. - Ephesians 6:12 NKJV
Gruesome Pelosi Newscum may be more than a sociopath... he lies coldly and with impunity and he may actually be much more than just a narcissistic sociopath. I am not just talking about him being a Neo-Liberal Globalist lackey who still thinks he can run for POTUS.
The fires were set, those in the know knew it was coming. Yes, it is about buying up the prized real estate for pennies on the dollar, but there is more to this. Control of Hollywood slipped out of the hands of the Dark Ones and they wanted it back, so on one level this was about regaining energetic control of the Hollywood bardo, so to say.
They are still talking about the Olympics, the World Cup, etc.... there will be no 2028 Olympics in LA... and you can take that to the bank. They didn't use DEW to start the fire as there are way too many cameras in that area so they had to do it the old fashioned way... paid arsonists.
I used to own one of the houses that are now gone in Altadena. After the 1994 Kinaloa fire in Eaton Canyon that came within 75 yards of my property I felt very unsafe there and moved in 1997 even tho I loved the house and had put so much money into it that I never recovered.
I was part of the Eaton Canyon Recovery Alliance back in '94, so I feel very empathetic to my former neighbors.
It is my hope that one of the arsonists becomes a whistleblower in the not too distant future unless the Dark Ones just make anyone involved in the operation wet (dead).
The Dark Ones are running out of time and they know it, energetically they are becoming weaker with every passing day. They will attempt to pull off as much as they can and as fast as they can to confuse, cause fear (which they feed from), and destroy. The mystery fog is old news already - that is what I am talking about... these events will come back to back so fast we won't be able to flesh out what is really taking place, at least that is the hope of the Dark Ones.
Lastly, these fools are bein manipulated by the Puppet Master, but the Puppet Master is off world and they are stupidly doing its business thinking they will be empowered or rewarded by same. They are being lied to and have traded their souls for something they already had.
What I am really trying to say here is we are in a spiritual war and most are not awake enough to realize this.... WAKE UP.
So sorry for all who lost their homes in all the places. Early Wed morning I said a few times “land grab”. I worked in Altadena on and off for years, love that place. When I heard a resident describe what he saw leaving my heart sank. I am waiting to hear is Caruso will come in and put in one of his mini smart cities like in Glendale. I know each homeowner is screwed whether their house is saved or not. I will not be surprised if Caruso expands his Palisades complex.
Seems Rick Caruso is running around campaigning either for mayor or governor.
Pipet claims to be a poet but brings homosexuality into the picture. He is confused, horn swaggled and tries to run in every direction at the same time. His breath smells like he has been munching on a three day road killed maggot gas swollen opossum. Do not get too close to him.
I believe that the burning of LA is God's work and no one at this point can convince me otherwise. Are not the insurance companies even going up against the "Act of God" at this point? I'm just waiting for the earthquake as a follow-up.
The new Sodom and Gomorrah. Burned to the ground. Palisades = barricades against the little people, where all the big moguls who put out the Hollywood filth, rape kids & women and run that sick satanic industry reside. I feel much empathy for the people caught in between, whose lives are ruined because they were OK living in golden calf land, with all its depravity. I hope that some of them understand - I'm betting some do. The ones that can't and won't learn will continue to suffer the wrath, I suppose.
I lived in LA for nearly 20 years and I understood why I was so driven to leave (I believe led by God - I listened). I pray that the people wake up and get out of that place. Or if they stay, hold the devils accountable. Turn to God and away from the luciferian nastiness.
It is not Gods work but the work of the disbelievers as they do their masters bidding in murdering Gods creation that being this Earthly realm, all the critters, animals and the people created in his image;
Problem is, barely a one wants to defend the realm and God's creation as we are instructed to do whenever faced with evil doers
"turn the other cheek" has been taken way out of context; Cowards and Fools will not sit at the right hand of God
Yes, Cali-forn-ia has been a cesspit of filth and corruption for a long time but that is not God's doing either; We are instructed to do Gods work so we "turned the other cheek" and allowed it to first be created and then to manifest into the cesspit it is today; "Californication" has pretty much taken over the entire 'western world' as a result
Mary, have pity on the pipet, he is delusional and the only asshat here is him. Humor him a bit, ask him to compose a poem, and if he does a ditty pat his head and tell him in his confusion he has it all figured out.
He is a legend in its own mind and spends his days walking the frozen shores of Lake Ontario looking for dead seagulls to suck farts out of. That is why I warned you to not get too close to him...
Troll? So droll. How about trollop or gallop? Can you talk legibly with your knickers down to your knees and your pink lace covered underwear soiled with the filth of your own excrement?
Perfect example of a coward, liar, bully and profligate. Harasses women to no end but rejects them in many ways, including his preferences for the whiskered cheek and the hairy leg. Blah.
No politician could have saved the LA area from what happened. High winds for weeks. Hot, dry air. People leaving their homes and the sprinklers going off, using up precious water, then sitting there pooling after the sprinklers themselves are damaged. There was no preparing for this.
Sorry I never got to see Australia. My dad saw it and several other countries when he was in the Merchant Marines. He always said Australia was his favorite and how beautiful it was. So sorry to see how Australians have the punching bag since 2020.
Mary Mary Mary... Are you deliberately ignoring evidence Mary?
"High winds for weeks. Hot, dry air" does that seem like winter time to you Mary? How's Big Bear looking Mary?
Perhaps if Politicians deliberated to stop chemical spraying of Our Skies, stopped HAARP facilities from operating to manipulate weather and stopped DEWS from operating and Informed the people they are supposedly representing about all of these dark works, then yes, the Poly Ticks could of saved LA from burning just as they could of saved Lahaina Maui from burning
California has been running low on water for nearly Two Decades now and the Poly Ticks failed to act on it; They could of implemented measures to stop the wasting of precious waters for peoples selfish enjoyment... they could of reduced water being pumped into the Nevada desert where the 'entertainment industry' wastes only God knows how much water every second of every day
Nope, the Poly Ticks did and do nothing not in the interests of their masters.
Absolutely not ignoring anything. I just don't think some stupid WEF puppet is the person who can start or stop this stuff. They're just little pegs being moved around a board.
FOUR "Deep State" families all related by blood or marriage have run California into the ground for the past 50 years. The odds of that in fair and free elections have too many zeros behind it. Governor Gruesome, the latest relative is doing his part to complete the "Smart City selloff" of CA real estate in their "burn back better" program. The CA "Microwave DEW fires" that burn hot enough to melt steel at 2800 degrees but leave trees, shrubs, and blue plastic trash cans untouched mean you may have to build your next house out of BLUE PLASTIC!! The bad news is that a normal forest fire easily can burn and melt plastic even at 570 degrees.
Nothing to do with being a protagonist when all I am doing is trying to make you see the folly of your ways as you attempt to belittle others spiritual beliefs as you spruik your 'God is not real' narrative to anyone here who dares mention the word God
I have offered no such views; I am merely defending the right of others to have their spiritual beliefs without being condemned by you to be a fool
I twist no words... I can only go by what you state in comments; I leave assumptions and presumptions to those who endeavour to find a reality of sorts in such things
No doubt I have my foibles but I find no problem with my disposition here... If my disposition was out of kilter, trust me when I inform you that you would know all about it being out of whack;
Nor do I comment anything in haste; It took I about 5 readings of your separate derogatory comments to others here before I chose to stick my nose in...nothing hasty about that my little minded, spiritually devoid and obvious projectionist adversary.
Try again if you like but I'm done with you; You have revealed yourself for exactly who you are which I strongly suspected you would.
It is concerning that Governor Used Carsalesman is not trying, even as a formality, to show empathy. The excuses and reasons for the still occurring calamity of the burning down of the Los Angeles valley are abundant but not logically believable. The brazen greedy expectation for new development as a general agenda of the new reset, means they will act more boldly in future destruction with decreasing need to present excuses and sympathy for the damage and displaced persons whom they are impacting.
What boggles the mind? A little over a year after Lahaina, on election day, the residents of Hawaii evidently said "more please!" After neglect, at best, from Democratic officials at all levels of government. After pathetic government rescue and relief efforts. After Dem mega-donors and elites swooped in like vultures. After Biden dozed off during a ceremony as he finally showed up in the state. Both of their congressional districts selected Democratic reps, and Harris at 61% of the vote. I'll never understand it. And I think we can expect pretty much the same from California.
I've been thinking the same thing. On one level, it's very difficult to feel sorry for people who continually vote/endorse people and things that lead to their own demise (assuming the elections aren't rigged).
Oh you listen to yourself as you type out this dribble? You obviously don't like genuine praise do you? Methinks too much vile contempt floating around in that cranium of yours
Conflating my spiritual beliefs with taught religion only exemplifies your ignorance and arrogance
ever heard of a fella named Voltaire? he famously coined the phrase; "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it" (perhaps not verbatim but even you should get the gist of it) and this little ditty from Voltaire stays with me always...
Let that sink into what's left of your neurons for a while
Hawaii has been a communist stronghold for a long time. Sen Daniel Inouye was a communist. Trevor Loudon exposes all these communists who have infiltrated government in his books.
If you still think that 'elections' are real and that the people do indeed have only a choice of either red puppet or blue puppet, then you need to start asking yourself some serious questions as to your mental capacity and your ability to think.
Can only judge by that of which you openly state on a public forum;
Nowhere did I claim to know anything about you; Best re-read what you thought you read and re-read your original comment
From what I read, you still believe there are political solutions to the mess the politicians have created
Have fun at the 'Poling Booths' (de horning cattle crush)...I'm sure it will make all the difference in the world when you 'choose' another but 'different' leader to rule over you and yours...
"abuse and accusations" oh my, haven't we suddenly become the sensitive type after belittling others here all over the place? Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones numbnuts
"condescending and facetious you pretentious twat" Nothing facetious about anything I stated...I state what I mean and mean what I state; You appear to have a nasty habit of reading words that do not exist...
"pretentious twat" hey? nothing pretentious about my life; very humble in fact; Nothing pretentious about anything I have stated here to you either; again. I state what I mean and mean what I state
"twat"? I am not a walking, talking, breathing and independent thinking Vagina either...perhaps that is just wishful thought on your behalf being that you present as a walking, talking, breathing and independent thinking Penis; Perhaps the word Prick is more in tune with your thinking than Penis...
Best return to the paper bag; Do try scrubbing up on your poetry and word skills while in said bag...seems you are getting a tad worked up by another mere mortals words of rebuttal against you and you cannot find the words with which to defend yourself
Wow; I'm impressed; This 'prick thought' of yours must've taken a considerable amount of neuronal mis-firing activity within that ludicrously thick, brain-restricting cranium of yours
Poor widdle wannabe wordsmith has lost his mojo so now all he can think of is the nether regions of ones anatomy and what he does when in his circle of friends (or likely paying strangers)
Poor 'Keg'... I know not of this soul but it seems he or she has been dragged into the twisted abys of the paper bag poet who is yet to demonstrate any penchant for clever or poetic word play
Not enough f bombs in any language for what is happening. And no one but God can save us from the worst of their diabolical chaos magick. Small victories may seem available, but they often lead to our controllers implementing even greater destruction.
Seriously? And what miracles would you like God to perform today as you sit on your arse waiting for a saviour to come and rescue You from Your problems?
You do not like scriptures do you? Ever read the part where it says eternal damnation is reserved for the unrepentant and Satan and his demons? Kinda hitting home now is it not? The homo gig done you in pipet. You might as well have spilled your guts on the floor. Is he a good master?
Great post, Celia. Thank ýou. As a complement to it, please consider giving this recent and verrrrrrrry informative Substack post a look. I didn't write it...but I thank the person who did.
Somewhere in my deluded way of thinking about the Hollywood "elites", I thought their turf was probably safe from complete destruction. And then I realized that all of the Hollywood-based flying-monkeys have become a liability to the worldwide, pedophilic murderous cabal. Hollywood has become a weak-link for them-- they've become overly brazen in the evil things they're doing. They have AI to manipulate the masses now. They don't need Hollywood any more.I think part of the reason they allowed the fires is so they could destroy tons of evidence of the depraved things that have been going on there, especially to children. I think a great litmus test to see if that might be true is to look at what's going on with the rubble of the actor's homes who are suspect for participating in these activities. Are there guards at their property right now? Has their property been fenced-off and are there excavation crews there already?
"They look like they're in a Luciferian ritual in this photo". And, nothing like a quote from the esteemed "Brother Nathanael", "Gavin Newsom states that California has "speculators coming in, buying up properties... People need to understand that this was the plan all along."
I am no fan of this obvious creep but the actual caption of this photograph from a Simon Wiesenthal Center website article (October 6, 2021) is, "Governor Newsom viewing The Hitler Letter with members of the California Jewish Caucus, state legislators and (left to right) SWC Executive Director Meyer H. May, SWC Founder and CEO Rabbi Marvin Hier, and SWC Associate Dean and Global Social Action Director Rabbi Abraham Cooper...
The Governor added his name to the many world leaders, prime ministers, and presidents to view The Hitler Letter, written over one hundred years ago by Adolf Hitler, on September 16, 1919, six years before Mein Kampf. The letter, on display in the Museum of Tolerance, outlines Adolph Hitler's plan calling for, 'The uncompromising removal of the Jews altogether.' ... Since acquiring The Hitler Letter, it has been seen by tens of thousands of Museum visitors as well as by notable dignitaries, celebrities and politicians and it is used as a teaching tool in the museum's robust educational programs..."
I was surprised that Gavin Newsome would *already* be having a photo op with “speculators” who are clearly Jewish. Since I am far away from LA, I also thought the bird flu psyop is further along there what with everyone wearing masks in 2025. So I went to that website and found the article with the photo you mentioned:
I believe the ravings of Brother Theodore are more accurate than those of Brother Nathanael.
Question -- If one is a guest at a gathering and the host/hostess tells a joke which characterizes a group in a stereotypical and accusatory manner, is it O.K. for a guest to say something, even if the host/hostess happens to have one parent who is of that group?
Gavin Gruesom is definitely a stone cold sociopath. The problem is that our government is filled with stone cold sociopaths. It's become obvious that our government, and the governments of most "developed" countries, is at war with its citizens. I have no idea what we the people can do to win that war.
No! The problem is that The (common) People continue to allow scum like Newsom to control their lives even as him and his ilk openly destroy their lives; Many uprises have occurred for lesser things all throughout mankind's history...just saying!
uprisings occur when people are desperate. Most people in the US are not desperate. People who can't stand Gruesom just leave California for another state. Lots of people leaving California these days.
Well if the 'US' people aren't desperate yet, I have no idea what they see outside of their windows but they soon will feel desperation as the hordes of the starving homeless and destitute start remedying their dire situations; They too won't take their anger out on the very ones who caused the desperation in the first place; Nope, they will take it on their neighbours and friends who still might have food in the cupboards...
I'd suggest only the protected few aren't feeling any desperation yet and those 'DESPERATELY' fleeing a battle will only find themselves in the midst's of another fight...borders only exist on pieces of paper; All Government is a fucking fraud that only exists because people keep Paying It to rule over them
Many times throughout history, uprisings occur when the common folk have had enough of all the shit being thrown at them by those sitting in Ivory Towers who think they have some sort of right to control the masses....strangely enough, when the masses rise, the so-called rulers head for the hills while shitting themselves every inch of the way.
I too feel the outrage you've expressed here. And yes there ARE desperate people in the US, but most people in the US are not. I just don't see enough desperation to fuel a violent revolution. Moreover, violent revolution rarely leads to positive changes. It creates untold suffering and the regime that follows the revolution is usually worse than the regime that was revolted against. French and Russian revolutions are two examples. Lots of examples in Latin America. I can think of only one revolution where the outcome actually improved the lives of those who did not die in the fight.
Why do people automatically conflate revolution with violence? There are many ways to skin a cat and violent revolution only makes a complete mess of the entire process; Blood and guts will be everywhere as the knife plunges deep beyond the cat's skin...
No right-minded one wants or needs a bloody revolution or the ensuing total chaos that comes with it; No right minded one wants to see the tearing down of our communities
Perhaps we ought refrain from the word 'revolution' and stick with 'rebellion' seeing that people automatically deem a revolution to be violence
How about Lawful non-compliance? How about denying the beast the fruits of our labours? How about telling all the Corporate Pretend Governments to jam their rules where the sun never shines? (Rules are not Laws) How about people learning their Inalienable rights and start standing in Lawful non-compliance with knowledge as their weapon? How about people start acting as Adults instead of needing a daddy to do their bidding and keep them 'safe'?
you have examples of non-compliance that's actually worked? Like the Trucker's strike in Canada, for example?
People acting like adults would be great, but covid showed us that the majority of adults responded to the psyop with fear and aggression. Noam Chomsky wanted to ship the unvaxxed to camps and let them starve.
Like I said, I have no idea what we the people as a group can do to win this war. I know what I can do to protect myself and family. But people starting to act like adults instead of looking to the Nanny State to take care of them, I'm not holding my breath.
Gavin Newsom (nephew of Nancy Pelosi) is just another puppet of the satanic globalist parasites. Aim higher.
I'll start with Gavin as an hors d'oeuvre if you will. he's got to go. no mercy.
Bingo. But basically we have brown to blame for helping him and kamala.
Hes. Another puppet. And a DEI fall guy. Aim higher that high enough for you?
Not even close, I’m afraid. They are also mere puppets of the globalists psychopaths. They all report to higher ups, who report to higher ups too. Club of Rome is a pretty good place to look. The ruling bloodline families and their parasite reptilian bloodline are a good pace to look. Maybe even higher than that?
I get that but the c40 puppets are carrying it all out.
Who cares? Can you or any of us reach these puppet masters?
No one will escape their land grabs, or rhe chemical spraying but I'll pick the remote rural areas any day. As for Christianity, I don't know if that's the one all be all. There are stories of a crucifiction of a man very similar to Jesus way before the christians "document" it. For me, i know of such horrendous evil that exists, and people clearly worshipping a demon/satan. To me, the way the world works is there's an opposite to everything. Hot, cold, batteries have a negative and a positive and every culture has some form of that, yin and yang. Indias ayurveda has doshas wih opposites. There's many examples. And, If there is no God, no skin off my back. If there is well, that's a different story for the non-believer. Everyone is entitled to believe as they wish. I push my beliefs on no one.
The Chinese Buddhists had it all figured out long ago... Ying and Yang... a world full of opposites that will always be
I agree that none us can escape the chemtrails poisoning all life and HAARP manipulating the weather...This is something of critical importance that 'NEEDS' to be addressed as of yesterday; Local EMF transmitters fall into the same 'needs to be addressed' category
However, I do not agree that no one can escape the land grabs; People simply need to unite in a common purpose and say "no" then defend the word "no" as they forget about the fools notion of 'safety' and march shoulder to shoulder, no man left behind; Divide we fall, United we Stand...Where there is a (common) will, there is always a way!
and this:
"And, If there is no God, no skin off my back. If there is well, that's a different story for the non-believer. Everyone is entitled to believe as they wish. I push my beliefs on no one"
I concur 100%
Looking at the pics of the perps, they are all too sloppy and wimpy to be me. But pipet, do not under estimate what I can and would be able to do were I a rogue. I would not be burning down houses but I might consider torching the encampments where reside sex trafficking trash.
Over 90% of religions are apostate according to the double reference prophecy of Revelation. You should have studied scriptures pipet and you would have seen that religious leaders hated and crucified Jesus.
Yes you can blame everything on satanic globalist parasites not on US hegemony, big oil nor the white western patriarchy.
All part of the board game.
What is the point of boxing with shadows when there is an obvious combatant standing right in front of you repeatedly punching you in the face?
Excuse me Joanna for the hatred and anger I am compelled to feel for demonCRAPS and it is not nancy pelosi, it is nancy PIGLOSI.
I feel it too 😕
Good but no CEEEgar pipet. I have yet to see anything from your hand by way of poetry and after all this time you still lie by making the claim you are a poet when in fact you are a mere pipet. Do you even know what a pippet is? Pull out your worn dictionary and look it up Pontiac.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. - Ephesians 6:12 NKJV
Gruesome Pelosi Newscum may be more than a sociopath... he lies coldly and with impunity and he may actually be much more than just a narcissistic sociopath. I am not just talking about him being a Neo-Liberal Globalist lackey who still thinks he can run for POTUS.
The fires were set, those in the know knew it was coming. Yes, it is about buying up the prized real estate for pennies on the dollar, but there is more to this. Control of Hollywood slipped out of the hands of the Dark Ones and they wanted it back, so on one level this was about regaining energetic control of the Hollywood bardo, so to say.
They are still talking about the Olympics, the World Cup, etc.... there will be no 2028 Olympics in LA... and you can take that to the bank. They didn't use DEW to start the fire as there are way too many cameras in that area so they had to do it the old fashioned way... paid arsonists.
I used to own one of the houses that are now gone in Altadena. After the 1994 Kinaloa fire in Eaton Canyon that came within 75 yards of my property I felt very unsafe there and moved in 1997 even tho I loved the house and had put so much money into it that I never recovered.
I was part of the Eaton Canyon Recovery Alliance back in '94, so I feel very empathetic to my former neighbors.
It is my hope that one of the arsonists becomes a whistleblower in the not too distant future unless the Dark Ones just make anyone involved in the operation wet (dead).
The Dark Ones are running out of time and they know it, energetically they are becoming weaker with every passing day. They will attempt to pull off as much as they can and as fast as they can to confuse, cause fear (which they feed from), and destroy. The mystery fog is old news already - that is what I am talking about... these events will come back to back so fast we won't be able to flesh out what is really taking place, at least that is the hope of the Dark Ones.
Lastly, these fools are bein manipulated by the Puppet Master, but the Puppet Master is off world and they are stupidly doing its business thinking they will be empowered or rewarded by same. They are being lied to and have traded their souls for something they already had.
What I am really trying to say here is we are in a spiritual war and most are not awake enough to realize this.... WAKE UP.
So sorry for all who lost their homes in all the places. Early Wed morning I said a few times “land grab”. I worked in Altadena on and off for years, love that place. When I heard a resident describe what he saw leaving my heart sank. I am waiting to hear is Caruso will come in and put in one of his mini smart cities like in Glendale. I know each homeowner is screwed whether their house is saved or not. I will not be surprised if Caruso expands his Palisades complex.
Seems Rick Caruso is running around campaigning either for mayor or governor.
"When you understand that they are trying to kill you, everything becomes clear."
Yep - one way or another
It seems that only State Sponsored Religions advise killing-the-bad-people-that-are-against-God...
The Cathars fell under the instructions of Pope Innocent to his general to, "kill them all, God will know his own".
More recently the "Friends", "Quakers" lived peacefully and compassionately, but that is often against the interests of a state.
Truth is not printed, as such, but must be personally "known".
On a positive note, though, I did hear that Gavin was going to give everyone who lost their house a 10 pound bucket of smelt.
That is the best comment I have heard yet. Congrats Dale you have nailed it👏.
what is it with you and all the religious nonsense you harp on with?
Have a narrative you wish to create? Well just come out and say it as you do all you can to create more division
Look Mark, he has a hair lip and saying your name makes him sound like a dog. mark mark. Give him a rope and he will hang himself.
Nope...but one shouldn't go around attempting to shatter another's spiritual beliefs
You obviously hold fast to your beliefs yet I read no-one here denying you of your beliefs...they just want you stop attacking theirs.
Pipet claims to be a poet but brings homosexuality into the picture. He is confused, horn swaggled and tries to run in every direction at the same time. His breath smells like he has been munching on a three day road killed maggot gas swollen opossum. Do not get too close to him.
I believe that the burning of LA is God's work and no one at this point can convince me otherwise. Are not the insurance companies even going up against the "Act of God" at this point? I'm just waiting for the earthquake as a follow-up.
The new Sodom and Gomorrah. Burned to the ground. Palisades = barricades against the little people, where all the big moguls who put out the Hollywood filth, rape kids & women and run that sick satanic industry reside. I feel much empathy for the people caught in between, whose lives are ruined because they were OK living in golden calf land, with all its depravity. I hope that some of them understand - I'm betting some do. The ones that can't and won't learn will continue to suffer the wrath, I suppose.
I lived in LA for nearly 20 years and I understood why I was so driven to leave (I believe led by God - I listened). I pray that the people wake up and get out of that place. Or if they stay, hold the devils accountable. Turn to God and away from the luciferian nastiness.
It is not Gods work but the work of the disbelievers as they do their masters bidding in murdering Gods creation that being this Earthly realm, all the critters, animals and the people created in his image;
Problem is, barely a one wants to defend the realm and God's creation as we are instructed to do whenever faced with evil doers
"turn the other cheek" has been taken way out of context; Cowards and Fools will not sit at the right hand of God
Yes, Cali-forn-ia has been a cesspit of filth and corruption for a long time but that is not God's doing either; We are instructed to do Gods work so we "turned the other cheek" and allowed it to first be created and then to manifest into the cesspit it is today; "Californication" has pretty much taken over the entire 'western world' as a result
Of course, that's not what I said.
Write your own thoughtful comments. Stay outa mine!
Mary, have pity on the pipet, he is delusional and the only asshat here is him. Humor him a bit, ask him to compose a poem, and if he does a ditty pat his head and tell him in his confusion he has it all figured out.
I see straight through you oh dark one; It is now my duty to rebuke you at every turn and defend those whom you seek to cast dark shadows over
Might be best for all if you get back in your paper bag.
No Mark, that is pipet in a garbage bag.
Aren't paper bags for breathing into when one is in hysterics? That all seems to make sense now...
I see straight through your twisted words oh dark one; Please pardon thy lazy use of the written word
Creator is a bit of a voyeur apparently; It is said that He sees all
Seems you and I both are a bit voyeuristic too as we read the words of others from a far away place
At least I don't put words where they don't exist; Thy voyeuristic tendencies mean no harm to others.
It's sad you believe resident annoying gnat is the best use of your time.
He is a legend in its own mind and spends his days walking the frozen shores of Lake Ontario looking for dead seagulls to suck farts out of. That is why I warned you to not get too close to him...
Do your best to Ignore IT Mary... reading through this post it is obvious that this dark clown has an ulterior narrative IT would like to propagate
Thanks, Mark. Will do.
Troll? So droll. How about trollop or gallop? Can you talk legibly with your knickers down to your knees and your pink lace covered underwear soiled with the filth of your own excrement?
Perfect example of a coward, liar, bully and profligate. Harasses women to no end but rejects them in many ways, including his preferences for the whiskered cheek and the hairy leg. Blah.
Tell me pipet, when did you become demon possessed? Was it right after your foray into perversion? The two are connected as you know.
Josh nailed it pretty well. Trust a politician and in the end you get burned (literally in this case).
No politician could have saved the LA area from what happened. High winds for weeks. Hot, dry air. People leaving their homes and the sprinklers going off, using up precious water, then sitting there pooling after the sprinklers themselves are damaged. There was no preparing for this.
Stay in delusion land Mary Rose, sometimes it is easier.
I am not sure if this is for MR or me, sometimes with several subst comments hard to distinguish not sure how I disagreed with you poet…
Sorry I never got to see Australia. My dad saw it and several other countries when he was in the Merchant Marines. He always said Australia was his favorite and how beautiful it was. So sorry to see how Australians have the punching bag since 2020.
Mary Mary Mary... Are you deliberately ignoring evidence Mary?
"High winds for weeks. Hot, dry air" does that seem like winter time to you Mary? How's Big Bear looking Mary?
Perhaps if Politicians deliberated to stop chemical spraying of Our Skies, stopped HAARP facilities from operating to manipulate weather and stopped DEWS from operating and Informed the people they are supposedly representing about all of these dark works, then yes, the Poly Ticks could of saved LA from burning just as they could of saved Lahaina Maui from burning
California has been running low on water for nearly Two Decades now and the Poly Ticks failed to act on it; They could of implemented measures to stop the wasting of precious waters for peoples selfish enjoyment... they could of reduced water being pumped into the Nevada desert where the 'entertainment industry' wastes only God knows how much water every second of every day
Nope, the Poly Ticks did and do nothing not in the interests of their masters.
Absolutely not ignoring anything. I just don't think some stupid WEF puppet is the person who can start or stop this stuff. They're just little pegs being moved around a board.
And Mother Nature bats last.
It's not "some stupid wef puppet"'s a host of puppets, doing their masters bidding, working in concert.
Yeah, what I said.
Not really.
oh, yes there was. a perfect layer cake of preventative measures not taken.
As there always is, always was, and always will be.
It's called the human condition.
FOUR "Deep State" families all related by blood or marriage have run California into the ground for the past 50 years. The odds of that in fair and free elections have too many zeros behind it. Governor Gruesome, the latest relative is doing his part to complete the "Smart City selloff" of CA real estate in their "burn back better" program. The CA "Microwave DEW fires" that burn hot enough to melt steel at 2800 degrees but leave trees, shrubs, and blue plastic trash cans untouched mean you may have to build your next house out of BLUE PLASTIC!! The bad news is that a normal forest fire easily can burn and melt plastic even at 570 degrees.
The reality is that you were outed already and your game is always the know I know you.
You're a one trick pony... aren't you bored with trying to create your alternate narrative yet?
What would you like me to suggest as a narrative that would suit your desires oh ye of the twisting words variety?
You oughta know pipet.
Nothing to do with being a protagonist when all I am doing is trying to make you see the folly of your ways as you attempt to belittle others spiritual beliefs as you spruik your 'God is not real' narrative to anyone here who dares mention the word God
I have offered no such views; I am merely defending the right of others to have their spiritual beliefs without being condemned by you to be a fool
I twist no words... I can only go by what you state in comments; I leave assumptions and presumptions to those who endeavour to find a reality of sorts in such things
No doubt I have my foibles but I find no problem with my disposition here... If my disposition was out of kilter, trust me when I inform you that you would know all about it being out of whack;
Nor do I comment anything in haste; It took I about 5 readings of your separate derogatory comments to others here before I chose to stick my nose in...nothing hasty about that my little minded, spiritually devoid and obvious projectionist adversary.
Try again if you like but I'm done with you; You have revealed yourself for exactly who you are which I strongly suspected you would.
Ta Ta...
It is concerning that Governor Used Carsalesman is not trying, even as a formality, to show empathy. The excuses and reasons for the still occurring calamity of the burning down of the Los Angeles valley are abundant but not logically believable. The brazen greedy expectation for new development as a general agenda of the new reset, means they will act more boldly in future destruction with decreasing need to present excuses and sympathy for the damage and displaced persons whom they are impacting.
What boggles the mind? A little over a year after Lahaina, on election day, the residents of Hawaii evidently said "more please!" After neglect, at best, from Democratic officials at all levels of government. After pathetic government rescue and relief efforts. After Dem mega-donors and elites swooped in like vultures. After Biden dozed off during a ceremony as he finally showed up in the state. Both of their congressional districts selected Democratic reps, and Harris at 61% of the vote. I'll never understand it. And I think we can expect pretty much the same from California.
I've been thinking the same thing. On one level, it's very difficult to feel sorry for people who continually vote/endorse people and things that lead to their own demise (assuming the elections aren't rigged).
Ooh, I like that...I like it a lot; Not that my opinion on such things matters but I must give credit where credit is due
Oh you listen to yourself as you type out this dribble? You obviously don't like genuine praise do you? Methinks too much vile contempt floating around in that cranium of yours
Conflating my spiritual beliefs with taught religion only exemplifies your ignorance and arrogance
ever heard of a fella named Voltaire? he famously coined the phrase; "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it" (perhaps not verbatim but even you should get the gist of it) and this little ditty from Voltaire stays with me always...
Let that sink into what's left of your neurons for a while
Hawaii has been a communist stronghold for a long time. Sen Daniel Inouye was a communist. Trevor Loudon exposes all these communists who have infiltrated government in his books.
If you still think that 'elections' are real and that the people do indeed have only a choice of either red puppet or blue puppet, then you need to start asking yourself some serious questions as to your mental capacity and your ability to think.
Wrote in my diary today. "Mark thinks I'm dumb." Very hurtful.
Maybe you ought spend less time buried in your own words and start looking beyond beyond your own nose
Maybe you could spend less time thinking about your 'feelings' and spend more time discovering some Facts about the theatre that is Poly Ticks...
Your comment is Dumb and Blindingly Ignorant; Not sorry for pointing it out to you in the hope that you might snap out of your deluded state of mind.
temper, temper
What's dumb? Thinking you know anything about me.
Can only judge by that of which you openly state on a public forum;
Nowhere did I claim to know anything about you; Best re-read what you thought you read and re-read your original comment
From what I read, you still believe there are political solutions to the mess the politicians have created
Have fun at the 'Poling Booths' (de horning cattle crush)...I'm sure it will make all the difference in the world when you 'choose' another but 'different' leader to rule over you and yours...
focus rage on Newsom.
Go away. Waste of time.
...he only has the ability to stink. Pipet is a lost soul and he tries to forget that to no avail.
Ah... finally some sensible remarks from you; All hope is not yet lost
"abuse and accusations" oh my, haven't we suddenly become the sensitive type after belittling others here all over the place? Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones numbnuts
"condescending and facetious you pretentious twat" Nothing facetious about anything I stated...I state what I mean and mean what I state; You appear to have a nasty habit of reading words that do not exist...
"pretentious twat" hey? nothing pretentious about my life; very humble in fact; Nothing pretentious about anything I have stated here to you either; again. I state what I mean and mean what I state
"twat"? I am not a walking, talking, breathing and independent thinking Vagina either...perhaps that is just wishful thought on your behalf being that you present as a walking, talking, breathing and independent thinking Penis; Perhaps the word Prick is more in tune with your thinking than Penis...
Best return to the paper bag; Do try scrubbing up on your poetry and word skills while in said bag...seems you are getting a tad worked up by another mere mortals words of rebuttal against you and you cannot find the words with which to defend yourself
Pretentious enough for ya Dark One?
...where is yours? Is that your hell?
Wow; I'm impressed; This 'prick thought' of yours must've taken a considerable amount of neuronal mis-firing activity within that ludicrously thick, brain-restricting cranium of yours
Poor widdle wannabe wordsmith has lost his mojo so now all he can think of is the nether regions of ones anatomy and what he does when in his circle of friends (or likely paying strangers)
Poor 'Keg'... I know not of this soul but it seems he or she has been dragged into the twisted abys of the paper bag poet who is yet to demonstrate any penchant for clever or poetic word play
Must be very secluded in that paper bag...
Property taxes are highway robbery:
In the meanwhile, the whole country has been taken since 1913:
The way I see it, it's about population replacement:
Not enough f bombs in any language for what is happening. And no one but God can save us from the worst of their diabolical chaos magick. Small victories may seem available, but they often lead to our controllers implementing even greater destruction.
Seriously? And what miracles would you like God to perform today as you sit on your arse waiting for a saviour to come and rescue You from Your problems?
...his problem is sealed by the Truth and it knows it
He already has. it is written "We were created in His image" Does that make us God? Or good? Stone you? That would do no good. You are stunned already.
You do not like scriptures do you? Ever read the part where it says eternal damnation is reserved for the unrepentant and Satan and his demons? Kinda hitting home now is it not? The homo gig done you in pipet. You might as well have spilled your guts on the floor. Is he a good master?
Great post, Celia. Thank ýou. As a complement to it, please consider giving this recent and verrrrrrrry informative Substack post a look. I didn't write it...but I thank the person who did.
2018 Malibu CA Fire Lessons
A few Additional Lessons from my Housefire
will read it tomorrow morning Katherine. Thank you.
Somewhere in my deluded way of thinking about the Hollywood "elites", I thought their turf was probably safe from complete destruction. And then I realized that all of the Hollywood-based flying-monkeys have become a liability to the worldwide, pedophilic murderous cabal. Hollywood has become a weak-link for them-- they've become overly brazen in the evil things they're doing. They have AI to manipulate the masses now. They don't need Hollywood any more.I think part of the reason they allowed the fires is so they could destroy tons of evidence of the depraved things that have been going on there, especially to children. I think a great litmus test to see if that might be true is to look at what's going on with the rubble of the actor's homes who are suspect for participating in these activities. Are there guards at their property right now? Has their property been fenced-off and are there excavation crews there already?
This is the take on the LA fires by a UK journalist who also considers the Hollywood crowd was shown that even they are expendable:
"They look like they're in a Luciferian ritual in this photo". And, nothing like a quote from the esteemed "Brother Nathanael", "Gavin Newsom states that California has "speculators coming in, buying up properties... People need to understand that this was the plan all along."
I am no fan of this obvious creep but the actual caption of this photograph from a Simon Wiesenthal Center website article (October 6, 2021) is, "Governor Newsom viewing The Hitler Letter with members of the California Jewish Caucus, state legislators and (left to right) SWC Executive Director Meyer H. May, SWC Founder and CEO Rabbi Marvin Hier, and SWC Associate Dean and Global Social Action Director Rabbi Abraham Cooper...
The Governor added his name to the many world leaders, prime ministers, and presidents to view The Hitler Letter, written over one hundred years ago by Adolf Hitler, on September 16, 1919, six years before Mein Kampf. The letter, on display in the Museum of Tolerance, outlines Adolph Hitler's plan calling for, 'The uncompromising removal of the Jews altogether.' ... Since acquiring The Hitler Letter, it has been seen by tens of thousands of Museum visitors as well as by notable dignitaries, celebrities and politicians and it is used as a teaching tool in the museum's robust educational programs..."
I was surprised that Gavin Newsome would *already* be having a photo op with “speculators” who are clearly Jewish. Since I am far away from LA, I also thought the bird flu psyop is further along there what with everyone wearing masks in 2025. So I went to that website and found the article with the photo you mentioned:
ya mean Hitler's behind the Pac Pal burn-down?
I believe the ravings of Brother Theodore are more accurate than those of Brother Nathanael.
Question -- If one is a guest at a gathering and the host/hostess tells a joke which characterizes a group in a stereotypical and accusatory manner, is it O.K. for a guest to say something, even if the host/hostess happens to have one parent who is of that group?
Why not?