I read about this weeks ago and tried to tell people in comments what it means. They are testing a prototype target finding AI that uses everything that goes into a social credit score system or social media app plus bank records plus cell phone tracking data and picking people to kill. All of that data and the government surveillance programs that collect it are in place for every major country already.

Israel is just testing the final phase of what that data can and likely will be used for. Last year there was an article about SOCOM hiring a company to build a targeting program using AI that scrapes social media in order to 'prevent terrorism.' Its the same thing Israel is doing exactly.

Remember that the reason the top elites don't simply declare martial law over the entire west and start the jackboots stomping on human faces is because mass resistance (armed in the US) is possible and would be extremely difficult and expensive to put down UNLESS they can pinpoint target their munitions to people identified by AI to be dissidents-- which is precisely the system that Israel is testing out. The future is grim if we don't halt progress in the automation of oppression.

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As a former tech industry person, I can agree with your assessment. Especially, when I cross reference with the new military techs discussed in the last 10-20 years and the nanotechnology industries, as well.

This is not a war- this is an extermination while testing a prototype in real time. A demonstration of investment, so to speak.

Once this pretend war goes to the next level (and it will), then the finance sector will collapse, "forcing" governments to declare "emergency" powers, and the introduction of UBI (universal basic income), which will conveniently work, now we have accepted a digital id system.🙄🤦‍♀️ That's when "Lavendar" will really come online.

All just in time for 2027-2028.😉😤🤐🤦‍♀️

I hope alot more people see this stack, because knowing that this tech is in existance, being used IRL and how unstable it is, is possibly one thing to unite everyone (who doesnt want to return to serf town) in that, this MUST NOT be allowed to reach full distribution. There will be no place to hide, no negotiating and innocence won't matter. It will execute exactly as programmed. Or at least until the singularity occurs, then it will execute whatever it deems necessary😐😐🤦‍♀️

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Short answer, because you don't waste valuable resources, especially when they are also merchandise/profitable products.

Sounds cold, but just efficient business😉 nanotechnology is the new frontier, and in that industry data is king, not cash😉🤨

We got rid of slavery because it's too cost inefficient. Slave keep trying to revolt, runaway, change things. That's why serfs were a better format and successful for so long. They will continue working on the slimmest chance that "one day" they may be free to live like kings, provided conditions aren't too harsh. But If the peasant class don't recognise they are serfs, then they will happily keep pottering away, indefinitely.😉

The odd outliers that saw through the farce, have been too few and far between to matter. But in the last 50 years, people began to see through the myth and were choosing to not take the chains in the first place or managed to win against the house.😉🤔🤐🤐

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Respectfully, your opinion does not change the facts.

I would go look into the published work on IoN (Internet of Nano), IoB (Internet of Bodies), and the first iteration- IoT (Internet of things). It's readily available literature. It shows where wearable tech has been commercially (IoT), and where it is now (IoB) commercially. It also shows where it is going commercially in the next 3 years (IoN).

Personally, i think we are already in IoN, but it's not technically commercially available for the average punter.

Remember, science/tech/medicine/defence are all 20-30yrs ahead of what filters down to commercial level. By the time it becomes mainstream knowledge, it's almost 30yrs from when research first began, got funding.😐🤔🤨

I'm telling you this, not to be an @$$hat know it all, but so you can get up to speed on the current situation and plan for how you will be moving forward.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Agree. It's more Hegelian dialectics, more problem- reaction - solution. The outcome is always the same.Always pre-determined. One way or another, however we 'unite', whether against the 'evil WEF', the 'evil AI' or the 'evil Cabal' we are all being steered, through the usual lower vibrations, the lower frequency mechanisms of fear and loathing to a plane of 'safety'. Time to wake up. We were never safe here . And this is about control, pure and simple, through the manipulation of ancient fears, and boy have we been especially mind controlled over the last century. For people who believe we don't have a soul which is journeying through this earth plane learning about the nature of a 3d existence in order to go beyond it, it's a no brainer. Embrace AI, embrace the coming NWO or whatever moniker you want to attach to it, embrace Smart City technology with its attendant 5g and 6g manifestations and link with the Hive mind. Have a happy 3d existence... forever. For the rest of us, work to raise your frequency. I'm reliably told that the parts of your brain which have been lying dormant till now will 'activate' once you begin the work if you haven't already done so. Use Krisna, use Jesus, use Buddha, use Mohammed, use yoga, use meditation, use day - dreaming ( the 'contemplation' of old) use whatever you need to raise the level of your consciousness so that when the time comes, in about 100 years from now( you'll have to come back again, maybe once or twice) you'll be ready to 'make the leap'. Those who haven't succumbed to the hive mentality will have advanced to a particular state both physically and mentally. I'm told that the dna of the souls currently incarnating already have the ability to access these 'love- based', I will call them, as opposed to traditional fear or survival based energies. This is a possible reason why there has been a major increase in the level of Autism over the last 30 or 40 years, damaging those brains and again possibly through the huge increase in the vaccination schedules for kids since the mid 80s,with, in my opinion, the attendant aluminium adjuvant being a probable cause( see Chris Exley's work). Fast forward to 2020, when the 'solution' to the Covid Catastrophe was announced, the mRNA so called vaccines were distributed on such a massive world wide scale with wildly varying degrees of harms and deaths. So, if you are a parent or caregiver, protection of children growing up now is imperative. I am in agreement with my source's take on this - There are certain powers on Earth who are trying to stop ascension. It's a battle for every last human soul who comes to this planet. So, this can be seen as yet another 'story' that is wandering about the internet but it is a 'story' I believe 'rings true', and I'm running with it!

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Can’t kill everyone at once without destroying the world for them too. There’s only so many bombs at one time, have to target slowly

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I don’t think that it is. Sounds about right.

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The article previously posted was AI targeting which buildings to bomb. This one called 'lavender' decides what person is to be bombed including his family. Lower level Hamas and 20 civilian casualties are acceptable. Higher level and 100 civilian casualties.

Next school shooting when kids are still alive, but being held in one classroom just imagine if the police bombed the school to make sure that the shooter was dead. Yeah there’s a reason why we don’t do that.

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They targeted the buildings by what people were thought to possibly be in them. Whatever code name they give them, it is the same process and was just as horrific when they said it picked buildings as when it now is said to pick people. Very soon this will be paired with fully automated killing devices.

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That's just what I was thinking, that Lavender is a test. Just as the Yahoo was bragging in an English-language interview about Israel being "a light unto the nations" because it was testing the "vaccine " (to see what effects it might have on people, that is, the Israeli public that Netanyahu claims to love. Netanyahu mentioned people with "high blood pressure" or "Meningitis" as his examples), I am sure he and his buddies are happy to test the new software outside of military gaming and in theater, as they say. The Five eyes, no doubt, are watching. If you read "Defense News," you can see that AI is being embedded into weapons systems al over the place, so we can't know whether the Lavender deployment is unique because perhaps it is being tested elsewhere. Of course, we haven't seen this level of civilian casualties in other recent conflicts, that I know of. Also, I do think there were certain lines that the Israelis wouldn't cross. Invading Gaza was one of them. Now all bets are off. The same thing applies to the U.S. and Russia.

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Agreed! The victims are BOTH the Gazans an' all the Jews in Israel are literally chopped liver, offered up as lab guinea pigs on the globalist altar--green pass an' all data / privacy SOLD ta the highest bidder, pffizer first killer jabs, Israeli planned or at least triggered "911" attack by Hamas givin' globalist puppet NetAnYoohoo justy-fuck-cation (pardon my French) ta test the AI.

Whut most folks I think are not gettin' (mebbe some?) is that Israel makes itself "useful" ta the 7 eyes nation by provin' itself indispensable b/c once not useful / once irrelevant it easily kin be destroyed. Average jew ("chew") livin' there has no clue this is true--I'm sad ta say this but affects my own "fambly" too. I have only sympathy for all the human pawns in this inhuman / inhumane equation...

All the other nay-shuns need their software (updates too)--surely this "AI Lavender," hardware, "tech" an' medi-cull tech too are part of the testing--an' I'll bet many other nations (nay-shuns!) are linin' up, just as they did (as ya mentioned) with Pffizer. Britain once referred to Israel as an "airstrip" for them-- heck, Balfour hated Chews. Israel ultimately wuz a barganin' chip ta get the USA ta join the Brits in WWII.

Folks that think Israel runs the USA are mistaken--"The Crown" (which is diff. from the Royals) runs the UK an' the US and Israel is the tech developer, the air strip, the bag man an' ruthlessly (in the case of NetAnYoohoo), an' (via Mossad) is Assassins Inc. Mossad (like Maxwell) answers ta the Crown. Crown stays innocent in public--chip chip cherrio! an' Jews take all the "hate"--whuther they are regular everyday people who happen ta be chewish or "Court Jews" like Soros (Tsuris!) or even the Rothschilds who also are run by the Brits.

Israel, sadly, sacrifices its "own" ta stay "relevant" an' essential. Only once (King David Hotel) did they try ta shirk the Brits' control an' that didn't go so well-- IMO this is all a test an' all Jews (bein' one've 'em I'm not proud ta say it) & Gazans are fully expendable. The test serves ONLY Mister Global an' this.... sad ta say, is whut my granny 'd call a "shonda" as EVEN knowin' that it's AI, nobuddy'll forgive "the Chews" for this--an' The Crown'll is shiny gold (they are sacrificin' the Royals btw to--Royals were among the top tier / City of London but now no more needed--they too are expendable--their real estate holdin's will be taken, they too are no longer "useful"--they jus' lasted longer than Israel). The beast demands ta be fed... it's all horrible (hoary bull too!--gawk, these red heifers!)

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So who’s "The Crown”?

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This'll help--there's likely better defs. out there but this'll do in a pinch...


"World politics today is governed by the Vatican, but also by the Crown Empire. The modern world of so-called Western Civilization began at the end of the 17th century with the blossoming of the British Empire. That empire actually began several hundred years earlier with the establishment of the City of London, which is now an 800-year corporation that controls finance from an entity called ‘The Crown’. This entity is the creator and controller of the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve, the World Bank (IMF – International Monetary Fund), The European Union, and various cartels and corporations across the earth.

The Crown Identity is kept most secret, and The Crown Bank of England took and assumed control of the United States during the Roosevelt Administration (1901-1909) when its agents, who were really Crown agents (J. P. Morgan), took over 25% of American business.

The Crown has never been the King or Queen of England since the establishment of the corporate body, but the British Monarchy is a figurehead for The Crown, rules parliament in Great Britain and has authority over the Prime Ministers through a Vatican knighthood called the Order of the Garter. The Crown, however, is not the King or Queen of England – they are an established monarchy of the corporate body.

The Crown is the directorate of the corporation, and Great Britain is ruled by The Crown, the City of London which controls the Bank of England – a private corporation. There is a private state existing in Britain within the centre of London. This City, located in the heart of Greater London, became a sovereign-state in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatised the Bank of England, and turned it over to the Vatican banksters who today rule the financial world.

The City/The Crown Corporation is not subject to British Law; it has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag, its own police force – exactly like the Vatican city state and Washington DC Columbia. The Crown Corporation is also separate from the Metropolitan city; its police drive red police cars and their uniforms are different from the Metropolitan Police.

Also, The Crown in London houses the privatised Bank of England and Lloyd’s of London, the London Stock Exchange, and all British Banks. It also houses the branch offices of 385 foreign banks, 70 US banks, as well as Fleet Street newspapers and publishing monopolies. It controls the world media and world intelligence. It is out of The Crown City of London, the headquarters of British Freemasonry overseen by the British Monarchy and the Duke of Kent, that World Freemasonry is governed. This includes the Grand Orient Masonic Order and the Washington DC Scottish Rite."

(article goes on... but this is the jist of it...)

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So no Jamie Dimon, Larry Fink or George Soros I guess.

And I’ve always considered the Rothschilds, with all their lovely palaces around the world, royal in everything but name, to be chief suspects for the control of the Crown. I realise that the Royals are not the Crown. I know that the NZ Government along with other Crown governments is not the Crown. I know that the Governor General is not the Crown.

So why not the above, they after all seem to be wallowing in the rewards of our ‘Civilisation’?

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All those ya named work "under" the Crown an' for it--an' they wield a lotta power but they answer ta their masters--The Crown (which is really a bizness, an evil, ruthless one but a bizness all the same...) an' The Vatican (which is also a sovereign power like City of London an' DC) run the show. The Committee of 300 an', above them, the Black Nobility (includes Orsinis, the Royals, many other vip famblies...), are directly under The Crown (that's tier 2). Next (tier 3) comes Rothschilds... an' some others--bankers, etc. Soros, Fink, Dimon all below that--tho' Tier 4 is purdy high. I don't have a link handy but it's been mapped inta a kind of power pyramid by some researchers that "get it." NetAnYoohoo an' other leaders (Tedros too) are way below Tier 4 on the "food chain." So as per yer question, anyone servin' The Crown is amply rewarded (now)--an' wallow they do! They jus' don't call the shots. So the "blame the fill-in-the-blank" (including the "blank" of Israel) is really not seein' the bigger picture... This hierarchy had been in place for over 100 years... All the finger pointers are distracted--they take aim at the front row an' miss the Great Oz behind the curtain...

Thing is, as the house of cards topples---the Crown'll let go of some of its top-tier members--The Royals now are a good example... they "were" useful but no longer... the others'll go too as needed... These wars consolidate their power

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The Rothschilds are also responsible for Queen Victoria planting her on the British throne after allegedly screwing over everyone with some fake news from the land of Napoleon. I’d go a little further, I think Napoleon was fake. If the Rothschilds are not the Crown then I’d suggest that they are very close mates with whoever is the “Crown”.

I don’t rate the Vatican. Their budget is about 55 million a year.

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I figure we (NZ) are too. 3 hours flight time from the nearest country.

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Could this all be a fake?

Israel trying to get out of the Gaza genocide by blaming it on the ghost in the machine?

I don't believe any of these people anymore, just the Bible. It's the only real truth we have.

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I don't think so. Celia is the kind of journalist who does her homework really well. I only realized that when I read her book. The amount of work she did writing that book is impressive.

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Thank you Gabriella. We can all be wrong. We all try not to be.

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Albert Pike's 1871 Letter To Mazzini is here: https://ia601900.us.archive.org/16/items/albert-pike-letter-to-mazzini/Albert%20Pike%20Letter%20to%20Mazzini.pdf

Albert Pike Letter to Mazzini

The Illuminati Plan for 3 World Wars, August 15, 1871

The following is a letter, that speculation claimed that Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini in

1871 regarding a conspiracy involving three world wars, that were planned in an attempt to take

over the world. The Pike letter to Giuseppe Mazzini was on display in the British Museum Library

in London until 1977. This letter has been claimed by many internet sites to reside in the British

Library in London, which denies the letter exists.

• Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary leader of the mid 1800s as well as the

Director of the Illuminati

• Albert Pike (historical Masonic figure) was a 33rd degree Freemason, Occultist, Grand

Master and creator of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order

Following are apparently extracts from the letter, showing how Three World Wars have been

planned for many generations.

"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the

power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The

divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic

Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used

in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."

"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the

Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and

that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.

During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to

balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we

would need it for the final social cataclysm."

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the

"agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The

war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism

(the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the

point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the

Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror

will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most

bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of

revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned

with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction,

anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light

through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public


This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the

destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

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This did occur to me

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I think that it's not necessarily a fake, but I totally agree that Israelis want to blame all on the AI, so they can say for ICJ that there was no intent of genocide. Same as with the kitchen workers, they just said "o-o-ops, that was some silly mistake, we didn't do it". And that's it. And I think that it's he most dangerous part of their game - they can play innocent victim till they kill/displace all Palestinians from Gaza, and then they'll do the same to the West Bank Palestinians, and bingo - they have land, gas, oil, water, and freedom to expand their land further

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had a hunch that the computer was responsible for the carnage but now we know that's real. let's not forget that ASS (artificial stupidity system - i refuse to call it "intelligent") is just a computer program. it doesn't create itself. somewhere there are teams - hordes, i suspect - who are responsible for inventing and fine-tuning this atrocity.

anyone who doesn't think this is coming to the rest of the world unless we stop it dead in its tracks is naive.

for years i've been saying we need to decomputerize 99% of what computers are being used for and encrypt the rest.

and the israeli government isn't alone in their complicity in this. they had plenty of help from around the world. nuremberg trials need to be global this time

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Complicit is “soft”; Israel is solely responsible!

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silicon valley is global

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yup, see mah commint above--but ya know they (zey!) jus' gutted here in the US the Nuremberg code fer "informed consent"--yup, that's no more. while "team Pot-US" wuz entertainin' trannies in the white house--Nuremberg's informed consent wuz fully gutted.

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yup, "dats it" (in both senses meanin' that ya found it an'/also "the end")

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Robotic dragonflies with facial recognition and poison darts...


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got another hunch that a lot of those responsible, maybe the majority, are on the autism spectrum. little if any discernment between animate and inanimate, and zero empathy. 75 shots of aluminum will do that to your brain

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Growing up with eyes glued to a computer can also do that. Do that through puberty when the brain is being wired up to read fine body language and one can be labeled autistic but simply don't understand fellow humans because can't read body language. Escape to being a computer avatar with an online life in computer silos. Add big cash wads and this happens:


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great article, thanks. you might like this one - via chris bray https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/instrumental-tedium

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Yup, what that author writes about Stanford Univeristy admin control freaks running amok with nanny-statism is spot on. When lockdowns started they imposed color-coded no-movement campus maps like East and West Berlin after already kicking all students off campus but for those with no where to go (orphans, no cash to travel, or those with squishy visas). Still charged the evicted students for mandatory dorm rent and meal plans with no refunds for new Zoom-only classes. Insanity 101.

Just announced yesterday, the next Stanford college graduation speaker is the mother of a Stanford senior, a child of Bill Gates. I wonder that senior student is jabbed or got an exemption.

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akin to inviting eva braun to address the graduates in 1941. except that i don't think eva braun had much interest in the final solution

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Exactly. We have been slowly seeping out a generation's humanity through these 'games'. IOF forces have made comments which show a delight in the carnage because it's like a video game come alive. They could as well have called Palestinians video game targets besides the reference to them as human animals or Amalek.

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Ukraine Russian war is looking half video game half human. With humans more likely to be "collateral damage” I’d suggest

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What a novel excuse for mass murder.

The machine made us do it.

No wait, the machine DID it.

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holy heck, that Star Trek episode's got it NAILED! (gotta rewartch the entire juicy series agin' -- I'm thinkin' they wuz tellin' us --I'd argue warnin' us--they knew stuff an' we wuz all clueless). Gonna grab my "cone of silence" now (that'un wuz actually a lark but Mel Brooks said he gotta call from the CIA an' they asked him, "how did'ja know?".... ) KAOS is real (an' they're winnin'....)

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Thank you, Miss Celia. As long as we remember that the alien indiscriminate murderous spirit is not in the non-thinking computer algorithm named "Lavender," but is, instead, in those who created the algorithm. An ungodly spirit.

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You've made a crucial point: Celia's post in effect blamed the machine for the horrific consequences we see. I think you're correct--it's not the machine, it's people. I see the problem as the clash of two fundamentalisms that cannot tolerate the Other.

The Masonic quote suggests they are being played off each other, for the benefit of unseen forces. The scary part is that they'll be coming for us next...

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I mean to say the machine has augmented the depravity of the persons using them. Unleashed a very destructive spirit, made it easier to kill at scale.

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The machines make mass killing easy and perfunctory.


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To me... this is tantamount to saying the gun did it. Someone is behind the software and the decision to use it. AI is not God. It is man made and anything man made can be controlled or destroyed by man.

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Israel destroyed al-Shifa Hospital to accelerate social collapse in Gaza

Israel wants to cause a breakdown in social order in Gaza, and it can’t achieve that without erasing its hospitals.

The fall of al-Shifa Hospital will be remembered as one of the most pivotal moments in Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza — not for the unbridled annihilationism it displayed, but because it offered a unique window into the real reason Israel decided to systematically dismantle Gaza’s hospitals.

Hospitals in Gaza during times of war have not only served as places for the treatment of the wounded and the sick but have become pivotal social institutions, housing a microcosm of Gaza’s entire civic order. They became hubs for journalists and human rights defenders, offered space for Gaza’s Civil Defense teams to organize and coordinate rescue efforts, became a base of operations for Gaza’s police force, and hosted tens of thousands of displaced refugees seeking shelter from the bombardment. Hospitals became all those things because they were the last remaining civilian institutions that were supposed to enjoy a modicum of protection from the war.


(CIA mouthpiece, The Washington Post. Signal of policy change?) How Israeli strikes on a World Central Kitchen convoy in Gaza unfolded

SUVs and trucks bearing the distinctive logo of World Central Kitchen had become increasingly common in the Gaza Strip by late Monday, when three of WCK’s vehicles were traveling along on the coastal road used as a humanitarian corridor.

The dynamic international food aid group has been one of the few organizations able to get supplies into the embattled enclave and distributed to hungry civilians from north to south. Two of the SUVs traveling Monday were armored and bore the frying pan logo on the roof, the group said. A third was an unmodified “soft-skin” vehicle.

None of them would return to base.

Inside the vehicles were seven of the group’s employees and volunteers, including a Palestinian as well as aid workers from the United States, Britain, Poland, Australia and other countries drawn to the globe’s worst humanitarian crisis. They were one of the teams forming part of the pop-up maritime supply chain WCK had constructed, using barges, temporary piers and convoys to get food from Europe to aid points around Gaza. The group had just been part of a convoy that unloaded more than 100 tons of aid at a warehouse at Deir al-Balah, according to a WCK statement. Three cars were making a return trip to staging areas near the Egyptian border, heading along Al-Rasheed Road.

The team had coordinated with Israeli military officials and had clearance to drive the route, WCK said. Israel Defense Forces officials said they have been working closely with WCK for months in its Gaza operations...

..Imagery of the aftermath reviewed and geolocated by The Post shows that all of the vehicles were destroyed within a mile and a half of each other, suggesting that some had a chance to keep driving after the attack began.

One vehicle was off to the side of the road, facing north. The hood of the vehicle was largely disintegrated, the windows blown out and the doors blackened.

A second vehicle, the Toyota, was in the middle of the road a half-mile to the south, the hole punched through its roof next to the WCK logo spanning nearly half of its width.

A third vehicle was found a mile farther along. It was sideways along the road, much of the metal of the vehicle’s body frayed.

Videos showed some bodies that were damaged beyond recognition. Others were clearly identified by the passport photos open on their vests. Palestinian driver Seif Issam Abu Taha was still in his WCK T-shirt.


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The whole thing is a bullshit story to cover for their intended genocide. Think about it, if the AI has a bad track record, why would they keep using it?

That's like a person driving into a wall because the GPS said to go straight.

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Microsoft moved to Israel years ago. Unit 8200 surveillance, intrusions everywhere, including in U.S. Stolen, backdoor computer tech/nuclear intelligence dating back to 70s/80s, including from Los Alamos. Then sold to private and govt. criminals all over the world, on all continents, across the political spectrum. Harari, the "intellect" behind the WEF. The mRNA "pioneers. There's a clear common factor at the center of all of these, but we're supposed to buy the belief in "lines to not cross?" Forget political sympathies; has Russia made the same "tragic mistakes" in the Ukraine war?

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Glad you put “intellect” in quote marks. The guy is an idiot. An idiot who thinks that he’s an intellect.

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The 10/7 attack seemed highly suspicious. How did Israel and American Intelligence not know? Why was Israel the first nation to coerce its citizens to take the Pfizer vaccine and impose strict mandates. Now this news about AI controlled warfare. Has Israel been taken over by the Globalists? I’m a big supporter of Israel but, have so many questions.

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Absolutely. Netanyahu is WEF.

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Lots of good evidence for that in this video: https://rumble.com/v4l4oqw-october-7-was-an-inside-job-documentary-2024.html

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Steiner was part of the Alice Bailey, Madame Blavatsky gang. Blavatsky was a Pike girlfriend. Pike founded and ran KKK and masonry and is buried at the center and most important point in DC? And RFK jr is giving loving interviews to Schmuley the sex toy selling rabbi who lies and attacks Candace Owens for being honest? And RFK jr named Shannon his VP who advocates bringing AI directly into government? Sergey Brin's ex-wife wants to be second to the president during the presidency of a man from the most assassinated family in the US history? Sergey Brin, the founder of the tech giant now merged with GlaxoSmithKlein? What could possibly go wrong in all this?

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Again thank you, Ms. Farber for bringing this (another critical but under-reported or completely ignored issue) to public awareness.

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Very useful info in this article. Can we not agree that Israeli Jews are psychopaths? I'm waiting for someone to explain the phenomena of IDF soldiers wearing and posing with Gazan women's lingerie and underwear. History has never seen such perverse macabre behavior on the battlefield?

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soldiers are indoctrinated--most are not raised this way--many Israeli Arabs kin vouch fer this--our soldiers are all puttin' on lipstick an' heels--an' some (there's one American tranny soldier in Ukraine) that sez stuff just as bad 'bout Russians--we put "him" there (this tranny mouthpiece)... also, there are ops all over--makin' chews look bad like with these shameful IDF soldiers--is goin' on in real time. both the left an' right state that this "Rabbi Schmuley" is "reviled" an' yet he too is put forth like the IDF gloatin' soldiers--this is Mockin'bird stuff--imo

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ps so no, arguably most Israeli jews are NOT psychopaths but there are many who want ya ta believe this fully (an' again, yup, many are outraged at whut their gubbamint is doin' in their name--just as here--many of us are horrified at whut our own gubbamint is doin' here--in Israel now they'll jail you for objectin'... here too...tho' it's not quite "law" yet)

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A.I. can't shoulder the responsibility... but it will hold all to account.

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And now you know the purpose of AI.

And now you know the purpose of big tech mission critical R&D moving to Israel.

Welcome to the new world.

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That too-good-to-be-true, amazing letter from Confederate General Albert Pike to Freemason Mazzini which describes 3 world wars w/ remarkable prescience has turned out to be a fake. It was concocted by charlatan Leo Taxil and picked up and promoted by sincere but lazy conspiracy researchers like William Guy Carr and David Icke. No record of it exists at its purported repository, the British Museum. Read all about it. https://wideshut.co.uk/albert-pikes-3-world-wars-letter-hoax-wideshut-webcast/

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Just wrote a new post about this.

Not so!

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Most prophecies like this are fake. As are all the quotes credited to the likes of Einstein or Napoleon who would have had no time for physics or war respectively if they’d spent all their hours thinking up such quotes. The easiest way to predict the past is from the future. You then merely give the quote an older age.

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Another fantastic piece resulting in your endless efforts and this is required reading for the planet. Modern day evil has injected it's part into the Program that facilitates a mass Brainwash taking place all over the world. To make this happen easier, the world needed to be vaxed. . . check out Tucker's show from Monday, the 1st. Not a very good state of affairs. Humankind must now open their Hearts.

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