Is it actually communism, Celia, or fascism? The latter appearss more likely these days as the state and private sector conspire to rob us of our basic freedoms and impose their technocratic new world order. Not that it matters much in the end. Both ideologies are cheeks of the same tyrannical arse.

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True. I doubt it's communism because it's a public-private run system. Corporations and banks are driving this madness, not nations.

Also, if it were communism, they would offer cheaper housing and healthcare in order to sheep herd people into the "new normal". Instead they make us pay more and more.

End stage capitalism.

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"Left" Boot, "Right" Boot and You will still be "Debating" when the Boots are on Your Neck.

Actually, the Continued "Debating" is just Master Baiting while starving or being shot.

It's no wonder that Bolshevik Coups win, they really have little organized opposition. Mostly We/Me/You just post away, doing very little in the Real Universe to survive& prevail.

si vis pacem para bellum

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James Lindsay accurately says we live in Herbert Marcuse's world.

Marcuse is one of the intellectual fathers of COVID totalitarian regime and the genocide of Ukrainins and Palestinians. It's always the same guys.

Fascism is sustainable and eco-friendly communism. Nothing more than that.

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Communism was invested by misfit groups that hated Christianity. Now, they hate Christianity, and whites, and nationalism,and men,....

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Communism, like "liberal" or "conservative," has absolutely no meaning whatsoever anymore. People just point at things they don't like and scream words they believe have negative connotations.

Communism is meant to be an economic model, but somehow it's now almost exclusively described as a social movement. America is a pseudo-free market hybrid *capitalist* state. It is fascist to the core.

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You’re right. I hear the word “ communist “ thrown around & most have no idea what they mean. We’re watching a march towards technocratic fascism, with constant surveillance by corporate /state apparatus. These infiltrators are useful idiots funded by those who want to foment chaos in order to get us to scream for “law & order.”

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Textbook definitions exist only in textbooks. When everything is corrupt, it doesn't matter what it was originally supposed to be.

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Duality. Fighting to death. Stealth hunger games at universities and in our streets.

By not taking a side, even though emotions rage it becomes the solution, at least for me.

Ask yourself, by joining this protest will it change the outcome? The only protest I endorse is going to state houses and capitals and literary revoking their privilege to govern as clearly stated in our Constitution…

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Yep. Polarization is step 6 in genocide. While the people fight each other, the actual murdering of the people (both left and right) by the state continues. Murder through injectables, poisoning of food, water, air, deadly hospital protocols etc.

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OK some people may think I’m being ridiculous but I look at all these kids as vaccine injured. They have brains filled with aluminum. They can’t breathe because they are so allergic. They have autoimmune diseases so they can barely eat, since their digestive systems are shot. They are smart without executive function. So, that is the way I think about it. My child is the oldest of the Millenniums, 42 years old. She didn’t get too many vaccines but accidentally got three MMR in a short time period. Her immune system collapsed and she got viral overload. After twenty years she is less sick, but she can’t make a decision even though she is actually fairly self sufficient, married, has a career, and children. I am her executive function. You poison a whole generation of kids and this is what you get.

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I so agree that these young(er) people are totally vaxxed injured…also feel these vaxx injured kids are particularly vulnerable to all the ‘sexual identity/transgender messaging propaganda’ as they are on ‘The Spectrum’. This is the doing of Big Pharma and Pediatricians in the Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery Complex, pushing these vaccines on parents and their kids.

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I'm sorry. And how right you are. How do people detox aluminum?

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You left out the brainwashing.

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Filing suits against bonds seems a most effective action to me.

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Remembering those days a half century ago where many of us in colleges and universities marched and protested the horrific war in Vietnam. We were kids who just wanted to see an end to pointless violence and death. But in our simple naive path we ran into a collection of angry, ideologues who were praising Trotsky and Che and seemed to be happy to burn America to the ground. This was the “New Left” - and every time we’d march and sing and pray for peace, they’d show up and grab all the headlines with their revolutionary rhetoric and hatred. Today it’s the same old same old. The peace movement always seems to get infiltrated by some of the most un peaceful people around.

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Paid. All paid. Jeff you may want to read "Judgment in Moscow: Soviet Crimes and Western Complicity" by Vladimir Bukovsky

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These very broad stroke generalizations/"demonizations" about the protesters sound a lot like the broad stroke "liberal" generalizations/"demonizations" of the Canadian truckers, who DID have "some" (however large or small) "far right" infiltrators.

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What does 'far right' mean at this point? I'm massively far right, and I just want to live in a high-trust society again. I want infrastructure to be properly maintained. I want to chat with people who have a shared culture. I want architecture to be beautiful

That's not possible with... well, Celia won't ban me for saying who, but you probably know.

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It is not popular today to want sovereign borders! It is not popular today to send our soldiers to defend our borders, but rather to defend Khazarians in Israel and Ukraine.

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I hear you. My hunch is people like you and I "came from" different ends of the spectrum, so to speak, and yet share a basic down to earth set of values, or principles, or just belief in human dignity. I think both "far right" and "far left" are meaningless terms at this point. People who believe in free choice are "far right????" Antony Blinken is "radical left????"

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If I were Marx I’d say the main threat to the proletariat today is the Net Zero Agenda. Clearly the bourgeoisie of the WEF plan their enslavement.

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Celia, Palestinian "Global-Marxists??" You're a writer. Words are important, and one word that we should avoid is "globalist." It means so many different things, to so many different people, that it basically has no meaning.

In troubled times, people are trying to understand why their world seems built on a sand castle as the tide comes in. As with any effort to understand our reality, we need a method for exploration. And just as scientists do, we need to refine that method when it comes up short.

Simply repeating catchphrases is not an analytical method. And, the Palestinian human rights struggle may have been supported by some folks wearing masks, but they don't define who or what that struggle is.

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Palestinian Children starved and bombed was totally blessed by Christian pieces of sh"t like the evangelicals and the neocons. Ben Shapiro became famous because he supported free speech, then, because he has no consciousness he praised the devastation in Gaza, and fired a black woman for saying Christ is King. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruise totally support the Genocide in Gaza...they are not communists. Even if I hate communism, I welcome the communist college students for standing for humanity.

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The other option is 'jews', but Celia might be conflicted about using that term.

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It's so tiresome: We're the good guys marching against the bad guys and our banner, our beliefs, our system of top down government control will save the world. We must fight and win against the fascists, communists, globalists, godlesses, Nazis, Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, liberals, socialists, demagogues, Zoinists, Hamasists, Russians, the military medical industrial complex, LBGTQ, or whatever. "Them, out there, are the "problem". Once we subdue or kill them, we will be safe and our ideas will flourish and there will be peace and love in the world!

Is it possible for humanity to actually grow up, to realize the "problem" is not out there? It is within each one of us. We need to look at the hatred, bigotry, hubris and fear in ourselves, change the world within first, then maybe, just maybe there's a chance to create "The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible* (title of a book by Charles Eisenstein)

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They told us there is no god for decades. Now, we discovered that they worship Satan. Hence, if there is Satan, therefore there is god. Let's all stand with God against the satanic POS.

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Victims of COVID communist violence are well justified to hate and to be afraid. Everybody is at a different stage and moves at a different speed. And we don't know where are we moving, because we are in a war. A lot of people seem to forget that.

The evil is out there. Your bigoted and hubristic denial of the existence of evil coming from other people is not helping anyone to overcome their wounds.

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I didn't say the evil is not out there, but I did say the evil is also in here. I might prefer to call it illusion/confusion rather than evil. I believe that every soul is capable of redemption. Every major wisdom tradition says this in different ways.

On the one hand, we are amazing exquisite individuals with different priorities and desires, and at the same time, we are all one. Newtonian physics explains the first truth and quantum physics explains the second truth. The mind has difficulty with this paradox where both are true. Our minds are still tend to be stuck in Newtonian thinking because we were taught it and the world reflects it. This was most evident in the Covid crisis. The enemy is out there and it's called a virus. Our sickness has nothing to do with the food we choose to eat, the thoughts we choose to think or the conditioned habits that produce stress and anxiety in our bodies. Yes there in work to be done and you might say battles to be fought in the outside world but there is also inner work that must accompany it.

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I don't believe we are all one.

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Roger, it is true that we are separate individuals and that some of us are so caught up in that illusion as the only truth that we can literally become killers of those we feel victimized by. Believing yourself to be a victim of someone or something out there gives away our power to that person, that group or that force. And certainly we still need to protect ourselves by not foolishly going along with anyone or anything that could be hurtful to us.

I agree that everybody is at a different stage and moves at a different speed and it is completely understandable that they feel hatred and fear. If my granddaughter, who is vaccinated, becomes injured or sick, I would immediately join them in their hatred! The problem is that hate and fear drain our life force energy. I'm sure we both feel hate and fear everyday. It's a question of how we want to work with the energy in those difficult feelings without hurting ourselves or others. I would say the creator of this blog has used those energies to investigate and expose the corruption, hubris and criminal acts of the self styled elites who believe that domination and control of the world will save them.

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You are contradicting yourself.

It is the case that either individuals are separate, or that they are not separate. No third option possible. And only when individuals are not separate you can say that it is an illusion the belief that individuals are separate.

Here’s the rub: Children with cerebral palsy were specifically exempt from mask wearing because they could not remove the mask. Nevertheless, their caregivers forced them to wear the suffocation device, and action both stupid and evil. In this example, it is literally the case that the victim was powerless to defend from the aggressor, who was the caregiver. Those caregivers deserve punishment. Also, there are multiple testimonies of children communistically coerced to “confess” in the classroom that they were not vaccinated, and the evil sonsofbitches commies that are said to play a role as teachers humiliated them and instructed the other children to also insult the non-vaccinated kid. I could write more gruesome examples, but will not.

What you are trying to say is that a non-victim should not delude himself believing he is a victim, because that puts in danger an imagined aggressor, who is innocent.

This is not the case of victims of communism. It is morally correct that aggressors feel the danger and live in fear of punishment. It would be a great outcome if all the commies who abused helpless children would commit suicide, maybe by tying a heavy object to their neck and throwing themselves to a river. They are irredeemable scumbags.

What you are doing here is something that is extremely common these days, which is self-brainwashing. Victims should delude themselves into believing they are not victims because they are in fact powerless and there is no way to punish the aggressors. An these self-brainwashed people should also develop the delusion that they have a power they don’t have in reality.

To be more precise, you are trying to brainwash me into your delusion, by trying to convince me to self-brainwash. This is an error, as you can see.

Now, I don’t care what people do to survive: engage in self-delusion, using dimethyltryptamine, getting ketamine injections, playing parcheesi, ingesting methamphetamine, contemplating the libations of beverages made from droplets of milk that run on the capsule of the opium poppy and are being scrapped by a stylishly engraved sliver scoop, running a marathon with an oversized hat, masticating edible succulents, learning to play the Chapman stick, imagining that Stalin was a Jew or that Hitler was not a very evil mass murderer who should have been shot many years before 1945, or eating a spoonful of fermented garlic that has been in a jar since February 2020. Every individual chooses his own destiny.

I choose to not engage in this form of self-delusion. I think it’s bad for me to convince myself that crimes were not committed against me, and are not being committed against me every day.

And I think certain types of criminals should be burned at the stake, after a period of intense affliction in a dark and very unhealthy gaol. With a little bit of luck for the convict, he will die before their execution date comes.

Just bear in mind: oriental philosophies are at least as bunk as western philosophies. The more self-contradictory, the worse they are. People should not hold on to an idea just because it sounds fashionable. And also understand that you cannot persuade anyone with contradictions in your thought and your writing (incidentally, you cannot persuade anyone with thoughts and writing free of contradictions either, and that’s because most of us, the unpersuadables, are victims of a mind control operation that most normies deny it ever happened, which is irritating; This is a bad situation for everyone, and it’s not going to improve with more word spells; simply put, one spell cannot be undone by reciting the same spell backwards; if you want to help, it’s best if you preach by example.)

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The paradox you are saying cannot stand is the truth that we are all distinct and separate individuals and we are also all one with all that is. That's called a paradox and the mind struggles mightily with pardoxes. Here's another example. We know that our bodies and lives are completely separate from those trees out there. We can't be a tree and they can't be human. Yet we are not at all separate from them because we owe our very lives to them If they and all green plants were not breathing in our CO2 exhaust and breathing out our oxygen fuel, we would not exist. Those trees are more literally our lungs than our very own lungs are. They cannot be separate. That's all I'm saying.



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If everyone stopped believing they need to be ruled by anyone, things would finally improve.

But that's not happening. People go vote and wear their I Voted sticker and feel like they made a difference.

But we don't need rulers. I vote for no one to rule me.

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Your newsletter is one of my favourites Celia. But you can't stereotype either Republicans or Democrats. Republican Congressman of Kentucky Thomas Massey doesn't want funds to go to other countries, and was damned by Donald Trump for it. A Democratic congressman of Connecticut wants Social Security to be saved, a point with which I agree 100% because my grandson was betrayed by the MMR shot causing him to be diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at the age of 2. He is now 28 years old. What on earth will he do if Social Security is discontinued which appears to be what the GOP wants or Congress would have extended it by now?


Arlene Johnson



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An important, helpful piece in record time, Celia. Sheds more much-needed light on some of the forces at play in that larger context of new digital spinners and Trojan horses. Thank you.

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Celia thanks as ever, for doing your best with words, a best which for decades is underpinned by your bravery and your channelling of energies, that show a way to be - to exist - more than a way to write.

So while I love your bravery and writing, I love your spiritual dimensions more.

To me peace is about ethereal channelling, from universal energies, so that we transform physical realities and create a new peaceful planet.

To me, we (and all else) are vibrations and frequencies, whatever way we try to understand what anything is.

And you resonate, far more than you write.

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Alan, I am struggling lately. It feels like the spirit can get drained away, and one never quite knows why, but it has something to do with heartbreak and becoming dis spirited. Until I can locate my spirit again, I will borrow your understanding of it, which is very generous. I want to resonate, again.

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The thing is the globalists want us to keep fighting! They prop up activist groups on BOTH sides to keep the public looking at the real issues that keep us fighting, ignorant and therefore, oppressed.

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Oops, typo…. “keep the public FROM looking at real issues….

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I think we should almost always assume infiltration until proven otherwise.

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To say that all of this is tiresome is tiresome in itself.

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The libtards kids in schools are fed Marxists agenda, which includes: hate the rich, hate god but not Allah, gay/lesbian pink hair nose rings...

The bombing of civilians in Gaza was a huge surprise to the communist Jewish professors who have been dumping on colonialism...

The communist kids went out to demonstrate...the professors were unable to switch 180 degrees, and the Israel supported media and congress were caught with their pants down. The libtards are the darling of the media and now the terrorists? WTF?

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We already have a government pretending to be something most of the people don't like committing crimes in our name.

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I recommend the book by E Michael Jones called "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" to understand the roots of the revolutionary communist movements which produced brutal bloody results. These movements were nucleated and, for the most part, run by atheist Jewish ethnic supremacists. Those taken in by these movements are promised material rewards if they only turn from God and let go of the moral law. The pro-Palestine movement is in many ways dominated by these people despite many others sharing the position that Palestinians deserve full human rights. But the opposition Zionist movement is also run by Jewish Supremacists with the same lack of morality. Whichever camp you join, you will be run by Christ-hating Jews. This is a spiritual battle. I say we should put on the armor of God and (re)turn to Catholicism. It seems like that is the only way to save Western Civilization and Palestine.

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It's just so tricky. Everything goes to hell and ruin once people invoke "the Jews," because it is an impossible subject. I'm in a bad fight right now, accused of being suckered in by Jew haters.

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You are not wrong, but as many have noticed, it may be that those you are punished for criticizing are the ones who rule over you. Whether you can believe the Nicene Creed or not, Catholic values as an "operating system" for an individual or a society provide the best way out. Leave vengeance to God, protect your heart from hatred, even of those who are your enemies with love, see Christ's sacrifice as a conquering of death and evil (even if only as a myth or idea at first) as a way to give risk and sacrifice meaning in our own life that makes us stronger and braver. Seek out the good, the true and the beautiful as ways to be closer to God, to seek to be more like Him, out of humble gratitude for creation and if you believe it, for God sending us His only son. In short, fear only God, not Jewish supremacists or any other tyrants and then you are free. That is how it looks to me after intense peace and truth driven study of this issue and being in this Palestinian rights movement for now twenty five years. Christ's teaching about how to live a moral life is so brilliant that if He isn't God as He claimed, then His brilliance was at the very least a miracle. In any case, my prayer is that God protects you and all the real journalists aka truth tellers from the demons, whomever is enabling them.

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One of the dishonest tactics of identity politics is to conflate the identity of human beings with a policy position or morality position. That way, if you have a different view of the policy or morality, you are accused of hating the people who "identify" with that policy or of personally attacking them. This is sophistry and a logical fallacy. We need to learn these tactics, call them out and refuse to be manipulated by them. Sincere people can debate policies and views on morality without hating or wishing ill for those who disagree or live differently based on their world view. The US government is trying to define anti-Zionism as hated of Jewish people. People who think it is immoral to engage in same-sex sexual contact are accused of hating gay people. People who think that people should not be allowed to enter the county without vetting are accused of hating immigrants. I say refuse to hate anyone, but also refuse to be silenced by slanderous dishonest accusations.

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