Nov 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Can’t believe anything from the media or politicians.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Me neither..... “If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”

― Mark Twain

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😀😀😀. That was confirmed by Senator Frank Church Committee , the investigation was known as Operation Mockingbird . It showed that the CIA had infiltrated and manipulated the Media. Judge Doughty in La recently found that the government was also colluding with social media. So we’re scrod.

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"The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 Fast forward to 2012. Under Obama, the law was changed with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, an act sponsored by Rep. Mac Thornberry (R- Texas) and Rep. Adam Smith (D- Wash.). The reform was quietly inserted into the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the original 1948 act law prohibited U.S. organizations from using state resources, including the intelligence community, to influence public opinion of US citizens. Obama’s reform to the Smith-Mundt Act allowed the American public to be a target audience of U.S. gov't funded information campaigns."


Obama Era Propaganda Program to Expand According to Comey Testimony

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right. we don't talk about this enough. its's depressing.

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In order to perpetrate the covid19 scam the Pentagon-CIA Axis of Evil had to perpetrate a FRAUD of gargantuan proportions, The Pentagon was involved up to its eyeballs influencing the public opinion of US citizens: The Military wrested juridiction away from HHS - this was confirmed by the February 10th, 2022 Edition of the Congressional Research (Document R47048); NSA Director Matthew Pottinger, Army Contracting Command (JPS-MCS) ; Elizabeth Zimmerman , former FEMA Administrator - FEMA is a sub agency under the control of the the Department of Homeland Security. The December 2020 issue of Forbes Mahazine reported that General Gustave Perna was in charge of the covid 19 "vaccination" program not HHS nor President Trump.

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You must be referring to Barry Soetoro, the 44th traitor to the citizens of the former United States...

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You must be referring to Nobel Peace Prize winner, Bombs Away Barry.

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A friend used to call him Barry O'bomber... I used other descriptions...

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All media including and especially social media platforms, including this one, are run and managed by intelligence.

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No wonder we’re so bored—and boring.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Okay. So then let’s read it as a script.

They write the script for the public.

There’s clearly a change in the script.

Why the change?

My guess is the public wasn’t responding as they intended. They weren’t getting buy-in.

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That's probably a factor. They know from history that Americans will enthusiastically support mass murder provided we all pretend we're doing it with caring and compassion. Saying we're destroying a country to save them from their dictator that we installed has worked like magic for centuries. So they've figured out that it's not popular to act like they're enjoying the slaughter; the people want a more 'positive' story in order to rally behind the slaughter.

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A beautifully concise and accurate analysis, Mr. Lamb. As a people we need to acknowledge that too many of us (raises his hand) have been far too susceptible to the kind of manipulation you describe.

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Was America always that way?

If not, when did that nefarious way begin?

Why did it begin then and not before?

Who was behind that nefarious change?

How did they capture America?

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It most definitely began in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson allowed his good buddy Louis Brandeis , a Zionist, to convince him to join WW1 on the side of the UK . That was done so the Zionists could get their “Balfour Declaration”. Sad.

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Yes, former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul said it's not a coincidence that 100 years of central banking led to 100 years of war.

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As per usual Dr Paul is correct . The whole idea behind enacting the Federal Reserve Board was to permit the creation of an “elastic currency” I.e. paper money which would allow the welfare/warfare state purveyors to inflate the FK out of the currency. The Dollar was destroyed but the MFKERS still call it a dollar in order to deceive. For Shame.

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The most important thing is that the oligarchies make mistakes. They run the Governments and they try to do only what they think is good for them. But this genocide seems to have been a mistake. Now they have to perform a very difficult operation, which is to back-pedal false flag (also green flag) and a mass murder campaign, with all the bells and whistles of the media and the internet.

But remember that war is the greatest of all businesses. Missiles must be fabricated and launched, fabricated and launched, fabricated and launched, and repeat that ad nauseam. Money has to move, salesmen want their part of the bargain as intermediators. Politics is a bit easier to understand with that in mind.

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Like they say - you know when a politician is lying because their lips are moving.

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deletedNov 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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That may be but he's not a Netanyahu guy.

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Is he a "guy" at all?

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I've never seen that questioned and never even considered it.

His wife on the other hand is accused of being transgender. I don't know the accuracy or not of such accusations.

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Macron is obviously a guy, and he's just as obviously gay. 10 years ago I would have said "so... what *difference* does that make". In the 'current year', I guess we all understand the difference.

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Yes he is. In this case I don't think that it makes a difference. I see him as the only current western leader with an ability to tell Netanyahu to go do one.

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We may not ever know. Most don't know that the obamas are a gay couple. They pulled off one of the biggest frauds in the white house. Nothing would surprise me.

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I guess that would explain the arms.

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deletedNov 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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From various news stories from Obama years. Both him and Obama were not fans of Netanyahu. France also was in favour on the recent UN attempt to get Israel to stop bombing Gaza whereas Austria and Hungary were in full support. In regards to the rest of Europe they withhold their votes. Spain and France did not.

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Too Little too late. The genocide began in 1924 . Renown Historian Norman Gary Finkelstein has documented that Herzl and Ben Gurion admitted that wiping out the Palestinians was a necessity. Zionist Historian Benny Morris has admitted the genocide and brags about it. The US subsidized the genocide to the tune of $3 BBBB per annum since 1948. For Shame .

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Indeed - Zionist propaganda unbelievably claims that there is no such thing as a Palestinian even though their own PM Golda Meir admitted in an interview that she carried a Palestinian passport until 1948 and the Palestine extended from the Mediterranean S Sea to the River Jordan.

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And Palestine was the place the Balfour Agreement (the alleged "official foundation" for the current state) named as the place for a homeland. Not "Israel." And not all of Palestine.

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Let’s talk a little bit about the so-called Balfour Declaration: (BD) prior to having the right to the “declaration “ the Zionists had to convince Supreme Court Justice Brandeis , himself a Zionist, to persuade his Good buddy Woodrow Wilson to enter WW1 and support the UK’s position. He did. So the BC cost the US numerous lives and billions of $$$$$. Really really sad

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Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel (bitchute) is worth a listen--he was an insider, assistant to Bernard Baruch (yesterday's Soros/Rothchild front man) and witnessed the behind-the-scenes intrigues that got America into WW1 so the Zionists could get their Balfour Declaration (116,000 American men lost their lives because of them). Also I just looked up Freedman's book, where he talks about how Wilson was being blackmailed and found this in the intro:


New York Times Aug 20, 1965 p 8 column 3

Benjamin Harrison Freedman, retired businessman, urged Arthur J. Goldberg, US Ambassador to UN, to prove his devotion to the rule of law by seeking a reversal of American policies on Israel. Freedman declared that the presence of Israel was due to a world Zionist plot involving the British. He went on to say that the existence of a Jewish State in the Middle East could provoke a world nuclear war.

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Listened to him from start to finish and tuned into the question period afterwards. He was sounding the trumpet of truth for about 20 years prior to that speech! Riveting and informative.

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Nailed it- while I believe that FDR was a low life scumbag -and that Prior to Biden , he was the worst President in our nations history. But he refused to steal Palestine for the Zionists. He concluded , correctly, that stealing Palestine for the Zionists would have necessitated a permanent US military presence in the ME.

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yes, a quid pro quo. Help get the U.S. into a massively unpopular war for a later reward carved out of the defeated Ottoman Empire in the British controlled mandate.

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a Palestinian object (whether a passport, a restaurant, or a territory) is not the same as a Palestinian person part of a Palestinian People.

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WHAT ? I thought you were busy trying to show us that a British Person ‘s DNA was radically different than that of the American People ? That there is no such thing as Austrians or Swiss b/c they are all of Teutonic descent ? Did you give up ? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

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Your analogy could just as easily entail the comparison

British --> Americans = Israel, defending themselves from -->

American Indians = Hamas + Palestinians

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Whaaaaat? I can enter or exit the Navajo Indian Reservation without any problems. An American Indian can become a US President as easily as Obama did. No restrictions. There are NO restrictions on a Briton who wants to be a Canadian , American or Australian . There are no restrictions on the Teutonic ethnic group to become German, Austrian or Swiss. There are no restrictions on Arabs who want to become Syrian, Jordanian or Lebanese. So why the FK are you demanding that Palestinians have their own unique racial or ethnic characteristics .

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

“Major sea change under way.” I hope you’re right Celia. I pray you are right. It is so hard to hit the right note here. As an American, as a tax payer, as a military wife, and because my personal position on ALL of the US’s foreign endeavors in the Mideast has been to OPPOSE them, I keep looking to the Holy Spirit to intercede on the hearts and minds of dogmatic people. Thanks largely to 9/11, there is no such thing as the Peace of Westfalia. The US thinks nothing of invading, deposing leaders, rigging elections, destroying energy infrastructure even that belonging to our allies. So how can any of our leaders condemn another country for doing the same? All that aside, if a sea change comes, will we finally accept responsibility for our own wrongs? Take the log out of our own eye before removing the spec from another’s?

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Politicians only care about re-electability and power. In 1948 Harry Truman was in a tight race against Dewey. Ben Gurion offered him $2 M and the Zionist Vote. Overnight 1.5 M Palestinian became foreigners on their own land . Now we have another election , Biden is trailing - he wants to ingratiate himself with the Likudnicks so he parks 2 aircraft carriers ready to start a nuclear ☢️ WW3. We are being governed by the criminally insane. 😳😳😳

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Yup. Can’t say I disagree. Here’s something that you might find interesting. My husband is in the military. One might think that on some level moral men and women in this country would refuse to participate, right? And they do in the VERY small minority. But my hubby asks military personnel to state the first and second amendments, they can’t. They have no idea what they are. And he did this experiment in a room full of OFFICERS. That’s a scary problem. They’re sworn to protect and defend the constitution but they have no idea what it says. Education is key to a moral and just society. But we are on the back end of three generations who have been trained to repeat talking points rather than develop any ideas of their own. I feel this is a major part of the problem.

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So what happened in WWI, when most Americans probably could recite the first and second amendments? That war was orchestrated by the same cult that's orchestrating today's mass murder, and Americans have always lined up to serve its murderous mission. Maybe it's about time Americans begin to develop some real morals and courage, and face the fact that it's immoral to serve as a soldier for a criminal, murderous elite that's ruled the West for centuries?

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"We are being governed by the criminally insane." Yup. But we must be equally insane to allow these frauds to rule over us...

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All we can do is pray and keep the people in our heart. Our intention fields and heart's EMF is powerful - we don't need to convince or make every politician believe in the power of love, only a few that may feel our prayers, and take a stand, not as suits, but as human beings.

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Yes, praying and compassion are good, but it's far from all we can do. Saying it's all we can do is a bypass.

Most people are thoroughly dedicated to supporting the system that empowers the tyrants, and that's obvious to anyone willing to be honest. We pretend that we're helpless to do anything different, but that's a lie we tell ourselves that maintains the comfort. In fact, people don't stop supporting the system of the tyrants because doing so would be difficult and dangerous. Serving evil is comfortable, and fraternal. And the most harsh aspect of the truth of this is that serving evil is the true intention, no matter how many prayers we say and no matter how much our hearts pain for the victims of the monsters we feed every day.

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Let's hope the Zionists don't commit some other false-flag atrocity somewhere to bring the wobblers back into line behind Netanyahu.

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I would not put it past them.

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I think another false flag is highly likely.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

So do I. The stakes for Zion are so high.

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I don’t believe they care at all about the genocide of the Palestinians. They are up to something. It’s obvious. Maybe setting up for a larger sacrifice to Satan by taking out Israel AND Palestine? And whichever country stands in their way. These creatures are absolute psychopaths who will stop at nothing to hold onto power. May God help us all 🙏

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There now seems to be a coordinated anti Israel Narrative. The Globalists are up to something in their scripted Islam/Israel war

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Indeed, the larger goal is the annihilation of the US and Western Europe, and the obvious, graphic, and televised genocide is designed to turn the rest of the world against the US. They don't care about losing Israel, as their planned Zion is the whole planet.

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Blinken, of all people, and not a word (that I know of), from the "freedom" contingent -- Trump (he also of the injection genocide), DeSantis, or .... RFK Jr.

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Sadly , MAGA Republicans are choosing political correctness over conservative principles. Palestine belongs to the Palestinians from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan . The Zionists have No rights in Palestine. Hamas had the absolute right to

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There is NO partisan party difference on this issue. Any real "liberal" or "conservative" is most likely aware of this.

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Or on most issues. Except the REALLY divisive ones 🙄 so they can piss off more people.

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Hamas is a creation and tool of the Israeli government, and therefore has no right to anything in Palestine. Hamas is serving its purpose, providing the 'justification' for the final and complete elimination of the Palestinian people.

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Agree in part. It is true that Israel and the US insisted that the Palestinians elect their own government, but neither the US nor Israel like the product. Here in the US when they hate the opposition they issue 4 fake indictments. In Israel they use WMDs 😳😳😳

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You think they don't like the product because they say so on TV? Really?

Hamas brought Netanyahu and Likud into power in Israel, leading to this massacre of the Palestinians, which has been the Jews' wet dream from the moment they came up with the idea to create Hamas out of the Muslim Brotherhood. Sure, they want every member of Hamas dead because they have brown skin, but they love what Hamas the tool has delivered.

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Defend their country using deadly force. Those are solid conservative principles.

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I hope there is a major sea change underway. Perhaps regular people have tired of burying their dead and can see how the end of this road leads to total annihilation. I was very against intervention in the Middle East following 9/11 and my arguments were all shouted down at the time. I tried noting that the wars seemed planned and needed a catalyzing event (9/11) which conveniently materialized when they needed it to. I tried to explain that dropping bombs created more terrorists. I tried to explain that those who dropped the bombs were equally as traumatized by it as those they killed. Did those wars make the world a safer, better place or were they simply used to facilitate power and control by the rich and powerful?

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Phillip Zelikow, the Director of the 9/11 Commission admitted that the purpose of the Iraqi war was to protect Israel. The Bush administration falsely claimed that the “terrorists” attacked us b/c they hate our freedoms . The FBI testified that the evidence showed that they attacked us b/c our support of Israel. That testimony was kept out of the 9/11 Commission Report.

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Targeting civilian non combatants is evil and should be prosecuted. We don't need Macron, a Nuremberg Code violator and mass murderer telling us this or anything.

Plenty of decent people saying it, and speaking out against coerced medical experimentation.

EAT SHIT MACRON, you filthy coward

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Heh, heh... How do you really feel? Macron is supported and accompanied by millions of asshats happily employed in defense industries. Who are the enemy?

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Just like the millions happily employed in Big Pharma . . . .

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Bingo! +100 likes!

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This would be a major sea change for the U.S. as taking control of Gaza has long been

part of Israel and U.S. expansionist policy. Yesterday, I read Israel has now killed more than 10,000 people in Gaza; and, we can assume at least 5,000 of those are children.

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I think the death toll is probably much higher with lots of people getting trapped and dying under the rubble.

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Bibi has gained almost enough territory to do the Ben Gurion canal (there are bull dozers tearing up streets as we speak, why else would they do that). Once he has enough of the shoreline, he can claim the nat gas rights off shore that are set to expire in 2024. This is what it’s about. Oct 7 was their 9/11...get it?

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No one has any idea of how many Pals have been killed. UN estimates? NGO numbers? Palestinian authority numbers? I suspect it is far fewer than being said. If it actually where 10,000 people then the Pals would say upwards of 100,000 have been killed.

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Right, the 25,000 tons of bombs dropped on Gaza so far probably didn't hurt anyone, and anyway why would anyone trust people who've lived their whole lives in a concentration camp? The Mockingbird press says they're terrorists, so of course those "Pals" lie about everything.

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How can we know how many or how few tons were dropped?

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Valid. So how about, 'right, in the Gaza city that looks like Hiroshima after the atomic bomb, probably nobody got hurt, and the Pals are just whining'?

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I have no idea if those pics are AI.

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There is lots of CGI propaganda out there, and there's nothing 'intelligent' about it. (I think there's no such thing as 'AI'; it's just sophisticated computer programs that humans had to write) I came across a youtube channel yesterday that's obviously CGI video meant to confuse what's happening in Gaza.

I respect someone saying they just don't know. A lot more of that would elevate the genuine public discussion.

And yet, having no idea is not the only option. With a lot of truth-seeking, focused intention, discipline, and experience, separating the propaganda from what's genuine can become almost effortless; a finely-tuned sense and skill. That's a long and increasingly-lonely road, that few people endeavor to travel, because people need their beliefs and propaganda as the foundation for this shallow, materialistic world we live in. How many people would let go of everything they think they know, and everything they believe in, in order to begin seeing what's genuine?

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I know it’s not the only option. What are you going on about?

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“With a lot of truth-seeking, focused intention, discipline, and experience, separating the propaganda from what's genuine can become almost effortless; a finely-tuned sense and skill. That's a long and increasingly-lonely road, that few people endeavor to travel,”!!!

Once you have made the journey there is no looking back! But then again, you won’t want to.

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Both sides seem to indulge in propaganda and disinformation, so it's virtually impossible for us Peasants to know what the hell is actually going on.

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Reading Haaretz will set every peasant straight.

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I suspect the number is much higher. Who knows how many people were trapped under the rubble and died. I don't think they have much if any power and saw them trying to dig people out with their hands.

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Nope, they're simply covering themselves, since more good people than ever before are openly talking about their own Western governments being direct participants in war crimes and genocide. So they're laying out the fiction that becomes the accepted history: they were trying to stop the slaughter, and therefore not guilty. Meanwhile they're still sending endless direct support; bombs, missiles, fighter planes & helicopters, soldiers, intelligence & surveillance, and of course endless money, propaganda cover, and covert political support.

And they know the Israelis will not stop the slaughter, and that even if/when they do there's already nothing left of Gaza city, and therefore the 2 million inhabitants are already doomed.

Let's not dare admit that those being slaughtered are the real Semites, and that the Satanic cult that's modern Judaism, which has ruled the West completely for centuries, intends to murder everyone on the planet who won't submit to servitude. Just ignore the Bolshevik revolution that's going global, and pretend that it'll all be OK when the politicians realize they made a mistake.

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Yes, totally agree. All for show. They could easily stop this if they wanted to, but they continue to send weapons to slaughter civilians, men, women, children and babies. I've never seen anything so horrific in my life. I'm absolutely haunted by all the videos and photos I've seen and the sounds of screaming. I see it as a Satanic cult too--it feels like we are dealing with pure evil. I'm absolutely sickened by people supporting and cheering for this genocide. I think they are doing everything they can to kick off world war 3.

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They have gotten away with murder for over 75 years. The Prostitutes in the US Congress look the other way , ready to send them a gazillion $$$ even though we are bankrupt and have parked 2 aircraft carriers ready to start WW3. So there is no motivation to stop the carnage. Sad.

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The marxists who occupy most of our globalist institutions are on a mission to destroy what’s left of the enlightenment in the West. And their Jihadists allies are all too eager to help. This unholy alliance is the greatest threat to the civilized world.

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Sorry to be a "party-pooper", but it could all be only words, putting on a show for the people to keep them from going over to believe their government(s) has/have gone absolutely, unequivocally insane.

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