The USSA = United States of Soviet America has now become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Western Bankster Empire, main purpose of the USSA is to supply troops to act as a global police force beating non-compliant nations into submission. Dubious that they can actually fight a war against a major power.

One of the best summaries of what is going on in the World right now is here:

Eddie Hobbes Event: Road to Dystopia - Unless we Stand Up! Ivor Cummins


The battle is hardly won. There will be a long hard struggle if we hope to defeat the Bankster Mafia Parasites and their psychotic megalomaniac ambitions. Bad enough that they are psycho but they also are Malthusian Misanthropes and would like to kill 90% of the human population. They claim it's good for the environment. That's their rationalization for being genocidal maniacs so demonic that they would make Hitler, Stalin & Chairman Mao blush.

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Manorborn: "Putin’s appointment of Russia’s leading economist Andrei Belousov as the new Minister of Defense will go a long way in further streamlining Russia’s already super-efficient, self-contained military without adversely affecting domestic policy as is the case in the US." => please get your facts right: Belousov was the 2nd in command at Sberbank, the big bank of Greff, a WEF boy, so what does this say??, from Belousov you cannot find any detailed background info - why? - where does his wife and children live? - in Europe? no info on this; the military super-efficient? self-contained? oh please...The Kremlin and Washington "elites" are in the same boat... Get some real facts from Edward Slavsquat and Rolo Slavsky/Rurik Skywalker before further brainwashing the non-Russian speaking Westerners who just "want to believe" the Kremlin will be their "savior"; it will not because the Kremlin is not "Slavic Russsian"

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I agree with your bit about the endless war. Absent wars strictly for expansion, wars are basically first and foremost tech experiments – like the electronic battlefield and Phoenix Program in Vietnam, Shock and Awe over Baghdad, the turtle tanks and motorcycle adventures along the Surovikan Line, etc., ad nauseam. They are per se vulgar and psychoticas any vet will tell you. But ultimately they're about money – even wars allegedly waged over morality or doctrine.

And of course Russia has profited from this war. No disagreement. That is the reason Belousov the economist is the defense chief regardless of where his wife bed's down. His role is to ensure the war machine has no adverse effect on the economy. Russia will position itself as Woodrow Wilson and FDR did so successfully in the WWs – play the Euros against each other for profit. It worked then and it’ll work now as Russia will continue to profit from Europe’s resumption of cannibalizing itself as it has done continuously since the great, great grandparents of today’s modern Euro-nazis alternated between sleeping around in castles and murdering each other for a millennium and a half. VD Leyen has been pimping for a Euro Army since she first proposed it on the Charlie Rose show decades ago. She views herself as empress.

As I mentioned in Italian, È il mondo così com'è realmente – It’s the world as it really is …in my view. I have no dog in the fight, just offering some subjective predictions based on observation. Mine. You’re welcomed to spend a few hours offering your predictions. I’d be all ears. It’d be more productive and in line with the spirit of this site than tossing around an ad hominem like “brainwashing the non-Russians” as you yourself act the fanboy referencing someone else’s propaganda site.

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May 23·edited May 23

And for war rehearsals you can do a bit of target practice at home as well..

.. www.drjudywood.com

.. https://nomoregames.net

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Ha ha. Been there, done that – Advanced Infantry Training.

Liked the sites. Thnx for posting.

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Shoot straight.

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Wow, a lot of blablabla from you and if you had some open mind and actually read AND double check the references I gave you, you would certainly not call my references "someone else's "propaganda"-site", wake up or sleep further, the choice is yours

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Yes I read it. Not sure what the earth-shattering info I was supposed to come away with other than the writer is a frustrated comedian? It's the usual unrealistic whining about all the Russian badboys. The context the article presents is more dungeons and dragons than realpolitik. Whom do you guys expect to hold Russia together vis a vis a horde of barbarians at the gate like the Zionist rat's nest in the US DoS or the beady-eyed Saxon Annalena Baerbock? Francis of Assisi? Gasparov? Navalny's wife? In a landscape where statesmen are rarer than hen's teeth, just be happy you're led by the closest thing to a Talleyrand.

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O, so now you start insulting individuals ("the writer is a frustrated comedian)? Please go back to your basement and stay there while you observe the "realpolitic"...

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If it's going down, it's a controlled demolition.

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Ah! Romulus and Remus.

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Geopolitical analysis is very different depending on whether the analyst assumes there is only one West -- or whether there are 2 Wests. I theorize there are 2 Wests.

West 1 is the traditional West that grew from the synthesis of Christianity, Greece & Rome. West 2 is a cancer that probably began concretely in the late 19th century, early 20th century, finding visible expression in the 20th century as the Communist Revolution. The 20th century was ultimately the attempt of that Revolution to conquer the Earth. The major home base of that Revolution was Moscow (and to a lesser extent, China). At some point early on, the Communists realized they could not win militarily, so they had to try cultural subversion instead. The burrowed in like army ants into not merely Western governments, but also Western culture (the Long March through the institutions) -- including Hollywood, television, schools, academe, news media, etc.

Since America has been for about 100 years the vanguard of the West, there are also two Americas. America 1 during the 20th century was anti-Communist. America 2 -- the cancer -- was Communist. I theorize that by the 1990s, the struggle was tipping in favor of Communist subversion of America, and of the entire West. (Different sectors proceeded in this cancerous process at different rates: the U.N. and other Euro Alphabet Organizations probably were captured decades earlier; after all, we now know that one of the founders of the U.N. and one of its first Secretary Generals was actually literally a double agent for Moscow -- Alger Hiss.)

As the 21st century proceeded, various processes continued to favor the Communist subversion -- Bush (really a globalist Leftist); Obama par excellence, as he was and remains a Communist; then the great psy-op Covid, which tightened many of the screws needed (or loosened them, depending on the metaphor) to subvert and dismantle West 1 in its dream to replace West 1 with a totalitarian new world order.

West 2 hasn't completely succeeded -- yet. It still has some ducks to get in a row. One thing is highly likely: It won't be stopped as long as people think it doesn't exist or "can't be Communist" (another frequent canard I get in response).

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corrupt western leaders trying to de-industrialize the countries they are dictators over.... less energy is what they are imposing..of course nations that can must turn to the major source of energy, Russia.

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Would be great if ALL color revolutions were reversed!

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Really enjoyed this piece, thanks Manoborn for this perspective!

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Nice article.

A little curiosity (and reflection) on the Euro currency.

I remember well that in 2002 we only had written "EURO" and "EYBO" on the bills. The first is the Latin alphabet name, almost universal. Then, there was Greece and they had to accommodate for it (why did they even allow Greece on board with that currency, I don't know; maybe the traditional will of Germans to expand their lebensraum.)


A few years back, Bulgaria entered the EURO Currency Scheme of National Destruction and Economic Oblivion. Then we started seeing the word EURO written in a third alphabet, the Cyrilic alphabet, because, supposedly, in Bulgaria they use that alphabet. The EUROPLOT thickens.

This prompted a few questions: don't they use some form of Arabic alphabet in Cyprus? Why they don't put Arabic letters too in the bills? And what about the Turkish alphabet?

And there is also some ultra-exotic Armenian alphabet also in Cyprus, and maybe in some other parts. Why not add a fifth word to the bills?

And there are a few Chinese people living in Europe, why not print the name in Chinese, too?

Maybe the Koreans get angry at that. And the Japanese. Add those languages to. It's just one word: EURO.

All of which is absurd because the whole thing is absurd.

At some point someone threw a probe balloon: what if Morocco becomes part of the EU?

Then someone asked: Why not Algeria, or Egypt, or Turkey?

Why not Israel?

Why not Palestine?

And why the Norwegian were so smart to never fall for the EURO swindle?

Maybe, they were they connecting the dots in the mid 1990s and said "Well, we better not go there, this is going to get hairy soon, we need an escape plan, just in case."

It's impossible. The currency itself tells the story of another catastrophic failure of philosophers and bureaucrats. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

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Just saw Mikki Willis on Jimmy Dore bring up why he questioned covid, because his family member with AZT from a Rolling Stone Reporter (YOU!), without naming you only to name Judy Mikovits after.

I wonder why he didn't think to mention your name if you helped him so much to realize the scam?

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Rolling Stone? Hm. I know there was no reporter at RS which we used to call "Enemy Journal" that opposed AZT. I don't know why he didn't name me but it's ok. And thank you Rob.

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Oops, I thought you wrote about the AIDS scandal for rolling stone. Sorry for the confusion!

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It was SPIN!

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Interesting to read. I appreciate your perspective.

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I think we have a readymade, walkup start, for the ranks of Ukraine Caffé Nazi ..

..keg is his name and blowing hard is his game.

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I wonder what Luigi Barzini would say to the nightmare that is today’s EU? His descriptions of “The Europeans” ring so true and despite his optimism for a European common cause describes perfectly why it would ultimately not be another America. Who would have thought that the 80’s would be the most gentile of times, despite the 20% interest rates. What can possibly go wrong with the mercurial Ursula running the EU and the American Secretary of State rocking out in a band and eating pizza in a Nazi joint in a war zone that no one acknowledges being party to. Did the collective West living privileged like Ursula and oblivious like Blinken allow this frightening dystopia to happen?

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Very impressive, Celia! Great work.

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Manorborn wrote it, not I!

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Great article Manorborn!

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it doesn't make sense to think that anything is going down except the little bit of free speech and jurisprudence that we still have-the little bit of 'free' travel of areas that aren't already restricted or fenced off, and an endless list of things- already completed by 'the money/power structure', the ''great reset' or take down or whatever we want to call it is on warpspeed and accomplishing their goals

they are now talking about consolidating schools here in Ca- actually taking schools out of communities- as bad and woke as they are that will leave parents with no social organization for their children- and no way to afford to educate their kids- what will the new structure be?

this is just one example of the 1000's of things they are doing to bankrupt and eviscerate our communities- 'woke', 'election/selection', 'climate change' scam, cbdc all of it are meant to create utter chaos- distraction, disruption, etc- how to fight it all is going to be a daunting task

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