People need to realize that much of this unlawful and inscrutable behavior is enabled by the emergency powers set in motion in March 2020 by HHS (Azar). It pulled everything relat3d to covid into an extra constitutional framework which many are not understanding.

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As a result, many of these people in question are acting under a form of indemnity conveyed through emergency powers.

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Legal, but unlawful. Defacto, but not Dejure.

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P.S. Did you hear about today's press conference on this subject? Will be broadcast live on Rumble, got the notice from Katherine Watt: https://rumble.com/v26uqlu-dod-vaccine-press-conference-tuesday-january-24th-230-pm-et.html

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Yes, I'm a frequent poster at both stacks. Sasha and Katherine are probably getting tired of me.

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Yes, I've seen you "around," as it were. :) Doubt either are getting tired of you. Saw your other comment re getting on the Zoom call. Understandable. I will simply watch.

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I thought about getting on the zoom but I need to maintain some anonymity

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Agreed. As one developing and using PCR tests, I repeatedly contacted White House during 2020 detailing the scientifically fraudulent design of the PCR test used to identify so-called "covid cases." How many political voices are heard speaking of these issues? All not doing so are partially complicit at best.

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Isn't it possible that the sequence was already sitting in the genebank since they had been working on it for some years?

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A good point, and difficult to answer. Genome sequences are continually updated (200 million bases were added to the 3 billion base pair human genome in 2022.) Plus, most "virus" database sequences derive from lab cultures of mixed organisms (plant, cow, monkey, fungi, bacteria,) each with their own giant genomes. And, even if database reference genomes were reliable, high-powered computers (500GB RAM) are required to analyze the massive data size of genomes (our lab paid $5K/yr for access to such computers.) Finally, the databases are maintained by those complicit in whatever scam is being run- I noticed in 2020, that NCBI was "updating" existing SARS1-related sequences that were over a decade old- to what purpose?

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I wonder who really knows - what a mess - and I wouldn't be paying it any mind if the implications weren't so dire -- vaccinating the food we eat? Putting it in produce? Stupidity on display. What did you see about the fraud in the pcr for covid specifically? I'm familiar w/ Mullis and the whole AIDS debacle having lived through that era, but was there something specific to the covid ones?

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The only thing that kept me from taking flying lessons was the fact I knew I would not pass the cardiac requirements for a pilot's license. Looks like my time has come to take to the skies!

This is more insanity being bought and sold by the FAA at the cost of human lives.

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The same thing as the medical mafia relaxing the standards for various tests in order to get more people on big pharma drugs. Who knows what high BP or high cholesterol is anymore?

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Medical mafia - correct!

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Let us keep in mind that more planes crashing means more deaths as well as more general fear amongst the sheep to continue flying, leading to the downfall of the airline industry and all that entails for the economy of western civilization.

In other words, if you are a ba'al following scumbag leftist, it's a win-win-win!

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This is just another aspect of the plan unfolding.

Recently, I'd read that within 5 years, flying will be rare for the general public. Air travel will be reserved for the wealthy parasites who are supposedly developing private, electric powered aircraft.

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Lots of the folks who are dying are plenty religious, the churches complicit, this isn't their first genocide either. Like with the 'baal following scumbag leftists', some did and some didn't take the jab. The divisions in your head do not exist in real life.

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Sooo...you are one of the leftist scumbags, trying to save the reputation of your allies?

Sure, people suck, and the church (or for that matter, any religion) is not free of crimes and evil, but the very well planned long con (30+ years in the making - we are now only seeing the end game unfold before our eyes, but having taken over education and media with the complicit behavior of the once trusted mainstream media - all of whom should be taken out back and shot for treason by the way) - have been taking advantage of never-before-seen technologies (like social media) to shape and control the message - and that, my friend, is something new.

It is the soft minded who say things like "well, people are basically good" - ha! or "I'm not worried about being surveilled all the time, I don't do anything bad" who willingly follow the path laid out for them by those aforementioned ba'al following scumbag leftists. As I already stated - people suck - this is self evident. That is why there is religion in the first place.

On the second point, though, those same bovine-brained clods who bray about not being worried simply do not realize that once the systems are in place (including 24/7 surveillance, CBDCs etc.) it is the guy at the top who decides what is "bad". Imagine if the evil scumbag leftists' plan to get everyone on a social scoreboard becomes a reality - how soon before buying a firearm or a large soda or, well, whatever, is deemed verbotten? And on the other side, seems to me from the news that has been leaking out recently, those same "leaders" controlling the dials will make child pornography and sexual abuse a not-so-bad thing.

And so, pal, the division "in my head" absolutely exists - there are those of us (many if not almost all of the readers of this column, for instance) who see what is going on, and those (perhaps like you? I cannot say) who imagine everything will be all beer and skittles once "they" get socialism to work.

I will leave you with a quote from Dr Malone's book "Lies My Government Told Me" (which if you want to learn something, you ought to read):

"A less flattering definition of The Great Reset would be Capitalism with Chinese characteristics: A two-tiered economy, with profitable monopolies and the state on top and socialism for the majority below. (p. 406).

And unless you are a concubine or something at the WEF I can tell you that you will become one of the serfs they hope to have to polish the fenders on their Maybachs.

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Wow, thank you BobF, your words speak volumes, you have absorbed the 'divide and conquer' scenario well.

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Upon learning about this, one can only wonder how the public will react. Thus the total demand for secrecy by the FAA and the media whores. If people realize there is a heightened risk to fly, the effects of far less passengers will trickle down affecting so much of what we do and can consume.

As most people here probably know, Steve Kirsch has spoken to the FAA chief medical executive this past weekend. She expressed a willingness to look into the situation but isn’t replying back. I’m certain her bosses are calling the shots and wouldn’t be surprised if they are shitting in their pants.

Steve might have found the crack in the wall he’s been pursuing for the past 2 years. While most of the mainstream media would rather just pretend this is not a problem, I don’t believe Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham can ignore it. A story this big will not only begin an open investigation into the FAA’s failure but will probably demand a look at the overall media blackout that’s been happening.

Here’s a likely conversation:

Person A (Tommy Truther) - I heard on Fox that the health of pilots has been endangered by those Covid jabs. Pretty scary huh?

Person B (Compliant Karen) - Oh it’s no big deal. A medical expert on CNN said they’ve been seeing a very slight trend in cardiac weaknesses since long Covid became the big health malady it is. They’ve got it under control.

A - Are you crazy? Well I’m not going to get on a plane and neither are any of my family. You better think twice about taking such a risk. After all why are you still wearing your face mask?

And the crack keeps on growing. How long before the wall comes crumbling down?

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Thanks for linking to the new FAA table of guidelines for pilot cardiac clearance. I had read another post that argued this change to be a teapot tempest because the 200 msec threshold for focused evaluation was left intact. I see now that this is not the case at all, and that with the revised guideline 300msec gets a pass, potentially overlooking mRNA myocarditis induced 1st degree heart block

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Good morning passengers. Your flight may be suddenly and irretrievably interrupted by SGIS -- sudden ground impact syndrome. There is no known cause and there is no known cure. While rare, this syndrome absolutely has nothing to do with pilots dying of SADS. Which is a separate and also unexplained syndrome. All of which has nothing to do with anything you may have heard or know about. Thank you for flying and please switch your phones to airplane mode to avoid interfering with delicate and complex functions of the aircraft. If we're lucky, we'll be arriving in 6 hours and 43 minutes at our destination.

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This needs corrected quickly. I love to fly, Im an ultralight pilot. But I no longer fly commercial. Now I fly a new Goldwing.

Your pilots today are all up to date on their covid boosters and hopefully all on board are too. Have a pleasant flight. And remember to be safe. This is not funny. Criminal.

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Shift the goalposts is strategy of those who are protecting lies and liers. They did the same after fukushima reactor blew. They changed the US monitoring stations warning points. Then they completely shut down national radiation monitoring.

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I thought I heard that the Davos elite were demanding unvaccinated aircrew for their aircraft? And Steve Kirsch wants the Federal Flight Surgeon held accountable...

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Not likely to happen IMHO. Steve pinned my comments in the last article he put up about her. See my comments there.

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I'll look it up, thank you!

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It's all about murdering as many people as they can and taking away our means of transportation. (driving, flying, I reckon boats soon too)...

They want a smaller amount of slaves and keep them in small areas (Such as the 15-Min Cities) and drugged, and Vaxx'd, and in constant fear of Another more deadly pandemic, and Putin and Nuclear War. Do as you're told and roll up your sleeves, Surrender your Freedom, Teach your kids to be queer, and anything other than CNN is MIS & DIS-Information and Conspiracy Theorist, Extremist.

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Shit like this will be determined by the insurance companies. The creeps can promote crazy ideology all day long but when it comes down to the actual costs, $$ talks and bullshit walks.

Let's see if there will be a war on insurance companies. Then we'll see who's boss.

It's like the need for unvaxxed pilots (wait until there's an airliner crash) - All roads lead to the elites being inconvenienced or not and the insurance companies are at the top of that food chain.

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Now that it is common knowledge that the vax is deadly, please tell me why those that pushed this lie (and still are) why have they not assumed room temperature?

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Because they are under an indemnity conveyed through emergency powers. See my pinned posts at the last Kirsch stack about the FAA yesterday.

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I have a new conspiracy theory. In fact, nobody took the "vaccine", everybody lied about having taken it. They did this to show out the show-offs who say they didn't take the vaccine. Who are they to tell the truth! I'm indignant! Notice there are no penalties for lying and saying you took it only for lying and saying you gave it to somebody. How many times up till now have you had to show proof of your complicity?

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Sudden crashes on the horizon? Seems there have been a rash of small plane wrecks recently.

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