I am listening to the censorship industry video now , as I write something that I recently discovered via an article about a home renovation and a freshly decorated apartment in Town and Country . The first article I read was about the estate that George Lucas and his wife Mellody Hobson renovated in Provence France . The author of the article said that Mr Lucas is into "The Story " but his wife Mellody is more about the "Narrative" -- hmmm , I had to think , what is the actual difference between the two ? According to Marcel Proust , the French author "In Search of Lost Time " - a story must have NO surprises . If a beautiful woman is in the room , she will play a part in the events . Darth Vadar does not just show up at the end , he was actually there in the very beginning , before the story even started , by being Luke Skywalker's very own father . So if a story has no surprises , then why are we interested in it , and oftentimes surprised ? Now comes the next article , a British Banker who wanted a Manhattan pied a terre -- and the decorator is quoted saying " You walk in and there must be a surprise . " So the box MUST have a surprise , and the surprise , according to Proust , is not in the story . So where is the surprise ? The surprise is in the narrative . The surprise is in the juxtaposition between the narrator and the story . We can easily get that Darth Vadar was Skywalkers father , but for Skywalker , it was a big surprise . Many different people could have narrated Gone With The Wind , but by getting the privileged daughter of a plantation to narrate the Civil War , she is actually surprised to discover her love for the land , and her love of the South . And we feel it as we see it all from her perspective . She goes from artificially getting her waist cinched , to laying in the field , pulling a turnip , calling to God that she will never be hungry again . So , what is going on inside of this connect a link info leak , where the story is the same old same old story - hunger is an old story , as is god bless the child who knows his father , but what are we being led into seeing , rather than the previous rationale ? And by which narratives ? What is the "Surprise" that we are being led to feel along with the narrator ? And why does it not feel right ?
Fascinating to me , was the interior of the home owned by Lucas and Hobson , painted a soft lichen green , inside trees are painted on the walls of a few of the rooms , a large natural slab of wood as the kitchen table , wood bowls filled with fruit , and Mellody wearing a dress in a print that looked like a photograph of a field of flowers . The story man who wrote the trip to outer space , got narrated by a heart devoted to Earth .
I think if you want to figure out the game plan of the narration of the time that we are living in , the multi point assault on the POTUS in 1963 should be first understood . A person who feels that they have ONE voice , and that is all that is necessary , does not think in terms of carbon copy voices . Yet every time you hear the news media say the same key word , over and over in every evening news broadcast all over the country , it is no different than the multi point assault - that eventually finalized via a young person shooting out of the gutter .
Ms Barbara Tomlinson taught us this in 1978 at my highschool . What is more important to understand is the nature of Narcissistic Personality Disorder , to understand that people , although seeming to be alive with bodies and lives , can actually be lingusitically programmed so far as to be considered AI . Until we understand the glitches that can occur inside of early childhood personality development , we will not understand that these "people" are actually linguistically programmed and programmable .
A simple test is a person who will interrupt you as you speak about an important idea , to correct your grammar or pronunciation , or in your writing point out misspelling . Regardless of the thought , the robot like expectation of language will be the first layer of enforced cohesion . There are ways to see through it . Rare is the original thought , and rarer still the human being who dares risk speaking it .
I am adding a thought - the clue is "THE SURPRISE " Look for the narrators focus of surprise in the transmission of information - even if it is a blond helmet headed barbie doll, with a deep monotone voice . Because the surprise is the way that that red arrow on the Mall Map that says YOU ARE HERE is allowed to be seen . Listen to the "news report" and observe the ONE place in the STORY , which , according to Proust is the SAME OLD STORY , but there is ONE place , that you will notice a red arrow pointing to a YOU ARE HERE place on the map . And that is how to understand what is being done TO YOU with language bullets . There is only one surprise . Interestingly , in the apartment owned by the british banker , it was quite fascinating , as the Brooklyn Bridge was right outside of the window view , you walk in , and see the bridge , and I thought > "Is that the surprise ?" but to the right over the long entry table in the foyer , was a modern painting , that had rusted a bit with browned shellac , on it was painted essentially party streamers and confetti , kind of a Miro style Abstract , a party in eternal stop motion . And to me , being such a deep end cynic , was able to see that the surprise is that the party has lasted so long that the varnish is starting to darken . Not sure if anyone will get this joke , but there ya go , across the pond we go ! PS look into the Churchill promise to Palestine from 1923 to provide water and electricity for 100 years . Me thinks it is 2023 ? Hmmm .
Thanks for sharing this insight. I had not been aware of this.
By the way, I think I have something about Israeli water to share.
In the late 90s, I worked at a software company and my boss was an Israeli, and I liked him very much. He had dozens of subscriptions and I was responsible for the library. One Israeli magazine’s article caught my attention. It elaborated on how Israel must control the water rights to the Jordan River, the aquifers, and much more. It was enormously significant, but I had never heard anything about it on the news. I wish I had made a copy of the article. I have thought about this numerous times over the years.
one more joke , the idea that it f-ing matters where you are at the Mall , those maps and the you are here arrow just kill me , because it just does not matter . So you know my brain : My Halloween Tombstone this year " CHESHIRE " and under that : NINE LIVES < ONE SMILE >
My energy is in the support of others , shining light THROUGH , not being the initiator . If I do dedicate myself to writing , it will be in the bedside reading book format . I made my neighbor laugh once , I was wearing knee high boots and a short skirt to walk the dog . She said " Aren't your knees cold ? " and I said " Mary Jo , I am a horse !" ( i love the cold ) and I think that she thought that I said something else ! Ha ha . But I AM a horse , I just am hanging out in the field , but willing to give rides also . I have made big discoveries , but have no creds at all to back up my authority , because it was all discovery , not inherited wealth . My latest fun joke is " To all you sour grape eaters out there , remember , it's all about the wine . " To me , I am looking at a photo in a magazine of an apartment , yet there is this gorgeous old fashioned bridge , and then , to the right , party streamers stopped in time with aging shellac - you can't make this stuff up .
Speak for yourself little lady. Original thought comes from a man living with nature. Learning from a young age the msm is not telling the truth and is propaganda. Working across the globe, three languages and most important always stating the truth. My family and country upbringing taught me a man’s word is worth more than gold. Keep a conscious contact with God and bless you.
My wife's been a fan of his for about a year & we actually met him at a neighborhood event in Oakland a few months ago & he's a super nice & smart guy in person. He also helps out the Public crew (Shellenberger et al) w/research.
Here's a great twitter video post of his on the energy geopolitical/Biden crime family/DOD backdrop of the current Israeli conflict, finishing off w/a censorship comment:
this guy is correct to be targeting censorship in the internet - I repeat , the difference between a cult and a community is free speech . listening to Mike Benz now and he is spot on .
Michael Benz is the Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online. Previously, Mr. Benz served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology at the U.S. Department of State.
On the topic of "Whole of Society Response": As Michael Benz states early on, if you're not up to speed on this topic there is an excellent primer found at https://foundationforfreedomonline.com/category/reports/. It's here that you'll get your PhD on this scandal. Outstanding source of information that everyone should view!
At 35:20 Mike states: "One trick that EIP plays is when they deem something to be a misinformation narrative, they no longer need to argue that each individual post, each individual tweet is a Terms of Service Violation. If the misinformation narrative is declared BANNED, then doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong. Its mal information, even if you're still advancing a narrative that is deemed wrong. "
"It's the great catch-all they used to ban, as we'll see, sixty six discrete narratives, covering everything from vaccines, to masks, to the efficacy of lock-down policies for the covid-19 pandemic. This was building to be the blueprint for Every Sensitive Policy Issue in our democracy."
The sixty seventh discrete narrative is already in place: the disinformation being spread by mainstream on the long planned Israeli assault on Gaza, under the false narrative that the most sophisticated, high tech border monitoring system on the planet that failed, and the IDF forces were "surprised."
I don't know when you find time to sleep, Celia. The vital information you post daily keeps me up late and makes me look forward to your next trip to the Alhambra so we can both get some much needed rest.
"It's the great catch-all they used to ban, as we'll see, sixty six discrete narratives, covering everything from vaccines, to masks, to the efficacy of lock-down policies for the covid-19 pandemic. This was building to be the blueprint for Every Sensitive Policy Issue in our democracy."
It's odd to see so many who are in various stages of waking up to/awareness of this Mainstream Machine of disinformation -- yet who this week suddenly threw that rational suspicion & distrust out the window to believe that same Mainstream Machine as it, through its various propaganda organs ( including WEF globalists leaders like Biden, Trudeau, Zelensky, EU President von der Leyen, etc.) "stands with Israel".
For a valuable education in history, the latest "Judging Freedom" episode with Judge Napolitano interviewing former Chief UN Weapon's Inspector Scott Ritter is a worthwhile view. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs7cQQ5vnf4
Interesting; I'm 4 minutes in and I'm open to this perspective these days (I would have been rather closed-minded about it pre-Covid). I wonder if either Napolitano or Ritter will show they have noticed the odd phenomenon of the Western Mainstream by and large putting forth a pro-Israel narrative now, where for years they have been rather critical of Israel. In this regard, it's not a good sign that Ritter says that (to paraphrase) "you never hear about Israel committing murders". Where has he been for the past 20 plus years? The BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, etc. (not to mention the United Nations) has been condemning Israel for YEARS (if not decades). The interesting and perhaps indicative thing now is the sudden change, where being pro-Israel/anti-Palestinian is the New Narrative (to join other Narratives like Ukraine, Covid, Climate, Trans, etc.). This also raises the equally interesting question -- why was the Western Mainstream previously anti-Israel and pro-Islam for so many years? What was that all about?
It's a PSYOP that is much improved over the 911 PSYOP. Show enough photos of empty white bags claiming they're filled with dead Israeli babies, "as far as the eye can see," and the agenda is obvious.
The masses are being programmed to despise Palestinians, much as they did Arabs following the 911 event. The mainstream media prevents disclosure that Hamas was created by the US, GB and Israel to create endless conflict, that Gaza is the largest open air prison on the planet with no potable water, 70% unemployment and no ability for the citizenry to move freely throughout their own country... all the while constantly losing territory through Israel's expansion. Few will look for evidence and question the motives for this uniform mainstream narrative, down to the same words repeated over and over. Instead of "Brought to you by Pfizer" the screen is flying the CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS logos.
The mainstream media is guilty of crimes against humanity by their very programming.
The media is throwing napalm on this event and profiting from it. They're paid to do so, and since none of those overpaid shills are willing to risk their paychecks and pensions, fat as they be, and they will march in lock-step and spew empire's propaganda for those who pay them.
I was introduced to Mike Benz via a tweet from Stella Assange a few months back; nothing short of amazing - churns out post after post all of them searingly brilliant. Be sure to watch his Bidenworld's War On Israel video (underneath he re-posted an earlier video "The ultimate companion video to the Ken Paxton impeachment:' that links the Yankees, the MIC, and Texas cowboys (the uni-party)... https://x.com/MikeBenzCyber/status/1711411914629079463?s=20
I used to think Stanford was a prestigious ethical institution. Then I read a little book called "Why Fish Don't Exist" by Lulu Miller, about a Stanford professor of taxonomy called David Starr Jordan.
I did too, Aliss. What we hadn't considered is that all of its excrement flows downhill into Silicon Valley, where everyone's goal is to become a billionaire... at any cost.
Thank you for sharing, I wouldn't have seen it without your post.
I do wish you'd have provided the Rumble link, too. I ended up searching Rumble for it, but I had to go through that hoop. And Twitter isn't a friend of freedom. It's a frenemy, pretending to be our friend until it doesn't want to be one anymore. Directing traffic to a truly free speech content platform like Rumble is something we all should try to do.
For those who would rather go straight to Rumble here's the link:
Notice they went hard after him 2 days before the Israeli 9/11 special where they are already trying hard to censor journalists who report the truth about that False Flag Operation.
I just tried very hard to find Jennifer Arnold's Substack. I got a runaround. I was diverted to somebody with a weird unpronounceable name. I finally was able, apparently, to subscribe to "Jennifer's Substack" but I was still unable to find and read anything I could confirm as written by her except the very astute comment below. Just thought I'd mention it.
I have been accused of being "Crazy " - Derangement is mandatorio for times like these , de arrangers are highly valuable when that which is arranged is actually preventing the next generation from being able to survive , much less grow . Never understand people who throw names at other people . I am going to define the levels of mental instability for you , Mr MacGuffin 1- Fey you make little tractor rows in your pile of mashed potato with your fork , possibly humming like a tractor . 2- Crazy - You tell your brother to look at the ceiling and count to three , and you steal his mashed potatoes , even though there is a whole bowl to serve your self more from . 3 Insane - You take your plate of mashed potatoes and put it upside down on your head , Now , we will go into deranged . 4 - ( give me a minute , this is a new one for me ) I know , You get up from the table , go to the cabinet , pull out a box of flaked dried potato , pour it into a pan , add water , stir , and bring the pot back to the table and put the contents of the pot onto your plate with a spoon , and say " There , that's better ." That , would be deranged . So , yes , I will take deranged and say yes , I want to erase the whole story , of listening to Robots in Black Boxes speak scripted words using MY language to describe events that one can do absolutely nothing about other than send ten dollars to save the starving babushkas , 1 800 WXYZ . Yes , a special kind of derangement , I would agree . Just be glad we are not married , and you would have to deal with this situation over morning coffee .
I'm starting to agree with you, Mr or Miss or Mrs MacGuffin. I tried to contact "Jennifer"'s substack and was repeatedly diverted and now that I have subscribed I find there's no content. There are some airy-fairy comments in a tone utterly unlike what I see in the comment on Mr Benz's video. This is bullshit. I think maybe Celia is being taken for a ride. I'm going to grab onto a quote I heard attributed to Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Words mean how they are used". By "astute" I meant interesting. But when I look deeper into what "she" meant by "story" vs "narrative" [and "surprise"] I find myself more confused than informed. I don't like the feeling. Mr Benz is doing something weirdly similar in the first few seconds of his video; he's says he had a phone convo with a Wash/Po publisher and without a beat he leads me into narrative regarding the video he's showing me and I feel the suction... This is unnecessarily confusing. There should be no need to be wrapping what's said in layers of what I feel sure is "narrative". I want "Jennifer" and "Benz" to be straight with me. Why aren't they using the English language in a straight forward manner when they have implicitly promised me, the reader/audience, that they want to explain how censorship or media manipulation deceives people as distinct from using deceptive tactics on me? I started my education in my mother language when I was 11 by, on my own, reading Macbeth (I loved it). It was hard work, using the glossaries and footnotes to translate the ancient words, but I got the hang of it and went on to read Hamlet and more with greater facility. Bill Shakespeare was never a bullshitter. He was a story teller who never made an unnecessary mystery about whether his stuff was real, as it a personal conversation, or whether it was a play or a poem meant to entertain me, meant for me to like and to find a worthwhile use of my time. Thing about old Bill that occurs to me right now: who was he writing to and for? He was writing to be entertaining to ignorant people in the ground in front of the stage and at the same time he was writing for literate higher class "gentlemen and ladies" up in the boxes. And when he came to Macbeth and Hamlet and Lear he was writing for private theatre with no groundlings at all. So when I was reading Macbeth I was being entertained by something aimed at a nobleman, educated to the high standard society can offer. I was being respected by the author. He was assuming that I have the intelligence to find the utmost reaches of English to be understandable and entertaining and engaging. He didn't imagine that an 11 year old kid 400 years in the future would be trying to read and imaginatively stage his play. But there I was, in the audience, assumed to be capable of riding along with this play, assumed to be smart enough. So I said to my boyish self, "OK. I'm going to get on the horse. I'm a smart guy, I can read. Hit me with your best shot." Old Bill never insulted me., never spoke down to me. He admired his audience and respected them and he gave them the best he could write. And now I'm 76 and I've never met an author who loved my soul so truly.
I am James Bernard Shepard. I write a Substack. It's got content, probably too much. I try to write clearly. My intended audience is people who expect not to be bullshitted. I was an actor professionally for a few years; when on stage my grounding attitude to my audience was that here were people just like me, people worthy to be respected. People I had no right to talk down to. People I wanted to have a good time. Nice people. I reached out in my imagination and enfolded the folks in the imaginary world I felt privileged to be an actor in. A dream shared with friends and equals. That's what I always want to feel. We're souls, all of us. We're real. We are not "programs".
Mr. Shepard , when the narrator is actually going to surprise the reader , by leading him into a bear trap , where upon the reader gets his leg clamped down upon , and says to himself in not so quiet of a voice " How did this happen to me ? " thence bring forth the thought : All stories have already been told , the voice of the narrator never gets old . Beware the narrator as to where you are led , in case that you find a bear trap clamped on your head . We ALL have the tendency to believe our own narrative , a good person will believe the best in others . Viktor Frankel said " We could not believe that a human being would do the things that was being done . " But with this information , about paying attention to the narration , and to the point of surprise that they are leading you into -- it gives one a chance at seeing what is actually going on . The main goal of the main stream media is to create cognitive dissonance . To create paralysis of body , mind , and not only make people surrender , but to lose their weaponry of reason , logic , and intuition , and then to actually lay their weapons down voluntarily , because of battle fatigue . This is the main goal of almost all communication coming through that black box .
Are we surprised by this? Should we be? Sadly, calling these people out will not change anything; these guys know they will not be pursued by any government entity, but will be protected, instead. That's the world we now live in.
I am listening to the censorship industry video now , as I write something that I recently discovered via an article about a home renovation and a freshly decorated apartment in Town and Country . The first article I read was about the estate that George Lucas and his wife Mellody Hobson renovated in Provence France . The author of the article said that Mr Lucas is into "The Story " but his wife Mellody is more about the "Narrative" -- hmmm , I had to think , what is the actual difference between the two ? According to Marcel Proust , the French author "In Search of Lost Time " - a story must have NO surprises . If a beautiful woman is in the room , she will play a part in the events . Darth Vadar does not just show up at the end , he was actually there in the very beginning , before the story even started , by being Luke Skywalker's very own father . So if a story has no surprises , then why are we interested in it , and oftentimes surprised ? Now comes the next article , a British Banker who wanted a Manhattan pied a terre -- and the decorator is quoted saying " You walk in and there must be a surprise . " So the box MUST have a surprise , and the surprise , according to Proust , is not in the story . So where is the surprise ? The surprise is in the narrative . The surprise is in the juxtaposition between the narrator and the story . We can easily get that Darth Vadar was Skywalkers father , but for Skywalker , it was a big surprise . Many different people could have narrated Gone With The Wind , but by getting the privileged daughter of a plantation to narrate the Civil War , she is actually surprised to discover her love for the land , and her love of the South . And we feel it as we see it all from her perspective . She goes from artificially getting her waist cinched , to laying in the field , pulling a turnip , calling to God that she will never be hungry again . So , what is going on inside of this connect a link info leak , where the story is the same old same old story - hunger is an old story , as is god bless the child who knows his father , but what are we being led into seeing , rather than the previous rationale ? And by which narratives ? What is the "Surprise" that we are being led to feel along with the narrator ? And why does it not feel right ?
Fascinating to me , was the interior of the home owned by Lucas and Hobson , painted a soft lichen green , inside trees are painted on the walls of a few of the rooms , a large natural slab of wood as the kitchen table , wood bowls filled with fruit , and Mellody wearing a dress in a print that looked like a photograph of a field of flowers . The story man who wrote the trip to outer space , got narrated by a heart devoted to Earth .
I think if you want to figure out the game plan of the narration of the time that we are living in , the multi point assault on the POTUS in 1963 should be first understood . A person who feels that they have ONE voice , and that is all that is necessary , does not think in terms of carbon copy voices . Yet every time you hear the news media say the same key word , over and over in every evening news broadcast all over the country , it is no different than the multi point assault - that eventually finalized via a young person shooting out of the gutter .
Ms Barbara Tomlinson taught us this in 1978 at my highschool . What is more important to understand is the nature of Narcissistic Personality Disorder , to understand that people , although seeming to be alive with bodies and lives , can actually be lingusitically programmed so far as to be considered AI . Until we understand the glitches that can occur inside of early childhood personality development , we will not understand that these "people" are actually linguistically programmed and programmable .
A simple test is a person who will interrupt you as you speak about an important idea , to correct your grammar or pronunciation , or in your writing point out misspelling . Regardless of the thought , the robot like expectation of language will be the first layer of enforced cohesion . There are ways to see through it . Rare is the original thought , and rarer still the human being who dares risk speaking it .
I am adding a thought - the clue is "THE SURPRISE " Look for the narrators focus of surprise in the transmission of information - even if it is a blond helmet headed barbie doll, with a deep monotone voice . Because the surprise is the way that that red arrow on the Mall Map that says YOU ARE HERE is allowed to be seen . Listen to the "news report" and observe the ONE place in the STORY , which , according to Proust is the SAME OLD STORY , but there is ONE place , that you will notice a red arrow pointing to a YOU ARE HERE place on the map . And that is how to understand what is being done TO YOU with language bullets . There is only one surprise . Interestingly , in the apartment owned by the british banker , it was quite fascinating , as the Brooklyn Bridge was right outside of the window view , you walk in , and see the bridge , and I thought > "Is that the surprise ?" but to the right over the long entry table in the foyer , was a modern painting , that had rusted a bit with browned shellac , on it was painted essentially party streamers and confetti , kind of a Miro style Abstract , a party in eternal stop motion . And to me , being such a deep end cynic , was able to see that the surprise is that the party has lasted so long that the varnish is starting to darken . Not sure if anyone will get this joke , but there ya go , across the pond we go ! PS look into the Churchill promise to Palestine from 1923 to provide water and electricity for 100 years . Me thinks it is 2023 ? Hmmm .
Thanks for sharing this insight. I had not been aware of this.
By the way, I think I have something about Israeli water to share.
In the late 90s, I worked at a software company and my boss was an Israeli, and I liked him very much. He had dozens of subscriptions and I was responsible for the library. One Israeli magazine’s article caught my attention. It elaborated on how Israel must control the water rights to the Jordan River, the aquifers, and much more. It was enormously significant, but I had never heard anything about it on the news. I wish I had made a copy of the article. I have thought about this numerous times over the years.
Heavy. Thank you for sharing Jennifer Arnold. Look forward to your substack. Good day.
one more joke , the idea that it f-ing matters where you are at the Mall , those maps and the you are here arrow just kill me , because it just does not matter . So you know my brain : My Halloween Tombstone this year " CHESHIRE " and under that : NINE LIVES < ONE SMILE >
My energy is in the support of others , shining light THROUGH , not being the initiator . If I do dedicate myself to writing , it will be in the bedside reading book format . I made my neighbor laugh once , I was wearing knee high boots and a short skirt to walk the dog . She said " Aren't your knees cold ? " and I said " Mary Jo , I am a horse !" ( i love the cold ) and I think that she thought that I said something else ! Ha ha . But I AM a horse , I just am hanging out in the field , but willing to give rides also . I have made big discoveries , but have no creds at all to back up my authority , because it was all discovery , not inherited wealth . My latest fun joke is " To all you sour grape eaters out there , remember , it's all about the wine . " To me , I am looking at a photo in a magazine of an apartment , yet there is this gorgeous old fashioned bridge , and then , to the right , party streamers stopped in time with aging shellac - you can't make this stuff up .
Jennifer, this was extremely thought provoking. Thank you!
I see. Thank you for the reply.
Speak for yourself little lady. Original thought comes from a man living with nature. Learning from a young age the msm is not telling the truth and is propaganda. Working across the globe, three languages and most important always stating the truth. My family and country upbringing taught me a man’s word is worth more than gold. Keep a conscious contact with God and bless you.
My wife's been a fan of his for about a year & we actually met him at a neighborhood event in Oakland a few months ago & he's a super nice & smart guy in person. He also helps out the Public crew (Shellenberger et al) w/research.
Here's a great twitter video post of his on the energy geopolitical/Biden crime family/DOD backdrop of the current Israeli conflict, finishing off w/a censorship comment:
this guy is correct to be targeting censorship in the internet - I repeat , the difference between a cult and a community is free speech . listening to Mike Benz now and he is spot on .
Michael Benz is the Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online. Previously, Mr. Benz served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology at the U.S. Department of State.
On the topic of "Whole of Society Response": As Michael Benz states early on, if you're not up to speed on this topic there is an excellent primer found at https://foundationforfreedomonline.com/category/reports/. It's here that you'll get your PhD on this scandal. Outstanding source of information that everyone should view!
At 35:20 Mike states: "One trick that EIP plays is when they deem something to be a misinformation narrative, they no longer need to argue that each individual post, each individual tweet is a Terms of Service Violation. If the misinformation narrative is declared BANNED, then doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong. Its mal information, even if you're still advancing a narrative that is deemed wrong. "
"It's the great catch-all they used to ban, as we'll see, sixty six discrete narratives, covering everything from vaccines, to masks, to the efficacy of lock-down policies for the covid-19 pandemic. This was building to be the blueprint for Every Sensitive Policy Issue in our democracy."
The sixty seventh discrete narrative is already in place: the disinformation being spread by mainstream on the long planned Israeli assault on Gaza, under the false narrative that the most sophisticated, high tech border monitoring system on the planet that failed, and the IDF forces were "surprised."
I don't know when you find time to sleep, Celia. The vital information you post daily keeps me up late and makes me look forward to your next trip to the Alhambra so we can both get some much needed rest.
"It's the great catch-all they used to ban, as we'll see, sixty six discrete narratives, covering everything from vaccines, to masks, to the efficacy of lock-down policies for the covid-19 pandemic. This was building to be the blueprint for Every Sensitive Policy Issue in our democracy."
It's odd to see so many who are in various stages of waking up to/awareness of this Mainstream Machine of disinformation -- yet who this week suddenly threw that rational suspicion & distrust out the window to believe that same Mainstream Machine as it, through its various propaganda organs ( including WEF globalists leaders like Biden, Trudeau, Zelensky, EU President von der Leyen, etc.) "stands with Israel".
For a valuable education in history, the latest "Judging Freedom" episode with Judge Napolitano interviewing former Chief UN Weapon's Inspector Scott Ritter is a worthwhile view. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs7cQQ5vnf4
Interesting; I'm 4 minutes in and I'm open to this perspective these days (I would have been rather closed-minded about it pre-Covid). I wonder if either Napolitano or Ritter will show they have noticed the odd phenomenon of the Western Mainstream by and large putting forth a pro-Israel narrative now, where for years they have been rather critical of Israel. In this regard, it's not a good sign that Ritter says that (to paraphrase) "you never hear about Israel committing murders". Where has he been for the past 20 plus years? The BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, etc. (not to mention the United Nations) has been condemning Israel for YEARS (if not decades). The interesting and perhaps indicative thing now is the sudden change, where being pro-Israel/anti-Palestinian is the New Narrative (to join other Narratives like Ukraine, Covid, Climate, Trans, etc.). This also raises the equally interesting question -- why was the Western Mainstream previously anti-Israel and pro-Islam for so many years? What was that all about?
It bugs me that if Twitter etc decided to censor something themselves, it's legal.
Tons of people defend the right of companies to censor, which they have been doing way before 2020.
I think it's fked up and can't stand why both sides and like companies have absolute freedom. No, sorry, that's bullshit.
They enjoy section 230 protection which makes them not liable for what people post.
Just like the phone company, which cannot deny you service based on what you say.
Why is it legal for a UTILITY to censor at all?!?...
This pro business rights thing is bullshit.
By the way... why the heck do both parties ignore the biggest issue in election integrity...
Electronic voting machines are proprietary closed source, meaning the company can easily rig the votes! No hacking needed.
But nah, Trump went after small fry bullshit like mail in ballots... 🤦♂️
Hillary claimed it was Russia in 2016.
They're both full of shit., along with everyone in their party.
It's like they forgot about this issue after Dubya...
Here the expression "pure evil" comes to my mind. Unbelievable, and at the same time not really unbelievable.
It's a PSYOP that is much improved over the 911 PSYOP. Show enough photos of empty white bags claiming they're filled with dead Israeli babies, "as far as the eye can see," and the agenda is obvious.
The masses are being programmed to despise Palestinians, much as they did Arabs following the 911 event. The mainstream media prevents disclosure that Hamas was created by the US, GB and Israel to create endless conflict, that Gaza is the largest open air prison on the planet with no potable water, 70% unemployment and no ability for the citizenry to move freely throughout their own country... all the while constantly losing territory through Israel's expansion. Few will look for evidence and question the motives for this uniform mainstream narrative, down to the same words repeated over and over. Instead of "Brought to you by Pfizer" the screen is flying the CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS logos.
The mainstream media is guilty of crimes against humanity by their very programming.
The media is throwing napalm on this event and profiting from it. They're paid to do so, and since none of those overpaid shills are willing to risk their paychecks and pensions, fat as they be, and they will march in lock-step and spew empire's propaganda for those who pay them.
I was introduced to Mike Benz via a tweet from Stella Assange a few months back; nothing short of amazing - churns out post after post all of them searingly brilliant. Be sure to watch his Bidenworld's War On Israel video (underneath he re-posted an earlier video "The ultimate companion video to the Ken Paxton impeachment:' that links the Yankees, the MIC, and Texas cowboys (the uni-party)... https://x.com/MikeBenzCyber/status/1711411914629079463?s=20
I used to think Stanford was a prestigious ethical institution. Then I read a little book called "Why Fish Don't Exist" by Lulu Miller, about a Stanford professor of taxonomy called David Starr Jordan.
I did too, Aliss. What we hadn't considered is that all of its excrement flows downhill into Silicon Valley, where everyone's goal is to become a billionaire... at any cost.
Thank you for sharing, I wouldn't have seen it without your post.
I do wish you'd have provided the Rumble link, too. I ended up searching Rumble for it, but I had to go through that hoop. And Twitter isn't a friend of freedom. It's a frenemy, pretending to be our friend until it doesn't want to be one anymore. Directing traffic to a truly free speech content platform like Rumble is something we all should try to do.
For those who would rather go straight to Rumble here's the link:
OUR USA GOVT. BETRAYED WE THE PEOPLE. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND WE THE PEOPLE. --- https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-now/
Notice they went hard after him 2 days before the Israeli 9/11 special where they are already trying hard to censor journalists who report the truth about that False Flag Operation.
Thanks, here's his Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/user/MikeBenzCyber
I just tried very hard to find Jennifer Arnold's Substack. I got a runaround. I was diverted to somebody with a weird unpronounceable name. I finally was able, apparently, to subscribe to "Jennifer's Substack" but I was still unable to find and read anything I could confirm as written by her except the very astute comment below. Just thought I'd mention it.
I am assuming that 'astute' is meant to be a joke. Seems more like the Jennifer Chatbot dial has been set to 'Deranged'.
I have been accused of being "Crazy " - Derangement is mandatorio for times like these , de arrangers are highly valuable when that which is arranged is actually preventing the next generation from being able to survive , much less grow . Never understand people who throw names at other people . I am going to define the levels of mental instability for you , Mr MacGuffin 1- Fey you make little tractor rows in your pile of mashed potato with your fork , possibly humming like a tractor . 2- Crazy - You tell your brother to look at the ceiling and count to three , and you steal his mashed potatoes , even though there is a whole bowl to serve your self more from . 3 Insane - You take your plate of mashed potatoes and put it upside down on your head , Now , we will go into deranged . 4 - ( give me a minute , this is a new one for me ) I know , You get up from the table , go to the cabinet , pull out a box of flaked dried potato , pour it into a pan , add water , stir , and bring the pot back to the table and put the contents of the pot onto your plate with a spoon , and say " There , that's better ." That , would be deranged . So , yes , I will take deranged and say yes , I want to erase the whole story , of listening to Robots in Black Boxes speak scripted words using MY language to describe events that one can do absolutely nothing about other than send ten dollars to save the starving babushkas , 1 800 WXYZ . Yes , a special kind of derangement , I would agree . Just be glad we are not married , and you would have to deal with this situation over morning coffee .
I look forward to our first cup of coffee, Inshallah.
Your observations, your wit, your humor and your fire make your posts a worthwhile read.
It makes me smile, and there's not a lot to smile about these days.
I'm starting to agree with you, Mr or Miss or Mrs MacGuffin. I tried to contact "Jennifer"'s substack and was repeatedly diverted and now that I have subscribed I find there's no content. There are some airy-fairy comments in a tone utterly unlike what I see in the comment on Mr Benz's video. This is bullshit. I think maybe Celia is being taken for a ride. I'm going to grab onto a quote I heard attributed to Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Words mean how they are used". By "astute" I meant interesting. But when I look deeper into what "she" meant by "story" vs "narrative" [and "surprise"] I find myself more confused than informed. I don't like the feeling. Mr Benz is doing something weirdly similar in the first few seconds of his video; he's says he had a phone convo with a Wash/Po publisher and without a beat he leads me into narrative regarding the video he's showing me and I feel the suction... This is unnecessarily confusing. There should be no need to be wrapping what's said in layers of what I feel sure is "narrative". I want "Jennifer" and "Benz" to be straight with me. Why aren't they using the English language in a straight forward manner when they have implicitly promised me, the reader/audience, that they want to explain how censorship or media manipulation deceives people as distinct from using deceptive tactics on me? I started my education in my mother language when I was 11 by, on my own, reading Macbeth (I loved it). It was hard work, using the glossaries and footnotes to translate the ancient words, but I got the hang of it and went on to read Hamlet and more with greater facility. Bill Shakespeare was never a bullshitter. He was a story teller who never made an unnecessary mystery about whether his stuff was real, as it a personal conversation, or whether it was a play or a poem meant to entertain me, meant for me to like and to find a worthwhile use of my time. Thing about old Bill that occurs to me right now: who was he writing to and for? He was writing to be entertaining to ignorant people in the ground in front of the stage and at the same time he was writing for literate higher class "gentlemen and ladies" up in the boxes. And when he came to Macbeth and Hamlet and Lear he was writing for private theatre with no groundlings at all. So when I was reading Macbeth I was being entertained by something aimed at a nobleman, educated to the high standard society can offer. I was being respected by the author. He was assuming that I have the intelligence to find the utmost reaches of English to be understandable and entertaining and engaging. He didn't imagine that an 11 year old kid 400 years in the future would be trying to read and imaginatively stage his play. But there I was, in the audience, assumed to be capable of riding along with this play, assumed to be smart enough. So I said to my boyish self, "OK. I'm going to get on the horse. I'm a smart guy, I can read. Hit me with your best shot." Old Bill never insulted me., never spoke down to me. He admired his audience and respected them and he gave them the best he could write. And now I'm 76 and I've never met an author who loved my soul so truly.
I am James Bernard Shepard. I write a Substack. It's got content, probably too much. I try to write clearly. My intended audience is people who expect not to be bullshitted. I was an actor professionally for a few years; when on stage my grounding attitude to my audience was that here were people just like me, people worthy to be respected. People I had no right to talk down to. People I wanted to have a good time. Nice people. I reached out in my imagination and enfolded the folks in the imaginary world I felt privileged to be an actor in. A dream shared with friends and equals. That's what I always want to feel. We're souls, all of us. We're real. We are not "programs".
Mr. Shepard , when the narrator is actually going to surprise the reader , by leading him into a bear trap , where upon the reader gets his leg clamped down upon , and says to himself in not so quiet of a voice " How did this happen to me ? " thence bring forth the thought : All stories have already been told , the voice of the narrator never gets old . Beware the narrator as to where you are led , in case that you find a bear trap clamped on your head . We ALL have the tendency to believe our own narrative , a good person will believe the best in others . Viktor Frankel said " We could not believe that a human being would do the things that was being done . " But with this information , about paying attention to the narration , and to the point of surprise that they are leading you into -- it gives one a chance at seeing what is actually going on . The main goal of the main stream media is to create cognitive dissonance . To create paralysis of body , mind , and not only make people surrender , but to lose their weaponry of reason , logic , and intuition , and then to actually lay their weapons down voluntarily , because of battle fatigue . This is the main goal of almost all communication coming through that black box .
I don't have a substack -- I just comment around -- but don't "Hold Forth" myself .
Under your SubStack registration it says “SubStack coming soon :)”
Are we surprised by this? Should we be? Sadly, calling these people out will not change anything; these guys know they will not be pursued by any government entity, but will be protected, instead. That's the world we now live in.
I cannot find a link to the article. This page appears a message, there appears to be something wrong with the underlying code. Help!