
re: language:

"Like a finger pointing at the moon, once we see the moon, the finger becomes irrelevant."


...Jazz, you've stumbled on one of my favourite sites on the Net!!!

It's a who's-who of human development, so hold on tight for a ride through abstract thought..

Check out 'Language', 'Memes', 'Chuang Tzu's Chaos Linguistics', and, of course Terence 'the-world-is-made-of-language' McKenna for some great reads.




Towers of Babble

The freaks and geeks in the 9/11 Truth movement are on to something - they just don't know what?



"It's just that our ability to observe our own mental

processes is not very good and has not been very good."



A Ton Of Hope? Or am I just a dope in the circus of corruption's chaos? ;-)

Will Confusion Be Our Epitaph?



Hysterical Paralysis & The Neurosis of Misdirection ...

Early in this chapter Dr. Angyal speaks of the weakness

which results from lack of conceptual clarity concerning

what is to be encouraged and fostered. Here the idea

of the "real self" emerges in functional terms - as a

development consistent "with the principle of confident

self-acceptance that governs the basic system of health".

He continues:

The healthy pattern must be sought and uncovered, not

within the pseudo-normal surface personality where its

vestiges serve merely to disguise the neurotic assumptions,

but within the depth of neurosis itself. Only when

the destructive and self-destructive attitudes ... can

themselves be shown to be distortions of healthy trends

is contact with the real self established; one gets to

it by going through the neurotic attitudes, not around

them. Tracing manifest disturbances to the unacceptable

motives generated within the neurotic framework takes

one only halfway toward understanding them. This

partial understanding fills the person with shame and

guilt, which in themselves are not conducive to change.

Real understanding traces the neurotic manifestation

all the way back to its healthy sources.

When the neurosis is discovered to be an approximation, or a

twisted version of health, the patient's outlook becomes hopeful.

excerpts from:

'Thinking and Writing'




When we start to focus on the main metric: Accountability ...

"When the neurosis is discovered to be an approximation, or a

twisted version of health, the patient's outlook becomes hopeful."

"Accountability breeds response-ability."

Accountability Brings Hope


Holistic Accountability / Radical Transparency

Collaboration based on agreed-upon tasks

(it must be agreed-upon or it is not teamwork!)


How can WE Unite; and why do WE resist such?


Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.



Radical Transparency

"If you want to find out what a big obstacle the ego really is,

try to come together with other people in genuine transparency."

Andrew Cohen


Neo-Marxism and the End of Language ?

How Globalist Oligarchs are Targeting Western Meaning



A very chilling clip: What is power? It’s the control of language.



Solving the world's problems with linguistics?



When I say dog;

I don't mean cat;

Accountability is where IT's at!


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curious synchronicity. about an hour ago i was listening to buddhist-scholar-yogi quoting famous buddhist dogen from his podcast 'Lotus Sutra, Part 11: A Treasure in Your Coat'


paraphrased: enlightenment is to see your delusion; it isn't that you become free of them.

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Befriending Ourselves

Loving-Kindness-maitri-toward ourselves doesn't mean getting rid of

anything. Maitri means that we can still be crazy after all these years.

We can still be angry after all these years. We can still be timid or

jealous or full of feelings of unworthiness. The point is not to try to

change ourselves. Meditation practice isn't about trying to throw ourselves

away and become something better. Its about befriending who we are

already. The ground of practice is you or me or whoever we are right now,

just as we are. That's the ground, that's what we study, that's what we

come to know with tremendous curiosity and interest.

~ Pema Chodron, From the book, "The Wisdom of No Escape,"

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Hmm. I went through a major two-year depression as a teenager. It was provoked by the realization that hope was an illusion. At the time, I also considered myself an existentialist and I believed every decision I made was absolutely critical. Finally I decided that in some lights everything is an illusion and one needed illusions to live--and I've been okay ever since.

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perhaps the 'ultimate' truth is that truth is an illusion. hmmmm.

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It is important to recognize limitations to the human mind. That said, I also think our minds are amazing and under utilized and misunderstood.

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lol to opening a headline school

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Sep 7
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Did someone seriously complain about that headline? I don’t even know what song it’s from but even my dopey ass knew recognized that it was a lyric. People gotta lighten up.

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"They" played this out so well. My entire youth was wasted on this fake "alt" rebellion (never a huge "Jane's" fan though). The punk-alt-grunge thing just an extended Part II of whatever psy-op "they" ran on all of those who believed themselves "dropping out" in the 1960s. But in my defense, I could never relate to either corporate "right" and the wealthy self-righteous Yuppie Boomer "left" in the 1980s.

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You really do crack me up. You’re one special human being. I’m so glad I found you 🤗

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i laughed. and thought of this:

It is amazing, sometimes, how far away the name of a thing lands from the thing itself. David James Duncan from the brothers k (a truly brilliant novel).

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Not knowing the headline you had before you changed it, not being given this headline in this post, there's no meaning in it for me.

It's like a joke you can't understand because the punchline is a reference to something you don't know or ever heard of.

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Perry Farrell was always a poser.

So many faux rebels, incl. Rage Against the Machine.

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"Wordy Rappinghood", Tom Tom Club


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PROMIS software must pick up on what is typed in the Subject line, because years ago I sent an Email to two people in which I put Help in the Subject line. Neither one of the people to whomI sent that Email received it. Fortunately, I had a phone number for one of them. I called her up and said, "Wendy, Did you receive my Email?" She said, "Which one?" I said, "The one that said Help in the subject line." She said, "No, I didn't receive that one."

So I am very careful what I put in the Subject line. It must be benign so the recipients receive my Email.


Arlene Johnson



To access my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.

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