sun tzu [chinese war manual ... let your enemy believe that you are losing the battle that your disorganized , that you are being betrayed by your soldiers that you are retreating etc etc ... so that their enemy lets his guard down .... then they resume and attack ... like digital money 15 minute cities like lahina like california canada fires like and the other directed energy weapons like 5g mind controll and remote kill switch and booby traped i phones with their lithium expolsive batteries etc etc the current pshycopaths never give up , same as today their agenda is right on target on time etc ... pray hard often sincere for help guidance
The memory hole is alive and well. What seems like a month or so ago, perhaps a bit longer Fakebook's front boy for the Deep State admitted he'd been wrong for taking his marching orders from the White House. Gee, thought I, that sounds like he'll be divorcing those chact feckers any minute now. Instead, he went right back to censoring. WTF ! Maybe he was told to wait and hedge a bit longer to see how things would play out before inauguration day.
Indeed, we are witnessing the art of war. Let the adversary think they are winning while you redirect by burning down L.A, exhume the bird flu psyop, continue to destroy the food supply chain, return to mask wearing in parts of California, spray the skies with who knows what and reveal our feckless inept military regarding the drones. Oh yeah, we're winning alright.
As Michael Yon has stated, if Trump doesn't shut down the Darien Gap immediately then the evidence will speak for itself.
I substitute a "Ch" for the 'Z'. I "chucked Facebook in 2010 and am still proud of that.
Facebook is a psychological operation on humanity to weaken people's inner fabric. To make them feel they are part of an internet "Friends" - a reality show - and avoid the reality of their life. The world renowned psychiatrist, Dr. M. Scott Peck, who in his day was referred to as "The Conscience of Humanity", wrote an entire book on his premise that "Golf is not like other sports which, we can all agree are metaphors for life. Golf is NOT a metaphor for life. Golf IS life." Peck's seminal book "The Road Less Traveled" I heard decades later outsold the Bible worldwide around 1980. But I disagree. Golf, like Facebook, and the internet in general, is NOT life. Living life IS life AND as lifetime golfer and runner, I say that running is life. We exist because our ancestors outran something or somebody. Hopefully we will "outrun" the insanity and the untruths of this world today. Let's let Jesus Christ have the final words but it's not in the bible but the little known ancient papyrus documents called "The Essene Gospel of Peace". Christ was an Essene and his fellow Essenes wrote down his words in near real time but the Vatican in the 3rd C.E. AD REJECTED this GOspel from inclusion in the bible. Why would the 1st person account of Christ's words be rejected. Here is a tiny bit of his wisdom. A man asked him "Which law (of life) should we follow? That of Moses and the Scripture OR that of which you preach? " Christ responded with: "Those are dead words by dead men..... learn of the law of life by living." Experiential learning. I say, that Christ said "Don't trust the experts." but trust your experiential learnings and that of your community.
Jessica Hertz. That name alone proves Zuck is full of sh!t. Facebook censorship by the Biden Administration can't be understood without looking into the role of Jessica Hertz. Readers, please take your amazing journalistic investigative talent all reading The Truth Barrier were born with and the dots will connect through her. Here's breadcrumbs laid down for even the blind to follow:
"Jessica Hertz is an Associate General Counsel, Regulatory at Facebook, where she handles a wide range of government inquiries and regulatory investigations. Previous to joining Facebook, she was a partner at Jenner & Block, where she likewise focused on government controversies and public policy litigation. She joined Jenner & Block after more than five years in senior positions in the Executive branch. She served as principal deputy counsel to Vice President Joseph R. Biden, counsel to Deputy Attorney General James Cole, and counselor to the Administrator of the Office and Management and Budget."
Joe Biden hires Facebook executive Jessica Hertz for transition team
"Joe Biden’s transition team has hired top Facebook executive Jessica Hertz as its general counsel to oversee ethical issues, as the campaign tussles with the social media giant to get it to censor President Trump’s posts, according to a report.
This will be the second hire by Team Biden of a former Big Tech executive, following Carlos Monje, Twitter’s director of public policy brought on as co-chair of the transition team’s infrastructure policy committee."
Joe Biden Names Former Facebook Lawyer Jessica Hertz as White House Staff Secretary
"Biden on Wednesday named Jessica Hertz, until this year a lawyer focused on regulatory affairs in Facebook’s DC office, as his staff secretary, a quietly powerful White House role that determines, for instance, what paperwork the president sees.
Hertz joined Facebook just after the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke in 2018 — igniting a new round of public scrutiny for the tech giant — and her legal portfolio focused on regulatory affairs, which culminated this month in an antitrust suit by the Federal Trade Commission. Hertz left Facebook in June, according to her LinkedIn page; in the fall, she was announced as the Biden transition team’s general counsel.
Facebook is the tech giant that appears most on the outs with Biden’s team. His aides constantly battled with the company over disinformation and advertising policies during the campaign, and Biden has said he has “never been a fan of Facebook."
Biden’s Progressive Appointees: Watch Out Below the Radar
"Biden and his team promise to do a lot of needed re-regulation. Why on earth bring back Sunstein?
One explanation could be the influence of one Jessica Hertz. She is a longtime protégé of Sunstein, both in his days at the University of Chicago and as his counselor when both were at OIRA.
From there, after a stint as deputy counsel for then–Vice President Biden, Hertz went on to work as the key house counsel in charge of fending off regulation for Facebook, the number one target for reformers of platform monopolies. And then she got herself a prime job as general counsel in the Biden transition, where she was the ultimate arbiter of ethics and conflict-of-interest issues."
In 2009, Sunstein became head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), a part of the Office of Management and Budget that plays a pivotal role in approving or rejecting agency regulations. The position was Sunstein’s dream job, to be a pilot in what he termed “the cockpit of the regulatory state.”
Sunstein’s wife, Samantha Power, had been nominated to head the U.S. Agency for International Development, so it appeared Sunstein was jockeying for his own berth in D.C.
Despite that anxiety, Goodwin and Hauser both think the days of Sunstein’s views extolling minimal rules and preferring “nudges” instead of enforceable mandates to achieve good corporate behavior are at an end.
And there are reasons to worry. Kuttner reported on February 1 that Sunstein’s protégé, Jessica Hertz, managed to segue from her job in the Obama administration as a deputy counsel to Biden to a high-ranking position at Facebook and then to the Biden transition team, overseeing ethics considerations. Now, she’s been named Biden’s staff secretary, where she controls what documents land on his desk.
Hauser thinks one area where Sunstein could do harm concerns Big Tech. He fears that Sunstein would support “complex regulatory structures developed by agencies yet to be built,” rather than the more direct action of breaking up tech giants like Amazon, Facebook or Google, which have become big by a “series of acquisitions” and are too powerful to regulate at their current size. Breaking up the companies is the only way to make them “small enough” to regulate, he says.
That’s a “cleaner” solution to the dominance of Big Tech, he says. “That’s the exact opposite of the type of recommendation that Cass Sunstein makes, which is always about a complex series of modest nudges to try to create the least backlash by corporate America.”
Former Facebook lawyer quits as Biden's staff secretary after just ten months in the job
"Former Facebook associate general counsel Jessica Hertz is resigning from her prestigious position as White House staff secretary.
It came just days after Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen testified before Congress on a broad range of issues, including the negative impact of social media on users' mental health.
Hertz started her career in politics while serving under the Obama administration, as counselor to the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Cass Sunstein, before joining the Justice Department.
Speaking on NBC's State of the Union Sunday, Facebook's Vice President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg unveiled the new 'nudge' feature, which he claims will dramatically boost the wellbeing of young social media users."
Ex-Biden, Facebook Attorney Joining Shopify as General Counsel
"Shopify Inc. has hired Jessica Hertz, who stepped down this month from her role as cabinet secretary for President Joe Biden, to be its general counsel.
A financial disclosure form filed by Hertz this year as part of her return to public service showed that she received nearly $800,000 in salary and bonuses from her role at Facebook, as well as almost $100,000 for serving as general counsel to PT Fund Inc., the official name of Biden’s transition team.
Hertz was also paid $20,000 to be a lecturer at Columbia Law School in New York, according to her filing with the Office of Government Ethics.
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor officiated the 2009 wedding of Hertz, her former clerk on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, to Christopher Angell. Angell, a former Covington & Burling associate, is now a director of strategy and business development for water technology company Xylem Inc.
The Biden transition team’s decision last year to name Hertz as its legal chief, a position that required her to navigate various ethical issues and potential conflicts of interest, drew scrutiny as a result of her time at Facebook, according to Politico, which first noted Tuesday her recruitment by Shopify."
How can Jessica Hertz not be in the center of this story? It's impossible that she isn't. Impossible. All, please help take this part of the story to places wide and far. Facebook became an auxiliary of the Biden regime from pre-election, October 2020 transition team through the first, most important year of his administration, overseeing personnel (who are policy) selection from the git. Whoever was barking at Zuck was hired by Jessica Hertz the moment after she was hired away from Zuck's Facebook senior staff.
There is a little logic trick to this: living beings with a body change a little all the time. There are no jumps or cessation of change, only continuous change. So, the current Zuckerberg is not the same, in the strict sense, as any other Zuckerberg of the past.
Behind silly dad jokes like these there is the Buddhist principle of impermanence. People are always doing jokes like this on the internet, invariably, haha.
Previously (5 yrs or so) to me, he looked as if he were plasticene or some modelling clay, but attributed that to filters or something... Not much thought on the topic, but the new fluffy Z with sun marks on his face does have that freshly groomed puppy feel... He's crafting a new image.
Maybe? That hasn't been my experience of people in real life, beyond "regular" variations like looking tired, looking thin, etc.
I'm reluctant to make snap judgments, or actually care too much. It's a clone! it's an AI! it's an actor in a mask! It was a bad hair day! Actually that last one was probably true.
Zuck heading for the hills rather than go down with the Leftist Woke Censor SHIP.....
What a pathetic excuse of a human, a veritable excrescence on society.
Obama ushers in the era of fake news, Biden amplifies it and the FBI, and the social media tech giants buy into the "management" of "misinformation" (as deemed fake by their biased and bought "fact" checkers) and now Zuck the Fuck wants to distance himself from the policies that he implemented and managed.
1 May 2024. Here were admin officials Rob Flaherty and Andy Slavitt before Rep. Gaetz during a hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. They denied pressuring social media companies to censor. The sense of smugness and untouchability that has so typically characterized this White House was palpable during this entire hearing.
The emperors have no clothes but their audience, for the most part, have no minds and real objective consciousness - so what does control actually mean and matter. I explain with evidence.
In the year 2000, a study was done of MEDCO's pharmaceutical insurance claim data, and it revealed that "30% of adult women and 15% of adult men (in America" were taking a prescription drug for mental health." That was year 2000 and what stressor happened in 2001? 911, mid-east wars, Bush a stressor for liberals, then Obama a stressor for conservatives, then four good years under DJT but a stressor for liberals, then COVID, "safe" deadly vaccines, Ukraine war, threat of nuclear WWIII, inflation, etc. etc.
What do YOU (reader) think those percentages are now in 2025? A friend who is very knowledgeable of these drugs believes it is near 80% and 50%. I say 60%/40% - about half of all adults are on psychotropic drugs. Now some of your readers, especially those on psychotropics, would say "Well at least they are getting some help for their problems and stress." Right Dr. Fauci? Trust your doctor. Trust the science" Reality is a drug-altered "reality". Need proof?
In June 2006, the NY Post published an article of an interview of a "best friend of OJ Simpson" who said that not long before those murders "OJ had doubled-up (on his own) on his dosage of Prozac." Since then I have yet to see that article referenced NOR have I met a single person on the internet or in real life, who knows that truth.
We the Sheeple have had no brains for decades. How did that OJ news not be a great revelation that would have turned the world on its axis? Because they are very good at what they do - with clothes or no clothes. We have a ways to go because cognitive dissonance is one of the greatest forces in all of humanity. As General Michael Flynn told Alex Jones in 2018 or so - "What people need to understand is that what we are talking about is not conspiracy theory - there IS a conspiracy. We are in a real war, for now using (only) unconventional warfare tactics, where the battles are for the narrative and what people believe and then do (vote, purchase, tell others..)
Alex Jones had not convinced a huge percentage of people of the "conspiracies" he was purveying as truth in (what?) 20 years.
We won 2024 and some "minds" have opened up but we have a long road to travel just yet. And people on psychotropic drugs will have a difficult time because these modern drugs are documented to cause the person "to have an unusual reliance on figures of authority."
How do you change the belief system of a person who has always believed in a "god"? Not easy. The irrefutable truth CAN but not always.
Here’s a possible reason for the change in policy. (I just don’t believe this technocrat has seen the light and that “we’ve won.”) One of the reasons I believe that X is marketed now as a place for free speech is to encourage all of the dissidents to out themselves /speak freely. The NWO will be rolling out social credit scores tied to digital currency. Zuck is running well behind the program by shutting down the free flow of self incrimination. It’s go-time for the new system.
My favorite pundits are Dani Katz and Emily Moyer who have a YT show on Wednesday nights. It’s called Word(s) Salad though it weren’t come up if you search for it. Better search for Emily Moyer. Anyway, they are of the opinion that the pivot is now to get everyone to talk freely so they could be surveilled for a better social credit system.
"It is precisely because he has no soul, no original ideas, no integrity, and no real “self” that this mea culpa is so valuable. Take his 180 as a kind of death knell signal to the censorship industrial complex’s imagined future as super-popular nanny state. His distancing means more than that of a person with a soul."
Celia, let's take this one step further. maybe he's gone to the place brandon went to. does he even exist. no, he never had any real self, that's why he was chosen as the front when the darpa lifelog project went live. gentle harmless nerdy probable closeted gay magnet for all the eunuchs who longed to work for him.
remember spring 2022 when it was leaked that the canadian govt wasn't monitoring "virus" contagion numbers but was closely fixated on social media resistance to plandemic restrictions? same playbook.
sun tzu [chinese war manual ... let your enemy believe that you are losing the battle that your disorganized , that you are being betrayed by your soldiers that you are retreating etc etc ... so that their enemy lets his guard down .... then they resume and attack ... like digital money 15 minute cities like lahina like california canada fires like and the other directed energy weapons like 5g mind controll and remote kill switch and booby traped i phones with their lithium expolsive batteries etc etc the current pshycopaths never give up , same as today their agenda is right on target on time etc ... pray hard often sincere for help guidance
They were my thoughts also!
He’s probably a pedo too….maybe why so many Hollywood stars evidence, I mean houses, have burned down in LA.
The memory hole is alive and well. What seems like a month or so ago, perhaps a bit longer Fakebook's front boy for the Deep State admitted he'd been wrong for taking his marching orders from the White House. Gee, thought I, that sounds like he'll be divorcing those chact feckers any minute now. Instead, he went right back to censoring. WTF ! Maybe he was told to wait and hedge a bit longer to see how things would play out before inauguration day.
Indeed, we are witnessing the art of war. Let the adversary think they are winning while you redirect by burning down L.A, exhume the bird flu psyop, continue to destroy the food supply chain, return to mask wearing in parts of California, spray the skies with who knows what and reveal our feckless inept military regarding the drones. Oh yeah, we're winning alright.
As Michael Yon has stated, if Trump doesn't shut down the Darien Gap immediately then the evidence will speak for itself.
I substitute an 'S' or an 'F' for the 'Z' !!
I substitute a "Ch" for the 'Z'. I "chucked Facebook in 2010 and am still proud of that.
Facebook is a psychological operation on humanity to weaken people's inner fabric. To make them feel they are part of an internet "Friends" - a reality show - and avoid the reality of their life. The world renowned psychiatrist, Dr. M. Scott Peck, who in his day was referred to as "The Conscience of Humanity", wrote an entire book on his premise that "Golf is not like other sports which, we can all agree are metaphors for life. Golf is NOT a metaphor for life. Golf IS life." Peck's seminal book "The Road Less Traveled" I heard decades later outsold the Bible worldwide around 1980. But I disagree. Golf, like Facebook, and the internet in general, is NOT life. Living life IS life AND as lifetime golfer and runner, I say that running is life. We exist because our ancestors outran something or somebody. Hopefully we will "outrun" the insanity and the untruths of this world today. Let's let Jesus Christ have the final words but it's not in the bible but the little known ancient papyrus documents called "The Essene Gospel of Peace". Christ was an Essene and his fellow Essenes wrote down his words in near real time but the Vatican in the 3rd C.E. AD REJECTED this GOspel from inclusion in the bible. Why would the 1st person account of Christ's words be rejected. Here is a tiny bit of his wisdom. A man asked him "Which law (of life) should we follow? That of Moses and the Scripture OR that of which you preach? " Christ responded with: "Those are dead words by dead men..... learn of the law of life by living." Experiential learning. I say, that Christ said "Don't trust the experts." but trust your experiential learnings and that of your community.
That's good!! I call him Suck a bug!
He has come across like an insect for decades now.
Jessica Hertz. That name alone proves Zuck is full of sh!t. Facebook censorship by the Biden Administration can't be understood without looking into the role of Jessica Hertz. Readers, please take your amazing journalistic investigative talent all reading The Truth Barrier were born with and the dots will connect through her. Here's breadcrumbs laid down for even the blind to follow:
Columbia Law School Lecturer Bio:
"Jessica Hertz is an Associate General Counsel, Regulatory at Facebook, where she handles a wide range of government inquiries and regulatory investigations. Previous to joining Facebook, she was a partner at Jenner & Block, where she likewise focused on government controversies and public policy litigation. She joined Jenner & Block after more than five years in senior positions in the Executive branch. She served as principal deputy counsel to Vice President Joseph R. Biden, counsel to Deputy Attorney General James Cole, and counselor to the Administrator of the Office and Management and Budget."
Joe Biden hires Facebook executive Jessica Hertz for transition team
NY Post, October 1, 2020
"Joe Biden’s transition team has hired top Facebook executive Jessica Hertz as its general counsel to oversee ethical issues, as the campaign tussles with the social media giant to get it to censor President Trump’s posts, according to a report.
This will be the second hire by Team Biden of a former Big Tech executive, following Carlos Monje, Twitter’s director of public policy brought on as co-chair of the transition team’s infrastructure policy committee."
Joe Biden Names Former Facebook Lawyer Jessica Hertz as White House Staff Secretary
Vox, December 30, 2020
"Biden on Wednesday named Jessica Hertz, until this year a lawyer focused on regulatory affairs in Facebook’s DC office, as his staff secretary, a quietly powerful White House role that determines, for instance, what paperwork the president sees.
Hertz joined Facebook just after the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke in 2018 — igniting a new round of public scrutiny for the tech giant — and her legal portfolio focused on regulatory affairs, which culminated this month in an antitrust suit by the Federal Trade Commission. Hertz left Facebook in June, according to her LinkedIn page; in the fall, she was announced as the Biden transition team’s general counsel.
Facebook is the tech giant that appears most on the outs with Biden’s team. His aides constantly battled with the company over disinformation and advertising policies during the campaign, and Biden has said he has “never been a fan of Facebook."
Biden’s Progressive Appointees: Watch Out Below the Radar
The American Prospect, February 1, 2021
"Biden and his team promise to do a lot of needed re-regulation. Why on earth bring back Sunstein?
One explanation could be the influence of one Jessica Hertz. She is a longtime protégé of Sunstein, both in his days at the University of Chicago and as his counselor when both were at OIRA.
From there, after a stint as deputy counsel for then–Vice President Biden, Hertz went on to work as the key house counsel in charge of fending off regulation for Facebook, the number one target for reformers of platform monopolies. And then she got herself a prime job as general counsel in the Biden transition, where she was the ultimate arbiter of ethics and conflict-of-interest issues."
Who's Afraid of Cass Sunstein
BlueTent, February 5, 2021
In 2009, Sunstein became head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), a part of the Office of Management and Budget that plays a pivotal role in approving or rejecting agency regulations. The position was Sunstein’s dream job, to be a pilot in what he termed “the cockpit of the regulatory state.”
Sunstein’s wife, Samantha Power, had been nominated to head the U.S. Agency for International Development, so it appeared Sunstein was jockeying for his own berth in D.C.
Despite that anxiety, Goodwin and Hauser both think the days of Sunstein’s views extolling minimal rules and preferring “nudges” instead of enforceable mandates to achieve good corporate behavior are at an end.
And there are reasons to worry. Kuttner reported on February 1 that Sunstein’s protégé, Jessica Hertz, managed to segue from her job in the Obama administration as a deputy counsel to Biden to a high-ranking position at Facebook and then to the Biden transition team, overseeing ethics considerations. Now, she’s been named Biden’s staff secretary, where she controls what documents land on his desk.
Hauser thinks one area where Sunstein could do harm concerns Big Tech. He fears that Sunstein would support “complex regulatory structures developed by agencies yet to be built,” rather than the more direct action of breaking up tech giants like Amazon, Facebook or Google, which have become big by a “series of acquisitions” and are too powerful to regulate at their current size. Breaking up the companies is the only way to make them “small enough” to regulate, he says.
That’s a “cleaner” solution to the dominance of Big Tech, he says. “That’s the exact opposite of the type of recommendation that Cass Sunstein makes, which is always about a complex series of modest nudges to try to create the least backlash by corporate America.”
Former Facebook lawyer quits as Biden's staff secretary after just ten months in the job
UK Daily Mail, October 13, 2021
"Former Facebook associate general counsel Jessica Hertz is resigning from her prestigious position as White House staff secretary.
It came just days after Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen testified before Congress on a broad range of issues, including the negative impact of social media on users' mental health.
Hertz started her career in politics while serving under the Obama administration, as counselor to the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Cass Sunstein, before joining the Justice Department.
Speaking on NBC's State of the Union Sunday, Facebook's Vice President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg unveiled the new 'nudge' feature, which he claims will dramatically boost the wellbeing of young social media users."
Ex-Biden, Facebook Attorney Joining Shopify as General Counsel
Bloomberg Law, October 26, 2021
"Shopify Inc. has hired Jessica Hertz, who stepped down this month from her role as cabinet secretary for President Joe Biden, to be its general counsel.
A financial disclosure form filed by Hertz this year as part of her return to public service showed that she received nearly $800,000 in salary and bonuses from her role at Facebook, as well as almost $100,000 for serving as general counsel to PT Fund Inc., the official name of Biden’s transition team.
Hertz was also paid $20,000 to be a lecturer at Columbia Law School in New York, according to her filing with the Office of Government Ethics.
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor officiated the 2009 wedding of Hertz, her former clerk on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, to Christopher Angell. Angell, a former Covington & Burling associate, is now a director of strategy and business development for water technology company Xylem Inc.
The Biden transition team’s decision last year to name Hertz as its legal chief, a position that required her to navigate various ethical issues and potential conflicts of interest, drew scrutiny as a result of her time at Facebook, according to Politico, which first noted Tuesday her recruitment by Shopify."
How can Jessica Hertz not be in the center of this story? It's impossible that she isn't. Impossible. All, please help take this part of the story to places wide and far. Facebook became an auxiliary of the Biden regime from pre-election, October 2020 transition team through the first, most important year of his administration, overseeing personnel (who are policy) selection from the git. Whoever was barking at Zuck was hired by Jessica Hertz the moment after she was hired away from Zuck's Facebook senior staff.
This Z. does not look like the Z from JR 6 months ago.
The new Z shrugs his shoulder and does the weird mouth thing that Obama loves to do.
The new Z had a flatter top of his face/skull and his eyes appear to be a darker color. New z has bigger eyes and bushier eyebrows, etc, etc.
I'm not a Jr watcher but by a quick comparison glance at the two Z's, to my eyes (an artist) this is a different person.
Yes, it's interesting. Many have remarked on this—I posted some of them. They say "That's not Zuckerberg." Creepy!
There is a little logic trick to this: living beings with a body change a little all the time. There are no jumps or cessation of change, only continuous change. So, the current Zuckerberg is not the same, in the strict sense, as any other Zuckerberg of the past.
Behind silly dad jokes like these there is the Buddhist principle of impermanence. People are always doing jokes like this on the internet, invariably, haha.
Previously (5 yrs or so) to me, he looked as if he were plasticene or some modelling clay, but attributed that to filters or something... Not much thought on the topic, but the new fluffy Z with sun marks on his face does have that freshly groomed puppy feel... He's crafting a new image.
Agreed, does not look like him at all, and the vibe is different too.
All those soulless Silicon Valley technobators should be banished to their own island.
Some traumas do change people faster than one could expect. Could be that the reason?
Maybe? That hasn't been my experience of people in real life, beyond "regular" variations like looking tired, looking thin, etc.
I'm reluctant to make snap judgments, or actually care too much. It's a clone! it's an AI! it's an actor in a mask! It was a bad hair day! Actually that last one was probably true.
BTW did I say, "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"
I can hardly watch that interview such is the level of disingenuousness seeping from Zuckerberg's every pore.
He truly repulses me.
I struggled with it too. But I did it, for YOU Paul. 😂
Joe the Dumpster Toe Rogan ..playing his part in the post psyop contingency with his chosen ones' overlords.
What a turd,
Zuck heading for the hills rather than go down with the Leftist Woke Censor SHIP.....
What a pathetic excuse of a human, a veritable excrescence on society.
Obama ushers in the era of fake news, Biden amplifies it and the FBI, and the social media tech giants buy into the "management" of "misinformation" (as deemed fake by their biased and bought "fact" checkers) and now Zuck the Fuck wants to distance himself from the policies that he implemented and managed.
Fuck right off, you slimy little cunt!
Kinda late to push back now that millions have already been murdered via the death jabs.
Loved the Zuckerberg 2.0 comment.
"They worked out all the kinks and he's the most human like to date"
Check out his new multimillion underground, self-contained digs.
What a coincidence. Facebook drops fact-checkers as Childrens Health Defense petitions Supreme Court:
1 May 2024. Here were admin officials Rob Flaherty and Andy Slavitt before Rep. Gaetz during a hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. They denied pressuring social media companies to censor. The sense of smugness and untouchability that has so typically characterized this White House was palpable during this entire hearing.
The emperors have no clothes but their audience, for the most part, have no minds and real objective consciousness - so what does control actually mean and matter. I explain with evidence.
In the year 2000, a study was done of MEDCO's pharmaceutical insurance claim data, and it revealed that "30% of adult women and 15% of adult men (in America" were taking a prescription drug for mental health." That was year 2000 and what stressor happened in 2001? 911, mid-east wars, Bush a stressor for liberals, then Obama a stressor for conservatives, then four good years under DJT but a stressor for liberals, then COVID, "safe" deadly vaccines, Ukraine war, threat of nuclear WWIII, inflation, etc. etc.
What do YOU (reader) think those percentages are now in 2025? A friend who is very knowledgeable of these drugs believes it is near 80% and 50%. I say 60%/40% - about half of all adults are on psychotropic drugs. Now some of your readers, especially those on psychotropics, would say "Well at least they are getting some help for their problems and stress." Right Dr. Fauci? Trust your doctor. Trust the science" Reality is a drug-altered "reality". Need proof?
In June 2006, the NY Post published an article of an interview of a "best friend of OJ Simpson" who said that not long before those murders "OJ had doubled-up (on his own) on his dosage of Prozac." Since then I have yet to see that article referenced NOR have I met a single person on the internet or in real life, who knows that truth.
We the Sheeple have had no brains for decades. How did that OJ news not be a great revelation that would have turned the world on its axis? Because they are very good at what they do - with clothes or no clothes. We have a ways to go because cognitive dissonance is one of the greatest forces in all of humanity. As General Michael Flynn told Alex Jones in 2018 or so - "What people need to understand is that what we are talking about is not conspiracy theory - there IS a conspiracy. We are in a real war, for now using (only) unconventional warfare tactics, where the battles are for the narrative and what people believe and then do (vote, purchase, tell others..)
Alex Jones had not convinced a huge percentage of people of the "conspiracies" he was purveying as truth in (what?) 20 years.
We won 2024 and some "minds" have opened up but we have a long road to travel just yet. And people on psychotropic drugs will have a difficult time because these modern drugs are documented to cause the person "to have an unusual reliance on figures of authority."
How do you change the belief system of a person who has always believed in a "god"? Not easy. The irrefutable truth CAN but not always.
Here’s a possible reason for the change in policy. (I just don’t believe this technocrat has seen the light and that “we’ve won.”) One of the reasons I believe that X is marketed now as a place for free speech is to encourage all of the dissidents to out themselves /speak freely. The NWO will be rolling out social credit scores tied to digital currency. Zuck is running well behind the program by shutting down the free flow of self incrimination. It’s go-time for the new system.
My favorite pundits are Dani Katz and Emily Moyer who have a YT show on Wednesday nights. It’s called Word(s) Salad though it weren’t come up if you search for it. Better search for Emily Moyer. Anyway, they are of the opinion that the pivot is now to get everyone to talk freely so they could be surveilled for a better social credit system.
Suckerberg cannot be trusted.
"It is precisely because he has no soul, no original ideas, no integrity, and no real “self” that this mea culpa is so valuable. Take his 180 as a kind of death knell signal to the censorship industrial complex’s imagined future as super-popular nanny state. His distancing means more than that of a person with a soul."
Celia, let's take this one step further. maybe he's gone to the place brandon went to. does he even exist. no, he never had any real self, that's why he was chosen as the front when the darpa lifelog project went live. gentle harmless nerdy probable closeted gay magnet for all the eunuchs who longed to work for him.
remember spring 2022 when it was leaked that the canadian govt wasn't monitoring "virus" contagion numbers but was closely fixated on social media resistance to plandemic restrictions? same playbook.
Do not live in the Zuckerverse.