I don’t care about how old we are! I just meant, in this post, to make something a little but more resonant out of the headline than: “Announcing Zoom Call Soon.” I have a “thing” about headlines. When the war is over I want many major Substack hero MD people fined for unbelievably dull headline composition. I want to open a headline school.
As I was posting about the Zoom return, the iconic Townshend line popped into my head. “Let’s get together before we get much older.”
And now I want to change the headline! (I did.)
It’s a professional hazard from the years at SPIN, when our jobs depended on coming up with zinger headlines and “deks” (sub headlines) for articles.
My former colleague Dean Kuipers caused roars at an editorial meeting (an ancient ritual from the days of print magazines) when he suggested a cover-line for his Jane’s Addiction article:
“Jane’s Addiction: Shooting Up The Charts.”
That was a perfect cover-line!
(Imagine what a vaccine loving MK Ultra victim Perry Farrell turned out to be. Imagine all that fake rebellion. All those trees.)
You can hear the “let’s get together” line, if you are curious, at the 2:48 mark:
re: language:
"Like a finger pointing at the moon, once we see the moon, the finger becomes irrelevant."
...Jazz, you've stumbled on one of my favourite sites on the Net!!!
It's a who's-who of human development, so hold on tight for a ride through abstract thought..
Check out 'Language', 'Memes', 'Chuang Tzu's Chaos Linguistics', and, of course Terence 'the-world-is-made-of-language' McKenna for some great reads.
Towers of Babble
The freaks and geeks in the 9/11 Truth movement are on to something - they just don't know what?
"It's just that our ability to observe our own mental
processes is not very good and has not been very good."
A Ton Of Hope? Or am I just a dope in the circus of corruption's chaos? ;-)
Will Confusion Be Our Epitaph?
Hysterical Paralysis & The Neurosis of Misdirection ...
Early in this chapter Dr. Angyal speaks of the weakness
which results from lack of conceptual clarity concerning
what is to be encouraged and fostered. Here the idea
of the "real self" emerges in functional terms - as a
development consistent "with the principle of confident
self-acceptance that governs the basic system of health".
He continues:
The healthy pattern must be sought and uncovered, not
within the pseudo-normal surface personality where its
vestiges serve merely to disguise the neurotic assumptions,
but within the depth of neurosis itself. Only when
the destructive and self-destructive attitudes ... can
themselves be shown to be distortions of healthy trends
is contact with the real self established; one gets to
it by going through the neurotic attitudes, not around
them. Tracing manifest disturbances to the unacceptable
motives generated within the neurotic framework takes
one only halfway toward understanding them. This
partial understanding fills the person with shame and
guilt, which in themselves are not conducive to change.
Real understanding traces the neurotic manifestation
all the way back to its healthy sources.
When the neurosis is discovered to be an approximation, or a
twisted version of health, the patient's outlook becomes hopeful.
excerpts from:
'Thinking and Writing'
When we start to focus on the main metric: Accountability ...
"When the neurosis is discovered to be an approximation, or a
twisted version of health, the patient's outlook becomes hopeful."
"Accountability breeds response-ability."
Accountability Brings Hope
Holistic Accountability / Radical Transparency
Collaboration based on agreed-upon tasks
(it must be agreed-upon or it is not teamwork!)
How can WE Unite; and why do WE resist such?
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Radical Transparency
"If you want to find out what a big obstacle the ego really is,
try to come together with other people in genuine transparency."
Andrew Cohen
Neo-Marxism and the End of Language ?
How Globalist Oligarchs are Targeting Western Meaning
A very chilling clip: What is power? It’s the control of language.
Solving the world's problems with linguistics?
When I say dog;
I don't mean cat;
Accountability is where IT's at!
lol to opening a headline school