No audience. No reporters. Only 90 minutes. Two commercial breaks. Answers can only be 2 minutes or the speaker's microphone is cut off. The candidates will only have to "speak" for 38 minutes (if we assume 10 minutes for the moderators' questions and comments). And, now, two-minute delays.

Oh yeah ... No Bobby Kennedy.

This is all beyond surreal.

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What time does it actually start? It's 2:29 am here...

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It's Eight Fifteen / That's the time that it's always been.

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It wasn't a Marxist revolution, but Jesuit-Masonic (and Sabbatean).

How do I unsubscribe from Tucker Carlson? They keep coming!

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Bolsheviks and Zionists, the neocons and other supremacists

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Sabbateans all.

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Agree it's not a "Marxist" revolution.

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You're wrong. I will make my case. These words are not absolute. I will make my case.

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Read 'The Devil and Karl Marx'. It is actually evil.

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I've been trying to warn people that if Trump is elected, we might lose the freedom of not allowing reporters into a presidential primary debate. On a serious note, if Trump had actual balls of freedom, of the press and otherwise, which I don't believe he has, he would threaten to boycott the debate. NOT on any unfairness-to-him grounds, but simply because reporters aren't being allowed in, and because ALL but two presidential candidates (not just Kennedy) are being excluded.

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He never did anything for Assange

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There's one point in his favor. :-)

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I think the restrictions were put in place out an abundance of caution for the safety of both nominees. There have been many groups organizing protests for this event and some even educating on how to get arrested. Think color revolutions.

Then one should question why would CNN and others earlier in the day broadcast the details of the studio? “ going down the elevator. Biden will be entering from the left, the moderators positioned directly in the center” etc.

I believe the decision to close it off and put gates around the studio was to protect the candidates.

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Imagine the power in EVERYONE not watching it.

Sadly, people still participate.

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Part of the EVERYONE. But I admit to watching those making fun of it and having small excerpts. I thought this was especially funny. Horrible in its probable truth, but funny.


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I'll watch her debate anytime. At least she knows she's funny, whereas the other doesn't realize she's the joke.

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Hunter S. Thompson might appreciate the heavy drugs Biden's doctors no doubt just administered to him back stage.

These doctors are no different than Elvis's doctors/drug dealers ... Except the White House doctor won't ever lose his medical license.

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I thought the debate started at 7:30 EST. I now see from the "Real Debate" ticker that it's 8:30 p.m. So maybe the amphetamines or cocaine (?) hasn't been administered yet.

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More like Dr Morrell shooting hitler up with meth before a meeting with Il Duce, ranted at him for 3 hours straight, can see Biden’s docs doing something similar.

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I think The Fuhrer simply had a fast off the spuds for three days and was out of his tree.

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Too easy; they want to make absolutely sure they can cut off everything if Biden falls apart, show it all if he face-plants on the staircase. Two minute delay gives them time to decide if 1) The drooling and flubbering were only bad enough to make him look bad or 2) the drooling and flubbering were so bad they can let the DNC decide to air it because it guarantees he can be replaced. So the delay has two purposes. They will cut out only minor errors and blast the big stuff everywhere because everybody wants this buffoon out. Can you imagine the ratings if it were live and un-contrived? A bonanza chicken fried steak for cluckingly sure.

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And if all that fails just get "machines" to count the votes.

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Maybe Trump and crew had to sign non-disclosure agreements, to wit: they can't disclose anything about how the debates were run?

So Biden goofs up and presto, the public sees a pre-recorded video of him answering the question. Rinse and repeat as needed.

Naw, couldn't be.

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The NY Wiseguys have got Trumps concrete shoe size.

Or is that Zizeguys?

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Well done, as always. And whether what has occurred is characterized as Marxist, Sabbatean Frankist, Masonic, or Satanic (they all originate from the same evil place, as far as I can tell), I pray for us.

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they're shape shifters, perhaps literally 🤔, without ideology, just sheer self interest.

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I agree with you. If the entities carrying this out are indeed demons possessing people’s bodies, it completely makes sense. They move from body to body and are never satiated.

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yeah, interesting thought ... I know some theories say ETs ... who knows at this point, but we can certainly know them by their energy of pure self interest and complete lack of empathy.

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Nice way to put it.

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Your internment camp discussion has me thinking about something: immigration, especially the illegal kind, is the biggest issue right now, and 51% of Americans support mass deportation of illegals. Obviously there's much higher support for this on the pro Trump team. But could the implementation of such a system lead instead to a papers please police state where under the guise of deporting criminal illegals US citizens are instead targeted for enforcement actions? Due to racial parity, and the threat of Ukrainian draft dodgers mass deportation enforcement actions would inevitably target everybody with increased administrative scrutiny and there are already so many laws on the books that they could really make it up as they go from there. I think the underdog angle is to shoehorn Trump in...

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Good people should have a gold visa to go anywhere they want, no questions asked, no vaccines, no BS.

It's not difficult.

If I say Privatization of Nationality or Privatization of the Law, people shake in fear and scream their lungs out "IT HAS TO BE PUBLIC!"

But if I explain that having Governments controlling emigration is the WORST POSSIBLE TRADE OFF, as proven by direct experience, then people just change topics, invent excuses and impossible situations and completely disregard human suffering.

The mental programming will be fed first, like parasites. So there's no more discussion and everyone agrees: give more power to the same people who created this nightmare world, for only them can save us from ourselves.

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What about the public-private partnership having access to our elections at the county level across the country? DHS->CISA->CIS (run by liberals, putting in FREE Albert sensors onto each county's network with restrictions that they need passwords to county equipment and no changes in networks without 30 day advance notice). And yes, the CIS part is private, and keeps FOIA's from hitting them.

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Having access to do what? Count votes? No problem in counting votes.

Or access to illegally changing votes? But there's no practical difference between "Civil Servants" running a fraudulent election and Public-Private Mercenaries running also a fraudulent election. If anything, the old system of lies is slower and perhaps cheaper, and the modern, electronic system of fascist lies is faster and more expensive. There are more narcissists than ever, and they would choose fascism simply because it is aesthetically more pleasing to them. If people were less narcissistic they would prefer to be defrauded with less expenditure. That's all there is to elections. Sorry!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

It was put in place following the election of Trump, because it was inconceivable that he would have won, and they blamed Russia! Russia! Russia!

But the conditions of the contracts and who's running CIS makes it look an AWFUL lot like this is being set up to manipulate the election. It's being pushed to counties as a monitoring and protection device, but it's supposed to be a monitoring only tool. It's remotely accessible, put within the county's networks, and the contract is not widely released. Everybody should be asking their county boards of supervisors for copies of their contracts, and then asking a lot of questions. Here's a video on the Albert sensors. https://x.com/dschaffel1776/status/1802567831009018093?t=16brQE5Dqs368D4Sm-QB8g&s=19

This is a good interview as well. https://rumble.com/v4sr9ok-source-code-fraud-algorithms-and-injecting-votes-dr.-daugherity-let-my-peop.html

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A humiliation for the American people. Perfectly stated.

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Ony if they stay in a humiliation ready state'

In which case, they deserve it.

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And no reporters!!!

I can't define "transparency" but I know it when I see it. Or, when I don't.

Government opacity, individual transparency .... somehow things have gotten backwards.

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What if they already filmed Biden in an identical setting answering questions? So that if necessary, they could run the duplicates as needed?

Two minute delay???? Because, democracy?

Naw, impossible.

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What a joke, and a nightmare. Great piece :)

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I hate to be first. ;)

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"It seems to me the United States has been overthrown by a Marxist revolution, but for some reason, we don’t speak of it. Maybe it’s just me."

I think it's Google. People have an emotional link to it. People know something's wrong, but cannot bring themselves to speak about it. Every thing seems to depend on Google.

Google is the sinister Mother of that Melbourne cult.

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Thanks Elon. Now we can watch three AIPAC castrati argue to be POTUS. Rumor has it WEF Young Global Leader, Gavin Newsom, might even stand in for sleepy Joe.

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Poetic... more please.

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