How Far Does The Theater Extend, How Deep Does The Scripting Run? Why Did Jones' Lawyers Seem To Walk Him To The Abattoir? Sofia Smallstorm Saw Through More Layers Than Any Other SH Scholar
People don't understand what "controlled opposition" is. It's not a person who takes money to lie. It's very sophisticated mind control programs, rooted in trauma. I would urge people not to proclaim they know what Alex Jones is or isn't. Unless you have spoken with somebody who knows him, which I have.
Celia, thank you the above statement in answer to the commenter referring to Alex Jones as "controlled opposition." I have never met Mr. Jones, but he has been persecuted for several years via politicized lawfare from the out of control DOJ. Let us hope WE never have to face the current criminals in the DOJ.
Excellent point. Also, you can't find anything about Alex Jones' parents. I remember Bill Cooper calling his a liar, though. That video is circulating on X. Bill Cooper was killed shortly after he said that.
If a person is unable to discern the various conjobs and PSYOPS happening in plain sight, they are still asleep. Otherwise we are in living in a Matrix, and the artifice grows more transparent by the second. The fact that the Onion now owns InfoWars, truly suggests inversions and PSYOPS on top of gaslighting mockingbirds! Layers and layers of deception, all part of a satanic playbook.
I cut my teeth on Alex Jones info, years ago. He was a spring board to other alt news sites. I was faithful to him for a long time, but when my awareness grew and grew and I went down more rabbit holes, I realized he was controlled opposition. I do believe he started out in his one-man show being an independent truth-teller and I will always believe SH was a false flag event as were so many other mass shootings. I think TPTB scared and threatened Alex into the hole he gradually fell into and he just became part of the grand theater that is the matrix.
I am willing to say: "Something controls him," and I believe it has roots in the CIA family he always talks about. HIS family. How he wound up "used" is a story I think few could ever understand. How his trauma operates-- Why is he so hyper-observant? Trauma. Why does he never look like he can relax or rest, why is is always at war? Trauma. Please pivot from thinking people meet Mossad is back alleys to making an effort to understand multi-generational trauma. Assange too.
It is hard to know what we are seeing, exactly. That said, I cannot "unsee" Robby Parker getting into character before making a tearful speech in front of cameras. Was HE one of the many traumatized thus? Was there at least a partial hoax going on, or the attempt to create a widespread belief in a hoax that is so devious that it is incomprehensible to normal people?
I think of Christine Blasey Ford as well - her testimony fell apart before it got started, her family is CIA, she worked for a second college in a position related to students planning to go into the CIA. Was SHE one the traumatized ones? Her occasional flirtatious demeanor during testimony took me right back to my time working in a psych hospital watching inappropriately flirty behavior from children sexually abused from an early age, mannerisms geared to please their oppressor generalized to others by habit. Who knows????
One detail I wish to emphasize is that most of the time Jones got it right re the warnings about the NWO/WEF gameplan. He also inspired other researchers to boldly stick their necks out for the DS goonsquad to see. Jones was/is a victim of Lawfare. The Sandy Hook accusations were a financial attack; and the allegations were not based on his actual stated observations. I've heard Jones go into great detail re what he saw and to question the official SH story. And as we all know: the "official story"(whether re JFK or 911) is much too often- inaccurate. The fact that The Onion (another useful disinformation tool) now owns the InfoWars platform informs us that the semi-satirical Onion also dismisses legit conspiracy research as wacko. Bill Cooper and Jim Marrs set the standard for legit conspiracy research. There really is a Deep State, and there really is a global Cabal--even if The Onion wants us to laugh it all off as right wing conspiracy theory.
I had the same experience. I started listening to him years ago when he made appearances on Coast to Coast with Noory. He was the beginning of waking up for many people. But the night on his own show when he went on a rant about Trump and used profanity and called Trump names, I knew he was off the deep end, and I quit him. But I do keep up on what's happening that involves him. In the SH case, he was railroaded by a deep state regime that punishes those who dare to speak their minds.
What I never liked about the movie, the matrix was that the vast majority of people were in the matrix. In the matrix nodes are connected to other nodes in a matrix of connections. I’m telling you that probably most people are notes that are not connected anywhere in the matrix. They just float about the interstitial spaces observing the bullshit played out there and here. They file away, but they see in their beautiful minds and keep on going. They become the comedians, and the good hearted people.
Right. Some have expressed similar views re NDE's (non-dimensional entities) or even John Carpenter's premise explored in They Live. We are conditioned to use only a very minor part of the Human toolkit--(and fluoride didn't help either!)...Is it any wonder we can see anything happening at all? The master manipulators are also liars. pax
Exactly, there is NO justice, this is a totalitarian regime seeking punishment. The REAL criminals are those FAKE parents of children who DID NOT DIE there, they are LIARS and grifters.
It was clear soon after SH that it was a totally faked and hoaxed event, used by the traitor Obama to push gun control. The only death at SH was the truth.
Keep in mind that the enemy of the people, the MSM legacy media was COMPLICIT in lying to the American people about the events at SH.
Yes, I had Fetzer's book but it was destroyed in a house fire. Just the photos itself were compelling evidence. Then there was an interview online with a lady (can't remember her name) who's friend I believe owned a tow company there. She was there with him on a call days later and asked a local cop "this didn't happen did it?" to which he surprisingly said "NO". The cop said "they received good money to build up the town's resources."
Lol!! There was some guy selling one on Ebay. He wanted almost $1000 for it. No thanks, especially for a used one. Now if he had one signed by Fetzer and one of the Sandy Hook (actors), I might consider it! The photos alone were enough to get that book banned!
I know what it is...a walking contradiction, an exercise in futility, and a waste of time in its corrupt existence. Be aware all is never as it meets the eye Randal and your perceptions of it are accurate. Do not be fooled by its words, it lies and is in bondage to its own destruction.
I'm never one to judge anyone's belief or disbelief. Digging deep into "life" is sometimes dangerous. Seeing too much can cause someone to be labeled insane, sometimes causes one to go insane. I do however implore everyone to not believe the official narrative of any event. I can tell you from my experience, we are lied to. Constantly. About EVERYTHING
Randal, conversation gives vent to character...not judging the beliefs of vile people is to partake of them. There are three ways to think and three ways to do things...the right way, the wrong way, and there where you are, the American way. Here where I am, it is the Canadian way.
I sometimes think it is worthy to see how other's minds work and why they will not see what is plain as day in front of their face. I am wrong. It is not even worth the conversation. Those that refuse to see will always refuse.
Totally. It's much better to never believe anything. Because so much of it isn't even real. But if we're lied to about being lied to, then we're we lied to? Or maybe not?
Well for me, if the actual event with something like SH actually took place isn't what's important. What's more important is why it took place. For instance 9/11, OKC bombing, vast majority of Americans used to believe the official narrative. Maybe most still do. Many are waking up though. The more individuals that see the evil plays being made, the less likely those evil plans will succeed.
Your ignorance and defective thought processes aided in their corruption and deceptions by your vapidity set the stage for a fall down three flights of stairs.
Doesn't matter whether what he said was true or not. He was free to say what he wanted. Imagine the lawsuits if everyone with hurt feelings could win money!
Inciting hundreds of thousands of people, year after year after year, to taunt and harass grieving families for years - and paying your staff to help you do that, year after year - That's a bit more than "hurt feelings."
Apparently, he was not free to do that. At least not in three states (so far). He's lucky one of those parents hasn't paid someone to make him go bye bye. Look like he's aging poorly, though.
For people who know that Sandy Hook was a hoax, this makes no difference to us. For the people who don’t know Sandy Hook was a hoax it makes no difference to them either.
Pippet in a pisspot without anywhere to go. Exposed as a farce, a liar, a loon, a fake poet, and a grand standing goofball standing on a rickety chair. Note the desperation and the pleading. Your ass is a star poet. Bend over now.
It may be trite to say the least but some here are wondering at your unhealthy focus and OBSESSION with me. I certainly hope you have no perverted nuances in your twisted mind about me. That would make me dangerous.
We live in a world of deception. If anyone does not know what a Psyop is, Sandy Hook was a perfect example. In case you did not know, controlled opposition is also part of the psyop. The operators give you more than enough truth, but also leave out the parts that will help you come to the right conclusions. When I first showed clips and photos I found of Sandy Hook shooting and children marching out to my wife a teacher for 25 years, she said "that's a school drill, I done MANY of them I know what they look like." Interesting that no one can explain how a school that was closed more than 2 years can suddenly re-open just in time for a shooting?? When you do a title search for the home owners and Sandy Hook parents named in the news media in that neighborhood, you find something very interesting. Many of them were purchased at the exact same time, others turned up absolutely NOTHING!! As a former real estate and mortgage finance agent, the odds of that happening in real life have too many zeros behind it!
The cases never made it to a jury; Mr. Jones was found guilty of causing emotional harm by default because he refused to turn over documents, including financial records, ordered by the courts. How are his documents connected to the emotional harm? Should not the accusers provide documents that he caused them emotional harm?
Wrong. He definitely participated in the billion dollar judgement trial in Connecticut. He testified for hours. He ranted to the press and on his “platform,” calling them all "show trials.” He attacked the judge and plaintiffs' attorneys. His confrontational approach and failure to take responsibility for his statements alienated the jury and judge even further. Funny how that works. That didn't go well for orangeman in New York either.
“How are his documents connected to the emotional harm?” - Don't even try that nonsense.
Texas and the other were default judgements.
Very poor effort on your part here. Not a good liar.
What does this mean? " Don't even try that nonsense." You cannot be found liable for causing prior emotional harm if you attack the judge and plaintiffs' attorneys or alienate anyone. Where did you go to law school?
You can be found liable for defamation, for intentional infliction of emotional distress, for violation of Connecticut unfair labor practices and for conspiracy to harm and promote harassment - if you do those things. As happened.
What does "causing prior emotional harm" even mean? Is that better or worse than causing future emotional harm?
Don't even try to suggest that his documents, financial or otherwise, are somehow irrelevant to the case.
This worm made tens of millions of dollars by torturing families by lying to gullible rubes. And selling "brain supplements" and boner pills - to gullible rubes.
But AJ was not on trial for selling supplements, for violation of Connecticut unfair labor practices and for conspiracy to harm and promote harassment. He was on trial for defamation that he supposedly committed in the past-- not in the court room.
AJ and his attorneys should have forced discovery in his case, that would have proved there were NO children who died there, and it was a "drill" turned false flag psyop used against the American people.
The fact that there was extensive discovery tells everyone that your grievance is fake.
Despite extensive hurdles for plaintiffs due to Jones’s resistance, the plaintiffs’ legal team obtained considerable evidence that painted a picture of how InfoWars operated, including its financial motivations and the harm caused by Jones’s statements about Sandy Hook.
Would you like a breakdown of the types of documents obtained?
The court ultimately ruled him liable, but partly because he failed to comply fully with discovery requirements.
There are 26 miles in a marathon run. There were 26 allegedly real victims of the allegedly real Sandy Hook massacre. Let that sink in. The Boston Marathon Bombing was a complete hoax; the so-called bomb at the finish line was a smoke and noise firework such as are used in training exercises for US police and soldiers and FEMA mass casualty workers which are contracted out to private companies. I downloaded all the photographs which were taken before and within seconds of the blast and they easily prove that the accounts of the blast by the Boston Globe were utterly false. There were no "limbs blown out into the street" and there were no 200 people injured and Jeff Bauman was represented by at least two different men who were amputees but who had lost their legs long prior to 2013. I have the photos which prove this handily.
So the Sandy Hook incident was also a FEMA mass casualty drill presented as real. 26 (non existent) victims and 26 marathon miles should clue anybody. The Sandy Hook Parents are Intelligence Community hirelings. Their wretched acting immediately alerted me. Both the Sandy Hook people and the Boston Marathon phoney victims like "Jeff Bauman" made millions in donations.
One young actor who plated "Alex Israel", a high school acquaintance of the (non-existent, photoshop artifact) "Adam Lanza" in an interview played by the BBC was later used as "Katy Foley" the alleged grieving sister of a Mr Foley who was allegedly beheaded by ISIS as proved by a video so ridiculously phoney that I lost my faith in the public's brain power. "Alex Israel" was supplied with a history on LinkedIn including her attendance at Newtown High School; Newtown appears from several indications to be a sort of Model Village for "Interagency" assets. "Alex Israel" and "Katy Foley" were identical in every feature, voice and gesture. I wanted to show you but my photo will not post.
I wondered at the impudence of the "Interagency" in staging false incidents that can so easily be seen as false. But when I tried to point out the obvious anomalies in Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing my liberal left Canadian friends refused to look at the evidence. I realized that the clues embedded in the official accounts were meant to bait skeptics like me so that we'd look crazy to our friends and families and thus divide ourselves off from more conventionally minded people. We'd become cranks and anything we'd ever say would be dismissed. So it has turned out. Then came COVID, and my efforts to warn my family members actually seem to have had the opposite effect. At least one young relative got the jabs to spite me.
So I think that's what's been done to us. It was engineered by the past masters of mass mind control. People like Alex Jones and little old me were "encysted" into an almost opaque solitary cell along with our correct opinions. What now? Reality will have the final say.
That's what I mean when I say that we are in the hands of God. In the victory of the CIA will be its downfall. Psychopaths don't have very good outcomes in the long run. Lies are not truth. And living in lies doesn't have a future.
Well worth watching. They touch on the Sandy Hook case which is very contentious at the time as to if anyone died. Ole has always maintained no-one died at Sandy Hook.
I’ve considered Sofia Smallwood’s presentation on this topic to be the best since I saw it shortly after it was uploaded. I wasn’t following her socials but am glad to know her handle now so I can keep up with new observations and insights. The “documentary” done on SH, produced by HBO was so terribly done. They don’t answer any questions that people like Smallwood ask about the inconsistencies in reporting, death stats, narrative about Lanza and family, emergency services protocols, or any of the strange eyewitnesses and interviews, people in costumes, looping of concerned parents in a circle around the firehouse(?). They don’t touch any of the ways the narrative has been compellingly problematized.
I am not familiar with Sofia Smallwood's work. I did read Fetzer's book before it was banned. Anyone who wanted to know the facts could find out what took place there. But the vast majority of the public believed the TV talking head propaganda specialists.
Good question. Maybe more of us need to go to TS. As of now we also need to infiltrate as many of the demonrat spin-offs as possible. Something to organize.
No one died at Sandy Hook, Wolfgang Halbig's attorney got a Sandy Hook Selectman under oath to admit the sign: "Everyone must check in", was put there by FEMA. The $2 Quintollion dollar judgment against Alex Jones is Kabuki theater, the parents are CIA trained crises actors, some playing dual roles, parent/swat team member with his fucking rifle pointed straight down, blithering idiot. For your entertainment. R U not entertained!!!
Where are the pics of the so called massacre. Obama paid off every Sandy hook home owners mortgage on Christmas day. Strange how the payment was registered in a government office that was closed for a national holiday. This was a FBI psy op to make citizens sick of gun violence. In an attempt to make it easier to repeal the second amendment.
People whom were allegedly murdered were alive and well as first responders at other mass shootings. Mass shooting crisis actors.
I’m reminded that The Onion was sold and bought by Jim Spanfeller/ G/O media. Has ran (2001-09) this isn’t your kooky aunts The Onion, kiddos, that is buying Infowar. Power players. He was the president of marketing of Playboy Enterprises. This whole thing is weird. I’d like to know more about the company that just bought the onion
The name of the company that owns The Onion now is Global Tetrahedron. Tetrahedron is a 4-sided pyramid. Same thing that is on the dollar bill. It's owned by Jews.
People don't understand what "controlled opposition" is. It's not a person who takes money to lie. It's very sophisticated mind control programs, rooted in trauma. I would urge people not to proclaim they know what Alex Jones is or isn't. Unless you have spoken with somebody who knows him, which I have.
Celia, thank you the above statement in answer to the commenter referring to Alex Jones as "controlled opposition." I have never met Mr. Jones, but he has been persecuted for several years via politicized lawfare from the out of control DOJ. Let us hope WE never have to face the current criminals in the DOJ.
Excellent point. Also, you can't find anything about Alex Jones' parents. I remember Bill Cooper calling his a liar, though. That video is circulating on X. Bill Cooper was killed shortly after he said that.
Ann-Marie, William Cooper was killed in a shoot out with police.
I know. So what? I was not accusing Alex Jones if that’s what you’re implying. - His father is a retired dentist.
Thank you — good info!
If a person is unable to discern the various conjobs and PSYOPS happening in plain sight, they are still asleep. Otherwise we are in living in a Matrix, and the artifice grows more transparent by the second. The fact that the Onion now owns InfoWars, truly suggests inversions and PSYOPS on top of gaslighting mockingbirds! Layers and layers of deception, all part of a satanic playbook.
I cut my teeth on Alex Jones info, years ago. He was a spring board to other alt news sites. I was faithful to him for a long time, but when my awareness grew and grew and I went down more rabbit holes, I realized he was controlled opposition. I do believe he started out in his one-man show being an independent truth-teller and I will always believe SH was a false flag event as were so many other mass shootings. I think TPTB scared and threatened Alex into the hole he gradually fell into and he just became part of the grand theater that is the matrix.
I am willing to say: "Something controls him," and I believe it has roots in the CIA family he always talks about. HIS family. How he wound up "used" is a story I think few could ever understand. How his trauma operates-- Why is he so hyper-observant? Trauma. Why does he never look like he can relax or rest, why is is always at war? Trauma. Please pivot from thinking people meet Mossad is back alleys to making an effort to understand multi-generational trauma. Assange too.
It is hard to know what we are seeing, exactly. That said, I cannot "unsee" Robby Parker getting into character before making a tearful speech in front of cameras. Was HE one of the many traumatized thus? Was there at least a partial hoax going on, or the attempt to create a widespread belief in a hoax that is so devious that it is incomprehensible to normal people?
I think of Christine Blasey Ford as well - her testimony fell apart before it got started, her family is CIA, she worked for a second college in a position related to students planning to go into the CIA. Was SHE one the traumatized ones? Her occasional flirtatious demeanor during testimony took me right back to my time working in a psych hospital watching inappropriately flirty behavior from children sexually abused from an early age, mannerisms geared to please their oppressor generalized to others by habit. Who knows????
One detail I wish to emphasize is that most of the time Jones got it right re the warnings about the NWO/WEF gameplan. He also inspired other researchers to boldly stick their necks out for the DS goonsquad to see. Jones was/is a victim of Lawfare. The Sandy Hook accusations were a financial attack; and the allegations were not based on his actual stated observations. I've heard Jones go into great detail re what he saw and to question the official SH story. And as we all know: the "official story"(whether re JFK or 911) is much too often- inaccurate. The fact that The Onion (another useful disinformation tool) now owns the InfoWars platform informs us that the semi-satirical Onion also dismisses legit conspiracy research as wacko. Bill Cooper and Jim Marrs set the standard for legit conspiracy research. There really is a Deep State, and there really is a global Cabal--even if The Onion wants us to laugh it all off as right wing conspiracy theory.
20 years ago the onion buying infowars would have been the cover story of their april fools ediiton
No, two of the three are closer to trauma base mind control controlled victims.
well aren't you in a nice unambiguous accusatory mood this morning poet?
That made me think:
Are we all 'taking the ride on the tiger' by not simply uniting to end all this corruption/manipulation?
I had the same experience. I started listening to him years ago when he made appearances on Coast to Coast with Noory. He was the beginning of waking up for many people. But the night on his own show when he went on a rant about Trump and used profanity and called Trump names, I knew he was off the deep end, and I quit him. But I do keep up on what's happening that involves him. In the SH case, he was railroaded by a deep state regime that punishes those who dare to speak their minds.
What I never liked about the movie, the matrix was that the vast majority of people were in the matrix. In the matrix nodes are connected to other nodes in a matrix of connections. I’m telling you that probably most people are notes that are not connected anywhere in the matrix. They just float about the interstitial spaces observing the bullshit played out there and here. They file away, but they see in their beautiful minds and keep on going. They become the comedians, and the good hearted people.
Right. Some have expressed similar views re NDE's (non-dimensional entities) or even John Carpenter's premise explored in They Live. We are conditioned to use only a very minor part of the Human toolkit--(and fluoride didn't help either!)...Is it any wonder we can see anything happening at all? The master manipulators are also liars. pax
Exactly, there is NO justice, this is a totalitarian regime seeking punishment. The REAL criminals are those FAKE parents of children who DID NOT DIE there, they are LIARS and grifters.
It was clear soon after SH that it was a totally faked and hoaxed event, used by the traitor Obama to push gun control. The only death at SH was the truth.
Keep in mind that the enemy of the people, the MSM legacy media was COMPLICIT in lying to the American people about the events at SH.
Yes, I had Fetzer's book but it was destroyed in a house fire. Just the photos itself were compelling evidence. Then there was an interview online with a lady (can't remember her name) who's friend I believe owned a tow company there. She was there with him on a call days later and asked a local cop "this didn't happen did it?" to which he surprisingly said "NO". The cop said "they received good money to build up the town's resources."
You could just get another copy. I could lend you mine - but then I would have to burn your house down again.
Lol!! There was some guy selling one on Ebay. He wanted almost $1000 for it. No thanks, especially for a used one. Now if he had one signed by Fetzer and one of the Sandy Hook (actors), I might consider it! The photos alone were enough to get that book banned!
It's not banned. They printed it. There's no market for it. They're not going to print more. I’ll sell you mine for $75.
My friend wanted a copy. I will see if he still wants one and let you know.
Good. I'll include regular shipping.
What are you?
The true question is, what are YOU?
I know what it is...a walking contradiction, an exercise in futility, and a waste of time in its corrupt existence. Be aware all is never as it meets the eye Randal and your perceptions of it are accurate. Do not be fooled by its words, it lies and is in bondage to its own destruction.
Doesn't this outrage schtick get old?
I'm never one to judge anyone's belief or disbelief. Digging deep into "life" is sometimes dangerous. Seeing too much can cause someone to be labeled insane, sometimes causes one to go insane. I do however implore everyone to not believe the official narrative of any event. I can tell you from my experience, we are lied to. Constantly. About EVERYTHING
Randal, conversation gives vent to character...not judging the beliefs of vile people is to partake of them. There are three ways to think and three ways to do things...the right way, the wrong way, and there where you are, the American way. Here where I am, it is the Canadian way.
I sometimes think it is worthy to see how other's minds work and why they will not see what is plain as day in front of their face. I am wrong. It is not even worth the conversation. Those that refuse to see will always refuse.
Totally. It's much better to never believe anything. Because so much of it isn't even real. But if we're lied to about being lied to, then we're we lied to? Or maybe not?
Well for me, if the actual event with something like SH actually took place isn't what's important. What's more important is why it took place. For instance 9/11, OKC bombing, vast majority of Americans used to believe the official narrative. Maybe most still do. Many are waking up though. The more individuals that see the evil plays being made, the less likely those evil plans will succeed.
Only when you pretend to be who and what you are not which I have seen in truth that is your enemy.
Word salad. Have you considered haikuing it? To imply that it's something more than drivel …
Your ignorance and defective thought processes aided in their corruption and deceptions by your vapidity set the stage for a fall down three flights of stairs.
Doesn't matter whether what he said was true or not. He was free to say what he wanted. Imagine the lawsuits if everyone with hurt feelings could win money!
Inciting hundreds of thousands of people, year after year after year, to taunt and harass grieving families for years - and paying your staff to help you do that, year after year - That's a bit more than "hurt feelings."
Apparently, he was not free to do that. At least not in three states (so far). He's lucky one of those parents hasn't paid someone to make him go bye bye. Look like he's aging poorly, though.
Alex is one of the biggest controlled oppositions out there — he has A LOT of good information, but his trajectory ultimately deceives his masses.
We need to know how to take the info he gives, discern it, but ultimately make sure we’re in control:
EXACTLY RIGHT!!!!! Dr. Judy Wood, thank you!
Apply that maxim to yourself and you might learn something even in your existence as a fool.
For people who know that Sandy Hook was a hoax, this makes no difference to us. For the people who don’t know Sandy Hook was a hoax it makes no difference to them either.
And that's very sad. The truth is the victim.
Not so. It might be silenced for a small moment in time but it comes back with a vengeance later.
Lies, deceptions everywhere
Fat assed lefties do not care
Crooked as a winding road
Falsehoods be CYSTem abode.
Cowards, fools and ingrates many
Sell their mothers for a penny
Tweedle dum and tweedle dee
Everyone will clearly see.,
Lying politicians, fools
Play by set of crooked rules
Kiss the asses of their masters
Note the many cruel disasters.
Pecker heads in lying news
Parrot lies and evil views
Opinions wrong and never right
Makes me want to really fight
Cystem morons pass their gases
Fumigate with stinky asses
Love to watch the crazy "View"
Listen to the wenches spew.
Vapidity and gross despair
What they spew is never fair
Bullshit heard in living lies
Note the many I despise.
Hate and violence is good
In self defence when in the "hood"
Venture there but be aware
People therein do not care.
Kill a person for a dollar
Need to hang high with rope collar
Blacks or whites it does not matter
Food stamps just make many fatter.
Whoopi la and whoopi do
Fashion now to hate the Jew
But this will surely not go well
Make your home in living hell.
Prostitutes and drugee losers
These are not the real abusers
Those more evil lie, deceive
Their children often cry and grieve.
Evil is a damned disgrace
Everywhere its ugly face
The time when come when many die
Much too late then, to just cry.
Heard in Heaven, Father hears
Has had enough, and sees the tears
Time is nigh for judgment day
Many evil people pay.
But you say this is not true
There is no Heaven for the few
Who look to God for mercy granted
The real pic though is not slanted.
The Truth is that God does exist
And right now He is really pissed
You have the right though to deny
But truth will come out by and by.
But those denying He is real
Will find out He's the real deal
In anger taking vengeance deep
And punishing the stupid sheep.
So many things in life, I see
The Truth will win and set us free
The other side will suffer pain
Their cries will only be in vain.
He surely is a God of Wrath
If you will only do the math
It all adds up the stage is real
For He will come, we will all kneel.
Before His all consuming power
Destructive then will be the hour
When cometh Jesus to make war
And settle totally the score.
I got COVID for the slimming effects.
The truth is there but you are a fool who wanders around never searching for it or caring to find it.
Pray tell, how is it self praise getting an ailment. Boy. you are FITHS big time. You need mental help. Is this what it is all about??????
Ah yes, the forever great oracle of witless wankery, a legend in its mind who insists that it knows more than the actual witness.
Pippet in a pisspot without anywhere to go. Exposed as a farce, a liar, a loon, a fake poet, and a grand standing goofball standing on a rickety chair. Note the desperation and the pleading. Your ass is a star poet. Bend over now.
It may be trite to say the least but some here are wondering at your unhealthy focus and OBSESSION with me. I certainly hope you have no perverted nuances in your twisted mind about me. That would make me dangerous.
My perverted nuances are in my groin, which is on your mind. My hips are twisting, grinding my perverted nuances all up in there - again.
We live in a world of deception. If anyone does not know what a Psyop is, Sandy Hook was a perfect example. In case you did not know, controlled opposition is also part of the psyop. The operators give you more than enough truth, but also leave out the parts that will help you come to the right conclusions. When I first showed clips and photos I found of Sandy Hook shooting and children marching out to my wife a teacher for 25 years, she said "that's a school drill, I done MANY of them I know what they look like." Interesting that no one can explain how a school that was closed more than 2 years can suddenly re-open just in time for a shooting?? When you do a title search for the home owners and Sandy Hook parents named in the news media in that neighborhood, you find something very interesting. Many of them were purchased at the exact same time, others turned up absolutely NOTHING!! As a former real estate and mortgage finance agent, the odds of that happening in real life have too many zeros behind it!
This trial does not seem to be legitimate.
How so?
The cases never made it to a jury; Mr. Jones was found guilty of causing emotional harm by default because he refused to turn over documents, including financial records, ordered by the courts. How are his documents connected to the emotional harm? Should not the accusers provide documents that he caused them emotional harm?
Wrong. He definitely participated in the billion dollar judgement trial in Connecticut. He testified for hours. He ranted to the press and on his “platform,” calling them all "show trials.” He attacked the judge and plaintiffs' attorneys. His confrontational approach and failure to take responsibility for his statements alienated the jury and judge even further. Funny how that works. That didn't go well for orangeman in New York either.
“How are his documents connected to the emotional harm?” - Don't even try that nonsense.
Texas and the other were default judgements.
Very poor effort on your part here. Not a good liar.
What does this mean? " Don't even try that nonsense." You cannot be found liable for causing prior emotional harm if you attack the judge and plaintiffs' attorneys or alienate anyone. Where did you go to law school?
Alienated the judge and jury.
You can be found liable for defamation, for intentional infliction of emotional distress, for violation of Connecticut unfair labor practices and for conspiracy to harm and promote harassment - if you do those things. As happened.
What does "causing prior emotional harm" even mean? Is that better or worse than causing future emotional harm?
Don't even try to suggest that his documents, financial or otherwise, are somehow irrelevant to the case.
This worm made tens of millions of dollars by torturing families by lying to gullible rubes. And selling "brain supplements" and boner pills - to gullible rubes.
But AJ was not on trial for selling supplements, for violation of Connecticut unfair labor practices and for conspiracy to harm and promote harassment. He was on trial for defamation that he supposedly committed in the past-- not in the court room.
Don’t even try to use “don’t even try” a third time!
AJ and his attorneys should have forced discovery in his case, that would have proved there were NO children who died there, and it was a "drill" turned false flag psyop used against the American people.
The fact that they did not force discovery tells us that it was a fake trial.
The fact that there was extensive discovery tells everyone that your grievance is fake.
Despite extensive hurdles for plaintiffs due to Jones’s resistance, the plaintiffs’ legal team obtained considerable evidence that painted a picture of how InfoWars operated, including its financial motivations and the harm caused by Jones’s statements about Sandy Hook.
Would you like a breakdown of the types of documents obtained?
The court ultimately ruled him liable, but partly because he failed to comply fully with discovery requirements.
The AJ team should have done discovery.
Totally! Who woulda thunk it?
They didn't do any of that!
There are 26 miles in a marathon run. There were 26 allegedly real victims of the allegedly real Sandy Hook massacre. Let that sink in. The Boston Marathon Bombing was a complete hoax; the so-called bomb at the finish line was a smoke and noise firework such as are used in training exercises for US police and soldiers and FEMA mass casualty workers which are contracted out to private companies. I downloaded all the photographs which were taken before and within seconds of the blast and they easily prove that the accounts of the blast by the Boston Globe were utterly false. There were no "limbs blown out into the street" and there were no 200 people injured and Jeff Bauman was represented by at least two different men who were amputees but who had lost their legs long prior to 2013. I have the photos which prove this handily.
So the Sandy Hook incident was also a FEMA mass casualty drill presented as real. 26 (non existent) victims and 26 marathon miles should clue anybody. The Sandy Hook Parents are Intelligence Community hirelings. Their wretched acting immediately alerted me. Both the Sandy Hook people and the Boston Marathon phoney victims like "Jeff Bauman" made millions in donations.
One young actor who plated "Alex Israel", a high school acquaintance of the (non-existent, photoshop artifact) "Adam Lanza" in an interview played by the BBC was later used as "Katy Foley" the alleged grieving sister of a Mr Foley who was allegedly beheaded by ISIS as proved by a video so ridiculously phoney that I lost my faith in the public's brain power. "Alex Israel" was supplied with a history on LinkedIn including her attendance at Newtown High School; Newtown appears from several indications to be a sort of Model Village for "Interagency" assets. "Alex Israel" and "Katy Foley" were identical in every feature, voice and gesture. I wanted to show you but my photo will not post.
I wondered at the impudence of the "Interagency" in staging false incidents that can so easily be seen as false. But when I tried to point out the obvious anomalies in Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing my liberal left Canadian friends refused to look at the evidence. I realized that the clues embedded in the official accounts were meant to bait skeptics like me so that we'd look crazy to our friends and families and thus divide ourselves off from more conventionally minded people. We'd become cranks and anything we'd ever say would be dismissed. So it has turned out. Then came COVID, and my efforts to warn my family members actually seem to have had the opposite effect. At least one young relative got the jabs to spite me.
So I think that's what's been done to us. It was engineered by the past masters of mass mind control. People like Alex Jones and little old me were "encysted" into an almost opaque solitary cell along with our correct opinions. What now? Reality will have the final say.
That's what I mean when I say that we are in the hands of God. In the victory of the CIA will be its downfall. Psychopaths don't have very good outcomes in the long run. Lies are not truth. And living in lies doesn't have a future.
Well worth watching. They touch on the Sandy Hook case which is very contentious at the time as to if anyone died. Ole has always maintained no-one died at Sandy Hook.
I’ve considered Sofia Smallwood’s presentation on this topic to be the best since I saw it shortly after it was uploaded. I wasn’t following her socials but am glad to know her handle now so I can keep up with new observations and insights. The “documentary” done on SH, produced by HBO was so terribly done. They don’t answer any questions that people like Smallwood ask about the inconsistencies in reporting, death stats, narrative about Lanza and family, emergency services protocols, or any of the strange eyewitnesses and interviews, people in costumes, looping of concerned parents in a circle around the firehouse(?). They don’t touch any of the ways the narrative has been compellingly problematized.
I am not familiar with Sofia Smallwood's work. I did read Fetzer's book before it was banned. Anyone who wanted to know the facts could find out what took place there. But the vast majority of the public believed the TV talking head propaganda specialists.
Maybe Alex can go on X, like Tucker...
the AJN (AlexJones Network) is active on X.
Why is he not on Truth Social? I am there, but not on TwiX. Are any of the fake SH parents on TS? I would like to give them a piece of my mind.
Good question. Maybe more of us need to go to TS. As of now we also need to infiltrate as many of the demonrat spin-offs as possible. Something to organize.
I guess he needs a new studio, too, though...
I just don't watch podcasts, myself, but I recognize Alex's voice when I hear it on car radios on my bike rides. ;-)
maybe he could pitch a tent at the edge of your okra patch?
something tells me he won't be eating your okra...
Alex seems like a pretty good human. I stood next to him several times at the Texas Capital in the late 1990s when Bush was Governor.
No one died at Sandy Hook, Wolfgang Halbig's attorney got a Sandy Hook Selectman under oath to admit the sign: "Everyone must check in", was put there by FEMA. The $2 Quintollion dollar judgment against Alex Jones is Kabuki theater, the parents are CIA trained crises actors, some playing dual roles, parent/swat team member with his fucking rifle pointed straight down, blithering idiot. For your entertainment. R U not entertained!!!
🎯Wolfgang later was threatened and railroaded in Florida.
Capstone Event.
Where are the pics of the so called massacre. Obama paid off every Sandy hook home owners mortgage on Christmas day. Strange how the payment was registered in a government office that was closed for a national holiday. This was a FBI psy op to make citizens sick of gun violence. In an attempt to make it easier to repeal the second amendment.
People whom were allegedly murdered were alive and well as first responders at other mass shootings. Mass shooting crisis actors.
I’m reminded that The Onion was sold and bought by Jim Spanfeller/ G/O media. Has ran (2001-09) this isn’t your kooky aunts The Onion, kiddos, that is buying Infowar. Power players. He was the president of marketing of Playboy Enterprises. This whole thing is weird. I’d like to know more about the company that just bought the onion
The name of the company that owns The Onion now is Global Tetrahedron. Tetrahedron is a 4-sided pyramid. Same thing that is on the dollar bill. It's owned by Jews.