I would submit hat most big pharma drugs are demonically used to destroy health and humanity. They sure do not add anything to living healthier.

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And the baby deaths continue from an eye witness at a major hospital in the mid west where no one says anything and everyone knows something is terribly wrong. ZERO LEADERSHIP FROM NEONATOLOGY!

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A sad state for the medical profession that ethical MD's now recommend avoiding doctors and the medical establishment in general. Big Medicine has become another source of fake news.

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I just had my ‘annual wellness exam’ (annual ‘check up’ in Medicare insurance parlance). It was a joke for starters…my blood pressure always goes up the second I step in the door!

I have never been a user of The Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System (as I like to call it). I didn’t have ‘health insurance’ until I turned 65. And what I have now is a total BS joke.

I try to stay out of the ‘doctor’s office’ at all cost! I use chiropractors, acupuncturists for my healthcare

‘tune up’ needs to deal with my aches and pains.

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Why are you bothering with an annual checkup?

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How old are you BTW? The annual well exam is part of Medicare Insurance…one’s primary care doctor bugs the shit out of you until you go in. It’s nothing…a bunch of stupid questions they ask you, listen to your breathing and that’s it and order blood work. I take two ‘natural’ medications that require a prescription. In order to have them renewed the PCP wants to do bloodwork to see if the dosage is still good for what I take. That’s why I go in there. I never had health insurance before I turned 65 so I never had any annual exams. I paid out of pocket for my bloodwork and meds. Now I’m in the Medicare system and I still pay out of pocket for the two prescription meds I use.

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I'm 67. I haven't been to a doctor in years. I dumped Kaiser as soon as I turned 65 and went with Medigap. I realize that not everyone can afford to do that.

But if you need prescriptions, yes, you have no choice to put up with the nonsense. My sympathies.

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No “sympathies” required here.

I could go to a naturopath, integrative medicine, or functional medicine practitioner, who is not a “part of the system”, but I would have to pay out of pocket with them for everything. No blood work would be covered, etc etc.

As I have previously mentioned I was a person who didn’t have health insurance for most of my adult life. I maneuvered the ‘Health care system’ through obtaining blood work testing, through online websites, at a substantial savings. I then submitted them to my doctor.

My primary care physician had a solo ‘family medicine’ practice, and I was a ‘cash’ patient with him. He’s now retired. The Nurse Practitioner who I always saw at his office, moved over to another medical group and I followed her there. And that medical group accepts my health insurance. She knows me and my prescriptions!

I know how to maneuver the ‘system’. And I only use it twice a year or when I need to.

I see an acupuncturist and my chiropractor for all other ‘health’ issues.

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And when those so called heroic medical workers see that the media is not showing what they are seeing will they step up, reveal and testify to the truth? Some, many have and I do think we are on our way if we keep pushing. States and communities better take back their power because they do have it, they just don't know it.

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Most I work with are well aware the media isn't currently or has never accurately been reporting on COVID.

It's as if everyone is waiting for that shot heard around the world...

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Well ‘that shot’ has hurt so many people now that they are finally speaking out! Because the doctors/healthcare ‘professionals’ in The System, who are treating the vaxx injured sure aren’t talking!

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Some are waiting. Many are talking and talking and talking. The eugenicists hate that.

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Zero Leadership from the medical freedom leaders too! What I find horrifying is all the people that were Murdered in the hospitals via lack of antibiotics, too much oxygen ( 60 Liters vs the recommended 5 liters), no nutrition or water, end of life drugs, and on and on. The pandemic would never have progressed if it was not for these murders.

The Leslie Batts case of Oklahoma exemplifies this. The people of Scotland are realizing the same happened to them.

It’s disgusting that the so called “leaders” of the freedom movement never address the Murders. What about all the people who were Murdered to “start” the pandemic?

The pandemic would never have progressed if it was not for these Murders.

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Well Dr. McCullough isn’t looking so noble these days, with his connection to The Wellness Company and Foster Coulson. And he has been a long time recipient of Big Pharma $$$$$!

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James Thorp is also in the TWC and so far he looks to be a good one. He was speaking in defense of the unborn from the start.

Amazing Polly said that it was bad that there were good people who did not know where they were getting into. And they were going to receive harm from their association with the spooks of the operation underground railroad. Which now does not seem it ever was about saving children. And they use the good doctors who spoke out against tyranny as human shields.

I have a lot of doubts about McCullough.

But beware of the guilt by association trick!

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RemovedMay 15
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But if there is evidence that Mr. A is probably a vile enemy, and Mr. B happens to be a friendly of Mr. A, then one cannot claim the evidence also applies to Mr. B.

That's cheating.

We have enough cheaters already.

Suspicion never amounts to evidence. And suspicion may be useful, but it may also be harmful. We have to be careful.

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RemovedMay 15·edited May 15
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Indeed! ALL of these so called “leaders” or The CAST have done nothing to stop the MURDERS that continue to this day and every single one of them needs to be called out for it.

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The leaders won't admit there was no pandemic before the shots and the shots released an infectious respiratory illness that spread (I call that Covid). The mutations were BS and the documentation system is BROKEN (all covid shot status removed from the electron medical records), it's so obvious and yet....silence continues.

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RemovedMay 15·edited May 15
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I agree…I have a friend who holds Dr. David Martin on such a high pedestal…I don’t even try to send her any ‘contrary’ info on him…there’s a big ass ‘denial’ thing going on in the MFM movement as well. Same with the ‘normies’ who couldn’t wrap their head around the notion that “their government” would take any action against them or push an experimental EUA mRNA injection to protect them from a ‘fake Virus’.

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yeah, had the flu, rushed in on stretchers taking to the ICU and given the deadly treatment...that was the pandemic of 2020.

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I just saw an ad for a ICU/RN that said Covid Vaccine exemptions accepted. WOW after all that, they do an "about-face"!

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When we realize that this physical world is actually a realm for the spiritual warfare, then everything will begin to make sense:



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Well one can’t read the whole Substack pieces linked here unless one is a paid subscriber. 😒

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Luciferian Biology, wow. Watching the interview, I'm struck with the feeling that words almost do a disservice to this horror--it's as if giving voice and language to it nearly normalizes it--it's not that I really blame the words, of course, it's that these are conversations so horrifying, and we are just discussing this when we should be raging--it just isn't really a point for discussion--I mean that in and of itself is almost farcical. Imagine watching a discussion during the French Revolution where people just discuss, 'Well, there's this guy Robespierre, and he's out there executing people in his tribunal and we don't know who'll be next, but maybe we should do something about it. I can't even understand the calm. This is what you have been living with for 30 plus years, isn't it? But the scale keeps getting grander while Americans wonder what the Kardashians are doing, or Taylor Swift, or whatever, and we are without leaders and there are no protections--and evil feels more tangible than it ever has, and the diabolical March around in plain sight. It is indeed Luciferian biology, Celia. What else could it possibly be called?

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how right you are, I feel the same. Words become containers, containing the horror. Why aren't we more angry? I have always wondered. Because anger is also futile. And backfires. I have no answers.

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I am angry but I don't know where to target the anger. That's been my problem since the 1990s, and I have tried all the usual routes. Politics, writing, letter writing, meetings etc., and I laugh at my own futility. Nevertheless I shall carry on. But yes. Containers, exactly. Prayer, and life by example--that's all I've got left in the quiver--oh and authenticity.

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Have you tried H.L. Mencken?

Among many other miracles, he wrote what is the most comical adage of all socio-political commentary in all the history of that genre. Mencken wrote: "To be an antisemite means to hate the jews more than it's strictly necessary."

It's perfect!

It is sarcastic in all directions. It's one of those phrases that have the potential to defuse a war, and that's probably why it's almost impossible to find these days.

A note from a philosopher-aficionado to whomever may be reading this: the term "necessary" in that phrase is ambiguous on purpose. It's a nerdy joke, if you will. The use of "necessity" in logic is not the same as the "necessity" in general life. I think it's pretty funny. It's impossible to tell that quip to a rabbi and not have him rolling on the floor with laughter.

But, we have to consider the war angle. Young people, who are complete idiots, are being demonically possessed to be angry in false "solidarity" with jews. Because the devils are preparing a war. They want to take the lives of the young and dumb, as they did in the world wars.

They are marching towards the slaughterhouse, being self righteous and blind with impossible indignation.

I think Mencken (and Nietzsche, a little bit) can save us.

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there is a woman journalist from texas who really went after the bushes and she was hilarious- wish i could remember her name- she had me in stitches all the time.!

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I believe it was the late Molly Ivans if memory serves me. Jim Hightower (still alive) is another progressive Texan (a true oxymoron) who put the Bushes in their place and Mr. Hightower is still alive and kickin'.

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you have plenty of answers- you right- you foment hope and love- your answers are always pouring forth- may they continue!

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the most important thing to do is name it- and show the evil- the seducers are trying to seduce people into accepting it- there is no way other than through language and pictures to bring people who are willing, back to reality

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Every pundit of any standing has been designated a specific role in the narrative.

Naomi Wolf's 'job' is to Blame China...

...when in fact the culprits are Israel and the USA.

Year Five and Wolf still believes in the 'virus' - allegedly.

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And your job is to blame me, Linda. You blamed me when I asked for more paid subscribers and when Eva Evans death turned out to be a friend of my son and a suicide you blamed me for not being ABLE to reveal her cause of death BEFORE the family did. Who exactly do YOU work for?

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I am not a fan of drama..although it clearly 'sells'.

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Many people believe in the virus, as viruses are part of our education. As far as China is concerned, I agree with you, and I am disappointed that Naomi is so superficial in her analysis.

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Please consider that there are a few possible reasons for that superficial analysis, the biggest one being "strategy."

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I like listening to Naomi, and I have read her Daily Clout column for the past few years.

But, I, too, find the whole China thing a bit ridiculous.

Of course China is involved. Like the rest of the corrupt governments around the world.

But, come on, how much of our daily life involves purchases made in China?

The bad bad China thing does make me a tad suspicious.

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I don't like Wolf, but I take a diplomatic approach: if she's not against me, she's for me.

I didn't like her before 2020. Then I had to give her an opportunity. She didn't pass my standards. So I ignore her. Simple!

I think it is good that many people attack the problem from different angles. Those of us who stopped believing in viruses have a different task in this time.

Is she a shill? Maybe. Who knows. But remember there are normies amongst us. I think you probably used to be a normie one time. You would have never trusted a person who tried to force you to swallow the truth in one big gulp.

Normies seek normality. For some reason, a lot of people like Wolf. Maybe some people in her audience choose to dig deeper, and they find me or someone like me, telling them there was no virus. If I am not respectful, I will scare them to death. I don't want that. I have to be respectful of normies and their norminess, lest they keep fighting forever the wrong enemy.

As a general rule, when a person approaches to you asking questions, they open the door, and you may tell them something. And bring good evidence and reasoning. If they are real persons, they may consider your answers. Otherwise, your answers will become another dossier in a cabinet with your inmate number, that repeats what you've already stated hundreds of times.

I think Wolf is a mostly harmless narcissist. Her audience is probably open to more than she tells them. But our people are rarely ever questioned, and some of the more professional popularizers have more tells of being shills than Wolf.

In general, I distrust people who are too sensationalistic and publish podcasts and documentaries under a pseudonym. The technique of sensationalism is generally gross and off-putting for me, but there are a few chances that a sensationalist who shows his face and his name may not be a shill or a fraud. The ones who don't, are a bit more dubious. Particularly when a podcast contradicts another podcast of the same person, depending on who the guest is. The lack of consistency is difficult to ignore.

We live in a time where it's very risky to have confidence in anyone or anything.

See, our host here is very consistent in her work. And her use of propaganda techniques is elegant. Fine brush strokes, aimed at a purpose. She does not abuse her audience, much less her interviewees. This means she's probably the least likely person among the independent journalists to ever play for the enemy. And the people who criticize Celia are very likely not real people, or people working for the enemy.

And I avoid mentioning other names here, but there are many researchers in this space who have shown some abuse toward their audience and some inconsistencies in their commentary, and few people question them.

The people who are playing the institutional game should receive more respect from us. We benefit from their efforts. If only because of long-term strategy, we should avoid hitting against our own side.

Last thing I want to mention. Some of the dear leaders of our glorious no-virus cult (please, notice the sarcasm) have been complaining lately that now it's difficult to have debates. That's in part because we the hordes of trolls (again, notice the sarcasm) have been pestering too much the possible debaters. This is bad for us. Therefore, they asked to tone it down. That means there is a strategy. We are very few and we have to be smart: we are dealing with fellow humans, many of them confused and fearful, and against us it's not just with spies and lizard people.

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In ref to Wolf, like other high profile tools, she never mentions the real culprits: Graphene Oxide and EMF.

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Personally, I have great doubts about graphene claims. Sorry.

About EMF, that's more likely to be a culprit, but, a culprit of what? there was no real disease...

We can say, although it's a difficult argument, that EMF toxicity, and related things, have a lot of influence, maybe even causative influence, in many diseases of the last 30 years, and, there is a GIANT COVERUP about this.

Viruses are one red-herring to misdirect attention from the potential adverse effects of EMFs. Have you ever made that sensible point, Linda O?

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Virus do not exist: obviously they are a red herring.

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Red herrings do exist.

Viruses are red herrings.


Quod erat demonstrandum.

That's Latin for "Gocha!"

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That may be so, but how could Naomi Wolf know?

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Why wouldn't she know? I know and I know a helluva lot of people who know.

She is supposedly in charge of a research team.

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OK, right. But your are dealing with hypnotized people: they won't see the obvious.

We have to nurse them into truth!

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Wow that was a bunch of stuff…but I concur with you!

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Viruses are documented fact. Perhaps your role is to sew confusion and make legitimate critics look foolish by proximity to you.

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Provide the "documented fact".

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (222 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever


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Obviously you are not familiar with the work of Dr. Sam & Mark Bailey’s on Substack, or the writings and podcasts of Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman about their ‘virus/no virus theory’.

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Hey friend, have you read viroliegy.com?

Give it a try!

Also there is a new book that perhaps would be of interest to you: https://drsambailey.com/the-final-pandemic/


Do you have bad feelings about this topic? Do you feel bad when people like me deny viruses? If so, I assure you this is not a form of trolling people, or a hoax, or anything like that. This is a serious topic. Germ theory of disease is regarded as true, but why? where is the evidence? We have embarked in the revision of evidence, and found it lacking. This is a problem, because most of our lives are affected by a "fact" that may be complete political fiction.

But this is a debate. We may be wrong.

Seek partners who will debate your arguments respectfully. Go to viroliegy, Mike Stone is the guy you are looking for. He's a great researcher and debater. You will never get abuse there, no trolls allowed.

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Edward does have a point. There is a spook term—"blackwashing", under one of its more obscure definitions—that describes damaging the reputation of an idea based on its perceived association with other ideas that are widely considered as bad, wrong, cranky or stupid.

As for examples, Flat Earth theory comes to mind. I know quite a few people (online that is) who are absolutely convinced the Earth is flat, and if you call them on it, they will argue until the cows come home and never concede an inch.

I also know quite a few people (both online and off) who are absolutely convinced that the Flat Earth theory and the No Virus theory are rubbish, but the rubbish has been so well packaged and promoted that both can only be psyops.

However, me being a profoundly ignorant person who is incapable of holding the Earth in my hand to check whether it is round or flat due to the Earth being too big, and incapable of seeing viruses due to viruses being too small, I am forced to fall back on that useful Hillaryism "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

If you are lying on the floor in agony and involuntarily evacuating your alimentary canal at both ends due to an attack of norovirus, for instance, what difference does it make whether it was an actual virus that caused the illness, or a magic spell cast on you by an unfriendly witch?

As my GP insisted at the start of the COVID-19 psyop, "I am going to treat it the same way as I influenza, according to how the symptoms develop."

Roger, do you have bad feelings about this topic? Do you feel bad when people affirm viruses? I know that some people who post here do. I am sure their blood pressure goes racing at the thought that somewhere out there are still some people who refuse to deny the existence of viruses.

For myself, I constantly lament that most people these days deny the very sensible theory of the existence of phlogiston and instead believe the erroneous theory that a chemical reaction with oxygen in the air causes objects to burn. I am hoping to publish a book on the subject as soon as I can get sufficient funding from the CIA.

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I don't feel bad when people disagree with me. I do feel bad when they collaborate with the perpetrators and harm their health or the health of their children, and in doing so they attack my rights and make my life worse.

It's unjust.

But the hypnotized do not understand justice.

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RemovedMay 14
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I’m also in your camp about Miz Wolf… because of her continued connection to certain people in The MFM whose past connections and ‘sudden reversals’ of long held ‘stances and opinions’ (and financial connections) are now coming to light and she’s equally as suspect.

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RemovedMay 14
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She certainly comes across that way. The ‘tone’ especially!

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That is what Limited Hangouts are all about.

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And there are people still dying in retirement homes and a friend recently died in a local hospital from Covid yesterday. He was put on a ventilator and succumbed after 8 days.

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It may not be human but it takes human hands to manifest. As Mick said, “I shouted out who killed the Kennedys? When after all it was you and me”.

If humans didn’t sell out for power ,greed ,etc., the “bogeyman “, would not have a cloven foothold.

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Disease X as described by Bill Gates a few months back? Marketing undertaken by the WHO?

Gates has recently stated "The most lucrative investment I ever made was VACCINES". Referring to the man-enhanced and deliberately released CoronaVirus, he has also stated, "The next one will really get their attention". He seems to be have inside information of the next disease being created and maybe even the release date of the next Scamdemic!

Let's start by agreeing that many of us already realise that Bill Gates now 'owns' and controls (with his significant financial persuasion) the now CORRUPTED and 'Unelected' World Health Organisation, and that the WHO is now defunct and obsolete.

Gates is heavily involved in many controversial matters regarding profits gained from creating human suffering, illnesses and diseases for the sake of his primary desires = Greed, Profit and Depopulation.

Why would anybody have an experimental concoction inserted into their body, when the previous deadly Covid injections proved so ineffective, unsafe and downright dangerous. Incredibly, many did!

The WHO is no longer capable of managing any element of World Health and therefore of no consequence!

Surely, the world has rumbled the sinister and evil scam Tedros is attempting on behalf of his controllers within the World Economic Forum (aka; The New World Order)? Irreversible Slavery via the WHO!

Who would accept a poison being inserted into their bodies when the manufacturers dictate that they enjoy automatic and unequivocal protection from any and all legal Claims for Injuries & DEATHS caused by their injections? Zero Liability is their 'LICENCE to KILL' with impunity. Pfizer, Moderna, et al, dictate ZERO CULPABILITY FOR ALL ANY DEATHS RESULTING FROM THEIR POISONOUS CONCOCTIONS!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I think your points are moot. Beyond moot. Are you sure you are not working for the enemy?

We are in 2024. We've seen it. You are talking like it's November 2020 and you try to save people's lives. Those are gone. Friend, you have to change your slogans.

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No de-population agenda, right?

COVID Vaccination Is ‘Safe’ but Remains Clinically Untested for Pregnant Women: Health Canada


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May 14·edited May 14

And those of us who were violently assaulted by Vancouver Police, permanently injured, handcuffed, wrongfully fired from Canada Post after 27 years, lost our incomes, benefits and large percentages of our pensions when no provincial or federal government mandates were in effect have not received a dime of restitution. We were also prohibited from collecting Employment Insurance despite having paid into that compulsory program for 30 years.


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It's a war. They don't agree they owe you guys anything, and they prefer for you to die in silence. You are supposed to force them to do reparations for your people. You have to win. That's your new job.

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If you were in BC and sent an email to Bonnie Henry about the pandemic, you could have submitted a statement to be used against her for the court case that starts June 13th....I did and have received info from the lawyers who are suing her...... the deadline was April 30th....I shared that link many times on different substacks.... https://www.jccf.ca/

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May 14·edited May 14

I laid 39 criminal charges in the Provincial Court of Vancouver against my former boss, the Director of Mail Operations for the City of Vancouver and testified under oath during "in camera" process hearings on 5 occasions. Corporations receive a get out of jail free card via a Non-Prosecution Agreement. They also enjoy SECRET COURTS. Since testifying, the Court officials haven't contacted me at all. However, I had "standing" as a federal employee and therefore, my case will set a precedent for every federal government employee in Canada.

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Angie, we need you...don't give up..... we need your voice, your experience and your spark.... so lucky you are here, now, at this time...... 😘

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It seems funny to me (not in a ha ha way but in an ironic way) that, 15, 20 years ago Alex Jones was a laughing stock to everyone other than his paranoid, supplement popping "ditto-head" cult followers. Now main-stream intellectuals like Dr. Wolf are backing him up.

Maybe Alex was right all along about "The New World Order"?

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But the Libs hate Alex Jones > they smear and hate anyone who exposes them.

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It was disappointing to see so many comments making this about Naomi Wolf rather than her critically important message. Personally I like and admire her for the work she has done during her career and continues to do to bring the truth of this monstrous horror to the world. The scope and scale of this crime boggles the mind. And it's hard to know what to do about it at this juncture. It seems to me the best we can do is to love each other as best we can, and when the time comes to put on the full armor of God and stand our ground come what may.

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I visited America when in my 20s (1980) and I was confused by two things. (1) There was nothing fit to eat in that junk-food country, and (2) I was often asked "what medication are you on?" I thought 'Christ, I'm only 24, why would I be on any medication?' Why do so many Americans fall for this bollocks? I'm almost 68 and have never taken any medication, not even an aspirin. Nor had any need to pay medical insurance; if I break a bone, it gets fixed for free - it's called National Health-Service. America is a seriously sick country - and now they're trying to export it to Europe.

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May 14·edited May 14

I live in a southeast Asian country with socialized health service. It used to be like you describe in Australia, but Big Pharma has taken it over. You wouldn't believe how many people in the last few years are getting prescribed statins and the negative effect on society - old people can't leave their homes because of frailty, strong men in the 20s hobble around with muscle pain, women in their forties lose their collagen and their faces become boney and aged.

All the clinics do a simple blood test and if cholesterol is above 180, it's automatic "free" drugs.

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Do you know how this works financially?

I'm in Cambodia, and they really don't have a lot of money here.

Is the point of giving out statins simply to *never* have a statin-free country so that people can see just how good life can be?

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My assumption was there is probably some sort of “incentive” for prescribing them. You’ve got a population that reveres doctors, a simple blood test that shows a scary result, and suddenly it’s a huge market.

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Part is evil, part is ego (pride), part is flat out wrong medical education, teaching, & instruction at these institutions of higher learning which they ate NOT higher learning, but abysmal teachings & foundations.

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Devastating and infuriating if true. More facts needed.

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All I know is the skies are always overcast and we are talking Florida all in the last year

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