I never thought about this small aspect that, they actually had to bring the towers down even if not for destroying explosives evidence, or for destroying papers related to financial fraud, or for dismantling he asbestos problem - then quite simply for making disappear the evidence of either too small holes (if only missiles hit) it of no holes (if only holograms were projected). Those ops always are so intricate, so complex, thry have so many aspects and angles and ways of affecting the psyche and affecting the collective subconscious and of affecting discourse and of affecting policy etc that you can take any small random item and it again will have so many angles and ways of influencing at least some of the above points. You could actually write an essay about each small random soundbite and go off (pun unintended but noticed which again shows harm done) in all directions.
How about a giant art project, why not call it Gelatin, where we are the E team and together do a giant exegesis effort on all those minuscule puzzle pieces. A swarm effort.
Did they call themselves "Gelatin" and "E team" so that in case they were discovered, they could claim that it had been a "happening" to wire the buildings with explosives? Like Christo wrapped buildings, they wired them? "Look, if we had wanted to really detonate the stuff, re surely wouldn't have made it so obvious by calling ourselves Gelatin and explosives team, that would be absurd"?
Jet fuel is stored in the wings of a jet plane. These apparently sliced though steel and caused an explosion the other side of the building. This sounds.... implausible
In 1945, a Mitchell bomber crashed into the Empire State Bldg, and the skyscraper collapsed within hours ... Hold on, I again started fabulating, my bad. I had better leave it to Popular Mechanics.
This Tony man sounds pretty much like a working class Italian American guy who is freaked out. I believe him. Different people react to such nightmarish experiences differently. Some people keep their calm because they just are not that emotional. When I passed a tv that day and saw the image I started laughing. I thought it was a hokey disaster film. I didn't really think it was anything but a joke. I didn't even stay and watch it until my mother called me hysterical that my niece was flying somewhere that day. So I don't think you can go by these tapes who is upset and who is not. Sorry. Someone crashed into the World Trade Center and perhaps bombed it at the same time. Also...newscasters are taught to remain calm. They are like walking talking robots in what they look and sound like. Even Walter Cronkite one of the best of the best kept his cool when they blew JFK's brains out. Imagine THAT! I saw it. Unfortunately not much phases me any more about the media and the way people behave....
When Tony saw the plane, he was able to identify it. His knowledge of Boeing airliners is impressive. And he was a janitor! Sorry, Ms. Perry-Folino, there were no planes, as planes cannot enter a steal building without being at least partially destroyed. Planes were added to the videos shown on TV.
My father used to be able to identify planes from the ground. That is not the impossible part of the story. He was a pharmacist but learned that skill as an airforce mechanic in WWII and an amateur airplane enthusiast later.
The timing was incredible. 911 was also the day the Boston Globe planned to release their exposé on predator priests and the cover-up while the Pope was in Kazakhstan declaring Catholics and Muslims worship the same God.
It seems strange to me, as a former Catholic, that the Vatican has never specifically condemned the 911 terror attack. Strange indeed.
I was waiting for the arrival of my husband from Israel on that morning, my Mother in law called from Jerusalem to make sure her son had arrived safely. I turned on CNN, and knew immediately that everything was different, the commentators were like zombies, the language was different, and it has remained that way ever since.
GW had (and still has) the worst speech writers ever...and clearly he or his staff never read them before he read them out in public. It is absolutely baffling how many ppl still believe the official report. We have lost the very basic function of being human - the ability to simply think. And with that we’ve lost our liberty, our health and our pursuit of happiness...
It's not so much we've lost the ability to simply think. It's the loss of critical thinking that cripples us. One can think along lines that do not lead to truth. You can take such reasoning quite far, proving all kinds of theorems. Theoretical astrophysics has come up w/ all kinds of thought experiments that are now followed by all kinds of thoughtful people. To what end, if the originators lacked discernment or were out to deceive in the first place? One needs to have a feeling, perhaps an intuition for error - something's wrong about this. I like what Celia has done w/ this post as she articulates her suspicions w/o turning them into any kind of rigidity.
We Must look at the "family" system and it's complete destruction over the decades. I've tried bringing it into focus, many have like John Bradshaw and others, Alice Miller. The simple fact is, preserving health and nature goes RIGHT UP AGAINST the Criminal, Sick, Destructive system, AND $$ and Most people are simply NOT going to forego the Debt, Man made, weaponized $$.
I Knew $$ was at the expense of health and truth as a kid in the 70s. Having $ was always at the expense of truth but, people kept putting the debt note first
It's part of the occult "revelation of the method" aka "hidden in plain sight" element of their psyops.
While the 9/11 base narrative is ludicrous to start with they embellish the ludicrousness with our terrorists popping up alive, other contradictions and insane impossibilities and very obvious fakery, etc.
This is logical fallacy 11 from my post: 11 logical fallacies unmasked in the use of the terms "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist"
11. When the rule is that they must “tell” us the truth underneath the propaganda how is the rejection of the narrative in the realm of “theory”? The Loaded Question fallacy
Loaded Question fallacy - a question containing an unjustified (and often offensive) presupposition
The use of the word “theory” tends to suggest that a rejection of the narrative is based on thin grounds, however, we are told that those in power feel an obligation to “tell” us what they’re really up to in order to absolve themselves of responsibility for their Big Lies thereby putting the onus on us to call them out. If we don’t - according to their reasoning - we’re the ones at fault and thus they are spared karmic repercussions.
This is known as “revelation of the method” or “hidden in plain sight.” Indeed, the evidence for signals before (known as “predictive programming”), during and after their psyops is abundantly clear, not to mention an often lacking-in-credibility base narrative to start with … so the notion of “theory” is laughable. Admittedly, however, they lead us via multiple propaganda threads (often contradictory) on lots of wild goose chases and along lots of red herring trails so that even though the disbelievers might get the fact that a Big Lie has been told correct - zero theory about it - they are often misled in determining the true nature of the event being lied about, 9/11 being exemplar extraordinaire in that regard.
Whether it’s true or not that those in power aim to avoid karmic repercussions by obviously exposing their lies - seemingly counterintuitively - propaganda works better the less it corresponds with reality as stated in Fallacy No. 7. Presumably, if it didn’t, the “revelation of the method” technique would not feature in psyops.
Covid pandemic examples
Pandemic tabletop exercises: Event 201 (Oct 2019) and Clade X (2018)
Joint exercise by US agencies to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China, Crimson Contagion (2019);
Films: Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic (2018), Pandemic (2016)
TV series: The Hot Zone (2019)
Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready, TED talk, 2015
2003: Cough and Awe, SARS by any other name, Steven Ransom
A variety of against-reality claims and images, eg, a Chinese research team supposedly finds Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits to be “reservoirs” of the virus, a claim later said to be “complete garbage” (a common feature of psyops being the spouting of complete nonsense followed by denial of it) and images of people falling flat on their face and laid out on hospital floors
Mike Pompeo telling us “We’re in a live exercise here,” in a press conference after which Trump leans over and says quietly “You should have let us … you should have let us know.” Neither Pompeo’s nor Trump’s words make any sense for a real pandemic … but they make perfect sense for a pandemic psyop or “exercise”.
Supposedly overwhelmed medical staff with seemingly lots of time to rehearse dance routines.
This is a short video showing how we’re told the vaccine is 100% effective … but as time goes on the efficacy keeps dropping.
9/11 examples
Before: The Simpsons, 1997; numerous allusions in film and TV in this compilation - the item linked to is the pilot episode, “Pilot”, of the TV series, the Lone Gunmen, aired March 2001. This episode involved a character faking his death to uncover a conspiracy to hijack an airliner and fly it into the Twin Towers. Yes, really.
During: All the journalists (scroll to section Journalists - candid or scripted?) reporting on the collapse of WTC-7 refer to controlled demolition, not fire, and some refer to it having come down before it did.
After: The terrorists pop up alive … or just a case of mistaken identity? They yank us by the nose-ring this way and that.
There is no theory in the clear facts laid before us after we blow away the magic propaganda dust … the theory is all in the magic dust.
Extremely interesting. Would you say there exists an effective method of opposing such things at the programme-predicted phase, ie before it is followed through? If those guys are that black-magickally minded, which they probably are: would a counterspell have to be worked? Or should praying be effective or, would it have to be public praying that explicitly stated it is a prayer against such and such scheme?
You're getting into realms I've never even thought of. You know, you might have something there. I don't know. We could always try it. I tend to be very prosaically minded. All I think is: "It's propaganda. Just say, I'm not buying."
Your description above made me think that, if indeed they feel compelled to inform us so we can react and if we don't, then it's our own fault - then there should exist, in their worldview or construct of reality, a proper way of reacting that if we do it, defuses their plans. I wonder if someone familiar with their belief system, or their world construct, might know about what they themselves potentially teach esoterically about any counter spells. - And also outside their specific belief system, it may well be that in the Universe, opposing "wills" of groups might be in competition with each other and that by evolution, or thanks to God given free will, the stronger will prevails and manifests its vision. And a covert will can succeed all the better as it doesn't raise a counter will, a desire to stop the development. I mean, you already have so many examples of visions that get put into reality in absence of opposition because the rest is so inert, too unimaginative to anticipate what they realize only once the outcome is manifest. That starts with small examples in business and goes on to groups like the Comintern, or today, groups envisioning their takeover of attractive real estate, envisioning their island becoming a gated resort with adjacent 15 minute workers ghetto, doubling as built-in reference for showcasing their "smart" 4th industrial revolution products to potential buyers of the franchise licence, as well as envisioning, last not least, their takeover of global emergency powers. All that needs first to be envisioned by them, which is not a small feat nor uncreative. Evil too, of course. Whereas we the rest of us, are sitting here, envisioning not much ourselves. That is bad! A competing vision is what is needed, not just opposition to others' visions. A good competing vision, found, then shared, then endorsed and "willed" collectively by the 99% would be quite powerful I think. Or feel.
Well I'm into Dr Joe Dispenza's work at the moment which is all about creating your future. I think you're right. However, I had an email exchange with Gerard Holmgren's brother, David Holmgren, co-originator of permaculture and he said:
"There is a good reason why Observe and Interact is the first permaculture principle but over these last few years it has become clear that in general, understanding of permaculture ethics, principles, and participation in permaculture practices, networks and subculture communities have proven to be little better than any other set of beliefs and practices in inoculating people against sophisticated psyops from above."
So I think there really is a problem in people simply accepting propaganda. I think they really do need to be educated out of it if possible. Permaculture people tend to have a vision of the future I think but obviously they can ignore all the things they've learnt and stick out their arms regardless. Nevertheless, I totally agree that we should envision the future we want rather than just think in reaction against what those in power want to enforce.
How do you interpret the children's reading "kite kit steal plane must." The "kit" sounds almost like "hit", and "steal" exactly like "steel." Why were the children reading Pet Goat? What is a goat symbol of? Then the children read a story about a car robber. But the girl (for some reason, which I did not understand, as I am not a native English speaker) did not see the car robber. Then they read: "More to come."
Thank you for alerting me to this clear case of "predictive programming", Sonja. So appalling that they bring children into this stuff ... but then, of course, they would, wouldn't they? I'm curious to know how much the Bush twins are in on all of it. Do those in power ever kind of keep their own kids out or are they always in on it too? And if they do try to keep them out how would they be sure that the kids wouldn't find out anyway?
Goat is the symbol of Baphomet - I haven't really looked into it but I looked up Baphomet and 9/11 and found this!
"Car robber?" We don't even use that term in English. Oh my goodness. And the teacher says, "Put your fingers under the title." Oh my goodness. Reading with your finger is the way NOT to learn how to read nor is reading in an unnatural rhythm. The teacher must surely be in on it. Oh dear.
There were never any "Hijackers" on the planes. They guarded those passenger lists like gold bars!! One or two airline people printed and smuggled them out of the airports. They gave them to Rebekah Roth who has reported on this. She believes some of the pilots may have cooperated and were re-named and re-located in other countries.
It's by design to paint, or even to create, "Arabs" as "terrorists" and make Israel look like "victims". I've long said, if CHILDREN can be abused, criminalized, trafficked when they are THE MOST innocent, then ANYONE can be portrayed as the "Criminal". This is why Defending and rescuing CHILDREN is the way out of All of it!
I believe 9/11 was another USS Liberty attack June 8th 1967. Once the Perps get away with it they only get emboldened. The US relationship to Israel needs MUCH more scrutiny.
Before Building 7 came down at free fall speed, Fox news was blaming Bin Laden. It took me over 20 years to escape the liars in govt and corporate news media from their official narrative. Judy Wood provides brilliant analysis of what happened.
Great decision to not say Nine Eleven. The fact that the emergency number is pronounced Nine Eleven, has ensured that the trauma of that day is kept as alive as possible because nobody can tell me that at least subconsciously by now, the sound Nine Eleven even in everyday small emergency context does not evoke the other concept and the trauma of that day and what it brought. This is a decades long permanent effect of having selected that date. At the time it was mentioned that 9/11 sounds like the emergency number but at that moment I didn't consider, and couldn't have anticipated that other permanent effect.
What seems not to be a coincidence but actually quite ingenious social engineering wise when you finally come to think about it as I now did after Lahaina, is that especially connecting such a defeat of American citizens and their (up to then free) society - a defeat in so many respects, a defeat no matter what narrative about what happened you choose: it's a defeat, it's an experience of maximum deliverance and powerlessness, both if you take the official story: "you can never be safe, if you think all has been insured against, then you will learn today that even box cutters can kill you; AND importantly: anytime, people are out to kill you"; or, if you take the other variants, then it's even more disempowering and traumatizing in a way, because then it's not even outside actors who are out to get you. As we know, that is the same choice with the COVID and the injections. There, still most people prefer the in comparison smaller trauma of facing an at least impersonal threat, of germ variants, that Mommy and Daddy are protecting them from, as more tolerable than the idea that it is indeed personal, and Mommy and Daddy are apparently involved in something in the vein of Tuskegee, Ocean Spray or what have you (and Pearl Harbor etc pp).
Also, the hero stories are all hero stories of tragic heroes who died while trying to rescue, and of those who failed in their efforts, and of heroic passengers who opposed their fate yet ultimately went down and died anyway which is an important marker of success or failure too, isn't it. So people everywhere were taught important (yet falsified which they didn't know) lessons about their powerlessness, that day and about the only power being that of a powerful Bush administration apparatus and military apparatus which however as they subconsciously noticed had not been used for their protection, yet was subsequently used for aggression towards a sovereign nation whose leaders had not committed an act of war. This missing logic had puzzled me instantly when I heard Bush speech. I never felt that in any way you could make that connection between some terrorists of some nationality, who damaged two buildings, and presumed retaliation against a country especially if - as claimed, and by me at the time believed -, a material and static failure had magnified the damage. According to the official narrative, it was a static failure of a type that had never ever happened. If so, and therefore, the terrorists could not assume in advance they were going to wreak that kind of havoc. Then, the retaliation was totally disproportionate. That was my feeling immediately and that made it feel phony from the beginning even if I was believing implicitly in the official narrative. But especially this discrepancy between a subconscious phony feeling and conscious belief in a story you feel is off, disempowers you in the extreme.
So, linking that complex failure to the emergency call number was very important as to this day, that sound sign Nine Eleven subliminally reminds every caller of the futility of seeking help. It calls up again and again the different lessons taught to different groups of people on and after that day.
Therefore great decision to no more produce that sound sign.
Maybe even paraphrase the other use of that sound sign? For calling help?
To maybe start depleting this sound sign Nine Eleven in its two uses of its traumatizing payload.
Have you ever seen the Fox News video out of Baltimore where a male and female set of haircuts at the news desk announce that WTC7 has fallen down before it did?
The guy tries to say that the smoke rising from the wreckage of 1 and 2 is really 7. Then he says, “Oh, there it goes now,” nice and calm as — on a live feed on the green screen behind them — WTC7 crumbles to the ground.
"There it goes now."
As if it’s perfectly normal that he just predicted it happening three minutes earlier.
At the same time, Jane Stanley on BBC is doing a live standup from a rooftop or terrace saying that WTC7 has gone down when it's clearly in the shot behind her.
Someone who wanted us to know what happened sent the press release out a little early.
I remember well the Jane Stanley reporting in front of an intact Tower 7. I looked for the clip yesterday (using Brave) and it’s been doctored--there’s a big plume of smoke where Tower 7 had been.
I have always refused to call the attacks 9/11, thanks for pointing that out. Yes, it is an occultist term. It is also pure propaganda to reinforce the whole notion of call for help/depend on the government. I have never believed this narrative, not past the first five or six hours, and even in those hours I didn't believe what I was hearing from MSM.
Yeah, I always had a problem with that word 'anniversary' as well. Nice article. The Lance de-Haven Smith book he mentions is well worth a read also. I should write a substack on my interaction with that author someday.
The question was who is behind 9/11, and why? That was never explained!
The other question was how 3 steel towers fell on their foot prints? That was never explained either!
The 3ed question is if Iraq is a secular country, and non of its citizens was part of the 19 hijackers; 15 of the 19 were Saudis, and their leader was Egyptian. We never bombed either Saudi Arabia or Egypt.
This third question was never raised by the 9/11 truthers? To answer this question is to get to the answers of the first and second questions.
see above statements about art students and explosives. Larry Silverstein gained 4 billion on the insurance, and was left with at least 2 billion after notes were paid. There were NY guys in moving vans going all over the country selling high end office furniture at garage sale prices for 2 years beforehand. Cleaning crews at the towers said semis would pull up in back and load up furniture and equipment EVERY damn night for two years beforehand. Somewhere, there is a photo of the towers taken at sunset, and when the sun gets behind the center of the buildings, you can see there is nothing left inside. The top floors were still occupied, and probably some bottom floors too. Nothing in the middle. Hollowed out. Like our country.
An operation of this magnitude, only one bunch who would be behind it. And that is our Overlords, the Club of International Banksters who REALLY run things in the West. Psychopath Parasites who exist because we allow them to create our money supply out of thin air. The greatest case of public welfare in all of human history.
As a very proud old school liberal, I have now revisited every crazy 'conspiracy theory' I ridiculed over the last two decades. Everything is on the table now. The nuttier the better. Assume everything you were told was fake, conspiracy, psyop...is true, and verify.
Well well. I am always amazed when I read these types of missives. I get it finally and no longer get angry at the millions that fell for this bullshit.
I don't know why I had to know they were criminals but it started in the late 60s when my Dad would say America is the greatest country and I would ask why he thinks that and where else have you lived. I was 13 years old.
My parents fought over money, divorced by 1971 which saved me from going to deeper brainwashing at a College of my choice.
Through many years of partying all kinds of insanity I created a garment business with a beautiful wife and moved to IT as NYC Garment industry was destroyed. Power of Thought and knowing. Very real.
911 I heard from first one of my techs on the roof of the Data Center near the Lincoln Tunnel that called me to say something flew into WTC.
Well I was first just thinking a Piper Cub but quickly the stories changed.
The Key here is the TV. If you watched the TV the brainwashing machine was on High. For two or three days I was home, TV always on. First day back to work I was driving into the city as I lived 6 miles away in NJ, 2 miles as the crow flies, and just as I got about 1/4 mile from my home and NYC is on the left as I drive in and I am seeing the smoke rising. It hit me like a punch in the chest. The TV!!! I pulled over and got out to grab the plastic American Flag I had flapping out the back window and threw it in the back.
I got back in and drove in to work realizing what they had done. Look on Twitter for the Punisher as they show the Israeli Art Students who were in the towers June July and lived on the 91st floor. Art Students. They took out a window and repelled outside the towers.
In the image there are boxes all around them. Bb88 was marked on these boxes and there were at 50-60 cartons. They were caps for setting off explosives. There were thousands of them and this is a photo of them in the tower setting it up. Mossad and remember the dancing Israelis. These people will pay and they don't need our hate.
We are Hyperspace Spiritual Beings and we are not these bodies as we are immortal. There is no death. It is a very evil thing we are fighting but we are Human. We are Quantum technology like nothing else. We are all one. To fight with another human or a plant is like your hand fighting with your foot.
That said it's hard as hell. I get it but it will not always be. We can do anything. Raise your vibration. Check out Marina Jacoby if you want to manifest more beauty.
911 was the Start. This March 2020 was stage two. The Jab is not what they call it. It is pretty clear. Don't need my babbling.
We are human. Remember everything you know is a lie. Everything. All history.
Pick any subject since 1945. It's a lie. WWI planned. WWII planned. Korea, Nam, Afghan Iraq all lies. Everything Lies. Fuck The Civil War was genocide. There was no war.
Find one War photo. The bullshit of reliving battles. Battles that never happened.
Everything you see is planned staged to the nth degree. Everything is planned.
You are either an extra or you are watching from back stage. Nothing zero nothing is accidental.
Being on the West Coast, we were late to the party. I taught college chemistry lab, and my boss and I were glued to the computer screen watching the news. We watched the buildings implode several times, and then when WTC 7 came down after lunch we just looked at each other. Neither of us was an architect or an engineer, but between us we had 5 university degrees and had a pretty good handle on the physics aspect of what we had just seen. We agreed that it was not possible that these buildings were brought down by anything other than controlled demolition. I have had an unshakeable conviction since day 1 that we were fed a pack of lies, and that everything that followed that was perpetrated by the neocon warmongers was nothing but criminals doing criminal things. I pray fervently that there is a very special place in hell for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the rest.
As Sage says, we don't ask the right questions. We don't know how advanced military tech is both in terms of weapons or "CGI". I think the best we can do is remain open to new information, look at it critically and unemotionally (neither of which TPTB want), refuse to comply and ridicule the "elite".
There are photos many decades old of Werner von Braun and others alongside Nazi flying Hanabu saucers. http://discaircraft.greyfalcon.us/HAUNEBU.htm Wonder how much better they are now, 85 years later?
the entire scene was total fraud
how about that airliner penetrating a skyscraper wall "like a hot knife through butter" . . . . whatever . . . .
yep aluminum penetrating solid steel.
I never thought about this small aspect that, they actually had to bring the towers down even if not for destroying explosives evidence, or for destroying papers related to financial fraud, or for dismantling he asbestos problem - then quite simply for making disappear the evidence of either too small holes (if only missiles hit) it of no holes (if only holograms were projected). Those ops always are so intricate, so complex, thry have so many aspects and angles and ways of affecting the psyche and affecting the collective subconscious and of affecting discourse and of affecting policy etc that you can take any small random item and it again will have so many angles and ways of influencing at least some of the above points. You could actually write an essay about each small random soundbite and go off (pun unintended but noticed which again shows harm done) in all directions.
How about a giant art project, why not call it Gelatin, where we are the E team and together do a giant exegesis effort on all those minuscule puzzle pieces. A swarm effort.
It was called Gelatin. The Israelis who armed the trade centers
Yup, that's why I thought it would be an appropriate name for our own art project. In their "honor".
Did they call themselves "Gelatin" and "E team" so that in case they were discovered, they could claim that it had been a "happening" to wire the buildings with explosives? Like Christo wrapped buildings, they wired them? "Look, if we had wanted to really detonate the stuff, re surely wouldn't have made it so obvious by calling ourselves Gelatin and explosives team, that would be absurd"?
Jet fuel is stored in the wings of a jet plane. These apparently sliced though steel and caused an explosion the other side of the building. This sounds.... implausible
In 1945, a Mitchell bomber crashed into the Empire State Bldg, and the skyscraper collapsed within hours ... Hold on, I again started fabulating, my bad. I had better leave it to Popular Mechanics.
This Tony man sounds pretty much like a working class Italian American guy who is freaked out. I believe him. Different people react to such nightmarish experiences differently. Some people keep their calm because they just are not that emotional. When I passed a tv that day and saw the image I started laughing. I thought it was a hokey disaster film. I didn't really think it was anything but a joke. I didn't even stay and watch it until my mother called me hysterical that my niece was flying somewhere that day. So I don't think you can go by these tapes who is upset and who is not. Sorry. Someone crashed into the World Trade Center and perhaps bombed it at the same time. Also...newscasters are taught to remain calm. They are like walking talking robots in what they look and sound like. Even Walter Cronkite one of the best of the best kept his cool when they blew JFK's brains out. Imagine THAT! I saw it. Unfortunately not much phases me any more about the media and the way people behave....
When Tony saw the plane, he was able to identify it. His knowledge of Boeing airliners is impressive. And he was a janitor! Sorry, Ms. Perry-Folino, there were no planes, as planes cannot enter a steal building without being at least partially destroyed. Planes were added to the videos shown on TV.
My father used to be able to identify planes from the ground. That is not the impossible part of the story. He was a pharmacist but learned that skill as an airforce mechanic in WWII and an amateur airplane enthusiast later.
The timing was incredible. 911 was also the day the Boston Globe planned to release their exposé on predator priests and the cover-up while the Pope was in Kazakhstan declaring Catholics and Muslims worship the same God.
It seems strange to me, as a former Catholic, that the Vatican has never specifically condemned the 911 terror attack. Strange indeed.
I was waiting for the arrival of my husband from Israel on that morning, my Mother in law called from Jerusalem to make sure her son had arrived safely. I turned on CNN, and knew immediately that everything was different, the commentators were like zombies, the language was different, and it has remained that way ever since.
TWILIGH ZONE 911 https://gab.com/polesowa/posts/111048356003408941/media/1?timeline=video
GW had (and still has) the worst speech writers ever...and clearly he or his staff never read them before he read them out in public. It is absolutely baffling how many ppl still believe the official report. We have lost the very basic function of being human - the ability to simply think. And with that we’ve lost our liberty, our health and our pursuit of happiness...
It's not so much we've lost the ability to simply think. It's the loss of critical thinking that cripples us. One can think along lines that do not lead to truth. You can take such reasoning quite far, proving all kinds of theorems. Theoretical astrophysics has come up w/ all kinds of thought experiments that are now followed by all kinds of thoughtful people. To what end, if the originators lacked discernment or were out to deceive in the first place? One needs to have a feeling, perhaps an intuition for error - something's wrong about this. I like what Celia has done w/ this post as she articulates her suspicions w/o turning them into any kind of rigidity.
never saw this one, maybe because it is 5 yrs after the fact.
Need to focus on how $$ has been doing the work of the mRNA Jab in the psych for decades- FACT
We Must look at the "family" system and it's complete destruction over the decades. I've tried bringing it into focus, many have like John Bradshaw and others, Alice Miller. The simple fact is, preserving health and nature goes RIGHT UP AGAINST the Criminal, Sick, Destructive system, AND $$ and Most people are simply NOT going to forego the Debt, Man made, weaponized $$.
I Knew $$ was at the expense of health and truth as a kid in the 70s. Having $ was always at the expense of truth but, people kept putting the debt note first
I heard this years ago and forgot about it. 🤬
There's so much to say about 911, but this has puzzled me.
The BBC reported later in the month that some suspects were alive and well.
Waleed Al Shehri
Abdulaziz Al Omari
Saeed Alghamdi
are listed in the BBC article above.
Yet they are still listed as among "the hijackers" to this day on Wikepedia
There are probably others, including Mohammed Atta
It's part of the occult "revelation of the method" aka "hidden in plain sight" element of their psyops.
While the 9/11 base narrative is ludicrous to start with they embellish the ludicrousness with our terrorists popping up alive, other contradictions and insane impossibilities and very obvious fakery, etc.
This is logical fallacy 11 from my post: 11 logical fallacies unmasked in the use of the terms "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist"
11. When the rule is that they must “tell” us the truth underneath the propaganda how is the rejection of the narrative in the realm of “theory”? The Loaded Question fallacy
Loaded Question fallacy - a question containing an unjustified (and often offensive) presupposition
The use of the word “theory” tends to suggest that a rejection of the narrative is based on thin grounds, however, we are told that those in power feel an obligation to “tell” us what they’re really up to in order to absolve themselves of responsibility for their Big Lies thereby putting the onus on us to call them out. If we don’t - according to their reasoning - we’re the ones at fault and thus they are spared karmic repercussions.
This is known as “revelation of the method” or “hidden in plain sight.” Indeed, the evidence for signals before (known as “predictive programming”), during and after their psyops is abundantly clear, not to mention an often lacking-in-credibility base narrative to start with … so the notion of “theory” is laughable. Admittedly, however, they lead us via multiple propaganda threads (often contradictory) on lots of wild goose chases and along lots of red herring trails so that even though the disbelievers might get the fact that a Big Lie has been told correct - zero theory about it - they are often misled in determining the true nature of the event being lied about, 9/11 being exemplar extraordinaire in that regard.
Whether it’s true or not that those in power aim to avoid karmic repercussions by obviously exposing their lies - seemingly counterintuitively - propaganda works better the less it corresponds with reality as stated in Fallacy No. 7. Presumably, if it didn’t, the “revelation of the method” technique would not feature in psyops.
Covid pandemic examples
Pandemic tabletop exercises: Event 201 (Oct 2019) and Clade X (2018)
Joint exercise by US agencies to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China, Crimson Contagion (2019);
Films: Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic (2018), Pandemic (2016)
TV series: The Hot Zone (2019)
Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready, TED talk, 2015
2003: Cough and Awe, SARS by any other name, Steven Ransom
A variety of against-reality claims and images, eg, a Chinese research team supposedly finds Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits to be “reservoirs” of the virus, a claim later said to be “complete garbage” (a common feature of psyops being the spouting of complete nonsense followed by denial of it) and images of people falling flat on their face and laid out on hospital floors
Mike Pompeo telling us “We’re in a live exercise here,” in a press conference after which Trump leans over and says quietly “You should have let us … you should have let us know.” Neither Pompeo’s nor Trump’s words make any sense for a real pandemic … but they make perfect sense for a pandemic psyop or “exercise”.
Supposedly overwhelmed medical staff with seemingly lots of time to rehearse dance routines.
This is a short video showing how we’re told the vaccine is 100% effective … but as time goes on the efficacy keeps dropping.
9/11 examples
Before: The Simpsons, 1997; numerous allusions in film and TV in this compilation - the item linked to is the pilot episode, “Pilot”, of the TV series, the Lone Gunmen, aired March 2001. This episode involved a character faking his death to uncover a conspiracy to hijack an airliner and fly it into the Twin Towers. Yes, really.
During: All the journalists (scroll to section Journalists - candid or scripted?) reporting on the collapse of WTC-7 refer to controlled demolition, not fire, and some refer to it having come down before it did.
After: The terrorists pop up alive … or just a case of mistaken identity? They yank us by the nose-ring this way and that.
There is no theory in the clear facts laid before us after we blow away the magic propaganda dust … the theory is all in the magic dust.
"There is no theory in the car facts laid out before us after we blow away the magic propaganda dust…the theory is all in the magic dust."
Extremely interesting. Would you say there exists an effective method of opposing such things at the programme-predicted phase, ie before it is followed through? If those guys are that black-magickally minded, which they probably are: would a counterspell have to be worked? Or should praying be effective or, would it have to be public praying that explicitly stated it is a prayer against such and such scheme?
wonderful question.
You're getting into realms I've never even thought of. You know, you might have something there. I don't know. We could always try it. I tend to be very prosaically minded. All I think is: "It's propaganda. Just say, I'm not buying."
Your description above made me think that, if indeed they feel compelled to inform us so we can react and if we don't, then it's our own fault - then there should exist, in their worldview or construct of reality, a proper way of reacting that if we do it, defuses their plans. I wonder if someone familiar with their belief system, or their world construct, might know about what they themselves potentially teach esoterically about any counter spells. - And also outside their specific belief system, it may well be that in the Universe, opposing "wills" of groups might be in competition with each other and that by evolution, or thanks to God given free will, the stronger will prevails and manifests its vision. And a covert will can succeed all the better as it doesn't raise a counter will, a desire to stop the development. I mean, you already have so many examples of visions that get put into reality in absence of opposition because the rest is so inert, too unimaginative to anticipate what they realize only once the outcome is manifest. That starts with small examples in business and goes on to groups like the Comintern, or today, groups envisioning their takeover of attractive real estate, envisioning their island becoming a gated resort with adjacent 15 minute workers ghetto, doubling as built-in reference for showcasing their "smart" 4th industrial revolution products to potential buyers of the franchise licence, as well as envisioning, last not least, their takeover of global emergency powers. All that needs first to be envisioned by them, which is not a small feat nor uncreative. Evil too, of course. Whereas we the rest of us, are sitting here, envisioning not much ourselves. That is bad! A competing vision is what is needed, not just opposition to others' visions. A good competing vision, found, then shared, then endorsed and "willed" collectively by the 99% would be quite powerful I think. Or feel.
Well I'm into Dr Joe Dispenza's work at the moment which is all about creating your future. I think you're right. However, I had an email exchange with Gerard Holmgren's brother, David Holmgren, co-originator of permaculture and he said:
"There is a good reason why Observe and Interact is the first permaculture principle but over these last few years it has become clear that in general, understanding of permaculture ethics, principles, and participation in permaculture practices, networks and subculture communities have proven to be little better than any other set of beliefs and practices in inoculating people against sophisticated psyops from above."
So I think there really is a problem in people simply accepting propaganda. I think they really do need to be educated out of it if possible. Permaculture people tend to have a vision of the future I think but obviously they can ignore all the things they've learnt and stick out their arms regardless. Nevertheless, I totally agree that we should envision the future we want rather than just think in reaction against what those in power want to enforce.
How do you interpret the children's reading "kite kit steal plane must." The "kit" sounds almost like "hit", and "steal" exactly like "steel." Why were the children reading Pet Goat? What is a goat symbol of? Then the children read a story about a car robber. But the girl (for some reason, which I did not understand, as I am not a native English speaker) did not see the car robber. Then they read: "More to come."
Thank you for alerting me to this clear case of "predictive programming", Sonja. So appalling that they bring children into this stuff ... but then, of course, they would, wouldn't they? I'm curious to know how much the Bush twins are in on all of it. Do those in power ever kind of keep their own kids out or are they always in on it too? And if they do try to keep them out how would they be sure that the kids wouldn't find out anyway?
Goat is the symbol of Baphomet - I haven't really looked into it but I looked up Baphomet and 9/11 and found this!
"Car robber?" We don't even use that term in English. Oh my goodness. And the teacher says, "Put your fingers under the title." Oh my goodness. Reading with your finger is the way NOT to learn how to read nor is reading in an unnatural rhythm. The teacher must surely be in on it. Oh dear.
There were never any "Hijackers" on the planes. They guarded those passenger lists like gold bars!! One or two airline people printed and smuggled them out of the airports. They gave them to Rebekah Roth who has reported on this. She believes some of the pilots may have cooperated and were re-named and re-located in other countries.
It's by design to paint, or even to create, "Arabs" as "terrorists" and make Israel look like "victims". I've long said, if CHILDREN can be abused, criminalized, trafficked when they are THE MOST innocent, then ANYONE can be portrayed as the "Criminal". This is why Defending and rescuing CHILDREN is the way out of All of it!
I believe 9/11 was another USS Liberty attack June 8th 1967. Once the Perps get away with it they only get emboldened. The US relationship to Israel needs MUCH more scrutiny.
Before Building 7 came down at free fall speed, Fox news was blaming Bin Laden. It took me over 20 years to escape the liars in govt and corporate news media from their official narrative. Judy Wood provides brilliant analysis of what happened.
Great decision to not say Nine Eleven. The fact that the emergency number is pronounced Nine Eleven, has ensured that the trauma of that day is kept as alive as possible because nobody can tell me that at least subconsciously by now, the sound Nine Eleven even in everyday small emergency context does not evoke the other concept and the trauma of that day and what it brought. This is a decades long permanent effect of having selected that date. At the time it was mentioned that 9/11 sounds like the emergency number but at that moment I didn't consider, and couldn't have anticipated that other permanent effect.
What seems not to be a coincidence but actually quite ingenious social engineering wise when you finally come to think about it as I now did after Lahaina, is that especially connecting such a defeat of American citizens and their (up to then free) society - a defeat in so many respects, a defeat no matter what narrative about what happened you choose: it's a defeat, it's an experience of maximum deliverance and powerlessness, both if you take the official story: "you can never be safe, if you think all has been insured against, then you will learn today that even box cutters can kill you; AND importantly: anytime, people are out to kill you"; or, if you take the other variants, then it's even more disempowering and traumatizing in a way, because then it's not even outside actors who are out to get you. As we know, that is the same choice with the COVID and the injections. There, still most people prefer the in comparison smaller trauma of facing an at least impersonal threat, of germ variants, that Mommy and Daddy are protecting them from, as more tolerable than the idea that it is indeed personal, and Mommy and Daddy are apparently involved in something in the vein of Tuskegee, Ocean Spray or what have you (and Pearl Harbor etc pp).
Also, the hero stories are all hero stories of tragic heroes who died while trying to rescue, and of those who failed in their efforts, and of heroic passengers who opposed their fate yet ultimately went down and died anyway which is an important marker of success or failure too, isn't it. So people everywhere were taught important (yet falsified which they didn't know) lessons about their powerlessness, that day and about the only power being that of a powerful Bush administration apparatus and military apparatus which however as they subconsciously noticed had not been used for their protection, yet was subsequently used for aggression towards a sovereign nation whose leaders had not committed an act of war. This missing logic had puzzled me instantly when I heard Bush speech. I never felt that in any way you could make that connection between some terrorists of some nationality, who damaged two buildings, and presumed retaliation against a country especially if - as claimed, and by me at the time believed -, a material and static failure had magnified the damage. According to the official narrative, it was a static failure of a type that had never ever happened. If so, and therefore, the terrorists could not assume in advance they were going to wreak that kind of havoc. Then, the retaliation was totally disproportionate. That was my feeling immediately and that made it feel phony from the beginning even if I was believing implicitly in the official narrative. But especially this discrepancy between a subconscious phony feeling and conscious belief in a story you feel is off, disempowers you in the extreme.
So, linking that complex failure to the emergency call number was very important as to this day, that sound sign Nine Eleven subliminally reminds every caller of the futility of seeking help. It calls up again and again the different lessons taught to different groups of people on and after that day.
Therefore great decision to no more produce that sound sign.
Maybe even paraphrase the other use of that sound sign? For calling help?
To maybe start depleting this sound sign Nine Eleven in its two uses of its traumatizing payload.
Water down that brand.
Have you ever seen the Fox News video out of Baltimore where a male and female set of haircuts at the news desk announce that WTC7 has fallen down before it did?
The guy tries to say that the smoke rising from the wreckage of 1 and 2 is really 7. Then he says, “Oh, there it goes now,” nice and calm as — on a live feed on the green screen behind them — WTC7 crumbles to the ground.
"There it goes now."
As if it’s perfectly normal that he just predicted it happening three minutes earlier.
At the same time, Jane Stanley on BBC is doing a live standup from a rooftop or terrace saying that WTC7 has gone down when it's clearly in the shot behind her.
Someone who wanted us to know what happened sent the press release out a little early.
“Broadcast News” all the way.
And they don't care right? That we see legs and shoes beneath the cloth horse. At the play.
I think I've seen that.
It's called "revelation of the method" or "hidden in plain sight".
I remember well the Jane Stanley reporting in front of an intact Tower 7. I looked for the clip yesterday (using Brave) and it’s been doctored--there’s a big plume of smoke where Tower 7 had been.
I might be mistaken about the doctoring of said video... See minute 24:30 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McF4flr2dYs (With thanks to another Andy!)
You're welcome other Andy!
and then BBC claimed to have lost the original video tape or data. They called it "a cock-up and not a conspiracy."
I have always refused to call the attacks 9/11, thanks for pointing that out. Yes, it is an occultist term. It is also pure propaganda to reinforce the whole notion of call for help/depend on the government. I have never believed this narrative, not past the first five or six hours, and even in those hours I didn't believe what I was hearing from MSM.
Written on the "15th anniversary" in 2016:
Yeah, I always had a problem with that word 'anniversary' as well. Nice article. The Lance de-Haven Smith book he mentions is well worth a read also. I should write a substack on my interaction with that author someday.
THINK ABOUT THIS THE EVIL TREASONOUS USURPER RUINING OUR AMERICA https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/09/energy_prices_in_america_are_going_to_get_much_worse_than_weve_ever_imagined.html
The question was who is behind 9/11, and why? That was never explained!
The other question was how 3 steel towers fell on their foot prints? That was never explained either!
The 3ed question is if Iraq is a secular country, and non of its citizens was part of the 19 hijackers; 15 of the 19 were Saudis, and their leader was Egyptian. We never bombed either Saudi Arabia or Egypt.
This third question was never raised by the 9/11 truthers? To answer this question is to get to the answers of the first and second questions.
see above statements about art students and explosives. Larry Silverstein gained 4 billion on the insurance, and was left with at least 2 billion after notes were paid. There were NY guys in moving vans going all over the country selling high end office furniture at garage sale prices for 2 years beforehand. Cleaning crews at the towers said semis would pull up in back and load up furniture and equipment EVERY damn night for two years beforehand. Somewhere, there is a photo of the towers taken at sunset, and when the sun gets behind the center of the buildings, you can see there is nothing left inside. The top floors were still occupied, and probably some bottom floors too. Nothing in the middle. Hollowed out. Like our country.
An operation of this magnitude, only one bunch who would be behind it. And that is our Overlords, the Club of International Banksters who REALLY run things in the West. Psychopath Parasites who exist because we allow them to create our money supply out of thin air. The greatest case of public welfare in all of human history.
As a very proud old school liberal, I have now revisited every crazy 'conspiracy theory' I ridiculed over the last two decades. Everything is on the table now. The nuttier the better. Assume everything you were told was fake, conspiracy, psyop...is true, and verify.
Good for you John!
Well well. I am always amazed when I read these types of missives. I get it finally and no longer get angry at the millions that fell for this bullshit.
I don't know why I had to know they were criminals but it started in the late 60s when my Dad would say America is the greatest country and I would ask why he thinks that and where else have you lived. I was 13 years old.
My parents fought over money, divorced by 1971 which saved me from going to deeper brainwashing at a College of my choice.
Through many years of partying all kinds of insanity I created a garment business with a beautiful wife and moved to IT as NYC Garment industry was destroyed. Power of Thought and knowing. Very real.
911 I heard from first one of my techs on the roof of the Data Center near the Lincoln Tunnel that called me to say something flew into WTC.
Well I was first just thinking a Piper Cub but quickly the stories changed.
The Key here is the TV. If you watched the TV the brainwashing machine was on High. For two or three days I was home, TV always on. First day back to work I was driving into the city as I lived 6 miles away in NJ, 2 miles as the crow flies, and just as I got about 1/4 mile from my home and NYC is on the left as I drive in and I am seeing the smoke rising. It hit me like a punch in the chest. The TV!!! I pulled over and got out to grab the plastic American Flag I had flapping out the back window and threw it in the back.
I got back in and drove in to work realizing what they had done. Look on Twitter for the Punisher as they show the Israeli Art Students who were in the towers June July and lived on the 91st floor. Art Students. They took out a window and repelled outside the towers.
In the image there are boxes all around them. Bb88 was marked on these boxes and there were at 50-60 cartons. They were caps for setting off explosives. There were thousands of them and this is a photo of them in the tower setting it up. Mossad and remember the dancing Israelis. These people will pay and they don't need our hate.
We are Hyperspace Spiritual Beings and we are not these bodies as we are immortal. There is no death. It is a very evil thing we are fighting but we are Human. We are Quantum technology like nothing else. We are all one. To fight with another human or a plant is like your hand fighting with your foot.
That said it's hard as hell. I get it but it will not always be. We can do anything. Raise your vibration. Check out Marina Jacoby if you want to manifest more beauty.
We will get there.
911 was the Start. This March 2020 was stage two. The Jab is not what they call it. It is pretty clear. Don't need my babbling.
We are human. Remember everything you know is a lie. Everything. All history.
Pick any subject since 1945. It's a lie. WWI planned. WWII planned. Korea, Nam, Afghan Iraq all lies. Everything Lies. Fuck The Civil War was genocide. There was no war.
Find one War photo. The bullshit of reliving battles. Battles that never happened.
Everything you see is planned staged to the nth degree. Everything is planned.
You are either an extra or you are watching from back stage. Nothing zero nothing is accidental.
Yes yea. I want to say it but I won't.
Raise your vibration. Check Marina
Good luck
Being on the West Coast, we were late to the party. I taught college chemistry lab, and my boss and I were glued to the computer screen watching the news. We watched the buildings implode several times, and then when WTC 7 came down after lunch we just looked at each other. Neither of us was an architect or an engineer, but between us we had 5 university degrees and had a pretty good handle on the physics aspect of what we had just seen. We agreed that it was not possible that these buildings were brought down by anything other than controlled demolition. I have had an unshakeable conviction since day 1 that we were fed a pack of lies, and that everything that followed that was perpetrated by the neocon warmongers was nothing but criminals doing criminal things. I pray fervently that there is a very special place in hell for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the rest.
As Sage says, we don't ask the right questions. We don't know how advanced military tech is both in terms of weapons or "CGI". I think the best we can do is remain open to new information, look at it critically and unemotionally (neither of which TPTB want), refuse to comply and ridicule the "elite".
There are photos many decades old of Werner von Braun and others alongside Nazi flying Hanabu saucers. http://discaircraft.greyfalcon.us/HAUNEBU.htm Wonder how much better they are now, 85 years later?
Have you read the Projekt Saucer series by WA Harbinson?